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ISJS Planning

Published by International School for Jain Studies, 2018-09-13 07:24:59

Description: Unique Project to Spread Academic Studies & Scholarship of Jainism Globally


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INTERNATIONA vfgalk ijeks èkeZ:JAIN STUDIES NON-VIOLENCE IS THE SUPREME SPIRITUAL VALUE International School for Jain Studies (ISJS)Unique Project to Spread Academic Studies & Scholarship of Jainism Globally Planning Continuity and Sustainable Growth of ISJS 2019 - 2023 PROPOSALTo make International School for Jain Studies as an accreditedresearch institute / college for Jain studies in a phased manner. L SCHOOL FOR SELF STUDY IS THE SUPREME AUSTERITY International School for Jain Studies D-28, Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi – 110 017, INDIA Email: [email protected] Website:

: NONVIOLENCE IS THE SUPREME SPIRITUAL VALUE International School for Jain Studies (ISJS) Unique Project to Spread Academic Studies & Scholarship of Jainism Globally Planning Continuity and Sustainable Growth of ISJS 2019-2023 PROPOSALTo make International School for Jain Studies as an accreditedresearch institute / college for Jain studies in a phased manner. International School for Jain Studies D-28, Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi – 110017 Email: [email protected] Website:

CONTENTPlanning Continuity and Sustainable Growth of ISJS 22019-2023, Preamble 3CredentialsStatus of ISJS today 4Alternate Planning Scenarios Analyzed 5Proposal for Continuity and Sustainable Growth & 9Phase Implementation 10Proposed relation with affiliate/branch if set up in 11Ahmedabad & Jaipur 13 14Attachments 16 ISJS Trust 17 Academic Council – ISJS, India 18 Academic Council – ISJS, USA & Overseas 19 JAINA, USA Citation 20 No. of overseas participants who attended ISSJS 21 ISSJS at Mahidol University, Bangkok Seminars and Workshops Organized Books Published Journal Published, Paper Presented, Funded Research Projects executed Spread in North America

PLANNING CONTINUITY AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH OF ISJS 2019-2023VISION & MISSIONTo make ISJS a reputed research and education institute of academic studies of Jainism andits relevance to today’s world by Providing comprehensive scholarly and experiential introduction to Jainism primarily and Indic religion/culture in general that is accredited and applicable to academic studies in international universities, North America in particular. Experimentation, research and education on application of 3As i.e. Ahimsa, Anekant and Aparigraha to enhance learning in schools, and resolution of social and cultural issues like terrorism, social harmony, management and administration, environment pollution, crime, health and religious fanaticism etc. Undertaking research and educational activities in enhancing the general wellness of Jains in particular and India general. Contribute in the enhancement of a feeling of pride in being a Jain or follower of Jainism. Using latest technologies and knowledge in its activities for cost effective functioning.PREAMBLEISJS was established in 2005 as a registered ‘not for profit trust’ to promote academic studiesof Jainism in the universities of North America primarily and the world at large. The modelfor achieving this objective was to provide experiential and academic exposure of Jainism touniversity scholars by bringing them to India during summer annually. It implied providingnon-sectarian, high standard academic exposures in the morning, group discussions in theafternoons and participation in rituals, meeting Jain saints and householders, visiting templesand pilgrimage places and finally living in Jain dharmashalas. So far 14 such annualsummer schools have been successfully completed, each being updated based on currentexperience.In 2009-2011, ISJS also conducted similar annual programs abroad at Mahidol University atBangkok. Additionally two new programs, namely application of nonviolence in schools toenhance learning (Teaching for Peace) in 2012 and Jain Yoga in 2014 were added. Besidesthese programs ISJS continuous to conduct 4-week and 6-week programs for Jain Studiesparticularly. So far 646 participants from 136 universities and 103 schools from 21 countries,primarily from USA, have attended ISSJS (International Summer School for Jain Studies)since 2005. As a result, Jain Study centres and chairs have been set up in ten additionaluniversities in USA. ISJS also has conducted over 20 national and international seminars andpublished about a dozen books on different aspects of Jainism. So far, the operations of ISJSare 90% self-financed.ISJS has 80(G) TAX exemption for its activities, FCRA approval for receiving overseasfunding for different projects, ISBN registration for publication of books and ISSN for itsquarterly online research journal on Jainism. ISJS is thankful to Shri Pawan Jain (founder) ofMangalayatan University, Aligarh for his guidance and support for affiliation with theUniversity. Page 2 of 21

CREDENTIALSFollowing details of ISJS functioning are detailed at end of this document: ISJS Trust and Management Councils (all professionals) JAINA Citations & other No. of overseas participants who attended ISSJS programs ISSJS at Mahidol University Bangkok Seminars Organized Books Published Journal Published Funded Research & Papers Presented Spread in North AmericaSTATUS OF ISJS TODAYSo far, ISJS had been focussing on improving its academic and operational activities. As aresult, demand for its services and highly qualified English speaking teachers and researchershave both increased globally. ISJS did not move fast to respond to such developments due to: Lack of finances leading to restraining its activities for the induction of more academicians & facilities, undertaking more research projects and developing more education programs. This resulted in Jain philanthropists spending colossal amounts in setting Jain chairs and lecturer-ship in different universities. Results of such experiments and the working of standalone Jain research organizations need critical review. Inability of ISJS management to chase actively fundraising campaigns due to constraints on their time. ISJS is indebted to a few Jain philanthropists like Dr. M.K. Pandya, Indore; Dr. Abhay Firodia of Shri Firodia Trust, Pune; Shri D. K. Jain of INOX, Delhi; Shri N. Sugalchand of Sugal & Damani, Chennai and Shri Rajiv Jain of Ranee Polymers Ltd., Delhi for their continued financial support over the years. ISJS founder and colleagues are aging and need to handover the reigns to other similar persons in a structured manner. So far, no succession planning and its implementation has taken place. Page 3 of 21

ALTERNATE PLANNING SCENARIOS ANALYZEDNow after International Summer School for Jain Studies (ISSJS.2018), there is a resonance inJain community in India and abroad (USA particularly) to take serious steps so that the vastlysuccessful and pioneering efforts (of creating ISJS) can enhance its reach, ensure itscontinuity for longer time and support the large number of Jain chairs being set up inuniversities of USA and elsewhere. Various alternative scenarios considered are as follows:1. Let ISJS run as it is: In this case it will continue to exist till its founder is available; after which it is most probably going to decay. Therefore, it needs to be handed over and transferred to some university or Jain research institute as a going operation. Unfortunately, the review of a number of leading Jain research institutes, to which we had the pleasure of managing and reviving or study show that the death of the founder (a businessman generally) inflict a death blow to the institute as well as their children were either indifferent or not interested in supporting the institute. As a result, the survival or creation of good Jain scholars also became an issue.2. Let some existing Jain research institute take it over: There are one or two such institutes that can be considered but the sectarian emphasis there may severely hamper the very purpose for which ISJS was created. ISJS did talk to two such institutes but had to retract due to such considerations.3. Induct three or more leading philanthropists in the trust as trustees/patrons who can provide some corpus funds (approx. Rs. 5 crores over a period of four years to start with). Enhance ISJS trust operations in Delhi by building it as a strong research and education institute with affiliates/branches in cities like Ahmadabad and Jaipur where significant Jain community and infrastructure is available. ISJS should continue strive to become self-financed as much as possible through its education, research and other activities. Page 4 of 21

PROPOSAL FOR CONTINUITY AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTHScenario 3 is recommended for adoption. Brief details are as follows:ISJS will be the focal agency to ensure proper functioning, financing encompassing all likelyareas of education and research of Jainism. It will also be the hub to develop new areas ofacademic research and education, technologies and co-working with leading internationaluniversities and institutes to expand the reach of its operations globally as well as promote indeveloping significant corpus of internationally acclaimed Jain scholars. ISJS is alreadyaffiliated with a university (Mangalayatan) and all ISSJS programs are accredited by thisuniversity for transfer of academic credits to overseas universities. ISJS also works veryclosely with Loyola Marymount University at California, USABased on ISJS philosophy of accountability of all investments through its operations, itshould cater to the growing needs of academic studies of Jainism and wellness of Jaincommunity globally. It is proposed to let ISJS grow in the following phased manner. Eachphase will be critically examined before embarking upon the next phase.PHASE I: 2019-2020a. To contribute to the development of all-inclusive literature on Jain philosophy, ethics, antiquity, culture and their application to resolve modern day problems. This activity will be undertaken keeping the needs of academic community, trainers and different levels of Jain community in mind.b. To develop online teaching programs to offer the same in India and overseas.c. To undertake research projects to enhance validity of important Jain principles.d. To undertake development of programs like Teaching for Peace which involve application of Jain principles for social benefit.e. To publish electronically and in book form on Jain society and its issues, contributions, antiquity and historicity, solutions to issues relevant to rapidly changing society.f. To get certification by Government agencies for ISJS as an accredited research organization, and to award Diploma and Degree to participants of its programs.g. To hire/buy a larger facility: Need to accommodate additional academic staff and facilities for library, meetings and arrange small conferences/training programs.h. To appoint a full time paid director and one more full time academic staff member.i. To develop affiliate units, like branches in Ahmadabad and Jaipur to utilize local expertize and community involvement. Such affiliates can also be independent units run by local management with strong relationship with ISJS.PHASE II: 2021-2023a. To make ISJS a self-sustaining and independent Jain research and education institute.b. To shift to a permanent building and be recognized as a centre of excellence in academic studies and research of Jainism and its relevance to today’s life.c. To be recognized as a college awarding degrees/diplomas on its own.d. To offer online courses, seminars and presentations.e. To interwork and be associated/affiliated to prestigious Indian and overseas universities for exchange programs.f. To develop a chain of schools offering studies of Jainism from class I to 12. Page 5 of 21

IMPLEMENTATION:PHASE I:A. Hire office space150-200 square meters in South Delhi Facility User Area (square meters) Director 1 20 Academic Staff 3 30 Support Staff 3 20 Library cum conference room 50 Pantry, reception, toilet, stores Total 30 150 (Carpet Area)B. Recruit additional full-time staffs  Director  1 academic staff memberC. Funding requirements I. Running expenses Rs. 3,00,000 / month Office rental: Rs. 40,000 / month Staff costs: Rs. (50,000+1,00,000+50,000) = Rs. 2,00,000 / month Running expenses: Rs. 60,000 / monthII. Inflows Rs. 1,50,000/month Interest accruals Rs. 50,000 / month Consulting and research projects Rs. 50,000 / month Education projects Rs. 50,000 / monthIII. Net additional monthly requirements (i-ii)Rs. 1,50,000 / month to be met through donations and earned by ISJS when new staff joins.IV. Affiliate operations: A budget of Rs. 1,50,000 / month will be needed for each affiliate i.e. Ahmadabad and Jaipur. Opening of branches will depend on availability of local support, both financial and manpower. These funds will be mostly raised/provided by local organization with ISJS contributing its expertize and a maximum of 25% of their operations by adjusting its staff and running costs. Page 6 of 21

PHASE II:This phase will be implemented only after attracting some Jain philanthropists or institutionsto provide funds to the tune of Rs. 30 million as corpus fund.Faculties to be developed: Agama, literature and languages; history and art; cultural andpractices; philosophy; relevance including sociology, science; research and applications.Associated academic staff: Director and six heads of faculties. One head to work as registraralso. One assistant professor/reader assigned to each faculty.Details of Facilities needed: Class Rooms: 2 to accommodate 12-15 students in each and equipped with computer assisted education facilities. Staff rooms: Director (4*4), HODs (3*3), Assistant Professors (AP) (4*4 to be shared by two), staff room, conference room. Administration block (for 4 staff members, store for supplies, utilities room), Distance education section. Laboratory for meditation, samayika and experimentation which is convertible to a conference room to seat 50-75 persons. Floor area needed (All figures in square meters): Academic staff: D (16)+ HODS (6*3*3= 54) + AP (8*4*4/2 = 64) 134 Class Rooms: 2*7*7 98 Staff Rooms: 6*6 + CR (5*6) 66 Admin block: AB(4*12)+ SR ( 5*5) UR(4*4) + DE(6*4) 113 Laboratory 6*8 48 Auditorium/conference room 10*10 100 Library 10*10 100 Subtotal 659 Super area (rest rooms, corridors, etc) app 40% 264 Grand Total = 923 sq. mtrs TOTAL Built-up Area needed: (77+923) = 1000 sq. mtrs Optional requirements (additional): Staff living quarters (Director 100 sq. meters) +6 AP (6* 70) 520Total, if residential accommodation is provided (1000 + 520) = 1520 sq. mtrs Page 7 of 21

IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING FOR PHASE IIOPTION A This option will be exercised if some existing institute provides land and some building facilities (like staff quarters and library, class rooms and dining area etc.) or some Jain philanthropist/s provide the funds needed. Existing facilities with additional rented space will be utilised till own building with following facilities is ready. Independent academic unit. Time to implement: Two years from start date.Funds Needed: Building Cost: Approx Rs.15 million (or Rs. 25 million if residential facilities also included) for building facilities plus land cost. Corpus Fund: Approx Rs.30 million for running the institute (interest bearing investment for partial funding operations) and the rest to be raised by ISJS through its research and education projects. The existing facilities being used as shown in Phase I will be vacated when new facilities are available.OPTION BUse rental facilities (shift to institutional areas preferably in Delhi or NCR region) Rental for additional hired facilities (1000 sq. mtrs.): Rs. 2.0 million per year. Staff living quarters will not be provided. Additional staff cost to be from additional corpus fund of Rs. 30 million plus ISJS accruals.Funding Requirements Details Option BI. Running expenses Rs. 4,00,000/month Office rental: Rs. 100,000/month Staff costs: Rs. (50,000+1,50,000+50,000) = Rs. 2,50,000/month Running expenses: Rs. 50,000/monthII. Inflows Rs. 3,00,000/monthInterest accruals Rs. 100,000/monthConsulting and research projects Rs. 100,000/monthEducation projects Rs. 100,000/monthNet additional monthly requirements (i-ii) Rs. 1,00,000/month to be met throughadditional donations of Rs 30 million to be raised as corpus fund. Page 8 of 21

PROPOSED RELATION WITH AFFILIATE/BRANCH IF SET UP IN AHMEDABAD & JAIPURa. H.O.  To raise finances, identify areas of activities for each branch, approve monthly budgets, both financial and performance on a monthly basis.  To offer supervision, guidance and assistance to each branch as and when needed.  To induct new technologies and areas of academic activities for itself and branches.  To identify special projects for each branch along with the funds needed.  To organize at least one national/international seminar annually.  To maintain its quarterly journal as well as momentum of publishing books.b. Branch:  To undertake research and education in the areas identified by HO and accepted by them.  To organize monthly academic lecture meetings and weekly or fortnightly meetings of experts in the chosen area of activity  To develop linkages with local universities/research institutes, scholar, and philanthropists.  To organize one seminar annually locally at national level.Notes: Main objective of ISJS will be to become foremost research institute globally and create a pool of young serious research scholars of Jainism. Every effort will be made to provide as much independence to each branch as possible subject to their areas of specialization. Each branch head will be a special invitee to the meetings of trustees. Such meetings can be via skype or rotated at different branchesManpower, facilities and budget for each affiliate/branch neededJoint Director cum Manager: 1Middle / Junior Level Academician: 1Support Staff: 1Space: 60 – 70 sq. metersMonthly budget: Rs.150,000 – 200,000 Page 9 of 21

ATTACHMENTS CREDENTIALS:ISJS TRUST:1. Dr. Shugan Chand Jain, New Delhi, India: B.E. (Delhi). M.S. (NYU), Ph.D (Ladnun) Retired IT and management consultant. Lived and travelled extensively in USA, Western Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa and India. Obtained MA and Ph.D degrees in Jainology and comparative religions with certification in Prakrat language in 2006. Dedicated to the study, teaching of Jain philosophy, history, culture and way of life since 2002. Founder, director and Chairman ISJS India.2. Mrs. Uma Jain, New Delhi, India: MA (Pol. Science). Past president of International Women's group Holland, Jain Mahila Milan, Green Park, Ladies Association Panchsheel Enclave, Now dedicated to support her husband in teaching Jain philosophy and taking up social causes like girl education, orphanages etc.3. Mr. Rajiv Jain, New Delhi, India: He is Managing Director of Ranee Polymers Ltd. who had been providing funding since the inception of the school every year.4. Mr. Sanjay Jain, New Delhi, India: He is an alumni of IIT Delhi and IIM Calcutta. Businessman5. Gp. Capt (Retd.) Vimal Jain, New Delhi, India: Retired from Indian Air Force.6. Prof. Viney Jain, Gurgaon, India: Studied Biophysics in India and Germany. Served as faculty member in several academic and research institutes in India, Germany and USA. Research interests: Radiation Biology, Bio-energetic & Oncology. Developed 2-deoxy- glucose, a glucose analog as a differential radio-modifier to improve radiotherapy of cancer. Presently interested in science and spirituality dialog for wellness, in particular research in meditation, forgiveness, non-violence and peaceful co-existence. Presently, Prof. Jain is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Yoga & Science of Living, Jain Vishva Bharti Institute, Ladnun.7. Prof. Prakash Jain, New Delhi, India: Ph.D. in Sociology from the Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Senior faculty member at the school of International studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His area of academic interest includes Indian Society and Culture, Indian Diaspora, and Jain community. Dr. Jain's many publications include Indians in South Africa, Indian Diaspora in West Asia: A Reader and Jains in India and Abroad. Page 10 of 21

ACADEMIC COUNCIL - ISJS, INDIA: Director: Prof. Kusum Jain, Jaipur: M.A. (Philosophy), Ph.D. on Human Rights from University of Ottawa, Canada. Prof of Philosophy at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (teaching since 1957); Ex-chairperson and presently Director of Center for Advanced Studies (philosophy); General Editor of The Journal of Foundational Research; University of Rajasthan Philosophy Series. Author of several articles including a book on 'Foundations of Human Rights'. She has written extensively on Jain Logic, especially on Anekantvada & Syadvada. She has guided 15 Ph.D. thesis and M.Phil dissertations, six of which are on various aspects of Jain Philosophical tradition. She is a winner of many International & National Awards. She has been invited for delivering lectures as penal speaker and chair sessions in various national and international conferences. She is Member of Board of Director of International Society for Universal Dialogue and now ICPR. Joint Director: Dr Shugan Chand Jain, Delhi: Dr. Shugan Jain was an IT consultant & Advisor to leading organizations of USA, Europe and India. He had been a consultant with Commonwealth secretariat, Government of India and World Bank for various development projects. Since 2001, devotes majority of his time to the study and practice of Jainism. He has published 10 Papers on Jain Philosophy and compiled and edited several books. Prof. Kamal Chand Sogani, Jaipur: M.A. Philosophy, B.Sc (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics, Ph.D in Jaina Philosophy Ex. Prof of Philosophy at M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan). Currently Director of Jaina Vidya Samathan (Jaipur), director of Apbhramsa Sahitya Academy (Jaipur). He is the Chairman of Prakrta Bhasa Samiti, Prakrat Academy (Jaipur). Member of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (Delhi). Has been awarded several national and international citations and recognitions in Jain philosophy. He has published 25 Books and several papers on Jainism. Dr. Anupam Jain, Indore: M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Phil (Mathematics), Ph.D (History of Mathematics). Senior Assistant Professor, Govt. Autonomous Holkar Science College, Indore. Hony. Director, Ganini Jnanmati Prakrta Sodhapitha Jambudweep, Hastinapur. Hon. Secretary and Executive Director, Kundakunda Jnanapitha. He has published 6 Books and 52 Research papers. Dr. Priyadarshana Jain, Madras: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D in Jainology, Diploma in Prakrit from Apabhramsha Sahitya Academy, Jaipur, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Jainology, University of Madras, Chennai, Course Co-ordinator for Prakrit Studies in Chennai. Prof. M.R. Gelra, Jaipur: Ph.D. in Chemistry. Emeritus Professor in Jainology and was first Vice Chancellor of Jain Vishva Bharti Institute, Ladnun, Rajasthan. Page 11 of 21

 Prof. Viney Jain, Gurgaon: A biophysicist and radiation biologist, author of more than 100 original publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He served on the faculties of the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, Delhi University, Delhi and as a visiting professor/scientist at several institutes in India, Germany, U.K., France, Netherlands and USA. Prof. Jain was elected as President of Indian Photobiology Society and Indian Society for Radiation Biology. He superannuated in 1998 from the post of Director, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi. Prof. Prakash C Jain, Delhi: Ph.D. in Sociology from the Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Senior faculty member (retd.) at the school of International studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His area of academic interest includes Indian Society and Culture, Indian Diaspora and Jain community. He has authored and edited 10 volumes including publications include Indians in South Africa, Indian Diaspora in West Asia: A Reader and Jains in India and Abroad. Prof. Kamla Jain, Delhi: Ph.D (Jain Ethics, Minor Vows Duties, Penance, Self-restraint, Forgiveness). Retd. professor Delhi University. Published many books written and translated by her. Involved in academic and social activities. Prof. R.P. Jain, Delhi: PhD (Jainism from Hamburg). Taught at Munster University Germany. Prof (retd.) JNU Delhi India. Regularly organizes talks and events on poetry and music at IIC New Delhi. Page 12 of 21

ACADEMIC COUNCIL - ISJS, USA & OVERSEAS: Prof Christopher Key Chapple, USA: Professor, Theological Studies, and Associate Academic Vice President at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angles, USA. A Distinguished scholar or Jainism, author of several books, frequent invited speaker at many Jain functions in North America & India. Active supporter of Jain causes. Chairman Prof. Padmanabh S. Jaini, USA: Prof. Jaini, is renowned amongst Indology scholars for his unique and enduring contributions in the area of Buddhist & Jain Studies. He has written large number of book and research papers in the area of Buddhist and Jain Studies. He is the author of collected papers on Jain Studies. These papers cover a wide range of topics including the Jain View of the nature of reality, the doctrine of karma, the problem of rebirth, the Idea of omniscient and the concept of salvation in Jainism. His most important work on Jainism is his world famous book \"The Jaina Path of Purification\". Recently he has retired as a Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Nitin Shah, USA: Professor of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care at Loma Linda University. He is also Chief of Surgical ICU at Long Beach VA Hospital. He is involved in research and education of residents and medical students. He has lectured around the world on Pulse Oximetry – A newly developed monitoring technology. He organizes free community health fairs in Southern California. He has held several positions in JCSC and was the President when JCSC embarked on it’s current expansion. He is the current President of Anekant Community Centre who promotes culture, supports needy people, organizes medical missions nationally and internationally. He was the co-convener of 2009 JAINA Convention that was held in Los Angeles. He has organized several international medical missions including a trip to Haiti after Earthquake with JAINA in conjunction with Actor Sean Penn. Dr. Natubhai Shah, London, UK: Dr. Natubhai Shah is a retired medical practitioner, PhD in Jain religion, an academic; visiting Professor in Jain Studies in the Faculty of Comparative Religion at Antwerp a community and interfaith leader and philanthropist; responsible for creation of the beautiful Jain temple in Leicester, UK and the author of Jainism: The World of Conquerors. He was chosen as the 'Man of the Year' by the American Biographical Institute, was awarded 'Jain Ratna' by the Prime Minister of India in 2001. Secretary General of the World Council of Jain Academies. Dr. Sarah Hadmack, USA: She is a graduate student in Religious Student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. Her special focus is in Jainism: asceticism, diasporic communities, temple worship, relationship to ecology, lay communities, promotion of education of Jainism in America, especially in college religious studies and comparative religion departments. Page 13 of 21

 Prof. Hope K. Fitz, USA: Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Connecticut State University. She is a comparative philosopher by education, teaching and research. Her PhD is in Asian and Comparative religions. Her book, Intuition: Its Nature and Uses in Human Experience, is in is second printing. She is presently writing the first of four volumes on Ahimsa: a Way of Life. She has numerous articles published in scholarly journals and anthologies. In addition, she is the Director of the Peace Human Rights Committee at her university. Prof. Anne Vallely, Canada: PhD is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests include questions of asceticism; body, gender, death, sacrifice, violence and nonviolence, as well as that of religion and nature and human-nonhuman relations. The Jaina religio-cultural tradition in India, as well as in the diaspora, has been the primary lens through which she has explored her research interests from an anthropological perspective. She has recently created a new course at the University of Ottawa in affiliation with the International Summer School for Jain Studies, entitled “India Seminar: Jainism.” It will take advanced undergraduate and graduate students to India for an intensive month-long study of the academic and lived tradition of Jainism. Prof. Jagmohan Humar, Canada: Distinguished Research Professor of Civil Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Published many technical papers and a book on Dynamics of Structures. Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. President of the Jain Society of Ottawa Carleton, Speaker at JAINA convention, Founder Director of a Women Empowerment Project in India, Trustee for the construction and operation of a unique outdoor “Samavsaran” replica in Udaipur. Prof. Pankaj Jain, USA. He is an Associate Professor in the department of Anthropology and the department of Philosophy & Religion Studies at the University of North Texas where he teaches courses on religions, cultures, ecologies, and films of India and Asia. He has published articles in journals such as Religious Studies Review, Worldviews, Religion Compass, Journal of Vaishnava Studies, Union Seminary Quarterly Review, and the Journal of Visual Anthropology. He has also contributed to the Huffington Post, Washington Post’s forum On Faith, Times of India’s Speaking Tree, and Patheos. He has received the Fulbright-Nehru Environmental Leadership Fellowship in 2012 to study the cultures and sustainability initiatives in the Himalayas. Prof. Jeffery Long, USA: PhD Discipline: Philosophy of Religion with concentrations in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Associate Professor of Religion & Asian Studies Chair, Department of Religious Studies Elizabethtown College. Visiting Scholar, Centre for Historical Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Prof. Gary Francione, USA: Gary Francione is Distinguished Professor of Law and Nicholas debt Katzenbach Scholar of Law and Philosophy at Rutgers University. He has been teaching animal rights and the law for 25 years has lectured on the topic throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. Page 14 of 21

JAINA USA CITATIONMany more such citations received for ISJS and its founding director Shugan C Jain from all over the world.Had fixed time associations with different universities like Harvard (Pluralism program),ECSU, VCU, CLU, LMU in USA and University of Ottawa in Canada for joint working.Citation received from a number of academic and Jain social and religious organization inIndia and aboard for Unique contribution by ISJS. Page 15 of 21

NO. OF OVERSEAS PARTICIPANTS WHO ATTENDED ISSJS PROGRAMS 646 Participants; 99% from overseas. 136 universities for all programs except Teaching for Peace program. 103 schools for Teaching for Peace program. Participants came from 21 countries. Page 16 of 21

ISSJS AT MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY, BANGKOKISSJS.2009 at Mahidol University ISSJS.2010 at Mahidol UniversityISSJS.2011 at Mahidol University Page 17 of 21

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED Social Consciousness in Jainism. (2010); 11 seminars organized, one in University of Ottawa and 10 in different universities of India (University of Madras, Chennai; Mumbai University, Mumbai; Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad; Mangalayatan University, Aligarh; University of Rajasthan, Jaipur; Nagpur University, Nagpur; Jain University, Bangalore; Kundkund Gyanpeeth, Indore; Parshwanath Vidyapeeth, Varanasi and Somaiyya Vidhya Vihar, Mumbai) and University of Ottawa Canada. Book published Spirituality & Science (2011); at PHD chambers, New Delhi. Online papers published. Three seminars on Sallekhana and Santhara (2016); one each at University of Madras, Chennai; National Law University, Delhi and Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad. Transactions being edited for publications. Sponsored by ICPR, New Delhi and a private foundation. Antiquity of Jainism (2017); at India International Centre, New Delhi. Sponsored by ICHR. International Seminar on Determinism in Shramanic Traditions (2018); in association with Mangalayatan University, Aligarh at MU. Transactions under editing for publishing. Monthly lecture Series at Acharya Sushilmuni Ashram, New Delhi on different aspects of Jainism. 35 lectures delivered so far. Page 18 of 21

BOOKS PUBLISHEDMost of the following books are available online at Jainism (for young inquisitive) by Dr. Shugan C Jain; Published by ISJS, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-933620-3-7; Price: Rs 150.00, US$ 4.00. Gandhi & Jainism (2017) by Dr. Shugan C Jain; Published by ISJS, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-933620-1-3; Price: Rs.700.00, US$ 52.00. Population of Jains in India (A Perspective from the Census 2011) (2017) by Shri Dheeraj Jain; Published by ISJS, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-933620-0-6; Price: Rs. 500.00. Social Consciousness in Jainism (2014) by Dr. Shugan C Jain and Prof. Prakash C Jain; Published by ISJS & New Bharatiya Book Corporation, New Delhi; ISBN: 81-8315-234- 1, 978-81-8315-234-1; Price: Rs. 800.00. Jainism, Key to Reality (English translation of Tattvarthasutra) (2011) by Dr. Shugan C Jain; Published by Digambar Jain Trilok Shodh Sansthan, Jambudweep, Hastinapur, Meerut; ISBN: 978-93-80353-38-8; Price: Rs. 300.00. Jain Legend (four volumes, English translation of Jain Dharma ka Maulik Itihas by Acharya Hastimal) (2011) Edited by Dr. Shugan C Jain and Shri P.S. Surana; Published by Samyakjnan Pracharak Mandal, Jaipur; Price: Rs. 600.00. Jainism in India and Abroad (2011) by Prof. Prakash C Jain; Published by ISJS, New Delhi; ISBN: 81-86715-79-7; Price: Rs. 350.00. Study Notes (80 papers on different topics related to Jainism in three volumes) (2014) 5th Edition by ISJS, New Delhi; ISBN: 81-86715-83-5. Page 19 of 21

JOURNAL PUBLISHED“ISJS-Transactions” is an on-line peer-reviewed bi-lingual (English & Hindi), quarterly,refereed research \"ISJS-Transactions\" (ISSN: 2457-0583). The objective of the Journals is toprovide an intellectual platform to the international scholars who are working in the areas ofJain studies in particular and Indic studies in general. It also aims to increase awareness aboutJain studies, including their application and relevance to today’s ever-changing world andway of life. First issue published in December, 2017. All issues are available at PAPERS PRESENTED Papers presented and talks delivered in universities like Harvard, ECSU, VCU, LMU in USA; Assumption, Chulalongkorn, Mahidol in Thailand, SOAS, South Korea and all major universities of India. FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS EXECUTEDFollowing research projects were executed along with such activities involved in conductingseminars. Conference and publishing books. English translation and printing of four volumes of Jain Legend UNICEF project for preparing of Jain community outline in India Practice of Ahimsa a by Jains during partition of India Impact of Jainism on Gandhi: Gandhi Research Foundation Jalgaon Content preparation for use in Jain Museum being built by Shri Firodia Trust, Pune and expert support to finalize the same A series of Jain population and its sociology studies in 20 cities/districts of India based on field survey. Page 20 of 21

SPREAD IN NORTH AMERICAFollowing universities have started Jain Studies after ISJS was set up: University of California at Irvine, CA, Bhagwan Parshwanath Presidential Chair University of California at Riverside, CA, Shrimad Rajchandra Chair University of California at Davis, CA, Mohini Jain Presidential Chair Florida International University, Miami, FL, Bhagwan Mahavir Professorship–Dr. Steven Vose University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Bhagwan Adinath Professorship–Dr. George James Emory University, Dept. of South Asian Religion, Atlanta, GA, Dr. Ellen Gough Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, Bhagwan Mallinath Professorship California State University, Northbridge, CA, Bhagwan Ajitnath Endowed Professorship in Jain Studies University of California Santa Barbara, CA, Bhagwan Vimalnath Lectureship in Jain Studies Rice University, Houston, TX, Bhagwan Mahavir & Chao Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Dr. Brianne Donaldson University of Texas, Austin, Texas Dr. Claire Maes Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, Prof. Jeffery Long Yale University, New Haven CT, Prof. Phyllis Granoff North Eastern University, Boston, MASS, Prof. Whitney Kelting University of Texas, Austin, TX, Prof Donald Davis Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA, Dr. Sushma Parekh San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (Professor to be announced) Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Berkeley, CA University of California, Berkeley, CA, Dr Kristy Wiley Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT. Prof. Hope Fitz Loma Linda University, CA, Dr, Whitney Braun Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada, Dr. Anne Vallely Illinois Wesleyan University, Normal. IL Dr. Nawaraj Chaulagain University of Toronto, Canada, Prof. Christoph Emmrich University of Alabama, Prof. Nathan R. V. Loewen Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, Dr. Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa Page 21 of 21

1st WINTER PROGRAM ON JAIN STUDIES A Unique Opportunity to Study Jainism in Winter Holidays From December 28th, 2018 To January 07th, 2019 At AHMEDABAD, INDIAProgram: Designed & conducted by ISJS. ISJS has conducted 14 summer schools of far moredepth and duration and attended by 860 overseas participants primarily. This special programaims to stress Jain philosophy and way of life and their relevance in today’s world.Target participants: Undergraduate students, graduate students, PhD candidates, Professors,and faculty members of universities abroad and India, High school teachers and professionalswho wish to have experiential immersion in Jain philosophy and way of life.Place: Ahmedabad (Gujarat); home of Gandhi, Jainism and finest academic institutions in India.Duration of Program: December 28th, 2018—January 7th, 2019. The program includes two daysof visits to famous Palitana hill, Jain temples, monks and institutions around Ahmedabad.Fee: US$ 500* payable in advance. However it will be reimbursed in full by JAFNA, USA aftersuccessful completion of studies by the participants.*The fee includes Inland travel from Ahmedabad and places to visit, full board and lodge (Jain vegetarian meals and twin bed shared room).Air travel to India and back, Visa, and Insurance are participants responsibility. ROLLING ADMISSION APPLICATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30th, 2018For Further Details please visit; on-line application available at: Office, INDIA Questions? Contact: USA Program CoordinatorDr. Shugan Jain, Chairman Dr. Sulekh Jain - [email protected] INDIA Program Coordinator Dr. Jasvant Modi - [email protected]. Sushil Jana, Admission Office Mrs. Khyati Patel Dr. Nitin Shah - [email protected] [email protected]

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