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Home Explore 1980


Published by lynette, 2019-05-13 23:56:08

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1980

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1980


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1979 - 1980 Fragments' Editor ocJHEC Ed1r )f . • . ••• •• ••• . • (h •yl PPr sor1 . . '\\ ch 8.1gqs AcnvJta('C; rd or . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . LE:'odf'' ;r,p t\"ci,ror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ('1oncf\"lE' \"-r Op~,..,,ng Se<-t,ex 1 Edt or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\\t• y Jot-n n Spom. ldnor . . . . . . . . .. • . . Gurdoro C~ ~ Sr denroody Ed1ror . . • . . . . . l>t::bb McM lo ' Fragments' Photographers t-;urof.e (loyr l uc1 r:1o Gt rrf edson Cory N•eiSon Cro1g Sran•E'Y Povl Wodsworrh Fragments' Advisors Adv1sor . . • • . . . . . .. Sharlene t3ed~ Co adviSor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Carol Vordeno!~~E r Table Of Contents Fragments ... . .......... . ..... . . 2 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Clubs ......................... 65 Sports ........................ 105 Populace ..................... 145 The Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 254

I 4/T eme

In Search Of A Srreisond Ours s rhe og of rhe 01d bocl~ srudem who ro0cho onr y f oars rhroug school ouc 1ng w or 1rreresrs r1m 1or rhe -nomenr rhe (Y)('V rg on as ' e 1nreres odes Clur as wm any age here so rogr~erH o' peop e who defy er o Ar H cresr r ey ore he nren~e rhe nvo ed hE' ohve Sea c ng for o 1ocus for · e1r n ed of oc1 e rvolvemen (Y)Ory rur\"l o he per for·lllng orrs debore drama rr>us,c dorce f\\equ1remerrs Musr possess rhe d s1re ro perform n ron of orge groups cooperor ve or o· erw ~e Mus appear calm and con rolled even r ore s s omoc IS go rg or o record o ocrobor·c umbles Mus be w 0g ro devo e -nonr s o t1ord worh desp1 e r e reohzor on rhor rhe only reword t~o m ghr be ound wul be w1rh1n one>el Th obil1 y ro ~roy awol~ 10 rhe wee rour<; of rh morn1ng rs o def'r re musr Unll~e r ose wr>o ore corrforrob e w1 '1 rhe 'T'Ore ryp co rer esrs o sporrs cars 1osh ons and con emporory (Y)IJSIC r e pE:>r orme s o H lcresr H1g ave 'ot..nd rs n c e 1r e orld Of pray~ p011f COl ISSUE'S, and CIOS!>ICOI IT1US1C Te e \"

Ic-.\"I r:Ill \\:l iii ~ ~----------------~ I 8/T eme

Yes, Virginia, There Is Life Afrer School Dear Vrgno I oryone ever rod you 1'10 • e ooy eroed or 2 40 dar bel eve m er:>) Some of r e grs ono I deeded ro go see o mov1e losr n1ghr. bur found choos1ng a mov1e ro be o mosr dJff1culr decis1on We couldn'r deode berween Al1en Halloween Yonl~s and Greol~1ng Away On rhe way ro he rheorer, I realized rhor rhere ore so many rh1ngs ro do 1n Solr Lol~e ofrer he sur goes dowr r or you con go ou '~9~\"> ofrer ng r a weeh w rhov becom ng bored As o mor•er o foe we become so 1r: eres ed n exporng Sor Lol~e or ~~ve never dd ger ro r e mov1 For r e frogmenr o rhe srl;denrbody or H1 cresr w o don r live rhe1r 1ves srncrly for school. for rhose who \"love rhe n1g 1e. rhey f·nd rhor Solr Lol~e doesn'r roll up r> s1dewo l~s unril lore or r1g r There ore dozens of r eo ers w ere yoL; con core • e oresr 11cl~ and orhers rhor show o d rear Jer ~ers For r e spar s bu\" e Solr Palace of er~ rhe Jazz and r e Goldef\"l Eog s bu• ' you con ' of ord r e pnce o oom15510n rhere s always S~Jgor ouse Pori~ Dunng r e w nrer you con go snow ~hoe ng cross cour rry sl~,,ng or '11ghr s~~1ng or 1 you re nor rhe ourooors rype you cof\"l go ce sl~onng or Hyge a T e f'ew symp any a IS a oven a• Geer over bu'fs I· o ~ ouses roc~ coneerrs or r e roc~ and ro ers You ave ~Jndreds o places o (Y)eer your r erds or p1zzo or burgers La er on 1n r e~; er rog e rof' c on S ore p1cl~s up and you coro go cruz1n Ho~~v ever r e r srg pr ce o gas rnol~es 1r on expenSive way •o spend a day a' e sc oo Anyway V1rg n1o wher r e be r ngs or 2 40 ana you eave schoor don worry obou s·oy ng o e no· ever one s 'e e olves around sc oo ••

I • 12 T eme

f\\oughing It . Easy? or The Escape From the Oig-City Olues In rhe days of Don'! ()oore, a rnp ro rhe greor ourdoors rneonr a cold '\"llghr on hard ground o de 100us d1nner of w1ld bernes, and or occaSional brush w1rh a bear Today, however, rhe modern hand of man has rronsformed rhe greor ourdoors from a place of srruggle for surv1vol ro a roo! of r creor on and reloxonon For r or speool frogmenr of Hllcresr's srudenrs, rhose who would rorher commune w1r norure rhon s1r 1n or English class lisren ng ro a reacher lecrure obour odverb1ol clauses. e con leave rhe husrle ond busr e o r e ory and enrer nro a cool calm, and serene h1deowoy r~ r e f\\ocl~y Mounro1rs lnJusr m1nu es From he popular sparr o s1~ung ro r e greor posr m of boa~pocl~1ng from comp1ng 1n rh U1nrohs ro feeling rhe w1nd on your face as yoL. rol~e o from r e Po1nr of rhe Mounro1n on your ondghder a frogmen of rhese greor ourdoors has been romed ro offer a vonery of ocr•v1r,es complere w1rh rhe moder\"l conven,ences of sl~1 lodges porro pornes. resrouronrs and porroble heore s ro curb rhe problems of rhe cold bod, and nd1 erenr weorher (0 course here ore sr I beorsl) Don 1()oore, ear your ear au •

•• 16 T er1e

... of time- or school, ofrer school ACT VITIES

H-Weel~ Succeeds For A Few; Is Ignored Gy Most 1J Th1s srorred 1r all our <Greel~o fl.orne Day) 2) V P David Ood ly rocl~ our on· 50's Day · .::n Husl~1es. some 1n cowboy ourf1rs. do rhe V1rg1n1o on ··Farmer Orown Day\" 4) Torn Wenner srrong1es a rubber ptg 18/H Weer~

They come 1n frogmenrs They were rhe few who PAr\\TICIPATED 1n sp1nr acr1v1nes They were rhe ones who f\\EALLY gar 10 valved And \"H\" Wee!~ was no d1fferenr \"Greel~o f\\ome Day\" srorred 1r o I our In sptned by The ever popular Togo Club, ThiS day was one of rhe h1ghhg rs of \"H\" Wee!~ On Tuesday, \"50's Day\" broughr many To rhe Sod~ Hop or \"Arnold's\" (rhe pono) On Wednesday. rhe Sudenrbody Off1cers creared somerh1ng dtfferenr \"Former Orown Day ' Some Husl~tes dressed up 1n overalls, flannel shtrrs, and cowboy hars There was even a squoredance on rhe pono Thursday was rhe end of rhe wee!~ (no school on Fnday), so 11 was The rrodtnonal ''Green and Wh1re Day\" On Fnday, Kearns gar lanced as rhe Green Machtne desrroyed rhem 26 7 Lorer rhar eventng. ro rhe mus1c of Heodw1nd and wtrh \"f\\eun1red\" as rhe rheme, Homecomng Queen Shelly f\\a,-. dolf. FirsT ArrendonT Joyce LovaTo, and Sec and Arrendanr Lon Farnworrh broughT \"H\" Wee!~ To a close 1) Jod,e Orown performs w.rh Orchesis dLonng r e Homecomong assembly 2) Dove C\\oday swtngs hos porrner round n round J) Who weors Togas) We weor Togosl 4) Queen con dldores ore eyed for approval by rhe Home com ng oud ence 3 H ee~/19

1 T H bvns on rs glory 2 Koy Thomas dorxes rt nrgrr owoy 3) The Gr n Moch! breor~ hroug Kearns tense roo 26 7 vrcrory 4) Husl~res wo ch hom C()(Tll()Q game w · owe 3 ••• 2 20/Homecomrl\"g 4

1 Alon ·oro and 5ue 5orldwd~ e<lJOY each O! r s compcl(ly or Horrlec0n11ng 79 2) Mar~ Dr T eotTl perforrm or hoi •me 0) Three beau ,es and no beoSI Ho- m omng f\\oyol y 1979 were Flf:.l Arrendoc Joyce Lo- Shely f\\ondolf and Second Ar endon! lor Fornworr 4 Coup sways ro ' musK o Heodwnd 5 1\\ob Holloway crosses fnsh lif;e 01 cross<ounrry race dunng ho nme

1> Spnr Leaders ore rhe perperuol sponr of HHS 2> Deanna Downs anne pores o VICTory 3) Cooch S. monson shours encouragemenT ro hiS ream 4) Dovld Ood•ly pres~denr of rhe Senore. does h1s balloon pedd er rounne 3 ••• 22/Homecom,ng

1) Shelly fl.ondol e.gns 05 Home<:omng Qveen for '(:;79 2) Meanwhile some rhongs never change School wenr on 05 usual dunng 'H'' Wee!~ .J) Spor leaders and vors.ry cheerleaders perform rhelf rou ranes ro rhe school song 4) Amerre Shepherd and her escorr escape from rhe crowd ro ro ~ or rhe Home<:omll'lg Donee 5> Enc Vor05. Husl~y quorrer bod\\ rhrows for a rouchdown Homecomrng/23

Hove you ever been srrnng rn class and What found your mnd wondenng somewhere tn rhe hoiP ~eolly Goes Do you osl~ quesnons lil~e \"Whor happens On During ro rhose halls dunng class\">\" If you answered 'yes\" ro borh of hese quesnons. rhen JOrn Closs? rhe pock Mosr Husl~res feel rhe some woy We're gotng role you tn on some of rhese unpubliozed ocnwtes Afrer oil, 1f somebody 1s dotng rhem, somebody else has ro hear obour rhem f\\eod on. Husl~y. and rhe my srenes of rhe school wtll be opened ro you' 1)We con r reU you much about rhos, bur~ ocrr l•es mw remorn a mystery forever 2) T e mouserrop ooidlng COI\"lte'>l drew a lor 0 Husl1 es 0 rherr l'l()eeS fl.oberr EtSer ploced frr~ A10n Humpherys second. fl.OI\"l .:nCabby rh rd Oruce A ed fourrh Krrl1 Je\"sen •frh Many Husl'lies spend rherr ttme dotng ~rronge rhrngs Warren elson, or example, munches marshmallows 4) Mr Lovoro has ound he best way ro rrovel from meerrng ro meerrng Whar a way ro COI\"lserve gyl\" 2 3 •4 • '24/Mysrenous Acnvmes

p1)laTces Iffruysorruorreedgoororrdsr finds rs curler In a vone•y o 0pedneC,_i.l,~buror p~) rDraown whor could be berrer WrihTohna paper ry chols 2) Some ng by Groolenr w rh a ,~,fe ~: prefer ro exerose rhe~r rol~en any orr younger Husl~ es hrhaevsernld~r who '9ures 4) W courses ore srdl srrU'99fing wh ~nows d as .onHoilrkr:rrsersc s!.rTr eoror ~1wbehiOndl' one bur oest' rhHis) ' o Mysrenous AcrNJ 'es/25

1 f\\oy Tur ey f\\•cl< f\\,ggs. Of'ld Kelly Cosodoy ore beg go'> who user e pre<ef'lses of be•ng lome blf'ld. and rna roger alms 11\"1 rhe HHS producrl()(l of Kismet. 2 HO] <Seaf'l P1rrs cleverly drawf'ls r Woz,r 1Norho T1schrer) ro prorecr h•s doughrer .Jl As r e ploy cor> cud s rhe cosr comes our from rhe w •gs for a rauf'ld o applause 4 Lolume (Wef'ldy Wall<er) s•ngs rhe prose' of Dogdod ro Woz•r (Joh• Mclr Tiff:) Of'ld rhe rown pie ro corw1nce rhe Abobus ro sroy 1 Co •P Ke vn Pullan fo lows MorSif'IO )roo Oorfu;s nro rhe gordef'l ond ',eref'lodes her under rhe mulberry rree 2 Woz\", orhon T1shner) foils for Lolume's (Mon' co Trp charm ,J) f\\urhonf'l Pererson M•che 0ef'lr ey De se Anderron per arm r e donee of rhe rhrec prf'ICe~es o Abobu 4) Lon Fornworr performs her dO~\"Ce os Zu bedro o Damascus 26/MUSICOI

Se nng Clocl~roge or H11!Cresr Audl onum Mood Feeling of exmemen and onnopo 10n as everyone purs 00 rhe losr rouch of mol~e up or adJUSTS rhe f,nol sash on h1s cosrume There IS a murmer creep1ng r rough r e cos of \"Qu1er1 lr's nme ro srorrl · The curro1n goes up and rhe mus1col beg1ns KISMET Kismet ron rhe scheduled rhree n1ghrs and was 9ve' on exrro n1ghr because of rhe concellonon of rhe srudenrbody presenro r1on The ploy included a cosr of rh1rry seven plus orchesrro, dancers, chorus, and rhe pro ducr1on sroff, oil worl~1ng rogerher ro pro duce rhe 1nol producr A lor of nme wenr 1nro mol~1ng rhe colorful cosrumes and r e e1oborore scenery The ploy rol~es place 1n Clogdod 1n one rwenry four hour penod Dunng rh1s nme, a poor poe. Hajj, becomes on Emr, h1s dough er memes he Caliph, ond rhe evil Woz1r IS overrhrown by Hajj, who rhen mar res rhe Woz1r's w1fe, Lolume For rhose of you who don'r undersrond rh1s, rhor's !<;1s mer •• 28/MuSICOI


Whor would 1r cosr ro hear Peaches & Herb. Husl~ies Are rhe [lee Gees and Oh1o Players sing songs Invited To hl~e Fire and Shake Your Groove Thing? Freol~ Our Mornn Canavan and rhe Young L1fe S1ngers mode 1r poss1ble for HHS srudenrs ro enJOY all rypes of music from rocl~ ro d1sco by s1ng1ng and dancing The Young L1fe Singers open concerrs. per form or fo1rs and do local relevis1on shows 1n Cohforn1o They hove performed w1rh [l J Thomas, or Condlesncl~ Pori~ and on rhe Whrre House lawn The group enJoys performng for h1gh school audiences, rhey especially feel greor when rhe srudenrs ger rowdy w1rh rhe1r mus1c Mornn Canavan enjoys conremporory mu src, \" \"I espeCially hhe rhe lyrics,\" so1d Mr Canavan sorcosncolly. \"Many of rhem ore beounful and meon1ngful One example IS, \"Freol~ our. oh freol~ our \" 1J Oernord Dorsun rgn,res a sporl~ and rgs Fire by rhe OhiO Players 2) George Murray gurronsr f• 'I\" rhe Y·JUng Lfe Singers. played rn rhe bond for Dollld Oow1e .J) The Young L1fe Singers dance os wen os rhey SI09 1\\rcl~ Sullivonr (for le ) choreographs nnosr of r r do'1Ces 4) Former Jordor> Hrg srudenr. Mar n ConovQf\\ sror ed rhe Young Lfe Singers •3 • 00/Young L1 e Srngers

Is It Saturday I'm Jane Currof' and here's rhe news Our Night Live Or rop srory ron9 r Hundreds of srud nrs d s ploy rhe r unrque form of comedy Therr ludrcrous ocrs 1ncluded on rmrror1on o our owt\"l We l~end Updore by Kelly Cosodoy and Dove [Jodrly Friday Noon? A SA reponed srg rrngs of un den rfred ol ens Upof' 1n es garron o rcrols revealed 1 Jeff Gurvlorsor hof ol r se010r •eom lf'l • e Long rhor r e ol ef's were only cone eods mrror 1ng foorbo I worm ups Cheerlead rs and S:~y 1\\ed Worm eorong cOt' ~ ound homef or songleoders donned Egyp ron cosrumes and Q()e end of o whop of red locoroce 2) J V c eereoders broughr us news rom Egyp Accord ng ro ore deong foorboQ worm ups cooeheod !>fyre J) Mr rherr sources. Krng Tu was scheduled o Schocl~ ond JOI' Tholen square o on o roorbeer c ug o appear w1rh rhem bur or rhe losr momenr lug 4 K fly Cosodoy ond Dove Ooddy emcee Frodoy he rurned up mrss1ng 1\\umors ore now go Afternoon rh f rsr pep os:,embly of the year 5) rng around rhor Tur 1s dead T or s rhe news unnl now Hove o good nrghr and o pleas Moehe Louloos ond Todd Palmer flfXJ each orher orr e onr romorrow ends of o locoroee whop 2 •4 Pep Assembly/J1

Hurry' Hurry' )rep nghr upl Come o rhe A Hoe- greoresr donee .or Hillcrest Thor's ngh lades and genrlemen only ~5 50 gers you tnro rh1s Down donee Husl~y Howl con be yours for o ncl~er and o dare ovember 91s rhe dare. H1llcresr Ar The H1gh 1s rhe place. and F H A IS rhe sponsor Counry Fair so dress wesrern and come' 2 Come one' Come ott EnJOY music from rhe bond Sandstone and donee ro rhe1r me tod1c runes 5ee rhe prerry women ond rhe good 100h1ng men The Husl~yv•lle counry fo1r wos rhe sernng or \"A Genr ond H1s Lady\" rh1s year's Husl~y Howl Everyone who orrended srayed busy by danc1ng or wa1nng 1n lines (for p crures and rhe mornage boorh) No morrer how rhey spenr rhe1r nme rhough, Husl~1es of all ages enJoyed one of rhe grearesr donees of rhe year 1 HUSI~res who wonled ro ' e rhe !~nor ' VISITed rhe mornoge boo h Ar r e end of he ceremony rhe preoc er (Mr Drd~) congrorulored rhe couple> and ,~rucred rhe groom You may oow !>hol~e rhe brides hand 2) Every good for has a clown and so d1d The Husl~yv e counry fo1r J) The Shenff and M1ss K1rry wl()ners for Husl~y Howl 1979 were (bocf~) Joyce La voro. M1ss K•rry Kelly Cosodoy Depury, V1cl~1e Doorw nghr clonceholl grl, (fronr row) Cro•g Kemp, Shenff, Angre Long, doncehoH 9rl, Dove Chnsremen. Depury 4) Lon Fornworrh and Olol~e Jemen were among r e mulnrude of hoppy Husl~res or rhe \"Howl\" IS year 3 ••

1) Ar Husl~y Howr no everyone rs ron~1119 boog e Jon Thoen does on allemande nghr w • hiS dare ShorvlO Hurl rngror 2) ThiS tow lil~e ol o her fa1r~ hod line~ ro w01r 1t1 bur ~~ Husl~€'5 d dn r rn rn \"\"'\"'\"'d ~ KeVIt'l Pulon and hiS dare found a spar c rhe r' 1w d foor and danced ra r e meDow mUSH ,f Sondsrone.

1 The group, \"Prof ' ~r rhe mood of Senior SnowboQ noce and easy 2 Senoor Snowbo royal ry, from, f were, An,ro Gonzales and Von Jen ~ !.eeond orrendonrs Ten 1\\vf and David Ooddy queen and I~ ChnsrJI'\\0 Al'll(l and Clarence 5mo h. f1rsr orrendonrs 2 •• 34/Senlor Snowball

Senior Snowball . Posrponed Drd you ever wonder why r e sen10rs sud denly become momfred one mornrng 1n December and ron rhrough rhe ho Is screomrng ' 'lr's b en concelledl lr's been concelledl\") The reason for rh1s was rhor rhe sen1or sponsored donee, •'Sen1or Snow boll' was nor cancelled bur only posrponed unr11 January 12 b cause of rhe preseason holrdoy bosl~erboll rournomenr Sen10r Snowball was orrended by many couples The group · Profile\" provrded rhe mUSic, ployng many slow songs ro ser rhe mood for rhe more senous couples \"WIShing on a Sror' was chosen as rhe rheme song K1ng and Queen were Dov1d Ood1ly and Ten Ruf1. frrsr orrendonrs were Clarence Sm1rh and Chnsnno Ah1n, and second orrendonrs were Vor> Jensen and An1ro Gonzales 1 Perer Lee and dare relax berween donees 2 Croog Horrrsoo and dare er,oy r mUSIC of Prof J Husl~ gorher os rtx> donee begns 4 A poll' of Husl~ grow robtd reword rhe enc1 of rhe donee ••• Sen1or Snowboll/.35

W1rh rhe pop of o carl~. rhe clinl~ of rwo glosses, and rhe firsr snowfall of rhe spnng season, Junior Prom commenced on rhe n1ghr of Fndoy, March 21 or rhe Cop1rol Rorundo Since rhe boskerboll ream rook rhe 5rore Chomp1onsh1p, rhe Junior Assembly was held Monday, March 17, along w1rh rhe Celebronon Assembly, insread of Thursday, rhe day ir was scheduled . In oddinon ro rhe presenrotion of the queen candi- dates, rhe Pep nand and other vonous acts performed w1th olmosr no advance warning Jill Ketner delighted the whole srudenrbody w1rh a song of her own, \"Unril rhe End of Time \" Despre rhe odmnisrrotion's special assembly to mol~e sugges- TIOns on cutring rhe cost of the donee, most guys still renred tuxedos and tool~ the1r dares to dinner or The Roof. The 13th Floor, [)olsom Embers, or orher great restouronrs in the volley The bond at the donee was \"Manno,\" and they played enough mellow songs to get Husl~ies at rhe donee in a roman TIC mood . Ang~e Robertson was named Queen, Lori 5tolle- velere was first ortendenr and Yvonne Anderson was 2nd ottendenr With rhe onnouncemenr of the Royolry and the promenade of Jun1ors, Junior Prom was a n1ghr ro remember. ••2 36/Junior Prom

Junior Prom: A Nighr To ~emember 4 1-Angte Robertson, escorted by Paul Word . is announced as a Queen Candidate or the Junior Assembly 2 \"Romblin ' kindo gals ore wei\" Jill Kerner and DeeAnn Nendell sing the \"R K G \" Theme Song 3-The 1980 Juntor Prom Royalty were Yvonne Anderson-Second Attendant, Lon Stollevetre-Firsr Attendant. and Angie Rob- ertson-Queen 4 -\"Putttn' on my top horl \" Kerry Cassoday escorts Cheryl Pert down the Copttol Stotr case during the Juntor Promenade 5-Hushies mix and mingle or the 1980 Junior Prom 6-Roger LoSStg and dare enJOy the mellow music of \"Manno \" •• Juntor Prom/ 07

Will You Oe My Volentine, Sweetheart? Once ogotn, Sr Volenrtne's Day drew near, Husl~1es found rhe1r )wee errs and gorhered rag r er for rhe annual Swe rheorrs ()all T donee. eld February n1nrh . was sponsored by rhe sweer sophomores and odv1se>d by K1m Sronl y T e group, Des1re. prov1d d slow. mel low mus1c for all rhe swe heons 'Sr· was chosen as r e heme song Quee' was L1ndo Moyn f1rs o endonr. Km ()or!ow. second o endonr. Debbte Judd .38 'Sophomore Sweerheorr's ()all

1 Mli5K. was proVIded by Desire • 2 LISO Orlr..h ond dore converse dunng r donee J Jorrvny Thumond ond Cndy Howe$ ~y eoch orher's compony 1\\ 5weerheorrs mx rhe mood os rhe dorxe \"' yorred 5 5weerheorrs' Oon royolry IS Km Oorlow 1>1 orrendonr Ltndo Moyne Queen, DebOe Judd, 2nd orrendoru Sweethearts' Gall

Freshmon Flirr's Theme Is Heorrs Of Fire 1 orr • de< •r txl\\.q ofrer '9 crowr'led as on orref'ldom 2 The bond \"Sage pro v1ded rh evef'l:ng s musiC J Two w1ld or'ld crazy fhrrs do • rhe bump • 110 F f\"'lO F •

=ormol or cosuo was he ques 10n be1ng Jshed a rh s ear s Freshman F r T e '1gnr TO 1nd1 1dUOI C OICE.' prevOI'ed WIT >ome g1rls weonng dresses (even or -nols) and or ers n1ce ponrs T IS was only r e second year of e Freshman F rr and por lCiponon s sure a piC~ up as e annual donee es ob s es se' as a ·•odi'IOn T e •a er smo crowd en oyed one en1ng o donang o emu SIC of ·'Sage and o a red e c own ng o' r e 1980 oyo1ry f\\e,gn ng on 1s spe ool n1g were Queen Km Zohonos and er or endon s C er· M 'C ell, J Camp bel and S e a Woe •• F eshmon F r /41

HHS Tol~es State \"The ream rhor won'r be bear con'r be bear\" Thor was rrue for rhe HHS bosl~erboll ream who f1n1shed the year w1th o 24 1 record . The greatest osser to our team th1s year was teomworl~. That teomworl~ poyed off when It come ro the Store [)osl~etboll Tournoment After tol~1ng f1rst 1n f\\eg1on Two 1n 1979 and 1980 the only place to go was up, and the Husl~y cogers went up by coptunng the class 4A State [)oshetboll Chomp1onsh1p The glory of chomp1onsh1p d1dn't come easily, though Each team that challenged HHS dunng the season was out to l~nocl~ the Husl~ies out of the1r number one spot The only team to beat Hillcrest was Orem, and they proved to be rhe greatest obsticol to Hillcrest The f1rst game of store competitiOn was played at Hillcrest High w1th f\\oy The winner earned the nght to ploy or the Un1vers1ty of Utah The loser was our HHS defeored f\\oy w1th a score of 49 45. In the f1rst game or the University of Utah, Hillcrest was matched With Olympus Oly was put away by a score of 51 07 The nexr day in the sem final game, Hillcrest was pitted ogo1nst Sl~yv1ew In a grueling match that went Into overnme. Hillcrest pulled away and defeated the [)obcots 57 51 The day of the final game for f1rst and second place found Hillcrest and Orem scheduled to ploy The score was close the ent1re game With rhe lead chong1ng hands 20 rimes and the score ried 16 times The game went into overrime-0 overrmes Clur six free throws in the final m1nute gave HHS rhe v1ctory and the State t1rle, the f1rst since 1968 42/Srote [)osl~etboll

1 The tr!>l game ot Slote competiiiOfl wm o quollfy ng game, the Wlo'V1ef went on to c te ot the l.Jnlver!Mty ot Uloh ood the loser wm out ot the tournament Holcre!>l ood f\\oy boltled • our on the H-fi gym f\\oy wmro·t high on the r~ . bulthe game wm ck&> ooywoy The tonal ourcome Hoi ae!>l over f\\oy 49 45 Holcre!>l hod woo the rKjv 10 compete ot the Speed Events Center '2 Aher eWnonCitng f\\oy , tlilcrest went on to tongle w11h Olympus 3 Ooth teorru. hovng strcng cteternes, kept the sccre low on the tr!>l holt ot the game 4 However, on the second holt the ttv..kles held the T~toos ood went on to won the game 5137 Dob OeMorco wm one ot IH> s tnOJOr sccrers Holcre!>r 's depth took over when Jeff Tebbs (nol shown) ood Sieve A . two reserve ployers. come on to sccre 14 ot the Huskies 16 poonts on 1he tonal qucr ter •• Srore !3osl~erbo 1/4J

1 The semr frnol game was on uphrll barrie \"We Were for HHS bur rhe HusJ~res refused ro lose Wrrh Not To Oe rhree mrnures lefr rn rhe game and rhree srorrers on rhe bench , rhe HusJ~res were Denied\" behrnd, bur rhey wouldn 'r lose As rhe clock ron our rhe score was ried 2 In rhe over· nme penod rhe HusJ~res showed rherr sruff They l~epr up wrrh Shyvrew bosJ~er for bos- ker Tokrng odvonroge of Sl~yvrew fouls, HHS wenr ahead and won rhe game 57 51 J . Hillcresr hod mode rr ro rhe frnol game and who should rhey be up ogornsr:> Orem, rhe only ream HHS hod losr ro The HHS Orem game proved ro be rhe mosr rnrense game all season The score was very close wrrh rhe lead chongrng hands several nmes Nerrher ream wonred ro lose and or rhe end of regulonon ploy, rr was ned 50 all. The game wenr rnro overrrme The frrsr over nme was o senes of near mrsses Wrrh five seconds ro go, HHS was up by one pornr They fouled Orem and rhe foul shor ned rhe game In over nme #2 HHS was behrnd rn rhe frnol seconds Oob DeMarco mrssed o shor bur Andy Pozell gor rhe rebound and ned rhe score ogorn 4 Hrllcresr rool~ rhe lead rn rhe rhrrd overrrme only ro hove rr ned momenrs lorer Three l~ey players were on rhe bench wrrh fouls, and rhe pressure was on In rhe frnol seconds, Orem mrssed some vrrol shors and Hrllcresr's Jeff Tebbs sunl~ srx free rhrows grvrng rhe HusJ~res rhe finollead The game was over and HHS hod roken Srore for rhe frrsr rrme srnce 1968 44/Srore Oo~erboll

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