o {r;i(l \"ii - *,: J 'o U l\\
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Peppq Pig's fornity loyes diffeFent things. \"Hove sorne oo teo, dollies!\"
Peppo loves her dott's house.
GeoFge toyes Mr Dinosour'. ,'Roo.r/ Dinosqur!\" #,f*r oo # \\-_
Doddy Pig loyes his con s:\"Leti go for q dn jve!,, bt3
Gronny Pig loyes I her po,l'f'ot. '.Pr\"ttv Potv!\" qry ffi \\t )
Grondpo Pig toyes his wheetborrovv. P \"Tirne to dig gl up the cqrrots.\" s*wK,Il',- fn {%&b*
Peppo ond Grondpo l Pig [ove rno,king yegetobtes grow. ? / /J, I ,i,,'llf' , | 13 ,
I\\ \\ffi aYoo __l) --t
TheFe oFe lots of fun things to do of horvle. Peppo eqts spo,ghetti in the kitchen. \"Yurn rny-yurnrny! Oink!\" \\
1 aa
o- J
r Peppo toves dressing uP. So do her friends. Peppo is o, f\"iry. \\* \"\\ cqn do rnogic!\" \\
\\ vgS _
7 Su zy Sheep is o. nuFse. \"f't[ rnoke you betteF!\" --
Donny Dog is o, pirqte. \"\\'(n looking fot buried treqsuFe!\" {
Pedro Pony is o ctown. \"l con rno'ke you [ough!\" \\
Condy Cot I is o witch. Il spetts!\" I
Rebecco, Robbit I is o col'Fot. \"\\ like vlr co.rr'roottss!\"!\" =f \\
\\ Peppo ho,s lots of fun dressing up with her friends. a \\ I\\t /.'
S- .... t I h I I l Ir l'!g\",-tt ifr'r P* frlftgr?c; I-, lrr- J 1O \\)o a a I g1 1- ,?
7 Peppo Pig hos lots of forourite things.
Chocotote coke... I \"De eeetigiousl\" t i;.#r'=-q ** -..{1i A 3r,ri; a;::i.ry*hs*%\\.H*t'
her new red sh oes... lv6o \"ctick! Ctick!\" \\
spoghetti... I \"l'rn 9oin9 to hide ) \\rthis in rny turnrny!\"
her secret box... \"Con you guess whqt's inside?\" \"GrFFl:\"
bedtirne stories...
r ond her teddy. \"You're so cuddty!\" o oo \\
\\ But her forourite things of ott qFe... {b, ltr {t ir* rnuddy puddtes!
I *rt#*'r f r:L Pt *J?r\" \"u?, *I d.l.\"-'\"; ,,n,*!:'\"f ,t\\1)-J. .t,lO i \"\"gt oi\\- f!f-i )
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r She ho,s picnics with GeoFge. \\,