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Home Explore 2017 Program Booklet - Final

2017 Program Booklet - Final

Published by tsalvato, 2017-12-05 11:28:13

Description: 2017 Program Booklet - Final


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NHLRA STRATEGIC PARTNERS WELCOME!FOUR STAR Dear Colleagues,STRATEGIC PARTNERS Welcome to the 2017 NHLRA Hospitality Industry Networking Reception and Stars Awards Dinner. We are delighted that you haveTHREE STAR joined us for this annual event and we thank our hosts here at the Grappone Conference Center for their generous hospitality againSTRATEGIC PARTNERS this year. TWO STAR The Stars of the Industry Event allows each of us to connect with friends and colleagues who work in the industry, but more STRATEGIC PARTNERS importantly provides the opportunity to recognize individuals who go above and beyond each day. ONE STAR We are fortunate to have the support of our Strategic Partners STRATEGIC PARTNERS throughout the year; their generosity helps to underwrite not just the Stars event but also many of our other Member benefit programs. We hope you will have the opportunity to visit with each of the Strategic Partners who are here today, as well as the other exhibitors who have joined us for this year’s event. The NHLRA Board of Directors is a dedicated group of individuals who are passionate about and deeply committed to New Hampshire’s hospitality industry. We welcome our new Board Members to the team and extend our heartfelt gratitude to those Board Members whose terms have come to an end. The coming year is shaping up to be a challenging one on the legisla- tive front. We must continue to stress the importance of the hospitality industry and its impact on the economy to our elected officials. It is critical for us to work with them to enact legislation that is favorable to our industry. We thank those of you who have been engaged in the legislative process throughout the past year and we extend an invitation to all of you to participate with us in the upcoming legislative session. Sincerely, Vinnie Spiotti, Chairman of NHLRA Board, 2017

AGENDA Business Breakthrough SessionsAnnual Meeting: 11:30 - 12:30 PM Session 1Webster State Room The Secret to a 30 Minute Social Media Marketing PlanBusiness Breakthrough Sessions: 1:00 - 3:30 PM Time: 1:00-1:45PM, Concord Room Presenter: Donald Burns, The RestaurantMerrimack & Concord Rooms CoachDiscover innovative ways to better your business by attending abreakthrough session led by industry experts, Donald Burns, The Session 3Restaurant Coach™ and Gregg Patterson, the Founder and President of\"Tribal Magic!!!\". With years of experience and knowledge in their Outside The Box: Boost Your Bottom Linerespective fields, they have created interactive and unique sessions for Time: 2:45-3:30PM, Concord RoomNHLRA's Annual Event. Presenter: Donald Burns, The Restaurant CoachNetworking Reception: 4:00 - 6:00 PM Session 2Pre-Function AreaMix and mingle with the leaders of our industry and learn what new Creating and Leading a High Octane, Highideas, innovations and products are on the horizon while enjoying Productivity, \"On a Mission\" High Perfor-hors d'oeuvres prepared by Pinkerton Academy’s ProStart Team, New mance TeamHampshire’s 2017 ProStart Competition Winners! Time: 1:50-2:40PM, Merrimack Room Presenter: Gregg Patterson, Founder andStars of the Industry Awards Dinner: 6:30 PM President of \"Tribal Magic!!!\"Granite BallroomThe dinner event dedicated to celebrating the brightest stars in ourindustry.This year's Stars Dinner will feature keynote speaker and industry ex-pert, Gregg Patterson. His keynote, \"Creating Memorable Moments\"will explore the importance of creating memorable experiences in thehospitality industry, and discuss ways to “enlarge and enrich” eachservice experience.

BUSINESS PARTNERS BUSINESS PARTNERS4 Leaf Retail Solutions4 Leaf Retail Solutions provides Point-of-Sales (POS) equipment and mer-chant services to the hospitality, tourism, and retail industries. We representClover and ShopKeep as POS hardware which provides simple, easy to useinterfaces with cloud based business reporting. We also provide web andgraphic design services with eCommerce capa-bilities.Michael Doheny,276 Newport Road, Suite 220New London, NH 03257Barritt’s Ginger BeerBarritt's Ginger Beer is a non-alcoholic soft drink from the island of Bermuda,whose distinguishable flavor has made it a secret weapon among professionalbartenders and home mixologists! Enjoy this uniquely zesty beverage on itsown, or use it as a mixer that complements a large range of whiskey, gin, te-quila, rum and vodka cocktails.Jim Burns901 Ocean AvenueOcean City, NJ 08226603-399-1486 (p)

BUSINESS PARTNERS BUSINESS PARTNERSCheckmate Workforce Management SolutionsCheckmateHCM has been providing Payroll, Time & Attendance, and HR so-lutions for over 20 years that are customized to your business by experts inthe hospitality industry. Complete compliance services from new hire re-porting to W-2's, including online payroll management, all tip reporting, timeclock system, and HRIS/HCM needs.Josh Robinson112 South State StreetConcord, NH 03301603-225-2004 (p) • 603-224-0674 (f)Cintas Fire ProtectionCintas Fire Protection is an industry leading provider set apart by our profes-sional commitment, the detailed processes we have in place, the trainedtechnicians we employ, and the industry-exclusive guarantee we give you.Cintas has become a trusted partner for thousands of companies around thecountry by delivering a one-stop fire protection solution that enables ourcustomers to focus on their core business objectives.Alicia Thomas79 Dow RoadBow, NH 03304603-490-1597 (p)[email protected] & Lavey Business Solutions, Inc.Clark & Lavey provides strategic, long-term solutions for your group healthbenefit needs. They are the founder of InCap(r), a group health captive pro-gram savings clients millions of dollars. With innovative solutions, human re-source service and support, and a client-centric focus, they can help take a biteout of your high benefit costs.Paul E. Clark7 Henry Clay DriveMerrimack, NH 03054603-883-3773 (p)

BUSINESS PARTNERS BUSINESS PARTNERS Lineage Wine Selections Coca-Cola of Northern New England Wines of Family, Tradition and Pride Coca-Cola beverages Proud to be a sponsor of Mike Gibeault NHLRA Stars of the 1 Executive Park Drive Industry Bedford, NH 03110 603-627-6148 (p) • 603-627-6108 (f)We would be honored to present [email protected] wine and spirits portfolio to www.ccnne.comyour establishment. Please con- tact Bryant or visit him during Eversource the networking reception. Eversource is New England’s largest energy delivery company and [email protected] Hampshire’s largest energy provider, serving more than 500,000 electric cus- tomers in 211 communities. 978-328-2041 Paul Ramsey 780 North Commercial Street PO Box 330 Manchester, NH 03101 603-634-2386 (p) • 603-634-2367 (f) [email protected] Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions We provide deep fryer management, walk-in condensation control, and drain maintenance. Francis Brown 222 hidden oak way Manchester, MA 03102 603-722-4698 (p) [email protected] Granite Financial Partners Coordinating the financial affairs of business owners. Specializing in business solutions, estate planning and wealth management. GranitPath is your retire- ment solutions company. Jonathan Edwards 388 Nashua Street Milford, NH 03055 603-554-8551 (p) [email protected]

BUSINESS PARTNERSHeartland Payment SystemsHeartland delivers credit/debit card processing and security technologythrough Heartland Secure™ and a comprehensive breach warranty. Heartlandalso offers mobile commerce, e-commerce, marketing solutions, payrollsolutions to over 400,000 businesses nationwide.A FORTUNE 1000 company, Heartland is the founding supporter of MerchantBill of Rights, a public advocacy initiative that educates business owners aboutfair credit card processing practices.Patrick MurphyPO Box 181Kearsage, NH 03847603-387-3493 (p) • 603-372-5911(f)[email protected] BeveragePurveyor of fine wines & spiritsJoe LaRocca44 Chenell DriveConcord, NH 03301603-225-9700 (p) • 603-225-9111 (f)[email protected] Foodservice Equipment & SuppliesServing a variety of food service establishments and institutions for over 90years, Kittredge is a one-stop shop for equipment, small wares, supplies, andservices. We offer a full line of products from the top manufactures in theindustry, along with competitive pricing, and thorough service from start tofinish.Glen Culver618 Route 3ABow, NH 03304603-496-9691 (p)[email protected]

BUSINESS PARTNERSLineage Wine SelectionsLineage Wine Selections is dedicated to providing wines of Family, Traditionand Pride, by working with producers, importers and distributors to providehigh quality wines at affordable prices.Bryant Sousa14 Swift LaneMerrimack, NH 03054978-328-2041 (p)[email protected] InsuranceWe offer a wide variety of property and casualty insurances that you mayneed to protect your personal and business assets. Our products are soldthrough Independent Insurance Agents, expert insurance professionals wholive and work in the communities they serve. They’ll make sure you get justthe right combination of coverages – at competitive prices.Allison Trepaney194 North Main StreetConcord, NH 03301603.204.4867 (P)[email protected] Hampshire Liquor CommissionWine and Spirit's WholesalerCassandra Denoncourt50 Storrs StreetConcord, NH 03301603-230-7053 (p)[email protected]

BUSINESS PARTNERSNHSavesNHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gasutilities working with the NH Public Utilities Commission and other interestedparties to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and supportdesigned to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environmentstatewide. NHSaves advances the efficient use of energy and promoteseconomic development in New Hampshire with funding to support technicalassessments and efficiency project implementation.Joe Van Gombos & Robert [email protected] & [email protected] with us at Foodservice — NorthCenterPERFORMANCE Foodservice-NorthCenter is a New England supplier activelysourcing locally grown and produced items. High quality imports andnationally sourced items round out our portfolio to bring the best availableproducts in the market to our valued customers. We are a broadline distributoroffering fresh and frozen seafood, beef, poultry and pork, produce, cheeses,disposables, chemicals and much more.Susan Bower, Marketing Manager20 Dalton RoadAugusta, ME [email protected]/NorthCenterRetail Control SolutionsWe supply information technology solutions that enable your Table Service,Fast Casual and Quick Service Restaurant, Bar or Nightclub run smoother andbecome more profitable. We provide one seamless integrated solution whereyou can select from a combination of technology solutions to obtain theperfect solution to operate your business. From Point of Sale, LaborManagement, Inventory Control and Kitchen Automation to our CloudReporting suite, we provide you with the right tools to ensure you aresuccessful.John Surdek460 Hillside AvenueNeedham, MA 02494800-767-2212 (p),

BUSINESS PARTNERSSkills USA NHSkillsUSA is an applied method of instruction for preparing America's highperformance workers in public career and technical programs. We providequality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizen-ship and character development.Robert [email protected] (P)Sprague EnergySprague is one of the largest independent suppliers of energy products andservices in the Northeast. Founded in 1870, Sprague’s offerings include homeheating oil, diesel fuels, residual fuels, gasoline, natural gas and power.Claude Peyrot185 International DrivePortsmouth, NH 03801603-430-7254 (p)Sysco BostonSysco Boston, LLC is the largest foodservice distributor in New England. Ourwarehouse in Plympton, Massachusetts carries nearly 13,000 in-stock prod-ucts for restaurants and institutional foodservice customers. Sysco Boston,LLC is a subsidiary of the SYSCO Corporation in Texas, the largest foodservicemarketing and distributing organization in North America. Our goal is to beTHE SUPPLIER of CHOICE.Chris Spencer99 Spring StreetPlympton, MA 02367781-422-2300 (p)

BUSINESS PARTNERSUS FoodsUS Foods is one of America’s great food companies and leading distributors.Serving independent and multi-unit restaurants, healthcare and hospitalityentities, government and educational institutions.Steve Parnagian100 Ledge RoadSeabrook, NH 03874www.usfoods.comWhite Birch GourmetSince 2009, specialty food distributor White Birch Gourmet has been yourbest choice for locally-made quality products. For artisan breads & rolls, hand-made pasta, Modern Pastry, and many other items. How can we help you?Jack Courtney373 South Willow St. ,Suite 290Manchester, NH 03103603-325-8985 (p)

BUSINESS PARTNERSWoodshed Roasting CompanyLocated in the Beautiful Lakes Region of New Hampshire, we started in 2010 ina garage with a small sample roaster. We are now found across NewHampshire in fine grocery stores and restaurants. We offer single origin, fairtrade and USDA certified organic coffee, have created several of our ownblends, and purchase only specialty coffee from all over the world. Wecontinue to strive to deliver the best, freshest coffee available to ourcustomers.Brad Fitzgerald116 Hounsell AveLaconia, NH 03246603-737-2000 (p)[email protected]

Sponsors to the Stars THANK YOU!Drink Ticket Sponsor:Centerpiece Sponsor:Wine Donations:

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