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Home Explore How to Analyze People_ Proven Techniques to Analyze People on Sight and Read Anyone Like a Book; Simple Tricks to Understand the Human Mind and Master Human Psychology ( BY ALLAN GOLDMAN_clone

How to Analyze People_ Proven Techniques to Analyze People on Sight and Read Anyone Like a Book; Simple Tricks to Understand the Human Mind and Master Human Psychology ( BY ALLAN GOLDMAN_clone

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-24 09:40:05

Description: How to Analyze People_ Proven Techniques to Analyze People on Sight and Read Anyone Like a Book; Simple Tricks to Understand the Human Mind and Master Human Psychology )


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thought. Extroverts tend to answer at once, almost seeming to think aloud as they do so. Secondly, you need to look at if they’re a future based or present based individual. That is, if they live in the now and are largely focused on the present moment, they can be considered a “sensing” type of person. They’ll be attuned, with all their senses, to the sights, sounds, and action going on around them. They’ll tend to be more observant and will notice small details that others miss. An “intuition” type of personality, however, will be more focused on the future, planning their next move, thinking ahead, and trying to assess what’s going to happen next. Thirdly, you can look at how the person copes when plans get changed. If they are ok with change, and fit in, going along with the new plans, then this is another sign that they are more present-based, and not easily shaken up when change happens. People who struggle with change tend to be future-based individuals who plan and schedule ahead, and like things to be organized ahead of time. They’ll become easily irritated by people who don’t think ahead and are more impulsive. An interesting method of learning more about what kind of person someone is, is to find out what type of music they enjoy. Intelligent and emotionally balanced types have a tendency to prefer classical music, or jazz. Those who like heavy metal and rock tend to be intelligent and honest. Lighthearted music such as pop, country, or gospel tends to appeal to outwardly friendly, easygoing types of people, who are fairly conservative. Really open, friendly extroverts usually go with rap and hip-hop. Social media give a big window into people’s personalities. Just by looking at someone’s Facebook pages you’ll see what their views are on religion, politics, and travel. It’ll tell you how family-oriented they are, whether they’re a private sort of person or not, and if they’re an introvert or extrovert. To Sum Up These advanced techniques for personality analysis are extremely useful for those who work with a lot of people. Learning to read body language and the faint expressions that flicker across people’s faces can be a very valuable skill, giving you a great deal of insight. It’s a useful skill in careers such as sales, marketing, psychiatry, and law.

Remember that emotions never stay inward- they always have an outward manifestation, no matter how tiny. Just by careful observation, you’ll be able to tell how comfortable someone is, and whether they’re telling the truth or not. You’ll be able to look at tiny details like how someone moves their eyes or crosses their legs, and it will be meaningful to you. Do keep in mind though that everyone is a unique individual, and try not to take a “one size fits all” approach. There are many advantages to being able to analyze people well. Namely, so that you can better relate to work colleagues and be more empathetic towards them. It can also help you to keep your supervisors happy, and understand how they cope with stress and deadlines. This knowledge should help you in social situations as well, as you begin to pick up on the subtle things that people leave unsaid. Hopefully it helps in dating situations, to help you make better relationship decisions. When you understand someone’s personality type and why they react in certain ways, it can go a long way to minimizing misunderstandings and confusion about motives, leading to more peaceful interactions all round. To Conclude Thanks for making it to the end of the book. Hopefully you worked through the exercises and have come away with some practical ways of learning more about those around you. You should also have new insight into yourself and your own personality. These techniques can be used to improve the lives of those around you, as well as your own. It’s so important now that you apply your new skills in everyday situations, as the more you practice, the better you’ll become at it. It’s also vital to remember that none of these methods is a way of totally knowing someone- they need to be used all together and built on to form a complete picture. As with most things, it’s a good idea to begin with knowing yourself- which is a lifelong procedure, but totally worth it. Watch how you react in various settings, see what emotions arise and fade at various times, and note how your voice changes in certain scenarios. As you become more self-aware, it will help you to become more sensitive to others.