Jointly Published by: CONTENTSDIRECTORY OF THAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT 4 COMPANIES’ INDEXSERVICES 2017/2018 is published jointly by National Science & TechnologyDevelopment Agency and Green World Publication Company Limited DIRECTORY SECTION(in collaboration with Marshall Cavendish Business Information Private • SECTION 1: TESTING SERVICESLimited); and printed by G.P. Cyberprint Company Limited, Thailand. 8 101 AUTO PARTS TESTING 13 102 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES TESTINGWhile every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained 17 103 ELECTRONICS TESTINGherein is comprehensive and accurate, the publisher will not accept any 20 104 MATERIALS TESTINGliability for omissions or errors. Should there be any inaccuracy, please write 23 105 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TESTINGto: The Manager, [email protected] 28 106 SAFETY TESTING 31 107 OTHER TESTINGNo part of this directory may be reproduced without prior permission from • SECTION 2: SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESthe publisher. All rights reserved. 40 201 ACCREDITATION BODY 40 202 CAD / CAM / CAE /For subscription, please contact The Marketing Department, Green World ENGINEERING DESIGN / PROTOTYPEPublication Company Limited. 41 203 CALIBRATION SERVICES 51 204 CERTIFICATION BODY FOR ISO/The views expressed in the guest articles are those of the respective TS16949authors and/or organizations and do not necessarily represent the views of 52 205 CERTIFICATION BODYpublishers. The publishers take no responsibility in any issue about licenses FOR OTHER STANDARDor IPs of articles, logos, pictures, advertisement and information submitted 54 206 CONSULTANTSby advertisers or writers. 55 207 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 60 208 TESTING EQUIPMENT / PARTS /MARSHALL CAVENDISH COMPONENTSBUSINESS INFORMATION REGIONAL OFFICES 70 209 TRAININGTHAILAND 73 ADVERTISERS’ INDEXGreen World Publication Company Limited244 Ladprao 107, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Thailand 3Tel: (66) 2731 1191 to 4 Fax: (66) 2769 8043E-mail: [email protected]: KONG SARMarshall Cavendish Business Information (HK) LimitedBlock C, 10/F, Seaview Estate2-8 Watson Road, North PointHong KongTel: (852) 3965 7800 Fax: (852) 2508 0603Email: [email protected] Cavendish (Malaysia) Sdn BhdBusiness Information DivisionBangunan Times PublishingLot 46 Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park Batu Tiga, 40000Shah Alam Salangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaTel: (603) 5628 6888 Fax: (603) 5636 9688E-mail: [email protected] Cavendish Business Information Private LimitedTimes Centre1 New Industrial RoadSingapore 536196Tel: (65) 6213 9300 Fax: (65) 6285 0161E-mail: [email protected]:
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES COMPANIES’ INDEX COMPACT INTERNATIONAL (1994) CO LTD........................................................................................ 8 CONEX STORE CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 42 A CONTROLOGIC CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 62 A C GROUP DALLEECLEAN (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................... 60 D ACCESS BIO SCIENCE CO LTD............................................................................................................. 60 ACS XENON LTD PART....................................................................................................................... 60 D S HYDRULIC PRESS LTD................................................................................................................. 62 ADIYA BERLA CHEMICAL (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................. 41 DATA DESIGN SOLUTIONS (THAILAND) CO LTD........................................................... 40, 56, 62, 70 ADVANCE BUSINESS INTERTRADE LTD PART.................................................................................. 60 DENSO (THAILAND) CO LTD..................................................................................................40, 42, 56 ADVANCE METROLOGY CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 60 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS) ............... 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, 29, 32, 42, 52, 54, 56, 70 ADVANCED PERMANENT CO LTD........................................................................................................ 8 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE, BUREAU OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION (BLA-DSS).... 40 ADVANTAGE CENTER CO LTD............................................................................................................ 41 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICE CENTER (DECC)........................... 40, 54, 56, 70 AERONAUTICAL RADIO OF THAILAND LTD.................................................................................41, 70 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES (THAILAND) LTD.................................................................................41, 60 E AKARA SOLUTION CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 60 ALLIANCE REFINING CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 41 EASTERN ENERGY CO LTD................................................................................................................. 62 AMANI CORPORATION LTD................................................................................................................ 60 EASTERN ENERGY SERVICE (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................. 43 AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES (THAILAND) CO LTD................................................................................ 60 EASTERN THAI CONSULTING 1992 CO LTD...................................................................................... 43 ANALYTICAL LAB SCIENCE CO LTD.................................................................................................... 60 EASY CLEAN 99 LTD PART................................................................................................................ 62 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY SERVICES CO LTD................................................................................. 41 ECO PLANT SERVICE CO LTD............................................................................................................. 43 ANALYTIK JENA FAR EAST (THAILAND) LTD.................................................................................... 60 EKARAT ENGINEER PUBLIC CO LTD.................................................................................................. 43 ANNEX ENGINEERING CO LTD............................................................................................................ 60 ELECTRIC SERVICE DEVICE CO LTD................................................................................................... 62 APPLIED SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO LTD................................................................................13, 60 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TESTING CENTER (PTEC)....................17, 20, 54, 56, 70 ARKAN SIN MACHINERY CO LTD....................................................................................................... 60 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE....................................................13, 17, 20, 29, 32, 43 ARSOM CO LTD.................................................................................................................................... 61 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND EQUIPMENT CO LTD..................................................................... 62 ARTIFACT AUTO TRADE CO LTD........................................................................................................ 61 ELECTRICITY GENERATING AUTHORITY OF THAILAND.................................................................... 43 ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (THAILAND) CO LTD..................................................................... 41 ENTECH ASSOCIATES LTD............................................................................................................32, 43 ATABOON INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CO LTD....................................................................................... 8 EPG INNOVATION CENTER CO LTD...................................................................................................... 8 AUTO ALIANCE (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................................28, 31 EXTRALUB OIL (THAILAND) LTD........................................................................................................ 62 AUTO TOOLS CO LTD.......................................................................................................................... 61 AUTODESK ASIA LTD.......................................................................................................................... 40 F AWJ INNOVATION CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 61 FINEDAY CO LTD................................................................................................................................. 62 B FORCE LINK CO LTD............................................................................................................................ 62 FORTH CALIBRATION AND SERVICE CO LTD.................................................................................... 43 BANGKOK AUTOMACH CO LTD........................................................................................................... 61 FUJIKURA ELECTRONIC (THAILAND) CO LTD..............................................................................17, 43 BANGKOK HIGH LAB CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 55 FUKUDA (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................................................. 62 BANGKOK POLYETHYLENE PUBLIC CO LTD....................................................................................... 41 BANGKOK SYNTHETICS CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 41 G BARA SCIENTIFIC CO LTD................................................................................................................... 61 BECTHAI BANGKOK EQUIPMENT & CHEMICAL CO LTD.................................................................... 61 G.I. INDUSTRY CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 43 BEST TECHNIC SOLUTION CO LTD..................................................................................................... 61 GEONOISE (THAILAND) CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 62 BITWISE (THAILAND) CO LTD.......................................................................................................20, 31 GLOBAL UTILITY SERVICE CO LTD..................................................................................................... 43 BOON CHAROEN TOOL TRADE CO LTD............................................................................................. 42 GOLD ENGINEERING SALES & SERVICE CO LTD............................................................................... 62 BRAVE ENGINEERING CO LTD............................................................................................................ 61 GOOD VIEW PRODUCTS CO LTD...................................................................................................43, 62 BRUKER BIOSPIN AG................................................................................................13, 17, 20, 23, 28 BSI GROUP (THAILAND) CO LTD..................................................................................................51, 52 H BST ELASTOMERS CO LTD................................................................................................................. 42 BURAPHA UNIVERSITY - CALIBRATION CENTER FOR INDUSTRY.................................................. 42 H.C. STARCK CO LTD..............................................................................................................13, 43, 56 BUREAU OF SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT H.D. TECH (THAILAND) CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 62 OF INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION......................................................................................... 40, 54, 55, 70 HANNA INSTRUMENTS (THAILAND) LTD.......................................................................................... 63 BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION (THAILAND) LTD........................................................................ 51 HEXAGON METOLOGY (THAILAND) LTD............................................................................................. 63 HI-COM CORPORATION (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................... 63 C HITACHI AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS CHONBURI LTD.............................................................................. 8 HITACHI CONSUMER SERVICE CO LTD.............................................................................................. 43 CAIRNHILL METROLOGY (THAI) CO LTD............................................................................................ 42 HI-TECH CALIBRATION CENTER CO LTD.....................................................................................24, 43 CAL LAB METROLOGY CO LTD........................................................................................................... 42 HOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL CO LTD.............................................................................................. 63 CAL-COM ELECTRONIC (THAILAND)................................................................................................... 42 HONDA AUTOMOBILE (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................29, 32 CALIBRATECH CO LTD......................................................................................................................... 42 CALIBRATION CENTER - CHAMID ELERECTRONIC (THAILAND) CO LTD......................................... 42 I CALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD.........................................................................8, 13, 17, 23, 42 CALIBRATION MANAGEMENT CO LTD............................................................................................... 42 IMV (THAILAND) CO LTD................................................................. Back Cover, 8, 17, 20, 24, 32, 70 CARL ZEISS CO LTD............................................................................................................................ 61 INCTECH METROLOGICAL CENTER CO LTD....................................................................................... 63 CARNOMATALBOX (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................................ 42 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE..... 8, 17, 20, 24 CCT SQUARE CO LTD....................................................................................................................54, 70 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CO LTD...................................................................................................... 63 CENTRAL BUREAU OF WEIGHTS & MEASURE - DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL TRADE................. 42 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (ITAP) - NSTDA......................... 40, 54, 56, 71 CG ENGINEERING LTD PART.................................................................................................24, 32, 61 INNOVATIVE INSTRUMENT CO LTD................................................................................................... 32 CHAICHANA MACHINERY CO LTD...................................................................................................... 61 INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY CO LTD............................................................................................ 44 CHAROEN MUANG MACHINERY CO LTD............................................................................................ 61 INTERNATIONAL TESTING SERVICE CO LTD................................................................... 8, 13, 29, 52 CHEMOSCIENCE (THAILAND) CO LTD................................................................................................. 61 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD............................ 9, 13, 17, 20, 24, 29, 32, 51, 52 CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.................................................................. 56 INTRO INTERPRICE CO LTD................................................................................................................ 44 CL TECH & SUPPLY CO LTD............................................................................................................... 61 INTRO TSC CO LTD.................................................................................................................24, 33, 63 COMCUBE CO LTD............................................................................................................................... 61 IRC (ASIA) RESEARCH LTD................................................................................................................. 21 COMGRAPH CO LTD............................................................................................................................ 40 IRC TECHNOLOGIES LTD..................................................................................................................... 63 IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF THAILAND....................................................................................... 94 IRPC PUBLIC CO LTD....................................................................................................... 14, 24, 33, 56 ISOCAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD............................................................................................................ 44 ISOTECH INSTRUMENT (THAILAND) CO LTD..................................................................................... 44
COMPANIES’ INDEXISUZU MOTORS (THAILAND) LTD....................................................................................................... 33 MITTU TOYO (THAILAND) CO LTD...................................................................................................... 45ITOKIN TECHNOLOGY CO LTD............................................................................................................. 63 MMT ENGINEERING CO LTD............................................................................................................... 65IWCT CO LTD (GW)................................................................................................................................ 9 MOTER ONE (THAILAND) CO LTD...................................................................................................... 65 MUCKPOL CO LTD................................................................................................................................ 65 J NJ. SRI RUNG RUENG IMPEX CO LTD.................................................................................................. 63J.A. AUTO GROUP CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 63 N.M. TECHNICAL CENTER CO LTD..................................................................................................... 45J.C.T. SCIENSURROGATE CO LTD....................................................................................................... 63 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY (THAILAND)...........................................................45, 57, 71JOYACHI HYDRAULIC CO LTD............................................................................................................. 63 NATIONAL INSTRUMENT (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................. 65 NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER K (MTEC)............................................................................................... 9, 14, 21, 25, 34, 41, 55, 57, 71 NATIONAL NANOTECHNOLOGY CENTER (NANOTEC)..................................................................55, 57KANG YONG ELECTRIC CO LTD.....................................................................................................18, 44 NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL PUBLIC CO LTD - TESTING LABORATORY........................................ 45KANIT ENGINEERING CO LTD................................................................................................44, 63, 71 NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA)KASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER, - THAILAND SCIENCE PARK..........................................................15, 18, 21, 26, 29, 34, 55, 57, 71FACULTY OF ENGINEERING............................................................. 9, 14, 21, 24, 29, 33, 56, 63, 71 - YOTHEE........................................................................................15, 18, 21, 26, 30, 34, 55, 58, 71KC HYDRAULIC CO LTD....................................................................................................................... 64 NBA SPECIAL CO LTD......................................................................................................................... 65KEIHIN THERMAL TECHNOLOGY (THAILAND) CO LTD........................................................................ 9 NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................. 9, 18, 21, 26, 45, 65KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.................................................................. 56 NEW-BORN SCIENTIFIC LTD PART.................................................................................................... 65KINETICS COPORATION LTD............................................................................................. 9, 40, 44, 64 NIPPON CHEMICAL CO LTD................................................................................................................ 65KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG NITRATETHAI CO LTD......................................................................................................................... 45- FACULTY OF ENGINEERING....................................................................... 9, 14, 21, 25, 29, 33, 57 NORTHERN CHEMICALS AND GLASSWARES LTD PART.................................................................. 65- INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE...................................................................9, 14, 18, 21, 25, 29, 33, 57KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB)........................... 44 O- AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.................................................24, 33, 56- AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING PROGRAM (ASAE).................25, 40, 56 OGAWA ASIA LTD................................................................................................................................ 34- DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, OKUNO-AUROMEX (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................................ 65 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING................................................................................................25, 33, 57 ORIENT MACHINERY GROUP CO LTD................................................................................................ 65KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI (KMUTT)- CENTER OF INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION................................................................. 44 P- COMBUSTION AND ENGINES RESEARCH LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING...........................................................9, 33, 54, 57, 71 P.K. PROGRESSIVE SERVICE CO LTD................................................................................................. 45- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT................................................................... 9, 54, 57, 71 P.S.B. TEST (THAILAND) CO LTD....................................................................................................... 45KITCHA ADVANCE TECHNOTOGY CO LTD.......................................................................................... 64 P.S.P. TOOL CENTER CO LTD............................................................................................................. 65KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD - PAMALYNE CO LTD............................................................................................................................. 66TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR..................................14, 18, 21, 25, 29, 40, 44, 57 PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL DEVICES (THAILAND) CO LTD.....................................................15, 22, 26 PARTSZONE (THAILAND) CO LTD...................................................................................................... 66 L PATTANAKIJ EQUIPMENT & SERVICE CO LTD.................................................................................. 66 PENTAIR VALVES & CONTROLS (THAILAND) LTD...............................................................22, 26, 34LAB EXPERT CO LTD........................................................................................................................... 64 PERFECT CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD......................................................................................... 66LAUNCHTECH (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................................... 44 PERFORMANCE TEAM CO LTD........................................................................................................... 45LEGA CORPORATION CO LTD............................................................................................................. 64 PETRO GREEN CO LTD..................................................................................................................58, 66LEONIC CO LTD.................................................................................................................................... 44 PETROLEUM EQUIPMENTS (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................... 66LITE-TECH INTERNATIONAL CO LTD................................................................................................. 64 PIONEER MANUFACTURING (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................. 46LOHAKIT RUNGCHAROENSUB CO LTD............................................................................................... 44 POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT......................................................................30, 34, 53, 58, 71LPN METALLURGICAL RESEARCH CENTER (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................. 9, 14, 21, 25 POLYTEX INDUSTRY CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 10 PONDPOL ANALYTICAL CO LTD......................................................................................................... 66 M PONGPARA CODAN RUBBER CO LTD................................................................................................ 10 POONSUBCAN CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 46MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY PRC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION CO LTD....................................................................................... 66- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR THAI RUBER INDUSTRY, PRIMA INTER-ENGINEERING CO LTD................................................................................................ 66 FACULTY OF SCIENCE................................................................................................................25, 33 PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY- FACULTY OF ENGINEERING......................................................................................... 14, 25, 33, 57 - CALIBRATION CENTER FOR INDUSTRY.......................................................................................... 46MAJOR SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS CO LTD............................................................................................. 64 - DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.......... 26, 34, 55, 58MARSKE MACHINE (THAILAND) CO LTD............................................................................................ 44 - SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT CENTER.......................................................................................22, 30, 66MARUBENI SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY (THAILAND) CO LTD........................................................ 54 PRO-APPLICATION SERVICE CO LTD............................................................................. 15, 18, 30, 34MASIRI EQUIPMENT CO LTD............................................................................................................... 64 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURING CO LTD...................................................................... 46MASTER CALIBRATION CO LTD............................................................................................... 9, 14, 25 PROFESSIONAL CALIBRATION & SERVICES CO LTD........................................................................ 46MASTIP (THAILAND) CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 64 PROMASTER CO LTD........................................................................................................................... 66MAX VALUE TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.................................................................................................... 64 PSV HI-TECH CENTER CO LTD........................................................................................................... 46MAXEL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD............................................................................................................. 64 PTK SERVICE AND ENGINEERING LTD PART.................................................................................... 66MAXWELL COMPRESSOR CO LTD...................................................................................................... 64 PTT - RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND TECHNOLOGY.......................................................................30, 34MEASURETRONIX LTD...........................................................................................................14, 44, 64MEASURING AUTOMATION CO LTD................................................................................................... 64 QMECMESIN ASIA CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 64MEGA ADVANCE CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 65 Q TIME CONSULTING SERVICE CO LTD........................................................................................55, 71MEGA CALIBRATION SERVICE LTD................................................................................. 14, 18, 25, 33 Q.R. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION CO LTD...............................................................18, 22, 34, 46, 55METROHM SIAM LTD...................................................................................................... 14, 18, 25, 45 QES (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................................................... 66METROLOGY CENTER NORTH (CHIANG MAI).................................................................................... 45 QUALITY CALIBRATION CO LTD.................................................................. 26, 34, 41, 46, 55, 58, 71METROLOGY TECHNICAL CO LTD..........................................................................................18, 45, 52METTLER-TOLEDO (THAILAND) CO LTD...............................................................................45, 57, 65 RMINGDENG METROLOGY SERVIVE (THAILAND) CO LTD................................................................... 45MIRACLE INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD............................................................................ 45 R4 TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.................................................................................................................... 66MIT TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 65 RAJAMANGALA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- CALIBRATION CENTER AND MAINTENANCEMITSUBISHI MOTORS (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................29, 34 BUSINESS............................................................................................................................................. 46 RAYONG OLAFIN CO LTD.................................................................................................................... 46 5
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY.............. 46 THAI MACH SALES & SERVICE CO LTD............................................................................................. 48 RESEARCH EQUIPMENT AND CHEMICAL LTD PART........................................................................ 66 THAI NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING CO LTD....................................................................................... 10 ROBERE & ASSOCIATES (THAILAND) LTD......................................................................................... 72 THAI OLEFINS CO LTD........................................................................................................................ 48 ROBERT BOSCH CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 66 THAI PARAXYLENE CO LTD..........................................................................................................15, 18 ROBOTICS CO LTD............................................................................................................................... 26 THAI POLYETHYLENE CO LTD............................................................................................................ 48 ROCKERTEK (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................................46, 67 THAI POLYMER SUPPLY CO LTD........................................................................................................ 48 ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE - METROLOGY DIVISION, DIRECTORATE OF COMMUNICATION AND THAI STANDARD CALIBRATION CO LTD......................................................................................35, 48 ELECTRONICS....................................................................................................................................... 46 THAI STEEL CABLE CO LTD..........................................................................................................27, 48 THAI T.R.C. CO LTD............................................................................................................................. 48 S THAI UNIQUE CO LTD.......................................................................................................................... 68 THAI YANG KITPAISAN CO LTD.............................................................................................27, 35, 48 S ADVANCE TECH LTD PART............................................................................................................. 46 THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI)............................................. 10, 15, 19, 22, 27, 30, 35, 49, 58, 72 S.C.I. ECO SERVICES CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 47 THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE.................................................................10, 19, 22, 27, 30, 35 S.P.S CONSULTING SERVICES LTD..................................................................................................... 47 THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH S.T. RIZING CO LTD............................................................................................................................. 10 - INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE...........12, 15, 22, 27, 30, 35, 49, 58 SAHAVIRIYA STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO LTD.......................................................................15, 26 - MATERIAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE...... 12, 15, 22, 27, 49, 58, 72 SAHAVIT SUPPLY & SERVICE CO LTD............................................................................................... 67 THAINOX STEEL PUBLIC CO LTD........................................................................................................ 49 SAINT-GOBAIN SEKURIT (THAILAND) CO LTD.................................................................................. 22 THAIOIL PUBLIC CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 49 SANGCHAI METER CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 47 THAIPAO MACHINERY CO LTD........................................................................................................... 68 SANTA TECHNOLOGY CO LTD............................................................................................................. 67 THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD................................................... 12, 22, 27, 35, 41, 49, 68 SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY CO LTD............................................................................................................... 67 THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY SCILUTION CO LTD.............................................................................................................................. 67 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.................................... 27 SCM ALIANNZE CO LTD...................................................................................................................... 67 - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING.......................................................................................................36, 58 SGS (THAILAND) LTD............................................................................10, 15, 22, 26, 30, 35, 51, 53 THANASETH MOTOR LTD PART......................................................................................................... 68 SHOWPROCHECK CO LTD................................................................................................................... 67 THERMOLOGY CO LTD...................................................................................................................49, 55 SIAM BETA GROUP CO LTD................................................................................................................ 67 THONBURI AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY PLANT CO LTD...................................................................... 12 SIAM CITY CEMENT - TESTING LABORATORY.................................................................................. 47 TIRA THAI CO LTD.....................................................................................................19, 36, 53, 59, 69 SIAM DRAFT INDUSTRY CO LTD........................................................................................................ 47 TIRAWAT AIR COMPRESSORS CO LTD.............................................................................................. 69 SIAM FURUKAWA CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 10 TOKYO TECH (THAILAND OFFICE)...................................................................................................... 72 SIAM INDUSTRIAL WIRE CO LTD..........................................................................................15, 26, 47 TONAN ASIA AUTOTECH CO LTD....................................................................................................... 69 SIAM INTERCORP (THAILAND) CO LTD.............................................................................................. 67 TOPY FASTENERS (THAILAND) LTD................................................................................................... 12 SIAM LEADER TECH CO LTD............................................................................................................... 47 TOT INNOVATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT......................................................................... 49 SIAM MEDICAL MANAGEMENT CO LTD............................................................................................. 47 TOYATA BOSHOKU ASIA CO LTD........................................................................................................ 12 SIAM MITSUI PTA CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 47 TOYOTA MOTOR THAILAND CO LTD.....................................................................................30, 36, 49 SIAM TRIO GROUP CO LTD................................................................................................................. 67 TRINERGY INSTRUMENT CO LTD....................................................................................................... 69 SIAM UNITED EQUIPMENT CO LTD.................................................................................................... 67 TRO THAI EQUIPMENT CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 69 SIEMENS CO LTD................................................................................................................................. 47 TUV NORD (THAILAND) LTD.........................................................................................................51, 53 SINCHAI MACHINERY CO LTD............................................................................................................. 67 TÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTD........................................... 12, 16, 27, 36, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 72 SIWA TESTING INSPECTION & CONSULTING CO LTD....................................................................... 67 TÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED................................. 11, 12, 16, 19, 23, 28, 31, 36, 50, 51, 53, 59 SK POWERABLE CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 67 SKYTECH INNOVATION CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 67 U SOMBOON ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC CO LTD........................................................................ 10 SOUTHERN CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD.................................................................. 22, 35, 47, 68 U.I. ELECTRONICAL (THAILAND) CO LTD........................................................................................... 50 SP SCIENCE LTD PART....................................................................................................................... 68 U.P.E ENGINEERING CO LTD............................................................................................................... 69 SR ADVANCED INDUSTRIES CO LTD.................................................................................................. 10 UBE TECHNICAL CENTRE (ASIA) CO LTD (UTCA).......................................................... 16, 23, 28, 37 SRIRUNGREANG MACHINE & TOOL CO LTD..................................................................................... 47 UBON RATCHATHANI RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF SCIENCE........................................ 50 STEEL INSTITUTE OF THAILAND - TESTING LABORATORY............................................................. 47 UNITECH SCIENCE CO LTD.................................................................................................................. 69 SUAN DUSIT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY - THE ENVIRONMENT CENTER........................................... 47 UNITED ANALYST AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD............................................................. 37 SUE INDUSTRIAL CO LTD................................................................................................................... 10 UNITED MACHINERY CO LTD.............................................................................................................. 69 SUMIPOL CORPORATION CO LTD....................................................................................................... 68 UNITED MOTOR WORKS (SIAM) CO LTD........................................................................................... 69 SUMMIT AUTO SEATS INDUSTRY CO LTD............................................................................22, 35, 58 UNITED REGISTRAR OF SYSTEMS (THAILAND) CO LTD................................................................... 52 SUMMIT R&D CENTER CO LTD....................................................................................................47, 58 UNITHAI GROUP CO LTD..................................................................................................................... 50 SUMOLIFT9 CO LTD............................................................................................................................. 68 SUNYO UNIVERSAL CO LTD................................................................................................................ 47 V SYNTECH INNOVATION CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 68 VENITHAI PUBLIC CO LTD................................................................................................................... 51 T VSK CONSUMMATE CO LTD..........................................................................................................59, 69 TECH QUALITY CO LTD..........................................................................................................10, 48, 68 W TECHNET CO LTD................................................................................................................................ 68 TECHNO TEST SYSTEM CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 68 WALAILAK UNIVERSITY - SCIENTTIFIC EQUIPMENT CENTER.......................................................... 51 TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTS CO LTD.........................................................................................48, 68 WASSKA AUTO PARTS CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 69 TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION ASSOCIATION (THAILAND-JAPAN) WICHIEN DYNAMIC INDUSTRY CO LTD.............................................................................................. 13 - PATTANAKARN................................................................................................................................. 10 WIN AND WILL CO LTD....................................................................................................................... 69 - SUKHUMVIT...................................................................................................................................... 10 WINTIP CO LTD.................................................................................................................................... 69 TERMINAL MACHINEWORK CO LTD................................................................................................... 41 WORLDWIDE TRADE THAI CO LTD.................................................................................................... 69 TESTING INSTRUMENT CO LTD.......................................................................................................... 68 WRB LABORATORY CO LTD............................................................................................................... 51 THAI AIRWAYS INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC CO LTD......................................................................48, 58 WUT HARDWARE CO LTD................................................................................................................... 70 THAI CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD...............................................................35, 41, 48, 58, 68, 72 THAI CARBON BLACK PUBLIC CO LTD............................................................................................... 48 Y THAI ENGINEERING MATTERIAL ANALYSIS CO LTD......................................................................... 48 THAI INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - LABORATORY ACCREDITATION GROUP 1, YOKOGAWA (THAILAND) CO LTD....................................................................................................... 51 NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION COUNCIL OF THAILAND-OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL YONG HONG (THAILAND) CO LTD...................................................................................................... 70 ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NSC-ONAC)......................................................................... 26, 30, 35, 406
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTESTING SERVICES IMV (THAILAND) CO LTD 101 AUTO PARTS TESTING Phase 9, Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate 700/907 Moo 5ADVANCED PERMANENT CO LTD Nhongkakha, Phanthong77/563 Moo 12 Chon Buri 20160Ramintra Road ThailandLadprao District Tel: (66) 3821 2226Bangkok 10230 Fax: (66) 3821 2227Tel: (66) 2907 2133 E-mail: [email protected]: (66) 2907 2189 Website: [email protected] Contact:ATABOON INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CO LTD Mr. Haruki Sugiyama74/3 Moo 7 Bangbuathong-Supanburi Highway Test Lab ManagerBangbuathong District Mr. Adisak BuathongNonthaburi 11110 Test Lab Engineer SupervisorTel: (66) 2925 6770 Ms. Pornnapa PatcharakulFax: (66) 2925 6773 Sales EngineerCALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD Our Business is focusing on the Vibration Test System. We also2/10-11, 55 Soi Prasert Manukit 29 Yak 4 have various kind of customers.Prasert Manukit Road The main customers are Automotive industry, ElectronicsLadprao District manufacturing, Electric appliances, and Aerospace industry.Bangkok 10230 • We have the Test Laboratory which can operate Vibration test,Tel: (66) 2578 0353Fax: (66) 2578 2672 Temperature, Humidity, and Combination.Email: [email protected] • We sell Vibration test machines.Website: • We provide Full maintenance service, including inspection andCOMPACT INTERNATIONAL (1994) CO LTD calibration.36 Moo 4Nong Chumphon See Ad on Back CoverPhetchaburi 76140Tel: (66) 3279 5044 to 45 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONFax: (66) 3279 5046 THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTEEmail: [email protected] (ISO/IEC 17025)Website: Bangpoo Industrial Estate 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS) Muang Samut Prakan District(ISO/IEC 17025) Samut Prakan75/7 Rama 9 Road 10280Ratchathewi District Tel: (66) 2324 0710Bangkok 10400 Fax: (66) 2324 0720Tel: (66) 2201 7000 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2201 7466 Website: www.thaiauto.or.thEmail: [email protected]: INTERNATIONAL TESTING SERVICE CO LTD 1213/388 Ladprao 94EPG INNOVATION CENTER CO LTD Ladprao Road111/1 Moo 2 Wangthonglang DistrictNikhom Phatthana District BangkokRayong 1031021180 Tel: (66) 2559 2095Tel: (66) 3889 3599 Fax: (66) 2559 2096Fax: (66) 3889 3599 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: www.itest-lab.comWebsite: AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS CHONBURI LTD700/357Muang Chon Buri DistrictChon Buri20000Tel: (66) 3821 4390Fax: (66) 3821 43958
TT AUTO PARTS TESTING TESTING SERVICESINTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE) KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - INTERNATIONAL(ISO/IEC 17025) COLLEGE1285/5 Prachachuen Road 1 Chalongkrung RoadWongsawang Bangsue Lad Krabang DistrictBangkok 10800 Bangkok 10520Tel: (66) 2837 2888 Tel: (66) 2329 8261Fax: (66) 2837 2889 Fax: (66) 2329 8262E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF THAILAND KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI (KMUTT) -Soi Treemit Rama 4 Road COMBUSTION AND ENGINES RESEARCH LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OFKlongtoei District MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGBangkok 10110 126 Pracha Uthit RoadTel: (66) 2713 6292 Thungkhru DistrictFax: (66) 2713 6293 Bangkok 10140Website: Tel: (66) 2470 9123 Fax: (66) 2470 9111IWCT CO LTD (GW) Email: [email protected]/11, 22, 37 Moo 2 Soi 81 Website: RoadNongkhaem District Bangkok 10160 KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI (KMUTT) -Tel: (66) 2812 4499 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTFax: (66) 2812 4400 126 Pracha Uthit RoadEmail: [email protected] Thungkhru District Bangkok 10140KASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER Tel: (66) 2470 9043(FACULTY OF ENGINEERING) Fax: (66) 2470 903350 Ngamwongwan Road Email: [email protected] District Website: 10900Tel: (66) 9 8659 9553 LPN METALLURGICAL RESEARCH CENTER (THAILAND) CO LTDFax: (66) 2955 1811 299 Moo 2 Suksawat RoadEmail: [email protected] Phra Samut Chedi DistrictWebsite: Samut Prakan 10290 Tel: (66) 2815 4118KEIHIN THERMAL TECHNOLOGY (THAILAND) CO LTD Email: [email protected] Industrial Park Website: Moo 9 Rojana RoadUthai District MASTER CALIBRATION CO LTDPhra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13210 547 Soi RatchadanivatTel: (66) 3533 0749 Huai Khwang District Bangkok 10310Fax: (66) 3533 0753 Tel: (66) 2274 2978Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2274 2989 Email: [email protected] COPORATION LTD388 Ratchadapisek Road NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC)Chatuchak District (ISO/IEC 17025)Bangkok 10900 111 Thailand Science ParkTel: (66) 2515 8999 Paholyothin RoadFax: (66) 2515 8988 Klong Luang DistrictEmail: [email protected] Pathum Thani 12120Website: Tel: (66) 2564 6500 Fax: (66) 2564 6501KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Website: www.mtec.or.thFACULTY OF ENGINEERING1 Soi Chalongkrung 1 NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTDChalongkrung Road (ISO/IEC 17025)Lad Krabang District 75/107 Moo 11Bangkok 10520 Paholyothin RoadTel: (66) 2329 8350 Klong Luang DistrictFax: (66) 2329 8351 Pathum Thani 12120Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2529 2460 to 5Website: Fax: (66) 2529 2466 Email: [email protected] Website: 9
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT AUTO PARTS TESTING SUE INDUSTRIAL CO LTD 588/8 Sathupadi RoadPOLYTEX INDUSTRY CO LTD Yannawa District28 Soi Rama 2 – 25 Rama 2 Road Bangkok 10120Chomthong District Tel: (66) 2945 5286Bangkok 10150 Fax: (66) 2945 5287Tel: (66) 2870 0255 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2427 1577 Website: www.yasaki.comEmail: [email protected]: TECH QUALITY CO LTD 2/13 Sukapiban 2 RoadPONGPARA CODAN RUBBER CO LTD Prawet District402 Moo 2 Soi Charoenratchada Setthakij Road Bangkok 10250Krathum Baen District Tel: (66) 2328 6878Samut Sakhon 74130 Fax: (66) 2328 6818Tel: (66) 2429 1111 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2429 1090 Website: [email protected]: TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION ASSOCIATION (THAILAND-JAPAN) - PATTANAKARN 534/4 Soi Pattanakarn 18S.T.RIZING CO LTD Pattanakarn Road888/102 Moo 19 Soi Yingcharoen 2 Suan Luang DistrictBangplee-Tamru Road Bangkok 10250Bang Phli District Tel: (66) 2717 3000Samut Prakan 10540 Fax: (66) 2719 9484Tel: (66) 2174 7160 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2174 7159 Website: www.tpa.or.thEmail: [email protected] TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION ASSOCIATION (THAILAND-JAPAN) - SUKHUMVITSGS (THAILAND) LTD 5-7 Soi Sukhumvit 29 Sukhumvit Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Wattana District41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi Road BangkokYannawa District 10110Bangkok 10120 Tel: (66) 2258 0320Tel: (66) 2683 0541 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2294 7484 Website: www.tpa.or.thEmail: [email protected]: THAI NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING CO LTD 19 Soi Suanson 8 Ramkhamhaeng RoadSIAM FURUKAWA CO LTD Bangkapi District33 Moo 4 Nongplakladi Road BangkokNong Khae District 10240Saraburi 18140 Tel: (66) 2735 0801Tel: (66) 3637 3573 Fax: (66) 2735 1941Fax: (66) 3637 3574 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI)SOMBOON ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)129 Moo 2 Amata Nakorn Industial EstateBangna-Trad Road (Km. 15) 700/1 Bangna-Trad RoadBang Phli District Muang Chon Buri DistrictSamut Prakan 10540 Chon Buri 20000Tel: (66) 2728 8500 Tel: (66) 3821 5033Fax: (66) 2728 8519 Fax: (66) 3874 3433Website: Email: [email protected] Website: www.tgi.or.thSR ADVANCED INDUSTRIES CO LTDAmata Nakorn Industrial Estate THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE700/486 Moo 7 (ISO/IEC 17025)Muang Chon Buri District 655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Chon Buri 20000 Muang Samut Prakan DistrictTel: (66) 3845 4370 Samut Prakan 10280Fax: (66) 3845 4370 Tel: (66) 2324 0710Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2323 9598Website: Website: www.thaiauto.or.th10
TESTING SERVICESTrust our service withmore than 150 yearsof experienceTÜV SÜD has been working side by side with automotivemanufacturers, supporting them to produce safe vehiclesin a cost effective manner and with sustainable quality thatcompliers with both national and international standardsand regulations.Supported by knowledge gained from over a century insafety and quality business, you can rely on our expertiseand engineering excellence for your automotive needs.For more information on our Automotive Services, contactus at +66 2 564 8041 or email us at [email protected]ÜV SÜD Thailand 111 Thailand Science Park, Moo 9 Paholyothin Road, Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 ThailandTel: +66 2 564 8041 Email: [email protected] 11
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT AUTO PARTS TESTING TÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITEDTHAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH - Thailand Science ParkINDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE 111 Moo 9 Paholyothin Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Klong Nueng, Klong LuangSoi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1 Sukhumvit Road (Old) Pathumthani 12120Muang Samut Prakan District ThailandSamut Prakan 10280 Tel: (66) 2564 8041Tel: (66) 2323 1672 Fax: (66) 2564 8042Fax: (66) 2323 1900 E-mail: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTDTHAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH - 1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221MATERIAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Tel: (65) 6778 777735 Moo 3 Klong 5 Fax: (65) 6779 7088Klong Luang District E-mail: [email protected] Thani 12120 Website: www.tuv-sud-psb.sgTel: (66) 2577 9264Fax: (66) 2577 4160 Executives:Email: [email protected] Mr. Chatvithai TantrapornWebsite: General ManagerTHAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001(ISO/IEC 17025)202 Moo 3 CAPITAL 75,172,000 THBSi RachaDistrictChon Buri 20230 BUSINESS SECTORTel: (66) 3849 0760 Testing / Auditing / Industry Service / International ComplianceFax: (66) 3849 0768 ManagementEmail: [email protected]: Background TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisationsTHONBURI AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY PLANT CO LTD with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,2/360 Moo 1 Sukhumvit Road Germany.Muang Samut Prakan DistrictSamut Prakan 10270 TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourTel: (66) 2757 9544 customers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the coreFax: (66) 2757 8589 philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customersEmail: [email protected] with early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainableWebsite: progress a reality.TOPY FASTENERS (THAILAND) LTD Today, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more700/337 Moo 6 Bangna-Trad Road (Km. 57) than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world.Muang Chon Buri District Our community of experts is passionate about technology and isChon Buri 20000 inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the beliefTel: (66) 3821 4401 that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside ourFax: (66) 3821 4404 customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalEmail: [email protected] markets and enhance their competitiveness.TOYATA BOSHOKU ASIA CO LTD Our Competence at TÜV SÜD801 Kanchanapisek Road We offer four main areas of technical services:Prawet District Bangkok 10520Tel: (66) 2329 5000 1. Testing services:Fax: (66) 2186 9788 • Consumer Product Safety • Automotive Components and HomologationTÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTD • Electrical & Electronics(ISO/IEC 17025)Global Technology Assessment Center Bangkok - Ladkrabang Industrial Estate123/1, 1-2/F Soi Chalongkrung 31Lamplatew LadkrabangBangkok 10520Tel: (66) 2326 1333Fax: (66) 2326 1334 to 5E-mail: [email protected]:
TESTING SERVICES• Food & Biocompatibility CALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD• Mechanical & Building 2/10-11, 55 Soi Prasert Manukit 29 Yak 4 Prasert Manukit Road• Telecoms & EMC Ladprao District Bangkok 102302. Auditing Service Tel: (66) 2578 0353• ISO 9001 (Quality) Fax: (66) 2578 2672• ISO 14001 (Environment) Email: [email protected]• ISO 50001 (Energy) Website:• OHSAS 18001 (Safety)• IATF 16949 (Automotive) DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS)• ISO 22000 (Food) (ISO/IEC 17025)• GMP HACCP (Food) 75/7 Rama 9 Road• ISO 13485 (Medical) Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400• TL 9000 (Telecoms) Tel: (66) 2201 7000• AS 9000 (Aerospace) Fax: (66) 2201 7466• ISO 20001 (IT Service Management) Email: [email protected]• ISO 27001 (Information Security) Website:• SA 8000 (Social Compliance)• IFS (International Food Standard) ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE• BRC (British Retail Consortium) (ISO/IEC 17025)• QMET/QMBS (Marine) Bangpoo industrial Estate• FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) 975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37) Muang Samut Prakan District3. Industry Services: Samut Prakan 10280• Airport Service Tel: (66) 2709 4860• Amusement Parks Fax: (66) 2324 0917• Rides and Structure Email: [email protected]• Energy System/Technology Website:• Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy Plant• Failure Analysis & Evolution H.C. STARCK CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)4. International Compliance Management: Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate• Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan, 5 I-3A Road Muang Rayong District Rayong 21150 Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Tel: (66) 3868 3077 Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc. Fax: (66) 3868 3044 Email: [email protected] Ad on Page 11 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTEWICHIEN DYNAMIC INDUSTRY CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)34/1 Moo 10 Bangpoo Industrial EstateLat Lum Kaeo District 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Pathum Thani 12140 Muang Samut Prakan DistrictTel: (66) 2598 1342 Samut Prakan 10280Fax: (66) 2598 1342 Tel: (66) 2324 0710 Fax: (66) 2324 0720 102 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES TESTING Email: [email protected] Website: www.thaiauto.or.thAPPLIED SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO LTD1526 Soi Sukuumvit 48/3 Sukhumvit Road INTERNATIONAL TESTING SERVICE CO LTDKlong Toei District 1213/388 Ladprao 94 Ladprao RoadBangkok 10260 Wangthonglang DistrictTel: (66) 2332 8179 Bangkok 10310Fax: (66) 2332 8180 Tel: (66) 2559 2095Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2559 2096Website: Email: [email protected] Website: www.itest-lab.comBRUKER BIOSPIN AG14/F Lertpanya Building INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE)41 Soi Lertpanya Sri-Ayudhaya Road (ISO/IEC 17025)Ratchathewi District 1285/5 Prachachuen RoadBangkok 10400 Wongsawang Bangsue Bangkok 10800Tel: (66) 2642 6900 Tel: (66) 2837 2888Fax: (66) 2642 6901 Fax: (66) 2837 2889Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: 13
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CHEMICAL PROPERTIES TESTING MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGIRPC PUBLIC CO LTD 25/25 Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Phutthamonthon District299 Moo 5 Sukumvit Road Nakhon Pathom 73170Muang Rayong District Tel: (66) 2889 2138Rayong Fax: (66) 2441 973121000 Email: [email protected]: (66) 3861 3571 Website: (66) 3889 8830Email: [email protected] MASTER CALIBRATION CO LTDWebsite: 547 Soi Ratchadanivat Huai Khwang DistrictKASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER, Bangkok 10310FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Tel: (66) 2274 297850 Ngamwongwan Road Fax: (66) 2274 2989Chatuchak District Email: [email protected] MEASURETRONIX LTDTel: (66) 9 8659 9553 2425/2 Ladprao RoadFax: (66) 2955 1811 Wang Thonglang DistrictEmail: [email protected] Bangkok 10310Website: Tel: (66) 2514 1000 Fax: (66) 2514 0001KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Email: [email protected] OF ENGINEERING Website: www.measuretronix.com1 Soi Chalongkrung 1 Chalongkrung RoadLat Krabang District MEGA CALIBRATION SERVICE LTDBangkok 51/115 Hathai Rat Road10520 Min Buri DistrictTel: (66) 2329 8350 Bangkok 10510Fax: (66) 2329 8351 Tel: (66) 2181 3115Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2181 3050Website: Email: [email protected] Website: MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG -INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE METROHM SIAM LTD1 Chalongkrung Road 33/F S.M. TowerLat Krabang District 979/111-115 Phaholyothin RoadBangkok Phaya Thai District10520 Bangkok 10400Tel: (66) 2329 8261 Tel: (66) 2298 0864Fax: (66) 2329 8262 Fax: (66) 2298 0865Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.metrohm.comKULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD - NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC)TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR (ISO/IEC 17025)(ISO/IEC 17025) Thailand Science Park44/1 Moo 7 Chalong Krung Road 111 Paholyothin RoadLat Krabang District Klong Luang DistrictBangkok Pathum Thani 1212010520 Tel: (66) 2564 6500Tel: (66) 2326 0831 Fax: (66) 2564 6501Fax: (66) 2326 0837 Website: www.mtec.or.thEmail: [email protected]: FOR ADVERTISING IN THE DIRECTORY OF THAILANDLPN METALLURGICAL RESEARCH CENTER (THAILAND) CO LTD299 Moo 2 Suksawat Road AUTO PARTS TESTING &Phra Samut Chedi District TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES,Samut Prakan CALL GREEN WORLD PUBLICATION CO LTD10290Tel: (66) 2815 4118 AT (66) 2731 1191Email: [email protected]:
NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TESTING SERVICESDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) -THAILAND SCIENCE PARK SIAM INDUSTRIAL WIRE CO LTD 160 Moo 11(ISO/IEC 17025) Ban Khai District111 Thailand Science Park Rayong 21120Paholyothin Road Tel: (66) 3889 2333Klong Luang District Fax: (66) 3889 2071Pathum Thani 12120 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2564 7000 Website: (66) 2564 7001Email: [email protected] SGS (THAILAND) LTDWebsite: (ISO/IEC 17025) 41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi RoadNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) - Yan Nawa DistrictYOTHEE Bangkok 10120(ISO/IEC 17025) Tel: (66) 2683 054173/1 Rama 6 Road Fax: (66) 2294 7484Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2644 8150 Website: (66) 2644 8027Email: [email protected] THAI PARAXYLENE CO LTDWebsite: 105/12 Moo 2 Si Racha DistrictPANASONIC INDUSTRIAL DEVICES (THAILAND) CO LTD Chon Buri 20230(ISO/IEC 17025) Tel: (66) 3849 88001014 Moo 2 Thepharak Road Fax: (66) 3835 1320Bang Sao Thong District Email: [email protected] Prakan 10540Tel: (66) 2723 3100 THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI)Fax: (66) 2723 3116 (ISO/IEC 17025)Email: [email protected] Amata Nakorn Industial EstateWebsite: 700/1 Bangna-Trad Road Muang Chon Buri DistrictPRO-APPLICATION SERVICE CO LTD Chon Buri 20000(ISO/IEC 17025) Tel: (66) 38 21503346/173 Moo 12 Nualchan Road Fax: (66) 38743 433Bueng Kum District Bangkok 10230 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2363 7767 Website: www.tgi.or.thFax: (66) 2363 7770Email: [email protected] THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -Website: INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE (ISO/IEC 17025)SAHAVIRIYA STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO LTD Soi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1 Sukhumvit Road (Old)(ISO/IEC 17025) Muang Samut Prakan District9 Moo 7 Samut Prakan 10280Bang Saphan District Tel: (66) 2323 1672Prachuap Khiri Khan 77140 Fax: (66) 2323 1900Tel: (66) 3269 1404 Email: [email protected]: (66) 3269 1421 Website: www.tistr.or.thEmail: [email protected]: THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH - MATERIAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRESCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT CENTER 35 Moo 315 Kanjanavanich Road Klong Luang DistrictHat Yai District Songkhla 90110 Pathum Thani 12120Tel: (66) 7428 6904 Tel: (66) 2577 9264Fax: (66) 7421 2813 Fax: (66) 2577 4160Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: KEEP ABREAST WITH THE LATEST IN AUTO PARTS TESTING WITH WWW.AUTOPARTSTESTING.COM 15
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CHEMICAL PROPERTIES TESTING with early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable progress a reality.TÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTD(ISO/IEC 17025) Today, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across moreGlobal Technology Assessment Center Bangkok - 1-2/F Ladkrabang Industrial than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world.Estate Our community of experts is passionate about technology and is123/1 Soi Chalongkrung 31 inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the beliefLamplatew that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside ourLadkrabang customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalBangkok markets and enhance their competitiveness.10520Tel: (66) 2326 1333 Our Competence at TÜV SÜDFax: (66) 2326 1334 to 5 We offer four main areas of technical services:E-mail: [email protected]: 1. Testing services: • Consumer Product SafetyTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Automotive Components and Homologation • Electrical & ElectronicsThailand Science Park • Food & Biocompatibility111 Moo 9 Paholyothin Road • Mechanical & BuildingKlong Nueng, Klong Luang • Telecoms & EMCPathumthani 12120Thailand 2. Auditing ServiceTel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • ISO 14001 (Environment)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 50001 (Energy)Website: • OHSAS 18001 (Safety) • IATF 16949 (Automotive)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 22000 (Food)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • GMP HACCP (Food)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • ISO 13485 (Medical)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • TL 9000 (Telecoms)E-mail: [email protected] • AS 9000 (Aerospace)Website: • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management) • ISO 27001 (Information Security)Executives: • SA 8000 (Social Compliance)Mr. Chatvithai Tantraporn • IFS (International Food Standard) General Manager • BRC (British Retail Consortium) • QMET/QMBS (Marine)YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001 • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification)CAPITAL 75,172,000 THB 3. Industry Services: • Airport ServiceBUSINESS SECTOR • Amusement ParksTesting / Auditing / Industry Service / International Compliance • Rides and StructureManagement • Energy System/Technology • Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy PlantBackground • Failure Analysis & EvolutionTÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisationswith more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich, 4. International Compliance Management:Germany. • Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan,TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to our Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe,customers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the core Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customers See Ad on Page 11 UBE TECHNICAL CENTRE (ASIA) CO LTD (UTCA) 140/10 Moo 4 Muang Rayong District Rayong 21000 Tel: (66) 3892 8700 Fax: (66) 3892 8888 Email: [email protected] Website:
103 ELECTRONICS TESTING TESTING SERVICESBRUKER BIOSPIN AG IMV (THAILAND) CO LTD14/F Lertpanya Building41 Soi Lertpanya Sri-Ayudhaya Road Phase 9, Amata Nakorn Industrial EstateRatchathewi District 700/907 Moo 5Bangkok 10400 Nhongkakha, PhanthongTel: (66) 2642 6900 Chon Buri 20160Fax: (66) 2642 6901 ThailandEmail: [email protected] Tel: (66) 3821 2226 Fax: (66) 3821 2227CALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD E-mail: [email protected]/10-11, 55 Soi Prasert Manukit 29 Yak 4 Prasert Manukit Road Website: Phrao DistrictBangkok 10230 Contact:Tel: (66) 2578 0353 Mr. Haruki SugiyamaFax: (66) 2578 2672 Test Lab ManagerEmail: [email protected] Mr. Adisak BuathongWebsite: Test Lab Engineer Supervisor Ms. Pornnapa PatcharakulDEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE Sales Engineer(ISO/IEC 17025)75/7 Rama 6 Road Our Business is focusing on the Vibration Test System. We alsoRatchathewi District have various kind of customers.Bangkok 10400 The main customers are Automotive industry, ElectronicsTel: (66) 2201 7000 manufacturing, Electric appliances, and Aerospace industry.Fax: (66) 2201 7466 • We have the Test Laboratory which can operate Vibration test,Email: [email protected]: Temperature, Humidity, and Combination. • We sell Vibration test machines.ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE • We provide Full maintenance service, including inspection and(ISO/IEC 17025)Bangpoo industrial Estate calibration.975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37)Muang Samut Prakan District See Ad on Back CoverSamut Prakan 10280Tel: (66) 2709 4860 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTEFax: (66) 2324 0917 (ISO/IEC 17025)Email: [email protected] Bangpoo Industrial EstateWebsite: 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34) Muang Samut Prakan DistrictELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TESTING CENTER (PTEC) Samut Prakan(ISO/IEC 17025) 10280PTEC Building Tel: (66) 2324 0710King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Fax: (66) 2324 0720Soi Chalong Krung 1 Chalong Krung Road Email: [email protected] Krabang District Website: www.thaiauto.or.thBangkok10520 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE)Tel: (66) 2739 2185 (ISO/IEC 17025)Fax: (66) 2739 2199 1285/5 Prachachuen RoadEmail: [email protected] Wongsawang BangsueWebsite: Bangkok 10800FUJIKURA ELECTRONIC (THAILAND) CO LTD Thailand(ISO/IEC 17025) Tel: (66) 2837 2888Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate Fax: (66) 2837 2889101/2 Moo 20 E-mail: [email protected] Luang District Website: www.intertek.comPathum Thani12120 17Tel: (66) 2529 3523Fax: (66) 2529 0606Email: [email protected]:
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES TT ELECTRONICS TESTING NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) - KANG YONG ELECTRIC CO LTD THAILAND SCIENCE PARK 67 Moo 11 Bangna-Trad Road (Km. 20) Road Bang Phli District (ISO/IEC 17025) Samut Prakan 10540 111 Thailand Science Park Tel: (66) 2337 2900 Paholyothin Road Fax: (66) 2337 2954 Klong Luang District Pathum Thani 12120 KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Tel: (66) 2564 7000 INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Fax: (66) 2564 7001 1 Chalongkrung Road Email: [email protected] Lat Krabang District Website: Bangkok 10520 NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Tel: (66) 2329 8261 AGENCY (NSTDA) - YOTHEE Fax: (66) 2329 8262 (ISO/IEC 17025) Email: [email protected] 73/1 Rama 6 Road Website: Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD - Tel: (66) 2644 8150 TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR Fax: (66) 2644 8027 (ISO/IEC 17025) Email: [email protected] 44/1 Moo 7 Chalong Krung Road Website: Lat Krabang District Bangkok NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTD 10520 (ISO/IEC 17025) Tel: (66) 2326 0831 75/107 Moo 11 Phaholyothin Road Fax: (66) 2326 0837 Klong Luang District Email: [email protected] Pathum Thani 12120 Website: Tel: (66) 2529 2460 to 5 Fax: (66) 2529 2466 MEGA CALIBRATION SERVICE LTD Email: [email protected] 51/115 Hathai Rat Road Website: Min Buri District Bangkok 10510 PRO-APPLICATION SERVICE CO LTD Tel: (66) 2181 3115 (ISO/IEC 17025) Fax: (66) 2181 3050 46/173 Moo 12 Nualchan Road Email: [email protected] Bueng Kum District Website: Bangkok 10230 Tel: (66) 2363 7767 METROHM SIAM LTD Fax: (66) 2363 7770 33/F S.M. Tower Email: [email protected] 979/111-115 Phaholyothin Road Website: Phaya Thai District Bangkok Q.R. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION CO LTD 10400 390 Soi Yothinpattana Praditmanutham Road Tel: (66) 2298 0864 Bang Kapi District Fax: (66) 2298 0865 Bangkok 10240 Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2946 9988 Website: Fax: (66) 2946 6644 Email: [email protected] METROLOGY TECHNICAL CO LTD 7/150 Moo 14 Bangna-Trad Road THAI PARAXYLENE CO LTD Bang Phli District 105/12 Moo 2 Samut Prakan 10540 Si Racha District Tel: (66) 2316 3362 Chon Buri 20230 Fax: (66) 2316 4390 Tel: (66) 3849 8800 Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 3835 1320 Email: [email protected] KEEP ABREAST WITH THE LATEST IN AUTO PARTS TESTING WITH WWW.AUTOPARTSTESTING.COM18
TT ELECTRONICS TESTING TESTING SERVICESTHAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI) Executives:(ISO/IEC 17025) Mr. Chatvithai TantrapornAmata Nakorn Industial Estate General Manager700/1 Bangna-Trad RoadMuang Chon Buri District YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001Chon Buri20000 CAPITAL 75,172,000 THBTel: (66) 3821 5033Fax: (66) 3874 3433 BUSINESS SECTOREmail: [email protected] Testing / Auditing / Industry Service / International ComplianceWebsite: ManagementTHAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE Background(ISO/IEC 17025) TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisations655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34) with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,Muang Samut Prakan District Germany.Samut Prakan10280 TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourTel: (66) 2324 0710 customers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the coreFax: (66) 2323 9598 philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customersWebsite: with early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable progress a reality.TIRA THAI CO LTDBangpoo Industrial Estate Today, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more516/1 Moo 4 Sukhumvit Road than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world.Muang Samut Prakan District Our community of experts is passionate about technology and isSamut Prakan inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief10280 that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside ourTel: (66) 2709 4499 customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalFax: (66) 2709 4499 EXT 705 markets and enhance their competitiveness.Email: [email protected]: Our Competence at TÜV SÜD We offer four main areas of technical services:TÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED 1. Testing services:Thailand Science Park • Consumer Product Safety111 Moo 9 Paholyothin Road • Automotive Components and HomologationKlong Nueng, Klong Luang • Electrical & ElectronicsPathumthani 12120 • Food & BiocompatibilityThailand • Mechanical & BuildingTel: (66) 2564 8041 • Telecoms & EMCFax: (66) 2564 8042E-mail: [email protected] 2. Auditing ServiceWebsite: • ISO 9001 (Quality) • ISO 14001 (Environment)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 50001 (Energy)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • OHSAS 18001 (Safety)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • IATF 16949 (Automotive)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • ISO 22000 (Food)E-mail: [email protected] • GMP HACCP (Food)Website: • ISO 13485 (Medical) • TL 9000 (Telecoms) • AS 9000 (Aerospace) • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management) • ISO 27001 (Information Security) • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard) • BRC (British Retail Consortium) • QMET/QMBS (Marine) • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) 3. Industry Services: • Airport Service • Amusement Parks • Rides and Structure • Energy System/Technology 19
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES• Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy Plant• Failure Analysis & Evolution4. International Compliance Management:• Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.See Ad on Page 11 104 MATERIALS TESTING IMV (THAILAND) CO LTD BITWISE (THAILAND) CO LTD Phase 9, Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate 25/12 Moo 20 Thepharak Road (Km. 12) 700/907 Moo 5 Bang Phli District Nhongkakha, Phanthong Samut Prakan Chon Buri 20160 10540 Thailand Tel: (66) 2312 3995 Tel: (66) 3821 2226 Fax: (66) 2312 3104 Fax: (66) 3821 2227 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: BRUKER BIOSPIN AG Contact: 14/F Lertpanya Building Mr. Haruki Sugiyama 41 Soi Lertpanya Sri-Ayudhaya Road Test Lab Manager Ratchathewi District Mr. Adisak Buathong Bangkok 10400 Test Lab Engineer Supervisor Tel: (66) 2642 6900 Ms. Pornnapa Patcharakul Fax: (66) 2642 6901 Sales Engineer Email: [email protected] Our Business is focusing on the Vibration Test System. We also DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS) have various kind of customers. (ISO/IEC 17025) The main customers are Automotive industry, Electronics 75/7 Rama 9 Road manufacturing, Electric appliances, and Aerospace industry. Ratchathewi District • We have the Test Laboratory which can operate Vibration test, Bangkok 10400 Tel: (66) 2201 7000 Temperature, Humidity, and Combination. Fax: (66) 2201 7466 • We sell Vibration test machines. Email: [email protected] • We provide Full maintenance service, including inspection and Website: calibration. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCT TESTING CENTER (PTEC) See Ad on Back Cover (ISO/IEC 17025) PTEC Building - King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE Soi Chalong Krung 1 Chalong Krung Road (ISO/IEC 17025) Lad Krabang District Bangpoo Industrial Estate Bangkok 10520 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34) Tel: (66) 2739 2185 Muang Samut Prakan District Fax: (66) 2739 2199 Samut Prakan Email: [email protected] 10280 Website: Tel: (66) 2324 0710 Fax: (66) 2324 0720 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Email: [email protected] (ISO/IEC 17025) Website: Bangpoo industrial Estate 975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37) INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE) Muang Samut Prakan District (ISO/IEC 17025) Samut Prakan 1285/5 Prachachuen Road 10280 Wongsawang Bangsue Tel: (66) 2709 4860 Bangkok Fax: (66) 2324 0917 10800 Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2837 2888 Website: Fax: (66) 2837 2889 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
TT MATERIALS TESTING TESTING SERVICESIRC (ASIA) RESEARCH LTD NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC)(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)258 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road Thailand Science ParkThanyaburi District 111 Paholyothin RoadPathum Thani Klong Luang District12130 Pathum ThaniTel: (66) 2996 0890 12120Fax: (66) 2996 1439 Tel: (66) 2564 6500Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2564 6501Website: Website: www.mtec.or.thKASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER, NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYFACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) -50 Ngamwongwan Road THAILAND SCIENCE PARKChatuchak DistrictBangkok (ISO/IEC 17025)10900 111 Thailand Science ParkTel: (66) 9 8659 9553 Paholyothin RoadFax: (66) 2955 1811 Klong Luang DistrictEmail: [email protected] Pathum Thani 12120Website: Tel: (66) 2564 7000 Fax: (66) 2564 7001KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Email: [email protected] OF ENGINEERING Website: www.nstda.or.th1 Soi Chalongkrung 1Chalongkrung Road NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) -Lat Krabang District YOTHEEBangkok (ISO/IEC 17025)10520 73/1 Rama 6 RoadTel: (66) 2329 8350 Ratchathewi DistrictFax: (66) 2329 8351 BangkokEmail: [email protected] 10400Website: Tel: (66) 2644 8150 Fax: (66) 2644 8027KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Email: [email protected] COLLEGE Website: www.nstda.or.th1 Chalongkrung RoadLat Krabang District NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTDBangkok 10520 (ISO/IEC 17025)Tel: (66) 2329 8261 75/107 Moo 11Fax: (66) 2329 8262 Phaholyothin RoadEmail: [email protected] Klong Luang DistrictWebsite: Pathum Thani 12120KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD - Tel: (66) 2529 2460TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR Fax: (66) 2529 2466(ISO/IEC 17025) Email: [email protected]/1 Moo 7 Website: RoadLat Krabang District DIRECTORY OFBangkok 10520 THAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING &Tel: (66) 2326 0831Fax: (66) 2326 0837 TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESEmail: [email protected] IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE ATWebsite: WWW.AUTOPARTSTESTING.COMLPN METALLURGICAL RESEARCH CENTER (THAILAND) CO LTD 21299 Moo 2 Suksawat RoadPhra Samut Chedi DistrictSamut Prakan10290Tel: (66) 2815 4118Email: [email protected]:
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT MATERIALS TESTING SUMMIT AUTO SEATS INDUSTRY CO LLD (ISO/IEC 17025)PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL DEVICES (THAILAND) CO LTD 62 Moo 12 King-Kaew Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Bang Phli District1014 Moo 2 Thepharak Road Samut PrakanBang Sao Thong District 10540Samut Prakan 10540 Tel: (66) 2750 3700Tel: (66) 2723 3100 Fax: (66) 2750 0729Fax: (66) 2723 3116 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI)PENTAIR VALVES & CONTROLS (THAILAND) LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)88/1 Map ya Road Amata Nakorn Industial EstateMuang Rayong District 700/1 Bangna-Trad RoadRayong 21150 Muang Chon Buri DistrictTel: (66) 3894 9800 Chon BuriFax: (66) 3894 9801 20000Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 3821 5033Website: Fax: (66) 3874 3433 Email: [email protected] OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY - SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT CENTER Website: www.tgi.or.th15 Kanjanavanich RoadHat Yai District THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTESongkhla 90110 (ISO/IEC 17025)Tel: (66) 7428 6904 655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Fax: (66) 7421 2813 Muang Samut Prakan DistrictEmail: [email protected] Samut PrakanWebsite: 10280 Tel: (66) 2324 0710Q.R. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION CO LTD Fax: (66) 2323 9598390 Soi Yothinpattana Pradit Manutham Road Website: www.thaiauto.or.thBang Kapi DistrictBangkok 10240 THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -Tel: (66) 2946 9988 INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTREFax: (66) 2946 6644 (ISO/IEC 17025)Email: [email protected] Soi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1 Sukhumvit Road (Old) Muang Samut Prakan DistrictSAINT-GOBAIN SEKURIT (THAILAND) CO LTD Samut Prakan(ISO/IEC 17025) 1028064/8 Moo 4 Tel: (66) 2323 1672Muang Rayong District Fax: (66) 2323 1900Rayong 21140 Email: [email protected]: (66) 3866 7800 Website: www.tistr.or.thFax: (66) 3866 7808Email: [email protected] THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -Website: MATERIAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 35 Moo 3SGS THAILAND LTD Klong Luang District(ISO/IEC 17025) Pathum Thani41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi Road 12120Yan Nawa District Tel: (66) 2577 9264Bangkok 10120 Fax: (66) 2577 4160Tel: (66) 2683 0541 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2294 7484 Website: www.tistr.or.thEmail: [email protected]: THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)SOUTHERN CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD 202 Moo 353/28 Banpruthanee 3 Road Si Racha DistrictHat Yai District Chon BuriSongkhla 90110 20230Tel: (66) 8 1599 0417 Tel: (66) 3849 0760Fax: (66) 7438 4990 Fax: (66) 3849 0768Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website:
TESTING SERVICESTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Food & Biocompatibility • Mechanical & BuildingThailand Science Park • Telecoms & EMC111 Moo 9 Paholyothin RoadKlong Nueng, Klong Luang 2. Auditing ServicePathumthani 12120 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Thailand • ISO 14001 (Environment)Tel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 50001 (Energy)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • OHSAS 18001 (Safety)E-mail: [email protected] • IATF 16949 (Automotive)Website: • ISO 22000 (Food) • GMP HACCP (Food)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 13485 (Medical)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • TL 9000 (Telecoms)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • AS 9000 (Aerospace)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 27001 (Information Security)Website: • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard)Executives: • BRC (British Retail Consortium)Mr. Chatvithai Tantraporn • QMET/QMBS (Marine) General Manager • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification)YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001 3. Industry Services: • Airport ServiceCAPITAL 75,172,000 THB • Amusement Parks • Rides and StructureBUSINESS SECTOR • Energy System/TechnologyTesting / Auditing / Industry Service / International Compliance • Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy PlantManagement • Failure Analysis & EvolutionBackground 4. International Compliance Management:TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisations • Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan,with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,Germany. Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourcustomers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the core See Ad on Page 11philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customerswith early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable UBE TECHNICAL CENTRE (ASIA) CO LTD (UTCA)progress a reality. 140/10 Moo 4 Muang Rayong DistrictToday, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more Rayong 21000than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world. Tel: (66) 3892 8700Our community of experts is passionate about technology and is Fax: (66) 3892 8888inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief Email: [email protected] technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our Website: to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalmarkets and enhance their competitiveness. 105 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TESTINGOur Competence at TÜV SÜD BRUKER BIOSPIN AGWe offer four main areas of technical services: 14/F Lertpanya Building 41 Soi Lertpanya Sri-Ayudhaya Road1. Testing services: Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400• Consumer Product Safety Tel: (66) 2642 6900• Automotive Components and Homologation Fax: (66) 2642 6901• Electrical & Electronics Email: [email protected] CALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD 2/10-11, 55 Soi Prasert Manukit 29 Yak 4 Prasert Manukit Road Lat Phrao District Bangkok 10230 Tel: (66) 2578 0353 Fax: (66) 2578 2672 Email: [email protected] Website: 23
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT MATERIALS TESTING • We have the Test Laboratory which can operate Vibration test, Temperature, Humidity, and Combination.CG ENGINEERING LTD PART7/10 Moo 6 • We sell Vibration test machines.Sam Khok District • We provide Full maintenance service, including inspection andPathum Thani 12160Tel: (66) 2516 9470 calibration.Fax: (66) 2516 9470Email: [email protected] See Ad on Back CoverWebsite: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTEDEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS) (ISO/IEC 17025)(ISO/IEC 17025) Bangpoo Industrial Estate75/7 Rama 9 Road 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Ratchathewi District Muang Samut Prakan DistrictBangkok 10400 Samut Prakan 10280Tel: (66) 2201 7000 Tel: (66) 2324 0710Fax: (66) 2201 7466 Fax: (66) 2324 0720Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.thaiauto.or.thHI-TECH CALIBRATION CENTER CO LTD INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE)99 Moo 5 Sai Asia Road (ISO/IEC 17025)Bang Pa-In District 1285/5 Prachachuen RoadPhra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13160 Wongsawang Bangsue Bangkok 10800Tel: (66) 3535 0137 Tel: (66) 2837 2888Fax: (66) 3535 1716 Fax: (66) 2837 2889Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]: Website: www.intertek.comIMV (THAILAND) CO LTD INTRO TSC CO LTD 46/155 Moo 12 Nuanchan RoadPhase 9, Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate Bueng Kum District Bangkok 10230700/907 Moo 5 Tel: (66) 2363 4417Nhongkakha, Phanthong Fax: (66) 2363 4427Chon Buri 20160 Email: [email protected] Website: www.budget-cal.comTel: (66) 3821 2226Fax: (66) 3821 2227 IRPC PUBLIC CO LTDE-mail: [email protected] (ISO/IEC 17025)Website: 299 Moo 5 Sukumvit Road Muang Rayong DistrictContact: Rayong 21000Mr. Haruki Sugiyama Tel: (66) 3861 3571 Test Lab Manager Fax: (66) 3889 8830Mr. Adisak Buathong Email: [email protected] Test Lab Engineer Supervisor Website: Pornnapa Patcharakul Sales Engineer KASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER, FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGOur Business is focusing on the Vibration Test System. We also 50 Ngamwongwan Roadhave various kind of customers. Chatuchak DistrictThe main customers are Automotive industry, Electronics Bangkok 10900manufacturing, Electric appliances, and Aerospace industry. Tel: (66) 9 8659 9553 Fax: (66) 2955 1811 Email: [email protected] Website: KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) - AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING 1518 Pracharat 1 Road Bang Sue District Bangkok 10800 Tel: (66) 2555 2000 Fax: (66) 2586 9541 Email: [email protected] Website:
TESTING SERVICESTT MATERIALS TESTING MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING 25/25 Phutthamonthon Sai 4 RoadKING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) Phutthamonthon District- AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING PROGRAM (ASAE) Nakhon Pathom 731701518 Pibulsongkram Road Tel: (66) 2889 2138Bang Sue District Fax: (66) 2441 9731Bangkok Email: [email protected] Website: (66) 2555 2000Email: [email protected] MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY - RESEARCH AND DEVELOPED CENTER FOR THAIWebsite: RUBER INDUSTRY, FACULTY OF SCIENCE Room 2/2 Science Building 3KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) - Phutthamonthon Sai 4 RoadDEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, Phutthamonthon DistrictFACULTY OF ENGINEERING Nakhon Pathom 731701518 Pracharat 1 Road Tel: (66) 2441 9816Bang Sue District Fax: (66) 2441 9378Bangkok Email: [email protected] Website: www.rubbercenter.orgTel: (66) 2587 4335Fax: (66) 2587 4335 MASTER CALIBRATION CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 547 Soi RatchadanivatWebsite: Huai Khwang District Bangkok 10310KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Tel: (66) 2274 2978FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Fax: (66) 2274 29891 Soi Chalong Krung 1 Email: [email protected] Krung RoadLad Krabang District MEGA CALIBRATION SERVICE LTDBangkok 51/115 Hathairat Road10520 Min Buri DistrictTel: (66) 2329 8350 Bangkok 10510Fax: (66) 2329 8351 Tel: (66) 2181 3115Website: Fax: (66) 2181 3050 Email: [email protected] MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - Website: COLLEGE1 Chalongkrung Road METROHM SIAM LTDLad Krabang District 33/F S.M. TowerBangkok 979/111-115 Phaholyothin Road10520 Phaya Thai DistrictTel: (66) 2329 8261 Bangkok 10400Fax: (66) 2329 8262 Tel: (66) 2298 0864Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2298 0865Website: Email: [email protected] Website: www.metrohm.comKULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD -TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC)(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)44/1 Moo 7 Thailand Science ParkChalong Krung Road 111 Paholyothin RoadLat Krabang District Klong Luang DistrictBangkok Pathum Thani 1212010520 Tel: (66) 2564 6500Tel: (66) 2326 0831 Fax: (66) 2564 6501Fax: (66) 2326 0837 Website: www.mtec.or.thEmail: [email protected]: FOR ADVERTISING IN THE DIRECTORY OF THAILANDLPN METALLURGICAL RESEARCH CENTER (THAILAND) CO LTD299 Moo 2 Suksawat Road AUTO PARTS TESTING &Phra Samut Chedi District TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES,Samut Prakan 10290 CALL GREEN WORLD PUBLICATION CO LTDTel: (66) 2815 4118Email: [email protected] AT (66) 2731 1191Website: 25
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITYDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) - DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGTHAILAND SCIENCE PARK 15 Kanjanavanich Road Hat Yai District(ISO/IEC 17025) Songkhla 90112111 Thailand Science Park Tel: (66) 7428 7036Paholyothin Road Fax: (66) 7428 7111Klong Luang District Email: [email protected] Thani 12120 Website: (66) 2564 7000Fax: (66) 2564 7001 QUALITY CALIBRATION CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 235 Petchkasem 63/2 RoadWebsite: Bang Khae District Bangkok 10160NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Tel: (66) 2444 0152AGENCY (NSTDA) - YOTHEE Fax: (66) 2809 4584(ISO/IEC 17025) Email: [email protected]/1 Rama 6 Road Website: www.qcalibration.comRatchathewi DistrictBangkok ROBOTICS CO LTD10400 588/29-30 Soi 31 Rama 6 RoadTel: (66) 2644 8150 Phaya Thai DistrictFax: (66) 2644 8027 Bangkok 10400Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2216 9170Website: Fax: (66) 2216 9663NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTD SAHAVIRIYA STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO LTD(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)75/107 Moo 11 9 Moo 7Phaholyothin Road Bang Saphan DistrictKlong Luang District Prachuap Khiri Khan 77140Pathum Thani Tel: (66) 3269 140412120 Fax: (66) 3269 1421Tel: (66) 2529 2460 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2529 2466 Website: www.ssi-steel.comEmail: [email protected]: SGS THAILAND LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL DEVICES (THAILAND) CO LTD 41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Yan Nawa District1014 Moo 2 Bangkok 10120Thepharak Road Tel: (66) 2683 0541Bang Sao Thong District Fax: (66) 2294 7484Samut Prakan Email: [email protected] Website: (66) 2723 3100Fax: (66) 2723 3116 SIAM INDUSTRIAL WIRE CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 160 Moo 11Website: Ban Khai District Rayong 21120PENTAIR VALVES & CONTROLS (THAILAND) LTD Tel: (66) 3889 233388/1 Map ya Road Fax: (66) 3889 2071Muang Rayong District Email: [email protected] Website: (66) 3894 9800 THAI INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE LABORATORY ACCREDITATION GROUP 1Fax: (66) 3894 9801 NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION COUNCIL OF THAILAND OFFICEEmail: [email protected] OF THE NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NSC-ONAC)Website: (ISO/IEC 17025) Rama 6 Road Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 Tel: (66) 2354 3042 Fax: (66) 2354 3045 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tisi.go.th26
TT MATERIALS TESTING TESTING SERVICESTHAI STEEL CABLE CO LTD THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)700/737 Moo 1 202 Moo 3Phan Thong District Si Racha DistrictChon Buri 20160 Chon Buri 20230Tel: (66) 3844 7200 Tel: (66) 3849 0760Fax: (66) 3844 7259 Fax: (66) 3849 0768Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTTHAI YANG KITPAISAN CO LTD 99 Moo 18 Paholyothin Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Klong Luang District180/1 Moo 8 Suk Sawat Road Pathum Thani 12120Phra Pradaeng District Tel: (66) 2564 3001Samut Prakan Fax: (66) 2564 302310130 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2463 0102 Website: (66) 2463 5198 TÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTDEmail: [email protected] (ISO/IEC 17025)Website: Global Technology Assessment Center Bangkok Ladkrabang Industrial EstateTHAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI) 123/1, 1-2/F Soi Chalongkrung 31(ISO/IEC 17025) Lamplatew LadkrabangAmata Nakorn Industial Estate Bangkok 10520700/1 Bangna-Trad Road Tel: (66) 2326 1333Muang Chon Buri District Fax: (66) 2326 1334 to 5Chon Buri E-mail: [email protected] Website: (66) 3821 5033Fax: (66) 3874 3433 DIRECTORY OFEmail: [email protected] THAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING &Website: TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTHAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE PROVIDES A USEFUL LISTING OF(ISO/IEC 17025) AUTO PARTS TESTING SERVICES AND655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34) OTHER RELEVANT TESTING SERVICES;Muang Samut Prakan DistrictSamut Prakan AS WELL AS COMPANIES10280 IN THE AUTO PARTS INDUSTRIES.Tel: (66) 2324 0710Fax: (66) 2323 9598 27Website: www.thaiauto.or.thTHAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE(ISO/IEC 17025)Soi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1Sukhumvit Road (Old)Muang Samut Prakan DistrictSamut Prakan 10280Tel: (66) 2323 1672Fax: (66) 2323 1900Email: [email protected]: www.tistr.or.thTHAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -MATERIAL PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE35 Moo 3Klong Luang DistrictPathum Thani 12120Tel: (66) 2577 9264Fax: (66) 2577 4160Email: [email protected]:
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Food & Biocompatibility • Mechanical & BuildingThailand Science Park • Telecoms & EMC111 Moo 9 Paholyothin RoadKlong Nueng, Klong Luang 2. Auditing ServicePathumthani 12120 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Thailand • ISO 14001 (Environment)Tel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 50001 (Energy)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • OHSAS 18001 (Safety)E-mail: [email protected] • IATF 16949 (Automotive)Website: • ISO 22000 (Food) • GMP HACCP (Food)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 13485 (Medical)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • TL 9000 (Telecoms)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • AS 9000 (Aerospace)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 27001 (Information Security)Website: • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard)Executives: • BRC (British Retail Consortium)Mr. Chatvithai Tantraporn • QMET/QMBS (Marine) General Manager • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification)YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001 3. Industry Services: • Airport ServiceCAPITAL 75,172,000 THB • Amusement Parks • Rides and StructureBUSINESS SECTOR • Energy System/TechnologyTesting / Auditing / Industry Service / International Compliance • Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy PlantManagement • Failure Analysis & EvolutionBackground 4. International Compliance Management:TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisations • Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan,with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,Germany. Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourcustomers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the core See Ad on Page 11philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customerswith early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable UBE TECHNICAL CENTRE (ASIA) CO LTD (UTCA)progress a reality. 140/10 Moo 4 Muang Rayong DistrictToday, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more Rayong 21000than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world. Tel: (66) 3892 8700Our community of experts is passionate about technology and is Fax: (66) 3892 8888inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief Email: [email protected] technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our Website: to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalmarkets and enhance their competitiveness. 106 SAFETY TESTINGOur Competence at TÜV SÜD AUTO ALIANCE (THAILAND) CO LTDWe offer four main areas of technical services: (ISO/IEC 17025) 49 Moo 41. Testing services: Muang Rayong District Rayong 21140• Consumer Product Safety Tel: (66) 3895 4111• Automotive Components and Homologation Fax: (66) 3895 4159• Electrical & Electronics Email: ssongput@foRoadcom BRUKER BIOSPIN AG 14/F Lertpanya Building 41 Soi Lertpanya Sri-Ayudhaya Road Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 Tel: (66) 2642 6900 Fax: (66) 2642 6901 Email: [email protected]
TT SAFETY TESTING TESTING SERVICESDEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG -(ISO/IEC 17025) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING75/7 Rama 6 Road 1 Soi Chalong Krung 1Ratchathewi District Chalong Krung RoadBangkok Lad Krabang District10400 BangkokTel: (66) 2201 7000 10520Fax: (66) 2201 7466 Tel: (66) 2329 8350Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2329 8351Website: Email: [email protected] Website: AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE(ISO/IEC 17025) KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG -Bangpoo industrial Estate INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37) 1 Chalongkrung RoadMuang Samut Prakan District Lad Krabang DistrictSamut Prakan Bangkok10280 10520Tel: (66) 2709 4860 Tel: (66) 2329 8261Fax: (66) 2324 0917 Fax: (66) 2329 8262Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: AUTOMOBILE (THAILAND) CO LTD KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD -(ISO/IEC 17025) TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR49 Moo 9 (ISO/IEC 17025)Uthai District 44/1 Moo 7Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13210 Chalong Krung RoadTel: (66) 3522 6635 Lat Krabang DistrictFax: (66) 3533 0974 Bangkok 10520Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2326 0831Website: Fax: (66) 2326 0837 Email: [email protected] TESTING SERVICE CO LTD Website: http://compressor.kulthorn.com1213/388 Ladprao 94 Ladprao RoadWang Thonglang District MITSUBISHI MOTORS (THAILAND) CO LTDBangkok (ISO/IEC 17025)10310 199 Moo 3Tel: (66) 2559 2095 Si Racha DistrictFax: (66) 2559 2096 Chon BuriEmail: [email protected] 20230Website: Tel: (66) 3849 8371 Email: [email protected] TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE)(ISO/IEC 17025) NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY1285/5 Prachachuen Road DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) -Wongsawang Bangsue THAILAND SCIENCE PARKBangkok10800 (ISO/IEC 17025)Tel: (66) 2 837 2888 111 Thailand Science ParkFax: (66) 2 837 2889 Paholyothin RoadE-mail: [email protected] Klong Luang DistrictWebsite: Pathum Thani 12120 Tel: (66) 2564 7000KASETSART UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER, Fax: (66) 2564 7001FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Email: [email protected] Ngamwongwan Road Website: www.nstda.or.thChatuchak DistrictBangkok 2910900Tel: (66) 9 8659 9553Fax: (66) 2955 1811Email: [email protected]:
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT SAFETY TESTING THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI) (ISO/IEC 17025)NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Amata Nakorn Industial EstateAGENCY (NSTDA) - YOTHEE 700/1 Bangna-Trad Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Muang Chon Buri District73/1 Rama 6 Road Chon BuriRatchathewi District 20000Bangkok Tel: (66) 3821 503310400 Fax: (66) 3874 3433Tel: (66) 2644 8150 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2644 8027 Website: www.tgi.or.thEmail: [email protected]: THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE (ISO/IEC 17025)POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT 655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)(ISO/IEC 17025) Muang Samut Prakan District138/28 Moo 2 Samut PrakanRangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road 10280Thanyaburi District Tel: (66) 2324 0710Pathum Thani Fax: (66) 2323 959812110 Website: www.thaiauto.or.thTel: (66) 2904 7477Fax: (66) 2577 5447 THAI INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - LABORATORY ACCREDITATION GROUP 1Email: [email protected] NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION COUNCIL OF THAILAND OFFICEWebsite: OF THE NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NSC-ONAC) (ISO/IEC 17025)PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY Rama 6 RoadSCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT CENTER Ratchathewi District15 Kanjanavanich Road Bangkok 10400Hat Yai District Tel: (66) 2354 3042Songkhla Fax: (66) 2354 304590110 Email: [email protected]: (66) 7428 6904 Website: www.tisi.go.thFax: (66) 7421 2813Email: [email protected] THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONWebsite: (ISO/IEC 17025) Bangpoo Industrial EstatePRO-APPLICATION SERVICE CO LTD 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)(ISO/IEC 17025) Muang Samut Prakan District46/173 Moo 12 Nualchan Road Samut Prakan 10280Bueng Kum District Tel: (66) 2324 0710Bangkok Fax: (66) 2324 072010230 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2363 7767 Website: www.thaiauto.or.thFax: (66) 2363 7770Email: [email protected] THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH -Website: INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE (ISO/IEC 17025)PTT - RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND TECHNOLOGY Soi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1(ISO/IEC 17025) Sukhumvit Road (Old)71 Moo 2 Phaholyothin Road (Km. 8) Muang Samut Prakan DistrictWang Noi District Samut Prakan 10280Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Tel: (66) 2323 167213170 Fax: (66) 2323 1900Tel: (66) 2537 3000 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2537 3000 EXT 18316 Website: www.tistr.or.thSGS THAILAND LTD TOYOTA MOTOR THAILAND CO LTD(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi Road 99 Moo 2Yan Nawa District Ban Pho DistrictBangkok 10120 Chachoengsao 24140Tel: (66) 2683 0541 Tel: (66) 3812 2000Fax: (66) 2294 7484 Fax: (66) 3812 2205Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website:
TESTING SERVICESTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Food & Biocompatibility • Mechanical & BuildingThailand Science Park • Telecoms & EMC111 Moo 9 Paholyothin RoadKlong Nueng, Klong Luang 2. Auditing ServicePathumthani 12120 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Thailand • ISO 14001 (Environment)Tel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 50001 (Energy)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • OHSAS 18001 (Safety)E-mail: [email protected] • IATF 16949 (Automotive)Website: • ISO 22000 (Food) • GMP HACCP (Food)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 13485 (Medical)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • TL 9000 (Telecoms)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • AS 9000 (Aerospace)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 27001 (Information Security)Website: • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard)Executives: • BRC (British Retail Consortium)Mr. Chatvithai Tantraporn • QMET/QMBS (Marine) General Manager • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification)YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001 3. Industry Services: • Airport ServiceCAPITAL 75,172,000 THB • Amusement Parks • Rides and StructureBUSINESS SECTOR • Energy System/TechnologyTesting / Auditing / Industry Service / International Compliance • Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy PlantManagement • Failure Analysis & EvolutionBackground 4. International Compliance Management:TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisations • Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan,with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,Germany. Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourcustomers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the core See Ad on Page 11philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customerswith early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable 107 OTHER TESTINGprogress a reality. AUTO ALIANCE (THAILAND) CO LTDToday, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more (ISO/IEC 17025)than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world. 49 Moo 4Our community of experts is passionate about technology and is Muang Rayong Districtinspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief Rayong 21140that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our Tel: (66) 3895 4111customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access global Fax: (66) 3895 4159markets and enhance their competitiveness. Email: ssongput@foRoadcomOur Competence at TÜV SÜD BITWISE (THAILAND) CO LTDWe offer four main areas of technical services: 25/12 Moo 20 Thepharak Road (Km. 12) Bang Phli District1. Testing services: Samut Prakan 10540• Consumer Product Safety Tel: (66) 2312 3995• Automotive Components and Homologation Fax: (66) 2312 3104• Electrical & Electronics Email: [email protected] Website: KEEP ABREAST WITH THE LATEST IN AUTO PARTS TESTING WITH WWW.AUTOPARTSTESTING.COM 31
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES TT OTHER TESTING IMV (THAILAND) CO LTD CG ENGINEERING LTD PART Phase 9, Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate 7/10 Moo 6 700/907 Moo 5 Sam Khok District Nhongkakha, Phanthong Pathum Thani Chon Buri 20160 12160 Thailand Tel: (66) 2516 9470 Tel: (66) 3821 2226 Fax: (66) 2516 9470 Fax: (66) 3821 2227 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: Website: DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE (DSS) Contact: (ISO/IEC 17025) Mr. Haruki Sugiyama 75/7 Rama 9 Road Test Lab Manager Ratchathewi District Mr. Adisak Buathong Bangkok Test Lab Engineer Supervisor 10400 Ms. Pornnapa Patcharakul Tel: (66) 2201 7000 Sales Engineer Fax: (66) 2201 7466 Email: [email protected] Our Business is focusing on the Vibration Test System. We also Website: have various kind of customers. The main customers are Automotive industry, Electronics ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE manufacturing, Electric appliances, and Aerospace industry. (ISO/IEC 17025) • We have the Test Laboratory which can operate Vibration test, Bangpoo industrial Estate 975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37) Temperature, Humidity, and Combination. Muang Samut Prakan District • We sell Vibration test machines. Samut Prakan • We provide Full maintenance service, including inspection and 10280 Tel: (66) 2709 4860 calibration. Fax: (66) 2324 0917 Email: [email protected] See Ad on Back Cover Website: INNOVATIVE INSTRUMENT CO LTD ENTECH ASSOCIATES LTD 6A/F PAV Building 17/121 Soi Ngamwongwan 47 Yak 48 72 Soi Ladprao 42 Ladprao Road Lak Si District Huai Khwang District Bangkok Bangkok 10210 10310 Tel: (66) 2831 6666 Tel: (66) 2938 3303 Fax: (66) 2831 6667 Fax: (66) 2938 3305 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Website: HONDA AUTOMOBILE (THAILAND) CO LTD INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES (THAILAND) LTD (HEAD OFFICE) (ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025) 49 Moo 9 1285/5 Prachachuen Road Uthai District Wongsawang Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Bangsue 13210 Bangkok Tel: (66) 3522 6635 10800 Fax: (66) 3533 0974 Thailand Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2 837 2888 Website: Fax: (66) 2 837 2889 E-mail: [email protected] DIRECTORY OF Website: THAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO AUTO PARTS TESTING SERVICES IN THAILAND.32
TESTING SERVICESTT OTHER TESTING KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG - FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGINTRO TSC CO LTD 1 Soi Chalongkrung 1 Chalongkrung Road46/155 Moo 12 Nuanchan Road Lat Krabang DistrictBueng Kum District BangkokBangkok 10230 10520Tel: (66) 2363 4417 Tel: (66) 2329 8350Fax: (66) 2363 4427 Fax: (66) 2329 8351Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: PUBLIC CO LTD KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG -(ISO/IEC 17025) INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE299 Moo 5 Sukumvit Road 1 Chalongkrung RoadMuang Rayong District Lat Krabang DistrictRayong Bangkok21000 10520Tel: (66) 3861 3571 Tel: (66) 2329 8261Fax: (66) 3889 8830 Fax: (66) 2329 8262Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: MOTORS (THAILAND) LTD KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI (KMUTT) -(ISO/IEC 17025) COMBUSTION AND ENGINES RESEARCH LABORATORY DEPARTMENT OF214 Moo 7 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGPlaeng Yao District 126 Pracha Uthit RoadChachoengsao Thung Khru District24190 BangkokTel: (66) 3857 9000 10140Fax: (66) 3857 9000 EXT 3939 Tel: (66) 2470 9123Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2470 9111Website: Email: [email protected] Website: UNIVERSITY - MATERIALS INNOVATION CENTER,FACULTY OF ENGINEERING MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING50 Ngamwongwan Road 25/25 Phutthamonthon Sai 4 RoadChatuchak District Phutthamonthon DistrictBangkok Nakhon Pathom10900 73170Tel: (66) 9 8659 9553 Tel: (66) 2889 2138Fax: (66) 2955 1811 Fax: (66) 2441 9731Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY- AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPED CENTER FOR THAI RUBER INDUSTRY,1518 Pracharat 1 Road FACULTY OF SCIENCEBang Sue District Room 2/2 Science Building 3Bangkok Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road10800 Phutthamonthon DistrictTel: (66) 2555 2000 Nakhon PathomFax: (66) 2586 9541 73170Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2441 9816Website: Fax: (66) 2441 9378 Email: [email protected] MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) - Website: www.rubbercenter.orgDEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING,FACULTY OF ENGINEERING MEGA CALIBRATION SERVICE LTD1518 Pracharat 1 Road 51/115 Hathai Rat RoadBang Sue District Min Buri DistrictBangkok Bangkok10800 10510Tel: (66) 2587 4335 Tel: (66) 2181 3115Fax: (66) 2587 4335 Fax: (66) 2181 3050Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: 33
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT OTHER TESTING PENTAIR VALVES & CONTROLS (THAILAND) LTD 88/1 Map Ya RoadMITSUBISHI MOTORS (THAILAND) CO LTD Muang Rayong District(ISO/IEC 17025) Rayong 21150199 Moo 3 Tel: (66) 3894 9800Si Racha District Fax: (66) 3894 9801Chon Buri Email: [email protected] Website: www.pentair.comTel: (66) 3849 8371Email: [email protected] POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT (ISO/IEC 17025)NATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC) 138/28 Moo 2 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road114 Phaholyothin Road Thanyaburi DistrictKlong Luang District Pathum ThaniPathum Thani 1211012120 Tel: (66) 2904 7477Tel: (66) 2564 6500 Fax: (66) 2577 5447Fax: (66) 2564 6501 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: www.pcd.go.thWebsite: PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITYNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) - 15 Kanjanavanich RoadTHAILAND SCIENCE PARK Hat Yai District Songkhla(ISO/IEC 17025) 90112111 Thailand Science Park Tel: (66) 7428 7036Paholyothin Road Fax: (66) 7428 7111Klong Luang District Email: [email protected] Thani 12120 Website: (66) 2564 7000Fax: (66) 2564 7001 PRO-APPLICATION SERVICE CO LTDEmail: [email protected] (ISO/IEC 17025)Website: 46/173 Moo 12 Nualchan Road Bueng Kum DistrictNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) - Bangkok 10230YOTHEE Tel: (66) 2363 7767(ISO/IEC 17025) Fax: (66) 2363 777073/1 Rama 6 Road Email: [email protected] District Website: www.proapplication.comBangkok10400 PTT - RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND TECHNOLOGYTel: (66) 2644 8150 (ISO/IEC 17025)Fax: (66) 2644 8027 71 Moo 2 Phaholyothin Road (Km. 8)Email: [email protected] Wang Noi DistrictWebsite: Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13170 Tel: (66) 2537 3000OGAWA ASIA LTD Fax: (66) 2537 3000 EXT 18316(ISO/IEC 17025) Email: CO LTDcomAmata Nakorn Industrial Estate700/307 Moo 6 Bangna-Trad Road (Km. 57) Q.R. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION CO LTDMuang Chon Buri District 390 Soi Yothinpattana Praditmanutham RoadChon Buri Bang Kapi District20000 Bangkok 10240Tel: (66) 3821 3411 Tel: (66) 2946 9988Fax: (66) 3821 3418 Fax: (66) 2946 6644Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: QUALITY CALIBRATION CO LTD 235 Petchkasem 63/2 Road Bang Khae District Bangkok 10160 Tel: (66) 2444 0152 Fax: (66) 2809 4584 Email: [email protected] Website: www.qcalibration.com34
TESTING SERVICESTT OTHER TESTING THAI YANG KITPAISAN CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)SGS THAILAND LTD 180/1 Moo 8 Suksawat Road(ISO/IEC 17025) Phra Pradaeng District41/23 Rama 3 Soi 59 Chong Nonsi Road Samut PrakanYan Nawa District 10130Bangkok Tel: (66) 2463 010210120 Fax: (66) 2463 5198Tel: (66) 2683 0541 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2294 7484 Website: [email protected]: THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI) (ISO/IEC 17025)SOUTHERN CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD Amata Nakorn Industial Estate53/28 Banpruthanee 3 Road 700/1 Bangna-Trad RoadHat Yai District Muang Chon Buri DistrictSongkhla Chon Buri90110 20000Tel: (66) 8 1599 0417 Tel: (66) 3821 5033Fax: (66) 7438 4990 Fax: (66) 3874 3433Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.tgi.or.thSUMMIT AUTO SEATS INDUSTRY CO LTD THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE(ISO/IEC 17025) (ISO/IEC 17025)62 Moo 12 King-Kaew Road 655 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Bang Phli District Muang Samut Prakan DistrictSamut Prakan Samut Prakan10540 10280Tel: (66) 2750 3700 Tel: (66) 2324 0710Fax: (66) 2750 0729 Fax: (66) 2323 9598Email: [email protected] Website: www.thaiauto.or.thWebsite: THAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONTHAI CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)19/8 Moo 9 Soi Wat Rai King 30 Bangpoo Industrial EstatePhutthamonthon Sai 5 Road 655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34)Sam Phran District Muang Samut Prakan DistrictNakhon Pathom Samut Prakan73210 10280Tel: (66) 3439 7682 Tel: (66) 2324 0710Fax: (66) 3439 7687 Fax: (66) 2324 0720Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.thaiauto.or.thTHAI INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - LABORATORY ACCREDITATION GROUP 1 THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCHNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION COUNCIL OF THAILAND OFFICE INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTREOF THE NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NSC-ONAC) (ISO/IEC 17025)(ISO/IEC 17025) Soi Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1Rama 6 Road Sukhumvit Road (Old)Ratchathewi District Muang Samut Prakan DistrictBangkok Samut Prakan 1028010400 Tel: (66) 2323 1672Tel: (66) 2354 3042 Fax: (66) 2323 1900Fax: (66) 2354 3045 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: www.tistr.or.thWebsite: THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTDTHAI STANDARD CALIBRATION CO LTD (ISO/IEC 17025)43/802 Moo 4 Phaholyothin Road 202 Moo 3Bang Khen District Si Racha DistrictBangkok 10220 Chon Buri 20230Tel: (66) 2930 7331 Tel: (66) 3849 0760Fax: (66) 2971 2701 Fax: (66) 3849 0768Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: 35
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT OTHER TESTING TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD 1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Tel: (65) 6778 777799 Moo 18 Phaholyothin Road Fax: (65) 6779 7088Klong Luang District E-mail: [email protected] Thani Website: www.tuv-sud-psb.sg12120Tel: (66) 2564 3001 Executives:Fax: (66) 2564 3010 Mr. Chatvithai TantrapornWebsite: General ManagerTIRA THAI CO LTD YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001Bangpoo Industrial Estate516/1 Moo 4 Sukhumvit Road CAPITAL 75,172,000 THBMuang Samut Prakan DistrictSamut Prakan 10280 BUSINESS SECTORTel: (66) 2709 4499 Testing / Auditing / Industry Service / International ComplianceFax: (66) 2709 4499 EXT 705 ManagementEmail: [email protected]: Background TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisationsTOYOTA MOTOR THAILAND CO LTD with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,(ISO/IEC 17025) Germany.99 Moo 2Ban Pho District TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourChachoengsao 24140 customers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the coreTel: (66) 3812 2000 philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customersFax: (66) 3812 2205 with early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainableEmail: [email protected] progress a reality.Website: Today, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across moreTÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTD than 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world.(ISO/IEC 17025) Our community of experts is passionate about technology and isGlobal Technology Assessment Center Bangkok inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the beliefLadkrabang Industrial Estate that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our123/1, 1-2/F Soi Chalongkrung 31 customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalLamplatew Ladkrabang markets and enhance their competitiveness.Bangkok 10520Tel: (66) 2326 1333 Our Competence at TÜV SÜDFax: (66) 2326 1334 to 5 We offer four main areas of technical services:E-mail: [email protected]: 1. Testing services: • Consumer Product SafetyTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Automotive Components and Homologation • Electrical & ElectronicsThailand Science Park • Food & Biocompatibility111 Moo 9 Paholyothin Road • Mechanical & BuildingKlong Nueng, Klong Luang • Telecoms & EMCPathumthani 12120Thailand 2. Auditing ServiceTel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • ISO 14001 (Environment)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 50001 (Energy)Website: • OHSAS 18001 (Safety) • IATF 16949 (Automotive) • ISO 22000 (Food) • GMP HACCP (Food) • ISO 13485 (Medical) • TL 9000 (Telecoms) • AS 9000 (Aerospace) • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management) • ISO 27001 (Information Security) • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard) • BRC (British Retail Consortium) • QMET/QMBS (Marine)36
• FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) TESTING SERVICES3. Industry Services: KEEP ABREAST WITH THE LATEST• Airport Service IN AUTO PARTS TESTING WITH• Amusement Parks WWW.AUTOPARTSTESTING.COM• Rides and Structure• Energy System/Technology• Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy Plant• Failure Analysis & Evolution4. International Compliance Management:• Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.See Ad on Page 11UBE TECHNICAL CENTRE (ASIA) CO LTD (UTCA)140/10 Moo 4Muang Rayong DistrictRayong 21000Tel: (66) 3892 8700Fax: (66) 3892 8888Email: [email protected]: ANALYST AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD(ISO/IEC 17025)3 Soi Udomsuk 41 Sukhumvit RoadPhra Khanong DistrictBangkok 10260Tel: (66) 2763 2828Fax: (66) 2763 2800Email: [email protected]: DIRECTORY OF THAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES PROVIDES A USEFUL LISTING OFAUTO PARTS TESTING SERVICES ANDOTHER RELEVANT TESTING SERVICES; AS WELL AS COMPANIES IN THE AUTO PARTS INDUSTRIES. 37
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESSUPPORTING INDUSTRIES DATA DESIGN SOLUTIONS (THAILAND) CO LTD Software Park Building 201 ACCREDITATION BODY 99/23 Cheangwattana Road Muang Nonthaburi District Nonthaburi 11120DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE, BUREAU OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION Tel: (66) 2962 7105(BLA-DSS) Fax: (66) 2962 7108(ISO/IEC 17025) Email: [email protected]/7 Rama 9 Road Website: DistrictBangkok DENSO (THAILAND) CO LTD10400 Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate 700/87 Moo 1 Bangna-Trad RoadTel: (66) 2201 7178 Phan Thong District Chon Buri 20160Fax: (66) 2201 7201 Tel: (66) 3821 4649Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 3821 4658Website: www.labthai.dss.go.thINDUS Email: [email protected] Website: INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - LABORATORY ACCREDITATION GROUP 1NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION COUNCIL OF THAILAND OFFICE OF THE DESIGN AND ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICE CENTER (DECC)NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NSC-ONAC) INC Building 1 Thailand Science Park(ISO/IEC 17025) 131 Paholyothin RoadRama 6 Road Klong Luang DistrictRatchathewi District Pathum Thani 12120Bangkok Tel: (66) 2564 631010400 Fax: (66) 2564 6312Tel: (66) 2354 3042 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2354 3045 Website: www.decc.or.thREmail: [email protected]: www.tisi.go.thT INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: ITAP NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NSTDA) 202 CAD / CAM / CAE Thailand Science Park ENGINEERING DESIGN / PROTOTYPE 111 Paholyothin Road Klong Luang DistrictAUTODESK ASIA LTD Pathum Thani 1212056/F CRC Tower All Seasons Place Tel: (66) 2564 700087/2 Wireless Road Fax: (66) 2564 7003Pathum Wan District Email: [email protected] Website: (66) 2625 3020 KINETICS COPORATION LTDFax: (66) 2625 3000 388 Ratchadapisek RoadEmail: [email protected] Chatuchak District Bangkok 10900Website: Tel: (66) 2515 8999 Fax: (66) 2515 8988BUREAU OF SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT - Email: [email protected] OF INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION Website: Soi Tree MitrRama 4 Road KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB)Klong Toei District - AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEERINGBangkok PROGRAM (ASAE)10110 1518 Pibulsongkram RoadTel: (66) 2367 8101 Bang Sue DistrictFax: (66) 2391 8925 Bangkok 10800Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2555 2000Website: Email: [email protected] Website: CO LTD662/47-48 KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD -Rama 3 Road TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSORYan Nawa District (ISO/IEC 17025)Bangkok 44/1 Moo 7 Chalongkrung Road10120 Lat Krabang DistrictTel: (66) 2293 0211 Bangkok 10520Fax: (66) 2293 0216 Tel: (66) 2326 0831Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2326 0837Website: Email: [email protected] Website: http://compressor.kulthorn.com40
SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESTT CAD / CAM / CAE / ENGINEERING DESIGN / PROTOTYPE AERONAUTICAL RADIO OF THAILAND LTD 102 Soi Ngam Duphli Rama 4 RoadNATIONAL METAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (MTEC) Sathon District114 Phaholyothin Road BangkokKlong Luang District 10120Pathum Thani 12120 Tel: (66) 2287 3531Tel: (66) 2564 6500 Fax: (66) 2287 3131Fax: (66) 2564 6501 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES (THAILAND) LTDQUALITY CALIBRATION CO LTD Unit A, D, 22/F, U Chu Liang Building235 Petchkasem 63/2 Road 968 Rama 4 RoadBang Khae District Bang Rak DistrictBangkok 10160 BangkokTel: (66) 2444 0152 10500Fax: (66) 2809 4584 Tel: (66) 2637 6363Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2632 4334Website: Email: [email protected] Website: www.agilent.comTERMINAL MACHINEWORK CO LTD49/151 Moo 12 Pradit Manutum Road ALLIANCE REFINING CO LTDBueng Kum District Map Ta Phut Industrial EstateBangkok 10230 1 I-3B RoadTel: (66) 2942 9979 Muang Rayong DistrictFax: (66) 2942 9980 RayongEmail: [email protected] 21000Website: Tel: (66) 3869 9362 Fax: (66) 3869 9923THAI CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD19/8 Moo 9 Soi Wat Rai King 30 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY SERVICES CO LTDPhutthamonthon Sai 5 Road 611/277-279 Soi Watchan NaiSam Phran District Charoenkrung RoadNakhon Pathom 73210 Bang Kho Laem DistrictTel: (66) 3439 7682 BangkokFax: (66) 3439 7687 10120Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2292 1645Website: Fax: (66) 2292 1646THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (THAILAND) CO LTD(ISO/IEC 17025) 12/F KPN Tower202 Moo 3 719 Rama 9 RoadSi Racha District Bang Kapi DistrictChon Buri 20230 BangkokTel: (66) 3849 0760 10310Fax: (66) 3849 0768 Tel: (66) 2717 0160Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2717 0165Website: Email: [email protected] Website: 203 CALIBRATION SERVICES BANGKOK POLYETHYLENE CO LTDADIYA BERLA CHEMICAL (THAILAND) CO LTD Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate3 Soi G2 Pakonsongkhrorat Road 4 I-10 RoadMuang Rayong District Rayong 21150 Muang Rayong DistrictTel: (66) 3868 7356 Rayong 21150Fax: (66) 3868 7355 Tel: (66) 2679 6363 Fax: (66) 2679 6365ADVANTAGE CENTER CO LTD59/494 Moo 6 BANGKOK SYNTHETICS CO LTDLam Luk Ka District 5 I-7 RoadPathum Thani 12130 Muang Rayong DistrictTel: (66) 2987 3248 Rayong 21150Fax: (66) 2987 3252 Tel: (66) 3868 3314Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 3868 3315Website: Email: [email protected] Website: 41
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES CALIBRATION LABORATORY CO LTD 2/10-11, 55 Soi Prasert Manukit 29 Yak 4BOON CHAROEN TOOL TRADE CO LTD Prasert Manukit Road147/55 Moo 1 Lat Phrao DistrictPak Kret District Bangkok 10230Nonthaburi 11120 Tel: (66) 2578 0353Tel: (66) 8 6403 1781 Fax: (66) 2578 2672Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: ELASTOMERS CO LTD CALIBRATION MANAGEMENT CO LTD5/1 I-7 Road 48/212 Centerplace BuildingMuang Rayong District Ramkhamhaeng RoadRayong 21150 Saphan Sung DistrictTel: (66) 3868 3314 BangkokFax: (66) 3868 3315 10240Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2372 2268Website: Fax: (66) 2372 2269 Email: [email protected] UNIVERSITY - CALIBRATION CENTER FOR INDUSTRY Website: Beach RoadMuang Chon Buri District CARNOMATALBOX (THAILAND) CO LTDChon Buri 20131 129 Moo 1Tel: (66) 3839 3913 Hat Yai DistrictFax: (66) 3839 3915 Songkhla 90110Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 7433 5404Website: Fax: (66) 7433 3015CAIRNHILL METROLOGY (THAI) CO LTD CENTRAL BUREAU OF WEIGHTS & MEASURE -14/F Jasmine International Tower DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL TRADE200 Pak Kret District 563 Muang Nonthaburi DistrictNonthaburi 11120 Nonthaburi 11000Tel: (66) 2582 2888 Tel: (66) 2547 4362Fax: (66) 2582 7777 Fax: (66) 2547 4342Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.cbwmthai.orgCAL LAB METROLOGY CO LTD CONEX STORE CO LTD263 Soi Panjamit 5 Ladprao 94 Road 102/257 Moo 7Wang Thonglang District Bang Phli YaiBangkok 10310 Bang Phli DistrictTel: (66) 2559 2804 Samut Prakan 10540Fax: (66) 2539 8363 Tel: (66) 2316 4837 Fax: (66) 2316 4836CAL-COM ELECTRONIC (THAILAND) Email: [email protected] Moo 8 Sethakij Road Website: Baen DistrictSamut Sakhon 74110 DENSO (THAILAND) CO LTDTel: (66) 3447 2000 Amata Nakorn Industrial EstateFax: (66) 3484 9361 700/87 Moo 1 Bangna-Trad RoadEmail: [email protected] Phan Thong District Chon BuriCALIBRATECH CO LTD 201607/106-7 Moo 2 Sukhaprachasan 3 Road Tel: (66) 3821 4649Pak Kret District Fax: (66) 3821 4658Nonthaburi 11120 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2964 6211 Website: (66) 2964 5155Email: [email protected] DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE SERVICE 75/7 Rama 6 RoadCALIBRATION CENTER - CHAMID ELERECTRONIC (THAILAND) CO LTD Ratchathewi District63 Rama 9 Road Bangkok 10400Huai Khwang District Tel: (66) 2201 7000Bangkok 10800 Fax: (66) 2201 7466Tel: (66) 2643 1330 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2643 1340 Website: www.dss.go.th42
SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES FORTH CALIBRATION AND SERVICE CO LTD 305/47 Soi Ram Inthra 123 Ram Inthra RoadEASTERN ENERGY SERVICE (THAILAND) CO LTD Min Buri DistrictFree One Village Bangkok 1051016 Moo 8 Seri Thai 2 Road Tel: (66) 2948 6668Suan Luang District Fax: (66) 2517 6674Bangkok Website: www.forthcal.com10250Tel: (66) 2314 4665 FUJIKURA ELECTRONIC (THAILAND) CO LTDFax: (66) 2318 5641 Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate 101/2 Moo 20EASTERN THAI CONSULTING 1992 CO LTD Klong Luang District683 Moo 11 Sukhapibarn 8 Road Pathum Thani 12120Si Racha District Tel: (66) 2529 3523Chon Buri Fax: (66) 2529 060620280 Email: [email protected]: (66) 3848 1197 Website: (66) 2848 2095Email: [email protected] G.I. INDUSTRY CO LTDWebsite: 700/25-34 Phaholyothin Road Phaya Thai District Bangkok 10400ECO PLANT SERVICE CO LTD Tel: (66) 2615 49991 Cement Thai Road Fax: (66) 2615 4644Bang Sue District Email: [email protected] 10800 Website: www.giindustry.comTel: (66) 2586 5792Fax: (66) 2586 5791 GLOBAL UTILITY SERVICE CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 49/19 Moo 5 Sukhumvit RoadWebsite: Si Racha District Chon Buri 20110EKARAT ENGINEER CO LTD Tel: (66) 2658 6299190/1 Moo 6 Fax: (66) 2658 6293Bang Pakong DistrictChachoengsao 24130 GOOD VIEW PRODUCTS CO LTDTel: (66) 3853 0211 13 Soi Thungsetthi Yak 22Fax: (66) 3853 1505 Prawet District Bangkok 10250Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2740 9991Website: Fax: (66) 2740 9309 Email: [email protected] AND ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Website: www.homeimagethailand.comBangpoo industrial Estate975 Moo 4 Soi 8 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 37) H.C. STARCK CO LTDMuang Samut Prakan District Map Ta Phut Industrial EstateSamut Prakan 10280 5 I-3A RoadTel: (66) 2709 4860 Muang Rayong DistrictFax: (66) 2324 0917 Rayong 21150Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 3868 3077Website: Fax: (66) 3868 3044 Email: [email protected] GENERATING AUTHORITY OF THAILAND53 Moo 2 Charansnitwong Road HITACHI CONSUMER SERVICE CO LTDBang Kruai District 274 Moo 9 Sukhumvit RoadNonthaburi 11130 Muang Samut Prakan DistrictTel: (66) 2436 2230 Samut Prakan 10270Fax: (66) 2436 2290 Tel: (66) 2384 4834Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2757 8350Website: Website: ASSOCIATES LTD HI-TECH CALIBRATION CENTER CO LTD17/121 Soi Ngamwongwan 47 Yak 48 99 Moo 5 Sai Asia RoadLak Si District Bang Pa-In DistrictBangkok 10210 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 13160Tel: (66) 2831 6666 Tel: (66) 3535 0137Fax: (66) 2831 6667 Fax: (66) 3535 1716Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: 43
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES KING MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THONBURI (KMUTT) - CENTER OF INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATIONINTERNATIONAL LABORATORY CO LTD 91 Moo 1 Suk Sawat 48 Road62 Moo 8 Soi Watsritaweenoy Thung Khru DistrictBangna-Trad Road (Km. 17.5) BangkokBang Phli District 10140Samut Prakan 10540 Tel: (66) 2872 5281Tel: (66) 2346 8221 Fax: (66) 2372 5283Fax: (66) 2346 8247 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC CO LTD -INTRO INTERPRICE CO LTD TESTING LABORATORY MOTOR COMPRESSOR32/92 Moo 8 44/1 Moo 7 Chalong Krung RoadBueng Kum District Lat Krabang DistrictBangkok 10230 BangkokTel: (66) 2946 1732 10520Fax: (66) 2946 1738 Tel: (66) 2326 0831 Fax: (66) 2326 0837ISOCAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Email: [email protected]/33 Moo 3 Seri Thai Road Website: http://compressor.kulthorn.comKhan Na Yao DistrictBangkok 10230 LAUNCHTECH (THAILAND) CO LTDTel: (66) 2906 3040 289/14 Moo 13 Soi King Kaeo 25/1Fax: (66) 2906 0448 King Kaew RoadEmail: [email protected] Muang Samut Prakan District Samut Prakan 10540ISOTECH INSTRUMENT (THAILAND) CO LTD Tel: (66) 2186 8930258/13 Soi Suanpak Fax: (66) 2186 8932Suanpak Road Email: [email protected] Chan District Website: www.launchthai.comBangkok 10170Tel: (66) 2884 4398 LEONIC CO LTDFax: (66) 2884 5203 113 Moo 5 Bangna-Trad Road Bang Pakong DistrictKANG YONG ELECTRIC CO LTD Chachoengsao 2413067 Moo 11 Bangna-Trad Road (Km. 20) Tel: (66) 3857 0503Bang Phli District Fax: (66) 3857 0512Samut Prakan 10540 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2337 2900 Website: www.leonics.comFax: (66) 2337 2954 LOHAKIT RUNGCHAROENSUB CO LTDKANIT ENGINEERING CO LTD 5/6 Moo 3 Rama 2 Road800/3-4 Asoke-Dindang Road Muang Samut Sakhon DistrictDin Daeng District Bangkok 10400 Samut Sakhon 74000Tel: (66) 2245 4451 Tel: (66) 3482 2833Fax: (66) 2246 5214 Fax: (66) 3482 2841Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: COPORATION LTD MARSKE MACHINE (THAILAND) CO LTD388 Ratchadapisek Road 2/58 Highway 3191 RoadChatuchak District Bangkok 10900 Muang Rayong DistrictTel: (66) 2515 8999 Rayong 21150Fax: (66) 2515 8988 Tel: (66) 3868 2992Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 3868 2988Website: Email: [email protected] MONGKUT’S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK (KMUTNB) MEASURETRONIX LTD1518 Pibulsongkram Road 2425/2 Ladprao RoadBang Sue District Wang Thonglang DistrictBangkok 10800 Bangkok 10310Tel: (66) 2913 2500 Tel: (66) 2514 1000Fax: (66) 2587 1790 Fax: (66) 2514 0001Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.measuretronix.com44
TT CALIBRATION SERVICES SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESMETROHM SIAM LTD N.M. TECHNICALCENTER CO LTD33/F S.M. Tower 12 Soi Luanjau-anusorn 2 Sukhumvit Road979/111-115 Phaholyothin Road Bang Na District Bangkok 10260Phaya Thai District Tel: (66) 2745 1600Bangkok Fax: (66) 2745 280110400 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2298 0864 Website: (66) 2298 0865Email: [email protected] NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY (THAILAND)Website: 3/4-5 Moo 3 Klong Luang DistrictMETROLOGY CENTER NORTH (CHIANG MAI) Pathum Thani 12120257 Moo 1 Tel: (66) 2577 5100San Pa Tong District Fax: (66) 2577 5088Chiang Mai 50120 Email: [email protected]: (66) 5383 6060 Website: www.nimt.or.thFax: (66) 2583 6059Email: [email protected] NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL PUBLIC CO LTD - TESTING LABORATORYWebsite: Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate 9 I-1 RoadMETROLOGY TECHNICAL CO LTD Muang Rayong District Rayong 211507/150 Moo 14 Bangna-Trad Road Tel: (66) 3868 3388Bang Phli District Fax: (66) 3868 3800 EXT 2719Samut Prakan 10540 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2316 3362Fax: (66) 2316 4390 NEC CORORATION (THAILAND) CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 75/107 Moo 11 Phaholyothin Road Klong Luang DistrictMETTLER-TOLEDO (THAILAND) CO LTD Pathum Thani 121201/F A3 Building Tel: (66) 2529 2460272 Soi Sunwichai 4 Rama 9 Road Fax: (66) 2529 2466Huai Khwang District Email: [email protected] 10320 Website: (66) 2723 0300Fax: (66) 2719 6479 NITRATETHAI CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 140/7 Moo 4 Sukhumvit RoadWebsite: Muang Rayong District Rayong 21000 Tel: (66) 3866 4724MINGDENG METROLOGY SERVIVE (THAILAND) CO LTD Fax: (66) 3866 4729170/438 Moo 3 Seri Thai RoadKhan Na Yao District P.K. PROGRESSIVE SERVICE CO LTDBangkok 10230 52, 54 Nawamin 74 RoadTel: (66) 2540 3815 Khan Na Yao DistrictFax: (66) 2517 5827 Bangkok 10230Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2947 7010Website: Fax: (66) 2510 4212 Email: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Website: Bangwaek RoadBang Khae District P.S.B TEST (THAILAND) CO LTDBangkok 10160 111 Moo 9 Phaholyothin RoadTel: (66) 2865 4647 Klong Luang DistrictFax: (66) 2865 4649 Pathum Thani 12120Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2564 8041Website: Fax: (66) 2564 8042 Email: [email protected] TOYO (THAILAND) CO LTD Website: www.psbtest.com688/3 Moo 7 Chaengwattana RoadBang Khen District PERFORMANCE TEAM CO LTDBangkok 10220 6/76-77 Moo 4 345 RoadTel: (66) 2521 3160 Bang Bua Thong DistrictFax: (66) 2521 6136 Nonthaburi 11110Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 2925 4897Website: Fax: (66) 2925 4898 Email: [email protected] Website: 45
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES QUALITY CALIBRATION CO LTD 235 Petchkasem 63/2 RoadPIONEER MANUFACTURING (THAILAND) CO LTD Bang Khae DistrictRojana Industrial Park Bangkok1/31 Moo 5 10160Uthai District Tel: (66) 2444 0152Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Fax: (66) 2809 458413210 Email: [email protected]: (66) 3522 6160 Website: www.qcalibration.comFax: (66) 3522 7230Email: [email protected] RAJAMANGALA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - CALIBRATION CENTER AND MAINTENANCE BUSINESSPOONSUBCAN CO LTD 39 Moo 1 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road49 Moo 3 Rama 2 Road (Km. 34.5) Thanyaburi DistrictMuang Samut Sakhon District Pathum ThaniSamut Sakhon 1211074000 Tel: (66) 2549 3090Tel: (66) 3446 2585 Fax: (66) 2549 3089Fax: (66) 3446 2584 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: RAYONG OLAFIN CO LTDPRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY - CALIBRATION CENTER FOR INDUSTRY 271 Sukhumvit Road15 Kanjanavanich Road Muang Rayong DistrictHat Yai District Rayong 21150Songkhla Tel: (66) 3891 148190110 Fax: (66) 3891 1489Tel: (66) 7421 3008 Email: [email protected]: (66) 7421 3008Website: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGYPRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURING CO LTD 50 Phaholyothin Road4/1/1273 Vichienchodok Road Chatuchak DistrictMuang Samut Sakhon District BangkokSamut Sakhon 74000 10900Tel: (66) 3442 8009 Tel: (66) 2942 8567Fax: (66) 3442 8013 Fax: (66) 2940 5414Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: CALIBRATION & SERVICES CO LTD ROCKERTEK (THAILAND) CO LTD50/333 Moo 2 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road 781/57 Pracharatbumpen RoadThanyaburi District Huai Khwang DistrictPathum Thani 12130 Bangkok 10320Tel: (66) 2569 5158 Tel: (66) 2690 5500Fax: (66) 2990 9235 Fax: (66) 2690 5509Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website: www.rockertek.comPSV HI-TECH CENTER CO LTD ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE - METROLOGY DIVISION,23 Nonthaburi Road DIRECTORATE OF COMMUNICATION AND ELECTRONICSMuang Nonthaburi District Don Muang DistrictNonthaburi 11000 Bangkok 10210Tel: (66) 2968 1549 Tel: (66) 2534 4472Fax: (66) 2525 0517 Fax: (66) 2534 4472Email: [email protected] Website: www.comm.rtaf.mi.thWebsite: S ADVANCE TECH LTD PARTQ.R. SERVICE AND CALIBRATION CO LTD 49/7-10 Moo 6390 Soi Yothinpattana Avoid Muang Nonthaburi RoadPraditmanutham Road Muang Nonthaburi DistrictBang Kapi District Nonthaburi 11000Bangkok 10240 Tel: (66) 2525 4125Tel: (66) 2946 9988 Fax: (66) 2525 4129Fax: (66) 2946 6644 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: www.sadvance.com46
TT CALIBRATION SERVICES SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESS.C.I. ECO SERVICES CO LTD SIAM MITSUI PTA CO LTD1 Cement Thai Road Eastern Industrial EstateBang Sue District 8 Soi G2 Prakorn Songkroraj RoadBangkok 10800 Muang Rayong District Rayong 21150Tel: (66) 2586 5792 Tel: (66) 3868 5100Fax: (66) 2586 5791 Fax: (66) 3868 5100 EXT 409Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: SIEMENS CO LTDS.P.S CONSULTING SERVICES LTD 79/38 Soi Pookmit Srinakarin Road20 Phahon Yothin Soi 24 Prawet DistrictPhaholyothin Road Bangkok 10260Chatuchak District Tel: (66) 2366 0951Bangkok 10900 Fax: (66) 2747 1223Tel: (66) 2939 4370 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2513 4221Email: [email protected] SOUTHERN CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD 53/28 Banpruthanee 3 RoadSANGCHAI METER CO LTD Hat Yai District888 Phaholyothin Road Songkhla 90110Phaya Thai District Tel: (66) 8 1599 0417Bangkok 10400 Fax: (66) 7438 4990Tel: (66) 2616 8031 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2616 8065 EXT 5501 Website: www.scal-lab.comEmail: [email protected]: SRIRUNGREANG MACHINE & TOOL CO LTD 888 Moo 4 By-Pass Chon Buri RoadSIAM CITY CEMENT - TESTING LABORATORY Muang Chon Buri District99 Moo 9 Friendship Highway Road Chon Buri 20000Kaeng Khoi District Tel: (66) 3874 3417Saraburi 18260 Fax: (66) 3874 3422Tel: (66) 2272 5555Fax: (66) 3635 7215 STEEL INSTITUTE OF THAILAND - TESTING LABORATORY 5/F Bureau of Supporting Industries DevelopmentSIAM DRAFT INDUSTRY CO LTD Soi Trimitr Rama 9 Road19 Moo 19 Sangchuto Road Klong Toei DistrictBan Pong District Bangkok 10110Ratchaburi 70110 Tel: (66) 2713 6290Tel: (66) 3237 1371 Fax: (66) 2713 6293Fax: (66) 3237 1415 Email: [email protected] Website: www.isit.or.thSIAM INDUSTRIAL WIRE CO LTD160 Moo 11 SUAN DUSIT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY - THE ENVIRONMENT CENTERBan Khai District 295 Ratchasima RoadRayong 21120 Dusit DistrictTel: (66) 3889 2333 Bangkok 10300Fax: (66) 3889 2071 Tel: (66) 2423 9407Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2241 8373Website: Email: [email protected] Website: LEADER TECH CO LTD5/548 Moo 11 Petchkasem Road SUMMIT R&D CENTER CO LTDKrathum Baen District 32-33 Moo 17 Bangna-Trad RoadSamut Sakhon 74130 Bang Bo DistrictTel: (66) 2812 1937 Samut Prakan 10540Fax: (66) 2812 0560 Tel: (66) 2338 6000Email: [email protected] Fax: (66) 2316 2454 EXT 15 Email: [email protected] MEDICAL MANAGEMENT CO LTD Website: www.summitautogroup.com32/113 Moo 8Bueng Kum District SUNYO UNIVERSAL CO LTDBangkok 10230 440 Moo 1 Chachoengsao-Nakhon Ratchasima RoadTel: (66) 2946 3550 Kabin Buri DistrictFax: (66) 2946 3553 Prachin Buri 25110 Tel: (66) 3720 4156 Email: [email protected] 47
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES THAI OLEFINS CO LTD Map Ta Phut Industrial EstateTECH QUALITY CO LTD 9 Muang Rayong District2/13 Sukapiban 2 Road Rayong 21150Prawet District Tel: (66) 3892 5472Bangkok Fax: (66) 3892 548110250 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2328 6878 Website: (66) 2328 6818Email: [email protected] THAI POLYETHYLENE CO LTDWebsite: Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate 10 I-1 RoadTECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTS CO LTD Muang Rayong District549/9 On Nuch Road RayongPrawet District 21150Bangkok Tel: (66) 3868 339310250 Fax: (66) 3868 3393 EXT 2406Tel: (66) 2743 8888 Email: [email protected]: (66) 2743 8880Email: [email protected] THAI POLYMER SUPPLY CO LTDWebsite: 406 Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor) Road Wattana DistrictTHAI AIRWAYS INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC CO LTD Bangkok171 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road 10110Don Muang District Tel: (66) 2750 4852Bangkok 10900 Fax: (66) 2312 1781Tel: (66) 2563 8320 Website: (66) 2563 9183 THAI STANDARD CALIBRATION CO LTDTHAI CALIBRATION SERVICE CO LTD 43/802 Moo 4 Phaholyothin Road19/8 Moo 9 Soi Wat Rai King 30 Bang Khen DistrictPhutthamonthon Sai 5 Road BangkokSam Phran District 10220Nakhon Pathom 73210 Tel: (66) 2930 7331Tel: (66) 3439 7682 Fax: (66) 2971 2701Fax: (66) 3439 7687 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Website: www.calibration2003.comWebsite: THAI STEEL CABLE CO LTDTHAI CARBON BLACK PUBLIC CO LTD 700/737 Moo 144 Moo 1 Ayutthaya-Ang Thong Road Phan Thong DistrictMuang Ang Thong District Chon BuriAng Thong 14000 20160Tel: (66) 3561 1631 Tel: (66) 3844 7200Fax: (66) 3561 1316 Fax: (66) 3844 7259Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.thaisteelcable.comTHAI ENGINEERING MATTERIAL ANALYSIS CO LTD588/34-35 Soi 31 Rama 9 Road THAI T.R.C. CO LTDRatchathewi District 87/9 Moo 2 Sukhapibarn 7 RoadBangkok 10400 Si Racha DistrictTel: (66) 2216 9660 Chon BuriFax: (66) 2215 6431 20230Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 3849 0220Website: Fax: (66) 3849 3694 Email: [email protected] MACH SALES & SERVICE CO LTD Website: www.thaicrt.com1/F Bangna Thani Building119/3 Moo 8 Bangna-Trad Road (Km. 3) THAI YANG KITPAISAN CO LTDBang Na District 180/1 Moo 8 Suk Sawat RoadBangkok Phra Pradaeng District10260 Samut Prakan 10130Tel: (66) 2361 3905 Tel: (66) 2463 0102Fax: (66) 2746 9607 Fax: (66) 2463 5198Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Website:
SUPPORTING INDUSTRIESTT CALIBRATION SERVICES THAISUMMIT HARNESS PUBLIC CO LTD 202 Moo 3THAI-GERMAN INSTITUTE (TGI) Si Racha DistrictAmata Nakorn Industial Estate Chon Buri 20230700/1 Bangna-Trad Road Tel: (66) 3849 0760Muang Chon Buri District Fax: (66) 3849 0768Chon Buri Email: [email protected] Website: (66) 3821 5033Fax: (66) 3874 3433 THERMOLOGY CO LTDEmail: [email protected] 206/208 Moo 1 Bangkruay-Sainoi RoadWebsite: Bang Bua Thong District NonthaburiTHAILAND AUTOMOTIVE INSTITUTE - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 11110Bangpoo Industrial Estate Tel: (66) 2191 6479655 Moo 2 Soi 1 Fax: (66) 2191 6480Sukhumvit Road (Km. 34) Email: [email protected] Samut Prakan District Website: Prakan10280 TOT INNOVATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTTel: (66) 2324 0710 65 Pathumsamphun RoadFax: (66) 2324 0720 Muang Pathum Thani DistrictEmail: [email protected] Pathum ThaniWebsite: 12000 Tel: (66) 2593 8100THAILAND INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH - Fax: (66) 2581 2025INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY AND TESTING SERVICE CENTRE Email: [email protected] Bangpoo Industrial Estate 1 Website: http://totinnovate.comSukhumvit Road (Old)Muang Samut Prakan District TOYOTA MOTOR THAILAND CO LTDSamut Prakan 99 Moo 210280 Ban Pho DistrictTel: (66) 2323 1672 ChachoengsaoFax: (66) 2323 1900 24140Email: [email protected] Tel: (66) 3812 2000Website: Fax: (66) 3812 2205 Email: [email protected] INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH - Website: PROPERTIES ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE35 Moo 3 TÜV RHEINLAND THAILAND LTDKlong Luang District (ISO/IEC 17025)Pathum Thani Global Technology Assessment Center Bangkok12120 Ladkrabang Industrial EstateTel: (66) 2577 9265 123/1, 1-2/F Soi Chalongkrung 31Fax: (66) 2577 4160 Lamplatew LadkrabangEmail: [email protected] BangkokWebsite: 10520 ThailandTHAINOX STEEL PUBLIC CO LTD Tel: (66) 2326 1333324 Moo 8 Fax: (66) 2326 1334 to 5Highway No.3191 Road E-mail: [email protected] Rayong District Website: FOR ADVERTISINGTel: (66) 3863 6125 IN THE DIRECTORY OF THAILANDFax: (66) 3863 6076Email: [email protected] AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICES,THAIOIL PUBLIC CO LTD CALL GREEN WORLD PUBLICATION CO LTD42/1 Moo 1 Sukhumvit Road (Km. 124)Si Racha District AT (66) 2731 1191Chon Buri20230Tel: (66) 3840 8500Fax: (66) 3835 1554Email: [email protected] 49
DIRECTORY OFTHAILAND AUTO PARTS TESTING & TESTING EQUIPMENT SERVICESTÜV SÜD (THAILAND) LIMITED • Food & Biocompatibility • Mechanical & BuildingThailand Science Park • Telecoms & EMC111 Moo 9 Paholyothin RoadKlong Nueng, Klong Luang 2. Auditing ServicePathumthani 12120 • ISO 9001 (Quality)Thailand • ISO 14001 (Environment)Tel: (66) 2564 8041 • ISO 50001 (Energy)Fax: (66) 2564 8042 • OHSAS 18001 (Safety)E-mail: [email protected] • IATF 16949 (Automotive)Website: • ISO 22000 (Food) • GMP HACCP (Food)TÜV SÜD PSB PTE LTD • ISO 13485 (Medical)1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221 • TL 9000 (Telecoms)Tel: (65) 6778 7777 • AS 9000 (Aerospace)Fax: (65) 6779 7088 • ISO 20001 (IT Service Management)E-mail: [email protected] • ISO 27001 (Information Security)Website: • SA 8000 (Social Compliance) • IFS (International Food Standard)Executives: • BRC (British Retail Consortium)Mr. Chatvithai Tantraporn • QMET/QMBS (Marine) General Manager • FSSC (Food Safety System Certification)YEAR ESTABLISHED 2001 3. Industry Services: • Airport ServiceCAPITAL 75,172,000 THB • Amusement Parks • Rides and StructureBUSINESS SECTOR • Energy System/TechnologyTesting / Auditing / Industry Service / International Compliance • Life/Escalators and Hois Wind Energy PlantManagement • Failure Analysis & EvolutionBackground 4. International Compliance Management:TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organisations • Regulatory Approvals for Global Market Access (ASEAN, Japan,with more than 150 years of history and headquartered in Munich,Germany. Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Australia/New Zealand, Africa (South Africa), etc.TÜV SÜD is dedicated to adding tangible economic value to ourcustomers. That is why “Choose certainty. Add value.” is the core See Ad on Page 11philosophy behind everything that we do. We partner our customerswith early consultation and continuous guidance to make sustainable U.I. ELECTRONICAL (THAILAND) CO LTDprogress a reality. 14/F Home Place Building 283/66 Soi Thonglor Sukhumvit 55 RoadToday, we are represented by about 24,000 employees across more Wattana Districtthan 850 locations, partnering clients wherever they are in the world. BangkokOur community of experts is passionate about technology and is 10110inspired by the possibilities of your business. United by the belief Tel: (66) 2712 7290that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our Fax: (66) 2712 7292customers to optimise their operations, enable them to access globalmarkets and enhance their competitiveness. UBON RATCHATHANI RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF SCIENCE Muang Ubon Ratchathani DistrictOur Competence at TÜV SÜD Ubon RatchathaniWe offer four main areas of technical services: 34000 Tel: (66) 4535 20001. Testing services: Fax: (66) 4531 1472• Consumer Product Safety Website:• Automotive Components and Homologation• Electrical & Electronics UNITHAI GROUP CO LTD 301/55 Soi Preedeephanomyong 42 Sukhumvit 71 Road Wattana District Bangkok 10110 Tel: (66) 2713 0375 Fax: (66) 2713 0377 Email: [email protected] Website: