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Facilitator Guide - Template

Published by marelize, 2017-03-13 08:37:45

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FARMING SERVICES (PTY)FLTaDcilitator Facilitator Notes: Notes ___________________________________________________ GOVERNANCE MASTERCLASS ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Module 1 ___________________________________________________ Agricultural Sustainability ___________________________________________________ Agri IQ South Africa Solidaridad Next Page 1 2 3 Solutions for Sustainable Agri-Business herding sheep as a boy law student mine night watchman 6 5 4 president of South Africa sent to Robbin Island president of ANCYLPurpose of this facilitation guide: BECOMES FAMOUS WORLD LEADERThis facilitation guide has been designed to give you background information, NELSON MANDELA “I am the master of my fate.resources, ideas and activities to do with this Governance Masterclass and to I am the captain of my soul.”make it interactive, informative and as effective as possible. CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST, WORLD LEADER, WRITER JULY 18, 1918 - DECEMBER 05, 2013Each day of this Governance Masterclass Programme will cover various topics, Time Schedule:along with different activities you can use.HINT: Try to take the opportunity to take photographs during the activities. 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ Timeline (Starting with Mandela)Getting ready for the training session: Delegate Introductions 09:45 : Defining ClimateEnsure that you have the following with you-Timeline Lesotho Pictures 10:15 : What is Global Warming?World blow-up globe Thermometer 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global WarmingBlanketDartboard 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAKWhiteboard markerPen 11:30 : What is Sustainability?Picture booksAttendance Registers 11:45 : Toilet Paper StoryPlease feel free to make notes, comments and suggestions of each section and 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainabilitysend it back to us. In order for us to make the training effective and as user-friendly as possible we need your feedback! This facilitation guide should help 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussionnot hinder you! 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day Hi! I’m Jeff, I’m here to prompt you every time you need to tell a story to the delegates... enjoy your training! 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

Facilitator Notes:TIMELINE ___________________________________________________ 1899 1949 ___________________________________________________KOMATIPOORT TOWN MALELANE TOWN PROCLAIMED PROCLAIMED ______________________________________________________________________________________________________1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1965 1994 MALELANE MILL KOMATI MILL ___________________________________________________Nelson Mandela (Birth) FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD July 18, 1918 2013GET TO KNOW YOUR INSTITUTION Next PageTell the audience “your story”(Mark your year of birth on the timeline) CLIMATETell the audience the AGRI-IQ “story”(As you are telling them this story, mark the date (2006) on thetimeline.Ask the audience to introduce themselves, what position they Time Schedule:hold within the co-opperative, how many hectres they farm,number of years in farming etc. 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQIf they state which year they were born in, mark it on the Timeline (Starting with Mandela)timeline. Delegate IntroductionsAfter introductions ask the oldest delegate (if they have been 09:45 : Defining Climateborn in Malalane / Driekoppies) to describe what Malalane andsurroundings looked like in their youth - refer to old and new 10:15 : What is Global Warming?photos of Malalane in picture books. 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global WarmingAsk the audience how the weather has changed in theirlifetimes. What events can they remember? 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAKDrought in 1991, 2015 11:30 : What is Sustainability?Floods events 2000, 2016Winds: What about the Selati winds that blows in August? 11:45 : Toilet Paper StoryHail? Dit it always hail - can you remember? 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

CLIMATE CHANGE Facilitator Notes: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Next Page What is Global Warming?DEFINING CLIMATE Time Schedule:Ask the audience what they understand by the word 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ“Climate” Timeline (Starting with Mandela) Delegate IntroductionsDefinition: Weather conditions in an area in general or over along period. 09:45 : Defining ClimateACTIVITY: Picture of Lesotho (don’t tell them where it is) 10:15 : What is Global Warming?Ÿ Divide the groupe into 2 and give them each a picture 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global WarmingŸ Questions: 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAK Where do you think this country is? How is this climate different to our climate here? 11:30 : What is Sustainability? Do you think that they have floods, droughts as we do? 11:45 : Toilet Paper StoryL-o-n-g t-e-r-m s-h-i-f-t in weather conditions cause ourclimate to change - this is called CLIMATE CHANGE 12:15 : Agricultural SustainabilityThe earth has warmed twice as fast in the last 50 years as in 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussionthe 50 years before that. 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the dayThe past 10 years have been the warmest on record. 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

What is Global Warming? Facilitator Notes: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Next Page Contributors to Global Warming?WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING?Introduce the audience to the blow-up world globes.Find South Africa - Fine MalalaneWhat do you think we find around the globes .... different gases, like Time Schedule:oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.Now cover the world in the blanket - what do you think will happen to the 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ“gasses / air “ around the world? Timeline (Starting with Mandela)Gradually it will get hotter and hotter, causing the temperature to get Delegate Introductionshotter and the oceans to get hotter. 09:45 : Defining ClimateWhat do you think happens to the gases? They are trapped under the 10:15 : What is Global Warming?blanket. 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global WarmingGlobal warming refers to the gradual increase in the temperature of the 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAKEarth's surface, atmosphere and oceans as a result of greenhousegases. Carbon monoxide emissions created by deforestation and burning 11:30 : What is Sustainability?fossil fuels create a barrier that traps the sun's heat on the Earth causingthe planet to warm up. 11:45 : Toilet Paper StoryGreenhouse Gases - a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainabilityabsorbing infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons areexamples of greenhouse gases. 12:30 : Final Activity - Group DiscussionCarbon Monoxide - a colourless, odourless toxic flammable gas formedby incomplete combustion of carbon. 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

Contributors to Global Warming How do the delegates play? 1. Each delegate will get a turn to throw a maximum of three darts at the dart boardDART BOARD ACTIVITY: Contributors to Global Warming in any one turn. 2. If the delegate is not able to hit a number in three throws, the next delegate has aDescription: turn · Each number (1 to 20) on the dart board corresponds to a statement 3. Whichever number is hit, the global warming statement corresponding to the contributing to global warming. There are 20 statements and each is numbered number hit is selected and the next delegate gets a turn. The statement is 1 to 20. discussed and its severity rating is applied (once the delegates have agree on the · For example, number 1 on the dart board corresponds to statement number 1. rating) Number 2 on the board corresponds to statement number 2 and so on to 4. The severity rating number is drawn onto the thermometer starting from zero to number 20. one hundred · Each statement is graded according to the severity of its impact on global 5. The next delegate then has a turn to throw the darts warming with the average being 5 (a low impact could be 2 or 3 and a high 6. If a delegate hits a number that has already been called, he throws another dart impact could be 7or 8) up to a maximum of three throws. · The total impact rating of all 20 statements should add up to 100. 7. If not successful with his three throws, he hands the dart over to the next · When a dart is thrown and a number is hit, the corresponding statement is read delegate. out. The statement and how it effects global warming is discussed. 8. Once all the numbers (1 to 20) have been hit and the corresponding statements · The statement is then graded. The facilitator will guide the delegates as to the discussed and rated and the rating entered onto the thermometer, the game is severity of the statement. The overall average of all the statements is 4 so that over the overall rating on the thermometer is approximately 80. 9. At the end of the game the thermometer should be filled to approximately 80. · The facilitator will then mark the thermometer with the rating for the statement. Each statement will then be marked on the thermometer to depict the rise in Time Schedule: global warming temperature 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ Timeline (Starting with Mandela) Delegate Introductions 09:45 : Defining Climate 10:15 : What is Global Warming? 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global Warming 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAK 11:30 : What is Sustainability? 11:45 : Toilet Paper Story 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

What is Sustainability? Facilitator Notes: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Unsustainable vs Sustainable Next Page ...Sustainability important to making sure that we have and will continue to have,WHAT IS SUSTAINABILITY? the water, materials and resources to protectEnvironmental sustainability is adherence to resource usage human health and our environment.that neither depletes the natural environment nor pollutes itbeyond its ability to compensate for or replace the changes. Time Schedule:Sustainability is river that never stops flowing. 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ Timeline (Starting with Mandela) Delegate Introductions 09:45 : Defining Climate 10:15 : What is Global Warming? 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global Warming 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAK 11:30 : What is Sustainability? 11:45 : Toilet Paper Story 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

...Sustainability important to making Facilitator Notes:What issuSreuthsattwaeihnavaebanidliwtilyl c?ontinue to have, ___________________________________________________ the water, materials and resources to protect ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________human health and our environment. Next Page AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY = The production of food or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, communities and animals.WHAT IS SUSTAINABILITY? ...growing food in a way that means you can continue to do it for ever. It does not dependModern human activities are usually unsustainable. The totally upon energy (fossil fuel-coal) which isproduction of modern toilet paper, for instance, often requires now used for huge machines and forextensive logging of hardwoods, which grow back far less making fertilizers and pesticides.quickly than they are cut down. Time Schedule:Give the audience some interesting 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ facts about toilet paper. Timeline (Starting with Mandela) Delegate Introductions 09:45 : Defining ClimateLikewise, modern food products come with so much packaging 10:15 : What is Global Warming?that disposing of all the non-biodegradable waste has become 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global Warminga problem in many places. 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAK 11:30 : What is Sustainability?3 Components of Sustainability 11:45 : Toilet Paper Story 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the dayEverything that we need for our survival and well-being, depends on our natural environment. 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD (air, water, soil, nature)

AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY = Facilitator Notes:The production of food or animal products using farming techniques that protect the ___________________________________________________ environment, public health, communities and animals. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ What is Sustainability? ___________________________________________________ ...growing food in a way that means you can ___________________________________________________ continue to do it for ever. It does not depend totally upon energy (fossil fuel-coal) which is Next Page now used for huge machines and for making fertilizers and pesticides.AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY Group DiscussionQUESTION:What can you do to make your farm more sustainable?Ÿ Don’t poison the soil by over fertilizing Time Schedule:Ÿ Good maintenance of Irrigation SystemŸ Don’t over irrigate DON’T WASTE WATER! 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQŸ Prevent Soil Erosion Timeline (Starting with Mandela)Ÿ Looking after your implements and equipment Delegate IntroductionsŸ Don’t waste the funds of the co-op 09:45 : Defining ClimateGood agricultural practices will ensure looking after the farms’resources in order for the farm to stay productive. 10:15 : What is Global Warming?Not only does sustainable agriculture address many 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global Warmingenvironmental and social concerns, but it offers innovative andeconomically viable opportunities for growers, laborers, 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAKconsumers, policymakers and many others in the entire foodsystem. 11:30 : What is Sustainability? 11:45 : Toilet Paper Story 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the day 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

WhatGriosuSp uDisstcuasisnioanbility? Facilitator Notes:FINAL ACTIVITY: Group Discussion on Sustainability ___________________________________________________Divide the delegates into three groups. ___________________________________________________Each group is to discuss what they think the hidden message ___________________________________________________behind their picture is. ___________________________________________________Each group must nominate one person to report back to the ___________________________________________________rest of the group. ___________________________________________________Delegates has these pictures in their picture books. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Time Schedule: 09:00 : Introduction to Agri-IQ Timeline (Starting with Mandela) Delegate Introductions 09:45 : Defining Climate 10:15 : What is Global Warming? 10:30 : Dart Board Activity: Contributors to Global Warming 11:00 : 30 MINUTE BREAK 11:30 : What is Sustainability? 11:45 : Toilet Paper Story 12:15 : Agricultural Sustainability 12:30 : Final Activity - Group Discussion 12:45 : Collection of registers and material used for the dayGROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 13:00 : END Solidaridad FARMING SERVICES (PTY) LTD

AGRI-IQ (PTY) LTD Tel: +27 32 586 1010 / +27 83 454 4897 [email protected] Head Office:Regency House, Suite 5, 3 Douglas Crowe Avenue Ballito, 4420 Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

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