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Home Explore 1981


Published by lynette, 2019-05-13 23:44:35

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1981

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1981


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1) Enc Varoz scores on a fast break. 2) Sc' It Pettingill adds two pomts at the foul 1ne 3) J1m Ph1..1ps helps the team out w1th two po1nt 4) John Boswell uses h1s he1ght to out JUmp h1s opponent 2 34 Varsity Basketball I 43

2 3 1) Brett Varoz goes for two m the game against South 2) John Boswell pushes h1s way 1n for a lay-up 3) Scott Allen shoots the ball hoping for two po1nts. 4) Huskies start the game of right by gett1ng the opening tip off. 44/Varsity Basketball

JV's Still Going Strong JV BASKET ALL 1980-81 2 64-61 Our junior varsity is carrying on Hill- 72-51 crest's tradition of winning. After a 74-50 successful football season, they went 56-49 right into a successful basketball sea- 69-48 son. 66-60 75-72 The JV's also have had the chance 59-42 to share their talents as all of them are 57-63 part of the varsity team. Th1s brings 57-53 57-64 1nto view, once again, a # 1 varsity 64-56 47-3 team for next year. 53-54 53-60 1} Todd Jensen starts the game w1th a t1p-off to 52-72 the Huskies. 2} Brad Wh1IS1des reaches for victo- ry, while South falls to de-feet 3) Jeff W1lcox shows unique talent 1n a graceful lay-up 4} Blake Jensen nses above h1s opponents. )4 JV/45

Sophomores Progress The Sophomores might be one of the younger groups at Hill- crest, but they work as hard as everyone else. The Sophomore basketball team has practiced every day for two hours since the team was picked in November. Coach Margetts said that, \"They showed steady improvement throughout the season.\" If they keep up the hard work, we can foresee a great future. 1) F1rst row. left to nght· Coach Steve Margetts, Joey Gutierrez, Brad Eckert. M1ke Spilker. 2nd row : Randy Jentzsch, Chad Keller. Bob Ecker, Mike Jenkms. 3rd row Brent Snow, Jeff Fullmer. Bart Mower, Dave Adams. 4th row: Bruce Snow. Jay Short , Mark Olson, Kelly Clay- ton . 2) Joey Gut1errez runs around the Colts. 3) Kelly Clayton lights to get 1t in. 4) Dave Adams shoots for two. 3 4 46 2

Froshmen Jump To It \"This year our Freshmen team combined height, talent, 1) It's up for grabs for Bryan Rttche 2) The goal tS tn stght for Brook hustle, and a never give up attitude. All of these will be Hatfield 3) Marty Haws takes off 4) Front row, left to right : Randy necessary if they are to continue on the road of success.'' Warner, Robert Harman, Coach Mont Widerberg, Damn Vincent, Steve Jones. 2nd row : Larry Phelps, Bryan Ritche, Marty Haws, Lance Purser. -Coach Widerberg- Brook Hatfteld, Reed Porter, Brent Anderson , Dennis Pennington, Btll Robertson, Mike Bullett ---- 2 J 4 Freshman Basketba I 47

Girls Basketball Region Champs Long, hard hours of practice paid off for the 1980-81 Girls Basketball squad. They are the proud owners of the Region II Championship trophy for basketball. The hot shooting of Reggy Wright and Kim Spiers along with the awesome defense of Jill Ketner and Wendy Sharp combined for a winning combination this year. 1) Reggy Wright is up for a shot 2) Annette Apostle JUmps for the ball. 3) Reggy Wright looks for a pass. 4) A H1llcrest player shows good form. 5) Wendy Sharp is up for two. 6) Team, L- to-R Sue Sandw1ck, Debbie Redoutis. Jill Detner, Kim Sp1ers. Leslie Neebling. Wendy Sharp, Annette Apostle, M1chelle Mansf1eld, Penny Conger. Reggy Wnght . Coach- Jeanne Wilson 7) Reggy Wright f1ghts to regain control of the ball 48/Girls Basketball

Girls Basketball / 49

Junior Varsity Basketball The J.V. basketball team gave it their best shot this year. It's a young team that gained a lot of experience this season. Annette Apostle, Michelle Mansfield, and Kyra Taylor demon- strated their athletic ability to propel the team through the tough games as well all the easy. Team, L-to-R: Sue Sandwick, Carolyn Cohoe, Kyra Taylor. Jean Mills, Leslie Neebling, Angela Bosewell, Mtchelle Mansfield, Carrie Staley, San- dra Fish. Rochelle Tripp, coach - Jeanne Wil- son . 2) Team-player is up for two points. 3) The opening tip-off. 50/Girls JV Basketball

1) Regg1e Wright bumos off opponents try 2) Nan Sp1ers goes all out to return a serve 3) From top to bottom, First row . Regg1e Wnght. Sue Hoskisson, Laurie Neebling. Leslie Neebling, Kelly Burkmshaw, Claudette Nielson. Second row· Shelley Mansfield, Angela Boswell. Annette Apostle. Third row· Carne Staley, Ass1stant Coach Mane Green. Nan Spiers. MaryAnn Fish- er, Coach Jean1e Wilson Vickie Briggs. Kneeling: Jennifer Dyke, manager 4) Blockers gam an- other po1nt for the Husk1es Volleyball/51 3

Husky Power In the 1980-81 season, the Hill- crest 's Girls Volleyball team had a great season . They breezed through the regular season without needing to go beyond two games 1n any one match, gtvtng them the Re- gion II Title After defeating Cotton- wood , the Husktes lost in a heart- breaker to Skyline but bounced back to defeat Skyview, giving them Third in State. Junior Wendy Sharp was named to the All-State team. Seniors Ja- leen Ludwig and Jill Ketner, team captains, were also very outstand- Ing in this year's competition. Congratulations girls on a job well done 3) Top: Wendy Sharp Second row: Sherrie Hosk1sson, Coach Jeame Wilson, Leslie Nee- bhng, Ass1stant Coach Mane Green, Debbie Rekotrt1s. Th1rd row· Annette Apostle, Kim Sp1ers, Laune Neeblmg, Regg1e Wright , Kyra Taylor. Bottom row: J1ll Ketner, Jaleen Lud- 52/ Volleyball

1) J1ll Kerner looks on as Jaleen Ludw1g con- centrates on returning a serve. 2) Coach Wil- son adv1ses team on game strategy 3) Coaches W1lson and Green discuss the1r teams efforts. 4) Husky teammates con- gratulate each other on tak1ng the Reg1on II Champ1onsh1p . - 2 Volleyball / 53

Wrestlers- Moving To The Top A new life has come to the Hillcrest High Wrestling Team. Coach Neff has finally seen the light and decided to come to the greatest school in the state. He is in the process of making our wrestling team the best. This year's co-captains are Kerry Rolfe, · Steve West, and John Henrie. They are doing a great job in showing their dedication and leadership on and off the wrestling mat. Coach Neff has a lot of coaching talent and an outstanding team to work with. We're glad we have Coach Neff at Hillcrest this year and know he will be a great asset to our school. 1) Hillcrest Wrestler Clint Dumas fights to keep his position. 2) Co-Captain Steve West proves Huskies are still number one. 3) Ray Homer pre- pares for the next period 4) Hillcrest Wrestler sticks his opponent. 4 54 I Wrestling

1) Teammates took on dunng the J V. match 2) 1980-81 Varsity Wrestling Team- Front Row. L to R : J.D. Caywood . Jim Folker, Troy Olson. John Kunkler. Chnt Dumas. V1ctor Quezada Back Row: Ray Homer, Kerry Rolfe. Steve West John Henrie, Rex Butler. and Ken Tolman. 3) John Kunkler has the advantage aga1nst Alta 3 Wrestling I 55

And Can't Be Stopped 1) Rex Buller forces his opponent down. 2) J.V. Wrestling Team- Front Row, L. to R. Bryan Green, Greg Laird, Ross Steele, Ross Groomer, Chris Telesco, Greg Telesco. Back Row, L. to R. : Jerry Mika, L1ndon Greenhalgh, Alan Gritton, Robert Hill, John Hunsaker, Greg Borr 3) This years 1980-81 Wrestling Team 3

4 1) Victor Quezada works for a take down. 2) Exhibition Team: Front row, L. to R. : Bryan Green, John Stidham, Russ Steele, Russ Groomer, Chris Telesco, David Crowley. Back Row· Marty Martineau, Gene Perry, Alan Gritton, Robert Hill, Wes Spencer. Greg Burr. 3) Steve West works on his opponent during the Alta match. 4) John Henrie wins aga1n . 3 Wrestling I 57

Baseball A Striking Season 1) Curt1s Howa gets a h1t aga1nst Alta 2) Jeff Maynard wa1ts for the p1tch. 3) Many people came to watch the mighty Huskies 58/Varsity Baseball 3

What is it like betng a new coach at Hillcrest? Coach Johnson has a posttive, enthusiastic, and hopeful outlook. Even though his high school did not have a baseball team, he was recruited out of high schools and pitched for the Ogden and L.A. Dodgers. After his baseball career, he coached J. V. for BYU. This year we have many returning seniors that will help our team to a possible state championship. 1) Eric Varoz g1ves h1s teammates a hand 2) Hillcrest h1tter keeps h1s eyes on the ball. 3) Varstty Baseball I 59

1) Students come to support Hillcrest's Baseball team. 2) Hillcrest pitcher rips a fast ball. 3) Hillcrest runner slides in safe. 60/ JV Baseball


I I c L u B s


This year was the first year the flag team was organized with an ad- visor. The band and Flag team took third in the region Band competi- tion. They performed their competi- tion march at the state football quarter finals during half time and received an appreciated cheer from the audience. This year officers were Sherri Payne, President; Mary Staker, Secretary; Angie Johnson, Tall Flag Drill Mistress; Mamie Neal, Short Flag Drill Mistress, and Tiffanie Howe, Assistant Drill Mistress. The advisor, Ruth Jackson, has done an exceptional job at working with the girls. Next year, the team plans to have 32 girls, 30 Tall Flags, and a Rifle Core. If you would like to join a se- lect expanding group, Flag Squad is the club to look into. 1) Top row· Glyn1s Hildabrant, Samantha Stott. M1ddle Row: Mary Staker, Sherrie Payne. Bot- tom row : Angie Johnson. Marnie Neal. Tiffany Howe, Julie Hales, Allison Judy 2) Working out, an important part of do1ng well. 3) Marnie Neal concentrat1ng on what comes next. Flag Squad/61

Spirit Leaders Add Life Ouest1on-Who wears a green and Gymnastics teams. The Spirit Lead- wh1te plaid blouse, has a lot of dedi- ers willingly helped with and support- cation, and has plenty to cheer ed every school act1vity. If you have a about? surplus of time.ded1cation, enthusi- Answer-H.H.S Spirit Leaders! asm, and spirit, you belong with the Hillcrest High Spirit Leaders. This group of forty girls is known for their spint and dedication to Hill- crest High, They made their presence known at all the main athletic events by doing halftime entertainment and having a cheering sect1on at all of the football and basketball games- -wind, rain, or snow. They also made posters for the Golf, Cross Country, Tennis, Volleyball, and 1) Top (L-R) L1nda Mancuso. Soph Rep., Tracy Nunley. Sen Rep.: Alison F1llmore. Jun Rep . Holly Plott , Frosh Rep.. Julie Mlilerberg. Treas . Robm Thompson, H1st Wendy Pemn, Onll M1stress . Debbie Godw1n. Pres Debb1e Reese. OM . Cnst1na Sangron1z. V P 2) Top (L-R) Shauna R1ggs. M1chelle Ledford Paula Fronk, DeAnna Snow. Holly Plott, Julie Car- roll , Whllney Barker. Chns!lne Edgley, Lon Wnght , Tam1 Godw1n . 2nd, (L-R) Sherilyn Marchant , Stephan1e Haws, Lon Stone. Wen - dy Wozab. Debb1e Reese. Lmda Mancuso. Mary Robertson. Margo Archbol. Julie Dock- stader. Paula Marinac. 3rd Laura Enckson. Shannon Peck . Janae Larson. M1chelle Dahl. Rob1n Green1g. Shen Jenson. Leslie Astoe. Ma1leann Allan, Jod1 Pemn, Rob1n Thomp- son · 4th · Chns Washburn, Alison F1llmore. Tracy Nunley, Cns!lna Sangroniz, Julie Miller- burg, Annette Marchant. Janalyn Augason. Susan ZoBel!, Wendy Parrin. Debb1e Godw1n 3) Laura Enckson rests after a long game 4) Sp1rit Leaders show true Husky spin! 5) Rob- In Green1g walls 1mpa!lently for a touchdown . 3 4 5 62 I Spirit Leaders

Dance Fever, Catch It!! The Dance Club got off with a great much and at the same time put extra start this year by organizing and hours 1n for dance. Melanie Johnson, decorating the Homecoming dance. Pres. of the club, says these girls are It turned out to be a smashing suc- really super and fun to work with. She cess. The club was also involved in says that all the girls practiced every rais1ng money for Easter Seals. The day and sometimes before and after dancers d1d many other things and at school. the same time practiced routines and performed for school talent assem- So if you are planning on trying out blies and concerts. It's hard to see for the dance club next year, plan on how these girls accomplished so putting a lot of hard work and extra time in. 1) The dancers practice many hours to ga1n perfection. 2) Top (L to R): JoeDee M1tchell. Pub. Relations An j1e Johnson V1ce Presi- dent, Melan1e Johnson, Pres1dent. 3) Top (L toR) Kathy T1mpson, Wendy Everett. Teresa Shepherd, Juli Parkm. Bonny R1chards, Leasa Eckman, Ang1e Bates. Lynda Mayne. Melinda Stanley, Lynne Barney 2nd row Melan1e Jeffs. Tina Meyers. Sharnn P1tts, Chene Henne, Kathy Hall. Nad1ne Boynton. Bottom row· JoDee M1tchell, Melanie John- son AnJie Johnson, Ruth Jackson. Adv1ser 4) Kathy Hall shows her grace 2 4 3 Dance Club / 63

Drill Team Works Toward Hillcrest Drill Team marched in the State, Region, and National competi- Midvale parade taking first, and also tion. All the girls in Drill Team pull went all the way to finals in the Holi- together and get the job done with day Classic held at Alta High. The only one goal in ·mind- a supreme represented Hillcrest proudly in performance. 3 2 4 64/Drill Team

Perfection! 1) Drill Team performs at a home basketball game. 2) Gaylyn Moulton leads the flag cere- mony 3) Girls stand rigid before perfor- mance at football game 4) Sheryl Everett presents colors at assembly 5) Presidency: left to right, top row Ann Huntington, Flag M1stress. Second row· Cathy Beverly, Social Vice-President: AnJie Johnson, Social Presi- dent: Jeralyn Forbush, Doc; Terilee Whitta- ker, Historian: Sheryl Everett, Publicity Chair- man. Third row · Nad1ne Boynton, Drill Mis- tress: Jodi Maxf1eld, Advisor; Vick1e Barlow, Ass1stant Drill Mistress. Fourth row· JoDee M1tchell, Pres1dent. 6) Top row: Vickie Bar- low, An11e Johnson, Gaylyn Moulton. Stac1e Barton, Sheri VanKomen, Stacy Maynard, Ann Huntington. Second row : Kari Jenson, Colleen Viola, JoDee M1tchell, Terilee Whitta- ker. Third row: Sheryl Everett. Jeralyn For- bush, Diane Scott, Nadine Boynton, Sherie Mitchell, Kath1e Hunter. Fourth row: Ellen V1ola, Cathy Beverly, Tracy Anderson. 6 Drill Tearn I 65

Band Marches Up A Storm \"I hate half-time. It's so boring!\" \"I Ronk, the band was able to provide 1) Ang1e Head b1tes her na1ls in anticipation of know what you mean, if only we could half-time entertainment at one of our the game. 2) Members of the band relax after listen to some music or something.\" state championship football games. the1r performance. 3) Adv1sor. Jay Ronk, taps Next time you think half-time is boring, out the beat on the drums. 4) Cameron Harker Suddenly, music comes from the give the band a little time to set up and and Mr Ronk discuss the next musical number. field. All heads turn to see ... Hillcrest prepare yourself for entertainment of a 5 and 6) Band provides the needed supplement High Marching Band! Our band added lifetime! to half-t1me. spirit to our games that would other- wise be lost. Under the direction of Jay 3 4 66/Marching Band

6 Marching Band / 67

Hillcrest Jazz Along with their advisor, Mr. Jay Ronk, Hillcrest Jazz Band really plays up a storm. Jazz Band mem- bers spend many hours practicing together to provide lively music dur- ing Hillcrest's assemblies. 4 1) Dave Schindler jams on the gu1tar 2- Doug Owen blows his horn. 3) The Three Trumpeteers. 4) Sam Duncan puts in a few notes of his own. 5) Front Row. L to R: Kent Rushton. Mark Bagley, Todd Bridge. Bonn1e Hansen. Sam Duncan. Second Row. L to R Jennifer Jones. Lee Tarbet . Doug Owen. Dave Sch1ndler. Kary Billings. Back Row. L to R: Dave Ph1pp1n, Roy Stowe. Bob Winger. Flint Crump, Pat Sheehan. Anita Sharp. Dave Dyches. Not shown Ana Gutierrez. Rachel Jerman. Cameron Harker 68

Pep Band What single organization at Hillcrest lights up all of our basketball games. Well, it's not the cheerleaders, it's the Pep Band. Without their spice and en- thusiasm, our games wouldn't be quite the same. So Pep Band, stand up and take a bow. 1) The pep band salules our basketball team 2) Look al all of lhose trumpets! 3) What would a band be without the drums. 4) The L11tle Drum- mer Boy. 34 Pep Band/69

Concert 1) K1m Kemp and Alison Bevendge warm up Choir the1r vocal chords. 2) Practice. pract1ce, pract1ce \"La, Ia, Ia 3) Front Row L to R Anne Jensen. Julie \"No, no! You've got to sing much high- Jorgensen. Julie Myers. Duane Edg1ngton, Har· er than that!\" old Larsen. Kurt Morns, Roger Schoenfeld, Lyn· \"But I'm a bass!\" ette Madsen. Wendy Fowkes, Terri Nelson, Les- \" Oh. Well then, sing much lower\" . lie Astle, Pam Mattenson . 2nd Row Carne Burns, Jodie Barfuss. Julie VanWagenen. Alison Beveridge, Trent Thompson. Dave Walker. Jaren Green, Annette Z1gler, Cheryl Everett JaNae Brady, Chns Hansen Back Row· Suzy Mikesell, M1chelle Mansf1eld. K1m Kemp, Kathryn B1schoff. Lon Olson, Shaun West . Jeanna Andrews. Terry Gaster. Shen Winkel, Kellene Burgess. Roberta North .And th1s 1s what Concert Cho1r 1s made of Hillcrest's Concert Choir consists mainly of high-spirited sophomores and juniors. These people really like to sing. Under the direction of Mr. Dean, Concert Choir made arrangements to perform at different places during the Christmas season . They also partici- pated at the Jordan District Solo and Ensemble Festival. Concert Choir also appeared at Hillcrest's annual Christ- mas Musical Program. Concert Choir has plenty of enthusi- asm and has earned its fine reputation for being one of the very best sounding choirs in the entire state of Utah. 3 70 I Concert Choir

Swing Choir Knows The Moves Q-Who can sing and dance at the same time? A-A Swing Choir member. Swing Cho1r is made up of juniors and seniors who sacrif1ce many of the1r other interests in order to JOin. Their mixture of song-and-dance got them invited to perform at many churches and other gatherings around the valley. When asked why they would want to sacrifice their personal time in order to arrive at their after-school perfor- mances. members sa1d that they en- joyed the love and togetherness that is shared. \"We also just like to sing!\" said many. This feeling of togetherness rubs off on the audience and has made them the most popular choir at Hillcrest. 1) The illustnous '80-'81 Sw1ng Cho1r. Top row (L to R) Lori P1ckett. Roger Bennett, L1sa Fistrup. Joel Gaster. Jan Jeppson. Nathan Tishner. Lori Burch . Middle Row· Wes Spencer, Kyra Taylor, Donavan Walker, Suzan Landers. Annette God- frey. He1d1 Holt, Kev1n Pullan, K1m Barlow, Greg M1les. Wendy Walker, Darren Tuaker Bottom row· Jill Ketner, Sharon Kirk. Alisa Olsen, Brad Morns. Dave Shelton. Cassandra Searle. 2) Jill Ketner. L1sa Fistrup, and Sharon K1rk display their talents by accompany1ng the Sw1ng Cho1r. 3) The Swmg Cho1r takes a well-deserved bow for many hours of hard work . 4) Mr Dean Has worked long and hard to build the Sw1ng Cho1r's excellence Swing Choir /71

Treble Choir Learns The Basics To everything there is a begin- ning , and to singing there is Mr. Dean's Treble Choir class. The Tre- ble Choir mainly consists of fresh- men and sophomore girls who are ea r to learn the first twists of sing- ing with a choir. Treble performs for church organizations and school concerts. Mr. Dean continually de- mands perfection from his people. \"Although I don't act like it some- times,\" he says, \"I really like them.\" So if you are interested in the exper- ience of learning to sing in a group, try Treble Choir. 1) Mr. Dean has his students practice to per- fection . 2) Mr. Dean expresses interpretation. 3) The Treble Choir student s study their mu- sic with interest. 4) 1st row (l. to R.): Julie Ganz, Shene Bradford, Nancy Cook, Ang ie Hansen, Shere Froisland, Vicky Warrington, Wendy Nunley, Gina Johnston, Lori Groves. 2nd row : Shelli Hatch, Doreen Greer Erin Peck, Natalie Devries, Julie Anthony, Beth Thayer, Shannon Peck, Camille Phippen, Gloria Jessop. 3rd row: Rhonda North, Bren- da Bowerbank, Michael Fowler, Lori Nunley, Elizabeth Auf, Heid1 Ward, Patte Berhmam, Hacy Lementine, Laureen Taylor, Kayleen Peterson . 3 4 72

Chamber Choir Maintains High Honors \"These people really know what 1) The choir recorded for radio programs during they're doing,\" says Mr. Dean, anchor Christmas. 2) F1rst row (L-R): Patty Maynard, man of the choir department. Chamber Darren Tucker Wendy Walker, Brett Hone. He1di choir is the combined efforts of young Holt, Steve Ellis. Cassandra Searle. Donovan men and women who really know how Walker, Monica Tripp. Don Huntsman. Tina Tay- to harmonize. This group of exper- lor, Adam Taylor, Leah Sampsel. 2nd row· Nat- ienced singers performed 110-120 alie Walker, Kev1n Pullan, Kim O'Neil, Brad Mor- programs a year for such groups as ris, Alyssa Olson, Greg Miles, Debbie Judd, Dale church organizations and Hillcrest stu- Sholle. Kim Hurzeler, Neil Morris. Lynette McKin- dent body. Chamber Choir also en- ney, Stan Maynard; 3rd row: Kyra Taylor. Thor gaged in Regional competition and the Larsen, Lori Birch. Dave Shelton. Lizabeth Scar- Jordan District Solo and Ensemble let. Derek Shank, Annette Godfrey, Brad White- Festival. They continue to represent Sides, Lon P1ckett. Joel Gaster, Michele Vincent, Hillcrest High with style and talent. Roger Bennette; 4th row : Lisa Fnstrup, Liz Urry, Sabrina Searle, Dirk Porter, Jan Jeppson, Martin Hopfer, Kim Barlow. Nathan Tishner. Jill Brown, Steve King, Julie Johnston, Ken Tolman. 3) The singers practice for the Chnstmas program for the radio. 4) The Choir listens carefully to Mr. Dean's instructions. 5) Mr Dean 1nstructs the choir with enthusiasm. 2 3 45 Chamber Choir /73

Sterling Thor Larsen Jan Jeppson David M1ller Art General Vocational Education 74 I Sterling Scholars Wendy Walker Robert Moes Music Foreign Language Annette Godfrey English

Scholars Randy Nielsen Andra Ntelson Lee Domgaard Social Sctence Business Home Economics Scott McCarty Kirk Parker Sterling Scholars/75 Math Science Darren Tucker Speech & Drama

The Best Of The Best National Honor Society \"What's with all the books?\" \"I'm trying to get into an elite club this year, so I'm keeping up on my homework.'' \"What's this elite club your talking about?\" \"It's Honor Society, of course!\" Honor Society is a club that picks it's own members. The students in this club are a special kind of per- sons. To be in Honor Society you need to have a G.P.A. of 3.7 or better. They make it seem so easy, but they really do have to work at it. Honor Society is a national club. 1) Sen1or Honor Society Members - Back row· Scott McCarty, Fran Nate, Steve Gla- Zier, Robert Moes, Steve L1ttle, John Boswell. M1ddle row· Jeanette Kniffen, Alyssa Olsen, Shellee Kenney, Lori Olsen, Karen Scott, Ra- chelle Montgomery, Annette Godfrey, Gary Sandberg. Front row: Lori Pickup, Jan Jep- son, K1m Spiers, Susan Haws, Michelle Vin- cent, Lori Burch, Susan Landers. 2) Jun1or Honor Society Members - Back row: Brian Burke, Mike Buck, Steve King, Harold Sulivan, Martin Hopfer, Todd Jenson, Mark Hardcastle, Derick Nelson, Lee Pea- cock, Derick Tolman. Middle row: Helen Fletcher. Penny Conger, Rachelle German, Bonnie Hansen, Denise Denn1ng, Julie Pace, Julie Johnston Front row. Sherrie Henry, Liz Scarlet, Wendy Everett, Carla Ohrn, Debb1e Judd, Denna Brox. 76/National Honor Society

Expressions Improving on Perfection ... Expressions '80 received an all-American rating in the scho- lastic Literary Magazine Contest, the highest rating given to high school literary magazines. What could be better? ... the 1981 Ex- pressions magazine, of course. With an abundance of creative minds in action, Expression '81 promised to be another great HHS publication! 1) Thor Larsen. Art Editor. is working hard or hardly working. 2) \" I've told you four limes and I won ' t say 11 again.\" 3) The people w1th a little extra. the Ex- pressions staff Left to right , back row· David Schmdler. Jim Doherty, Sharon Pitts, Thor Larsen. Gayleen Hammond Front row Shellie Little, Andrea Kosh1, Annette Godfrey. Jo Dee M1tchell. 3 Expressions/77

1) Mrs. lasella . International Club Adv1sor and foreign language teacher. caught in a unsuspect- Ing moment. 2) Mrs. lasella instructing her foreign language class 3) International Club presidency: left to right ; International Chris Kat1s, Robert Mose. Shelby Campsell. Tra- cy Campsell. Club \"Hey! How-do you say this?\" \"I don't know, it looks foreign to me. Let's go ask someone in the Inter- national Club, they will tell us.\" International Club is a club for people who speak or have access to more than one language. Interna- tional Club in meant to help stu- dents understand and study other cultures in our society. International Club has been in- volved in things like Sub-for-Santa and visiting rest homes. They are involved in the language fair at B.Y.U . International Club involves the other students in school with \"Proverb Week\", we have all tried to figure out those strange mes- sages before. Keep on the go Inter- national Club. With your help, it can be a small world. 2 3 78/lnternational Club

United People Club Th1s year, many of our clubs have suffered from a shortage of interested students. United People Club is one of these. Due to the shortage, U.P. didn't really have the volume to get their club off the ground. They need many people to help them spread the word about world minority problems. 2 1) UP. off1cers: Corine Romero, Karen Mitchell, Sharon Mitchell, Tncia Lopez, Tric1a LaForette. 2) Officer, Karen M1tchell smiles for the camera 3) A U.P. meeting in the counseling center. 3 United People/79

Stage Crew 1) Derek Coulter keeps an eye on Ihe action that takes place on the stage. 2) Stage Crew· Back row L to R. - Scott Forsling, Steve Haskell. Bret Hone. Bob Hood Front row· Kyle Jensen. Jeff Thomas. Derek Coulter 3) Brett Hone at the switchboard 4) Steve Haskell a1ms the spotlight. Sees To The Lights At the end of the year, if you see a member of the stage crew, go up to him and thank him. Tell him he did a great job and he deserves better. All the equipment that they have to use can become confusing. At times there wasn't time to practice before an assembly. Then, all of the lighting and curtain drawing was done using a kind of hit-or-miss method. When there was time, stage crew took their cues from a script and tried to pull everything along as smoothly as they could. So remember to give them all the credit that they deserve. If it weren't for them we'd all be left in the dark. 3 4 80 I Stage Crew

Drama Club Gets Caught In The Act It is 6:30p.m. School has been over for hours. The parking lot IS bleak and deserted. Suddenly, a car's headlights appear. The car parks and waits. In a few minutes, two more cars arrive. In the next ten minutes cars come and go until there are only five left. \"Linda, are you going with Sharron?\" \"Darren, is John coming?\" \"Annette, can you squeeze 2 or 6 more people into your car?\" Chaos and confusion abound until, f1nally, everyone has a nde. Soon, the cars leave the parking lot and drive off to see another play. This is a typical example of a typical Drama Club get-together. With Angelic Annette Godfrey, Danng Danny Mcin- tosh, and Develish Darren Tucker ar- ranging for tickets, the club managed to see many plays around the Valley. The Drama Club also helped sponsor the plays in the L1ttle Theater, including \"Arsenic and Old Lace\" which was presented in December. Hillcrest's Drama Club is filled with talented, fun-lov1ng actors and ac- tresses who are always willing to prove how excellent they are. 1) Present1ng Hillcrest\"s lovable Drama Club offi- cers. Darren Tucker. Secretary-Treasurer: An- nette Godfrey, Pres1dent : and Danny Mcintosh , Vice-President . 2) The Drama Club's happy ad - visor Mr Pouwel Vuyk. 3) Sharron P1tts and Cassandra Searle go over a scnpt. 4) John McEntire starts to get 1nto character and makes sure that everyone knows 1t. Drama Club/81

Ham- -Haw HAM (Hillcrest Accociated Men) HAW (Hillcrest Associated Women) is the most popular and longest lived club at Hillcrest. Many clubs, such as the Red Cross Club, Thes- bian Club, Toga I and II , have come and gone, but HAM HAW carries on and how! It has over 2,400 mem- bers (the majority of the student- body). Maybe the reason for HAM- HAW 's success, is that it is a very liberal group. To get in. you need meet only one requirement-be a student at Hillcrest High. For most of us, this isn't hard to do. HAM-H AW sponsors quite a few activities during the school year. Among these are: decorating the Christmas Tree in the office. starting a Sub-for-Santa drive, presenting the spring H-Week and its break- fast. and ali-in-all contributing to pride and enthusiasm. 1) As you can see. the offtcers tnvolved wtth HAM-HAW are numerous. Back row (L toR) Shawn Black, Anita Sharp. Don Huntsman. Ttna Taylor. John McEnttre. Sharon Pitts Mtddle row (L to R): Daren Tucker. Nathen Ttschner. Wes Thompson . Bob Wtnger. Wen- dy Everett Front row (L to R)· Ryan Nelson. Stephanie Haws. Leslie Astle, Pam Wrtqht . Collette Btrd. 2) Juntor offtcers (Shawn. John. Don. and Wendy) debate an upcomtng acttv- tty 3) Here. the wild and wacky Daren Tucker (boys' sentor president) tells the other offt- cers how thtngs are gotng to be. 2 82 /Ham-Haw

8 4) HAM·HAW e~dviSOr. Byron Thompson, IS caught off gue~rd by the camem If 1t wasn't for h1s great 1nterest 1n students HAM-HAW wouldn't be the club 1t IS today 5) Freshmen off1cers may b .mall, but they have e1 b1g re· spons1b1ilty 6) W1th over 2,400 members. the chances of each of these students be1ng a mem· ber 1n HAM HAW are extremely good 7) Sopho· more off1cers pose pretty 8) An1 ther HAM· HAW adviSOr, K1m Stanley g1ve• h rver 10n of a slinky chees cake Ham-Haw /83

Orchestra At two o'clock p.m. in the year 400 B.C., two cave-persons began fight1ng over the skin of a sabre-tooth tiger. During the fight, one man's stick hit the other man's stick and made a soft \"thunk\". Then, one man fell causing stones to h1t together with a \"click\". The two cave-persons forgot their fight and began looking for more ways to make these Interesting sounds. They told all their friends about their discov- ering these noises and soon, they had an entire group of cave-people who would get together and \"thunk\" and \"click\" for hours. This was the first or- chestra. Hillcrest's orchestra has come a long way since these preh1stonc t1mes. They now play a variety of classical and modern pieces and participate in the Jordan District Solo and Ensemble Festival. They also play during the Hill- crest Christmas Concert. These musicians work hard 1n order to make themselves better at what they do best. 1) Helen Fletcher ventures mto the fifth posttion 2) Mary Campbell practtces her ptzzacato 3) Todd Hall fiddles wtth hts bass. 4) Orchestra Front row, left to right Eric Johnson. Todd Hall , Kary Billings. Dennts Newmeyer. Linn Davts, Mtke Kelly. 2nd row. Karen Duncan, Vtckt John- son. Lori Stone, Natalie Best, Helen Fletcher, Melinda Nutall. 3rd row· Jeannine Frandsen, Jackie Kalaras. Melinda Knotd, Cathy Higgen- son, Emily Eisert, Mary Campbell. Kathy Dame. Back row· Phillip Bonney. Bob Winger, Cameron Harker, Roy Stowe. Rachel Jerman, Jenntfer Jones, Doug Owen. 4 84/0rchestra

M.U.N. United Model U.N. Do you know what it (Model means? Well, we all know what a Nations) model is and we all know what the U.N. is, don't we? Well 1f you com- bine the two together you get exact- ly what Model U.N. is, a model of the United Nations. In Model U.N., all the participating schools around the state are as- signed a country or countries. Then, throughout the year they represent that country in discussions of differ- ent political issues. In the spring, all the Model U.N. groups get together for a big conference. At this meet- ing, solutions to world problems are debated. Over the past few years, Model U.N. has slowly lost its popularity. Since large group participation is necessary for the club to run, more students are needed. If you are in- terested in world politics and de- bate, Model U.N. might just be for you. 1) Model U.N. ofl1cers: Dale Pach1na; Randy Nelson, Pres1dent: Anna Barbieri. Secretary; Paul Madsen, Vice President. 2) Wes Thomp- son listens 1ntent1y to another club member. 3) Anna Barb1eri uses her debating talent to get her point across 4) Advisor, Mark Ras- mussen takes a munchy break . 3 4 MUN/85

Hillcrest's 1) Clay Chnst1ansen sorts through h1s debate files. 2) Front row, L to R Cmdy Lundgren, Own .F.L. Michelle V1ncent . Anna Barberi. Randy Nielsen. Back row Debate Coach Mark Rassmussen, Team Greg Bills, Randon Draper, Danny Mcintosh, Mary Holloway, Brett B1tner, Dale Pech1na, Wes Thompson. Scott Tippets, Natalie Walker. Scott Humphrey. Brooke Hansen 3) Debaters write many, many speeches 4) Front row L. to R: Greg Bills, Kathy King, Paula Marinac, Carl Mathis. 2nd row· Jaren Greene, Simone Hughes, Todd Firsch, Jon1Joy Kos1vich, Neil Glover, lan Tolman. Karen Butterfield, Janet Mikkelson. Kim Cook, Anne Jensen. 3rd row Dirk Porter. Paul Madsen, Jeff Glover, Mary Holloway, Danny Mcintosh. John Ruppel, Brian Burke, Sean Ben- son (Not p1ctured. Kathy Hunter, Don Hunts- man.) Q- Who worked to put together the large trophy case outside of the Foren- sics area? Who attends \"Turkey Fest\" every year? Who formed a private \"Biotoid Society? Who travels all over Utah in order to attend their many tour- naments? A- The Debaters. (Members of the Na- tional Forensics League.) Hillcrest's debate team is full of loy- al, crazy, hard-working people who are eager to do better at each tournament. Lisa Andersen is Debate President with Paul Madsen, Don Huntsman, Joni Kosivich, Brian Burke and Simone Hughes as her Vice Presidents. The squad captains are: Cindy Lundgren (Oratory), Anna Barberi (Im- promptu), Brooke Hansen (Extempt), and Darren Tucker (Dramatic and Hu- morous lnterp). All in all this years Forensics Squad promises to do a great job. .!._ I'L.U f _ _ 4 86 I Debate-Forensics

V.I.C.A. VICA - Vocational Industrial Clubs of America. VICA offers 1ts members the opportunity to discov- er any talent they may have in the vocational field. This is the club to get involved in if you plan on a in- dustrial career. 1) Student uses copy mach1ne 2) Students work to complete project . 3) VICA presiden- cy - top row, left to nght Keawe Bray, Secretary; Kelly Forbush, President , Ty Niel- son, Vice-Pres1dent ; Glen Howlett, Advisor. Bottom row · Carie Raikes, M1ss VICA, Craig Johnson, Treasurer. 4) Student works on metal lathe. 4 VICA/87

The letters F. H.A. alone or together can stand for many different things, in this particular case it stands for Future Homemakers of America. F.H.A. is a nation wide club, and has been for 35 years. You may be thinking \"wow what a dull club.\" Well, not real- ly after all a club is only as good as you make it. The F. H.A club at Hillcrest is going strong and the members enjoy being in the club. F.H.A. sponsors Husky Howl, which is a popular girls choice western dance. F.H.A. does service projects for the community or even a specific person or family. F.H.A. has an annual state conven- tion where all members get together and share some good times and some tough competition. 1) F H.A Presidency Back row: Susan Zobell, Michelle Jensen, Debb1e Gottfredson, Diane Gottfredson. Front row Lee Domgaard, Kayleen Peterson, Patty Maynard, Bobbett Heywood, not p1ctured Veda Shaw 2 2) Susan Zobell, F.H.A off1cer working on wool jacket 3) Mrs. P1xt on helpmg Karen Scott w1th a frust rat1ng problem. 88/FHA 3

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