SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMATCH BSauGprgteiesntreyHreaal lth, AL CAPSTONE Percutaneous Cement Augmentation for Metastatic Lesions in the Pelvis and Extremities MENTOR David Cheong, MD Sarcoma Program H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center CONCENTRATION Biomedical ResearchMy experience working with the Sarcoma Department at Moffitt Cancer Center was phenomenal. It provided me witha wonderful opportunity to advance my knowledge in both an academic and professional environment while at thesame time allowing me to develop some wonderful relationships with the excellent Moffitt team. I cannot express mygratitude enough for all that this experience provided. MATCH PeUdSiFaMtriCcsOM CAPSTONE Evals: The Response of 3rd Year Medical Students to 4th Year Medical Student Led Didactic Session - Group Project with Gene Peir, MD MENTOR Vinita Kiluk, MD USF Department of Pediatrics CONCENTRATION Medical Education Taught in Doctoring IV: Theory and Practice of TeachingAs part of the primary care clerkship, I co-led an interactive didactic session focusing on obstetric and pediatricanticipatory guidance. I feel that this teaching structure benefits the 3rd year students because, having recentlycompleted the same clerkship, we were able to deliver the material in an interactive and relevant way. This methodhelps to ensure the students’ retention of the material, in addition to providing real-life examples of how and whento apply the lessons. Post session evaluations of both content and instruction showed favorable results in regardsto this teaching method. 51
USF HEALTH MORSANI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MATCH UInnMtive.erondfaicMl ininenesota CAPSTONE Surgical Interest and Surgical Match for Third-Year Students: Results of a Prospective Multivariate Longitudinal Cohort Study MENTOR Steven Goldin, MD, PhD USF Department of Surgery CONCENTRATION Biomedical Research 2014 Thomas and Elizabeth Flannery/ William and Mary Tibbels Scholarly Award Recipient During my four years as a student of the Scholarly Concentrations Program, I have worked on a number of projects related to surgical education. Special thanks to Steven Goldin MD, PhD and Michael Brannick PhD, and my classmate Greg Horn, MD and the Scholarly Concentration program staff and leaders for the opportunity to be successful in this program!MATCH PAeJldloCiahhtnrilisdcHsreonp’skins CAPSTONE Sexual Health in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Autism MENTORS Laurie Woodard, MD USF Department of Family Medicine Nila Benito Director, USF-University Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities, Florida Center for Inclusive Communities CONCENTRATION Health Disparities Working directly with caregivers of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities has shaped the way I will practice medicine. I am more cognizant of the struggles facing persons with health disparities and it is my obligation to support all patients to the best of my ability. 52
SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMATCH UnivS.uoGrfgTeeenxraeysr,aSal nAntonio CAPSTONE The Business of Medicine Bootcamp-B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic Collaboration - Group Project with R. David Graham, MD and Jack Burns, MD MENTOR William G. Marshall, Jr., MD, MBA Vice-Chair, Finance and Administration USF Departments of Psychiatry and Surgery CONCENTRATION Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in Medicine Busines of Medicine Bootcamp ParticipantCreation and implementation of a business plan for the B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic was a great experience in experientiallearning, business principles, and interdisciplinary teamwork. The project helped me to comprehend and navigatethe complexities of implementing change in health care field. I will apply these skills during residency and beyond. MATCH InMUtenerinvd.aicol ifnIlelinois CAPSTONE Teaching Medical Students Healthcare Entrepreneurship: The Business of Medicine Bootcamp - B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic Collaboration at the USF College of Medicine - Group Project with Ronit Zadikany, MD, Binna Chokshi, MD, Jason Patel, MSIII, and Colin Sullivan, MD MENTOR William G. Marshall, Jr., MD, MBA Vice-Chair, Finance and Administration USF Departments of Psychiatry and Surgery CONCENTRATION Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in Medicine Business of Medicine Bootcamp ParticipantHelping theorize and formulate the B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic business plan allowed me to recognize that an understandingof marketing, operations, governance, and economics is becoming essential for future physicians. By developingthese basic business skills, there are opportunities that medical professionals could undertake on a larger scale toadvance the field of medicine, within the scope of their individual profession or hospital. 53
USF HEALTH MORSANI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MATCH UInnMteiver.ndoaifclKineentucky CAPSTONE Group Testing in Medical Education: An Assessment of Group Dynamics, Student Acceptance, and Effect on Student Performance. Group Project with John Briggs, MD MENTORS Frazier T. Stevenson, MD Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education USF Office Of Educational Affairs Stanley Nazian, PhD USF Department of Pharmacology and Physiology CONCENTRATION Medical Education Taught in Doctoring IV: Theory and Practice of Teaching Working with Dr. Nazian and Dr. Stevenson on this project furthered my medical training in numerous ways. Not only was I able to research and study a topic that I am very passionate about (medical education), we were able to publish our manuscript in an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal. My active role in this scholarly concentration, as well as my efforts to complete this capstone project, were the subject of many of my residency interview questions.MATCH InMteUerSndFaiMcl iCneOM CAPSTONE Health Information Exchange: The Impact on Clinical Care at Tampa General Hospital MENTOR Peter J. Fabri, MD, PhD, FACS USF Department of Surgery CONCENTRATION Health Systems EngineeringThe Scholarly Concentration Program redefined the type of doctor I want to be. After four years of learning the theoryand tools of systems improvement, this research was a hands-on application of skills and will be a springboard intofuture opportunities in healthcare transformation. 54
USF HEALTH MORSANI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MATCH UPaSnatifhonorAmlongetoydnSieorvices CAPSTONE Understanding the Medico-Legal Role of Forensic Pathologists in Death Investigation: A Comparison of Medical Examiner and Procurator Fiscal Systems MENTOR Beata Casanas, DO, FACP USF Division of Infectious Disease and International Medicine CONCENTRATION International Medicine My time with the pathologists and forensic pathologists at the University of Edinburgh was invaluable to my understanding of the impact that culture and law have on medical practices here in the US and abroad. I hope these lessons will serve me well as a military physician working internationally.MATMrTaSilCanitasnHirtAyionMntaoelndiiocal Ctr. CAPSTONE Feasibility of Supraglottic Airway Use by Combat Lifesavers on the Modern Battlefield - Group Project with Gregory Horn, MD MENTORS Robert M. Nelson, Jr., MD, MS Associate Vice President for Children’s Health USF Health John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Florida Department of Health CONCENTRATION Public Health The capstone project allowed me insight into the challenges of providing medical care outside of the hospital. Working with leaders in the prehospital field was an unmatched experience. 56
SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMATCH EmeMrUgeSedFniMcciyCneOM CAPSTONE Patient Satisfaction As a Tool for Specific and Goal Directed Quality Improvement in a Student Run Free Clinic - Group Project with Jordan Kapper, MD MENTORS Eduardo Gonzalez, MD, FAAFP USF Department of Family Medicine Lucy Guerra, MD, MPH, FACP Department of Internal Medicine James A. Haley Veterans Hospital CONCENTRATION Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in Medicine Business of Medicine Bootcamp ParticipantThe Scholarly Concentrations Program has been a unique opportunity and an interesting learning experience thathas undoubtedly added to the breadth of my education. I hope it continues to evolve and improve for future USFMCOM students. MATCH SweFaMdmieshdilyMiciendeical, WA CAPSTONE Understanding Patient Healthcare Utilization Patterns at a Student-Run Free Clinic MENTOR Eduardo Gonzalez, MD, FAAFP USF Department of Family Medicine CONCENTRATION Health DisparitiesAccess to healthcare services for the uninsured and underserved is complicated by a myriad of social and economicfactors. This project surveying patients at our safety net clinic helped reveal some important barriers to care, inaddition to supporting our hypothesis that increased access to primary care may decrease utilization of emergencyservices in the population we serve. My involvement in this program had helped me to better understand the socialdeterminants of health that affect my patients. In my future career as a family physician, I plan on incorporating thisunderstanding into my practice by seeking to understand each of my patients in a holistic way. 57
USF HEALTH MORSANI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MATCH SUunGrigve.enoreyf rVaelrmont CAPSTONE Neurological Manifestations and Human Parvovirus B19: Historical Perspective and Analysis MENTORS Jacqueline A. Hobbs MD, PhD Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology University of Florida College of Medicine Ingrid Bahner Ph.D. USF Department of Molecular Medicine CONCENTRATION International Medicine This project enabled me to appreciate the multiple steps required to create a review article. Reading journals, creating databases, and synthesizing a manuscript were all important experiences necessary to grow as a scientist, and to understand the multiple roles a physician plays within medicine.MATCH OInlMtiveeerndVaicileinwe, UCLA CAPSTONE Teaching in the Basic Sciences Elective MENTORS William Johnson, PhD USF Department of Pharmacology and Physiology Stanley Nazian, PhD USF Department of Pharmacology and Physiology CONCENTRATION Medical Education Taught in Doctoring IV: Theory and Practice of Teaching I got to work closely with faculty to develop active learning on a chosen topic, attend faculty development seminars, and learn to write test questions. This has really helped me improve on my formal teaching skills. 58
SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMATCH InMteUerSndFaiMcl iCneOMCAPSTONEThe Business of Medicine Bootcamp – B.R.I.D.G.E. ClinicCollaboration Financial Team - Group project withJoshua Shultz, MDMENTORWilliam G. Marshall, Jr., MD, MBAVice-Chair, Finance and AdministrationUSF Departments of Psychiatry and SurgeryCONCENTRATIONInnovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in MedicineBusiness of Medicine Bootcamp Participant The concentration, and especially the Business of Medicine Bootcamp, helped integrate business models into a medical practice and the healthcare system as a whole. During the bootcamp, I learned about and implemented basic business skills, financial, and operation aspects of business in several projects. We applied the skills to the B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic and analyzed the business model from a finance and operations aspect. MATCH MIentdeUicrSnFinaMel ,CPOedMs CAPSTONE Exploring and Increasing the Transparency of Medical Contracts MENTORS Jay Wolfson, DrPH, JD USF Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Megan Monroe, JD, MA USF Research Compliance and Information Officer CONCENTRATION Law and Medicine Obtained numerous medical contracts and explored the terminology and clauses in depth with my mentors. After thorough studies, a questionnaire was made for residents to evaluate overall comprehension of the medically contract and the legal implications. 59
USF HEALTH MORSANI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MATCH CIneMtederandraisc-lSinineai, CA CAPSTONE Teaching Medical Students Healthcare Entrepreneurship: The Business of Medicine Bootcamp - B.R.I.D.G.E. Clinic Collaboration at the USF College of Medicine - Group Project with Jason Patel, MSIII, Colin Sullivan, MD and Joshua Schultz, MD. MENTOR William G. Marshall, Jr., MD, MBA Vice-Chair, Finance and Administration USF Departments of Psychiatry and Surgery CONCENTRATION Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in Medicine As part of my capstone project, I was able to learn about the myriad of elements of healthcare that are closely intertwined with business and entrepreneurship principles. The collaboration between the concentration and the B.R.I.D.G.E. Healthcare Clinic served as an experiential ‘learning laboratory,’ where I was able to participate in the business, operational, and marketing aspects of the B.R.I.D.G.E. Healthcare Clinic while also spending time enhancing and enriching my medical expertise.MATCH SuSGUrgNeeYnryeBrraoloklyn CAPSTONE The Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer in Female Veterans Compared to the Civilian Population MENTOR Dunya M. Atisha, MD USF Department of Surgery Division of Plastic Surgery CONCENTRATION Biomedical Research I had an opportunity to experience how a research project is carried out from the very beginning (applying for IRB approval) to the final steps of working on the manuscript. It was a great learning experience that hopefully will translate into future successful research endeavors. For me the most interesting part of this project was our patient population - female veterans - because of their unique place in VA health care system. 60
SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMATCH OPerladniadtroicHsealth CAPSTONE Medical Student Priorities for Attending Student Organization Lunchtime Meetings - Group project with Sahab Mustafa, MD MENTOR Orhan Arslan, DVM, PHD USF Department of Pathology and Cell Biology CONCENTRATION Medical Education Taught in Doctoring IV: Theory and Practice of TeachingThe purpose of this Medical Education Scholarly Concentration project was to determine factors that influencemedical students’ decision to attend student organization lunchtime meetings and their perceived retention ofinformation. This is an important educational opportunity for medical students and is a little-researched topic. Bybetter understanding motivations for attending these meetings, this opportunity for education can be better utilized. MATCH MaInyMote,erJdnaaiccliknseonville, FL CAPSTONE Dialysis in the Undocumented MENTOR Elizabeth Warner, MD USF Department of Internal Medicine CONCENTRATION Health DisparitiesDialysis in the US is covered under Medicare. Undocumented immigrants with ESRD requiring dialysis are notcovered by Medicare, and are unable to receive scheduled treatment. At this time, the only way they are able toreceive dialysis is on an “emergent” basis. This problem has many ramifications that are discussed in mypresentation. 61
SCHOLARLY CONCENTRATIONSMAViTrRgCainOdiHaniacCtoioolmongmyonwealth CAPSTONE Outcomes with 3DCRT and IMRT versus opposed laterals in early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx MENTOR Nikhil Rao, MD Department of Radiation Oncology H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center DUAL CONCENTRATION Health Systems EngineeringThis capstone project allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of completing a research project from beginning toend. Furthermore, the research compared outcomes between simpler and more advanced radiation therapy, a topicimportant to me as I plan on practicing medicine internationally during and after residency.63
STcHhAolNarKlyTYHOtTUd University of South Florida Morsani College of MedicineScholarly Concentrations Program Class of 2014
Credits Design & Production USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Academic Technology & Digital Media Photography USF Health Communications
Scholarly Concentrations