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Home Explore 1964


Published by lynette, 2019-05-17 01:07:28

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1964

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 194


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Contents Title Page ---------------------------------- Page 1 Volume 2 Theme Page _-------- ---··----·---·--·-- Page 2 ineteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Administration -------------------------- Page 6 Student Body _----···---····------------ Page 16 Publi hed by The Arts _______________________________..__ Page 80 Yearb ok taff in cooperation with the Organizations -----·----------------- ___ Page 100 tudent B dy of Hillcrest High School, Athletic -----····----·----------------···· Page 122 Midvale, Utah. Activities ------------------------------------ Page 144 Printed by Wheelwright Lithographing Company, Salt Lake ity, Utah. 1

Defiant in her conquest of the elements, strong and sure in her pur uit of excellence, and beautiful in the solid implicity of her de ign, Hillcrest High chool presents a striking example of man' effort · to control the forces of nature through knowledge and under tanding. Although dwarfed in size by the ominou majesty of the overshadowing mountains, the height of her goals and the depth of her sincerity in gaining the e goal are virtually unequalled. In pired by the mysteriou glory of the unchained forces of nature, Hillcre t trives to attain the orderly precision which they display. In the modern days of our time she erves as a gateway to a vast, exciting world of learning, opening the way to a bright future of new hori- zons. It is in institutions such as this in which the hope of all mankind for the betterment of the world of tomorrow re t. Thu tand Hillcrest High chool: trong, beautiful, dedicated, and above all, Mighty as the Mountains.

Dedication The leaves of Autumn have long since blown away and the winter now which followed have -lowly vani hed. Once again it becomes apparent that for Hillcre t High chool another year i drawing to a do e. early everything that happen now carries a note of finality. Deserving tudents are pre ented with their award depicting academic achievements as well a athletic victories. tudent body officer for the following year have been elected and the cheerleader, have been cho en. An epidemic of spring fever has come and gone, leaving its victims anxiou for the year to end. In spite of all this, memorie of this year still linger in the mind of the Hu kies. The in ignificant incidents of everyday high school life may soon be for- g tten, as may the unplea -am aspect of the cia. nom, but the moment of glory and thrill, those of happine and plea ure which have been experienced here, will remain as long a we live. It i to the,e golden memorie of the year 63-64 at Hill- crest High chool and to the pride and honor which comes with academic achieve- ment that we dedicate thi \"Hillcre t.\"

Administration 6

Joel P. Jensen Principal- Hillcrest High School MaJ.· 1in.: B (En '·• Mus.); }.1 (EJuc Adm.) Principal WJth a mountain backdnn , a . ymbol of her stature and prommence, Hillcrest High t.honl C\\mtinut,usly endeav1'r to rai e her prestige to greatt.r heights. Leading thi effort is the principal of our chool, Joel P. Jensen. He i the h ad of a very vital part of the institution- the faculty. There L never a school- p nsored activity for which he is not resptm. ible and no educational material used for which he is not held accountable. Even more important, 1r. ]en ·en i · the voice of Hillcre t and the arm of the Board of Education.

Je, e asper Vice Principal MaJ.· lm.:. 1A ( oun. eltnl!, Admin., ~o . td.) Hulda .ro grove twlent Counselor MaJ.· \\1in.: R (Hsst., EnJ,!., Ed. Psych.) Jean Taylor Wilmer Barnett Lee kan hy tudent Counselor Swdent Counselor tudent Counselor aJ.-Mtn.: BS (Prof. Coun<. ert., Ed. Psych.) MaJ.-Mm.: B (Ed. Admtn.) :\\laJ.- \\lsn.: I I B (Law) 9

H. W. Jorgensen Assistant uperintendent Reed H. Beckstead upenntendent of chools Jordan chool District Board of Education Headed by Clyde V. Buxton, the Board of Education has succe sfully managed Jordan chool District through the 1963-64 school year. It i an elected board which has the purpose of appropriating funds for sch 1 use, arranging for construction of new building , ordering and di tributing new text books, approving the hiring f new teacher , and generally upervi. ing the administration of education in our di trict. Bernarr Furse Bob Jima John Wheadon 10

Faculty El ie Dee Adams Glenda Ahl trom l.1brary MA (l1b. L., Eng.) loyde Bruce Beck tead Doug Ander. n Auto Mechamcs Marh-Achlc·Cics B {Ind. Ed., Wd. W0rk) B (Math, P.E.) Clement Bi hop Kenneth Brady Helen Buehler Donald D. Clark Michael Culleton oc., Gen..:., Bw. Plane Gcomccry-Algebra Dmm.t-.\\ t>ccc h-Rt'aclmg \\1arh-Al.;cbm-Tng . PE. Dm Ed. Arh., H\". B ( oc, Rio.) BS (Marh) BA (Eng., His.) BS (Math, Phy.) B (P.E.) B one C. Colegrove Joyce Dansie Leo Dean Raymond Davi Duane A. D n, ley H•scory- ocial Swd cs Horr e Econonucs-Clorh Chord German A11w \\fcchnn•cs-:vfach-Shop Sta~e Crafr-\\1arh- 'Cic nee fl ( oc. td. omp.) B (Home Ec.) B (P.E., Phys.) flA (\\'o nl.\\lusu:, German) B {Ind. Ed., Math) 11

Faculty Beatrice H. Densley Hcalth-Psycholo ') B (P.E.-Health) Don Gust Stuart Heimdal HIS[., H··alrh, Dr Ed ., Arh Art, Art rafr~ (World Hist., P.E.) B (Art, Com. Art) Anne G. Ia ella Katherine Oliver Irvine Wendell Jackson Yvonne Jone Fn:n. h, Gen. et ence lipan., Eng., Dr Ed. Speech, Dram<!, Eng. BA (Fren., Zoo!.) BA ( pan., Eng.) BA (Drama, Eng.) Verna W. Jone Jack J rgen en Wayne I. Killpack Frank Kamnikar Robert T. Krueger Foods, Clorh . BooloJO> Arr, Com Art Amer Ho,r. En~losh B (Home Ec.) B (Biology) B (Art, Zoolog~) BA ( oc., E,on.) BA (Eng., P,ych.) 12

Lloyd C. Lind B Ind. Arrs-El <L\"tricuy B (Ind. Art,, R~J,,,) Ace! Lowe, Jr. Judith Mad<en Lorene Mark Calvin L. Maxfield June Meiner H•swry-Social \\cudu•s En~lish En~:Ush Al~:.:bra Spccch-R<>admr; BA (<';panish, Hist.) BA ( peech) BA (Eng., Fr.) BS (Eng., H•st.) BS (Math, Physics) Gorden E. Mickelsen Ellen M. 1loore Paula H. 1on. en Joan B. Palmer BookkecP<nJ.:, Alg., Ltw. Dorothy E. chmidt Donna R Janice . Ridge T pe B (Bookkeepmg, Ec.) P.E.-Pcp Club Shorthand, Off Pmc. English B (Busmess Ed., peech) B (P.E., Music) BS (Bus. Ed., 1en. Bus.) BA (Eng., Fr.) 13

Faculty Jame C'h<m c. I~ (Chern., Gen., ·.Ed.) LIC:nCI.! Theodore \\XT. joblom Lawrence J. teimle Dr Ed Phy., c.,Al~ B. (Phy,. c., Math) RS (:\\lath, Phy ., Chern.) Ronald Lynn Thomp on Jay Paul Thorn on adeane Tuft Austin Walker 'hop, Aem., :\\!dallndus. Bw .A!:. En;:.,Gm. l:n T., G.:r., Del->. B (lnJu,. An,, B10.) . I ( c. Ed.-Bio.) RS (Eng., ~1nth) flA (( ier., Eng.) Gerald C. Webb Dance, H ·dch, PE. Wilma Thomp.on Iona narr fl (Phys. Ed., :\\lus1c) Off•• ·e Clerk H• ., oc Sed Off•ce Clerk M ( oc, Hi~.) 14

Custodian and Cafeteria Cleaning alt spattered windows dirtied by wind wept rain in thi m0untain valley i · one l)f the constant duties requiring the eff0rts of our cust0dian , who kept our school ready for use. A beautiful campus, w:ved halls, and parkling cia · rooms greeted the student as they came to . chool, creating a vigorous attitude appropriate to our school' fresh surroundings. Carment Romero T hie Yama hiro Another industri u group was the afeteria taff, who helped to make lunch the be ·t part of our day. erving, cooking, and cleaning up after us, they greeted the tu~ dents with g od fo d and a welcome break from school work. 1uch of the . tudent ' mountainl1US energy and their ability to be a mntributing part of the school mu t be credited to these appreciated helper.. 15

Student Body 16


Lynn Marlor, President Her beauty accented by the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains, Hillcrest High school stand a a vital, thriving in titution for the education of t morrow's leader . Leader hip is the key to Lynn Marlor' succe. as student body pre ident, although his energetic per onality and hi ea y smile have al o been valuable. He has u ed his ability in doing an excellent j b of organizing activities and govern- ing our school's affairs. 18

Student Body Officers Steve Mascaro, Vice-President Filled with loyalty for our school, Steve ha striven to maintain the high standards of excel- lence which have been established by a top-rate student body. Not nly has he proved to be a wise choice for vice-president of this student body, but he has also become a very well-known and well-liked member of it. Sandra Cook, Secretary Jeanne Larsen, Historian Aptly fulfilling her job a ·ecretary, Sandra has With a ready smile and a sparkling personality, recorded the event and activitie f this our Jeanne has u ed her skill and indu triou ne to econd year. Her pleasant personality and quick- make an accurate, factual history of the 63-64 witted spirit have erved to trcngthen the tudent chool year. Our chool's ucce in gammg great body in achieving a new height of success. stature has been partially due to her efforts. Be- cause of her efficiency he has become a real asset to the student body. 1

Girls' Association Ever consciou of the need for unity among the girls of a chool, the Hillcre t Girls' A ciation ha diligently worked toward the achievement of such a desirable spirit. Among their effort were the sp n ring of the weet, heart's Ball last February, the Parent ' and Daughter ' Night la t November, and the u hering at ch I as em- blies and functions. The value of this a ociation has become apparent in the succe of the activitie and m the warm atmo phere which is characteri tic of our student body. Pamela Simper Dolore Garcia Diane Thurmond Mrs. Jean Taylor Vice-President Secretary Business Manager Advisor Representatives: Barbara Bateman, Linda Harris, Randy Witt, Carolyn Franklyn. 20

Boys' Association Striving ever upward, the Boys' A 1ation has joined the effort to reach the greate t height of uccess in thi our second year. \\Vith the purpose of binding the school's boys together with a pirit of loyalty, the Boy ' A sociation scheduled several events: a Boy' Day Dance last Novem~ ber 22, a Sons' and Parent ' Night last January 17, and a spring basketball game featuring the student body versu the faculty. Due to the ucce of the. e activitie , the Boys' Association has achieved its goal of creating unity among the boys of the chool. Joe Scorzatto President Mr. Wilmer Barnett Mark Mitchell Rick Dugdale Advisor Business Manager Vice~President Representanves: Allen Borg, Lester Cannon, George Hughes, Steve Urry, Dan Watenobe, Donn Griffith, Richard Barnum. 2.

Student Council Student Body Officers: Lynn Marlor, Steve Mascaro, andra Cook, Jeanne Larsen Playing a vital and active r le in the management of our school's affair-, the student council ha · met with ambition the immen~e problems of our sixteen hundred member student body. Headed by the student body officers, the council also serves a the students' rep- resentative. Acting as me engers for Mr. Casper, its members relay news of coming events which concern the student per onally. The, e members are elected out of each homeroom cla and it is their duty to supervise elections held in their homerooms. Red Cro member hip cards and pins are a! o distributed by these council members. The council i a cia sic example of the principles upon which our democratic society operates. Bottom row: Ralph Nakaishi, D1anna Lochrie, Kelly Watts, Carolyn Cheri Olson, Brenda Smith, Peggy Carter, Carol Berg~trom, Cheryl Cowley, Linda Mosher, Judy Van Valkenburg, Janet Van Valkenburg, Hess, Myrna Vranes, Michelle Eutsler. Ro«! 4: Jo Ann Patience, Pamela imper. Row 2: Craig mlth, Pat Keogh, Pat Goff, Gwen Randy Burton, Brent mith, Jim ichols, Robert Young, Reid Green, Cooley, Vickie Phelps, Johnny Leonard, Bruce Yuhas, Gloria Malm- trom, Marilynn now, Jodi ydeg{ler, Alan Bullock, Jo Ann Kjar, Steve Urry, Don Griffith, Robert Jenson, Dave Burns, Mike Peterson, Janice ,abey, Brenda Butler, Darlene Rich. Rou: 3: Craig Patrick, Rand Beckstead, Calvin Gundersen, Henry Hewke, Terry Smart, eil Smart, Leslie Bean, Mike Davies, Ron Sager. Row 5: Russell Hansen, ancy amuelsen, Kathy Fyan., Ann Finlayson, Janet McClung, Bob Talbot, Chuck Revill, Steve Green, Tom Gonzales, Dick Eldredge, Kaylynn Barns, Connie Crane, Kathy Osborne, Shawnee uttall, Diane Galle~os, Linda Haueter, Wendy Nix, Mary McQuillan, Kathy 2 Wood, Dale Radovich, John Gerrin, Rick ydegger.

Safety Council Strengthened by the p ise of the surrounding m un- tains, Hillcrest High chool' Safety Council stands a a talwart prom tor of afety and protection to its tudents. Through weekly meeting and competition with Jordan, Murray, and Granite chool di tricts, they stimulated student upport of the safety program; its chief goal wa the privilege of displaying the safety flag: a ymbol of achievement in safe practice among the member of the tudent body. Officers: Deaun Freeman, Secretary; Randy Alldridge, State ecretary; Steve Urry, President; Gary Pederson, Tri-District Presrdent; Vicky Pedersen, Vice-Pre ident; Lynn Rae ager, Tn-Disrrict RecordL'r. Carolee Owen, Kathy Osborne, Jill Andersen, Barbara McKell, Randy Alldndge, Steve Urry, Gary Pedersen, Kathy De Luca, LeRoy Jenkins. Carolyn Franklin, Vickie Pedersen, Lynn Rae Sager, Becky Hess, Deaun Freeman, Laird Ralston, Paul Ro . 2

LIBRARY A Lana Lane Cheri Olsen Cheryl Rundqui~t Lanette Welden ancie amuelson haron Lewis Leo 0' eil

Service Staffs No matter how efficient a chool's faculty may be, certain inevitable task arise which can only be filled by the student them elve . Our service staffs have served in the lunchroom, the library, the office, and have helped in elling candy, operat, ing tage equipment, and in doing ecretarial work for the coun ellors and the vice -principal. As it is nece ·sary to utilize cia period for these service , the service worker are granted one credit for their duties. Vicki lotte Darhl Jensen Bobby Lee Emylee Belcher Dtck Rowley Bonnie Templeman Roland Adams Candice elson uzanne Stoffer Clinton Hintze Rae Jean Lee Mareth Courrier Linda Park Mike Evans Janet Stout Martin Chri tian. en LIBRARY B teven Archuleta OFFICE B Dale Rogers Diana Brush CA. mY Ray Braithwaite Joan Alldredge Cheryl Brandt Craig Herd \\Vilma Wootton OFFICE A Barbara Welch LeRoy Jenkins Craig Conkle Richard Kittle Linda Olsen Mark Cherington Kent Brewster Judy Erickson Carolyn Wood Clinton Hintze Earl ell Mike Greer Joyce Dunlap Linda Cundick Marleen Daw. on Arleen lade Jeri Bowen hanna Jacobs Carolee Owen ABE T Geri Ander en ElmerWhtte Anita Robinson Larry Findling Maureen Dahl OFFICE C Glenda Cutler Joe Zdunich Vaughn Berrett Richard Barnum cott Parker Brenda Butler Lllltan Griego STAGE CREW Dorothy Bond Ron Pedler Rtcky Nunley

Senior Officers Alan Bullock, President With a friendly and per, ua ive attitude, Alan ha led the commanding eni r clas through a val- uable year of learnmg and activity. Hi · talents have been utilized in the planning of senior activi- tie and assemblies, and in heading tudent com- mittee . Thr ugh his help the enior have achieved a high tandard of excellence second to none. Ann Finlay n, Vice-President A friendly greeting and a cheerful smile have be- come trademarks of Lynn Rae, although she A strong attribute to the pace- etting . enior clas , has al o gained recognition for her efficiency as Ann Finlay on has been valuable in the manage- ecretary of the enior cia . uch qualittes have ment of it many activitie. and other vital affair . been valuable in the building of a great tudent Her wonderful per nality a well a her trong body headed by a great enior clas , and as a incentive have been instrumental in the achieve- prominent member Lynn Rae has become a ment of the numer u goal et before our high- leader in this cau e. calibre senior cia .

Su ~n Alder Virlo(inia A:tlo(arJ Joan Alldred,::e Geri Ander~en Gary Anderson Jill Andersen Karen Anderson Dennis Archuleta Steve Archuleta Dennis Ashby Gre!(g Arm~trong Carol Bam R1chard Barnum Leslie B~an Wayne Berling Deanna B~ckstrom Richard Bergan Emylee Belcher Craig Bell Caroline Bellows Vaughn Berrett Kay Beratto C:trol Berg trom Carla Bergstrom 2

Bill Bilbao Clara Biltz Dorothy Bond Jeanne Bo~es Lmda Booth Seniors Jeri Bowen Larry Brady Merrill Brown Michael Bowen Gene Brady Shirley Brown Carey Bradshaw LuAnn Brady Alan Bullock Dixie Bowles Marshall Brough Dan Buchanan Jeff Brown Tommy Burke Richard Bowles 8

Merlene Burmngham Ju d y C ampbell Gary Carlson Todd Carlson Reggte Carpenter Duane Carr ~ haron Cava~:nolo Gene Chavez Chern Cagle Margaret Coleman Diane Conkle Mareth Courrier Glenda Cutler Miguel Chnstensen Mtke Davte andra Cook Linda Cundick Mike Dennmg Ltnda Coulter Maureen Dahl Marleen Dawson Lou DtBella 2

Rick Dugdale Seniors Rock Dunroe Iva Draper Joyce Dunlap Timothy Dye Mike Dunlap Judy Erickson Paul Edward Dick Eldredge Sue Fahrni Joyanne Fife Larry Findling Phylli Fi her Ann Finlayson Randy Fisher Marlina Fivas 30

Harold Forgie Fred Fleming Deaun Freeman Carolyn Franklin Kathy Fyans E ther Garcia Lillian Onego Lynn Garner Ellen Graham Gary Gorringe George Gonzale Carol Gilbert Richard Hackney Dougla. Hansen Dennis Green Myrna Hansen Tom Greenwood andra Hansen Kaysie Henson Brent~ kip Hancock Robin Han en Tri h Harvey 3

usan Hughe Bob Hendncks Carolyn Henneman Jame' Hepner Bruce HHton Seniors Ann Holmstr m Pam Hirst Ketth Horrocks Ginger Jacobson Janice Jenkins Douglas Jenkins Ronie Johanson Marilyn Jensen Darhl Jensen 2

G len Jones Bret Johnson Daisy Bell }one& Da nn a Jac kson Kenneth Jones Denni Jones Karmen Kemp Jim Koos Brent Lar en Johnny Leonard LynDa Kinart haryl Kikel Kathy Kreidler Rae Jean Lee Kri teen Le ter JoAnn Kjar Ron Larrabee Robert Lee Carol Loader Ray Kirk Jeanne Larsen Janice Lindley Judy Leonard Karen Kearsley Linda Kocherhans

Martin Lindgren ~haron Lewis Duane Loveles Rosalie Lugerbauer Seniors Lynn Marlor Brent Mtller Stacey Monroe Joan Miller Beth McCandless Barbara McKell 34

andy Mowrey Jack Nicol Cherri Mounteer JoAnn Niel. n Dave Ottley Richard Parker John Pavich ancy elson Cheri Olson Bill Patton Ronald Pedler Carolee Owen Edith telson Gary Olson Pat Patter on hirley Pedler Mary Ann tksich ancy Pearce ydney Pedler 35

Claron Perry Larry Perrenoud U nda Peter on Drew Peterson Seniors ( Ted Proctor Laird Ralston Bonnie Ree~e Darlene Rich Linda Pyper Charles Rardin Glona Rawson Carol Roach Lara1ne Pugm1re Chuck Revill Mary Richards Kathy R1ce 36

Pat y Rodriguez Tom Rogerson Amta RobinM~n Merrill Ros~ Lorrame Romero Arlene ahey ancte amuelson Maurme Ross Cheryl Rundqutst Lynn Rae ager Recki avage ora Ronquillo Jerrold abey Kay earle teve Roundy ally Rowley Dtck Rowley Janice Sa hey Duane choenfeld 37

E1leen ommer Paul nyder Ken Steed Jody Stevens Manlynn Snow Bill Stavros Douglas tutz uzanne Stoffers Janet Stout Bob Talbot Ed witzer Michael Tea John Taylor Ray Tennyson Jack Thomas Philip Terry Leigh Ann Town end Harold Ure Steve Urry Kenneth Tuttle Ida Valdez 38

Byron Vranes Lynne Wayman Conme Webb Dave Weber Terry Walker M1ke Welch Barl>ara Welch Judy Whetman ElmerWhae Lanette Welden Fred Wing Carl Wilson W1lma Jean Wootton Bonnte Williams }1m Young Eileen Woolley Kathy Wood Betsy Yengich Robert Youn~ Robert Yengich Bonnie Za1ser Gary Z1mmerman Bngitte Yowell Bruce Yuhas 39

Senior Action

Junior Officers Randy Goff, Junior President Randy Goff, endowed with a permanent mde and a kind attitude, has been termed the most energetic and popular boy in our school. His cholastic achieve- ment and hi untiring energy have been utilized to help the Junior Ia achieve unity and success in e tabh hmg an out- tanding record for the year 63-64. Carolyn Cowley, Junior Vice-President Vicki Phelps, Junior Secretary A isting and advising the Pre ident and Proving her elf worthy of the confidence helping to create a fine school pmt, that her vigorou and likeable manner Carolyn has helped to make the Junior in pire, Vicki helped form the executive Cla a dominant influence on all of u . c unci! into an effective organization. Her Her bubbling per onality and sparkling value in recording the event of this year mile have helped make thi year one of was equalled only by her re urcefulne enjoyment, and her lively imagination has in planning junior activities and in help- contributed many idea to the betterment ing the junior to gain the high tandards of the juniors. o typical of our student body.

Chn Adams anette Aagard Diana Albanese Randy Alldridge Linda Allsop Robyn Andersen Betty Anderson }arne. Anderson Roger P. Anderson Barbara Andrus Davtd Arm trong Arlene Andreas Pamela Bangerter David Ashby andt Arnold Mary Atherley Carla Atkinson Barbara Bateman Garth Beckstead Lanny Beeny Ronald Beesley harlene Bell Vern Belcher Barbara Bellow LaFawn Barney Rus ell Biancht teve Bench Gerald Bess Orley Bill Barbara Boothe Mary Bilbao Miriam Bishop Pauline Boggess Ron Booth Janet Borg Lynda Black 43

Juniors (, Vicki Bowen Michael Bowden Carolyn Boulware Barbara Brady David Brady herrie Brady Cheryl Brand hirley Brady Patty Brannan Ron Brimhall Lynda Bringhurst Cathy Brinton Robert Budge Kent Brown Linda Brown John Bullock Colleen Brown usan Burningham Rand Brown Paul Buhler Jenme Bushnell Brent Burgon John Burgon James Butterfield William Burton Dave Burri Mary Anne Butterfield Gloria Canning Claudia Carter 4 Mike Butler

Suzy CarL ton Pegg\"y Carter cott Chapman Pam Chesley Betty Chamberlain John Child Doug Chnstensen Linda Chunch Jeff). Clawson Jennifer Clement andra Christopher. on Janet Coleman Carl Commons julie Clement teven M. Crane Mike Cram Alan Collins Gwen Cooley John Cole Kathleen Cuthbert Wayne Cutler Gregory teele Cullis B b Curtis Carolyn Cowley Linda DeCisto Diana Davidson Tom David Raymond Curtis Glen Dean 45 Larry Dazley

Juniors Loui. e Devey Andre De Brum Victor Dellagnola Joe Devinny Beverly Donga Dorothy Densley Robert Duncan John Dutson usan Eckersley Jim Edmondson David Elliott elma Elmer Vicki Epperson Jerry Erkelens Anita Etherington Michelle Eutsler Margaret Erickson Yvonn• Evans Pat Eskelsen Don Farrell Bob Ertmann Yvette Evans Lynda Fortner Colleen Ewell Howard Fanner Dave Fobert Ellen Fivas Annella Foster Kathy Fox Linda Franke 46

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