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Career Courage_ Discover Your Passion, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone, and Create the Success You Want ( PDFDrive )

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-12-17 05:02:15

Description: Career Courage_ Discover Your Passion, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone, and Create the Success You Want ( PDFDrive )


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12 Part 1 The Jump StartFree Sample Chapter from Career Match 233 Or see if a family member or someone who knows you well agrees with your self-assessment. You might be very surprised, as one lawyer was when her friend of thirty years completely corrected her answers to most of the self-assessment! The lawyer didn’t want to admit to her real preferences for a messy workplace and last-minute deadline rushes. Remember, we’re not judging you here, or even suggesting you need to change. And what you categorize as a “weakness” actually might be a strength; for example, the ability to operate effectively in chaotic conditions. People are multifaceted. Though everyone has a predominant type, peo- ple may be one of several shades of that style. A person may be a strong Gold with a Blue backup. Another might be a slight Gold and hence not as pronounced. Also, as you get older, you develop the nonpreferred parts of your personality and may appear less Gold than in younger years. If you currently are going through catastrophic life changes, or have been dissatisfied with your life for some time, scores can reflect your survival skills and not your real preferences. You may have “forgotten” your real prefer- ences, although unhappiness is a signal that they’re being denied. Try an- swering as if, right now, you lived in the world of your choice. If your personality Color still seems wrong, wait until things have stabilized and retest yourself. American Management Association /

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