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Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-25 03:50:24

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INDEX orbit 171 EVA, see space walks Local Group 11, 54–55 Gemini telescopes, Hawaii 19 INDEX position 10, 120, 121, 141 evolution 177 Magellanic Clouds 11, Genesis probe 243 rotation 15, 181 exoplanets 119, 226, 227 52–53 geysers 145 satellite images 79, 80–81, explosions 85 Milky Way 11, 50–51 Giotto spacecraft 156, 242 87 extinctions 177 radio galaxies 60 glaciers 173 seasons 170–171 redshifts 39 Glenn, John 94 shape 14 F satellite galaxies 52, 55 globular clusters 224–225, structure 166 Fermi Gamma-ray Space Seyfert galaxies 60, 61 surface 172–173 spiral 22, 23, 31, 47, 230 tilt 170, 171 Telescope 33 48–49, 50, 55, 61 globules 220 earthquakes 172, 173 fireballs 159 types 47 Goddard, Robert 92 eclipses 14, 15, 182–183, Fizeau, Armand 240 Galilean moons 138, 139 GONG observatories 34 200, 201 Flame Nebula 236 Galileo Galilei 17, 50, 138, GPS 79 ecliptic 120, 235 forces, fundamental 43 142, 184, 208, 240 gravity 9, 34, 43, 66 Egg Nebula 219 Foucault, Jean 240 Galle, Johann 121, 151, 240 electromagnetic radiation gamma rays 20, 33, 198, 229 black holes 230 26–27 G bursts (GRBs) 26, 27 dark matter 62 electromagnetic spectrum Gagarin, Yuri 66, 72, 93, Ganymede 139 galaxies 47, 52, 58, 60 20–21 gas 31, 58, 59 moons 138, 180 electromagnetism 43 104, 241 gas and dust 10, 51, 60, 220, planets 122, 140, 144 elements 42 Galatea 151 221, 227 star clusters 223 Enceladus 145 galaxies 28, 44–61, 241 galaxy formation 46–47 Great Red Spot 120, 136 Endurance Crater, Mars 131 gas galaxies 45 Greeks 15, 240 engines 67, 70, 88, 113 active 60–61 gas giants 118, 121, 150 Eris 121, 153 clusters 58, 63 H Eros 134, 157, 243 colliding 43, 46, 54, 55, Hale-Bopp comet 154 erosion 173 58–59, 60, 63 Hale Telescope 18, 19 Eskimo Nebula 219 dwarf 44, 53, 55, 224 Halley, Edmund 155 Eta Carinae 218 elliptical 47 Halley’s comet 83, 121, 155, Europa 139, 163 formation 43, 46–47 European Extremely Large gas galaxies 45 156, 240, 242 Telescope 19 irregular 47, 52 Haumea 121, 153 European Space Agency 73, heliosphere 141, 221 74–75, 86, 88, 193 helium 41, 43, 47, 136, 142, 198, 213, 221 Helix Nebula 23 Herschel, William 23, 120, 148, 149, 240 Herschel Telescope 33 Hinode spacecraft 209 Hipparchus 15 249

INDEX International Space Station habitable zone 167, 227 66, 85, 102–103, origins of 176 106–107, 110, 243 in solar system 130, living in 98–99 162–163 science experiments light 20–21, 42 108–109 speed of 20, 38, 115 supply ships 107, 113, 115 light echo 216–217 light-years 11, 38 interstellar space 141, 220–221 LIGO observatory 34 Io 138 Lippershey, Hans 17 ion drive 88 Little Ice Age 206 iron 122, 128, 161, 166, 228 Local Group 11, 54–55 Lowell, Percival 162 J Luna probes 82, 186, 187, James Webb Space Telescope 188, 241 lunar eclipses 14, 15, 182–183 33 Lunar Prospector 192 Jansky, Karl 24 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Japan 86, 87, 89, 107, 192 77, 192 Jiuquan, China 73 lunar rovers 187, 188, 193 Jupiter 14, 25, 136–139, 235 Lunokhod 1 242 clouds 136, 137, 162 M comet impacts 155 Maat Mons, Venus 126 exploration 83, 137, 140 Magellan, Ferdinand 53 formation of 118 Magellan spacecraft 127 Great Red Spot 120, 136 Magellanic Clouds 11, 52–53, moons 138–139, 163 rings 137 54, 239 rotation 137 Magellanic Stream 53 solar system 120, 121 magnetars 229 Makemake 121, 153 Hiten spacecraft 192 hydrogen 41, 43, 47, 118, K Manned Maneuvering Unit Hoag’s Object 47 197, 198, 218, 220, 221 Keck Telescopes, Hawaii 19, Hoba meteorite 160 97 Horsehead Nebula 215 hydrothermal vents 163, 177 148 Mariner probes 82, 83, 123, Hubble, Edwin 28, 241 Hyperion 144 Kennedy Space Center 71, 72 Hubble Space Telescope Kepler, Johannes 15 130, 241 I Korolev, Sergei 93 Mars 14, 120, 128–133, 235 28–29, 33, 45, 97, 148, Iapetus 144 Kourou, French Guiana 73, 243 ice 121, 123, 139, 145, 157, exploration 82, 114, 128, Huygens, Christiaan 144, 240 74–75 129, 130–131, 162, Huygens-Cassini probe 137, 162, 163, 166 Kuiper Belt 153 193, 242 144, 145, 146 ice caps, Mars 128, 131 Kukulcan, Pyramid of 15 formation of 119 Hyakutake comet 155 ice giants 148 life 162, 163 Hydra 153, 238 Ida 135 L meteors/meteorites India 86, 193 Lagoon Nebula 214, 238 159, 161 250 infrared light 21, 22–23 Laika (space dog) 100 moons 128 Large Binocular Telescope 19 Mars Reconnaissance observatories 32, 33, 35 Large Hadron Collider 43 spacecraft 89, 128, INTEGRAL space observatory Large Magellanic Cloud 11, 132–133, 62 matter and antimatter 40, 41 27 52–53, 54, 219 Mauna Kea, Hawaii 18, 19 Lemaitre, Georges 240 Maunder, Edward Walter 207 Leonid meteor shower 159 Maxwell Montes, Venus 124, Leonov, Alexei 96, 242 127 Le Verrier, Urbain 151 McMath Pierce Solar life 24, 109, 145 Telescope 208 McNaught comet 155 Earth 166, 167, 169, 176–177 exoplanets 226

INDEX Mercury 120, 122–123, 235 N Orion Nebula 23, 53, Project Daedalus 89 INDEX exploration 83, 123 NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft 215, 221, 226, 236 Project Orion 89 formation of 119 Proteus 151 orbit 120, 123 157, 243 oxygen 42, 163, pulsars 33, 40, 226, 229 transits of 123 nebulas 30, 31, 45, 216, 223 166, 169, 174 Q MERLIN radio telescope 25 planetary 197, 218, 219 ozone 174, 207 quasars 60, 61 Meteor Crater, Arizona 160 solar 118 meteorites 134, 160–161, star birth 212, 214, 215 P R Neptune 121, 150–151 pancake lava domes 125 radiation 43, 108, 174, 221, 162, 174 discovery 121, 151, 240 particles 40, 41, 43, 62 meteoroids 159, 160 exploration 10, 140, 150 Pele volcano, Io 138 226, 229 meteors 123, 158–159, 176 formation of 118 permafrost 128 electromagnetic 26–27 methane 136, 145, 148, 150, moons and rings 151, 242 Phobos 82, 128 radio galaxies 60 Nereid 151 Phoebe 144 radio waves 21, 24–25, 82 152, 163 neutrinos 35 photography 233, 240 red dwarfs 225 Mice, The 59 neutron stars 20, 55, 212, photosphere 196, 199, 200 red giants 197, 212, 213, 218 microwaves 21, 35 213, 219, 228 phytoplankton 177 Red Rectangle Nebula 218 Milky Way 11, 44, 50–51, 52, Newton, Sir Isaac 17, 66 Piazzi, Giuseppe 134, 240 red supergiants 213, 216, 218 nitrogen 152, 167, 174 Pinwheel Galaxy 55 redshift 39 53, 141, 238 Nix 153 Pioneer probes 83, 127, 140 Retina Nebula 31 center 50, 51, 56–57, 231, North Star 223, 235, 237 Pistol Star 56 Riccioli, Giovanni 222 238 Northern Cross 236 planetary nebulas 197, 218, rings, planetary 137, 142, Mir Space Station 101, 105, novas 228 148, 151 242 nuclear reactions 89, 196, 219 rivers 173, 175 Miranda 149 197, 198, 214, 228 planetesimals 118 robotic arms 70, 97, 107 monkeys 92, 100, 101 planets 8, 10, 235 rockets 9, 66–69, 70, 71, 140 Moon 10, 27, 170, 178–193 O launch sites 72, 73 bases 163, 192, 193 Oberon 149 dwarf 10, 120, 121, 134, launching 74–75 distance from Earth 10, observatories 16–19 152 pioneers 92, 93, 240, 241 119, 189 Earth-like 227 rocky planets 119, 120 eclipses 14, 15, 182–183 solar 27, 196, 208, 209 exoplanets 119, 226, 227 Rosetta spacecraft 157 exploration 82, 86, 87, 88, space 27, 28–29, 32–33, formation of 118–119, Rosse, Lord 45 93, 192–193 79, 227 135, 226, 227 Russia 73, 86, 93, 193 formation 119 unusual 34–35 gas giants 118, 121 manned missions 66, oceans orbits 14, 15, 120, 121, S 186–191 Earth 167, 172, 173, 175, 151, 152 Sagittarius 238 meteor impacts 159 176, 177 order of 121 Salyut space stations 104, 242 orbit 15, 181 planet 134, 139, 163 rocky 119, 120 San Andreas fault 173 phases of 181 Odyssey platform 73 rotations 15, 121 satellite navigation 79 size 10 Olympus Mons, Mars 129 solar system 120–121 satellites 29, 66, 70, 76–81, 84 structure 181 Omega Centauri 224, 225 terraforming 163 surface 184–185, 189 Oort Cloud 155 tilt 171 debris 85 moons 10, 82, 120 Opportunity rover 131, 161 plants in space 109, 115 launches 74–75, 86, 87 asteroid 135 orbits plates, Earth’s 172, 173 recovery 97 Galilean 138, 139 asteroids 134 Pleiades 215, 223, 237 Jupiter 138–139, 163 Earth 84, 85, 171 Plesetsk, Russia 73 life on 163 eccentric 152 Pluto 121, 152–153 Martian 128 moons 15, 144 discovery 120 Neptune 151 planets 14, 15, 120, 121, moons 152, 153 Pluto 152, 153 148, 151, 152 orbit 15, 120, 152 Saturn 144–145 satellites 79 shepherd 149, 151 Orion 23, 233, 236 Uranus 149 mountains 124, 127, 131, 145, 172, 184 251

INDEX Saturn 121, 142–147, 235 solar system 10, 15, 120–121 satellites 76–81 names 236 exploration 89,140, 145 birth of 118–119 space shuttle 70–71, neutron 55 formation of 118 distant 226–227 242, 243 temperature 212 hot spot 22 life 162–163 super 88–89 types 213 moons 140, 144–145, movement 221 spaceplanes 112 voyages to 114–115 163 SpaceShipOne/Two 110, stellar disks 119 rings 146–147, 240 solar wind 119, 136, 140, 111, 243 stellar winds 51, 53, 221 141, 143, 201, 204, 209 space walks 87, 95, 96–97, Stephan’s Quintet 59 Saturn V rocket 66, 72, 93 102–103 Stonehenge 240 Schwarzchild, Karl 241 Sombrero Galaxy 48–49 spectroscopy 21 storms 22, 129, 136, 143, scientific experiments 106, South Pole Telescope 34 spiders’ webs 101 150, 175 Southern Cross 239 spiral galaxies 22, 23, 31, 47, solar 202–203 108–109, 189 Soyuz rocket 66, 67, 68–69 48–49, 50, 55, 61 Sun 21, 50, 194–203, 212 seasons 15, 128, 170–171 space 8–9, 40, 41 Spitzer, Lyman 29 atmosphere 200–201 Seven Sisters, see Pleiades space colonies 163 Spitzer Infrared Observatory birth and death 197 Seyfert galaxies 60, 61 space debris 84–85 23, 32, 33, 51, 52 eclipses 182–183, 200, 201 shepherd moons 149, 151 space elevator 112 Sputnik 66, 72, 76, 100, 109, exploration 34, 82, 196, Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet 155 space hotels 111 241 201, 208–209 shooting stars 158–159 space nations 86–87, 193 star catalogs 234 formation 118 Sirius (Dog Star) 222, 239 space observatories 23, 27, star charts/maps 15, 233, 236, observing 26, 27, 233 Skylab space station 101, 105 237, 239 quakes 203 Small Magellanic Cloud 11, 32–33 Stardust spacecraft 156, 243 rotation 199 space pioneers 92–93 stargazing 232–239 solar cycle 206–207 52–53, 54 space probes 66, 82–83, 127 stars 8, 11, 12–13, 210–229 solar storms 201–203, 207 SMART-1 orbiter 88, 193 space shuttle 9, 28, 70–71, 85 binary 55, 56, 218, 222, solar system 10, 15, SNO observatory 35 space sickness 108 228 120–121, 208 SOFIA observatory 35 space stations 70, 98–99, birth 43, 51, 53, 214–215, structure 196, 198–199 SOHO spacecraft 156, 221 sunspots 27, 196, 201, 202, 104–107 clusters 31, 215, 222, 223, 206, 207, 208 196, 203 space suits 8, 97, 100 224–225 supergiants 213, 218 Solar Dynamics Observatory space telescopes 23, 28–29, death 212, 218–219, 228 supernovas 42, 118, 212, 218, extreme 228–229 219, 228, 230, 241 27 32–33 life of 212 remnants 33, 51, 52, 221 solar eclipse 15, 182, 183, space tethers 113 multiple 222–223 space tourism 110–111, 243 200, 201 spacecraft 9, 64–89 solar flares 27, 201, 202, 203 solar power 29, 76, 77, launch sites 71, 72–73 probes 82–83 106, 113 rockets 66–67 solar sails 89 252

INDEX T United States 72, 86, 93 Viking probe 129, INDEX Tagish Lake Meteorite 161 universe 11, 14, 38–39 130, 162, 242 Tarantula Nebula 53 X tardigrades 101 birth of 40–43, 240 VLBA radio X-rays 20, 27, 51, 55, 58, 198 Taurus 237 expanding 28, 38, 40, 41 telescope 25 telescopes 16–19, 34, 38, 45, shape of 39 observatories 32, 33 Uranus 121, 148–149 volcanoes 125, 232, 240 discovery 120, 148, 240 126, 129, 138, Y infrared 22–23 exploration 140 172, 177 year 120, 121 radio 24–25 formation of 118 Yerkes Observatory, reflecting 17 moons 149 von Braun, Wernher 93 refracting 16–17 seasons 171 Voskhod 2 242 Wisconsin 16 solar 26, 208, 209 Voyager spacecraft 10, space 23, 28–29, 32–33 V Z Tempel 1 comet 157 vacuum 9 140–141, 148, zodiac 235 terraforming 163 Valles Marineris, Mars 129, 150, 151 Thirty Meter Telescope 19 tides 180, 181 130 W time 38, 39, 40, 41 Vanguard 1 satellite 77 water 86, 129, 130, 131, 139, Titan 140, 144, 145, 163 Vega probes 83 Tito, Dennis 111 Veil Nebula 221 227 toilets, space 98 Venera spacecraft 125 Earth 166, 167, 169 Toltecs 15 Venus 120, 121, 124–127, water cycle 175 Tombaugh, Clyde 120 weather 174, 175 Trapezium 221 235, 241 weather satellites 78, 79 Triangulum Galaxy 54, 55 exploration 83, 124, 125, weightlessness 9, 95, 99, 101, Trifid Nebula 214, 238 127 108, 109 Triton 151 formation of 119 Whirlpool Galaxy 45 troposphere 174, 175 rotation 125 White, Edward 96 Tsiokovsky, Konstantin 92, surface 126–127 white dwarfs 197, 212, 213, 240 Venus Express 125, 127 218, 225, 228, 241 Verne, Jules 92 Wild 2 comet 156 U Very Large Array, New Mexico wind 173, 175 ultraviolet 20, 26, 27, 207 25 interstellar 141 Ulysses spacecraft 201 Very Large Telescope Array, planets 124, 129, 143, Chile 19 148, 150 Vesta 134 Witch Head Nebula 30 Wolf-Rayet stars 213 253

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