HA DLEY M IDDLE SCHOOL H ADLEY H ERALD Winter Newsletter , Issue 1 PRINCIPAL'S M ESSAGE It is hard to believe that December is here; the school year is flying by! Thus far, the school year has been enjoyable, and your student(s) are immersed in an array of wonderful and challenging activities in their classroom. As winter approaches, Mother Nature is reminding us that we live LinorIellminiopsisumbydorleogrusiltaarmlyet, making us change our outerwear. Soon enough, it will be a necessity to keep tchoensheeteatvuyr scaodaipt,schinagt,egliltor,vseesd,diam and scarf handy. With that in mind, we want to communicate the importancenoofndumreysesiirnmgofdotremthpeorwinevaidthuenrt .ut Alarge majority of our kids brave the freezing outdoor elements to, from, andlaabtotrheeeitrdboluosresmtoapg,naanaldiquoyuarm 5th grade will brave recess until the temperature and/or wind chill reaches or drops below 20 degrees erat, sed diam voluptua. Fahrenheit. We ask that you encourage your Hadley student to ?bundle up?each and every day of school this winter. We also encourage the kids to wear layers during the school day aAstsvoemroeeocslaest sarcocuosmams emt ajuystgoedtuo pretty warm while others may have a bit of chill from time to time. Sweaters adnodlorsews eetaetashreirbtusma.rSetept eclritfaecktasd to keep on oneself to be comfortable while in the learning environment. Givenguthbaertg,rtehni,sniossaelastoakthimeatiamsaenoctfus year when our lost and found table really piles up. We encourage you, if at allepsto. ssible, to put your child?s name on tags of coats, hoodies, gloves, scarfs, etc. so we can easily get lost and found items back to their rightful owner. Please know that once the lost and found is overflowing, unclaimed lost and found items are bagged and stored in the Hadley office for 1 additional month before being donated. We encourage students to checkout the lost and found table. Our lost and found table is located in the Multi-Purpose room, but for the lost items found at HJH for our band students, these items will remain in band room on the directors?designated lost and found table. Have a gr eat Holiday Season . LOOK INSIDE Family Reading Night/Chromebook Agreements 2 School Closing/Delayed Start Guidelines/Second Step 3 Wish a good day to your child 4 School Scoop 5 School Social Workers Message 6 Middle Years , pg 1 7 8 Middle Years, pg 2
Ch r om ebook Agr eem en t FAM ILY READING NIGHT The week of Jan. 6, our students will be taking their Chromebooks home. What do I do if I already have a Google device at home, and do not want my child to bring home a school device? If you already have a functioning device that your child(ren) can use to easily access Gmail, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Zearn, Mathia, and other academic sites assigned by their teacher, then your child can opt out of taking home their device. In order to opt out, parents/guardians must clearly state ?decline Chromebook?on the document on t h i s l i n k Even if Chromebooks are declined, students are still responsible for homework requiring the use of a Chromebook or similar device. ?Pails for Tails? Campaign M u st an g Way Pledge Please con sider assist in g ou r I PROM ISE TO RESPECT AND VALUE EVERYONE St u den t Cou n cil in t h eir cam paign REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOR, INTELLECT, INTERESTS, ?Pails f or Tails? t o ben ef it t h e TLC TALENTS, OR YEARS. TOGETHER, WE WILL WORK TO Sh elt er ! ACHIEVE SUCCESS AND BUILD A POSITIVE HADLEY Don at ion list : COM M UNITY! link here It em s are due by 12/ 16
SECON D STEP W INTER ISHERE Our 5th and 6th grade Hom er Sch ool Dist r ict 33C students have been deeply immersed in improving their SCHOOL CLOSING/ DELAYED START GUIDELINES Hadley school experience since inception of the Second Safety is a priority for all of our students and their families. Decisions regarding school Step curriculum back on closures will be based on the overall conditions of the entire District. The Superintendent 9/6/19. Feedback from staff is responsible for the decision as to when school is open or closed due to inclement and students has been super weather or emergencies. positive and refreshing. Gen er al Gu idelin es f or Win t er Relat ed Issu es : Administration has been present in classes since day ? If the temperature reaches \"double digit\" (-10) degrees without wind chill factors, the one, and all three have seen District will strongly consider closing school or delaying the start time by one hour due to the kids really grappling with increased risk of exposure for students at the bus stops. the information their teacher is presenting. ? If the temperature with wind chill reaches -25 degrees or below, the District will strongly consider closing school or delaying the start time by one hour due to the increased risk of Moreover, students are really exposure for students at the bus stops. starting to use the language. Check your students? ? The District Administration will generally make the decision to close by 5:30 a.m. knowledge! Ask your 5th grade, ?What is empathy? If t h e Dist r ict opt s t o delay t h e st ar t of sch ool, sch ool bu ses w ill pick you r ch ild u p What are the three R?s of on e h ou r lat er t h an u su al. Sch ool w ill be in session as f ollow s: bullying??Have a conversation with your 6th grader about ? Gr ades K-4: 10:05 a.m . t o 3:15 p.m . mindset and goals, or ask them, ?What are values??We ? Gr ades 5-8: 8:48 a.m . t o 2:10 p.m . are super proud of our year one endeavor in Second Step, ? Ear ly Ch ildh ood/ Lit t le Lear n er s: No AM session . Th e PM classes w ill be in session . and are working hard to make Hadley Middle School a ? OASIS: M or n in g an d Af t er n oon pr ogr am w ill oper at e as u su al. wonderful experience for all. ? St u den t s at t en din g ou t -of -dist r ict pr ogr am s: Bu s pick -u p t im es w ill be on e h ou r lat er t h an u su al. Not if icat ion s w ill be issu ed as f ollow s: ? Phone calls to households ? District Website (www.homerschools.org) ? Emergency Closing Center Website (www.EmergencyClosing.com) ? Radio Stations (WBBM 780 AM, & WGN 720 AM) ? District Twitter Account and Facebook Page Addit ional Inform at ion ? If schools are closed, all school-related activities are cancelled. ? If schools are closed, OASIS is not in session. ? If school is delayed, OASIS Morning and Afternoon programs will continue as usual. ? School Closing Related to Utility Issues: Please be advised that if power outages occur around the 5:30 a.m. notification time, notification of school closings might be anywhere from 5:30-6:45 a.m.
6 Year- old boy wants SCHOOLSSCCHOOOOPL SCOOP Chr istmas cards for his fir st Chr istmas without his m ot her PTO Explorers News Mrs. Binders 6th Grade 5th Grade-DIGGIN' DIGITAL Mrs. Bhat t acharyya's classes are spreading PHOTOGRAPHY-Th u r sd ays, Holiday cheer. Her class is February 13 & 20, 2020 from 6th grade class creating a small package of 2:20-3:50. Students will delve Holiday Cards to send to a 6 into digital photography as M r s. Bh at t ach ar yyas 6t h gr ad e year old boy named they learn to manipulate fi r st an d secon d per i od cl asses Memphis, who lost his photos to create works of art. obser ved f ossi l s at th e Fi el d mother in September. He is Registrations are due by M u seu m . They have been w or k i n g Friday, January 24, 2020, but on Geol ogi c Ti m e Li n es. workshop will be filled on a On e of th e stu d en ts qu esti on s w as, first-come basis. H ow / h as Ear t h ch an ged ov er t i m e? currently living with his uncle in South Carolina. Dates to Remember Dec. 20: Early Dismissal @12:48 Dec. 23 - Jan. 3: Winter Break Jan 6: Chromebooks go home Yearbooks are on sale now! Red - Allie Hedrich Pink - Mollie Andruch Limited copies will be printed, so Gray - Sean Maher Indigo - Adrianna West purchase your copy now; $25.00! Limited to 1 copy Blue - Evan Neumann Yellow - Caitlynn Nowak per student. Yearbooks will be distributed on the last Crimson - Sami Bages day of school ? no sooner. Sale ends February 1st or Green - Jack Money when supplies run out.
SCHOOL SOCIAL W ORKER M ESSAGE [Par en t Tips] Keep You r Ch ild En gaged in Lear n in g Over Win t er Br eak The holiday season has arrived, and winter break is right around the corner! While rest, relaxation, and some good old-fashioned fun are certainly in order for your child, it?s important to think about strategies to keep them learning as well. Especially for younger children still establishing foundational skills like reading, writing, and basic math, two weeks can be a long time to go without practice. Luckily, there?s no shortage of ways parents can keep their children?s brains engaged and have fun in the process! Start with these five learning-focused winter break activities! 1. Get lost in a good book Reading is truly exercise for the brain? and its impacts are broad and deep. Regular reading helps young kids understand the structure of language, develop vocabulary, improve concentration, and even build new neural pathways in the brain. And of course, it?s a great way to pick up a new skill, become an expert on a new topic, explore a different city (or time), or simply dive into a thrilling, chilling, amusing, or inspiring story. Whether it?s spending 20 minutes with your child each night at bed time enjoying a book together, or encouraging your independent bookworm to curl up in their favorite chair for the afternoon, reading is one of the best ways to keep your child sharp over break. 2. Plan a f am ily f ield t r ip Field trips are always a highlight for kids when school is in session, so why not translate that excitement to their time at home over break? If you live in a large urban area, art, science, and children?s museums are always a great choice. If that?s not an option for you, look into others like local historical societies, nearby state parks (many have outstanding educational visitor centers), or simply drive to a nearby town. Your kids will love the chance to explore something new, and you?ll gain the satisfaction of having tamed the indoor chaos and cabin-fever (at least for one day). h t t p s:/ / w w w.ch icagop ar en t .com / exp lor e/ f r ee-t h in gs-t o-d o-w it h -kid s-in -ch icago/ 3. Have a gam e night Lots of family-favorite games also offer a great chance to practice skills including math, logic, reading, spatial reasoning, and drawing. Think about it? card games like blackjack and cribbage focus on counting and probability; word games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Bananagrams stretch vocabulary, and Pictionary is all about making connections between words and images. Take advantage of time off around the holidays to dedicate a night to enjoying these games? and helping your child brush up on some learning as well. 4. Hir e a sou s ch ef There?s no shortage of food around the holidays, and all of that cooking can be a prime opportunity to expose your child to a little everyday math and science. So, when the time comes for you to make some holiday cookies or prepare dishes for a big family potluck, request your child?s services as your ?sous chef ?. Ask them to help you read and follow the recipe you?re working on, and practice their fractions by carefully measuring out ingredients. Along the way, take the time to explain some of the basic science behind cooking, like how oil and water separate, and how different baking ingredients come together to make the delicious holiday treats we all get excited for. 5. Say t h an k s At its core, the holiday season is really all about gratitude. Writing thank-you notes together is a great way to cultivate that sense of thanksgiving and appreciation in your child, while giving them a chance to practice their writing and penmanship. Encourage your child to write a thank you to each person that they receive a gift from over the holidays, challenging them to make each note heartfelt and personal. They?ll walk away a stronger writer, and having taken valuable time to appreciate the people in their lives and the gifts they received this holiday break.
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