july 2017 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 7 `100 let people, planet, profits prevail SUDHA MURTHY chairperson Infosys Foundation sgursotwain transform
For Sabka Vikas Grow, sustain and transform is Prime Minister Narendra Modi is determined on keeping his pledge the resolve with of Sabka Vikas (development of all). Grow, sustain and transform which the Prime is the resolve with which he has embarked on this nation build- Minister has ing journey. The launch of an unified indirect taxation system in the form embarked on the of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), advancing bilateral associations, nation building strengthening trade ties, forging new relationships to fight terror; are bold journey. steps in this direction. Same is evident in his meetings with world lead- ers. The US President Donald Trump who withdrew from the Paris Agree- Dr Minnie Bodhanwala ment on climate change, inviting a lot of criticism from environmentalists issue Editor and had ‘America first’ as his poll promise. opened to economic and trade agreements with India. Indubitably, the visionary Prime Minister of India has emerged as a popular world leader too. To go by the EDGAR 2015 database, China contributes 29.5 per cent to the global carbon emissions, followed by the United States which releases 14.34 per cent and European Union which contributes 9.6 per cent. India is the fourth biggest polluter (6.8 per cent). While business interests are a priority for all nations, environmental concerns cannot be ignored ei- ther. Like Ilaria Gualtieri says in her article nowadays corporations are as big and powerful as nations and climate sustainability is in the interest of businesses too. So they shall stand at the frontline of the fight or be made globally accountable for their actions. Environment conservation aside, there are many other issues bothering developing nations. Businesses too have been active on their responsibil- ity towards the society long before it was made mandatory. In this issue of CSR TIMES, the passion of Sudha Murthy comes out vividly in an interview and brings to the fore the commitment of Infosys. The Akshay Patra Foun- dation also had the support of businesses in feeding the underprivileged children long before the Supreme Court asked states to begin the mid-day meal scheme. This issue also has opinion pieces on CSR reporting and how companies select a charity; and a feature on Dr Mala Srikanth, who has spent 30 years as a medical practitioner and is now teaching knitting to the women in the hills of Ranikhet. Happy reading!
Contents 18 6 Initiative: Let’s end the taboo 26 Interview: Sushmita Sengupta, MGL 28 Interview: Madhu Pandit Dasa, 8 Report: Indo-US relationship Akshaya Patra Foundation growing stronger 36 30 Reformation: Presidency 10 Analysis: Two degrees of separation: 32 College: celebrating 200 years of 6 The corporate sustainability paradox independent thinking 16 Snippets 13 Opinion: Choosing the right charity 14 Opinion: Integrated reporting 36 Making a Difference: A doctor 38 teaching quality knitting to women and beyond... in the hills Celebrity: Rajinikanth − 16 Opinion: Mainstreaming sanitation: the people’s hero Tracking the progress 8 18 Cover Story: India’s tryst with uniform taxation 24 Interview: Sudha Murthy, Infosys Foundation CSR TIMES• july 2017 4
Letters TO THE EDITOR JUNE 2017 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 6 `100 Interesting read ment and natural disaster response pro- let people, planet, pro�its prevail grammes, and Wadia Group’s programme It was nice reading the June 2017 issue of on malnutrition are praiseworthy. Though EmpoweringTECH MAHINDRA FOUNDATION CSR Times, which had an interesting com- spending on social responsibility have Through bination of articles. Ilaria Gualtieri’s article been a part of the work culture in the west, shcddshc Education “Two Degrees of Separation: The Sustain- it feels nice to see corporations in India ability Paradox” gave us the chronology of too have risen to the occasion. In years to C.P. GURNANI, MD & CEO, events in brief pertaining to efforts made at come, India will certainly be a better place TECH MAHINDRA the global level to save the environment. I to live if more business houses take up the am looking ahead to the second part of the good work. Melba Pria, B.R. Shetty article especially in the light of President Mexican MD & CEO, Donald Trump’s withdrawal from Paris Do more stories on good UAE Exchange Agreement. Colonel (Retd) Paresh Tewary’s samaritans Ambassador article on “CSR Ethics: Act before it’s too late” was also a nice read. Not just the real It was good to read the interview of Mexi- estate industry but all in the business world can Ambassador Melba Pria who has cre- should realise that there is a key linkage be- ated an example of individual responsibility tween ecosystems and human well-being. towards the society and environment. We also got to know about her views on many Keep up the good work other issues related to bilateral ties and also corporates! on the environment conservation measures taken by Mexico to reduce the carbon foot- i had the opportunity to read through the print. I hope the gentry in Indian cities get latest issue of CSR TIMES, and came across to learn something from her. CSR TIMES is many initiatives taken by the corporate doing a good job by highlighting stories of houses as a part of their sustainability good work done by others. It was also nice and social responsibility measures. Tech to read about Gallaudet University which Mahindra’s programmes on education and has been giving a new lease of life to the employability; Amway India’s projects for hearing impaired from across the world. We visually-impaired, water conservation and expect more such stories from the team health support; Capgemini’s education, in the coming issues. employability and livelihood, environ- Managing Editor Senior Designer Published at Harish Chandra Suraj Sharma E-301, Mangal Apartments, Executive Editors Ritu Sharma Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096 Paresh Tewary Vice President Sale & Mkt. Rohit Mahajan Rajesh Manglani Editorial & Marketing Office B.S. Dhillon Head Operations & Marketing 312, Vardhman Sunrize Plaza, Editor Rajesh Thakur Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096 Jyoti Uniyal Chief Brand Strategy & Comm’n Phone: 011-43085920 Associate Editors S.D. Raturi Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala Business Head Printed at Sucheta Das Mohapatra Suresh Negi LIPEE Scan Pvt. Ltd., 89, DSIDC Shed Consulting Editors Marketing Manager Okhla Industrial Area-I, Prashant Das Akanksha Sharma New Delhi 110020. K.N. Jayaraj Production Manager S.P. Singh Rahul Thakur DISCLAIMER: All views expressed in this issue are that Prinicipal Correspondent Circulation Head of the respective authors. The publisher may not agree Sunjay Garg Rahul Halder with the independent views expressed in this magazine. Special Correspondents Legal Advisor All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Dr. sudipta narayan roy (W.B) Advocate Suman Dobal competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only. Venkat S. Somasundaram (Canada) Advisor Ilaria Gualtieri (Middle East) mridul pathak (USA) COPYRIGHT: No content, text or image, of this Correspondents roob kirat (UAE) magazine is permissible for reproduction in any form, Manoranjan Mohanty (Odisha) Dr. siddhartha das gupta print or digital, without written consent of the Editor. G. Shiva (A.P.) ravi shankar Subramanya Shastri (M.S) Girish Kumar FEEDBACK: Photographer [email protected] Anurag Nanda Printed & Published by www.facebook.com/csrtimesmag by Jyoti Uniyal for First Step Foundation www.twitter.com/csrtimesmag 5 www.linkedin.com/in/csrtimesmag www.csrtimes.org RNI: DELENG/2013/49640 CSR TIMES• july 2017
INITIATIVE Let’s end the taboo Menstruation is a topic that has been neglected for years by policy-makers, government organizations and NGOs. It has innumerable myths and misconceptions surrounding it and discussions on it is still a taboo. The Shift Foundation is making an effort to solve this problem through educative sessions with the community, trying to bring a change in the mindset of the people. Eleven-year-old Babita goes to school, 355 million. But 71 per cent of the girls developed tools for solving this problem loves playing with her friends, in India have no idea about menstruation learning English and is one of the before its onset, which affects their quality in a fun and interactive way. With the most popular girls of Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, of life and access to education. And only Soami Nagar, which is in the heart of Delhi. 12 per cent of the total menstruating aim of encouraging young girls to have A few days back, when she menstruated women in India have access to hygienic for the first time, she thought she had a sanitary products. open conversations, sharing and learning fatal disease. She locked herself in a room from their experiences, the “Dosti and cried for hours till her mother came Menstruation is a topic that has been Forever” programme has been initiated to her rescue. But why did she have to go neglected for years by policy-makers, by the foundation. through the trauma? It’s because no one government organizations and NGOs. had ever spoken to her about menstruation Only recently has there been a push for Kanika Sood, Programme Lead of Shift till that day. Menstrual Hygiene Management to be a part of the women’s health ecosystem. On Foundation, says: “The whole idea behind The estimated number of adolescent an individual and family level, it is still a menstruating girls in India is 125 million taboo topic with innumerable myths and the initiative is to ensure that girls talk and the total number of menstruating misconceptions surrounding it. Keeping women in the country is estimated to be this in view, the Shift Foundation has about menstruation and have reference material at home.” The initiative includes a training workshop and a ‘keep at home reference booklet’. The content of the booklet covers all the important topics like: what is menstruation, the emotional and physical changes that happen in the body, CSR TIMES• july 2017 6
how to deal with period pain and how to explains premenstrual syndrome (PMS), truation is not just for the girls. The food cravings, physical attraction and hygienically dispose the used products. initiative also includes sessions with boys mood swings so that girls can be in control The booklet also busts commonly followed (ages 12-16) where they are sensitized myths and misconceptions, what to expect of their own bodies. “It is disturbing to see during menstruation as well as when to about the topic, encouraged to support the amount of stress that girls go through seek medical attention. women and girls around them, and during their periods—the stress of what to The initiative encourages girls to share where their puberty related questions wear, should I skip school, avoid physical the booklet with their best friends, learn exercise, etc. Girls are taught to live in are addressed. “It is important for the isolation during menstruation. This has and understand about menstruation to change,” says Kanika. “There are a high boys to be included in this conversation, percentage of girls missing school during else the taboo is never broken,” together and track their physical changes, opines Maitreyee. their periods which can be avoided if the leading to a conversation and sharing girls are prepared for it.” “You can’t break a taboo overnight. It experiences amongst themselves. “We observed that most of the information that Disposal is another big challenge that takes constant effort, a lot of dedication the girls have is either from their friends the team faces when they hold sessions, and the will to bring a change. It is part or from an elder sibling. With the booklet both in schools and the communities. education, part behaviour change and mostly a change in mindset,” she adds. being handy, the girls can easily carry it Most of the waste is not disposed of With successful training sessions with around in their bags or purses and refer properly which can lead to unhygienic more than 1,000 girls in and around Delhi- to it whenever in doubt. The initiative environments. Since the government has NCR, the Shift Foundation is confident of the programme and its success and is also encourages the girls to pass the made sanitary napkins available in schools looking for partners to collaborate and information to others around them (young and incinerators are still not installed, widen the reach. or old). The booklet follows a ‘pass-it- disposal comes across as a big problem on’ philosophy, ensuring a larger reach,” The foundation has also worked says Kanika. even in urban India. “We have had schools on behaviour change campaigns and “There are some reference materials in Delhi asking us to emphasize on disposal initiatives in the field of open defecation as well as sanitation and hygiene. Working in the market but we realized that either and teach girls to wrap and throw the pad these materials are too expensive, are with clients like the Gates Foundation, in English, or are extremely text heavy in the dustbins and not down the toilet or for a child to follow. Also, during our in the fields.” says Maitreyee. WASH United and the Ministry of Urban research we observed that no one talks “We like to have fun during the sessions Development, the team has gained immense experience in the field of about the emotional changes that girls to keep the attention of the young girls. social impact. go through during puberty,” informs Maitreyee Narendra, Creative Lead at the Ice-breaking activities are conducted It was during these projects, some of Shift Foundation. that are essential to get the girls to open which were implemented at the Kumbh Realizing that understanding emotional up and participate in the conversation. Mela, the team gained insights into the changes is as important as the knowledge This enables them to be less shy in asking topic of Menstrual Hygiene Management awkward questions around the topic.” of the physical changes, the programme adds Kanika. and the urgent need to address the issues around it. v Awareness about puberty and mens-
report Indo-US relationship growing stronger Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump’s historic meeting went well on economic and defence ties. eliminating terrorism remained the top-most priority for both the leaders. Defence and security first meeting on June 27, 2017, in the US after taking over as Prime Minister issues, counter-terrorism, in May 2014 and the first after the Afghanistan, the Indian White House. President Trump praised Trump administration came to power Ocean, Middle East, trade early this year. And when both the ties on energy and digital partnership Prime Minister Modi for rolling out leaders met, they were all praise for were among the many issues which the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and each other. While the US president dominated the discussions between described it as the “largest tax overhaul reiterated that India has a true friend Prime Minister Narendra Modi and in India’s history”. in the White House, the Indian leader President Donald Trump during their appreciated Trump for his efforts in Prime Minister Modi was on a three- day trip to the US as part of his three- nation tour. It was his fifth visit to the CSR TIMES• july 2017 8
enhancing bilateral ties. The leaders on advanced defence equipment and negotiated and we will sign – trying to engaged in a one-on-one conversation technology at a level commensurate get the price up a little bit,” he said. in the Oval Office, then moved on to with that of America’s closest allies President Trump said the relationship delegation-level talks in the Cabinet and partners, said the joint statement. between India and the US has never Room and finally ended with a ‘working President Trump and Prime Minister been stronger and better. “India is the dinner’, the first of its kind under the Modi pledged to deepen defence and fastest growing economy in the world. new US administration. security cooperation, building on the We hope we will be catching up with During the joint press briefing United States’ recognition of India as a you very soon.” Modi was also not far after the meeting, President Trump major defence partner. behind and admired Trump for his lauded prime minister Modi for his Talking to reporters after the meet, vast and successful experience in the leadership skill. “You’ve done a great Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar said: business world which should lend an job. Economically, India’s doing “The fact that today we are major aggressive and forward-looking agenda very well,” and added he is keen to partners in exercises with each other, to Indo-US relations. He also invited work with prime minister Modi to all these underline the fact that India Ivanka Trump, to lead the US delegation remove ‘barriers’ in trade between and the US recognize each other as to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit the two countries. “I look forward to key defence partners. This was really in India. He said, “I look forward to working with you to create jobs in our an occasion for us to send a message welcome your daughter to India for the countries, to grow our economies and that India was a reliable dependable entrepreneurship summit.” to create a trade relationship that is fair partner and that was fully reciprocated While the media was expecting some and reciprocal.” on the American side.” news on the H1B visa programme which Terror was on the has been worrying some top of the agenda, and section in India since a little ahead of the “The relationship between India and the US the US President signed meeting, the US declared an executive order in Pakistani terror group has never been stronger and better. India is the April for tightening the Hizbul Mujahideen chief fastest growing economy in the world. We hope rules of the H1B visa Syed Salahuddin as programme, nothing a specially designated we will be catching up with you very soon.” was heard. global terrorist. In a joint − President Donald Trump Prime Minister Modi statement, India and the US asked Pakistan and the President Trump have a lot in to expeditiously bring common. Both had to justice perpetrators dynamic like levels by of terror attacks like 26/11, Implementation of the “White the media and were voted to power Pathankot, and other cross-border Shipping” data sharing arrangement, with absolute majority; for both attacks perpetrated by Pakistan- which enhances collaboration on the businesses come first with ‘Make in based terror groups. “Destroying maritime domain awareness, was India’ and ‘America First’ dominating terrorists and safe havens will be our announced and the US President their respective thinking; and they are (joint) aim. Eliminating terrorism welcomed PM Modi’s support for the both big social media players. “I am is among the top-most priorities US to join as an observer in the Indian proud to announce to the media, to for both nations,” said the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium. The leaders the American people and to the Indian also spoke on exploring new maritime people, that Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister. Days before the PM’s US visit, the US exercises similar to the Malabar naval I are world leaders in social media,” State Department cleared the sale of 22 exercise involving the US, Japan and said President Trump and added that unmanned Guardian drones to India, India. “President Trump and I have also being on social media makes them manufactured by California-based spoken about strengthening bilateral more accessible to citizens who voted General Atomics. The Indian Navy defence technology and our trade and for them. “We are believers...giving would be using them for surveillance manufacturing partnership, which we the citizens of our countries the to keep a vigil over the Indian Ocean. believe will be mutually beneficial to opportunity to hear directly from their Aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin us,” said the Prime Minister. On the elected officials, and for us to hear also announced an agreement with energy deals, President Trump said directly from them. I guess it’s worked Tata Advanced Systems to produce the United States is looking forward very well in both cases.” And for now, F-16 planes in India, if it won an Indian to exporting more energy, including both leaders seemed to have played Air Force contract. The US and India contracts to sell American natural well—praising, inspiring each other look forward to working together gas. These energy contracts “are being and looking ahead. v 9 CSR TIMES• july 2017
Annaalylsyisis Two degrees of separation The corporate sustainability paradox Poverty, resource scarcity, geopolitical unrest and unprecedented climate disruption apart, global forces have the responsibility to write a crucial chapter in the future of our planet. In the concluding part of this article, the writer says the timeline to tackle the 2oC temperature increase is at our doorstep and businesses need to play an integral part in it. by Ilaria Gualtieri Nowadays corporations are as big ciations stand in the challenge? Can cor- ing 25 per cent global emissions. Currently, and powerful as nations. Of the 100 porations be aside global talks or nations over 50 per cent report emissions from world’s largest economic entities, 69 left alone? The answer is no. Therefore, operations, energy purchase and value are corporations whilst only 31 are coun- corporations should be treated as nation- chain, and 266 global entities (including tries (GJN, 2015). the World Bank noted al entities equally bound to accountable Coca-Cola, Tetrapack, Ikea, Dell, etc.) com- that Walmart was world’s 10th biggest eco- and transparent action. mit to science-based targets in line with nomic entity (the US, China and Germany Paris agreement. However, 53 per cent are the top three) beating Australia, South BUSINESS OF CLIMATE CHANGE have equalled or exceeded their 2014 levels, Korea and India in 2016. with India Coal leading the way followed Overall, businesses act on climate change by Gazprom and ExxonMobil. The 10 world’s biggest corporations make to improve image, align to stakeholders’ more money than the bottom 180 countries interests, reduce cost and increase ROI, The CDP and the Climate Group, within the (counting Ireland, Indonesia, South Africa, whilst pursuing efficiency, innovation and We Mean Business coalition, created two Iraq and Vietnam, etc. all together): $285tn opportunities. International organizations corporate pledges initiatives: RE100 − for vs $280tn (GJN, 2015). targeting corporate pledges are mushroom- commitments to 100 per cent renewables- ing based on the recognition that climate generated electricity and EP100 − to double As such, the corporate climate-change change poses risks to profitability and great energy productivity (among its members accountability issue is greater than ever. PR opportunities. H&M, Mahindra and Ikea). While corporate power permeates every aspect of our lives, corporations oper- The not-for-profit Carbon Disclosure Pro- Created at conference of the parties 22 ate across borders within a nation-based ject (CDP) runs the most comprehensive (COP22), Non-State Actor Zone for Climate climate regulatory environment. global disclosure system of self-reported Action (NAZCA) by the Global Climate Ac- environmental data, including 2,400 corpo- tion captures 2,138 companies, 2,508 cit- The question is: Who shall coordinate, rations, cities, states and regions. Thomson ies, 209 regions, 479 investors and 238 regulate, monitor-measure-and-verify Reuters recently revealed the latest green- CSOs commitments. Linked to the World measurement report and verification house gas (GHG) data from the Global 100 Bank and IMF, the Carbon Pricing Leader- (MRV) corporate efforts? Where do inter- largest publicly traded companies, account- ship Coalition is a voluntary partnership of national organizations and industry asso- CSR TIMES• july 2017 10
governments, businesses and CSOs. Their Europe’s ETS includes aviation emissions fifth highest emitter. 2016-17 report presents various case stud- since 2012. However, passengers, rather Once again, the EU is the pioneer. From ies, but the progress and road map are than airlines, pay the UNITAID solidarity unclear. Moreover, let us mention the Busi- levy, ranging from $1-4 (economy) to $10- January 2018, a MRV system will apply to ness Council for Sustainable Energy, Ceres, 40 (business/first class), to fund green large ships. The deadline is August 31 for C2ES, Environmental Defense Fund, Envi- initiatives in the developing world. companies to submit ship-specific monitor- ronmental Entrepreneurs, World Wildlife ing plans to appointed verifiers (IMO, 2017). Fund and other informal CEO-led initiatives September 2017 will see the finalisation With emissions trading not applicable to the such as the Alliance of CEO Climate Lead- of a global emissions-offset scheme: the peculiar market, the aim is to gather data for ers and the World Business Council for Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme future initiatives. Sustainable Development. for International Aviation (CORSIA) by the International Civil Aviation Organization In September, the International Maritime Overall, corporations oscillate commit- (ICAO) will require airlines to monitor and Organisation’s “Ballast Water Management ments selecting the most suitable plat- offset the growth of their emissions after Convention” will enter into force, setting a forms. Notwithstanding this trend, climate 2020. Flight management, biofuel, super- global 0.5 per cent cap on the Sulphur (SO2) change denial in favour of economic interest efficient engines promising to reduce fuel content of marine fuel from January 1, 2020. is more concrete than ever, especially after This move is interesting considering that president donald Trump’s disengagement w Of the 100 largest economic low-SO2 fuel costs 50 per cent more than the from Paris. The most effective motivation, entities in the world, 69 are residual one. But how will SO2 level or the in fact, is emissions trading or carbon taxa- corporations whilst only 31 control system be monitored in the middle tion. Carbon offsetting is simple: a company are countries. of the oceans? offsets emissions to become carbon neutral w Conoco Phillips is bigger by funding green initiatives, normally in de- than Pakistan. ROAD TRANSPORT veloping nations. w General Motors is bigger than Bangladesh. Prepared for innovation—and accustomed Since 2005, the EU’ Emissions Trading w ExxonMobil is bigger than to scandals—automotive industry leads System (ETS) is the world’s first and biggest Thailand. the production of alternatively fuelled and system, based on a ‘cap and trade’ principle. energy-efficient cars, while city car-sharing A cap (reduced over time) is set on the GHGs EU ETS sector is mounting. emitted by the organizations covered; com- w Set up in 2005 panies receive/buy emission allowances, w operates in 31 countries EU 2016’s mobility strategy targets 60 per tradeable within the cap. Additionally, they w Participation is mandatory cent CO2 reduction over 1990 levels and a can buy limited international credits from in high energy-using sectors zero-emissions future. Key areas are trans- CO2-saving projects around the world. Each port efficiency, low/zero emissions vehicles year, they must surrender enough allow- consumption by 20-30 per cent (e.g. Boe- and alternative energy. Conversely, the US ances to cover all their emissions, or else ing Dreamliner) and new CO2 certification has weakened the Corporate Average Fuel are imposed heavy fines (spare allowances standards applied from 2020 (Edie, 2016) Economy (CAFE) standards behind the are either kept or sold). As a result, 2015 are the future of international aviation. growth in fuel-efficient vehicles. emissions from the scheme fell 22 per cent below 1990 levels. However, there are seri- SHIPPING Innovation in the automotive industry ous concerns on the emission trading prin- also leads to significant cost-savings, dem- ciple ‘pay as you go’ format and its ability According to organization for economic onstrated by initiatives such as the Green to produce factual reductions. co-operation and development (OECD), Freight Action Plan joined by HP, Ikea and shipping has increased by 400 per cent Volvo alongside 24 nations (e.g. Bangla- Beyond this, what about industry organi- in the last 45 years, covering 90 per cent desh and Vietnam) and the 65-countries’ zations, the major authority in a headless of the world trade. International ship- Global Fuel Economy Initiative com- global environment? ping produces nearly three per cent of mitting to doubling government fleets’ total CO2 emissions—more than coun- fuel efficiency by 2050. AVIATION tries like Indonesia, France or the UK, and slightly less than Japan, the world’s THE BAD GUYS Aviation accounts 3-8 per cent of world’ to- tal emissions: it would rank among the top Through an insipid bullet in statement, the 10 country emitters − more than South Ko- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun- rea! A passenger flying from London to New tries (OPEC) welcomed the Paris Agreement York generates the same emissions as an EU in 2016. Very thoughtful of an organization citizen heating home for a year (EU, 2017). rather focused on its ability to thrive within With air travel growing by 4-5 per cent per low-prices than on being environmental year, by 2020, emissions could be 70 per savvy, apart from individual companies’ cent higher than in 2005. pledges and the Oil and Gas Climate Initia- tive (OGCI), committed to fund GHG reduc- tion technologies. Similarly, mining, cement 11 CSR TIMES• july 2017
and steel industries are the highest energy sponsible sourcing, products certifications Renewable Energy Buyers’ Principles by consumers and emitters. A London-based and sustainable agriculture, along with World Resources Institute, World Wildlife group of 23 CEOs, the International Council efforts against deforestation. Fund and the Task Force on Climate-related on Mining and Metals issued a business- Financial Disclosures. as-usual pledge on Paris. When the UN The Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Global Compact chief has a packed fossil- Index could help apparel industry’s con- MAKING SOCIETY BETTER fuels industry CV, ExxonMobil’s Rex Wayne sumers evaluate their favourite brand’s en- Tillerson is the US Secretary of State, the vironmental performance. However, do cus- The world has agreed to tackle climate US withdraws from Paris and global geo- tomers really care about climate or human change, although global practical solutions politics is evidently hydrocarbons-driv- rights when picking up clothes? Systemic remain nation-based, fluctuant to the mood en; a more substantial commitment is sustainability solutions are thus unlikely in and interests of the world’s bigwigs. On the simply unlikely. the absence of an economic/ consumer re- other hand, corporate pledges and partici- ward (Hable, 2017). pation in think tanks draw public attention Thankfully, Total CEO shook—without without guaranteeing any commitment or shocking—the industry. According to Pat- The construction sector has progressed safety-in-the-numbers. Without MRVs, en- rick Pouyanné, within an evolving energy resources efficiency, as indicated by the forcement, carrots and sticks, who is regu- mix, green business is strategic (CNBC Prince of Wales’ Corporate Leaders Group, lating corporate pledges? 2017). The sector transformation shall World Green Building Council and the thus entail a switch from coal/oil to less Global Alliance for Buildings and Con- According to Unilever CEO Paul Polman, impactful natural gas, a renewable en- struction. Although the green building sustainability is a core management prin- ergy mix, but also less carbon-intensive trend is widespread, corporate pledges ciple. “The real purpose of business has al- extraction and production. remain individual, whilst focus shall be ways been to come up with solutions that on the developing world. are relevant to society, to make society bet- NO BUSINESS CAN DO IT ALONE ter.” Thus, the same profit orientation shall According to Forbes and Corporate Knights, drive corporations to realize that poverty, The agriculture sector, utterly affected by most sustainable brands are captained by resources scarcity and climate-change are climate change, recognises the need for technology (Siemens, Cisco and Philips). The another face of the same coin. Climate sus- timely solutions. Mars has committed to Breakthrough Energy Coalition, including tainability is in the interest of businesses, 100 per cent renewable. In 2015, it cut Alibaba, Gates Foundation, LinkedIn, Virgin, which as global climate actors either shall emissions by 25 per cent, looking forward Bloomberg, Reliance, Amazon and other voluntarily stand at the frontline of the to 40 per cent by 2020 and zero-CO2 by heavyweights, is committed to fund research fight or be made globally accountable 2040, while sourcing all US operations and reduce footprint. for their actions. In our capacity as citi- electricity from renewables. Similarly, Uni- zens, employees and consumers, how are lever pledged carbon positive operations Even the finance sector is moving away we willing to contribute? v by 2030, 100 per cent renewable electric- from fossil fuels through pledges across ity, uses carbon pricing and joined RE100. Divest-Invest, 350.org, gofossilfree.com, The writer is a CSR and Kellogg and other global producers target and the May 2017’s Global Divestment Mo- communication consultant. recycling, supply chain responsibility, re- bilization: investors, cities, regions and in- (views expressed are personal) stitutions pledge to invest in clean energy and climate solutions. This aligns with the CSR TIMES• july 2017 12
OPINION Choosing the right charity Charities tout their “cost of fundraising” as metrics to evaluate effectiveness, but these values are often misleading. Organizations with high percentage on ground spends may have lower overheads and the ones with higher overheads may be the only ones big enough to be serving target populations far removed from the mainstream. By Rajjat Gulati It is impossible to spend any period A number of large companies have set and effectiveness. Internationally, of time studying the Corporate organizations like Give Well do NGO up independent CSR vehicles that utilize evaluations, but by their own admission, Social Responsibility (CSR) scene their US-centric template doesn’t the funds from the parent organization in work in India. in India and not become cynical. There consistence with their values while also How does one measure effectiveness are, literally, millions of people and creating some return (social or financial) anyway? I have seen charities tout their for the parent organization. Such a “percentage spent on ground” or “cost hundreds of causes in India that could luxury may not be available to smaller of fundraising” as metrics to evaluate organizations who would, ideally, want effectiveness, but these values are be improved with more training, better often misleading. Organizations with to write a cheque to an NGO and be rid of high percentage on ground spends infrastructure or even a little money. may have lower overheads because their obligation. of small teams, thereby limiting Individual contributions are too few and their reach and impact and the ones Mahindra and Mahindra’s various with higher overheads (and lower far between. And government spending percentage on-ground spends) may is monolithic and inefficient; plagued by foundations, for instance, focus be the only ones big enough to be the middle-man phenomenon. serving target populations far removed on empowering women, children, from the mainstream (geographically So while I am not in favour of legislating or socially); and hence, more needy behaviour I can see the benefits of the disabled and economically of the assistance. requiring companies to direct a portion of their profits to CSR. Schedule VII of the disadvantaged. This not only furthers the Cost of fundraising has some of Companies Act 2013 is a good stop-gap Mahindra brand; serving communities, the same limitations as a metric measure; but only a stop-gap because from which they source labour, reduces for evaluating effectiveness. Older it works like a 2 per cent tax on top of organizations will have their already one of the higher corporate tax the cost of labour and attrition for M&M. fundraising networks in place thereby rates in the world and that, in my opinion, requiring less to raise funds each But even at a large-scale the foundations time but that says nothing about makes it untenable. their impact. deploy many NGOs to provide the It has been a few years since the expertise on the ground. The logic is It becomes incumbent on the CSR lead, simple—organizations which have then, to evaluate NGOs on an individual introduction of the rule and the overall the experience and the network in the basis. How they can do that will be the field are better placed to do the actual subject of the next edition of this column! v landscape of CSR spends by companies delivery than a new organization. NGOs The writer is an alumnus of IIM is littered with the shattered dreams are more cognizant of the realities on the Ahmedabad and has experience in of organizations involved in work ground and so they can devise the right setting up, running and advising businesses across a variety of sectors. He on the ground and the frustration of delivery systems and incentives that is currently the CEO of a consulting firm. CSR heads in companies who don’t lead to adoption and ensure endurance know what impact their money is of the programme. having; for the causes as well as the company’s name. So, big or small, funding organizations There are a number of reasons are best served by partnering with NGOs for the reality of CSR falling short who know what they are doing. of expectations. And, in subsequent columns, we will go through a number of How does one judge how good an these reasons. Today I want to focus on NGO is? That isn’t an easy question to how individuals, and companies, select answer for a variety of reasons. There the charities they want to empower are no independent bodies that evaluate with our money. NGOs on effectiveness. Though there are entities like GiveIndia that have vetted over 200 NGOs for transparency 13 CSR TIMES• july 2017
OPINION Integrated reporting and beyond... Companies have started taking steps in disclosing sustainability performance with some even indicating future plans and targets. Still, there remains a substantial gap in adopting a fully-integrated approach to reporting across financial and non-financial aspects. By Dipankar Ghosh The Corporate Social Responsibility presents an opportunity for providing more sustainable materials and methods (CSR) and sustainability reporting providing an overview of emerging risks landscape in India has evolved insights about business, environmental and associated with various facets of business, tremendously in the last two decades. such as availability of water for production, Earlier, reporting by organizations was social ecosystem in which it operates, and costs associated with greenhouse gas limited to financial disclosures only; emissions, etc., to enable the company environmental, social and governance the inter-linkages, to all its stakeholders. to make better, more informed business (ESG) issues were considered ‘non- The benefit of this approach is not decisionsthattakeaccountofenvironmental financial’, and therefore unworthy of impacts as well as more traditional financial attention. However, over the past decades, limited to external stakeholders. A research and operational considerations. Since then, due to increased demand of stakeholders, conducted by the IIRC has shown that, out of many other organizations have adopted companies have started taking steps in similar concepts with some variations, in disclosing sustainability performance, and the total participants in its pilot programme, demonstrating ’value’ of their sustainability some of them have even started indicating related actions. future plans and targets. Still, there 93 per cent said this approach of reporting remains a substantial gap in adopting a Simultaneously, emphasis for integrated fully-integrated approach to reporting leads to better quality of data collection reporting is coming from governments across financial and non-financial aspects, and stock exchanges all over the world. except for initiatives by a few. and 88 per cent said that it leads to International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), a global coalition of regulators, One of the biggest hurdles in the path improvements in business decision-making. investors, companies, standards bodies, of adoption of the concept integrated the accountancy professionals and NGOs, reporting is the absence of ‘integrated Although the number of organizations on their part, are collaborating with thinking’ by the organization’s leadership. World Business Council for Sustainable Other than the evolved few, most companies publishing such reports is small today, Development (WBCSD), Global Reporting still do not fully recognize the linkages Initiative (GRI), the World Bank, Ceres, between business and sustainability. globally, the increasing trend is clear and Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), the Sustainability is still viewed as a Association of Chartered Certified Public stand-alone activity. closer home in India, the awareness in on Accountants and others, rather aggressively, for propagating the new and advanced The emergence of integrated reporting the rise. reporting framework. presents a new alterative, combining the financial, sustainability, management As the business leaders in India today To the stakeholders of a company, strategy and governance information in an sustainability reporting will soon be comprehensive manner, not only providing realize the value of communicating strategy just the minimum requirement to information of historic performance, but demonstrate commitment. On the other emphasizing the concept of ‘value creation’ and the value that it intends to create, the hand, matured organizations are bound across ‘financial, manufactured, intellectual, timing of Securities and Exchange Board to consider integrated reporting as human, social relationship and natural of India’s (SEBI) recommendation towards their opportunity to communicate and capitals,’ that the Integrated Reporting implement sustainability strategy and to <IR>Framework by International Integrated integrated reporting last February was create value for shareholders over short- Reporting Council (IIRC) propagates. It also as well as long-term, while contributing encourages organizations to analyze their also perfect in providing a gentle nudge to sustainable business and society. v sustainability risks and opportunities, and develop and disclose strategies to those already in the process of making The writer is partner, Thinkthrough for mitigating risks and leveraging on Consulting Pvt Ltd (TTC). opportunities. Thus, Integrated Reporting up their mind, to think differently and to (with inputs from Vidushi Bhatt, initiate action. It encouraged others to be at least aware. While financial statements as per current statutory regulations are to stay, integrated report is viewed not just as a disclosure or communication tool, but a business tool as well. Across the globe, many companies have started treading the path of integrated reporting; many matured corporates have gone another step ahead by mapping their sustainability performance to the financial gains or implications. One of the pioneering approaches was adopted by the footwear manufacturer Puma, where the company published an environmental profit and loss statement, presenting the cost to the planet incurred by the company across its operations and supply chain. The report aims to pinpoint the areas to develop CSR TIMES• july 2017 14
Dr. Madhukar G. Angur B. Tech (NIIT), PGDM (IIM-A), Ph. D. (Texas) Founder, Chancellor Alliance University THE UNIVERSITY WITH A DIFFERENCE Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility at Alliance University has evolved to include the participation of all stakeholders: students, faculty, non- government organizations (NGO), and the local community. Over the years the students and faculty along with others at the University have actively participated in outreach program initiatives in finding solutions for community needs; projects on thematic areas such as health, education, environment and community development by contributing their time, knowledge, skills, and technical expertise apart from other resources. Alliance University streams ahead ....... Alliance University has the best practices for management of the environment at their campuses. To ensure, the University and the Alliance University is the first Private University in South India which stakeholders will strive to: was established under the Act No. 34 of the Government of Karnataka, • Check and Prevent pollution to reduce health hazards in the month of August, 2010. The University is established with a vision • Recycle, Reuse and Reduce waste “To be a world-class University that nurtures talent and catalytically • Manage Natural Resources in a sustainable manner and ensure optimal transforms the lives of millions through excellence in teaching, research, service and community development. To uphold a commitment to shaping use of resources like land and water lives through scholarly teaching and learning, and that which contributes to • Proactively respond to the challenges of climate change by adopting an equitable and holistic transformation of society at large.” cleaner methods The grand vision with which the university has been established is well • Promote efficient use of energy and environment friendly technologies supported by its world class infrastructure that is spread across over 45 Projects for CLEAN and GREEN Minds in Campuses acres of lush green land. The presence of eclectic intellectual capital in the • Alliance University has adopted around 60 higher education form of teaching faculty and visiting scholars further validates its vision. institutions in the rural areas of Haveri and Kolar Districts. Primarily The oldest arm of the university is the Alliance School of Business which is focusing on improving Quality of Educations. consistently ranked among the top ten private business schools in India by • Setting up a bio diversity park in the campus various ranking agencies. The Alliance College of Engineering and Design, • Inclusion of more traditional medicinal plants inside the campus Alliance School of Law, Alliance Ascent College and the Department of • Participating in the awareness programs in the community Performing Arts, though comparatively recent in terms of origin, are • More waste reduction methods & recycling methodologies to be used – equally well equipped to provide high quality education. The University has Bio Gas plant in the canteen baccalaureate concentrations, postgraduate offerings, doctoral degree • Creating more eco-friendly environment programs and several professional certificate programs which are offered • Eco Club of students through these units. Central Campus, Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura-Anekal Main Road, Anekal, Bangalore - 562106, India The Alliance University constantly strives to maintain high educational standards at par with the best of its kind in the world in keeping with its w w w. a l l i a n c e u n i v e r s i t y. e d u . i n aspiration to become a world class university by 2025. The commitment to high educational standards at the university enables it to attract top rated companies for placements. The well placed alumni of the university are spread across more than 32 countries in the world. Its hugely successful student exchange program, joint research program etc. are a part of the well- established long term relationship that Alliance has built with 45+ other globally renowned institutions over a period of time. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS DOCTORAL PROGRAMS BBA | B.Tech., MBA | LL.M. | MFA Ph. D. B.A.LL.B | B.B.A LL.B. DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Bharatanatyam | Kuchipudi Carnatic Vocal CALL: 080-30938000 • 91081 70666 Please Visit us at: Central Campus, Chikkahagade Cross, Chandapura-Anekal Main Road, Anekal, Bangalore - 562106, India www.allianceuniversity.edu.in
OPINION Mainstreaming sanitation: tracking the progress Sanitation projects under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan should follow a total value chain approach like any business project. The focus should be on planning, acting, assessing and reviewing the projects in order to achieve sustainable excellence. By S. Ravishankar Clean and safe sanitation is an important necessity for organization set up in April 2015, has been playing a pivotal role health and hygiene. The impact can be transformational, since its inception, in making the Clean India and Total Sanitation campaign of the government, a sustainable one. CAAG’s mission is as it has been brought out in many studies across to create a sustainable model of excellence in all socially-oriented projects (Figure 1). countries. No public health intervention in the past The strategy for achieving excellence also depends on the 200 years has done more to save lives and improve health in the approach undertaken towards such socially-oriented projects. CAAG strongly believes that these projects should follow a world’s wealthy nations than clean and safe sanitation initiatives. total value chain approach like in any business project. In this approach, the focus would be on planning, acting, assessing Sanitation is a serious issue in rural as well as urban India. and reviewing the projects in order to achieve sustainable excellence (Figure 2). Keeping the past history of sanitation campaigns in mind, the During the last two years, CAAG has been partnering with Central Government has made a nationwide programme to clean corporate organisations that have funded construction of a huge number of sanitation facilities in schools to ensure long-term up India and eliminate open defecation by 2019. The Prime success of their campaign. CAAG’s partnership model includes extensive visits to these sanitation facilities through a well- Minister under one of his key policy objectives of “improved trained survey team and making an on-the-ground assessment of national sanitation” has initiated a concerted move towards the availability, functioning, maintenance and utilization of these implementing a Total Sanitation Plan (TSP) by 2019 under the facilities by students. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The programme has been initiated with Some of the initiatives undertaken by CAAG in the recent past and the key findings include: building of a large number of sanitation facilities (toilets) in the Assessment Survey of Toilet Availability, schools across the nation to inculcate clean sanitation practices Functioning and Utilization in the young minds. Under this initiative, CAAG has assessed more than 1,500 toilets While creation of such facilities is the first step in the constructed under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The primary entire process, it is also equally important to ensure regular utilisation of facilities by the intended beneficiaries and also their sustainability over time so that such massive efforts and investments do not become one time events with limited benefits. Sustainability of such facilities is dependent upon construction quality for durability, awareness among the users about needs and standards of maintenance, availability of adequate quantity of water for clean maintenance, etc. Clean Action and Assessment Group (CAAG), a not-for-profit
aim was to make a detailed and independent assessment of the Figure 2: Social Projects: Strategies for achieving Excellence availability of physical facilities, the cleanliness and functioning of the toilets, maintenance of the toilets and response time for undertaking repair work, overall utilisation and satisfaction. Based on all these responses, an overall composite index was derived and the schools in each of the district were ranked/ categorized (A, B, C and D) based on the overall composite score. The ranking based on composite score gave some pointers on what actions need to be taken and in which schools in order to improve the functioning of toilets and enhancing utilization. CAAG recommends the following actions to make this campaign a sustainable one, making clean and hygienic habits as integral part of the lives of the students and the community. • Investment in these sanitation facilities should be containing about 28 Gram Panchayats (GPs) became open immediately accompanied by periodical assessment of their defecation free (ODF) within a few months. performance and utilisation. Such an assessment every six • The initiative’s success can also be largely attributed to the campaign design, which addressed all critical components such as institutional arrangement, communication, capacity building, phasing, monitoring and rewards, as our research team found. Figure 1: Social Projects: Sustainable Model of Excellence Some of the other factors include: • Communication and outreach to reach out to households months for more than two years will ensure that the local level through a sustained campaign. issues and challenges are properly assessed and solutions • Targeting the community rather than individuals in order to provided in order to make the project a long-term success. reach out to everyone in the village. • Behavioural change is another aspect that needs to be brought • A campaign on this scale requires intensive capacity building about in villages both in urban and rural areas, not only among programmes targeting different stakeholders who acted as students but also across all households. A Comprehensive ambassadors of sanitation and hygiene. Awareness Programme needs to be undertaken in the schools • The other major factor for success is the monitoring strategy, and villages wherein students face issues in usage of toilets. which focused on outcome in terms of ODF status rather than • After ensuring high degree of success, a publication should be output which is number of toilets constructed. brought out on the success of the campaign in various locations/ • Rewards and Recognition: For many, the very notion of states and shared among stakeholders at local-, state- and becoming an ODF community and receiving the associated central-level and in various important forums in order to make recognition was sufficient motivation to work hard towards it a mission. the goal. • ‘Hand-holding’ approach adopted by the implementing Rural Sanitation Survey machinery ensured that almost any obstacle they faced would (Survey of clean villages) be overcome with community support. • Basic issues like water availability need to be addressed In 2016, CAAG undertook an extensive survey of the award upfront before the launch of the project. winning villages in the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh Sustainability of campaigns like Total Sanitation Campaign and Himachal Pradesh, which brought out the critical success and Clean Villages under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan depends factors that had contributed to the success of those clean on efficient and effective implementation, periodical impact villages and sustainability of such initiatives. Some of the assessment, continuous awareness campaigns to bring lessons learnt are: about irreversible behavioural changes and commitment • A strong leadership with an active interest in promoting of local-level leadership and opinion-makers. If CAAG’s sanitation was at the heart of success and sustainability of such experience is anything to go by, these factors lay at the campaigns Though there was initial resistance, the commitment foundation of all successful socially-oriented projects. Such of district and local leadership ensured that an entire block an approach to the sanitation and cleanliness campaign of the Government of India will go a long way in ensuring sustainable success of the campaign. No doubt, it will be truly transformational.v —The writer is the President of CAAG 17 CSR TIMES• july 2017
COVER STORY India’s tryst with uniform taxation The Goods and Service Tax (GST) has ensured participation of all in the development of all through a differential system. It stands out for furthering individual responsibility by making more funds available to the government without increasing rates that matter to the lower income groups. It could also increase CSR investments through increased profits, improved billing compliance plus delivery and operational efficiency. Grow, sustain, transform is what GST’s spirit robustly proclaims. A t the stroke of the midnight had arrangements for 800 guests, term ends this month, said the GST is a hour on July 1, 2017, India including state representatives. The disruptive change. “It is similar to the awoke to a reformation in the much-awaited Goods and Services Tax introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) indirect taxation system, and (GST) was launched with great fanfare when there was initial resistance. the world watched with much gaiety. by the BJP-led Union Government When a change of this magnitude The Parliament was decked up, the while the opposition Congress along is undertaken, however positive it Central Hall refurbished and even with a few allies and non-allies may be, there are bound to be some the microphones and headsets were decided to boycott. teething troubles and difficulties in replaced for the midnight sitting which the initial stages. We will have to solve President Pranab Mukherjee, whose CSR TIMES• july 2017 18
these with understanding and speed GST Council shall decide the date from which they shall attract GST. The existing to ensure that it does not impact the taxation system (VAT & Central Excise) growth momentum of the economy.” Incidentally. he was the Finance will continue on petroleum products. Minister in the UPA Government Alcohol too has been kept outside GST, when the Bill was introduced in the and the existing state and central levies Parliament on March 22, 2011. will continue. Cooperative Federalism Prime Minister Modi said that GST would lead to immense savings of The Prime Minister said that the day time and cost. Savings of fuel due to marks a decisive turning point, in elimination of delays at state border determining the future course of the crossings will help the environment country. He described GST as a “good “The old India was as well. He said GST would lead to a and simple tax” which would ultimately economically fragmented, the modern tax administration which is benefit the people. He elaborated new India will create one tax, simpler, more transparent and helps to that GST is an example of Cooperative one market and for one nation.” curb corruption. Federalism, and said that just as Sardar The government has envisaged Patel had ensured political integration —Arun Jaitley GST will pave the way for realization of the country, GST would ensure of the goal of One Nation-One Tax- economic integration. One Market. It will benefit all Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that (CGST) rates. the stakeholders namely industry, the GST will create a united India.”The old Except health care and education, government and consumer; it will lower the cost of goods and services; India was economically fragmented, the which are in the negative list of essential give a boost to the economy and make new India will create one tax, one market and for one nation.” He added, “India will services, all services will come under the products and services globally awake to limitless possibilities. It marks GST. Customs duty is out of the GST competitive, thus advancing the ‘Make the beginning of a new journey.” framework; and five petroleum products ─ crude oil, petrol, diesel, natural gas and in India’ initiative. Under the GST A single uniform tax levied across the aviation turbine fuel ─ have also been regime, exports will be zero-rated in kept out of it for the time being and the entirety and will make India a common country on all goods and services, aims market with common tax rates and to take away financial barriers between the states. The old system of taxation wherein the Centre and the states levied multiple taxes such as excise duty, octroi, central sales tax (CST), value added tax (VAT), etc. will hence be levied under a single tax. All goods and services have been placed under five rates ─ 0, 5, 12, 18 and 28 per cent ─ along with a cess on luxury and demerit goods such as tobacco, pan masala and aerated drinks. The states and the Centre will collect identical rates of taxes on goods and services and the tax income will be divided equally between the states and the Centre under States Goods and Service President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the GST launch event Tax (SGST) and Central Goods and Service Tax 19 CSR TIMES• july 2017
COVER STORY procedures. GST is technology-driven will make our exports more competitive “Evasion of indirect taxes will and also provide a level playing field come down dramatically in and will reduce the human interface my mind. Collections of the to a great extent, besides reducing tax to domestic industry to compete with government will rise, that is evasion as the parallel economy can be why it will create a win-win brought into the tax network, yielding imports. Currently due to cascading, situation for the economy, substantial revenues to governments. our exports still carry some embedded consumer and manufacturers.” taxes, making them less competitive. It is farmer friendly too as all essential The hidden effect of cascading means agricultural commodities have been that the total tax incidence on domestic put in 0 per cent tax bracket, which were otherwise charged under industry is not transparent. Under GST, different tax brackets in different the tax incidence will be transparent, states. Likewise, all the food and non- enabling full removal of tax burden on exports and full incidence of domestic food items consumed by the poor have taxes on imports.” been pegged at 0 or 5 per cent tax slab, thus being people-friendly. The Prime Minster described GST as a “Good and Simple Tax” which would President Pranab Mukjerjee said, “GST ultimately benefit the people. Earlier GST Features F All transactions and processes to be done only through electronic mode, —Adi Godrej to achieve non-intrusive administration last month during his Russia visit. the F Auto-populated monthly returns and annual return Prime Minister had said India wants to F Grant of refund within 60 days, and provisional release of 90 per cent \\ carry along everyone with development, adding that the nation believes in ‘Sabka refund to exporters within seven days. Interest payment if refund is not Saath Sabka Vikas’ not only at domestic sanctioned on time, and refund to be directly credited to bank accounts. level but also at international level. F Comprehensive transitional provisions for ensuring smooth transition of existing taxpayers to GST regime, credit for available stocks, etc. GST for Sabka Vikas F Provisions of GST Compliance Rating F Anti-profiteering provisions for protection of consumer rights Sabka Vikas (everyone’s development) requires everyone’s participation too. GST in the Foreign Media Even though everyone’s development in effect means development of our nation, “The new tax regime will replace more than a dozen state and central pushing it onto any one or two segments levies, with the aim to unify an economy of 2 trillion US dollars and 1.3 of society—be that of the government billion people into a single market.” or corporate houses—would be unfair and unrealistic. A nation comprises —Global Times aspirations, cultures and feelings of “India’s GST is one of the world’s most complex tax reform. Analysts its people cutting across communities, expect economic growth to slow down over the next few months, but social status, gender and various say it should pick up after the tax is fully implemented.” differentiating characteristics. Economic independence and opportunities for —BBC growth and development are keys to “After killing currency, Modi takes a leap with India’s biggest-ever the realization and achievement of the tax overhaul” country’s potential. In a country where voluntary tax payment has generally not —New York Times been thought of and its avoidance has “India unites under GST, but this is just the beginning.” been a profession by some, this will now change for the better and be impacted —Khaleej Times for benefit of all through Goods and Services Tax. CSR is a part of a collective objective of CSR TIMES• july 2017 20
reaching the unreached and empowering What’s itching? “At the stroke of the midnight citizens through corporate efforts. The hour...India will awake” as a total CSR spend is a small percentage of Services in telecom, banking, etc. common market for the first investments made by the governments have become expensive making many time. To do the obvious is often in India, both Central, state as well as unhappy. The airline industry too has the most difficult.” union territories. The collective objective nothing to benefit from and pass on is best achieved when all segments of the gains to customers. Fuel is still out —Anand Mahindra the country recognize their individual responsibility to play their part in this of the GST. And for the common man and make improvements, in the same gigantic, broad and deep matrix. constructive spirit as has been displayed understanding the implications of the till now.” GST has maximized participation of all in the development of all system has become a Herculean task. The International Monetary Fund through a differential system. It forecasts the GST will lift India’s gross stands out for furthering individual Questions like when both the Centre and domestic product (GDP) to above responsibility by making more funds eight per cent. available to the government from the state will jointly administer GST, how them without increasing rates that matter to the lower income groups. It cooperative federalism would be ensured. could also increase CSR investments through increased profits, improved are being raised. The not so Internet and billing compliance plus delivery and operational efficiencies. Grow, computer-savvy small traders may have a sustain, transform is what GST’s spirit robustly proclaims. hard time working it. But the way mobiles have reached the nooks of the country making the rural India Internet and social media savvy, they too will learn; and like all hard times for new things, this phase too shall pass. Moreover, though GST looks like a complex tax structure, it has scope for amendments. President Mukherjee assured, “In the months to come, based on the experience of actual implementation, the GST Council and the Central and state governments should continuously review the design “GST panel has failed The GST Journey to deliver our PM @ narendramodi ‘s One Nation Fourteen years ago, in December 2002, the Kelkar Task Force on indirect One Tax message. GST has taxation suggested a comprehensive Goods and Services Tax based on been made into a multiple and the Value Added Tax principle. The proposal to introduce GST was first complex tax regime.” mooted in the budget speech for the financial year 2006-07. Since the proposal involved restructuring and reform of not only indirect taxes —Kiran Majumdar Shaw levied by the Centre but also the states, the responsibility of preparing a design and a plan of action for the implementation of GST was assigned to the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers which had been formed earlier for implementation of the Value Added Tax. The Empowered Committee released its First Discussion Paper on Goods and Services Tax in November 2009. The Constitution Amendment Bill was introduced by the then Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on March 22, 2011. On September 2016, after the Bill was passed by both Houses of Parliament and more than 50 per cent of state legislatures, the President of India gave his accent and the 101th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2016 came into existence. Following this, the GST Council was constituted as per the provisions of Article 279A of the Constitution. Based on the recommendations of the Council to the Union and states in respect of GST, such as model laws, rates, exemptions and other decisions on taxation were taken. 21 CSR TIMES• july 2017
COVER STORY GST Globally More than 160 countries have GST in some or the other form. France was the first to adopt it in 1954. It is also a widely accepted form of indirect tax in the Asia-Pacific region. European Union (EU) adopted VAT throughout Europe, replacing cascading multi-stage turnover tax and facilitated development of a common market. In Canada, GST is applicable on supply of most goods and services and is governed by Excise Tax Act. Canada’s federal GST was introduced in 1991 replacing the existing federal sales tax imposed on manufacturers and certain licensed wholesalers at a general rate of 13.5 per cent. Countries such as Singapore and New Zealand tax everything at a single rate; Indonesia has five positive rates, a zero rate and over 30 categories of exemptions; and in China, GST applies only to goods and the provision of repairs, replacement and processing services. Like India, in Australia, GST is a federal tax, collected by the Centre and distributed to the states; and in Brazil the revenue collected under GST is divided between the Centre and the states. Myths Cleared “The Goods and Services Tax is a transformational structural The Revenue Secretary, Government of India, Dr Hasmukh Adhia reform which will have through a series of tweets cleared certain common misconceptions multiple benefits – the creation about GST for the small traders and appealed people not to circulate of a national market, enhanced any unverified messages through social media. ease of doing business, greater productivity and efficiency, and He wrote: improved tax compliance. This F Invoices can be generated manually also reform will result in benefits F Internet would be needed only while filing monthly return of GST for all participants in the F Provisional ID will be your final GSTIN number. So start business Indian economy, including both F You can continue doing business and get registered within 30 days businesses and consumers.” F Only one return with three parts, out of which first part is to —Chanda Kochhar be filed by dealer and two other parts would be auto populated by computer. F Those in retail business (B2C) need to file only summary of total sales F New GST rate looks higher compared to earlier VAT because excise duty and other taxes which were invisible earlier are now subsumed in GST and so visible. CSR TIMES• july 2017 22
Initiatives to “GST should bring seamless and redeployment of human smoothen the transit credit of all taxes, efficiency & resources to ensure outreach to the an equitable platform...There remotest corner. The Goods and Services Network ought to be an overall +ve impact on the industry.” The National Academy of Customs, (GSTN), created as a section 25 private Excise and Narcotics (NACEN) —Naveen Jindal have conducted extensive training limited company with strategic control programmes. In the first phase, about activated their account on the GST 52,000 officers were trained during with the government, to function as portal and 25 banks have been September 2016 to January 2017 integrated with the GST common portal through a multi-layered training a common pass-through portal for and will be providing e-payment and programme across India. A refresher taxpayers, has unveiled a simple excel over the counter payment facilities as training was also conducted on updated based template that will facilitate the well as payment through NeFT/RTGS law, rules and procedures and a total of taxpayers in preparing and filing their and credit/debit card. 17,213 officials were trained till June 23 monthly returns with maximum ease 2017. Under the Accredited GST Training and minimal cost. Other Programmes Programme, 20 institutes have been certified as approved training partners The excel template is a part of The government has stepped up to impart quality training at reasonable GST Council’s approach to make tax its outreach programme through cost to members of trade/industry and compliance highly easy and convenient various events, workshops, media and other stakeholders. As of now 2,565 for taxpayers and also reduce the television to reach the masses. Field participants have been trained so far time of compliance to improve ease of formations of Central Board of Excise (ongoing). NACeN have also trained doing business. This excel workbook & Customs (CBEC), at all levels have 2,611 officers from 92 ministries/PSUs. template can be freely downloaded been activated to carry out interaction with the trade and industry to help Further the twitter handle askGST_ from the GST common portal (www.gst. them with the migration to GST and GOI attracts taxpayer queries every gov.in), and can be used by taxpayers to clear their doubts. The field units day. A list of FAQs based on frequent to collate all invoice related data on a of CBEC have run campaigns using questions asked on Twitter has also mobile vans to reach the assesse at been published. v regular basis. their doorstep to help them with the The Excel format can be used by GST migration and transitional issues. “GST will reduce corruption in A total of 4,700 workshops have been the country.” businesses to start maintaining conducted across India. their data. The taxpayer can prepare —Anil Agarwal the details of his outward supply An extensive multi-media campaign through print and electronic media, on weekly or any other suitable outdoor hoardings, etc. has been carried out for informing, educating regular interval which can then be and assisting taxpayers and other stakeholders to enable a smooth uploaded on GST portal on or before transition to GST. the 10th of subsequent month. The The CBEC has been reorganiazed GSTR 1 excel template workbook bringing about structural changes can be used to prepare the data for GSTR 1 return without connecting to internet in offline mode. This also benefits taxpayers in remote areas where Internet connectivity might not be good. The template comprises of eight worksheets. Summary of key values in each worksheet has been provided at the top to help taxpayers easily reconcile the data entered in the worksheets with that recorded in their accounting system/books to accurately prepare the return. Based on data entered in the excel sheet, offline tool will prepare a file which will have to be uploaded by the taxpayer on GST portal to create GSTR 1. Only while uploading the file on the GST portal, Internet connectivity will be required. More than 66 lakh taxpayers have 23 CSR TIMES• july 2017
INTERVIEW : SUDHA MURTHY Infosys Foundation ‘Technology and learning can greatly amplify human potential’ When the Companies Act made spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) compulsory for businesses in 2013, she exclaimed: “I wish this had happened 18 years ago. I could have got so much done.” Read this interview with Sudha Murthy, the chairperson of Infosys Foundation, to know how the company has been striving to build a more equitable society since about two decades. TBy harish chandra Infosys Foundation has implemented up with a vision to boosting our CSR he Infosys Foundation was programmess in Karnataka, and initiatives; this was long before the set up in 1996. What was subsequently extended its coverage to Companies Act 2013. The first thing I the objective behind it and Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, said when the law was announced was: are you satisfied with what Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, “I wish this had happened 18 years ago. you have achieved? Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, I could have got so much done.” Infosys has been an early Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, adopter of CSR initiatives. Fiscal 2017 Uttarakhand, West Bengal, among other What are the key areas Infosys marked the 20th anniversary of the states. Foundation focuses on? Foundation’s journey of transforming Infosys Foundation supports the lives of communities in need In terms of whether we are satisfied programmes in the areas of education, across India. Since its inception, the with what we have achieved so far, rural development, health care, arts and Foundation through its grant-making that depends on the projects we have culture, and destitute care. and partnerships with individuals, undertaken—we have exceeded on some government bodies and competent initiatives, we have met expectations Please elaborate on your non-governmental bodies has fostered on some. On very few projects, we have plans for financial year 2017-18. a sustainable culture of development not been satisfied with the outcome. In FY18, we aim to continue investing our in the areas of health care, promotion However, these have been good learning resources and applying our expertise to of education and eradication of hunger, experiences for us. bring about a meaningful difference to rural development, art and culture and the communities around us. destitute care across the remotest How do you view the Corporate Social regions of India. Responsibility (CSR) clause in the During the year, we are working on Companies Act 2013? Any changes building dharmashalas in various parts Infosys Foundation was established you would recommend? of the country, upgrading hospitals to support the less privileged sections CSR is a large part of our overall and constructing infrastructure in of society, create opportunities and sustainability policy, encompassing educational institutions. We are also strive towards a more equitable society. social, economic and environmental partnering with several organizations The Foundation is committed to the actions. Infosys Foundation was set for initiatives related to sanitation communities in which it operates. CSR TIMES• july 2017 24
Infosys Foundation has implemented programmes country over the years. We have also in Karnataka, and subsequently extended its partnered with the Government, coverage to Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, and in line with the central and state Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Government’s initiatives for a clean Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, India, the Infosys Foundation grants are Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, West being utilised for the construction of Bengal, among other states. toilets. Under the Swachh Vidyalaya programme, the Foundation has through construction of toilets, and districts of Madhya pradesh and to run successfully completed the construction for eliminating hunger in classrooms skill development programmes that of 365 separate and fully functional through mid-day meal projects. empower the tribal youth. toilets for boys and girls in 110 schools. Some of the other key initiatives will include sponsorships of libraries and You collaborate with different NGOs Tell us about your CSR programmes developmental initiatives to combat for execution of your programmes. in countries other than India? water shortage issues. How do you find the implementing Infosys Foundation USA is focused on agencies in terms of commitment and bridging the digital divide in America. Tell us about your employee dedication? It aims to give children, young adults engagement programme if any? Infosys Foundation partners with and workers across the United States As a corporation, Infosys is also non-government organizations (NGOs) the skills they need to become not just committed to supporting and nurturing to make a difference among local consumers but creators of technology. employees and their work for the communities. The Infosys Foundation USA supports community. The company supports computer science education and the volunteering efforts of employees We receive requests for funding of training, with the belief that technology through employee led CSR groups and projects through the calendar year. Our and learning can greatly amplify human eco-groups across campuses. panel of experts evaluates proposals potential. v in the areas of culture, destitute Do you have an employability care, education, health care and rural programme for the underprivileged development. We prioritize projects youth? by assessing their impact, and match Yes, some of the recent initiatives in this funding requirement with availability of space include: funds in our corpus. • The Foundation’s partnership with Central Institute of Plastics Do you also partner with Engineering and Technology (CIPET) government agencies and in Bhubaneswar to provide vocational departments? Are you training by imparting skills, competency contributing in the and employability training to the Central government underprivileged under the Skill programmes like Swachh Development Training Programme Bharat Abhiyan, Beti along with enabling these students with Bachao Beti Padhao appropriate jobs after completing Programme, etc.? their training. Sanitation has always • We have also partnered with been a key focus area Shivaganga Samagra Gramvikas for the Foundation. We Parishad in Indore to support their have invested in work on the sustainable development of building over 1,300 tribal villages of Jhabua-Alirajpur 13,000+ toilets across the 25
Interview : Susmita Sengupta ‘No research orientation in schools is a major constraint’ In an interview with CSR TIMES, Susmita Sengupta, Technical Director of Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) opined that there is an urgent need to address the gap in quality of primary education in India as the current system does not promote grassroots learning. MGL revised its CSR policy to align it with the Compa- nies Act 2013. what changes were fundamentally made? MGL had created a strong foundation for its CSR before the mandate. No major changes in terms of vision/mission were required. The fundamental changes were mainly to- wards written financial commitment regarding social re- sponsibility and reporting. You have worked overseas for many years. Do you find any difference in the approach of Indian companies and companies based in the US, UK and Canada on sustain- ability and social responsibility? In Indian companies I find that CSR lacks strategic intent and focus. It is mostly patchwork philanthropy which to me is neither sustainable nor does it provide tangible benefits. Creating value out of CSR is important. Having said that, we do have certain case studies, examples wherein Indian companies have also championed such initiatives. Monitoring, reviewing and updating as circumstances list criteria, and mid-term review based on the criteria for change is MGL’s approach towards sustainability. What sustainment of these work. are the lessons you have learnt till date and how have you made improvements? MGL’s CSR initiatives focus on education. By education MGL believes in “continuous improvement”. It was ob- do you also mean secondary and vocational education served that a lot of CSR proposals presented had excessive for the youth? overhead costs, often with no tangible beneficiaries or key MGL’s CSR initiative focuses on three Es—education, envi- personnel identified and hence, difficult to manage. MGL developed a project mode with minimum eligibility, check- CSR TIMES• july 2017 26
“In Indian companies far. Why it is so and what more can be done? I find that CSR lacks While the initiative has addressed much of the hardware strategic intent and focus. aspect; the software (awareness) part remains a concern. It is mostly patchwork I believe it is equally important, if not more, to sensitize philanthropy which to me families on the ill effects of open defecation and the need is neither sustainable nor of using toilets. I feel it has to be scaled up significantly in does it provide tangible a mission mode to achieve an open defecation free India. benefits. Creating value out of CSR is important.” Early this year, MGL in collaboration with ecofuel had launched the CNG fuelled two-wheelers? How is the re- sponse as of now? It is gaining momentum amongst younger generation. How do you choose your implementing partners—any specific criteria and selection process? MGL has an established procedure for selection of imple- menting partners. The prospective partner organization is evaluated across three major parameters—organizational, financial and the proposed programme. Each has a defined qualifying score with some mandatory fields. ronment and empowerment via skill development. Yes by How much do you plan to spend on CSR this financial education we also mean secondary and vocational educa- year and what are the projects you are going to tion for the youth. stress on? MGL plans to spend more than `9 crore in this financial Through Sarva Sikhshya Abhiyan and the mid-day meal year. Major projects are aligned with MGL’s strategic focus scheme, do you think primary education of all the chil- on education, empowerment and environment. dren in the country is being duly taken care of ? Is there scope for improvement? Kindly elaborate about the project Unnati widely There is a large scope of improvement. While the Sarva acclaimed.... Shikshya Abhiyan and mid-day meal scheme ensures that Project MGL Unnati is an initiative designed to give oppor- children are in school, there is an urgent need to address tunity to youths from underprivileged communities who the gap in quality of education. There has been hardly any have the talent but not the means to compete for engineer- innovation particularly in government schools in this con- ing entrance examination. The project mentors 30 youths text. The current system does not promote “grassroots for a period of 11 months wherein they are coached by fac- learning” and is one of the primary reasons why students ulty (mostly IIT alumnus) for preparation for JEE and other are not able to perform in STEM (science, technology, engi- competitive examination. The project has been hugely suc- neering and maths) subjects. The lack of research orienta- cessful with more than 90 per cent of our students getting tion in schools is another major constraint. placed in engineering institutes. What are your programmes on conservation of the Do you see any difference in the attitude of people to- environment? wards philanthropy and civic responsibility in India MGL’s business itself centrifuges around environment in compared to developed nations? Where do you see In- terms of environment- friendly fuel. Apart from the busi- dia needs to catch up? ness operations, MGL has promoted sanitization of en- One line that defines the problem is the mindset that “ev- vironment through massive TNR (sterilization drive) for erybody’s responsibility is nobody’s responsibility”. stray animals which promotes health of an animal, reduces population growth, hence, will also reduce man-animal Though it has been years since introduction of CNG-fu- conflict. MGL has also facilitated installation of solar power elled vehicles in the country, the streets are still occu- project with an animal welfare organization. We are also pied by old and new diesel engines which are said to be facilitating sustainable social and institutional plantation. enhancing pollution levels. How do you view it? CNG is available to everyone in Mumbai. MGL is working The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched with much continuously to increase its number of CNG stations. Un- fanfare and hope, but not much has been achieved so til regulations are enforced against the polluting vehicles, their use on road will continue. v 27 CSR TIMES• july 2017
interview: Madhu Pandit Dasa ‘We want to provide health, hope and happiness’ In an exclusive interview with CSR TIMES, Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman and Founder, the Akshaya Patra Foundation, speaks on how they began with feeding 1,500 schoolchildren in Bengaluru and are now reaching out to 1.6 million beneficiaries across 29 locations in 12 states. How did the idea of feeding the underprivileged children had increased significantly after the introduction of mid-day come to you and how did you manage to do it on such a meals in the schools. large scale? Without food, there is nothing. When SrilaPrabhupada, the Do you think a similar mid-day meal programme in higher Founder Acharya of ISKCON, saw some children fight with secondary schools could help students stay back after street dogs for scraps of food, he was deeply hurt. He asked primary level schooling? his followers to ensure that nobody in 10-mile radius of the Be it a Class I student or Class XII student, hunger hinders centre would ever go hungry. Inspired by Prabhupada’s story the learning process as well as overall growth. If we of compassion, we began feeding people who would visit the take that into consideration, providing mid-day meals in temple. One day, T.V. Mohandas Pai, former CEO of Infosys, higher secondary schools will definitely have a positive came to the temple and asked if it would be possible to start an impact on the students. initiative to feed needy children studying in nearby schools and we were more than happy to help. He even donated the first Tell us about your state-of-the-art kitchens. What are delivery vehicle to the organization. the parameters for checking that the food has necessary nutrients for children and is hygienic? A major boost to our school lunch programme came in the It is not just about providing a meal to needy children. We want form of the Supreme Court mandate asking states to provide to provide them health, hope and happiness. We are committed cooked mid-day meals to children in government schools. Over to do it in a safe and sustainable manner, and therefore, we the course of time, several benevolent people came forward to have numerous mechanisms and processes in place. These help, and soon enough, we were able to scale up and partner mechanisms help us regularly monitor and evaluate the school with different states—growing from 1,500 beneficiaries lunch programme. in Bengaluru to over 1.6 million beneficiaries across 29 locations in 12 states. We collect daily feedback from schools and act on stakeholder complaint within 24 hours. Periodic checks on cooking How has the mid-day meal programme helped to check temperatures and batch-wise quality checks are done to school dropout rates in the primary section? maintain the quality of meals. Similarly, supplier quality We have come a long way to become the largest non-profit-run management system (SQMS) is implemented to ensure school lunch programme in the world. Most of these children that we only partner with qualified suppliers and first in- come to school only because they are assured of one square first out (FIFO) method is implemented to make sure all meal. In fact, for some of these, this is the only proper meal they perishable items are used efficiently. Customized vehicles have every day. Poverty is one of the main reasons why children are used to deliver food to schools, so that children get drop out of the school, so the promise of a meal doesn’t just piping hot food every day. bring children to the school, but also prompts their parents to continue sending them to school instead of sending them We follow 100 per cent adherence to maintain the quality to work. and taste of food. We also take local palate into consideration; so kitchens in South India have rice-based menu and those in In 2014, we collaborated with the Sigma Research and North India have wheat-based menu. The food is cooked in Consulting Pvt Ltd for a baseline study to assess the hygienic conditions under the watchful eyes of trained cooks outcomes of the programme implementation across eight and production supervisors. states. This study showed that enrolment and attendance We understand the importance of quality food for growing CSR TIMES• july 2017 28
children and make it a point to ensure that the food we serve fulfils their dietary requirements. Where do you envision reaching in the next five years? Are you talking to state governments of other states too for expansion? We have definitely come a long way since our collaboration with the state government of Karnataka for AksharaDasoha back in 2003. Our tie-ups with various state governments mean now we are effectively reaching over 1.6 million children across 29 locations in the country. We are open to the possibility of tie- ups with other state governments as scaling up, we believe, will help us reach more children. Our association with the states with which we have already partnered can serve as a template for future collaborations. In fact, with the support the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), we are already in talks with other state governments to extend our services. We are also in the process of setting up new kitchens in states where we already operate. The aim to reach five million children every school day by 2020 seemed like a colossal task when we began the journey, but over the period of 17 years—driven by the need to reach as many children as possible with nutritious food, we have realized that it is very much feasible. How do you view the CSR policy in the Companies Act? that came as a part of the Companies Act 2013 has also prompted The CSR policy in the Companies Act 2013 gives boost to many companies to come forward and do their bit for the society. the idea of corporates and non-profits working together towards a common cause. The arrangement is mutually All these factors have made it considerably easier for us to beneficial for both, with corporates benefiting from the expertise of non-profit organizations and the groundwork approach business houses and raise funds in our mission to reach these organizations have done, and non-profits getting five million children by 2020. a sustainable source of funds. More importantly, the arrangement is beneficial for the whole idea of the active participation of civil society in nation building as it is not the responsibility of the government alone. What is your primary source of funding? How helpful have In your view how can a synergy be built between the corporate funds been for you? government, corporate houses and NGOs to take forward The government provides us grains and cash subsidies. social welfare schemes? Grains are provided through the Food Corporation of India In a diverse country like India, it is important to encourage citizens (FCI) and the Food and Civil Supplies Corporations. Cash to participate proactively in the process of nation building. One subsidies come from the state governments. We are authorized way to do this effectively is to adopt the public-private partnership to raise the deficit amount from corporate and individual (PPP) model in the social sector. Non-profits can lead from the front donors from within India and abroad through resource to make this possible by bringing together various stakeholders. mobilization. The permission to collect donations from within We have done this successfully by forging a partnership with the the country is granted by the Ministry of Finance, while Government of India and bringing together several corporate overseas donations come under the ambit of the Ministry houses and individual donors to implement the mid-day meal of External Affairs. These funds help us to provide multi- scheme. This has resulted in a strong system comprising the item menu cooked in state-of-the-art facilities where proper Central Government, state governments, corporate houses and hygiene is given due importance. individuals, which works to tirelessly feed the children of this country and bring them to school. There is no dearth of success We have adhered to transparency and accountability since stories of the PPP model in the infrastructure sector. And there is no the beginning and that has helped us establish ourselves as a reason to believe there won’t be success stories of the same in the credible organisation. In addition, the corporate sector knows socio-economic sector. v the importance of the cause we are pursuing. The CSR mandate 29 CSR TIMES• july 2017
Reformation Celebrating 200 years of independent thinking Established as the Hindu College in 1817 to provide liberal education to the Hindu community interested in learning English, the erstwhile Presidency College and now the Presidency University, has in the last two centuries given birth to numerous ideas, creations and discoveries which have changed the world. By Sucheta Das Mohapatra Education is not just about ready- women of integrity, character, fame and of Pakistan Muhammad Ali of Bogra made answers but urging questions concern for the society. and former President of Bangladesh that remain unasked or unanswered,” Abu Sayeed Chowdhury. says a communiqué from the Presidency With the support of Scottish watchmaker and philanthropist David The University lab boasts of the University which is celebrating 200 years Hare, social reformer Raja Rammohan discoveries of Jagadish Chandra Bose of existence this year. Established in 1817 Roy and many other liberal thinkers of and Praphulla Chandra Ray in Physics/ as the Hindu College, this institution Bengal, the Hindu College was formally Plant Physiology and Chemistry, while opened on January 20, 1817, with the literature enthusiasts remember of higher learning has in the last two only 20 students in a rented house in Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Garanhatta (Chitpore Road) in Calcutta Anandaram Barooah’s contribution centuries given birth to countless world- (Kolkata). In the years to come, the to Bengali and Assamese literature Presidency College built the foundation respectively. Similarly, S.N. Bose, M.N. changing ideas, creations, discoveries of many social reformers like Swami Saha, P.C. Mahalanobih, Amal Kumar Vivekanand, Durga Mohan Das, Keshab Raychaudhuri, Shyamal Sengupta and and legends. From Nobel laureates, Chandra Sen; and head of states like Ashoke Sen are remembered for their the former President of India Dr research in the field of basic science. The writers, actors, philosophers, historians Rajendra Prasad, former Prime Minister post-independence days had scholars to ground-breaking scientists, heads of States, Oscar-winning filmmakers; the erstwhile Presidency College and now the Presidency University has been for the last two centuries creating men and CSR TIMES• july 2017 30
in economics like Amartya Sen and sciences and humanities; where are we the diagnosis of different chromosomal Sukhamoy Chakraborty. Filmmaker heading intellectually; and many more disorders to patients referred from Satyajit Ray, actor-filmmaker Aparna subjects of relevance. different medical institutions of Sen are among the other known Kolkata, coal-bed fire, environmental alumni of the college. The spirit of research has always been management, groundwater quality given top priority in all academic activities assessment and land use studies, The college which was established with in Presidency. ‘Not to accept any doctrine projects on microcredit, joint forest the idea of providing liberal education to without questioning’, the basic spirit of management etc. Keeping with the the children of the Hindu Community, who education as conceived by the founders, university’s spirit of cutting-edge showed great interest in learning English, embodies the pivotal role of research research, the humanities section has gave equal importance to teaching Bengali activity in the teaching and learning of also started a new trans-disciplinary literature and Sanskrit. The Hindu College the institution. Research activities in the initiative—the Digital Humanities. received government aid in 1819 and saw Presidency University while on the one the first batch trained under Henry Louis hand contribute to the fundamentals President Pranab Mukherjee aware of Vivian Derozio graduate in 1826. It became of various sciences, on the other hand, the traditions at Presidency advised the a government institution and was renamed it also helps in the understanding university to focus more on research and the Presidency College of Bengal in 1855. of socially-relevant issues. innovation. “On this important occasion of The college then started giving admission celebrating 200 years of its existence, try to young men from all communities. In Presidency has been a research to emphasize on research and innovation, 1858, the first B.A. examinations took centre of repute since the late 19th and strive to be different from other place and Bankim Chandra Chatterjee century, a tradition initiated by eminent institutes. Take a vow to always remain was one of the first two graduates. But educators like Acharya J.C. Bose, Prof. on top... As a university, you should be the women were allowed into the institution Alexander Pedler, and Acharya P.C. Ray. number one institute like the erstwhile much later in 1944. Today, state-of-the-art laboratories, Presidency College had always been. computer and Internet facilities together Under no circumstances you should be The demand for university status started with a rich reference library offers number two,” the President said during in the college in 1972 and continued for high quality research infrastructure the bicentennial celebrations. long. The state government passed the for advanced studies. Presidency University Bill much later on Born with the idea to provide modern March 19, 2010, and on July 7, 2010, the Acharya P.C. Ray first started education in a secular, liberal way, governor of West Bengal, M.K. Narayanan entrepreneurial development through Presidency has always been open to gave his assent to the Presidency research activities when he translated questioning widely-accepted views on University Bill. The Presidency his research outputs into a successful every subject matter under and beyond College which was under the Calcutta industry with the foundation of the the sky and earth. Be it science, religion or University thus became an autonomous Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceuticals politics,studentsatPresidencyhavealways university. In December 2012, UGC Limited. And even till date improving been taught to question. And that’s where recognized Presidency University as an industry-academia interaction remains a and that’s how political revolutionaries Institution of National Eminence and major concern for the University. like Subhash Chandra Bose, scientists on February 6, 2014, Chief Minister like C.V. Raman, social reformers Mamata Banerjee laid the foundation The Department of Chemistry has like K.C. Sen and philosophers like stone for the University’s second devised a low-cost filter for removing Swami Vivekanand were born. v campus at Rajarhat. arsenic from drinking water, free genetic diagnosis and counselling services in The erstwhile Presidency College have been an open house for debates and deliberations. The bicentennial celebrations at the University were thus no different. It started with a heritage walk and the visit of President Pranab Mukherjee was followed by several conferences and seminars. A Global Educational Summit was organized as part of the celebrations which saw discussions on varied topics on what is the next leap in education; will smart devices replace the brick and mortar classrooms; what is the future of the natural sciences, mathematics, social 31 CSR TIMES• july 2017
SNIPPETS Azim Premji’s date with Carnegie Medal for Philanthropy Wipro Chairman Azim Azim Premji Foundation’s direct field work, currently serving Premji is among nine recipi- seven states and over 3,00,000 schools and with plans to expand. ents of 2017 Carnegie Medal A generous endowment from Premji enabled the foundation to es- of Philanthropy, considered the most prestigious award tablish the Azim Premji University in 2011, with a focus on school for philanthropy. Premji, the education and related fields of human development. founder of Azim Premji Foun- dation, is being honoured for “Forty-six per cent of the university’s student body comes from his efforts to reform India’s villages and small towns, with a majority committing to work in public school system. the social sector after graduation. The foundation’s university In a statement Carnegie Cor- and field institutions work synergistically towards the goal of poration said: “After trans- creating a more equitable and just India. Recently Premji set up forming Wipro Limited into a fast-scaling grant-making initiative that supports non-profits a leading international cor- working in areas that complement education.” poration, Azim Premji turned his attention towards the The Carnegie institutions will award the medals during a formal inequities in Indian society through efforts to improve ceremony at the New York Public Library’s Stephen A. Schwar- the country’s public school system. This extraordinary zman Building on October 3, 2017. The other recipients of the undertaking is driven by the medal include Mei Hing Chak, founder of the Heung Kong Chari- table Foundation in China; Julian Robertson of the Robertson Foundation in the US, and American entrepreneur Jeff Skoll who founded the Skoll Foundation. H.F. Gerry and Marguerite Len- fest, Shelby White, James D. Wolfensohn and Kristine Tompkins are the other honourees. Keeping Mumbai West Bengal Govt gets UN Public Chakachak: Viacom18 Service Award for girl child scheme installs art-inspired mobile public toilets The West Bengal Government has been awarded by the United Nations In a bid to support the Municipal for its girl child scheme Kanyashree Corporation of Greater Mumbai Prakalpa. Chief Minister Mamata (MCGM) make Mumbai open Banerjee received a trophy and cer- defecation free, Viacom18 today flagged tificate for the first prize at the UN off the second phase of its Chakachak Public Service Forum 2917 in The Mumbai campaign in Bandra. As a part Hague, the Netherlands. The scheme of this initiative, aesthetically designed was chosen from among 552 proj- mobile community toilets are being ects from 62 countries. The United used as canvases and installed across Nations Public Service Award is a 13 locations in the city, in an innova- prestigious international recognition tive bid to synergize infrastruc- of excellence in public service and tural enhancement with behavioral innovations in governance. change. The toilets were instated in the presence of Poonam Mahajan, Kanyashree Prakalpa is a targeted Member of Parliament, Mumbai North conditional cash transfer scheme Central; Ashish Shelar, Member of aimed at promoting education Legislative Assembly, Vandre West; among girls. Around $500 mil- Ajoy Mehta, Municipal Commissioner, lion has been transferred directly to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts through the MCGM; and Sudhanshu Vats, Group scheme, which is being implemented through 16,000 institutes and schools. Chief CEO of Viacom18. Minister Banerjee reiterated the commitment of her government towards achiev- ing the 2030 agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through similar CSR TIMES• july 2017 innovative public service programmes catering to the needs of the most vulnerable sections of the society. 32
Microsoft-Telangana government join hands Tata Trusts- for digitization of handloom ecosystem Andhra Pradesh Govt collaborate on Telangana Minister for Information Microsoft has partnered with Chaitanya hospital projects Bharathi, a non-profit to support the Technology K.T. Rama Rao and Principal weavers from the time of procurement The Andhra Pradesh government and Tata Trusts have signed a memo- Secretary Jayesh Ranjan recently of raw materials to marketing of the randum of understanding (MoU) to finished products. The support includes partner on hospital projects. The inaugurated the Digital Resource Centre at capital funding for the looms, counselling idea is to provide comprehensive and the Tourism Complex in Pochampally, set up affordable diagnosis and treatment to byMicrosoftIndiatorevivetraditionalforms the weavers to continue their craft, the people of the state. in India’s textile heritage. The digital centre will train weavers to use design software conducting workshops to train the artisans The upcoming facilities include two cancer centres in Nellore and Kurnool, and also enable them to have an online in natural dyeing and design skills and an All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Guntur, expansion sales presence. getting orders. of facilities in Vishaka Institute of Medical Sciences in Vizag. In addition, Anil Bhansali, Managing Director of Tata Trusts is setting up a cancer hospital in Tirupati and the Tata Microsoft India (R&D), said: “The setting Memorial Centre, Mumbai, is building a 100-bed cancer hospital up of this centre marks an important in Visakhapatnam. milestone in Microsoft’s ongoing The mou which was signed in the presence of Chief Minister endeavours to help revive traditional Chandrababu Naidu and Minister for Health and Medical Education handloomslikethedoubleikatofTelangana. Kamineni Srinivas Rao envisages the setting up of a ‘projects cell’ Weavers can start using technology to that would support planning and expand their design knowledge and execution of these hospital projects. market reach. The centre will also impart Tata Trusts in a statement said, “We see many patients leave Andhra to appropriate training for weavers to access cancer specific health care and we hope that this partnership will use software to create new designs or lead to the establishment of centres of contemporize existing ones, to set up excellence in cancer care.” Dr Poonam e-markets, and even use technology to| Malakondaiah, Principal Secretary, preserve their craft.” Department of Health, Medical and Family Welfare said, “The government Toyota continues efforts to reduce school is committed to upgrading health care dropouts in Karnataka infrastructure for the poor.” Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) which has trict this year. School supply kit consisting of been promoting quality education of the bags, books, geometry boxes, drawing books underprivileged children since 2003, re- and crayons are being distributed to school- cently began distribution of essential school children from Class I to class X, thereby en- supplies to government schools in Raman- suring that the schools possessed necessary agara, Karnataka, where the company’s learning materials to enhance the educative manufacturing plant is located. sessions in the classroom. TKM will be distributing educational Naveen Soni, Vice President, Toyota Kir- materials to 160 schools benefiting around loskar Motor, said: “We at Toyota recognize 11,500 schoolchildren in Ramanagara dis- education as one of the main pillars of na- tion’s development and have always worked towards providing quality education at the grassroots level. Lack of basic amenities and infrastructure in schools affects the overall academic development of a student. Our endeavours towards endorsing educa- tion, in its 14th year now, are designed to contribute to the society in a sustainable manner.” He added that with this initiative they aim to meet the academic require- ments of the school-going children and contribute in the overall development of the people in Bidadi. 33 CSR TIMES• july 2017
SNIPPETS Delhi govt schools outshine Uttarakhand becomes fourth private schools ODF (rural) state People living in the rural areas of mountain state Uttarakhand have something to be happy and proud about. The state has become the fourth open- defecation free (ODF) state (rural areas) in the country after Kerala, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh. The Union Minister of Drinking Water and Sanitation Narendra Singh Tomar announced it during a programme held in Dehradun recently. Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat, Mayor Viond Chamoli and Chief Secretary S. Ramaswami were among the other dignitaries who attended the programme. Chief Minister Rawat appreciated the Swachh Bharat Mission launched by Prime The Delhi government may not have many Minister Narendra Modi to free the country from the detestable practice of open defecation. He explained the hazardous impact of defecating in the open on human health feathers to add on its cap, but one of the best and environment and said: “Our next target is to ensure that all urban areas become open defecation free by the end of this fiscal.” things that the citizenry have witnessed in Union Minister Tomar said that the state would also have to pay equal the recent years is a reformation in the school education system. And if the momentum remains, attention on the management of solid and liquid waste and added that the onus of maintaining sustainability of the ODF status now lies on the people as well as in a few years time students of government the government of Uttarakhand. schools are likely to top the CBSE exams. The pass percentage of students from government schools TheUnionMinisterandtheChiefminister alsofelicitatedmanyPanchayatchairpersons, has been constantly more than private schools officers and gram pradhans for their contribution to the ODF mission. since 2013. And this year out of total students who appeared for the Class xii boards in Delhi, 88.27 per cent of those studying in government PwC India & SEEDS India reconstruct schools passed the exams, while only 79.27 per school in J&K’s Kathua district cent students from private schools cleared it. PwC India in partnership with Sustain- various workshops and community Steps like remedial classes for students of Class able Environment and Ecological De- meetings to raise awareness and knowl- velopment Society (SEEDS) has hand- edge on issues like environment safety x and xii have been of great help. Chunnauti 2018 was launched by the government last year with an aim to enable students studying in government schools, ed over the reconstructed Government and sustainability. Higher Secondary School in Buddhi Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minis- especially in Class IX, to overcome the “problems village of Kathua district, Jammu and being faced by them due to adverse effects” Kashmir. A total of 19 rooms across ter of State (Independent Charge) six blocks of the school have been re- for Development of North Eastern of the no detention policy (NDP). All students stored; along with sanitation, electrical, Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Per- sonnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, enrolled in Class IX in the academic year 2016- plumbing and drainage work. Atomic Energy and Space said, “We 17, regardless of their learning levels, are being trained and mentored to successfully appear for Class X exams in 2018. Further for all A baseline assessment was conducted are glad to have partnered with the by PwC and SEEDS which found cer- PwC India Foundation which along students from Classes VI to IX, the government tain developmental issues in the region with SEEDs helped us build inroads announced regrouping based on a baseline assessment to help the weak students receive that required immediate attention. For through our development agenda for comprehensive development of the Kathua district. We have received the special attention from the best teachers, so as to village, PwC volunteers engaged with district development road map for bring them to the level of the rest of the class. The students, teachers, the school man- the region from PwC’s team and I am AAP government has piloted ‘model government agement committee (SMC) and com- keen to implement the suggestions munities living nearby by conducting outlined in it.” schools’ in the national capital and has been investing significant amounts on improving infrastructure too. CSR TIMES• july 2017 34
MAKING A DIFFERENCE A doctor teaching quality knitting to women in the hills Mala Srikanth has served as a doctor in the Indian Air Force; practised medicine for 30 years, including 12 years in Oman, and is now an inspiration for women in the hills of Ranikhet learning to be brilliant knitters and be financially strong and emotionally independent. By Sucheta Das Mohapatra Born to a doctor in the Indian breathe clean and cold air, live a simple life lot about independence and strength Army, she graduated from the and just be.” Armed Forces Medical College from her personal life. “Besides learning and was commissioned into the Five years back Dr Mala set up home in Indian Air Force (iaf). But after marriage from me how to be a single parent and and having two daughters, she shifted to Ranikhet, Uttarakhand, and joined Umang, Oman to set up a village practice in a tiny live life on your own terms, they have location, 100 km from Muscat, the capital an NGO with a sturdy knitting group. city of Oman. She returned to India after But within six months she realized that learnt fantastic knitting skills and how 12 years and worked with the World her focus and passion is quality knitting Health Organization-Revised National to read charts and patterns, even though Tuberculosis Control Programme (WHO- and not simply knitting for economic RNTCP) project in Lucknow and Odisha. they can’t handle English. All of them are But a road accident in 2005 changed her empowerment. She gave up the assignment perfectionists like me.” life completely and she gave up 30 years of her career in medicine and took up and together with another woman she had Economically, these women earn a knitting. Meet Dr Mala Srikanth who is now met in the Ranikhet Express train set up a significant amount, but it is not enough to living a peaceful life close to nature in the knitting group comprising 10 women. The make them the main earning member of hills of Uttarakhand and training women to knit with perfection. focus was quality knitting and the joy of the family yet. But they have made their “After recovering from 16 odd fractures, being perfect craftswomen. own self-help group where they together getting 18 bottles of blood, being in coma for a week and loss of memory, I was not Dr Mala now works with 14 women, discuss knitting, money matters, parenting, confident about my medical knowledge who she says, “Make exquisite, expensive anymore,” she says. She learnt Excel and exclusive knitwear.” The scale is not and a lot more. “Since the focus is always sheet skill and became a successful grant too large and the product is sold by word proposal writer for TB and the human on me and my journey, the knitters immun odeficiency virus (HIV) projects for of mouth. But the women have learnt a the Government of India. work together with me on Monday and Dr Mala worked as the Project Director Wednesday mornings. Initially, we had for HIV for the Catholic Church. However, five-day working weeks, when the knitting within a few years, in deference to being given a second life, she decided to leave the city and move to the mountains. “Once my daughters completed their education and went forth into their careers, there was no pressing need for me to remain in the city, work long hours in an office, buy more and more stuff, etc. I wanted to move to a place in the hills, where I could knit 24 x 7, CSR TIMES• july 2017 36
was done in the studio only. After a year, contributed to me digging deep into the Thirty years of life as a medical world of knitting, learning techniques practitioner and now a contented mother projects were allowed to be taken home. and methods, and trying out unique teaching life skills to women in the hills, patterns which would give me a feeling for Dr Mala, “Career can be viewed as They all take out 7-8 hours for knitting of deep satisfaction. In hindsight, I am different coats which can be donned by an glad I followed my convictions….I have individual…the trick is to keep a watch on at home daily, and we have brainstormed discovered that I have an eye for colour, I the mind, when it starts to attach itself to am a good teacher and learning marketing a certain ‘coat’…when one starts believing on how to achieve this, while family and has been a different ball game altogether that one’s sense of identity is attained from village commitments remain.” for this medico.” one’s career / profession / achievements, than one is well on the road to self-doubt Dr Mala has developed a band of women For Dr Mala life is about living in the and desperation. Anything done with care ‘present’. It is about remembering that life and skill will be rewarded generously, but who are brilliant knitters now. As she says, is the result of the choices we make. “When anything done for the final goal of getting I can take the responsibility for my choices, money will not be respected or supported they are their best critics, and they are the consequences [good or bad] are for a long time.” mine and I learn and grow at every step. ruthless when it comes to ripping their Making a difference in the lives of others Family for her is like oxygen, she says. “My is a happy side-effect, never the main thing daughters have been my constant source of knitting, in case of a mistake. “Perfection is of life,” she says. strength and growth. Without them, I would have either sunk into the victim mode for part of their genes now, and it has spilled “It always surprises me, profoundly, life, or skipped from one mad life situation into other parts of their lives too.” when I am viewed as an agent of change, as to another.” But the strong single mother a strong woman who lives life on her terms, has a message for women: “Remember Ask her what prompted her to take as someone who brings about changes in that every woman is much more than the attitude. But it feels really good when I roles she chooses to play, or the roles which up knitting when she could have helped am appreciated and applauded for being are thrust upon her. Remembering that one a single parent, satisfied and content with is more than one’s designation, more than people as a doctor too, she says: “I have my decisions of divorce, returning to India, the position of the spouse/family, more been an excellent doctor with a penchant changing professions, leaving the city and than the achievements of children/siblings, for getting her sixth sense right. But there the rat race, having a uniform dress code is an essential part of one’s ammo to is a lot more to me than just my medical for all occasions and always sticking to handle the world.” v acumen. If I don’t explore my talents now, truth. It helps me to remain true to myself.” when will I do that? I had taken my father’s legacy with me for three decades; it was time to take on my mother’s legacy. She was an amazing crafter and homemaker, but I had paid scant attention to her talent while focusing on medicine, marriage and parenting. During stressful times, I had derived comfort and calm from creative craft. The Internet, knitting blogs and sites, the availability of amazing yarn and the time spent in aircraft and vehicles, all 37 CSR TIMES• july 2017
CELEBRITY rajinikanth the people’s hero T he way he walks, the manner in which he delivers his dialogues or flips his K. Balachander and made his debut with simplicity and humanity. He dresses hand to salute, wear his glasses or jacket, and adjust the stole on his shoulder; Tamil movie Apoorva Raagangal. However, ordinarily, drives his own car and looks everything that he does becomes a style he played the lead role for the first time in exactly his age when not shooting for a Tamil cinema Bairavi, which was directed film. But when his film releases, young and statement. Rajinikanth, the king reining the old, men and women, throng the theatres Tamil filmdom for more than four decades by M. Bhaskar. Since then there has been to see their favourite film star in action. now, is admired, loved, worshipped by no looking back for this cine-star. His first The madness is such that companies Hindi film was Andhaa Kaanoon which his fans, and the endless jokes on his was a great hit and he became popular based in Chennai and Bangalore prefer to declare the day on which his film is mannerism bring a smile on the faces of in the Hindi speaking belt too. Today, his released a holiday instead of letting their millions of his followers. Tamil movies have a much greater reach employees go on mass leave. Rajinikanth was born in a Maharashtrian as they are dubbed in Hindi and many He is among the richest actors of Indian family in Bangalore and was named other regional languages. cinema who gives away a considerable Rajinikanth received his first Filmfare Shivaji Rao Gaekwad after Maratha ruler amount in charity. But though the actor Award in 1984 for Nallavanuku Nallavan. Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhonsle. His father He has got six Tamil Nadu State Film Awards spends much on philanthropic activities, for his performances in various films. He was a police constable and his mother a also has received numerous awards from little is publicized about his charitable Cinema Express and Filmfans’ Association. homemaker who died when Rajinikanth The Government of India honoured him works. Rajinikanth’s biographer Naman was very young. The youngest among four with the Padma Bhushan in 2000 and the Ramachandran in an interview with siblings, Rajinikanth had to do odd jobs Padma Vibhushan in 2016. Rajinikanth a news channel had said he spends was also named one of the most influential for a living before he entered the world persons in South Asia by Asiaweek and the half his income on charity. But only most influential Indian of the year in 2010 of Tamil cinema. After his schooling he by Forbes India. With his latest hit Kabali, stories of his admirers spending a large worked as a carpenter, a coolie and finally as a bus conductor with the Karnataka the actor has proven yet again that age is no amount on celebrating his birthday Transport Department. However, acting bar for a successful artist. It is mesmerizing or in conducting pujas for the success had always attracted him. His first acting to see the actor in his sixties still of his films do get reported. presentation was in a play on Mahabharata making waves among the people. Of the very little that we know about during his early school days at the Rajinikanth has weathered many difficulties to become one of the most liked Rajinikanth’s philanthropy is the Ramakrishna Math in Bangalore. film stars of Indian cinema. His daughters donation of `10 crore he made towards say he hasn’t forgotten where he came from While working as a conductor, he began the Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund and has taught them too not to forget their for the Chennai flood victims in 2015. He taking part in Kannada stage plays, when cancelled his 65th birthday celebration roots. People love him for his modesty, he came across an advertisement issued and requested his fans to divert the funds by the newly formed Madras Film Institute towards relief work. He also threw open offering acting courses. He joined the the Raghavendra Kalyana Mandapam, institute for a diploma course in acting. In the sprawling marriage hall he owns for 1975, Rajinikanth got his first offer from the sanitary workers who came from across the state to clean the garbage caused because of the flood. This action hero, who is also a good comedian and enacts emotional roles with great ease, will continue to be loved by the cine crazy citizens of Tamil Nadu; and the never-ending jokes on his style/ mannerism make life easier for people busy in the race called life. But more than all this, he will be cherished for choosing films with a social message, movies which depict the triumph of good over evil, and for playing inspirational characters in rags to riches stories.v 38
MAHATMA GANDHI GLOBAL ACHIEVERS’ 2S0AM1M7AN 2A0WA1R7D LONDON LONDON achievers’ Achievers’ World in association with NRI Welfare Society of India is holding a w rld Exploring Excellence... “GLOBAL INDIAN SUMMIT” in House of Lords, London on 27th September 2017. Indians are making considerable contributions and are dominating all over the world in their field of profession and are creating wonders with their Midas Touch. They have earned laurels and have achieved excellence; summit like this will be a step forward in the direction of creating understanding leading to friendship and global partnerships. The most eminent achievers, who have made a place for themselves in their profession and are keeping flag of India high, will be honoured with “MAHATMA GANDHI SAMMAN ” & “GLOBAL ACHIEVERS’ AWARD” Be a part of an unforgettable event - “MAHATMA your achievements before hundreds of delegates from America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia etc. GANDHI SAMMAN” & “GLOBAL ACHIEVERS’ AWARDS” presentation ceremony, in a highly elite Participants: Who is Who, top Business & gathering in British upper Parliament, the House of Corporate Heads, Leaders, Professionals from Lords, London. across the globe. Become a Face in the crowd. Get recognized for Business Representations & Collaborations. For nomination or any other information regarding this summit please contact us at +91 9560496764 or at 011-43085920, or mail us your application at: [email protected] Website: www.iafindia.com APRIL-JUNE 2015 | ACHIEVERS’ WORLD 1
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