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Home Explore Panchatantra_clone


Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-24 05:13:14

Description: Panchatantra


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80 PANCHATANTRA living on the top of the tree as well. -'And so,' continued the judges, 'that's why we said : \"A wise man thinks not only of a solution to his p robl e m s , , But also of its consequences. \" -'Pa·pabuddhi thought o f a solution but he did not consider how it . would work out. That's why he came to grief.' :._\"And so,\" cohtinued Karataka, \"that's why I said that you, Damanaka, are like Papabuddhi. You too thought of a: plan�to make these two quarrel-but you did not think of the harm that would come out of it. The fact that you have put your master's life in danger, demonstrates your treachery. You had better keep away from me, for, if you can bring Pingalaka to this state, God only knows what you will do to me. For, in a situation like this, anything can happen. As Jveerna­ d hana* said to the judges : 'Where rats can eat away a heavy iron balance, Undoubtedly, a flamingo can also fly off with a child.' \" --\" How was that ?\" asked Damanak::t. And Karataka told :

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