INVERTEBRATES | 4 49 INVERTEBRATE CLASSIFICATION Vertebrates form a single phylum, but the invertebrates are an informal group of about 30 phyla. Sponges » p450 Phylum Porifera Species 10,000 Cnidarians » p450 Phylum Cnidaria Species 11,000 Flatworms » p450 Phylum Platyhelminthes Species 20,000 Segmented worms » p450 Phylum Annelida Species 21,000 Roundworms » p450 Phylum Nematoda Species 20,000 Velvet worms » p450 Phylum Onychophora Species 180 Rotifers » p450 Phylum Rotifera Species 2,000 Water bears » p451 Phylum Tardigrada Species 1,000 Bryozoans » p451 Phylum Bryozoa Species 6,000 Ribbon worms » p451 Phylum Nemertea Species 1,400 Brachiopods » p451 Phylum Brachiopoda Species 4,000 Spoonworms » p451 Phylum Echiura Species 200 Arrow worms » p451 Phylum Chaetognatha Species 150 Arthopods Phylum Arthropoda » pp452—55 Mandibulates Subphylum Mandibulata • Hexapods Superclass Hexapoda > Springtails Class Collembola Species 8,100 > Proturans Class Protura Species 760 > Diplurans Class Diplura Species 975 > Insects Class Insecta Species 1.1 million • Myriapods Superclass Myriapoda > Centipedes Class Chilopoda Species 3,149 > Millipedes Class Diplopoda Species 9,973 Crustaceans Subphylum Crustacea • Malacostracans » p454 Class Malacostraca Species 38,032 • Other classes Branchiopoda/Ostracoda/ Maxillopoda Chelicerates Subphylum Chelicerata • Sea spiders » p454 Class Pycnogonida Species 1,330 • Horseshoe crabs » p454 Class Merostomata Species 4 • Arachnids » p454 Class Arachnida Species 103,000 Mollusks Phylum Mollusca » p455 • Bivalves » p455 Class Bivalvia Species 15,000 • Gastropods » p455 Class Gastropoda Species 75,000 • Cephalopods » p455 Class Cephalopoda Species 750 • Other classes Aplacophora/Polyplacophora/ Monoplacophora/Scaphopoda Echinoderms Phylum Echinodermata » p455 • Starfish Class Asteroidea Species 1,853 • Sea urchins Class Echinoidea Species 1,090 • Other classes Crinoidea/Ophiuroidea/ Holothuroidea Acorn worms » p451 Phylum Hemichordata Species 130 Invertebrate chordates» p455 Phylum Chordata Species 2,900 Subphyla Urochordata/Cephalochordata MORE THAN 10 OTHER MINOR INVERTEBRATE PHYLA
450 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Sponges Cnidarians Flatworms Phylum Porifera Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Platyhelminthes Species About 10,000 Species About 11,000 Species About 20,000 Occurrence Marine, freshwater Occurrence Marine, freshwater Occurrence Parasitic, freshwater The simplest of all animals, these The cnidarians consist of the translucent, aquatic organisms consist of a hydroids, sea anemones, corals, domed bell These are the simplest animals to variety of cells attached to a skeleton and jellyfish. Their bodies are have a distinct head and tail. The of collagen—the springy, absorbent composed of an inner and outer Lion’s mane jellyfish head contains sensory organs material used as the original bath skin of cells, separated by a layer Cyanea capillata linked to a cluster of nerve cells sponge. Specialized collar cells of jelly. Most are of a tubular form that form a primitive brain, and create water currents that flow into called a polyp, with a crown of they trail long stinging tentacles the body may have a simple gut. the body of the sponge through stinging tentacles at the top that to catch prey, and some are Their entire body surface absorbs small pores, then pass out of a larger gather food. They live attached highly venomous. oxygen from their environment. aperture; the collar cells filter the to rocks, either alone or—in the Some flatworms absorb food in flow of food particles. Most sponges case of reef-building corals—in the same way; most of these are live in the sea, attached to rocks interconnected colonies. Free- internal parasites, such as flukes and other hard surfaces. swimming jellyfish have a bell- and tapeworms. Free-living shaped form called a medusa; flatworms, such as Dugesia, have tube open mouths for gathering food. at top Segmented worms Phylum Annelida Roundworms Phylum Nematoda Species About 21,000 muscles encircling each segment Species About 20,000 Occurrence Soil, freshwater, marine squeeze and extend it, so it Occurrence Parasitic, aquatic can push through the soil. Typified by earthworms, these The segments carry bristlelike Roundworms have no body worms have long, fluid-filled structures, and many marine segments, and their smooth, bodies divided into many types, such as the ragworms, tapering bodies cannot extend and ringlike segments. In an have long bristles that contract; they move by wriggling earthworm, longitudinal muscles resemble legs. like snakes, but less effectively. contract to shorten the body, while They have very basic senses, and many live as parasites inside other body segments animals and humans, causing may exceed 200 diseases. Others live in damp or aquatic habitats worldwide, Stovepipe sponge Aplysina archeri where they eat organic detritus, plant fluids, or other animals. Velvet worms bristles used Rotifers for locomotion Phylum Onycophora Phylum Rotifera head bears sharp Species About 180 retractable jaws Species About 2,000 Occurrence Moist forests, under stones Occurrence In vegetation in lakes, rivers, King ragworm Alitta virens seas; freshwater habitats on land Although they have soft, wormlike bodies, velvet worms Rotifers occur in large numbers in are equipped with up to 43 pairs all kinds of watery habitats. These of short, fleshy, clawed legs tiny animals are equipped with that they use for walking, like crowns of hairlike cilia that beat centipedes. They locate prey rhythmically to pump water into with their sensitive antennae the mouth, where it is filtered for and attack by spraying them food. The crowns of beating cilia with sticky slime. They live look like rotating wheels, so they in warm, moist forests and are sometimes called wheel are the survivors of a group animals. Like water bears, they can of marine animals that survive years of desiccation and were widespread during the extremely low temperatures; some Cambrian Period, more than have revived after being frozen in 500 million years ago. Antarctic ice for a century or more.
INVERTEBRATES | 451 Water bears drought, being able to shrivel and when conditions improve. Bryozoans survive in a state of dehydration By being dormant for extended Phylum Tardigrada for several years, then swelling periods, they may live over Phylum Bryozoa up and resuming normal life 50 years. Species About 1,000 Species About 6,000 Occurrence Freshwater, saltwater, Occurrence Attached to hard surfaces wetlands in aquatic environments Similar to velvet worms, but Also known as moss animals, microscopic, water bears have bryozoans are very small aquatic plump bodies and four pairs of animals that live in colonies. short, fleshy legs, on which they Each animal occupies a boxlike crawl around. In damp case that forms part of a mat or terrestrial habitats, they ribbon of identical cases; typically, feed on plant juices these encrust rocks, seaweed, and other animals. Water bears have or flooded tree roots, but some a remarkable form branched, plantlike tolerance to structures. The animals feed by extending crowns Moss water bear Echiniscus species of feathery tentacles to filter food from the water. Ribbon worms Brachiopods Spoonworms about 6in (15cm) long, some can extend the proboscis for 39in Phylum Nemertea Phylum Brachiopoda Phylum Echiura (100cm) or more. Species About 1,400 Species About 400 Species About 200 Green spoonworm Bonellia viridis Occurrence On bed, in surface or middle Occurrence Attached to hard surfaces Occurrence In burrows or other waters of seas, rivers and lakes; forests or buried in sediments on the seabed cavities on the seabed Related to flatworms, these mainly Enclosed in bivalved shells, these The echiurans, or spoonworms, marine worms are armed with a marine animals look like bivalve are soft-bodied marine animals muscular proboscis that normally mollusks, but they are not related that occur in seabeds throughout lies inside the animal’s snout, but and their anatomy is quite the world. Although some species can be pushed out by hydraulic different. A brachiopod lives inhabit rock crevices, most live in pressure to catch prey; in some attached to a rock or burrow by burrows in the mud. A few species forms, it is armed with venomous a muscular stalk, and its shells even occur in brackish water. barbs to inject toxins. Most ribbon protect a loop of hollow, fringed Spoonworms have bulbous, worms are less than 8in (20cm) tentacles, called the lophophore, sausagelike bodies and a spoon- long, but one species is known to which filters food from the water. shaped, nonretractable, muscular grow to 177ft (54m), making it the Also known as lamp shells, proboscis, which they use to gather longest of all known animals. Many brachiopods were once far more food from surrounding rocks and ribbon worms are brightly colored. abundant than they are now. sediments. Although usually only Arrow worms a potent, paralyzing venom. Acorn worms Produced by symbiotic bacteria, Phylum Chaetognatha this venom is called tetrodotoxin Phylum Hemichordata and is used by very few animals. Species About 150 Much of the prey of arrow worms Species About 130 Occurrence In plankton, one genus consists of larval fish, which they Occurrence In marine mud and sand, on the seabed devour in large numbers. Highly and other intertidal and subtidal habitats active predators, arrow worms Most of these small, torpedo- can eat a third of their own Acorn worms are named after the shaped animals drift in the body weight each day. Their size pointed front ends of their bodies, oceans among the plankton, ranges from about 1⁄8 in (3 mm) which are separated from the rest where they attack and eat other to more than 4 in (100 mm); of the body by a tubelike collar. animals. Arrow worms are species inhabiting colder waters Typical acorn worms live in mucus- armed with a fearsome array are generally larger than those lined burrows in soft seabeds and of grasping spines around the from tropical seas. Widespread in tidal flats. They consume sand and mouth that help them to crush open waters of oceans worldwide, mud, ejecting anything inedible as their prey. The spines are backed their large numbers can have a coiled cast. However, others feed up by piercing teeth that inject a significant ecological impact— by extending a proboscis from the for example, on fish larvae. burrow and trapping small drifting Arrow worm Sagitta species organisms in sticky mucus.
452 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Arthropods Mayflies Phylum Arthropoda Order Ephemeroptera Springtails Silverfish Species About 3,000 Occurrence Fresh water, on Class Collembola Order Thysanura vegetation Species About 8,100 Species About 570 Renowned for their short lifespans Occurrence Grassland, leaf litter, soil Occurrence Tree canopies, leaf litter, under stones, human dwellings as flying adults, mayflies live for Springtails are named after their springy, fork-shaped tail, which is Silverfish differ from other insects in months as aquatic larvae. They turn folded under the body and held that they do not ever develop wings. there by a cliplike structure. When Common in houses worldwide, they into nonfeeding adults for the released, it flicks downward and feed on starchy matter, such as flour, catapults the insect into the air away and various types of glue, such as brief final stage of their lives, from danger. Springtails swarm wallpaper paste. Their scales detach in damp places and water surfaces, easily, helping them to slip from the when they mate, lay eggs, and three tails of feeding on organic plant material. grasp of predators such as spiders. die within a few hours. Mayflies equal length were among the first insects to evolve this type of metamorphosis from a wingless larva to a winged, sexually mature adult, which is now typical of insects. They also Mayfly Ephemera danica have a winged subadult stage. Damselflies and dragonflies Crickets and grasshoppers Order Odonata Order Orthoptera Species About 5,600 The earliest of these insects evolved Species Over 25,000 grasshoppers Occurrence Still water, swamps, streams at about the same time as the Occurrence On ground, on vegetation, have shorter damp soil, under logs and stones antennae mayflies, and they have many than crickets similar features, such as aquatic broad wings larvae that turn into flying adults. These insects are recognizable for powerful However, their larvae are voracious by their long hindlegs, which flight predators, and unlike mayflies, grasshoppers in particular use to the adults are accomplished leap away from danger. They are Adult emperor hunters that live for several also well known for their chirping Stripe-winged dragonfly weeks. Dragonflies are fast fliers songs. Most can fly, and the grasshopper Anax that seize other insects on the wing, specialized grasshoppers known Stenobothrus imperator targeting them with their huge as locusts are notorious for flying in lineatus compound eyes. Damselflies are vast swarms that destroy farm crops. more delicate, fly weakly, and pick Crickets and grasshoppers do not small insects off vegetation. undergo metamorphosis; the young are wingless miniatures of adults. Stick and leaf insects their enemies. If attacked, small forewings Earwigs they can shed their legs, Order Phasmatodea which soon grow back. In Order Dermaptera many species, males occur Species 2,450 either rarely or not at all. Species About 1,900 Occurrence On vegetation, particularly The females typically scatter Occurrence Leaf litter, soil, under bark foliage of trees and shrubs their eggs on or in crevices the ground. Many insects are camouflaged Most of the slender-bodied earwigs to elude predators such as birds, transparent leaflike have a distinctive pair of sharp- but few can match the cryptic hindwings expansions of legs pointed pincers at the end of perfection of the stick and leaf their abdomen, which are used insects. Shaped and colored to look Javanese leaf insect Phyllium bioculatum for defense, in courtship, and almost exactly like twigs or leaves, for grooming. They have thin, the insects also mimic the way fan-shaped hindwings that they they grow and sway in the breeze. normally keep folded beneath their They use their chewing mouthparts much shorter, hardened forewings. to feed on plant foliage, moving Earwigs eat a wide variety of plant slowly to avoid detection, but if this and animal matter. The females are fails, some may defend themselves unusually maternal, guarding their by squirting noxious chemicals at eggs and licking them clean.
INVERTEBRATES | 453 Termites Parasitic lice Beetles Order Isoptera Order Phthiraptera Order Coleoptera Species About 2,900 Species 5,200 Species 370,000 have wood-boring larvae that can Occurrence Trees, soil, underground Occurrence On a variety of hosts Occurrence Terrestrial, fresh water be destructive timber pests. Many have very effective chemical These social insects feed on dead The wingless parasitic lice feed Almost a quarter of all known defenses for deterring predators. or decaying wood and live in on the skin or blood of their animal species are beetles, making large colonies centered on a single hosts, which include birds, wild them the most successful animals Golden beetle breeding queen. Most of the other mammals, and humans. Their legs on the planet. In their adult form, Chrysina resplendens termites in the colony either defend and strong claws are adapted for most species have a single pair the nest or maintain it and care for gripping feathers or hair—most of wings protected by the young. Some tropical species species are specialized to cling two modified forewings build spectacular mounds of to a specific type of host. They forming tough, often earth, containing fungus gardens usually spend their entire lives shiny, wing cases. cultivated by the termites for their on one animal, but may move Beetles eat a range own consumption and cooled by from host to host—some spread of plant and animal complex ventilation systems. infections in this way. matter, and some Bugs Fleas Order Hemiptera Order Siphonaptera Species 88,000 Wart-headed bug Species About 2,400 Occurrence Terrestrial, fresh water Phrictus quinquepartitus Occurrence On mammal and bird hosts, The true bugs are insects with bright patterns piercing mouthparts for obtaining on hindwings in lairs, burrows liquid food. Some, such as the aphids, cicadas, and shield bugs, All fleas are bloodsuckers of birds are specialized for extracting plant and mammals, highly specialized sap. Others, such as the assassin for life among their feathers or fur. bugs and pond skaters, attack A flea’s body is flattened from side animals—usually other to side, enabling it to slip between insects—and inject them with hair or feather shafts, and strongly digestive juices that liquefy armored to resist scratching and their tissues. A few, such as grooming. Its long hindlegs have the sap-sucking thorn bug, a unique adaptation that allow it are cryptically shaped to avoid to leap high in the air onto a new detection by birds. victim. In their pupal stage, fleas can lie dormant for a year or more waiting for a suitable host. Flies Butterflies and moths Bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies Order Diptera Order Lepidoptera Order Hymenoptera Species 150,000 Species Over 165,000 Species About 198,000 honeybees. Others are solitary, and include hunting wasps that paralyze Occurrence Almost all habitats, namely Occurrence Open habitats, on vegetation Occurrence On plants, insect hosts insects and spiders with their stings and bury them as food for their vegetation, decaying matter, and water Butterflies and moths have Notorious for their stings, but also young. This group also includes large wings covered with small of vital importance as pollinators, some parasitic species that develop Many insects are known as flies, but overlapping scales. The wing scales these insects are almost as inside the bodies of other insects. the true flies are distinguished by of many butterflies and day-flying numerous and diverse as the having a single pair of wings. The moths are vividly colored in beetles. Social Hymenoptera, German wasp hindwings are reduced to a pair of eye-catching patterns, while including ants and bees, live in Vespula germanica club-shaped organs called halteres; those of night-flying moths are highly ordered societies. All ants these act as stabilizers and give cryptically colored for daytime live in colonies controlled many species phenomenal powers camouflage. All species begin life by a single breeding of flight. The group includes the as soft-bodied caterpillars that queen. Many wasps well-known houseflies, blowflies, feed on leaves, growing rapidly and bees—basically hoverflies, and mosquitoes, as well until they turn into pupae. These vegetarian wasps as midges, with a variety of diets develop into winged adults that —do the same, and lifestyles. Some are vital sip nectar to fuel their courtship including species pollinators of crops, while others and breeding activities. such as hornets and carry deadly diseases.
454 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Centipedes Millipedes Maxillopods Class Chilopoda Class Diplopoda Class Maxillopoda House centipede Scutigera coleoptrata Species 3,149 Species 9,973 Species 17,987 Occurrence Oceans, fresh water, Occurrence Humid habitats on land Occurrence Humid habitats on land hot springs, land Unlike an insect, which has a Similar to centipedes, but almost This group of crustaceans is largely three-part body and three pairs exclusively vegetarian, millipedes made up of copepods and barnacles. of legs, a centipede’s body is have two pairs of legs on each Copepods swarm in the plankton of made up of a long chain of similar body segment. As a result, some oceans and fresh waters worldwide; segments, each equipped with a have as many as 375 pairs of legs, they are mostly very small, and feed pair of legs. Some centipedes have or 750 in total. Despite this, they on drifting algae. Barnacles are also more than 150 pairs. The front move much more slowly than planktonic when young, but then legs are modified into venomous centipedes, creeping along on settle on rocks, where they grow claws that curve around the rippling waves of leg movement. a protective armor of hard shell head for seizing prey such as They avoid predation by coiling plates. Common on tidal shores, worms and snails; large tropical into tight armored balls, they close up at low tide, but extend centipedes can even catch depending on length, or rely feathery limbs to gather drifting and devour frogs, lizards, on glands that secrete toxic food particles when submerged. and nestling birds. chemicals, including cyanide. Malacostracans shell-like legs covered Sea spiders carapace in short, Class Malacostraca stiff hairs Class Pycnogonida Species 38,032 Edible crab Cancer pagurus Species About 1,330 Occurrence Marine intertidal to abyssal Occurrence Coastal areas to deep oceans zones, freshwater habitats Despite their name, sea spiders are The largest class of crustaceans, not spiders (or even arachnids). this includes shrimp, crabs, lobsters, A sea spider appears to be entirely and crayfish, as well as less familiar composed of four or more pairs of forms such as krill, sandhoppers, legs, joined at the center. However, and terrestrial woodlice. Many it does have a small cylindrical body swim in open water, while others and an even smaller head with four live on the seabed or on tidal shores. eyes and a sharp proboscis, flanked Some, such as most shrimp and by a pair of palps and a pair of prawns, are delicate, almost feeding claws. It uses these to prey transparent, but the crabs and on marine animals such as corals lobsters are heavily armored, and sponges, tearing off pieces with with stout pincers for feeding its claws or simply stabbing into and defense. them and sucking their juices. Horseshoe crabs Scorpions Harvestmen Class Merostomata Order Scorpiones Order Opilones Species 4 Species 1,500 Species 6,125 long second pair of legs Occurrence Shallow waters Occurrence Mainly deserts, forests Occurrence Mainly grasslands, semi- Horned harvestman Phalangium opilio Despite their name, these marine Scorpions are relatives of spiders, deserts, forests animals are not true crabs. They are with eight legs, but instead of distantly related to arachnids, such subduing their prey with venomous The spiderlike harvestmen have as spiders, but look quite different fangs as spiders do, scorpions have very long, slender legs, attached to a because of their body, which is a stinger on the end of a long tail. small, almost spherical body. On top covered by a broad, hinged shield, The tail can arch forward over the of the body is a turret with a single or carapace, with a long spinelike body to sting and paralyze prey, but pair of eyes, but the main sense tail. Beneath the carapace are five typically a scorpion prefers to seize organs are the extra-long second pairs of legs and a pair of pincerlike its victims with its powerful pincers pair of legs, which are used to feel chelicerae, which the crab uses and tear them apart. The sting is for prey and edible scraps. If to seize and cut up prey, such more useful for defense, and the attacked, a harvestman may shed as clams, as it plows through venom of some species is powerful one or more legs to escape, or it the soft sediments of the seabed. enough to kill an adult human. may spray its attacker with noxious fluid.
INVERTEBRATES | 455 mouthparts Ticks and mites Spiders pitted Order Acari Order Araneae surface Castor bean tick Ixodes ricinus Species 48,200 Golden Orb Nephila species Species About 42,000 Occurrence Most terrestrial habitats Occurrence Most terrestrial habitats The most familiar arachnids, Many of the tiny, eight-legged spiders are eight-legged predators mites and ticks are harmless, but that either hunt down their prey or some are parasites that latch onto snare it in complex traps made of warm-blooded animals—including silk. They kill their victims with humans—and suck their blood. A venom injected by a pair of sharp feeding tick can consume so much fangs, then flood the tissues with blood that it swells to up to 10 times digestive juices to liquefy them— its normal size before dropping as, unlike insects, spiders cannot off to breed. In the process, it may eat solid food. Normally only used transmit infections such as Siberian for hunting, the venom of some tick typhus—a disease that can kill species, such as the black widows, if not treated. Other, much smaller includes nerve toxins that can mites may cause itching diseases kill a human. such as scabies. Mollusks Gastropods Cephalopods water from their bodies, and many species can change Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Class Cephalopoda color instantly. Bivalves Species 75,000 Species About 750 large eyes Occurrence Aquatic habitats; wet, damp, Occurrence Open water or near seabed Class Bivalvia and dry regions on land Cephalopods have many reddish brown Species 15,000 Gastropods such as snails have flexible arms and often mantle with Occurrence Fresh- and seawater habitats a single coiled shell into which a pair of tentacles. white bars they retreat to escape danger or A few, such as the Mollusks have soft bodies that are stop themselves from drying out. tropical blue-ringed extended tentacle protected by hard shells. A bivalve, They glide on a layer of mucus octopus, have a for catching prey such as a clam, has two shells secreted by the flat “foot” beneath highly venomous hinged together so that they can the body. Land snails and slugs eat bite. Squid can be sealed shut to enclose the animal plant material, but many marine swim at high within. Most bivalves live attached snails are predators. Tropical cone speed by jetting to rocks or buried in soft sediments. shells have a powerful venom that they use to kill prey. Australian giant cuttlefish Sepia apama Echinoderms Invertebrate chordates Phylum Echinodermata Phylum Chordata Starfish Sea urchins Subphyla Urochordata, Cephalochordata Class Asteroidea Class Echinoidea Sea squirts structure, and then pumping it out again. However, when Species 1,853 Species 1,090 Class Ascidacea young they are completely Occurrence On the seabed Occurrence On or beneath seabed different—free-swimming Species 2,813 animals that resemble tadpoles. These spiny-skinned invertebrates A sea urchin has the same radial Occurrence Attached to coastal rocks Remarkably, the tails of these have body segments that radiate like symmetry as starfish, but its body and the seabed larvae are strengthened by a the spokes of a wheel from a central is roughly spherical and the radial rod called a notochord, which hub containing the mouth and main elements are arranged like the Adult sea squirts have a spherical is a feature found in vertebrates internal organs. This is most obvious segments of an orange. It has a or cylindrical protective tunic, such as fish. For this reason, the in starfish, which typically have five shell-like skeleton under its skin, or test, that surrounds their simple sea squirts are classified long arms, although some have more which supports sharp, protective bodies. They live attached to among the chordates—a phylum than 40. They creep over the seabed spines. Most urchins eat seaweed rocks and filter seawater for food that includes all vertebrates, on hundreds of small, hydraulic tube and encrusting animals, rasping —drawing water into their bodies, including humans. feet and prey on other invertebrates. them from rocks. passing it through a sievelike
456 | GLOSSARY GLOSSARY A AXIL In plants, the upper angle between BROMELIAD A plant with numerous CLASPERS In sharks and relatives, a leaf stalk and a stem, or between species, some of which grow in modified parts of the males’ pelvic fins ACID RAIN Most rain (and snow) is a side shoot and a main stem. rainforests, using trees and shrubs used to channel sperm to the female. slightly acidic due to dissolved carbon for support. Typically they have In insects, claspers are structures used dioxide. More strongly acidic rain B rosettes of tough, waxy leaves in to hold the female during mating. results from atmospheric pollution which rainwater collects. See or sometimes from gases released BACHELOR GROUP A group formed by also Epiphyte. CLOVEN-HOOVED Having a hoof split by volcanoes. immature males or males of the same into two halves, each containing one species that have no sexual partners. BROOD PARASITE An animal, such as toe of the foot. This is a characteristic ACIDIFICATION Becoming more acid. the cuckoo, that makes use of other of two-toed herbivores, such as cattle The term is used especially in the BILL The jaws of a bird, consisting of bone species to raise its young rather than and deer. context of the Earth’s oceans and with a horny outer covering, also known raising its own young. fresh waters. as a beak. Also a similar structure in COALITION A cooperative alliance other animals, such as turtles. BRUMATION A state similar to between individuals of the same ADAPTATION Any feature that helps an hibernation that occurs in reptiles species for defending or winning a organism survive in its habitat or the BINOCULAR VISION The ability to and other cold-blooded animals. territory or gaining access to females. process that allows it to do so. see in 3D, which allows animals Coalitions may be long or short term. to judge distances. C ALGAE Any of a variety of plantlike life COLONY In zoology, any group of forms. They include single-celled BIODIVERSITY A general term for the CAMOUFLAGE A means of being animals living together or in close species as well as larger forms such as variety of living things, either on the undetected used by predators, prey, association with one another, including seaweeds, and are especially important Earth as a whole, or in a particular and plants. It may involve color birds such as emperor penguins in in the oceans. region. Frequently it refers to the and/or pattern, shape, or even using their breeding season; swarms of bees; number of different species, but it a disguise. See also Mimicry. and reef-forming coral polyps. ALTIPLANO The huge high-plateau can also be applied to genetic variety, region in the central Andes mountains ecological variety, and so on. CANID A member of the dog family, CONFLUENCE A place where two rivers, of South America. which includes foxes, wolves, streams, or glaciers meet. BIOMASS The total mass or weight and relatives. AMBUSH PREDATOR Any predator of living organisms in a given area. CONIFERS Predominantly evergreen whose main feeding strategy is to stay CANINE (TOOTH) In mammals there trees and shrubs that produce in one place and wait for suitable prey BIOME A large-scale ecosystem or set is one canine tooth in each side of the seedbearing cones and have needle- to approach; also called a “sit-and- of ecosystems with characteristics upper and lower jaws. In carnivores or scalelike leaves. The most numerous wait” predator. determined by environmental factors, it is enlarged and used for holding of the nonflowering plants, including such as climate and geography. and/or stabbing prey. pines, firs, and spruces. AMPULLA (plural Ampullae) The Deserts and tropical rainforests enlarged end of a tube or duct. are examples of biomes. CANOPY The part of the forest formed CORAL (1) Simple animals related to sea by the crowns of trees. It is also anemones and jellyfish. (2) The hard ANTENNA (plural Antennae) The paired BLOWHOLE The nostril(s) of cetaceans, the name given to that part of a skeleton left behind by some coral sensory “feeler” of insects, crustaceans, situated on top of their heads. forest ecosystem. polyps that can form large reefs. and some other invertebrates. BOG A mossy wetland, common in CARAPACE A hard shield on the back CROP MILK A milklike substance rich ANTLERS Paired bony structures, often cooler regions, composed mainly of an animal’s body—for example, in nutrients secreted by some birds in branched, on the heads of most of rotting plant material. It receives in crabs and turtles. their lower throat (crop) and used to members of the deer family. Except for most of its water from rain and snow. feed their nestlings. reindeer, only male deer have antlers. Soils are nutrient-poor and acidic. CARNIVORE (1) A member of the They are shed and regrown every year. See also Fen. Carnivora, the group of mammals that CRUSTACEANS The dominant group of See also Horns. includes cats, dogs, bears, seals, and arthropods in the oceans, though they BOREAL Relating to or coming from relatives. (2) Any flesh-eating animal. also live in fresh water and on land. APEX PREDATOR A predator at the top the colder parts of the northern Crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, of its food chain, hunted by no other hemisphere, between the Arctic CARRION Dead, decaying flesh. shrimp, and krill. See also Arthropods, animal (except humans). and temperate zones. Zooplankton. CECUM A blind-ended part of the ARACHNIDS The group of arthropods BOREAL FOREST The huge region of digestive tract, at the junction of the CURRENT A flow of water or air. In the that includes spiders, scorpions, forest dominated by coniferous trees small and large intestines. See also oceans, large-scale currents exist on mites, and relatives. See also that circles the cooler regions of the Hind-gut digestion. the surface and also at depth, driven Arthropods. northern hemisphere, between the either by the wind or by differences tundra to the north and temperate CETACEANS The group of mammals in temperature and salinity. ARCHIPELAGO A group of islands. broadleaved forests to the south. comprising whales, dolphins, See also Taiga. and porpoises. D ARTHROPODS A major group of invertebrate animals having jointed BRACKET FUNGUS Any of a variety of CHORDATE An animal that has a DECIDUOUS Trees and shrubs: having legs and a hard outer skeleton. fungi that are relatives of toadstools and notochord, a rod support that runs leaves that fall at a certain time of the Arthropods include insects, have spore-producing fruiting bodies the length of the body, for at least year, such as winter or a dry season. crustaceans, and arachnids. that resemble shelves or brackets. part of its life. See also Notochord. See also Exoskeleton.
GLOSSARY | 457 DELTA An often fan-shaped area at the survival, but can also be inherited GROOMING Behaviors that keep body I mouth of a river that is built up by pass them on to their offspring. The coverings (fur, feathers, etc.) in good deposited sediment. genetic makeup of the population condition. In some species individuals INDICATOR SPECIES A species whose changes as these advantageous may groom each other for social reasons. presence or absence may define DIURNAL Active by day. features spread through the an ecoregion or indicate some population. See also Adaptation. H significant feature, such as the DIVERSITY See Biodiversity. presence of pollution. EXOSKELETON A skeleton situated on HABITAT Any area that can support a DREY A squirrel’s nest. the outside of an animal, such as is group or community of living things. INSECTIVORE An animal, especially found in insects and other arthropods. a land vertebrate, that eats mainly DRY FOREST A forest growing in a See also Arthropod. HELICONIA A genus of plants mainly insects. region that has a long dry season. found in the American tropics, EXOTIC In ecology, a term for any often having flower clusters with INTRODUCED SPECIES A species E nonnative species. distinctive red bracts that are introduced by humans to a particular pollinated by hummingbirds. region and now living successfully in ECHOLOCATION A method of detecting F the wild there. See also Exotic. surrounding objects and prey, used HERBIVORE An animal that eats plants. by dolphins, bats, and some other FEN A type of wetland, formed when INVERTEBRATE Any animal without animals, that involves emitting glaciers retreat, that receives its water HERMAPHRODITE An animal that is a backbone. Of the 30 or so major high-pitched sounds and interpreting supply mainly through groundwater both male and female at some point groups into which animals are their echoes. seepage. Typically, it does not have in its life. Species that are both sexes classified, vertebrates (backboned standing water in the growing season, at once are called “simultaneous animals) form only part of one ECOREGION Any geographical region and is less nutrient-poor than a bog. hermaphrodites;” those that change single group (see Chordate): all other defined on the basis of the particular See also Bog. from one sex to the other are animals are invertebrates. ecosystems and distinctive flora and “sequential hermaphrodites.” fauna that it contains. FERAL Term applied to an animal, ISLET A small island. or population of animals, living HIBERNATION A state in which the ECOSYSTEM Any community of successfully in the wild but descended bodily processes of an animal are J organisms considered together with from a domestic species or breed. drastically slowed down in winter, the interactions between them and with the animal becoming completely JET STREAM High-altitude strong their associated physical environment. FJORD A narrow, steep-sided, deep inactive. The term is mainly applied winds that are confined to a relatively inlet of the sea, once occupied by to “warm-blooded” animals that narrow band within the atmosphere. EL NIÑO Phenomenon involving the a glacier. drastically reduce their heart rate and Such winds blow in a winding course waters of the eastern Pacific off South let their body temperatures fall close from west to east in both hemispheres, America that become warmer than FOOD CHAIN A food pathway that can to those of their surroundings. See and their position influences the pattern usual every few years. It is part of a be followed from its creation by plants also Brumation, Estivation. of weather systems nearer the ground. larger climatic cycle that seriously to the apex predators. affects marine life and global HIND-GUT DIGESTION A type of K weather patterns. FORAGING Activities concerned with digestion found in animals such as seeking and obtaining food. horses and elephants, in which tough KARST A type of landscape that develops EMERGENT (1) In tropical forests, an plant food is fermented in the hind in regions where the underlying rock, emergent is a tall tree that grows FORB Any herbaceous (nonwoody) plant part of the gut, often in an enlarged most commonly limestone, is water higher than the surrounding tree other than grass, and especially such a cecum. See also Cecum. soluble. Karst landscapes are canopy. (2) In freshwater ecosystems, plant growing naturally in grassland. characterized by deep gorges, emergent plants, such as the bulrush, HORNS Paired, permanent structures underground rivers, and caves. grow out of the water into the air FRUGIVORE A fruit-eating animal. with a core of bone sheathed by a hard above. See also Canopy. outer layer of keratin, found on the KERATIN A tough structural protein FUMAROLE In volcanic regions, a small heads of cloven-hooved animals such found in hair, claws, feathers, ENDEMIC A living species native to a opening in the ground from which hot as antelope and cattle. Rhinoceros and horns. particular region and only found gases can escape. horns are not paired or attached to the in that region. skull, and they are sited on the nasal KEYSTONE SPECIES Any species G bones rather than the top of the head. native to a particular ecosystem ENDOSKELETON An internal skeleton, Consisting only of keratin, there may whose presence or absence has such as the bony skeleton of GASTROPODS The group of invertebrate be one or two depending on species. a major impact on the functioning vertebrates. animals that includes snails and slugs. See also Antlers, Keratin. of that ecosystem. EPIPHYTE A plant that grows on another GENUS The first level of traditional HOTSPOT (1) In ecology, a region or KINGDOM The second highest level in plant as a means of support. biological classification above species. location with a very high biodiversity, traditional biological classification. A genus may contain one or more especially one that contains many Originally there were the animal and EROSION The processes by which rocks species. For example, lions belong endemic species and is under threat. plant kingdoms, but later, other or soil are loosened and transported to the genus Panthera. (2) In geology, hotspots are fixed points kingdoms were introduced to cover to another location. that are unusually hot due to molten fungi and other microorganisms. GESTATION Pregnancy. In animals that rock rising from deep within the Earth ESTIVATION A state similar to produce live young, the gestation and are sites of volcanic activity. KIT Name for the young of various hibernation, but occurring in hot, period is the time between fertilization mammals, such as mink and muskrat. dry seasons. and birth of the young. HYBRIDIZATION Cross-breeding between different species or strains EVERGREEN Having some green leaves GEYSER A jet of boiling water and steam of organisms. all the year round. that rises at intervals from the ground. It is powered by hot rocks heating EVOLUTION Cumulative change groundwater. over time brought about mainly by natural selection. Organisms with characteristics that not only enhance
458 | GLOSSARY L a major change in structure between NOCTURNAL Active by night. years). It is characteristic of polar the young and the adult form as in regions. See also Tundra. LARVA (plural Larvae) A young stage butterflies, or transforms more NOTOCHORD A reinforcing rod that of an animal when it is completely gradually, as in frogs. Metamorphosis runs the length of the body, it is the PHOTOSYNTHESIS The process by different in form from the adult. occurs in many types of animals defining feature of chordates. It is which green plants and algae utilize Caterpillars and tadpoles are examples. including crabs, starfish, frogs, present in embryonic vertebrates, the sun’s energy, carbon dioxide, and and butterflies. but later becomes incorporated into water to produce energy-containing LEKKING Mating system found in some the backbone. sugars. Oxygen is a byproduct. species that involves males gathering MID-OCEAN RIDGE A submerged range at traditional locations (leks) and of mountains running along the NYMPH An immature insect that looks PHYTOPLANKTON Plantlike lifeforms competing for the attention of females deep-ocean floor. It is caused when similar to its parents except that it of the plankton that produce their by performing ritualized displays, tectonic plates move away from one does not have functioning wings or own food by photosynthesis. They building mounds, or undertaking other another and new crust is created by reproductive organs. See also Larva. are mainly microscopic algae. See “show-off” activities. upwelling of molten rocks from the also Algae, Plankton, Zooplankton. Earth’s mantle. See also Mantle. O LIGNOTUBER A swollen, woody base PLANKTON Mainly microscopic floating of a stem or trunk that occurs in MIGRATION Movements undertaken by OLD-GROWTH Term applied, especially lifeforms living in open water that some plants. an animal species on a regular seasonal in North America, to natural forests cannot swim strongly (or at all) and or diurnal basis. Some migrations cover that have not been significantly altered so drift with the currents. LITHOPHYTE A plant adapted to grow huge distances. by human activity. In Britain the on rock surfaces. equivalent term is ancient woodland. PLATE TECTONICS A concept that MIMICRY Phenomenon in which explains how the plates that make LIVE-BEARER An animal species where one species of animal has evolved OMNIVORE An animal whose natural up the Earth’s crust move. They are the females give birth to live young, to look very similar to another diet includes a wide variety of animal created at midocean ridges and rather than laying or releasing eggs. unrelated animal. and vegetable food. destroyed where plates collide or slide by each other. M MIXED FORESTS Temperate forests in OPERCULUM A cover or lid. In many which a mixture of broadleaf and snails, an operculum on the back of the PNEUMATOPHORE (1) An aerial root MANDIBLE A jaw or jawbone. In coniferous tree species grow. foot is used to seal the shell when the produced by some trees living in mammals it usually refers to the lower animal has withdrawn inside. In bony waterlogged conditions to take in the jaw, while in birds both the upper and MONOGAMY Situation where a male and fish and larval amphibians, there is an air their roots need. (2) The large lower parts of the bill are referred to as female of a given species mate only operculum on each side of the body gas-filled float of the Portuguese man mandibles. Mandibles are also the with one other and not with other to protect the gill chamber. o’ war (a relative of jellyfish). chewing mouthparts of insects and partners. The pairs thus formed may other arthropods. last for life or for a single season, P POLYGAMY The situation where members depending on the species. of a species (male, female, or both sexes) MANTLE (1) In geology, the layer lying PARASITE Any organism that lives on or have multiple sexual partners. between the Earth’s crust and its core. MONOTREMES The egg-laying in the body of another organism and The mantle is subject to high mammals, comprising the platypus feeds off it for an extended period. The PREDATOR An animal that hunts and temperatures and pressures, and can and the echidnas (spiny anteaters). relationship is beneficial to the parasite, eats other animals. slowly move. (2) In zoology, a but not to its host. protective skin layer in snails and MONTANE Relating to or found in PREHENSILE Capable of grasping, relatives that secretes the shell. mountainous regions. PECTORAL FIN One of two sets of paired such as the tails of some monkeys. fins positioned on either side toward MARSUPIALS The group of mammals MONTANE GRASSLANDS Grassland the front of a fish’s body, often just PREY Any animal hunted for food that includes kangaroos, opossums, habitats occurring high on mountains, behind its head. Pectoral fins are by another animal or trapped by wombats, and relatives. Unlike most in both tropical and temperate regions. usually highly mobile and are normally a carnivorous plant. other mammals including humans, used for maneuvering and braking. marsupials give birth to offspring in MORPH A physical variant of a species. PROBOSCIS In mammals, an elongated a relatively undeveloped state, and Some species have several clearly PECTORAL MUSCLES Large, paired nose or snout, such as that of an the young then typically continue their defined morphs, which may differ in muscles that pull the forelimbs toward elephant, or an elongated mouthpart growth within an external pouch on color or patterning, but can interbreed. the chest. In birds they are the main for sipping liquids as seen in the mother’s body. flight muscles. many butterflies. MOLTING Shedding or renewing the body MEDITERRANEAN WOODLAND AND covering, such as periodically replacing PEDIPALPS A pair of jointed structures PUFFBALLS Fungi that produce SCRUB A type of habitat found in the feathers in birds, or shedding the found near the front of the body in globular fruiting bodies, which release warm temperate regions with hot dry exoskeleton to allow for growth in spiders and relatives. They have spores in a dustlike cloud when summers and cool wet winters. As well insects. A molt is any period when various functions including sensing they rupture. as the Mediterranean area itself, this this happens. the environment and as aids in habitat is found in California, parts reproduction, depending on the PUNA GRASSLAND An ecoregion of of Australia, and elsewhere. MUTUALISM A close relationship species. The large “pincers” of the montane grasslands in the Andes between two different species in scorpions are pedipalps. mountains of South America. METABOLISM The sum total of the which both benefit. biochemical processes taking place PENINSULA An area of land jutting out PUP A name for the young of many in the body. N into the sea or a lake. animals, including sharks and seals as well as (more obviously) dogs. METAMORPHOSIS Phenomenon in NICHE The ecological “role” that a PERMAFROST Permanently frozen which an animal’s body undergoes living thing plays. Ecological theory ground (technically, ground that PUPA In many insects such as flies and states that no two species can occupy has remained frozen for at least two moths, a stage in which the larval body the same niche, because one should is broken down and rebuilt as an adult. outcompete the other. See also Larva.
GLOSSARY | 459 R of organisms that are similar in conifers, that occur in temperate VENTRAL Relating to the lower surface appearance and behavior, usually regions with warm summers, cold or underside of an animal. RANGE (1) The geographical distribution breed only with each other, and differ winters, and typically plentiful rainfall. of a particular species. (2) The “home in some way from other similar species. VERTEBRATE Any animal with a range” of an individual animal is TERRITORY A particular area or section backbone (fish, amphibians, reptiles, the area within which it normally SPERMATOPHORE A packet of sperm of habitat defended by an animal or birds, and mammals). See forages, which may or may not also that is transferred either directly from group of animals against rivals, usually also Chordate, Invertebrate. be a territory. See also Territory. the male to the female, or indirectly— of the same species. See also Range. (3) In geology, a term applied to for example, by being left on the VIVIPAROUS Giving birth to live young, a mountain belt. ground. Spermatophores are produced TROPICAL Relating to the warm regions rather than laying eggs. by a range of animals, including squid, of the Earth that lie between the RAPTOR A bird of prey. salamanders, and some insects. Equator and the tropics of Cancer (to W the north) and Capricorn (to the south). RUMINANT Cloven-hooved mammals, STOOP Of a bird of prey: to swoop down WARNING COLORATION Striking such as antelope and sheep, that have swiftly on its target prey. TROPICAL DRY BROADLEAF FORESTS colors on an animal designed to warn a specialized digestive system with a Tropical broadleaf forests growing in potential predators that it is poisonous compartmented stomach. The first STRATIFIED GRAZING The different regions with a long dry season. or otherwise dangerous. compartment, the rumen, contains feeding levels (grasses, bushes, trees) microorganisms that help break down and different parts and ages of plants TROPICAL MOIST BROADLEAF WEANING The period of adjustment in tough plant food. It is also regurgitated (new shoots, older plants) eaten by FORESTS Tropical forests young mammals’ lives when they start and rechewed, a process called various grazers and browsers in the dominated by broadleaved trees taking solid food rather than relying on ruminating or “chewing the cud.” same area. and characterized by high rainfall their mother’s milk. and no long dry season. RUT The breeding season of deer. Also STRIDULATE Of insects such as WORLD HERITAGE SITE A site called the rutting season, it is marked grasshoppers: to make a shrill or TUNDRA A treeless habitat of low- designated by the United Nations by intense rivalry between males for grating noise by rubbing modified growing, cold-tolerant plants Educational, Scientific, and Cultural mates. It often involves roaring (“rut” parts of the body against one another. widespread in the far north of North Organization (UNESCO) as being of is an old word for roar) and displaying. Some tarantula spiders and venomous America, Russia, and the Antarctic world importance either for cultural Equally matched males fight. snakes also stridulate. peninsula. A similar habitat (alpine reasons (such as historic city centers) tundra) is found high on some or for aspects of its natural heritage, S STROBILURIN Any of several related mountain ranges as well. such as its natural beauty, conservation chemical compounds used in value, or geological interest. SALINE Of water, springs, or lakes: agriculture to kill fungi. TUSK In mammals, an enlarged having a high concentration of modified tooth that often projects Y dissolved salts. SUBDUCTION The sinking of one outside the mouth. tectonic plate beneath another when YUNGAS The varied and biodiverse SAVANNA A general term for all tropical the two plates collide. See Plate tectonics TYPHOON A tropical cyclone, especially warm, moist broadleaf forests on the grasslands. Most savannas also have and Midocean ridge. in Pacific regions (equivalent to eastern side of the Andes mountains. scattered trees. a hurricane in the Atlantic). SUBTROPICAL DRY BROADLEAF Z SCUTES Shieldlike plates or scales that FORESTS Forests in warm subtropical U form a hard covering on some animals. regions where frost is still occasionally ZOOPLANKTON Animals such as krill possible and where there is a long dry ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Radiation that are part of the plankton. See SEAMOUNT An undersea mountain, season, during which trees may shed of shorter wavelength than the light Plankton. usually formed from an extinct their leaves. visible to humans, which other animals volcano. may be able to see. ZYGOMATIC ARCH Bony arch under the SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP A close eye socket on each side of the face. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Condition in living, relatively long-term relationship UMBRELLA SPECIES A species whose which the males and females of a between two species. See also protection and conservation has the The IUCN (International Union for the species differ obviously in appearance Mutualism, Parasite. side effect of protecting threatened Conservation of Nature) is the leading (for example, in color pattern, shape, habitats where it lives, and the other source of information on the conservation or size). T animals and plants that live there. and status of animal and plant species. Scientists and organizations collect SHIELD In geology, any large, stable TAIGA Another term for boreal UNGULATE A hooved mammal. data on a species’ population size, rate region of ancient rocks that has not forest, though sometimes used of habitat fragmentation and decline, been altered by mountain-building just for the northern part of this, V and the IUCN assess the risk for each in recent geological history. Shield nearest the tundra. species using this information. regions are usually relatively flat VASCULAR PLANT Any plant with and form the central parts of TECTONIC PLATE Any of the large, rigid specialized tissues for transporting most continents. sections into which the Earth’s surface water and nutrients between its is divided, such as the Pacific Plate. different parts. Most land plants SPAWN The eggs of fish, amphibians, and except for mosses and their relatives marine invertebrates, especially when TEMPERATE Relating to the regions of are vascular plants. laid as a large mass. “To spawn” is to the Earth between the tropics and the lay such eggs. polar regions. VENOM Any toxic fluid produced by an animal that is actively transferred into SPECIATION The formation of new TEMPERATE BROADLEAF FORESTS the body of another. Venomous species. Forests in temperate regions that are animals commonly deliver their venom dominated by broadleaf tree species. via fangs, stings, or similar structures. SPECIES A species is the basic unit of biological classification. It is a group TEMPERATE CONIFEROUS FORESTS Evergreen forests, often dominated by
460 | INDEX INDEX Page numbers in bold refer Albert’s lyrebird 334 mammals 378 Aonyx cinereus 400 to main entries. Alcedo atthis 421 reptiles 378, 426 Aotus lemurinus 390 Alces alces 38–39 Andean cock-of-the-rock 89 apes see primates A Alectoris melanocephala 253 Andean condor 112–13 Aphonopelma chalcodes 65 Aleutian Islands 22 Andean flamingo 77, 108 Apis mellifera 170–71 aardvark 228, 229, 381 algae 19, 312, 362, 370 Andean flicker 111 Apollo butterfly 163 aardwolf 402 Andean fox 109 Appalachians 23 Abyssinian roller 207 Antarctica 362, 370 Andes 76, 87, 110 apple snail 107 acacia 178, 193, 320, 334 Alladale Wilderness Reserve 140 Andean altiplano 108–13 Aptenodytes forsteri 374–75 alligator, American 66, 72–73, 107 Andean yungas 84–89 Apteryx haastii 410 camel thorn 228 Alligator mississippiensis 72–73 Andrias japonicus 291 Apteryx mantelli 356 whistling 192 alligator snapping turtle 428 anemonefish, Barrier Reef 351 Apteryx owenii 356 Accipiter gentilis 415 Alopex lagopus 27 angelfish, emperor 447 Apus apus 421 Acinonyx jubatus 196–7 Alouatta arctoidea 92 angler 446 aquatic environments 18–19, 24–25, Acipenser sturio 445 Alouatta pigra 389 Angolan free-tailed bat 393 acorn worms 451 Alouatta seniculus 92–93 Anguilla anguilla 445 66–67, 100–01, 122–23, 134–35, Acridotheres tristis 423 alpha males 37, 287 Anguis fragilis 434 146–47, 184–85, 218–19, 344–45, Actitis macularius 418 alpine black swallowtail 291 angwantibo, Calabar 388 364–65, 370–71 Actophilornis africanus 224 alpine chamois 159 anhinga 70–71 Aquila audax 415 addax 406 alpine chipmunk 52, 56 Anhinga anhinga 70–71 Aquila chrysaetos 162–63 Addax nasomaculatus 406 alpine ibex 406 Anilius scytale 429 Ara chloropterus 419 adders alpine marmot 160 anole, green 432 Ara macao 97 common 145 alpine meadow 11, 14, 34–35, 158–59, Anolis carolinensis 432 Arabian cat snake 248–49 desert death 328 Antarctic Circumpolar Current 362 Arabian Highlands 248–53 puff 431 266 – 67 Antarctic Convergence 364 Arabian leopard 248 Adelie penguin 372 alpine musk deer 440 Antarctic hair grass 362 Arabian oryx 250–51 Aechmophorus occidentalis 412 alpine newt 438 Antarctic ice sheet 362 Arabian partridge 253 Aepyceros melampus 197 alpine swift 146 Antarctic midge 371 Arabian Peninsula 246 Africa 14, 174–243 alpine tundra 17 Antarctic pearlwort 362, 370 Arabian wolf 248, 249 Congo Basin 208–17 Alps, Australian 334 Antarctica 10, 18, 360–75 aracari, chestnut-eared 422 Ethiopian Highlands 178–83 Alps, European 10, 11, 132, 133, Antarctic Peninsula 363, 370–75 Araguaia River 77 Great Rift Valley lakes 184–91 Southern Ocean islands 364–69 Aramus guarauna 416 Kalahari Desert 228–35 158 –16 3 anteaters arapaima 445 Madagascan dry forest 236–43 Alps, New Zealand 313 collared 382 Arapaima gigas 445 Okavango Delta 218–27 altiplano, Andean 108–13 giant 116–17 Archilochus colubris 420 Serengeti savannas 192–207 altitude 11, 14, 18 silky 86 Arctic 10, 18, 22, 24–33, African cherry 208 Antelope Valley 60–61 38, 137 African clawless otter 184, 399 see also mountains antelopes Arctic char 33 African darter 70 Alto Tajo Natural Park 152 Arabian oryx 250-251 Arctic cod 24, 25, 30 African fat-tailed gecko 433 Alytes obstetricans 162 blackbuck 257 Arctic fox 24, 27 African fire skink 434 Amazon rainforest 76, 84, common springbok 230 Arctic hare 25, 383 African fish eagle 43, 415 Ethiopian klipspringer 179 Arctic Ocean 16 African forest elephant 382 90–99, 102 gemsbok 378 Arctic tern 24, 369 African helmeted turtle 428 Amazon river dolphin 407 impala 197 Arctic tundra 17, 24–25 African jacana 224 Amazonian manatee 382 Kalahari springbok 230–31 Arctocebus calabarensis 388 African Rift Valley 188 amber snail 354–55 pronghorn 44, 45 Arctocephalus pusillus 397 African savanna elephant 15, 202–03 Amblyrhynchus cristatus 128–29 red lechwe 220–21 Arctonyx collaris 399 African skimmer 226 Ambystoma mexicanum 438 sitatunga 208 Ardea cinerea 413 African spoonbill 15, 413 Ambystoma tigrinum 438 southern sable 405 Ardea herodias 71 African wild ass 402 American alligator 66, 72–73, 107 Yarkand gazelle 279 Ardea herodias occidentalis 71 African wild dog 192, 224–25 American badger 399 Anthodiaeta collaris 216 Ardeotis kori 416 African zorilla 399 American beaver 34, 41, 52 Antidorcas hofmeyri 230–31 Argentina 257 Agalychnis callidryas 82–83 American bison 34, 44, 46–47 Antilocapra americanus 45 pampas 114–21 Agama agama 432 American bittern 413 Antilope cervicapra 257 Argentine horned frog 121 agama lizard 427 American black bear 34, 52, 54–55 antlers Argentine plains viscacha 387 aggressive mimicry 301 American buffalo 46–47 moose 38, 39 arid painted pyrgomorph 333 Agkistrodon contortrix 431 American bullfrog 441 red muntjac 258 armadillo lizard 234–35 agouti 90 American crocodile 66 reindeer 26 armadillos Ailuropoda melanoleuca 274–75 American pika 40, 52 western red deer 141 big hairy 382 Ailurus fulgens 270 American red swamp crayfish 146, 184 western roe deer 153 giant 382 Aix galericulata 290 Ammotragus lervia 406 white-tailed deer 40 six-banded 117 Alaska 27, 36, 43, 76 amphibians 436–41 see also horns armored shew 394 Alauda arvensis 423 Antrozous pallidus 393 army cutworm moth 34 albatrosses 364 see also frogs; newts; salamanders; toads ants 229, 263, 328, 332, 453 Arnhem Land 312 Atlantic yellow-nosed 412 Amphiprion akindynos 351 Crematogaster 192 arrow worms 451 wandering 366–67 Amphisbaena fuliginosa 435 fire 90 arthropods 452–55 waved 125 amphisbaenians 435 leaf-cutter 98 arum, titan 293 Alberta 72 Amur tiger 261 spider 343 Arvicola amphibius 385 anaconda, green 105 wood 140 Ascaphus truei 441 Anas crecca 411 Aonyx capensis 399 Asia 14, 244–309 Anathana ellioti 388 Arabian Highlands 248–53 anatomy amphibians 436 birds 408 fish 442 invertebrates 448
Bornean rainforest 292–301 Bactrian camel 278, 280–81 Louisiana black 55 INDEX | 461 Eastern Himalayas 266–71 badgers polar 24, 25, 27, 28–29, 31 Gobi Desert 278–83 sloth 263 cuckoos and turacos 419 Nihonkai montane forest 284–91 American 399 spectacled 87 divers 412 Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302–09 European 165 sun 292, 396 gamebirds 410–11 Terai-Duar savannas 254–65 hog 399 beavers grebes 412 Upper Yangtze Forests 272–77 honey 224, 399 American 34, 41, 52 herons and relatives 413 Asian elephant 258–59 Badwater Basin 60 Eurasian 140, 384 hummingbirds and swifts 420–21 Asian red dog 277 Badwater snail 60 bee-eater, European 150–51 kingfishers and relatives 421–22 Asian small-clawed otter 400 Bagyeli people 209 beech trees 354 kiwis 410 Asian tiger keelback 291 Bahamas 23 Japanese 284 migration 76, 152, 248 Asian water dragon 432 Baikal seal 396 bees 453 nightjars and frogmouths 420 Asian wild buffalo 254, 405 Baja California 59 European honey 170–71 owls 420 Asiatic black bear 396 Balaena mysticetus 407 beetles 328, 453 parrots 419 Asir Mountains 248 Balaeniceps rex 190 Bruchid 192 passerines 422–25 aspen trees 35, 140 Balaenoptera musculus 372–73 dung 193 pelicans and relatives 413–14 Aspidites ramsayi 333 bald cypress 66–67 golden 453 penguins 411 asses bald eagle 42–43, 52 rosalia longicorn 158 pigeons 418 African wild 402 bald uakari 389 scarab 100 rheas 410 Mongolian wild 278–9 Bale Mountains 178 stag 172–73 tinamous 410 Tibetan wild 402 Balearica pavonina 189 behavior trogons 421 Atacama Desert 17, 77 Balearica regulorum 189 amphibians 436 waders, gulls and auks 417–18 Athene cunicularia 121 Bali 247 birds 408 waterfowl 411 Atlantic bluefin tuna 447 Balistoides conspicillum 447 fish 442 see also individual species Atlantic cod 446 Balkans 133, 161 invertebrates 448 birds-of-paradise Atlantic halibut 447 Bambi 153 mammals 378 greater 318–19 Atlantic herring 134, 446 bamboo 15, 272, 273, 275 reptiles 426 raggiana 319 Atlantic mudskipper 447 bamboo partridge, Chinese 272 Belarus 47 Wilson’s 422 Atlantic Ocean 22, 25, 77, 124, 346 bamboo rat, Chinese 385 beluga 24, 29, 31 birdwing, Rothschild’s 315 Atlantic puffin 138–9 banded mongoose 400 Ben Nevis 140–41 bison Atlantic salmon 137 bandicoots Bengal gray langur 391 American 34, 44, 46–47 Atlantic yellow-nosed eastern barred 380 Bengal tiger 260–61 European 47 albatross 412 greater bilby 332 Bering Sea 29 wood 47 Atlas moth 300 Bangladesh 261 berrypecker, crested 317 Bison bison 46–47 Atlas mountains 176 banksia 334, 335 Berthe’s mouse lemur 237 Bison bison athabascae 47 Atrax robustus 343 baobab 236 Betsileo sportive lemur 389 Bison bonasus 47 Atta cephalotes 98 barasingha 254 Bhutan 266 Bitis arietans 431 Attacus atlas 300 Barbary sheep 406 Bhutan takin 267 Bitis gabonica 431 Auckland tree weta 359 Bardia National Park 254 Bialoweza Forest 47 bittern, American 413 Australasia 263, 281, 300, 304–05, 310–59 Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse 350–51 bicolored white-toothed shrew 394 bivalves 455 East Australian forests barn owl 420 big hairy armadillo 382 black-and-red broadbill 299 334–43 barracuda, great 308–09 bighorn sheep 53 black-and-white ruffed lemur 239 Great Barrier Reef 344–53 Barrier Reef see Great Barrier Reef bilby, greater 332 black-backed jackal 396 Great Sandy-Tanami Desert 328–33 Barrier Reef anemonefish 351 bills black-backed woodpecker 52 New Guinea montane forest 314–19 baruwa grass 255 African skimmer 226 black bears New Zealand mixed forest 354–59 Basilicus plumifrons 432 Atlantic puffin 139 American 34, 52, 54–55 North Australia savannas 320–27 basilisk, green 432 bald eagle 42 Louisiana 55 Australia 13, 14 Bassariscus astutus 398 black-and-red broadbill 299 black caiman 435 Australian Alps 334 bat-eared fox 396 black woodpecker 169 black-capped social weaver 204–05 Australian copperhead 430 bats 392–93 duck-billed platypus 336 black-capped squirrel monkey 390 Australian pratincole 417 Angolan free-tailed 393 flightless grebe 111 black colobus 209 Austrelaps superbus 430 brown long-eared 393 great Indian hornbill 264 black crowned crane 189 Austria 10 common noctule 393 great white pelican 189 black-footed ferret 48 avocet, pied 149 common pipistrelle 393 greater flamingo 149 black-footed rock wallaby 328 axolotl, Mexican 438 Daubenton’s 393 jabiru stork 103 black-headed bullmaster viper 79 aye-aye 241 Egyptian rousette 392 pied avocet 149 black lemur 389 Azura’s capuchin 77 ghost 392 red-billed quelea 225 black-lipped pika 383 greater bulldog 393 red-legged seriema 120 black mamba 207 B Honduran white 79 roseate spoonbill 104 black noddy 344 large flying fox 294 Scottish crossbill 143 black rat 386 babbler, spiny 254 lesser mouse-tailed 392 shoebill 190 black rhinoceros 193, 222, 223 babirusa, Moluccan 403 lesser short-tailed 355 toco toucan 96–97 Black Sea 135 baboons little red flying fox 334 biodiversity black swallowtail, Alpine 291 pallid 393 Australia 321 black swan 411 Chacma 391 proboscis 392 Bornean rainforest 292 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 gelada 178, 180–81 Rodrigues flying fox 392 Costa Rican rainforest 78 black-tailed prairie dog 48 hamadryas 249 vampire 115 Great Barrier Reef 344 black vulture 152 olive 185 Bavarian Forest 164–73 New Guinea 314 black-winged stilt 417 savanna 180 Bayaka people 209 Nihonkai montane forest 284 black woodpecker 169 Babyrousa babyrussa 403 beaks see bills and beaks Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302 blackbird 424 bachelor herds bears birch trees 140 blackbuck 257 Cape buffalo 220 American black 34, 52, 54–55 birdeater, Goliath 99 blackfin icefish 370–371 gelada 180 Asiatic black 396 birds 408–25 blacktip reef shark 444 Grant’s zebra 200 brown 29, 36, 52, 279 albatrosses and petrels 412 blanket bogs 140 impala 197 European brown 158 birds of prey 414–16 Blastocerus dichotomus 440 muskox 26 Gobi 279 cassowaries and emus 410 blazing star 14 grizzly 34, 36 cranes and relatives 416 blistered grasshopper 333 Kermode 55 blubber 31, 32, 135 blue-crowned motmot 421 blue damselfly 359
462 | INDEX blue-footed booby 125 brown lemming 385 cactus finch 122 Capricornis crispus 285 Blue Mountains 334 brown long-eared bat 393 caecilian, ringed 439 Caprimulgus europaeus 420 blue poison dart frog 436 brown pelican 414 caecum, koala 339 Capromys pilorides 387 Blue Ridge Mountains 23 brown rat 386 Caiman crocodilus 107 captive breeding blue-ringed octopus 352, 455 Bruchid beetle 192 Caiman yacare 106–07 blue sheep, Himalayan 266 brushtail possum 354 caimans Arabian oryx 250 blue-striped snapper 443 bryozoans 451 gharial 265 blue tit 423 Bubalus arnee 405 black 435 Iberian lynx 154 blue-tongued skink 434 Bubo virginianus 420 spectacled 107 Przewalski’s wild horse 282 blue whale 19, 364, 372–73 Buceros bicornis 264 Yacare 106–07 capuchins blue-winged kookaburra 323 budgerigars 328–29 Cairngorms 140 Azura’s 77 bluefin tuna, Atlantic 447 Budorcas whitei 267 Calabar angwantibo 388 Guianan weeper 390 Boaedon capensis 430 buffaloes California 13, 15, 22, 51 hooded 102 boar, wild 164, 169, 261 Mojave Desert 60–65 capybara 101 boas American 46–47 Sierra Nevada 52–59 caracal 229, 248 Asian wild 254, 405 California condor 414 Caracal caracal 229 emerald tree 97 Cape 192, 193, 220 California sea lion 397 caracara, southern 416 green anaconda 105 Bufo bufo 440 Callicebus moloch 390 Caracara plancus 416 rainbow 429 bugs 453 Callimico goeldii 390 Carcharhinus melanopterus 444 bobcat 37, 69 wart-headed 453 Calliteara pudibunda 170 Carcharodon carcharias 444 Bogoria, Lake 184 bull shark 66 calls see communication cardinal, northern 425 bogs, blanket 140 bulldog bat, greater 393 Camargue 146–51 Cardinalis cardinalis 425 Bohemian Forest 164 bullfrogs Camargue horse 147 Caretta caretta 428 Bolbometopon muricatum 309 African 229 Camarhynchus pallidus 125 Cariama cristata 120 Bombina orientalis 439 American 441 camel thorn acacia 228 Caribbean 13, 22, 76 bongo 440 South American 440 camels 328 caribou 24, 26, 38 bonobo 208, 210, 392 bullmaster viper, black-headed 79 Bactrian 278, 280–81 Peary 26 bony fish 445–47 Bunaken National Park 302 dromedary 281 see also reindeer boobies 124 bunting, painted 425 Camelus bactrianus 280–81 carnivores 395–402 blue-footed 125 Burmese python 67, 429 Camelus dromedarius 403 carnivorous plants 292 boomslang 429 burrowing owl 121 camouflage carp 184, 442, 446 booted eagle 152 burrowing toad, Mexican 439 Argentine horned frog 121 carrion crow 422 booted racket-tail humming bird 88 burrows and tunnels Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse 350 cartilaginous fish 444–45 boreal forests 12, 16 Alpine marmot 160 bobcat 37 Caspian Sea 133 North America 22 Andean flicker 111 common flying dragon 298 cassowaries 322, 356 boreal owl 164 Arctic fox 27 common snapping turtle 72 southern 410 Bornean orangutan 296–97 Auckland tree weta 358 Denise’s pygmy seahorse 350 castor bean tick 455 Bornean rainforest 292–301 black-footed ferret 48 emerald tree boa 97 Castor canadensis 41 Borneo 247, 298 black-tailed prairie dog 48 frilled lizard 325 Castor fiber 384 Bos bonasus 405 burrowing owl 121 green anaconda 105 Casuarius casuarius 410 Bos gaurus 257 common wombat 337 Henkel’s leaf-tailed gecko 243 cat snake, Arabian 248–49 Bos mutus 405 Couch’s spadefoot 64 Himalayan blue sheep 266 catbird 313 Boselaphus tragocamelus 405 desert blond tarantula 65 jaguar 95 caterpillars 51, 163, 170, 448 Botaurus lentiginosus 413 duck-billed platypus 336 Macleay’s spectre 343 Cathartes aura 56–57 Botswana, Okavango Delta 218–27 greater bilby 332 Malaysian orchid mantis 301 cats Bouvet Island 364 kit fox 61 mountain tapir 85 Bengal tiger 260–61 bowerbirds 313 meerkat 232 ocelot 80 caracal 229 Vogelkop 314 North Island brown kiwi 356 panther chameleon 242 cheetah 193, 196–97 bowhead whale 24, 407 Patagonian mara 117 ptarmigan 161 feral 320 box turtle, ornate 44 six-banded armadillo 117 red-eyed tree frog 82 fishing 401 boxer crab 309 thorny devil 332 snow leopard 269 Iberian lynx 154–55 brachiopods 451 tuatara 358 striped scorpion 50 Indochinese clouded leopard 254, 276 Brachyteles arachnoides 389 bush dog 395 thorny devil 332 jaguar 87, 94–95, 107 Bradypus torquatus 382 bush duiker 405 Canada leopard 95, 193, 199, 214, 254 Brahmaputra River 266 bush-quail, Manipur 254 Canadian Arctic 24–33 lion 15, 193, 194–95, 199, 378 brain see intelligence bushmaster, South American 431 Canada goose 411 ocelot 80–81 brain coral 344 bushpig 403 Canadian Shield 22 panther 95 Branta canadensis 411 bushy-crested hornbill 293 “canaries of the sea” 31 puma 62, 66, 69, 87 Brazil, Pantanal 100–107 bustards cane toad 91, 440 snow leopard 266, 268–69 Brazilian guinea pig 386 great 283 Canis latrans 49 wildcat 143, 164 breathing kori 416 Canis lupus 37 cattle Alpine marmot 160 butterflies 78, 315, 453 Canis lupus dingo 321 Camargue 146, 147 ensatina 59 Alpine black swallowtail 291 Canis lupus irremotus 37 gaur 257 green sea turtle 346 Apollo 163 Canis mesomelas 396 Caucasus mountains 133 Japanese giant salamander 291 common morpho 81 Canis rufus 396 cave salamander 133 breeding see reproduction crimson longwing 89 Canis simensis 182 caves, limestone 133 Britain 133 monarch 51 Cape buffalo 192, 193, 220 Cavia aperea 386 Scottish Highlands 140–45 see also moths Cape cobra 234 cavy 117 British Columbia 37 Cape Floristic Region, Cebuella pygmaea 92 Brittany 133 C South Africa 177 Cebus olivaceus 390 broadbill, black-and-red 299 Cape golden mole 381 Celebes crested macaque 391 broadleaf evergreen forest 12, 13, 272–73 Cacajao calvus 389 Cape ground squirrel 384 centipedes 454 Broadleysaurus major 434 Cacatua galerita 341 Cape porcupine 231 Central and South America 74–129 brown bears 29, 36, 52, 158, 279 cactus capercaillie, western 145, 164 Amazon rainforest 90–99 brown fur seal 397 Capra falconeri 406 Andean altiplano 108–13 brown hare 383 lava 122–23 Capra ibex 406 Andean yungas 84–89 brown house snake 430 prickly pear 44 Capra pyrenaica 153 Argentine pampas 114–21 brown hyena 401 saguaro 17 Capreolus capreolus 153 Costa Rican rainforest 78–83
INDEX | 463 Galapagos Islands 122–29 Churchill, Canada 29 coca bush 84 narwhal 30 Pantanal 100–107 cicadas 328 northern gray fox 67 Central Great Plains 44–51 cichlids 176, 185 cock-of-the-rock, Andean 89 okapi 216 Centrocercus urophasianus 50 ostrich 234 Centruroides vittatus 50 zebra mbuna 191 cockatoo, sulfur-crested 341 peacock mantis shrimp 351 Cephalopachus bancanus 294 Cicinnurus respublica 422 cod raccoon dog 289 cephalopods 455 civet, common palm 400 red howler monkey 93 Ceratophrys ornata 121 Arctic 24, 25, 30 red-legged seriema 120 Ceratotherium simum 222–23 clam, giant 352 Atlantic 446 red panda 270 Cercopithecus neglectus 390 clans, meerkat 232 polar 30 scarlet macaw 97 Cerdocyon thous 395 Clark’s nutcracker 34 coelacanth 302–03, 445 spinner dolphin 303 Cervus elaphus 141 classification stork-billed kingfisher 299 cetaceans 407 Colaptes rupicola 111 Verreaux’s sifaka 240 Chacma baboon 391 amphibians 436 cold conditions vervet monkey 201 Chad, Lake 176 birds 409 walrus 32 Chaetophractus villosus 382 fish 442 Amur tiger 261 condors chaffinch 424 invertebrates 449 Arctic fox 27 Chalcides ocellatus 434 mammals 379 emperor penguin 375 Andean 112–13 chameleons 236 reptiles 426 see also Antarctica; Arctic California 414 dwarf 236–37 clawless otter, African Condylura cristata 394 Jackson’s 432 184, 399 cold desert 17, 278–79 Conepatus humboldtii 397 panther 242–43 claws Colius striatus 421 chamois, Alpine 159 giant anteater 116 collared anteater 382 Congo Basin 208–17 chaparral 15 peacock mantis shrimp 351 collared peccary 403 Congo River 176, 208, 209 see also scrub silky anteater 86 coniferous forests 12, 34, 52, 133, Chapman’s zebra 200 climate see ecosystems collared sunbird 216 char, Arctic 33 climate change colobus, black 209 354 characin 103 Arctic 25 Colobus guereza 391 Charadrius hiaticula 417 Eastern Himalayas 266 colonies Connochaetes mearnsi 198 Chari River 176 Great Barrier Reef 344, 345 Conraua goliath 441 cheetah 193, 196–97 paddy fields 255 American beaver 41 conservation see endangered Cheirogaleus medius 389 climbing anhinga 70 Chelodina longicollis 428 American black bear 55 Atlantic puffin 139 species Chelonia mydas 346–47 Bornean orangutan 297 black-capped social weaver 204–05 copperheads Chelonoidis carbonarius 428 Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo emperor penguin 375 Chelonoidis nigra 126–27 317 European bee-eater 150 Australian 430 Chelus fimbriata 428 Iberian ibex 153 European honey bee 171 southern 431 Chelydra serpentina 72 Indochinese clouded leopard 276 Galapagos sea lion 123 Coquerel’s sifaka 241 Chen caerulescens 33 ocelot 80 great blue heron 71 coral, brain 344 Chengdu 272 silky anteater 86 great white pelican 189 coral reefs 19, 309, 350 cherry trees 208, 284–85 South American coati 86 gray seal 135 chestnut-eared aracari 422 leaf-cutter ant 98 Great Barrier Reef 344–53 chickadee, mountain 56 cloud forests 13, 78, 84–85 lesser flamingo 188 Norwegian fjords 134, 135 Chile 113 marine iguana 128–29 Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302 Chilean flamingo 108 clouded leopard, Indochinese 254, 276 pied avocet 149 Coral Sea 347, 351 chimpanzees 208, 210–11 clown triggerfish 447 Portuguese man o’ war 352 coral snake, South American 430 pygmy 208, 210 clownfish 351 roseate spoonbill 104 Coral Triangle 302 China 247 Clupea harengus 446 sugar glider 316 Gobi Desert 272–83 cnidarians 450 wandering albatross 366 Corallus caninus 97 Upper Yangtze Forests 272–77 coastal desert 17 see also social groups cork oak 13, 153 chinchilla, long-tailed 109, 387 coat color cormorants 70, 125, 369 Chinchilla lanigera 387 blue damselfly 359 Chinese bamboo partridge 272 Alpine chamois 159 common morpho 81 flightless 122 Chinese bamboo rat 385 American bison 47 lesser flamingo 188 great 413 Chinese giant salamander 291 Amur tiger 261 marine iguana 129 corn snake 429 Chinese green tree viper 272–73 Arctic fox 27 mountain kingsnake 59 corncrake 416 Chinook salmon 52–53 Bactrian camel 281 striped skunk 54 Corvus corone 422 chinstrap penguin 411 Bengal tiger 261 colugo, Malayan 388 Corytophanes cristatus 432 chipmunks Eurasian otter 167 Columba livia 418 Costa Rican rainforest 76, Alpine 52, 56 Eurasian red squirrel 142 Columba palumbus 418 eastern 383 giant panda 275 communication 78–83 Chiromantis xerampelina 441 giraffe 199 African savanna elephant 203 coteries, black-tailed prairie dog Chironectes minimus 380 golden langur 267 American pika 40 chital 261 grizzly bear 36 beluga 31 48 Chitwan National Park 254 Indochinese clouded leopard 276 black woodpecker 169 cotton-top tamarin 390 Chlamydosaurus kingii 324–25 jaguar 95 blue whale 372 cottontail, eastern 383 Chlorocebus pygerythrus 201 Japanese macaque 287 blue-winged kookaburra 323 Coturnix coturnix 410 Choeropsis liberiensis 403 Japanese serow 285 coyote 49 couch grass 192 Choloepus hoffmanni 79 kit fox 61 dhole 277 chordates, invertebrate, 455 koala 339 emu 322 Couch’s spadefoot 64 chough, yellow-billed 161 leopard 214 European bee-eater 150 chromodoris, Loch’s 302 muskox 26 gelada 180, 181 cougar 62 Chrysochloris asiatica 381 polar bear 29 giant otter 102 courtship Chrysocyon brachyurus 118–19 puma 62 golden snub-nosed monkey 273 Chrysolophus pictus 277 snow leopard 269 hippopotamus 187 American alligator 72 Chrysopelea ornata 430 vicuña 110 hooded capuchin 102 black-capped social weaver chuckwalla, northern 433 western red deer 141 impala 197 204–05 wild yak 266 jaguar 95 blue-footed booby 125 see also fur Japanese macaque 287 golden eagle 162 kakapo 356 golden pheasant 277 coati, South American 86 killer whale 137 great crested grebe 157 cobras 206, 262–63 large mountain grasshopper 163 great crested newt 170 leopard seal 372 greater bird-of-paradise 319 Cape 234 maned wolf 119 green jumping spider 326 mountain tapir 85 king eider 137 Indian 264 Müller’s gibbon 298 red-eyed tree frog 82 king 207, 431 rockhopper penguin 368 roseate spoonbill 104 Scottish crossbill 143 waved albatross 125 coyote 40, 49, 69 coypu 387
464 | INDEX crab-eating fox 395 D Dendroaspis polylepis 207 Eurasian otter 167 crab-eating raccoon 398 gray seal 135 crabeater seal 364–65, 396 Daba Mountains 272 Dendrobates tinctorius 98 imperial shag 369 crabs Dacelo leachii 323 king eider 137 Dalmatian pelican 414 Dendrocygna eytoni 323 marine iguana 129 boxer 309 Dama dama 440 Dendrohyrax arboreus 382 narwhal 30 edible 454 damselflies 452 Dendrolagus goodfellowi 317 southern elephant seal 365 guard 345 Denise’s pygmy seahorse 350 Doberai Peninsula 314, 315 horseshoe 454 blue 359 dens Dolichotis patagonum 117 Sally Lightfoot 122 Danaus plexippus 51 dolphins 187 cranes dances coyote 49 Amazon river 407 black crowned 189 Gila monster 64 common short-beaked 407 common 416 blue-footed booby 125 grizzly bear 36 hourglass 372 gray crowned 189 emperor scorpion 216, 217 Iberian lynx 154 Irrawaddy 302 sandhill 416 European honey bee 171 northern raccoon 69 killer whale 136–37, 372 sarus 263 great crested grebe 157 polar bear 28, 29 pantropical spotted 407 crayfish, American red swamp 146, 184 greater bird-of-paradise 319 Dermochelys coriacea 428 pink river 91 Crematogaster ants 192 roseate spoonbill 104 desert blond tarantula 65 spinner 303 crested berrypecker 317 Verreaux’s sifaka 241 desert death adder 328 tucuxi 91 crested macaque, Celebes 391 see also displays desert horned lizard 433 domestication, American bison 47 crested oropendola 425 Danube, River 164 desert tortoise 60 donkeys, feral 328 crested tinamou, elegant 410 darter, African 70 deserts 10 dormouse, hazel 164, 384 Crex crex 416 Darwin, Charles 122, 300 Australia 312 Douglas fir 140 crickets 452 Darwin’s frog 440 Gobi Desert 278–79 Douglas squirrel 53 Auckland tree weta 358 Darwin’s rhea 410 Great Sandy-Tanami Desert 328-33 dove, rock 418 see also grasshoppers Dasypeltis scabra 429 Kalahari Desert 228–29 Draco volans 298–99 crimson longwing 89 dasyure, speckled 314–15 Mojave Desert 60–61 dragonflies 19, 146, 452 crimson topaz 421 Dasyurus maculatus 341 North America 22 emperor 452 Crocidura leucodon 394 Dasyurus viverrinus 380 desman, Russian 394 Ethiopian highlander 178–79 crocodiles Daubentonia madagascariensis 241 Desmana moschata 394 Drakensburg Mountains 176 American 66 Daubenton’s bat 393 Desmarest’s hutia 387 dreys, Eurasian red squirrel 142 dwarf 435 dawn redwood 272 Desmodus rotundus 115 Dromaius novaehollandiae 322 Nile 190–91, 198 DDT 144 dexterity 69, 297 dromedary 281, 403 saltwater 191, 435 De Brazza’s monkey 390 see also tool users droughts Crocodylus niloticus 190–91 dead-leaf toad 84 dhole 277 Gobi Desert 278 Crocodylus porosus 191, 435 Dean’s Blue Hole 23 Dicerorhinus sumatrensis 403 Great Sandy-Tanami Desert 328 Crocuta crocuta 253, 401 Death Valley 60 Diceros bicornis 223 Kalahari Desert 228 Cromwell Current 124 deciduous forest 12, 164–65, 284–85 Didelphis virginiana 380 Mojave Desert 60 crossbills deciduous trees 133, 284 digestive system dry desert 17, 60–61, 228–29, 248–49, common 143 deer 145, 254 American bison 47 328–29 parrot 143 Alpine musk 440 giant panda 275 dry forest, Madagascan 236–37 Scottish 143 barasingha 254 koala 339 Dryocopus martius 169 Crotalus cerastes 431 common fallow 440 sloths 79 duck-billed platypus 334, 336–67 Crotalus scutulatus 64 marsh 440 Terai sacred langur 259 ducks 411 crown-of-thorns starfish 344 moose 38–39 dingo 321, 322, 337 king eider 137 crowned pigeon, southern 418 mule 440 Diomedea exulans 366–67 mandarin 290 crowned sandgrouse 419 northern pudu 85 Disney, Walt 153 plumed whistling-duck 323 crows pampas 114 Dispholidus typus 429 dugong 302, 303, 304–05, 312, 382 carrion 422 red muntjac 258 displays Dugong dugon 304–5 Clark’s nutcracker 34 sika 284 Andean cock-of-the-rock 89 duiker, bush 405 yellow-billed chough 161 western red 141 anhinga 70 dung beetle 193 Cryptobranchus alleganiensis western roe 153, 164 Australian water dragon 342 dunnart, fat-tailed 329 438 white-tailed 40, 153 booted racket-tail humming bird 88 dusky grass wren 328 Cryptoprocta ferox 237 defences common flying dragon 298 Dust Bowl, North America 44 cuckoos armadillo lizard 234–35 Fabian’s lizard 113 dwarf chameleon 236–37 common 419 boxer crab 309 frilled lizard 324–25 dwarf crocodile 435 greater roadrunner 63 Cape cobra 234 gharial 265 dwarf hamster 278 Cuculus canorus 419 Cape porcupine 231 golden eagle 162 dwarf minke whale 345 culpeo 109 common pangolin 215 golden pheasant 277 dyeing poison frog 98 Cuon alpinus 277 Goliath birdeater 99 great bustard 283 Dyscophus antongilii 243 curlew, Eurasian 417 jewelled lizard 157 great frigatebird 124 cuscus Macleay’s spectre 343 greater bird-of-paradise 319 E common 380 mandarinfish 305 greater sage-grouse 50 common spotted 315 meerkat 232, 233 gray crowned crane 189 eagle owl 58, 152, 164 cutthroat trout 35 monarch butterfly 51 Indian peafowl 271 eagle ray, common 445 cutworm moth, army 34 Nile monitor 227 jabiru stork 103 eagles 188 Cyanistes caeruleus 423 Portuguese man o’ war 352 king eider 137 Cyclopes didactylus 86 striped skunk 54 ostrich 234 bald 42–43, 52 Cyclura cornuta 433 thorny devil 332 panther chameleon 242 booted 152 Cygnus atratus 411 tomato frog 243 red-legged seriema 120 fish 43, 415 Cygnus olor 148–49 yellow-legged frog 59 roseate spoonbill 104 golden 162–63 Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos 299 Delichon urbicum 423 sarus crane 263 harpy 76, 78, 86, 93, 415 Cynictis penicillata 400 Delphinapterus leucas 31 wandering albatross 367 Iberian imperial 152–53 Cynomys ludovicianus 48 Delphinus delphis 407 western capercaillie 145 Steller’s sea 43 cypress swamps 66–67 deltas western gorilla 212, 213 wedge-tailed 322, 328, 415 Cyprinus carpio 446 Camargue 146–47 see also dances white-tailed 43 Czech Republic 164 Nile 176 diver, red-throated 412 eared seals 123 Okavango 218–19 diving Atlantic puffin 139 dugong 304 emperor penguin 375
INDEX | 465 ears and hearing 15 edible crab 454 emperor penguin 370, 374–75 Europe 10, 14, 130–73 African savanna elephant 203 eel, European 147, 445 emperor scorpion 216–17 Alps 158–63 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 egg-eating snake, common 429 emperor tamarin 92 Bavarian Forest 164–73 caracal 229 egg-laying mammals Empty Quarter, Arabian Peninsula 248 Camargue 146–51 Galapagos sea lion 123 emu 322, 356 Norwegian fjords 134–39 great gray owl 58 see monotremes Emydocephalus annulatus 347 Scottish Highlands 140–45 greater bilby 332 egg tooth, great gray owl 58 Emys orbicularis 428 Tagus Valley 152–57 Iberian lynx 154 eggs endangered species kit fox 61 European badger 165 African jacana 224 Arabian oryx 250 European bee-eater 150–51 earwigs 452 Andean condor 112 barasingha 254 European bison 47 East African Rift 176 anhinga 70 Bornean orangutan 297 European brown bear 158 East Australian forests 334–43 Atlantic puffin 139 Eurasian beaver 140 European common frog 440 eastern barred bandicoot 380 Couch’s spadefoot 64 fisher 52 European common toad 437, 440 eastern chipmunk 383 desert blond tarantula 65 gharial 265 European eel 147, 445 eastern cottontail 383 duck-billed platypus 336 giant panda 275 European grass snake 430 eastern gorilla 392 dyeing poison frog 98 Gobi bear 279 European hedgehog 156 eastern gray squirrel 384 emperor penguin 375 golden langur 267 European honey bee 170–71 Eastern Himalayas 266–71 ensatina 59 gray crowned crane 189 European mole 395 eastern newt 438 European bee-eater 150 Iberian lynx 154 European nightjar 420 eastern quoll 380 frilled lizard 325 Indian rhinoceros 256 European pine marten 165 eastern spotted skunk 397 Galapagos penguin 124 koala 339 European polecat 398 eastern tiger salamander 438 Galapagos tortoise 127 Louisiana black bear 55 European pond turtle 428 echidnas 314, 336 Gila monster 65 mountain tapir 85 European starling 423 golden tegu 105 pampas deer 114 European sturgeon 445 long-beaked 315 greater rhea 121 Przewalski’s wild horse 282 European tree frog 152 short-beaked 334, 380 green sea turtle 346 Sunda pangolin 293 European whitefish 159 echinoderms 455 Indian cobra 264 Endangered Species Act (US) 55 Everglades, Florida 66-73 Echinosorex gymnura 394 Japanese giant salamander 291 Enhydra lutris 399 evolution, theory of 122 echolocation 294, 303, 372 leopard tortoise 226 ensatina 59 Exocoetus volitans 446 ecoregions lesser flamingo 188 Ensatina eschscholtzii 59 Extatosoma tiaratum 343 Alps 158–59 Macleay’s spectre 343 Eolophus roseicapilla 419 Extatosoma tiaratum tiaratum 343 Amazon rainforest 90–91 midwife toad 162 Epicrates cenchria 429 extreme environments 16–17, Andean altiplano 108–09 Nile monitor 226 Epinephelus lanceolatus 447 Andean yungas 84–85 North Island brown kiwi 356 Equus africanus 402 24–25, 60–61, 108–09, 228–29, Antarctic Peninsula 370–71 ocean sunfish 347 Equus caballus 147 328–29, 370–71 Antarctica 362–63 panther chameleon 242 Equus kiang 402 eyed skink 434 Arabian Highlands 248–49 red-eyed tree frog 83 Equus przewalskii 282–83 eyes Argentine pampas 114–15 resplendent quetzal 81 Equus quagga 402 golden eagle 162 Bavarian Forest 164–65 rockhopper penguin 368 Equus quagga boehmi 200 green jumping spider 326 Bornean rainforest 292–93 Sydney funnelweb spider 343 Equus quagga chapmani 200 jaguar 95 Camargue 146–47 tuatara 358 Erethizon dorsata 386 leopard 214 Canadian Arctic 24–25 whale shark 306 Erinaceus europaeus 156 panther chameleon 242 Central Great Plains 44–45 Yacare caiman 107 Erythrocebus patas 390 peacock mantis shrimp 351 Congo Basin 208–09 zebra mbuna 191 Eschrichtius robustus 407 red-eyed tree frog 82 Costa Rican rainforest 78–79 egrets 146 Esox lucius 446 scalloped hammerhead shark East Australian forests 334–35 little 152 Ethiopia 180 349 Eastern Himalayas 266–67 Egyptian jerboa, lesser 386 Ethiopian highlander 178–79 southern marsupial mole 329 Ethiopian Highlands 178–79 Egyptian rousette 392 Ethiopian Highlands 178–83 western tarsier 294 Florida Everglades 66–67 Egyptian vulture 254, 415 Ethiopian klipspringer 179 Yacare caiman 106 Galapagos Islands 122–23 eider Ethiopian wolf 178, 182 Gobi Desert 278–79 common 24 Etosha Pan 188 F Great Barrier Reef 344–45 Eubalaena australis 407 Great Rift Valley lakes 184–85 king 137 Eublepharis macularius 433 Fabian’s lizard 113 Great Sandy-Tanami Desert 328–29 eland, common 440 eucalypts 13, 152, 306, 320, 334, 339 facial flaps, Bornean orangutan Kalahari Desert 228–29 Elbe, River 164 Eudromia elegans 410 Madagascan dry forest 236–37 electroreceptors Eudyptes chrysocome 368–69 297 Mojave Desert 60–61 Eudyptes chrysolophus 411 fairy wren, purple-crowned 323 New Guinea montane forest 314–15 duck-billed platypus 336 Eulemur macaco 389 falanouc 400 New Zealand mixed forest 354–55 long-beaked echidna 315 Eunectes murinus 105 Falco peregrinus 144 Nihonkai montane forest 284–85 ribbontail stingray 304 Euphorbia ammak 248 falcons North American protected lands 22–23 scalloped hammerhead Euphractus sexcinctus 117 North Australia savannas 320–21 shark 349 Eupleres goudotii 400 gray 328 Norwegian fjords 134–35 elegant crested tinamou 410 Eurasia 43, 114 peregrine 144 Okavango Delta 218–19 Elementalia, Lake 184 Eurasian beaver 140, 384 Falkland Islands 368 Pantanal 100–101 elephant grass 15 Eurasian curlew 417 fallow deer, common 440 Scottish Highlands 140–41 Eurasian eagle owl 11 fangs Serengeti savannas 192–93 elephant seal, southern 365 Eurasian lynx 158, 164–65, 400 black mamba 207 Sierra Nevada 52–53 elephant-shrew 182 Eurasian magpie 422 Cape cobra 234 Southern Ocean islands 364–65 elephantfish 209 Eurasian nuthatch 423 common adder 145 Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302–03 elephants 67, 192, 193, 304 Eurasian otter 166–67 Sydney funnelweb spider 343 Tagus Valley 152–53 Eurasian oystercatcher 417 turtle-headed sea snake 347 Terai-Duar savannas 254–55 African savanna 202–03 Eurasian red squirrel 142 see also teeth Upper Yangtze Forests 272–73 Eurasian shrew 394 fat-tailed dunnart 329 Yellowstone 34–35 Asian 258–59 Eurasian skylark 423 fat-tailed dwarf lemur 389 Ectophylla alba 79 forest 208, 209, 382 Eurasian water shrew 394 fat-tailed jird 385 Ecuador 125 Elephantulus pilicaudus 381 Eurasian water vole 385 feathers edelweiss 11, 158 Eurasian wren 423 booted racket-tail humming Elephantulus rufescens 182 bird 88 emperor penguin 375 Elephas maximus 258–59 elk 39 Emberiza citrinella 425 emerald tree boa 97 emerald tree skink 434 emperor angelfish 447 emperor dragonfly 452
466 | INDEX Great Barrier Reef 344 Andean yungas 84–85 fulmar, northern 412 Great Rift Valley lakes 184 Bavarian Forest 164–65 Fulmarus glacialis 412 emu 322 jawless 444 Bohemian Forest 164 funnelweb spider, Sydney golden pheasant 277 Okavango Delta 218 boreal 12 great gray owl 58 fish eagle 43, 415 Bornean rainforest 292–93 343 greater bird-of-paradise 319 fisher 52, 398 broadleaf evergreen 12, 13 fur gray crowned crane 189 fishing cat 401 cloud 13 Indian peafowl 271 fishing owl, Pel’s 219 Congo Basin 208–9 Arctic hare 25 lilac-breasted roller 207 fjords, Norwegian 132, Costa Rican rainforest 78–79 common spotted cuscus 315 ptarmigan 161 134–39, 354 East Australian forests 334–35 emperor tamarin 92 resplendent quetzal 81 flamingos Eastern Himalayas 266 golden snub-nosed snowy owl 33 Andean 108 Ethiopian Highlands 178 monkey 273 feet Chilean 108 Europe 133 hamadryas baboon 249 Bactrian camel 281 greater 146, 149, 152 Gondwana rainforest 313 Honduran white bat 79 blue-footed booby 125 James 108 Madagascan dry forest 236–37 Iberian lynx 155 capybara 101 lesser 184, 188–89 Mediterranean 13 Japanese marten 289 European pine marten 165 puna 413 montane 11, 13 mountain tapir 85 giant otter 103 flatworms 450 New Guinea montane forest 314–15 northern viscacha 109 giant panda 275 fleas 453 New Zealand mixed forest 354–55 ocelot 80 kit fox 61 flicker, Andean 111 Nihonkai montane forest 284–85 olive baboon 185 koala 339 flies 453 North America 22 red panda 270 mountain tapir 85 flight Sierra Nevada 52 sloths 79 northern raccoon 69 Andean condor 112 temperate broadleaf 12 striped hyena 252 southern marsupial mole 329 golden eagle 162 temperate coniferous 12 wolverine 38 see also hoofs great bustard 283 tropical dry 13 see also coat Felis margarita 401 great frigatebird 124 tropical moist 13 fur seals 364, 397 Felis silvestris 143 great white pelican 189 Upper Yangtze Forests 272–73 Furcifer pardalis 242–43 Felis silvestris lybica 143 humming birds 88 Yellowstone 34 Furnace Creek 60 feral cats 320 jabiru stork 103 fossa 237, 239, 240 fynbos 177 Fernandina Islands 124 king eider 137 foxes ferns 165 lammergeier 183 Andean 109 G ferret, black-footed 48 lesser flamingo 189 Arctic 24, 27 fights monarch butterfly 51 bat-eared 396 gaboon viper 431 African wild dog 225 mute swan 149 crab-eating 395 Gadus morhua 446 Alpine chamois 159 peregrine falcon 144 culpeo 109 galago, thick-tailed greater 388 bighorn sheep 53 red-legged seriema 120 kit 61 galah 419 common adder 145 scarlet macaw 97 northern gray 67 Galapagos finch 123 common warthog 230 stag beetle 172 red 119, 163, 168, 321, 337 Galapagos Islands 76, 122–29 emu 322 wandering albatross 366, 367 Ruppels 395 Galapagos penguin 124 Grant’s zebra 200 flightless cormorant 122 swift 45 Galapagos sea lion 123 great bustard 283 flightless grebe 111 France 10, 31, 154 Galapagos tortoise 126–27 moose 39 flippers 31, 123, 372 Camargue 146–51 Galeopterus variegatus 388 muskox 26 flocks Fratercula arctica 138–39 Galictis vittata 399 olive baboon 185 black-capped social weaver 204–05 Fregata minor 124 gallinule, purple 71 polar bear 28 emu 322 freshwater pufferfish 209 Gallus gallus 411 Przewalski’s wild horse 282 great white pelican 189 frigatebird, great 124 Ganges River 266 red lechwe 220 lesser flamingo 188 frilled lizard 320, 324–25 gannets 125, 369, 414 red muntjac 258 mountain chickadee 56 Fringilla coelebs 424 garter snake, common 50 reindeer 26 mute swan 148 frogmouth, tawny 420 gastropods 455 southern elephant seal 365 pied avocet 149 frogs gaur 257, 261 stag beetle 172–3 ptarmigan 161 African bullfrog 229 Gavia stellata 412 vicuña 111 red-billed hornbill 206 American bullfrog 441 Gavialis gangeticus 264–65 western red deer 141 red-billed quelea 225 Argentine horned 121 Gazella yarkandensis 279 filter feeders, whale shark 306 scarlet macaw 97 blue poison dart 436 gazelles fin whale 364, 372 sulphur-crested cockatoo 341 common tree 440 finches yellow-billed chough 161 Darwin’s 440 mountain 248 cactus 122 see also colonies; herds; dyeing poison 98 Thomson’s 192, 200, 224 Galapagos 123 social groups European common 437, 440 Yarkand 279 Gouldian 321 floods 10, 11, 90, 255 European tree 152 geckoes ground 128 Florida 33, 43, 55, 71 goliath 441 African fat-tailed 433 Scottish crossbill 143 Florida Bay 66 green mantella 441 common house 433 woodpecker 125 Florida Everglades 66–73 green tree 326 common leopard 433 zebra 424 Florida panther 66 gray foam-nest 441 Henkel’s leaf-tailed 243 fir trees 52, 140 flying dragon, common 298–99 holy cross 439 knob-tailed 328 fire ant 90 flying fish, tropical two-wing 446 marsh 441 Kuhl’s flying 434 fire-bellied toad 436 flying foxes paradoxical 440 northern leaf-tailed 433 oriental 439 large 294 parsley 439 Przewalski’s wonder 283 fire salamander 438 little red 334 red-eyed tree 82–83 tokay 433 fire skink, African 434 Rodrigues 392 shrub 292 Gekko gecko 433 firefox 270 flying gecko, Kuhl’s 434 South American bullfrog 440 gelada 178, 180–81 fires 35 flying snake, golden 430 tailed 441 gemsbok 228, 378, 405 Central Great Plains 44 flying squirrel, Siberian 285 Titicaca water 108 genet, common 400 Florida Everglades 66 foam-nest frog, gray 441 tomato 243 Genetta genetta 400 Serengeti savannas 192, 193 forbs, hardy 24 Trueb’s cochran 89 Geochelone elegans 428 firetail, painted 328 forest elephant 208, 209, 382 Wallace’s flying 300 Geococcyx californianus 63 fish 442–47 forest hog, giant 403 wood 24, 441 geothermal features 34 bony 445–47 forests 10, 12–13 yellow-legged 59 Geothlypis trichas 425 cartilaginous 444–45 Amazon rainforest 76, 90–91 gerbil, midday 278 Congo Basin 208 gerenuk, southern 406 Florida Everglades 66
German wasp 453 Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo 317 green anole 432 INDEX | 467 Germany, Bavarian Forest 164–73 goose green basilisk 432 gestation green humphead parrotfish Halichoerus grypus 135 Canada 411 hamadryas baboon 249 American bison 47 snow 33 309 hammerhead shark 304 Arabian oryx 250 gopher, large pocket 384 green iguana 80 bobcat 37 Gorilla beringei 392 green jumping spider 326–27 scalloped 348–49 lion 194 Gorilla gorilla 212–13 green mantella 441 smooth 444 olive baboon 185 gorillas green sea turtle 346–47 hammerkop 413 polar bear 29 eastern 392 green spoonworm 451 hamsters red howler monkey 93 western 212–13 green tree frog 326 dwarf 278 red kangaroo 331 goshawk, northern 415 green tree viper, Chinese golden 385 red muntjac 258 Gouldian finch 321 Hanuman langur 259 scalloped hammerhead Goura scheepmakeri 418 272–73 Hapalochlaena lunulata 352 shark 349 Grand Canyon 23 green-winged macaw 408 harbour porpoise 135 striped scorpion 50 Grant’s zebra 200 green woodpecker 422 hare wallaby, spectacled 321 geysers 34, 132 grass snake, European 430 Greenland 22 harems gharial 264–65 grass wren, dusky 328 Greenland halibut 30 Auckland tree weta 358 ghost bat 392 grasshoppers 452 gray crowned crane 189 hamadryas baboon 249 giant anteater 116–17 blistered 333 gray-crowned prinia 254 marine iguana 129 giant armadillo 382 large mountain 163 gray falcon 328 proboscis monkey 295 giant clam 352 stripe-winged 452 gray foam-nest frog 441 Przewalski’s wild horse 282 giant forest hog 403 grasslands 10, 14–15 gray fox, northern 67 red muntjac 258 giant grouper 447 Argentine pampas 114 gray heron 413 southern elephant seal 365 giant huntsman spider 99 Central Great Plains 44–45 gray owl, great 58 western red deer 141 giant kauri 354, 355 lowland grassland 11 gray parrot 419 hares giant lobelia 178 montane 15, 178 gray seal 135 Arctic 25, 383 giant manta ray 444 North Australia savannas 320–21 gray squirrel 13 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 giant mole rat 179 Serengeti savannas 192–93 gray whale 407 brown 383 giant otter 102–03 spinifex 328, 329 gray wolf 34, 35, 37, 47, harp seal 31 giant panda 272, 274–75, 379 stratified grazing 193 Harpia harpyja 415 giant parrot snake 105 temperate grassland 15 158–59 harpy eagle 76, 78, 86, 93, 415 giant South American Terai-Duar savannas 254–55 gray woolly monkey 389 harriers 146 water rat 385 tropical grassland 15 griffon vulture 152 Montagu’s 152 gibbons great barracuda 308–09 grison, greater 399 harvest mouse 386 lar 391 Great Barrier Reef 304, 344–53 grizzly bear 34, 36 harvestmen 454 Müller’s 298 Great Basin Desert 60 grooming 115, 249, 273 hawk wasp, tarantula 448 Gila monster 64–65 great blue heron 71 grosbeak 51 hazel dormouse 164, 384 Gir Forest 194 Great Britain 133 ground finch 128 Heard Island 364 Giraffa camelopardalis 199 Scottish Highlands 140–45 ground pangolin 395 hearing see ears and hearing Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchii 199 great bustard 283 ground squirrels hearts 199, 372 giraffes 192, 193, 199, great cormorant 413 heath, fynbos 177 200, 216 great crested grebe 157, 408 black-tailed prairie dog 48 heathland 15 glass frogs 89 great crested newt 170 Cape 384 see also scrub glasswort 146 Great Dividing Range, Australia 334 Mojave 60 Hebridean islands 140 gliding great frigatebird 124 grouper, giant 447 hedgehog tenrec, greater 241 common flying dragon great gray owl 58 grouse 140 hedgehogs 298–99 great horned owl 58, 420 greater prairie chicken European 156 Siberian flying squirrel 285 great Indian hornbill 264 44–45 long-eared 394 squirrel glider 335 Great Plains 44–51 western capercaillie 145, 164 Helarctos malayanus 396 sugar glider 316–17, 335 great rhinoceros hornbill 293 Grus antigone 263 Heliconia plants 78–79 Wallace’s flying frog 300 Great Rift Valley 178 Grus canadensis 416 Heliconius erato 89 Globicephala macrorhynchus 407 lakes 184–91 Grus grus 416 Heliconius melpomene 89 glutton 38 Great Sandy-Tanami Desert 328-33 guanaco 403 hellbender 438 goanna 332 Great Smoky Mountains 23 guard crab 345 helmeted guineafowl 206 goats, Iberian ibex 153 great spotted kiwi 410 Guatemalan black howler 389 helmeted hornbill 293 Gobi bear 279 great white pelican 189 guereza 391 helmeted turtle, African 428 Gobi Desert 278–83 great white shark 444 Guianan weeper capuchin Heloderma suspectum 64–65 goby 345 greater bilby 332 390 Hemidactylus frenatus 433 Goeldi’s marmoset 390 greater bird-of-paradise 318–19 guillemot 139, 418 Hemiechinus auritus 394 golden beetle 453 greater blue-ringed octopus 352 guinea pigs 101, 117, 386 Hemitheconyx caudicinctus 433 golden eagle 162–63 greater bulldog bat 393 guineafowl, helmeted 206 Henkel’s leaf-tailed gecko 243 golden flying snake 430 greater flamingo 146, 149, 152 Gulf Stream 132, 134 Hercules moth 300 golden hamster 385 greater grison 399 gulls herds golden langur 267 greater hedgehog tenrec 241 herring 418 African savanna elephant 203 golden mole, Cape 381 greater kudu 440 ivory 24 American bison 46, 47 golden orb spider 455 greater prairie chicken 44–45 Gulo gulo 38 Arabian oryx 250 golden pheasant 277 greater rhea 121 gum trees see eucalypts Bactrian camel 281 golden silk orbweaver 73 greater roadrunner 63 Gymnogyps californianus 414 Bhutan takin 267 golden snub-nosed monkey 273 greater sage-grouse 50 Gypaetus barbatus 182–3 bighorn sheep 53 golden tegu 105 greater siren 438 Camargue horse 147 golden wattle 334 grebes H Cape buffalo 220 Goliath birdeater 99 flightless 111 gaur 257 goliath frog 441 great crested 157, 408 Haematopus ostralegus 417 gelada 180 Goliath tigerfish 209 hoary-headed 412 hair grass, Antarctic 362 Grant’s zebra 200 Gombe Stream, Tanzania 210 little 412 haircap moss 165 impala 197 Gondwana 313, 363 western 412 Haliaeetus leucocephalus 42–43 Kalahari springbok 230–31 Goodall, Jane 210 green anaconda 105 Haliaeetus vocifer 415 Masai giraffe 199 halibut Mongolian saiga 280 mountain nyala 179 Atlantic 447 muskox 26 Greenland 30
468 | INDEX pronghorn 45 Ethiopian klipspringer 179 dhole 277 crested berrypecker 317 Przewalski’s wild horse 282 Iberian ibex 153 fossa 237 Yacare caiman 107 reindeer 26 moose 39 great barracuda 308 India 246 Serengeti savannas 192 red lechwe 221 great blue heron 71 Bengal tiger 261 walrus 32 reindeer 26 great gray owl 58 blackbuck 257 western red deer 141 gray wolf 37 lesser flamingo 188 white-lipped peccary 101 hoopoe 157 grizzly bear 36 lion 194 wild boar 169 hornbean, Japanese 284 harp seal 31 Indian cobra 264 wildebeest 198 hornbills Iberian lynx 154 Indian giant squirrel 384 see also bachelor herds; flocks; harems; jaguar 95 Indian gray mongoose 262–63 packs; prides; social groups; troops bushy-crested 293 killer whale 137 Indian Ocean 12 herons 146 leopard 214 Indian peafowl 271 great blue 71 great Indian 264 leopard seal 372 Indian rhinoceros 254, 255, 256–57 gray 413 great rhinoceros 293 lion 194 Indian star tortoise 428 purple 152 helmeted 293 maned wolf 119 Indian tree shrew 388 Herpestes edwardsii 262–63 Nile crocodile 191 Indochinese clouded leopard 254, 276 herring, Atlantic 134, 446 red-billed 206 ocelot 80 Indonesia 314, 318–19 herring gull 418 southern yellow-billed 421 olive baboon 185 indri 388 hibernation horned lizard, desert 433 peregrine falcon 144 Indri indri 388 Alpine chipmunk 56 horned owl, great 58, 420 puma 62 infrared sensing, green anaconda 105 Alpine marmot 160 horns red fox 168 Inia geoffrensis 407 American black bear 55 Alpine chamois 159 striped scorpion 50 insects 452–55 common adder 145 American bison 47 wildcat 143 Auckland tree weta 358 European hedgehog 156 Arabian oryx 250 Yacare caiman 107 blue damselfly 359 forests 12 bighorn sheep 53 see also poaching dragonfly 146 great crested newt 170 blackbuck 257 Huon Peninsula 314 European honey bee 170–71 grizzly bear 36 Cape buffalo 220 hutia, Desmarest’s 387 giant prickly stick insect 343 jeweled lizard 157 Ethiopian klipspringer 179 hyacinth macaw 100–101 Macleay’s spectre 343 Nile monitor 226 gaur 257 Hyaena brunnea 401 Malaysian orchid mantis 301 polar bear 29 giraffe 199 Hyaena hyaena 252–53 mosquitoes 146 raccoon dog 289 impala 197 Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris 101 see also beetles; butterflies; yellow-legged frog 59 Indian rhinoceros 256 Hydrolagus colliei 445 grasshoppers; moths Highlands Japanese serow 285 Hydrurga leptonyx 371 Intellagama lesuerii 342 Arabian 248-49 Mongolian saiga 280 hyenas 192, 199 intelligence Ethiopian 178–83 mountain nyala 179 brown 401 African savanna elephant Scottish 140–45 muskox 26 spotted 198, 253, 401 203 Himalayan blue sheep 266 pronghorn 45 striped 248, 250, chimpanzee 210 Himalayan newt 254, 255 white rhinoceros 222 252–53 Japanese macaque 287 Himalayas 176, 246, 254 Yarkand gazelle 279 Hyla arborea 440 killer whale 137 Eastern Himalayas 266–71 see also antlers Hylobates lar 391 see also tool users Himantopus himantopus 417 horses 146, 282 Hylobates muelleri 298 invertebrates 448–55 Hindu Kush 269 Hylochoerus meinertzhageni 403 Iran 196 Hindu mythology 259 Camargue 147 Hymenopus coronatus 301 Ireland 133 Hippocampus bargibanti 350–51 Przewalski’s wild 278, hyraxes Irrawaddy dolphin 302 Hippocampus denise 350 rock 67, 253 Isabela islands 124 Hippoglossus hippoglossus 447 282–83 southern tree 382 Isabella tiger moth 25 hippopotamus 19, 186–87, 224 horseshoe crab 454 Hystrix africaeaustralis 231 islands pygmy 403 hot conditions Canadian Arctic 24 Hippopotamus amphibius 186–87 I Caribbean 76 Hippotragus niger 405 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 Europe 133 Hirundo neoxena 355 red kangaroo 331 Iberian ibex 153 Galapagos Islands 122–23 Hispaniolan solenodon 394 see also deserts Iberian imperial eagle 152–53 island arcs 247 hoary-headed grebe 412 hot desert 19, 60–61, 228–29, 248–49, Iberian lynx 154–55 Southern Ocean 364–65 hoatzin 91, 419 328–29 Iberian peninsula 133 Italy 10, 133 Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth 79 hot springs 34 ibex 178 ivory gull 24 hog badger 399 hog-nosed skunk, Humboldt’s 397 hourglass dolphin 372 Alpine 406 J hogs house centipede 454 Iberian 153 giant forest 403 house gecko, common 433 ibis, sacred 413 Jabiru mycteria 103 pygmy 255 house martin 146, 423 ice, Antarctic Peninsula 370 jabiru stork 103 red river 215 house mouse 386 icefish, blackfin 370–71 jacanas holy cross frog 439 house snake, brown 430 Iceland 132, 133, 161 Honduran white bat 79 house sparrow 424 Ichthyosaura alpestris 438 African 224 honey badger 224, 399 hovering, humming birds 88 Ictonyx striatus 399 wattled 417 honey bee, European 170–71 howler, Guatemalan black 389 Idaho 36 Jacana jacana 417 honey possum 335, 380 howling 37, 49 iguanas jackal, black-backed 396 honeycomb 171 Hudson Bay 29 green 80 jackrabbit, black-tailed 63 honeyeaters 335 humans marine 113, 122, 128–29 Jackson’s chameleon 432 regent 335 rhinoceros 433 Jaculus jaculus 386 yellow-faced 335 ancient 192, 208 smooth helmeted 432 jaguar 76, 87, 94–95, 107 hooded capuchin 102 ethnic groups 209 Yañez’s 113 jaguarundi 401 hooded pitohui 314 Humboldt’s hog-nosed skunk 397 impala 192, 197, 224 James flamingo 108 hooded seal 24 hummingbirds 78–79 imperial eagle, Iberian 152–53 Japan 247 hooved mammals 378, 402–07 imperial shag 369 Nihonkai montane forest 284–91 hooves booted racket-tail 88 incubation Japanese beech 284 Alpine chamois 159 ruby-throated 420 African jacana 224 Japanese cherry 284–5 Arabian oryx 250 humpback whale 345, 364, 407 blue-winged kookaburra 323 Japanese giant salamander 291 bighorn sheep 53 Japanese hornbean 284 humphead parrotfish, green 309 hunting anhinga 70, 71 Arctic fox 27 Bengal tiger 261 blue damselfly 359 bobcat 37 caracal 229 cheetah 196 chimpanzee 210 coyote 49
Japanese macaque 284, 286–87 knob-tailed gecko 328 Lemmus sibiricus 385 INDEX | 469 Japanese marten 288–89 koala 334, 338–39 Lemur catta 238–39 Japanese serow 285 Kobus ellipsiprymnus 405 lemurine night monkey 390 desert horned 433 Japanese weasel 285 Kobus leche 220–21 lemurs 236 Fabian’s 113 Japanese white-eye 284 Komodo dragon 434 frilled 320, 324–25 jarrah 320 kookaburras Berthe’s mouse 237 Gila monster 64–65 Javanese leaf insect 452 Betsileo sportive 389 golden tegu 105 jawfish 442 blue-winged 323 black 389 jeweled 157 jawless fish 444 laughing 334 black-and-white ruffed 239 lava 123 jaws kori bustard 416 Coquerel’s sifaka 241 Nile monitor 226–27 krait, yellow-lipped sea 430 fat-tailed dwarf 389 rainbow 432 Fabian’s lizard 113 Kras region, Slovenia 133 ring-tailed 238–39 rough-scaled plated 434 gharial 265 krill 364, 365, 371 Verreaux’s sifaka 240–41 sand 434 golden tegu 105 kudu 179 leopard gecko, common 433 thorny devil 332–3 great barracuda 308 greater 440 leopard seal 371 viviparous 434 jaguar 95 Kuhl’s flying gecko 434 leopard shark 444 lobelia, giant 178 wolverine 38 Kunsia tomentosus 385 leopard tortoise 226 Lobodon carcinophaga 396 Jeffrey pine 52 leopards 95, 193, 199, 214, 254 Loch’s chromodoris 302 jerboas L Arabian 248 lodgepole pine 34, 35, 52 lesser Egyptian 386 Indochinese clouded 254, 276 loggerhead turtle 428 long-eared 279 Lacerta agilis 434 snow 266, 268–9 Lombok 247 jeweled lizard 157 Lachesis muta 431 Leopardus pardalis 80–81 long-beaked echidna 315 jird, fat-tailed 385 Lagenorhynchus cruciger 372 Leopardus wiedii 401 long-eared bat, brown 393 Joshua tree 60 Lagidium peruanum 109 Lepidothryis fernandi 434 long-eared hedgehog 394 jumping rat, Malagasy giant 237 Lagopus muta 161 Lepilemur betsileo 389 long-eared jerboa 279 jumping spider, green 326–27 Lagorchestes conspicillatus 321 Leptailurus serval 401 long-nosed potoroo 335 jungle see rainforest Lagostomus maximus 387 Leptonychotes weddellii 396 long-tailed chinchilla 109, 387 junglefowl, red 411 Lagothrix cana 389 Leptophis ahaetulla 105 long-tailed planigale 328 juniper 52, 140, 146, 178, 248 lakes Lepus arcticus 383 long-whiskered owlet 84 Jutland 133 Lepus californicus 63 longicorn beetle, rosalia 158 Alps 159 Lepus europaeus 383 longwing, crimson 89 K Great Rift Valley 184–91 lesser Egyptian jerboa 386 Lophelia pertusa 134, 135 Lama guanicoe 403 lesser flamingo 184, 188–89 Lophius piscatorius 446 kakapo 354, 356 lammergeier 182–83 lesser mouse-tailed bat 392 lora 105 Kalahari Desert 218, 228–35 lamprey, sea 444 lesser short-tailed bat 355 lorikeet, rainbow 419 Kalahari springbok 230–31 Lamprolepis smaragdina 434 Letoptilus crumenifer 207 loris, Sunda slow 388 kangaroo rat 60 Lampropeltis getula 430 lice, parasitic 453 Louisiana black bear 55 kangaroos 320 Lampropeltis triangulum 430 lichens 24, 362, 370 lowland nyala 179 Lampropeltis zonata 59 lifespans lowland tapir 100, 403 Goodfellow’s tree 317 Lampropeltis zonata multicincta 59 African savanna elephant 203 Loxia scotica 143 red 330–31 langurs Andean condor 112 Loxodonta africana 202–03 western gray 381 Bengal gray 391 Atlantic puffin 139 Loxodonta cyclotis 382 kans grass 255 golden 267 bald eagle 43 Lucanus cervus 172–73 kapok 78 Terai sacred 259 blue damselfly 359 lungfish 219 Karoo rock sengi 381 lanternfish, prickly 446 common snapping turtle 72 Luscinia megarhynchos 424 karst landscapes 133, 236 lar gibbon 391 dugong 304 Lutra lutra 166–67 katsura 284 large flying fox 294 golden eagle 162 Lybia tessellata 309 kauri, giant 354, 355 large mountain grasshopper 163 Goliath birdeater 99 Lycaon pictus 224–25 Kazakhstan 282 large pocket gopher 384 jabiru stork 103 Lynx lynx 400 kea 354, 356 Larus argentatus 418 leopard tortoise 226 Lynx pardinus 154–55 keelback, Asian tiger 291 Laticauda colubrina 430 lesser flamingo 188 Lynx rufus 37 Kenya Latimeria chalumnae 445 ring-tailed lemur 239 lynxes black-capped social weaver 204–05 Latrodectus hasseltii 326 scarlet macaw 97 Eurasian 158, 164–65, 400 Grant’s zebra 200 laughing kookaburra 334 snow leopard 269 Iberian 154–55 Great Rift Valley lakes 184 lava cactus 122–3 walrus 32 lyrebirds 313 wildebeest 198 lava lizard 123 whale shark 306 Albert’s 334 Kenya, Mount 200 leaf-cutter ant 98 light, ultraviolet 26 Kerguelen Islands 364 leaf insects 452 lilac-breasted roller 207 M Kermode bear 55 leaf monkeys 259 limestone 133, 236 khulan 278–79 leaf-tailed geckoes limpkin 416 Macaca fuscata 286–87 killer whale 136–37, 306, 372 fantastic 13 Limpopo River 176 Macaca nigra 391 king cobra 207, 431 northern 433 Liolaemus fabiani 113 macaques king eider 137 least weasel 398 lion 193, 194–95, 199, 378 king ragworm 450 leatherback turtle 346, 428 lion’s mane jellyfish 450 Celebes crested 391 kingfishers leathery moonwort 165 Lithobates sylvatica 441 Japanese 284, 286–87 common 421 lechwe, red 220–21 Litocranius walleri 406 macaroni penguin 411 stork-billed 299 Leipoa ocellata 410 Litoria caerulea 326 macaws Kings Canyon National Park 52 leks little egret 152 green-winged 408 kingsnakes great bustard 283 little grebe 412 hyacinth 100–101 common 430 greater bird-of-paradise 319 little red flying fox 334 red-and-green 419 mountain 59 greater sage-grouse 50 little spotted kiwi 356 scarlet 13, 97 kit fox 61 Indian peafowl 271 liverworts 370 see also parrots kite, snail 415 kakapo 356 Livingstone’s turaco 192 Macleay’s spectre 343 kiwis 313, 354 red lechwe 221 lizards 432–5 Macrochelys temminckii 428 great spotted 410 western capercaillie 145 agama 427 Macroderma gigas 392 little spotted 356 lemmings 24, 27, 33 armadillo 234–5 Macropus fuliginosus 381 North Island brown 356 brown 385 Australian water dragon 342 Macropus parma 337 klipspringer, Ethiopian 179 Norway 134–5 common flying dragon 298–99 Macropus rufus 330–31
470 | INDEX Macrotis lagotis 332 mastigure, North African 432 midge, Antarctic 371 black colobus 20, 209 Madagascan dry forest 236–43 matamata 428 midwife toad 162 De Brazza’s 390 Magellan, Strait of 77 mating migration 16 emperor tamarin 92 magpie, Eurasian 422 gelada 178, 180–81 mahogany 66 American bison 47 American bison 47 golden langur 267 malacostracans 454 Arabian oryx 250 Arctic char 33 golden snub-nosed 273 Malagasy giant jumping rat 237 Bengal tiger 261 Arctic tern 24 gray woolly 389 Malawi, Lake 184, 185, 191 blue damselfly 359 Asia 246 hamadryas baboon 249 Malayan colugo 388 bobcat 37 birds 76, 152, 248, 312 hooded capuchin 102 Malaysian orchid mantis 301 Bornean orangutan 297 European bee-eater 150 Japanese macaque 286–87 malleefowl 410 common adder 145 Galapagos tortoise 127 leaf monkeys 259 Malurus coronatus 323 coyote 49 Grant’s zebra 200 lemurine night 390 mamba, black 207 dyeing poison frog 98 great bustard 283 mandrill 213 mammals 378–407 emerald tree boa 97 green sea turtle 346 Myanmar snub-nosed 391 emperor scorpion 216 harp seal 31 olive baboon 185 carnivores 395–402 European hedgehog 156 monarch butterfly 51 Patas 390 cetaceans 407 greater sage-grouse 50 mountain nyala 179 proboscis 294–95 egg-laying mammals 380 gray wolf 37 narwhal 30 pygmy marmoset 92 hoofed mammals 402–07 hippopotamus 187 reindeer 26 red howler 92–93 marsupials 380–81 Iberian lynx 154 Serengeti savannas 192 savanna baboon 180 see also individual species impala 197 snow goose 33 spiders 13 Japanese macaque 287 snowy owl 33 Terai sacred langur 259 man o’ war, Portuguese 352–53 leopard seal 372 turkey vulture 56 vervet 201 manatees meerkat 232 whale shark 306 Monodon monoceros 30–31 moose 39 wildebeest 198 monotremes 378, 380 Amazonian 382 red-eyed tree frog 82, 83 Mihoacán, Mexico 51 duck-billed platypus 336–37 West Indian 67 red fox 168 milk 24, 331, 336, 339 long-beaked echidna 315 mandarin duck 290 red howler monkey 93 milksnake 430 monsoon 246 mandarinfish 305 red kangaroo 331 milkweed 51 Montagu’s harrier 152 mandrill 213 ring-tailed lemur 239 miller moth 34 Montana 36 Mandrillus sphinx 213 scalloped hammerhead shark 349 millipedes 454 montane forests 11, 13 maned sloth 382 southern elephant seal 365 mimicry Ethiopian Highlands 178 maned wolf 118–19 whale shark 306 Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse 350 New Guinea 314–15 manes 181, 194–5 wildebeest 198 crimson longwing 89 Nihonkai 284–85 mangrove snake 426 maxillopods 454 gelada 180 montane grassland 14, 178 mangrove swamps 19 mayfly 452 Malaysian orchid mantis 301 montane moorland 178 Bornean rainforest 292 mountain kingsnake 59 moonrat 394 Costa Rican rainforest 78 Maylandia zebra 191 Mimus polyglottos 423 moonwort, leathery 165 Florida Everglades 66 mink, American 141, 398 moorland, montane 178 Manipur bush-quail 254 mbuna, zebra 191 minke whale 364 moose 38–39 Manis temminckii 395 Mediterranean forest 10, 13, 152–53 Mirounga leonina 365 Mops condylurus 393 Manis tricuspis 215 Mediterranean pond turtle 152 Missouri River 44 Mopsus mormon 326–27 Manta birostris 444 Mediterranean scrub 10 mites 24, 455 morpho, common 81 manta ray, giant 444 Mediterranean Sea 132 mockingbird, northern 423 Morpho peleides 81 mantella, green 441 Mojave Desert 16, 60–65 Morus bassanus 414 Mantella viridis 441 meerkat 228, 232–33 Mojave ground squirrel 60 Moschus chrysogaster 440 mantis, Malaysian orchid 301 Megaptera novaeangliae 407 Mojave rattlesnake 60, 64 mosquitoes 146 mantis shrimp, peacock 351 Melanosuchus niger 435 Mola mola 347 moss water bear 451 mara, Patagonian 117 Meleagris gallopavo 410 mole rats mosses 24, 362 Mara River 198 giant 179 Antarctic Peninsula 370 marabou stork 188 Meles meles 165 naked 387 haircap 165 margay 401 Mellivora capensis 399 moles 394–5 sphagnum 140–41 marine ecosystems see seas European 395 moths 453 marine iguana 113, 122, 128–29 Melursus ursinus 263 star-nosed 394 Atlas 300 markhor 406 molluscs 455 Hercules 300 marmosets Mephites mephites 54 moloch 325 Isabella tiger 25 Goeldi’s 390 Merian, Maria Sibylla 99 Moloch horridus 332–33 miller 34 pygmy 92 Moluccan babirusa 403 mullein 448 Marmota flaviventris 383 Merops apiaster 150–51 Momotus momota 421 pale tussock 170 Marmota marmota 160 Mesocricetus auratus 385 monarch butterfly 51 yucca 60 Marmota monax 383 mesquite scrub 44 Monfragüe National Park 152 see also butterflies marmots metabolism Mongolia 278–83 motmot, blue-crowned 421 Alpine 11, 160 Mongolian marmot 278 molting 31, 161 Mongolian 278 Berthe’s mouse lemur 237 Mongolian saiga 278, 280 mounds, termite 320 yellow-billed 383 polar bear 29 Mongolian wild ass 278–79 mountain ash gum 334 marsh deer 440 red panda 270 mongooses mountain chickadee 56 marsh frog 441 sloths 79 banded 400 mountain gazelle 248 marsupial mole, southern 329 Mexican axolotl 438 Indian gray 262–63 mountain kingsnake 59 marsupials 313, 314–15, 363, 378, 380–81 Mexican burrowing toad 439 meerkat 232–33 mountain lion 62 see also individual species Mexico 22 yellow 400 mountain nyala 178, 179 martens American black bear 55 Monistria pustulifera 333 mountain tapir 85 European pine 165 bald eagle 43 monitors mountains 11 Japanese 288–89 deserts 23 Nile 226–27 Alps 133, 158–59, 176 yellow-throated 272 monarch butterfly 51 savanna 435 Andes 76, 363 Martes martes 165 mountain kingsnake 59 monk saki 389 Arabian Highlands 248–49 Martes melampus 288–89 mice monkey orchid 84–85 Atlas Mountains 176 Martes pennanti 398 harvest 386 monkeys 78 Australia 313 Martes zibellina 398 house 386 Azura’s capuchin 77 martin, house 146, 423 sandy inland 328 black-capped squirrel 390 Masai giraffe 199 spinifex hopping 328, 386 white-footed 385 Microcebus berthae 237 Micromys minutus 386 Microtus arvalis 385 Micrurus lemniscatus 430 midday gerbil 278 Middle East 194, 281
Ethiopian Highlands 178–79 Andean cock-of-the-rock 89 giant anteater 116 INDEX | 471 Himalayas 176, 246, 266–67 anhinga 70 greater bilby 332 Scottish Highlands 140–41 Atlantic puffin 139 kit fox 61 ocean sunfish 347 Sierra Nevada 52–53 bald eagle 43 koala 339 Oceanites oceanicus 412 Upper Yangtze Forests 272–73 black-capped social weaver 204–05 leopard 214 oceans see seas mouse lemur, Berthe’s 237 booted racket-tail maned wolf 119 ocelot 80–81 mouse-tailed bat, lesser 392 humming bird 88 northern gray fox 67 Ochotona curzoniae 383 mousebird, speckled 421 Bornean orangutan 297 ocelot 80–81 Ochotona princeps 40 mouth brooders, zebra mbuna 191 chimpanzee 210 parma wallaby 337 Ocreatus underwoodii 88 mouths collared sunbird 216 red-eyed tree frog 82–83 octopus, blue-ringed 352, 455 Indochinese clouded leopard 276 crested berrypecker 317 red river hog 215 Odobenus rosmarus 32 lion 276 European bee-eater 150, 151 Siberian flying squirrel 285 Odocoileus hemionus 440 ribbontail stingray 304 European honey bee 171 silky anteater 86 Odocoileus virginianus 40 whale shark 306, 307 fat-tailed dunnart 329 spectacled hare wallaby 321 Odontodactylus scyllarus 351 see also jaws; teeth frilled lizard 325 striped hyena 252 Oenanthe oenanthe 424 mudpuppy 438 golden eagle 162 tiger quoll 341 oil, palm 293 mudskippers 442 great blue heron 71 Trueb’s cochran frog 89 okapi 208, 216 Atlantic 447 great crested grebe 157 western tarsier 294 Okapia johnstoni 216 mule deer 440 great frigatebird 124 Woma python 333 Okavango Delta 218–27 mullein moth 448 greater bird-of-paradise 319 noddy, black 344 Okavango River 176 Müller’s gibbon 298 greater rhea 121 North Africa 194, 281 Okeechobee, Lake 66 Mungos mungo 400 green jumping spider 326 North African mastigure 432 Oklahoma 44, 51 Muntiacus muntjak 258 gray crowned crane 189 North America 22–73 Old Faithful geyser 34 muntjac, red 258 imperial shag 369 Canadian Arctic 24–33 Olduvai Gorge 192 muriqui, southern 389 Indian peafowl 271 Central Great Plains 44–51 olive baboon 185 Murray-Darling Basin 313 jabiru stork 103 Florida Everglades 66–73 olive sea snake 345 Mus musculus 386 lesser flamingo 188 Mojave Desert 60–65 olm 133 Muscardinus avellanarius 384 lilac-breasted roller 207 Sierra Nevada 52–59 Ombu tree 115 musk deer, Alpine 440 mandarin duck 290 Yellowstone 34–43 Oncorhynchus nerka 446 muskox 24, 26 mute swan 148 North American porcupine 386 Ondatra zibethicus 385 muskrat 385 peregrine falcon 144 North Australia savannas 320–27 Onychoprion fuscatus 418 Mustela erminea 398 pied avocet 149 North Island brown kiwi 356 Ophiophagus hannah 431 Mustela nigripes 48 plumed whistling-duck 323 northern cardinal 425 Opisthocomus hoazin 419 Mustela nivalis 398 purple gallinule 71 northern chuckwalla 433 opossums 378 Mustela putorius 398 red-billed hornbill 206 northern fulmar 412 mute swan 148–49 resplendent quetzal 81 northern gannet 414 Virginia 380 Myanmar snub-nosed monkey 391 shoebill 190 northern goshawk 415 water 380 Mycteria americana 413 termites 218 northern gray fox 67 Orange River 176 Myctophum asperum 446 toco toucan 96 northern leaf-tailed gecko 433 orangutans 292 Mydaus marchei 397 see also dreys northern mockingbird 423 Bornean 296–97 mygalomorph 343 New Guinea 300, 313, 323, 325–26, 341 northern pike 446 Sumatran 297, 391 Myliobatis aquila 445 northern pudu 85 orbweaver, golden silk 73 mynah, common 423 montane forest 314–19 northern quoll 320–21 orca 136–37, 306 Myocastor coypus 387 New South Wales 337 northern raccoon 68–69 see also killer whale Myotis daubentonii 393 New Zealand 313 northern viscacha 109 orchid mantis, Malaysian 301 Myrmecobius fasciatus 380 northern wheatear 424 orchids 78, 84–5, 292 Myrmecophaga tridactyla 116–17 mixed forests 354–59 Northwest Passage 25 Orcinus orca 136–37 myrrh 178 New Zealand Alps 313 Norway lemming 134–5 Orectolobus maculatus 444 Mystacina tuberculata 355 New Zealand pigeon 354 Norway spruce 140 Oreotragus saltatrixoides 179 Newfoundland 25 Norwegian fjords 132, 134–39 oriental fire-bellied toad 439 N newts Norwegian wolf spider 164 oriole 51 Notaden bennettii 439 ornate box turtle 44 Naivasha, Lake 184 Alpine 438 Notomys alexis 386 Ornithorhynchus anatinus 336–37 Naja naja 264 eastern 438 Notophthalmus viridescens 438 oropendola, crested 425 Naja nivea 234 Notoryctes typhlops 329 Orthogeomys grandis 384 naked mole rat 387 great crested 170 Nullarbor Plain 312 Orycteropus afer 229, 381 Nakuru, Lake 184 Himalayan 254, 255 numbat 380 Oryctolagus cuniculus 383 Namib Desert 177 smooth 436 Numenius arquata 417 oryx, Arabian 250–51 Namibia 194 Niger, River 176 Numida meleagris 206 Oryx gazella 405 narwhal 29, 30–31 nightingale 424 nutcracker, Clark’s 34 Oryx leucoryx 250–51 Nasalis larvatus 294–95 nightjar, European 420 nuthatch, Eurasian 423 osprey 414 Nasua nasua 86 nightshade, spiny 44 nyalas osteoderms, Yacare caiman 107 Natrix natrix 430 lowland 179 Osteolaemus tetraspis 435 Natron, Lake 184 Nihonkai montane forest 284–91 mountain 178, 179 ostrich 228, 234, 322 nautilus 449 Nyasa, Lake 184 Otaria byronia 397 Necturus maculosus 438 Nile crocodile 190–91, 198 Nyctalus noctula 393 otarids 123 Neofelis nebulosa 276 Nyctea scandiaca 33 Otis tarda 283 Neomys fodiens 394 Nile monitor 226–27 Nyctereutes procyonoides 289 Otocyon megalotis 396 Neophron percnopterus 415 Nile perch 184 Nycticebus coucang 388 Otolemur crassicaudatus 388 Neovison vison 398 nilgai 405 Nymphargus truebae 89 otters Nepal 254, 255 El Niño 122, 123, 124, 129 nymphs, blue damselfly 359 African clawless 184, 399 Nephila clavipes 73 Noctilio leporinus 393 Asian small-clawed 400 Nestor notabilis 356 noctule, common 393 O Eurasian 166–67 nests 15 nocturnal animals giant 102–03 oak trees 52, 66, 266 sea 43, 399 African jacana 224 aardvark 229 cork 153 spotted necked 184 African skimmer 226 Auckland tree weta 358 Ouroborus cataphractus aye-aye 241 oases, Okavango Delta 218–19 234–35 Bengal tiger 261 Ovibos moschatus 26 Berthe’s mouse lemur 237 Ovis canadensis 53 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 desert blond tarantula 65 duck-billed platypus 336 emperor scorpion 216 European hedgehog 156 fat-tailed dunnart 329
472 | INDEX Paradoxurus hermaphroditus 400 Phalacrocorax carbo 413 killer whale 137 Paraguay River 100, 101 Phalanger orientalis 380 see also schools owlet, long-whiskered 84 Paramythia montium 317 phalarope, red 24 Poecile gambeli 56 owls 408 Parana River 77 Pharomachrus mocinno 81 poisons parasitic lice 453 Phascolarctos cinereous 338–39 Asian tiger keelback 291 barn 420 parma wallaby 337 pheasant, golden 277 black mamba 207 boreal 164 Parnassius apollo 163 pheromones 232 blue poison dart frog 436 burrowing 121 parrot crossbill 143 Philippines, Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302–09 Cape cobra 234 eagle 58, 152, 164 parrot snake, giant 105 Phoca vitulina 396 common adder 145 great gray 58 parrotfish, green humphead 309 Phocoena phocoena 135 desert blond tarantula 65 great horned 58, 420 parrots Phoebastria irrorata 125 duck-billed platypus 336 Pel’s fishing 219 Phoenicoparrus jamesi 413 emperor scorpion 216 snowy 33 budgerigars 328–29 Phoenicopterus minor 188–89 ensatina 59 spectacled 86, 420 gray 419 Phoenicopterus roseus 149 Gila monster 64 eurasian eagle 11 kakapo 354, 356 Phrynosoma platyrhinos 433 great barracuda 308 oxpecker 219 kea 356 Physalia physalis 352–53 greater blue-ringed oystercatcher, Eurasian 417 scarlet macaw 97 Physeter macrocephalus 407 octopus 352 parsley frog 439 Physignathus cocincinus 432 hooded pitohui 314 P partridges phytoplankton 306 Indian cobra 264 Arabian 253 Pica pica 422 Mojave rattlesnake 64 Pac-Man frog 121 Chinese bamboo 272 pickleweed 60 monarch butterfly 51 Pachypodiums 236 Passer domesticus 424 Picus viridis 422 Portuguese man o’war 352 Pachyuromys duprasi 385 Passerina ciris 425 pied avocet 149 redback spider 326 Pacific Flyway 76 passerines 422–25 pigeons ribbontail stingray 304 Pacific Ocean 22, 25, 77, 334, 354 Patagonia 76 Sydney funnelweb spider 343 Patagonian mara 117 common wood 418 tomato frog 243 El Niño 122, 123 Patas monkey 390 New Zealand 354 Poland 47 Galapagos Islands 122–23 Pavo cristatus 271 southern crowned 418 polar bear 17, 24, 25, 27, 28–29, 31 Pacific Ring of Fire 246 paws see feet pigs 187 polar cod 30 packs peacock mantis shrimp 351 common warthog 230 polar regions 17, 24–25, 370–71 African wild dog 224 peafowl, Indian 271 pygmy hog 255 polecat, European 398 coyote 49 pearlwort, Antarctic 362, 370 red river hog 215 Poliocephalus poliocephalus 412 dhole 277 Peary caribou 26 wild boar 164, 169, 261 polynyas 24 Ethiopian wolf 182 peat swamps 292 pikas polyps, Portuguese man o’ war 352 gray wolf 37 Pecari tajacu 403 American 40, 52 Pomacanthus imperator 447 Pagophilus groenlandicus 31 peccaries black-lipped 383 pond cypress 66–67 painted bunting 425 collared 403 pike, northern 446 pond turtles painted firetail 328 white-lipped 101 pilchard 177 European 428 pale tussock 170 Pedetes capensis 387 pilot whale, short-finned 407 Mediterranean 152 pallid bat 393 peeper, spring 440 pine marten, European 165 Ponderosa pine 52 palm civet, common 400 Pelargopsis capensis 299 pine trees 13, 34, 35, 52, 140, 334, 354 Pongo abelii 297, 391 palm oil 293 Pelecanus crispus 414 pink river dolphin 76, 91 Pongo pygmaeus 296–97 pampas, Argentine 77, 114–21 Pelecanus occidentalis 414 pintail, South Georgia 364 poppies 60–61 pampas deer 114 Pelecanus onocrotalus 189 Pipa pipa 439 porcelain fungus 164 pampas grass 114–15 pelicans 125 pipe snake, South American 429 porcupines Pan paniscus 210, 392 brown 414 Pipilo maculatus 425 Cape 231 Pan troglodytes 210–11 Dalmatian 414 pipistrelle, common 393 North American 386 pandas great white 189 Pipistrellus pipistrellus 393 Porphyrio martinica 71 giant 272, 274–75, 379 Pelobates fuscus 439 Piranga olivacea 425 porpoise, harbor 135 red 270, 272 Pelodytes punctatus 439 piranha 107 Portugal, Tagus Valley Pandinus imperator 216–17 Pelomedusa subrufa 428 pit vipers 64 Pandion haliaetus 414 Pelophylax ridibundus 441 pitcher plants 292 152–57 pangolins 395 Pel’s fishing owl 219 Pithecia monachus 389 Portuguese man o’war common 215 penguins 370, 371 pitohui, hooded 314 ground 395 Adelie 372 plains zebra 402 352–53 Sunda 293 chinstrap 411 planigale, long-tailed 328 possums Pantanal 76, 100–107 emperor 370, 374–75 plankton 306, 364, 365 panther chameleon 242–43 Galapagos 124 plantations, palm oil 293 brushtail 354 Panthera leo 194–95 macaroni 411 plants see ecosystems; forests; rainforests honey 335, 380 Panthera onca 94–95 rockhopper 368–69 Platalea ajaja 104 pygmy 335 Panthera pardus 214 peninsulas, Europe 133 Platalea alba 413 postman, common 89 Panthera tigris altaica 261 Perameles gunnii 380 plate-tailed gecko 283 Potamochoerus larvatus 403 Panthera tigris sumatra 261 perch, Nile 184 plated lizard, rough-scaled 434 Potamochoerus porcus 215 Panthera tigris tigris 260–61 peregrine falcon 144 platypus, duck-billed 334, 336–37 potoroo, long-nosed 335 Panthera uncia 268–69 Periophthalmus barbarus 447 Plecotus auritus 393 potto, West African 388 Pantherophis guttatus 429 permafrost 24 ploughshare tortoise 236 prairie chicken, greater 44–45 panthers 95 Perodicticus potto 388 plover, common ringed 417 prairie dogs 44, 49, 61, 121 Florida 66 Peromyscus leucopus 385 plumage see feathers black-tailed 48 pantropical spotted dolphin 407 Peru 89, 125 plumed whistling-duck 323 prairies 14, 114 Papilio maackii 291 pesticides 51, 144 poaching Central Great Plains 44–45 Papio anubis 185 Petaurus breviceps 316–17 African savanna elephant 203 Florida Everglades 66 Papio hamadryas 249 petrels 364 Arabian oryx 250 North America 22 Papio ursinus 391 snow 370 Asian elephant 259 pratincole, Australian 417 Papua New Guinea 314 Wilson’s storm 412 Indian rhinoceros 256 pregnancy see gestation papyrus 218 Petromyzon marinus 444 white rhinoceros 222 prickly lanternfish 446 Para rubber tree 90 Phacochoerus africanus 230 Podargus strigoides 420 prides, lions 194 Paradisaea apoda 318–19 Phaethon aethereus 414 Podiceps cristatus 157 primates 388–92 Paradisaea raggiana 319 Phalacrocorax atriceps 369 pods Prince Edward Island 364 paradoxical frog 440 Prince Ruspoli’s turaco 178 prinia, gray-crowned 254 Priodontes maximus 382
INDEX | 473 Prionailurus viverrinus 401 quolls 314, 325 Red Sea 248 rock wallaby, black-footed 328 Pristis pectinata 445 eastern 380 red spotted toad 60–61 rockhopper penguin 368–69 proboscis bat 392 northern 320–21 red swamp crayfish, American 146, 184 Rocky Mountain wolf 37 proboscis monkey 294–95 tiger 341 red-throated diver 412 Rocky Mountains 34, 44, 47, 51, 60, 72 Procavia capensis 253 red wolf 396 rodents 378, 383–87 Procyon cancrivorus 398 R redback spider 326 Procyon lotor 68–69 redstart, common 177 Cape porcupine 231 pronghorn 44, 45 rabbit 146–7, 154, 321, 335, 383 redwood, dawn 272 capybara 101 Propithecus coquereli 241 rabbit-eared bandicoot 332 reef shark, blacktip 444 Eurasian red squirrel 142 Propithecus verreauxi 240–41 raccoon dog 284, 289 reefs see coral reefs northern viscacha 109 Proteles cristata 402 raccoons 59 regent honeyeater 335 Rodrigues flying fox 392 Przewalski’s wild horse 278, 282–83 reindeer 26, 38 roe deer 164 Przewalski’s wonder gecko 283 crab-eating 398 Rena dulcis 431 western 153 Psarocolius decumanus 425 northern 68–69 reproduction Rollandia microptera 111 Pseudacris crucifer 440 South American coati 86 rollers Pseudalopex culpaeus 109 raggiana bird-of-paradise 319 amphibians 436 Abyssinian 207 Pseudis paradoxa 440 ragworm, king 450 birds 408 lilac-breasted 207 Pseudonigrita cabanisi 204–05 rainbow boa 429 fish 442 rookeries Psittacus erithacus 419 rainbow lizard 432 invertebrates 448 emperor penguin 375 ptarmigan 161 rainbow lorikeet 419 mammals 378 see also colonies Pterocles coronatus 419 rainfall see ecosystems reptiles 426 roosts 15 Pteroglossus castanotis 422 rainforests 13 see also captive breeding; courtship; Andean condor 112 Pteromys volans 285 Amazon 76, 90–91 eggs; gestation; mating Honduran white bat 79 Pteronura brasiliensis 102–03 Bornean 292–93 reptiles 426–35 large flying fox 294 Pteropus rodricensis 392 Congo Basin 208–09 amphisbaenians 435 vampire bat 115 Pteropus vampyrus 294 Costa Rican 76, 78–79 caecilians 439 rosalia longicorn beetle 158 Ptychozoon kuhli 434 Gondwana 313 crocodiles and alligators 435 roseate spoonbill 104 Pudu puda 440 Ramphastos toco 96–97 frogs and toads 439–41 Ross Sea ice shelf 362 pudus Ramsar convention 146 lizards 432–35 Rostrhamus sociabilis 415 Rana catesbeiana 441 newts and salamanders 438 Rothschild’s birdwing 315 northern 85 Rana sierrae 59 snakes 429–31 Rothschild’s slipper orchid 292 southern 440 Rana temporaria 440 tortoises and turtles 428 rotifers 450 puff adder 431 Rangifer tarandus 26 see also individual species rough-scaled plated lizard 434 pufferfish, freshwater 209 Rangifer tarandus pearyi 26 resplendent quetzal 81 roundworms 450 puffin, Atlantic 138–39 ratfish, spotted 445 Reunion Island 242–3 rousette, Egyptian 392 Pulsatrix perspicillata 420 rats Rhabdophis tigrinus 291 Rousettus aegyptiacus 392 puma 62, 66, 69, 87 black 386 Rhacophorus nigropalmatus 300 rowan trees 140 Puma concolor 62 brown 386 Rhea americana 121 rubber trees 90 Puma yagouaroundi 401 Chinese bamboo 385 Rhea pennata 410 ruby-throated hummingbird 420 puna flamingo 413 giant South American water 385 rheas 120, 322 rufous sengi 182 purple-crowned fairy wren 323 kangaroo 60 Darwin’s 410 Rupicapra rupicapra 159 purple gallinule 71 Malagasy giant jumping 237 greater 121 Rupicola peruvianus 89 purple heron 152 rock rat 312 Rhincodon typhus 306–07 Ruppels fox 395 Pusa sibirica 396 rattlesnakes Rhinella marina 440 Russia 261 pygmy chimpanzee 208, 210 Mojave 60, 64 rhinoceros Russian desman 394 pygmy hippopotamus 403 western diamondback 64 black 193, 222, 223 rut pygmy hog 255 Rattus norvegicus 386 Indian 254, 255, 256–57 impala 197 pygmy marmoset 92 Rattus rattus 386 Sumatran 403 moose 39 pygmy possum 335 Ratufa indica 384 white 222–23, 256 red muntjac 258 pygmy seahorses 345 rays 344 rhinoceros hornbill, great 293 western red deer 141 Bargibant’s 350–51 common eagle 445 rhinoceros iguana 433 western roe deer 153 Denise’s 350 giant manta 444 Rhinoceros unicornis 256–57 Rynchops flavirostris 226 Pygoscelis adeliae 372 ribbontail stingray 304 Rhinoderma darwinii 440 Pygoscelis antarctica 411 Recurvirostra avosetta 149 Rhinolophus hipposideros 392 S pyrgomorph, arid painted 333 red-and-green macaw 419 Rhinophrynus dorsalis 439 Pyrrhocorax graculus 161 red-bellied titi 390 Rhinopithecus roxellana 273 sable 398 Python bivittatus 429 red-billed hornbill 206 Rhinopithecus strykeri 391 sable antelope, southern 405 pythons 426 red-billed quelea 225 Rhizomys sinensis 385 sacred baboon 249 Burmese 67, 429 red-billed tropicbird 414 rhododendrons 266–67 sacred ibis 413 Woma 333 red deer, western 141 Rhône Delta 146–47 sacred langur, Terai 259 red dog, Asian 277 Rhynchonycteris naso 392 saddleback tamarin 92 Q red-eyed tree frog 82–83 ribbon worms 451 sage-grouse, greater 50 red fir 52 ribbontail stingray 304 Sagittarius serpentarius 206 Qinling Mountains 272 red flying fox 334 rice cultivation 255 saguaro cactus 17 quail, common 410 red-footed tortoise 428 right whale 364 Saguinus imperator 92 quaking aspen 35 red fox 119, 163, 168, 321, 337 southern 407 Saguinus oedipus 390 queens 98, 171 red howler monkey 92–93 rimu 354 Sahara Desert 17, 176 Queensland 334 red junglefowl 411 ring-tailed lemur 238–39 Sahel 176, 177 quelea, red-billed 225 red kangaroo 330–31 ringed caecilian 439 saiga, Mongolian 278, 280 Quelea quelea 225 red lechwe 220–21 ringed plover, common 417 Saiga mongolica 280 quetzal, resplendent 81 red-legged seriema 120 ringtail 398 Saimiri boliviensis 390 quills, Cape porcupine 231 red muntjac 258 river dolphin, pink 91 saki, monk 389 quillwort 164 red oat grass 192 river eagle 43 salamanders quinoa 108–9 red panda 270, 272 “river wolf” 102 quokka 381 red phalarope 24 roadrunner, greater 63 cave 133 red river hog 215 rock dove 418 Chinese giant 291 rock hyrax 67, 253 eastern tiger 438 rock rat 312 ensatina 59 fire 438
474 | INDEX greater siren 438 snow leopard 269 setts, European badger 165 sloth bear 263 hellbender 438 sugar glider 316 Seychelles 12 sloths 78 Japanese giant 291 Verreaux’s sifaka 240 Shaanxi province 272 mudpuppy 438 white-lipped peccary 101 shag, imperial 369 Hoffmann’s two-toed 79 Salamandra salamandra 438 schools Shark Bay 312 maned 382 Salar de Atacama 113 great barracuda 308 sharks 344 Slovenia 133 Salar de Uyuni 108 hourglass dolphin 372 slow worm 434 Sally Lightfoot crab 122 scalloped hammerhead shark 348, 349 blacktip reef 444 small-clawed otter, Asian 400 Salmo salar 137 spinner dolphin 303 bull 66 smalltooth sawfish 445 salmon whale shark 306 great white 444 smell, sense of Atlantic 137 Sciurus carolinensis 384 hammerhead 304 aardvark 229 Chinook 52–53 Sciurus vulgaris 142 leopard 444 American black bear 55 salt 108, 113, 209 Scopus umbretta 413 scalloped hammerhead 348–49 Arabian oryx 250 Saltuarius cornutus 433 scorpions 454 smooth hammerhead 444 giant anteater 116 saltwater crocodile 191, 435 emperor 216–17 whale 306–07 polar bear 29 Salvelinus alpinus 33 striped 50 zebra 444 raccoon dog 289 sambar 261 Scotland 140–45 sheep rufous sengi 182 San Andreas fault 22 Scots pine 140 Barbary 406 scalloped hammerhead sand cat 401 Scottish crossbill 143 bighorn 53 shark 349 sand eel 138, 139 Scottish Highlands 140–45 Himalayan blue 266 turkey vulture 56 sand lizard 434 scrub 15 shells wandering albatross 366 sandgrouse, crowned 419 Scutisorex somereni 394 common snapping turtle 72 Sminthopsis crassicaudata 329 sandhill crane 416 sea anemones 309, 351 Galapagos tortoise 127 smooth hammerhead 444 sandpiper, spotted 418 sea cow 67, 304–05 giant clam 352 smooth helmeted iguana 432 sandy inland mouse 328 sea krait, yellow-lipped 430 green sea turtle 346 smooth newt 436 Sapajus cay 102 sea lamprey 444 leopard tortoise 226 snail kite 415 sapsucker, yellow-bellied 422 sea lavender 146 shoebill 190 snails 455 Sarcophilus harrisii 340–41 sea lions short-beaked dolphin, common 407 amber 354–55 sardine 177, 302 California 397 short-beaked echidna 334, 380 apple 107 sarus crane 263 Galapagos 123 short-finned pilot whale 407 Badwater 60 satyr tragopan 267 South American 397 short-tailed bat, lesser 355 snake-necked turtle, Sauromalus ater 433 sea otter 43, 399 shrews 394 common 428 savanna baboon 180 sea slugs, Loch’s chromodoris 302 armored 394 “snakebird” 70 savanna monitor 435 sea snakes 345 bicoloured white-toothed 394 snakehead moth 300 savannas turtle-headed 347 Eurasian 394 snakes 429–31 Africa 176 sea spiders 454 Eurasian water 394 Arabian cat snake 248–49 Arabian Highlands 248 sea squirt 455 shrimp, peacock mantis 351 Asian tiger keelback 291 Kalahari Desert 228 sea turtles 302, 426 shrub frog 292 black-headed bullmaster North Australia savannas 320–27 sea urchins 455 Siberia 33, 246, 261 viper 79 Serengeti savannas 192–207 seagrass 303 Siberian flying squirrel 285 black mamba 207 Sierra Nevada 52 seahorses Sichuan Basin 272 Burmese python 67 Terai-Duar 254–55 Bargibant’s pygmy 350–51 sidewinder 431 Cape cobra 234 sawfish, smalltooth 445 Denise’s pygmy 350 Sierra Mountain kingsnake 59 common adder 145 sawflies 453 seals 24, 27, 29, 370 Sierra Nevada 52–59 common garter snake 50 sawgrass prairies 66 Baikal 396 sifakas emerald tree boa 97 saxaul 278 brown fur 397 Coquerel’s 241 giant parrot snake 105 scales common 396 Verreaux’s 240–41 green anaconda 105 armadillo lizard 235 crabeater 364–65, 396 sika deer 284 Indian cobra 264 Australian water dragon 342 eared 123 Sikkim 266 king cobra 207 common pangolin 215 fur 364 Silhouette Island 12 mangrove snake 426 Fabian’s lizard 113 gray 135 silky anteater 86 Mojave rattlesnake 60, 64 Gila monster 64 harp 31 silverfish 452 mountain kingsnake 59 scalloped hammerhead shark 348–49 hooded 24 Siphonops annulatus 439 olive sea snake 345 Scandinavia 133 leopard 371 siren, greater 438 sea snakes 345 Norwegian fjords 132, southern elephant 365 Siren lacertina 438 turtle-headed sea snake 347 Weddell 370, 396 sitatunga 208 western diamondback rattlesnake 64 134–39 seas sitka spruce 140 Woma python 333 polynyas 24 Sitta europaea 423 snapper, blue-striped 443 Scaphiopus couchii 64 Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302–09 six-banded armadillo 117 snapping turtles scarab beetle 100 secretary bird 206 skimmer, African 226 alligator 428 scarlet macaw 97 sedges 24 skin common 72 scarlet tanager 425 segmented worms 450 Indian rhinoceros 256 snow 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 286, 287, 362 scavengers sei whale 364 mandarinfish 305 snow goose 33 Semien Mountains 178 Trueb’s cochran frog 89 snow leopard 266, 268–69 lammergeier 183 Semnopithecus entellus 391 Wallace’s flying frog 300 snow petrel 370 northern raccoon 69 Semnopithecus hector 259 skinks snowy owl 33 red fox 168 sengis African fire 434 snub-nosed monkeys striped hyena 252 Karoo rock 381 blue-tongued 434 golden 273 Tasmanian devil 340 rufous 182 emerald tree 434 Myanmar 391 turkey vulture 56–57 sequoia 52, 53 eyed 434 sociable weaver 228–29 scent glands Sequoia National Park 52 skipjack tuna 303 social groups striped skunk 54 Serengeti savannas 192–207 skua 370 armadillo lizard 235 yellow-legged frog 59 seriema, red-legged 120 skunks Asian elephant 259 scent marking serow, Japanese 285 Eastern spotted 397 Barrier Reef anemonefish 351 American pika 40 serval 401 Humboldt’s hog-nosed 397 blue whale 372 giant otter 102 Setifer setosus 241 striped 54 cheetah 196 Japanese marten 289 Setonix brachyurus 381 skylark, Eurasian 423 coati 86 Japanese serow 285 sleep 287, 339 common warthog 230 koala 339 slipper orchid, Rothschild’s 292 red muntjac 258 six-banded armadillo 117
INDEX | 475 giant otter 102 green sea turtle 346 stag beetle 172–73 swift fox 45 mandrill 213 gray wolf 37 star-nosed mole 394 swifts meerkat 232 hippopotamus 187 star tortoise, Indian 428 narwhal 30 Kalahari springbok 230 starfish 448, 455 Alpine 146 Nile crocodile 191 lion 194 common 184, 421 proboscis monkey 295 Nile crocodile 191 crown-of-thorns 344 swimming pygmy marmoset 92 northern raccoon 69 starling, European 423 Eurasian otter 167 South American coati 86 ostrich 234 Stauroderus scalaris 163 Galapagos sea lion 123 Verreaux’s sifaka 240 Patagonian mara 117 Stegostoma fasciatum 444 great barracuda 308 vicuña 110 peregrine falcon 144 Steller’s sea eagle 43 grizzly bear 36 western gorilla 212 pronghorn 45 Stenella attenuata 407 hourglass dolphin 372 white rhinoceros 223 red kangaroo 331 Stenella longirostris 303 Indian rhinoceros 256 see also colonies; flocks; harems; herds; red-legged seriema 120 steppes 14, 114 jaguar 95 prides; schools reindeer 26 Sterna vittata 369 leopard seal 372 soda lakes, Great Rift Valley 184 rufous sengi 182 stick insects 452 marine iguana 129 Solanum rostratum 44 wildebeest 198 northern raccoon 69 solenodon, Hispaniolan 394 Speothos venaticus 395 giant prickly 343 polar bear 28 Solenodon paradoxus 394 sperm whale 364, 407 Stigmochelys pardalis 226 proboscis monkey 295 sphagnum moss 140–41 stilt, black-winged 417 reindeer 26 Somateria spectabilis 137 Spheniscus mendiculus 124 Stiltia isabella 417 six-banded armadillo 117 song thrush 424 stingray, ribbontail 304 West Indian manatee 67 Sonoran Desert 60 Sphenodon punctatus 358–59 stink badger, Palawan 397 Sydney funnelweb spider 343 sooty tern 418 stoat 40, 398 Sylvicapra grimmia 405 Sorex araneus 394 Sphyraena barracuda 308–09 stonefish 447 Sylvilagus floridanus 383 South Africa 176, 177, 225 Sphyrapicus varius 422 stoop 144 Synanceia verrucosa 447 South America see Central and South Sphyrna lewini 348–49 stork-billed kingfisher 299 Syncerus caffer 220 Sphyrna zygaena 444 storks Synchiropus splendidus 305 America spider ant 343 South American bullfrog 440 spiders 455 jabiru 103 T South American bushmaster 431 marabou 188 desert blond tarantula 65 white 193 Tachybaptus ruficollis 412 South American coati 86 giant huntsman 99 wood 413 Tachyglossus aculeatus 380 South American coral snake 430 golden orb 455 storm petrel, Wilson’s 412 tadpoles South American pipe snake 429 golden silk orbweaver 73 stove-pipe sponge 450 South American sea lion 397 Goliath birdeater 99 stratified grazing 193 Couch’s spadefoot 64 South Georgia 364 green jumping 326–27 Strigops habroptila 356 dyeing poison frog 98 South Georgia pintail 364 Norwegian wolf 164 stripe-winged grasshopper 452 green tree frog 326 southern caracara 416 redback 326 striped hyena 248, 250, 252–53 Trueb’s cochran frog 89 southern cassowary 410 sea 454 striped scorpion 50 Wallace’s flying frog 300 southern copperhead 431 Sydney funnelweb 343 striped skunk 54 yellow-legged frog 59 southern crowned pigeon 418 Spilocuscus maculatus 315 Strix nebulosa 58 Taeniopygia guttata 424 Spilogale putorius 397 stromatolites 312 Taeniura lymma 304 southern elephant seal 365 spines 156, 231, 241 Struthio camelis 234 Tagus Valley 152–57 southern gerenuk 406 spinifex 328, 329 sturgeon, European 445 Tahoe, Lake 52 spinifex hopping mouse 328, 386 Sturnus vulgaris 423 tailed frog 441 southern marsupial mole 329 spinner dolphin 303 sugar glider 316–17, 335 takin, Bhutan 267 southern muriqui 389 spiny babbler 254 sugarcane 255 Talpa europaea 395 Southern Ocean 16, 362 spiny nightshade 44 Sula nebouxii 125 Tamandua tetradactyla 382 sponges 450 Sulawesi 247 tamarins Southern Ocean islands 364–69 spoonbills roseate 104 Sulawesi coelacanth 302–03 cotton-top 390 Southern Ocean winds 362 spoonworms 451 sulphur-crested cockatoo 341 emperor 92 spotted cuscus, common 315 Sulu-Sulawesi Seas 302–09 saddleback 92 roaring forties 362 spotted dolphin, pantropical 407 Sumatran orangutan 297, 391 Tamias alpinus 56 furious fifties 362 spotted hyena 198, 253, 401 Sumatran rhinoceros 403 Tamias striatus 383 screaming sixties 362 spotted kiwi, great 410 Sumatran tiger 261 tanager, scarlet 425 southern pudu 440 spotted-necked otter 184 sun bear 292 Tanami Desert 328–33 southern right whale 407 spotted ratfish 445 sunbeam snake 429 Tanganyika, Lake 184–5 southern sable antelope 405 spotted sandpiper 418 sunbird, collared 216 Tanzania 184, 198, 204–5, 210 southern tree hyrax 382 spotted skunk, Eastern 397 Sunda pangolin 293 tapirs southern yellow-billed hornbill 421 spotted toad, red 60–61 Sunda slow loris 388 lowland 100, 403 spotted towhee 425 sunfish, ocean 347 mountain 85 spadefoot, Couch’s 64 spotted wobbegong 444 supervolcano 35 Tapirus pinchaque 85 spadefoot toad, common 439 spring peeper 440 Suricata suricatta 232–33 Tapirus terrestris 403 springboks Surinam toad 439 tarantula hawk wasp 448 Spain, Tagus Valley 152–57 common 230 Sus scrofa 169 tarantulas sparrow, house 424 Kalahari 230–31 swallows 146, 184 desert blond tarantula 65 speckled dasyure 314–15 springhare 387 welcome 355 Goliath birdeater 99 speckled mousebird 421 springtails 24, 452 swallowtail butterflies 315 tarsier, western 294 speckled worm lizard 435 spruce trees 140 Alpine black 291 Tarsipes rostratus 380 squid 30 Apollo 163 Tasmania 313, 334, 336–37, 340–41 spectacled bear 87 squirrel glider 335 swamp crayfish, American red 146, 184 Tasmanian devil 314, 334, 337, 340–41 spectacled caiman 107 squirrel monkey, black-capped 390 swamp deer 254 tawny frogmouth 420 spectacled cobra 264 squirrels swamps Taxidea taxus 399 Douglas 53 Florida Everglades 66–67 Tayassu pecari 101 spectacled hare wallaby 321 eastern gray 384 Okavango Delta 218–19 teal, common 411 spectacled owl 86, 420 Eurasian red 142 Pantanal 100–101 tectonic plates, island arcs 247 speed gray 12 peat 292 teeth Indian giant 384 swans African savanna elephant 203 Alpine chamois 159 Siberian flying 285 black 411 American alligator 72 see also ground squirrels mute 148–49 American bison 46, 47 Atlantic puffin 139 black mamba 207 caracal 229 cheetah 196, 197 common warthog 230 emu 322 frilled lizard 324 giraffe 199 Grant’s zebra 200
476 | INDEX American alligator 72 leopard 214 tool users tropical dry forest 13, 236–37 American beaver 41 lilac-breasted roller 207 chimpanzee 210 tropical grasslands 15, 192–93, 254–55, aye-aye 241 maned wolf 119 hooded capuchin 102 common wombat 337 meerkat 232 woodpecker finch 125 320–21 dhole 277 polar bear 29 see also intelligence tropical rainforests 13, 80–81, 86–87, egg teeth 58 red lechwe 220, 221 gharial 264 secretary bird 206 topaz, crimson 421 90–91, 208–09, 292–93, 314–15 great barracuda 308 six-banded armadillo 117 Topaza pella 421 tropical moist forest 13 hamadryas baboon 249 snow leopard 269 tornadoes 23 hippopotamus 187 stag beetle 172 torpor see also rainforest Indian gray mongoose 262 stork-billed kingfisher 299 tropical two-wing flying fish 446 Indochinese clouded leopard 276 sugar glider 316 Berthe’s mouse lemur 237 tropicbird, red-billed 414 koala 339 Verreaux’s sifaka 240 fat-tailed dunnart 329 trout, cut-throat 35 leopard 214 vicuña 110 sugar glider 316 Trueb’s cochran frog 89 leopard seal 372 white rhinoceros 223 tuatara 358 tuatara 358–59 mandrill 213 wildcat 143 see also hibernation tucuxi 91 Nile crocodile 190, 191 Tetrao urogallus 145 tortoises 183 tuna Nile monitor 226 Texas 47, 51, 257 desert 60 ocean sunfish 347 Texas thread snake 431 Galapagos 126–27 Atlantic bluefin 447 tuatara 359 Thalassarche chlorothynchos 412 Indian star 428 skipjack 303 vampire bat 115 Thamnophis sirtalis 50 leopard 226 yellowfin 303 vervet monkey 201 ploughshare 236 tundra 22, 33, 133, 246, 362 vicuña 110 Theraphosa blondii 99 red-footed 428 Tupinambis teguixin 105 whale shark 306 toucan, toco 96–97 turaco, Prince Ruspoli’s 178 Yacare caiman 107 Theropithecus gelada 180–81 towhee, spotted 425 Turdus merula 424 see also fangs; tusks thick-tailed greater galago 388 towns, black-tailed prairie dog 48 Turdus philomelos 424 Thomson’s gazelle 192, 200, 224 Trachypithecus geei 267 Turkana, Lake 184 tegu, golden 105 thorny devil 325, 328, 332–33 turkey, wild 410 temperate broadleaf forest 12, 13, 164–65, thread snake, Texas 431 Tragelaphus buxtoni 179 turkey vulture 56–57 three-toed woodpecker 164 Tragelaphus eurycerus 440 turtle-headed sea snake 347 284–85, 354–55 Threskiornis aethiopicus 413 Tragelaphus oryx 440 turtles temperate coniferous forest 12, 34–35, thrush, song 424 Tragelaphus strepsiceros 440 African helmeted 428 Thunnus thynnus 447 tragopan, satyr 267 alligator snapping 428 52–53, 140–41, 158–59, 284–85 Tibetan wild ass 402 tree dwellers common snake-necked 428 temperate forests 22, 334–35, 354–55 ticks 455 common snapping 72 temperate grassland 14, 44–45, 114–15 Tierra del Fuego 77 American black bear 54, 55 European pond 428 temperature regulation tiger keelback, Asian 291 aye-aye 241 green sea 346–47 tiger moth, Isabella 25 Bornean orangutan 297 leatherback 346, 428 anhinga 70 tiger quoll 341 emperor tamarin 92 loggerhead 428 black-tailed jackrabbit 63 tiger salamander, eastern 438 European pine marten 165 Mediterranean pond 152 frilled lizard 325 tigerfish, Goliath 209 golden langur 267 ornate box 44 Galapagos penguin 124 tigers 254 golden snub-nosed monkey 273 sea 302, 426 greater hedgehog tenrec 241 Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo 317 tusks kit fox 61 Amur 261 Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth 79 African savanna elephant 203 Nile crocodile 190 Bengal 260–61 Müller’s gibbon 298 Asian elephant 259 red kangaroo 331 Sumatran 261 pygmy marmoset 92 common warthog 230 rock hyrax 253 Tiliqua scincoides 434 silky anteater 86 narwhals 30 shoebill 190 Timon lepidus 157 South American coati 86 walrus 32 toco toucan 96 Timor Sea 347 spectacled bear 87 tussock, pale 170 temperatures see ecosystems tinamou, elegant crested 410 Terai sacred langur 259 two-toed sloth, Hoffmann’s 79 tenrecs titan arum 293 Verreaux’s sifaka 240 two-wing flying fish, tropical 446 common 381 titi, red-bellied 390 western tarsier 294 Tyto alba 420 Titicaca, Lake 108, 111 tree frogs greater hedgehog 241 Titicaca water frog 108 common 440 U Tenrec ecaudatus 381 tits (titmice) 56 European 152 blue 423 green 326 uakari, bald 389 Terai sacred langur 259 toads red-eyed 82–83 Ukraine 282 cane 91, 440 tree kangaroos 314 ultraviolet light 26 Terai-Duar savannas 254–65 common spadefoot 439 Goodfellow’s 317 underground living Teratoscincus przewalskii 283 Couch’s spadefoot 64 tree shrew, Indian 388 termites 114, 116, 218, 226, 263, 320, 328, dead-leaf 84 tree skink, emerald 434 Arctic fox 27 European common 440 tree viper, Chinese green 272–73 black-footed ferret 48 332, 453 fire-bellied 436 trees see ecosystems; forests; rainforests black-tailed prairie dog 48 terns Mexican burrowing 439 Tremarctos ornatus 87 common garter snake 50 midwife 162 Triakis semifasciata 444 Couch’s spadefoot 64 Antarctic 369 oriental fire-bellied 439 Trichechus inunguis 382 coyote 49 Arctic 24, 369 red spotted 60–61 Trichechus manatus 67 European badger 165 sooty 418 Surinam 439 Trichoglossus haematodus 419 southern marsupial mole 329 territory Tockus erythrorhynchus 206 Tridacna gigas 352 stag beetle 172 American black bear 54 Tockus leucomelas 421 triggerfish, clown 447 see also burrows and tunnels American pika 40 toco toucan 96–97 Trioceros jacksonii 432 unicorn 30 Arabian oryx 250 tokay gecko 433 Triturus cristatus 170 United States of America armadillo lizard 235 tomato frog 243 Troglodytes troglodytes 423 Central Great Plains 44-51 Bengal tiger 261 tongues trogon, violaceous 421 Florida Everglades 66-73 black woodpecker 169 Andean flicker 111 Trogon violaceus 421 Mojave Desert 60-65 booted racket-tail humming bird 88 giant anteater 116 troops Sierra Nevada 52-59 coyote 49 giraffe 199 golden snub-nosed monkey 273 Yellowstone 34-43 Ethiopian klipspringer 179 long-beaked echidna 315 Japanese macaque 287 Upper Yangtze Forests 272–77 Eurasian otter 167 Nile monitor 227 red howler monkey 93 Upupa epops 157 Fabian’s lizard 113 okapi 216 ring-tailed lemur 239 Ural Mountains 133 giant otter 102 panther chameleon 242, 243 vervet monkey 201 Uria aalge 418 hippopotamus 187 see also social groups Urocyon cinereoargenteus 67 Iberian lynx 154 jaguar 95 Japanese marten 289 Japanese serow 285 koala 339
Uromastyx acanthinura 432 wallaroo 320 white-footed mouse 385 INDEX | 477 Uroplatus henkeli 243 walrus 32 white-lipped peccary 101 Ursus americanus 54–55 wandering albatross 366–67 white rhinoceros 222–23, 256 Y Ursus americanus kermodei 55 wart-headed bug 453 white shark, great 444 Ursus americanus luteolus 55 warthog, common 218, 230 white stork 193 Yacare caiman 106–07 Ursus arctos gobiensis 279 Washington state 36, 59 white-tailed deer 40, 153 yak 266, 405 Ursus arctos horribilis 36 wasps 51, 453 white-tailed eagle 43 Yañez’s iguana 113 Ursus maritimus 28–29 whitebark pine 34 Yangtze Forests 272–77 Ursus thibetanus 396 German 453 whitefish, European 159 Yangtze River 272 tarantula hawk 448 Whitney, Mount 52 Yarkand gazelle 279 V water bears 451 widow spiders, redback 326 yellow-bellied sapsucker 422 moss 451 wigeon 185 yellow-billed chough 161 vampire bat 115 water cycle, Okavango Delta 219 wild boar 164, 169, 261 yellow-billed hornbill, southern 421 Varanus exanthematicus 435 water dragons wild dogs yellow-billed marmot 383 Varanus komodoensis 434 Asian 432 yellow-faced honeyeater 335 Varanus niloticus 226–27 Australian 342 African 192, 224–25 yellow-legged frog 59 Varecia variegata 239 water hyacinth 19, 101 coyote 49 yellow-lipped sea krait 430 velvet worms 450 water opossum 380 wildcat 143, 164 yellow mongoose 400 venom see poisons water rat, giant South American 385 wildebeest 192, 193, 198, 200 yellow-nosed albatross, Atlantic 412 Verreaux’s sifaka 240–41 water shrew, Eurasian 394 willow trees 140 Yellow River 272 vervet monkey 201 water snail 107 Wilson’s bird-of-paradise 422 yellow-throated marten 272 Victoria, Lake 177, 184 water vole 141, 385 Wilson’s storm petrel 412 yellowfin tuna 303 Vicugna vicugna 110–11 waterbuck, common 405 winds, Antarctica 362 yellowhammer 425 vicuña 110–11 waterlily 100 wisent 47, 405 Yellowstone 34–43 violaceous trogon 421 wattle, golden 334 wobbegong, spotted 444 yellowthroat, common 425 Vipera berus 145 wattled jacana 417 wolf spider, Norwegian 164 yucca 60 vipers waved albatross 125 Wollemi pine 334 yucca moth 60 weasels 40 wolverine 38 yungas, Andean 84–89 black-headed bullmaster 79 Eurasian otter 166–67 wolves 27, 38, 164 Chinese green tree 272–3 giant otter 102–3 Arabian 248, 249 Z common adder 145 Japanese 285 Ethiopian 178, 182 gaboon 431 Japanese marten 288–89 gray 34, 35, 37, 47, 158–59 Zaglossus bartoni 315 Virginia 31 least 398 maned 118–19 Zalophus californianus 397 Virginia opossum 380 wolverine 38 red 396 Zalophus wollebaeki 123 viscachas 121 weavers Rocky Mountain 37 Zambezi River 176 Argentine plains 387 black-capped social 204–05 Woma python 333 zebra finch 424 northern 109 sociable 228–29 wombat, common 337 zebra mbuna 191 viviparous lizard 434 webs, spider 73, 343 wonder gecko, Przewalski’s 283 zebra shark 444 Vltava, River 164 Weddell seal 370, 396 wood ant 140 zebras 192, 193, 198 Vogelkop bowerbird 314 wedge-tailed eagle 322, 328, 415 wood bison 47 Vogelkop montane rainforests welcome swallow 355 wood frog 24, 441 Chapman’s 200 314 West African potto 388 wood pigeon, common 418 Grant’s 200 volcanoes West Indian manatee 67 wood stork 413 plains 402 Antarctica 363 western capercaillie 145, 164 woodchuck 14, 383 zooplankton 306 Galapagos Islands 122 Western Cordillera 22, 23 woodpecker finch 125 Zootoca vivipara 434 Iceland 132 western diamondback rattlesnake 64 woodpeckers zorilla, African 399 island arcs 247 western gorilla 212–13 Andean flicker 111 New Guinea 314 western grebe 412 black 169 Pacific Ring of Fire 246 western gray kangaroo 381 black-backed 52 Yellowstone Caldera 35 western red deer 141 green 422 voles 27, 58 western roe deer 153 three-toed 164 common 385 western tarsier 294 white-backed 134 water 141, 385 weta, Auckland tree 354, 358 woolly bear caterpillar 25 Vombatus ursinus 337 wetlands 10, 15, 22, 66–67, 100–01, woolly monkey, gray 389 Vulpes macrotis 61 146–47, 152, 218–19, 313 worm lizard, speckled 435 Vulpes rueppellii 395 whale shark 306–07, 345 worms Vulpes vulpes 168 whales 187 acorn 451 Vulpes zerda 395 beluga 24, 31 arrow 451 Vultur gryphus 112–13 blue 19, 364, 372–73 ribbon 451 vultures 192 bowhead 24, 407 roundworms 450 black 152 dwarf minke 345 segmented 450 Egyptian 254, 415 fin 364, 372 spoonworms 451 griffon 152 gray 407 velvet 450 lammergeier 182–83 humpback 364, 407 wrens turkey 56–57 minke 364 dusky grass 328 narwhal 30–31 Eurasian 423 W right 364 purple-crowned fairy 323 sei 364 Wyoming 36 waders 417–18 short-finned pilot 407 wallabies 320 southern right 407 X sperm 364, 407 black-footed rock 328 wheatear, northern 424 Xenopeltis unicolor 429 parma 337 whistling acacia 192 Xerus inauris 384 Wallace, A.R. 300 whistling-duck, plumed 323 Wallace’s line 247 white-backed woodpecker 134 Wallace’s flying frog 300 white bat, Honduran 79 white-eye, Japanese 284 white fir 52
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