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Dinosaurs A Visual Encyclopedia

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-22 05:01:17

Description: Dinosaurs A Visual Encyclopedia


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EARLY VERTEBRATES The Loch Ness monster Does a plesiosaur survive to this day? There have long been stories of a mysterious prehistoric monster living in Loch Ness, a huge lake in Scotland. Scientific evidence that “Nessie,” as the monster is more familiarly known, exists has never been found, but many people believe they have seen it and a few claim to have photographed it. Could there be any truth in the rumors? EXCLUSIVE REPORT! The famous photo below was first published in an English newspaper in 1934. It was said to be the first photo of the Loch Ness monster, and it caused a great deal of excitement. However, in 1994 the monster was revealed as a fake, made from a toy submarine attached to a neck and head sculpted from wood filler. utthaekTe“HnsubErygeFaoAnL’MsopnOhdooUtnoSgdrSoacHpthoO”r,bTReocoabfue“rsNet Kiets.swiWea”isilsssoucnpa.plloesdedly 102 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

atluhapkeLrreeeOdianaCrteSoHcrnoottNhtlaeeEnnsdSioz.SueDgiohsefsafitphsi2hte3eLi-inmotsctihhslieezN-el(,ae3skssc7eim-etknoomtnsius-stt)pseplrto.ohnrigtnk EARLY VERTEBRATES Computer generated WHY A PLESIOSAUR? artwork of the Loch Ness monster. Pictures such as the surgeon’s photograph show a long-necked creature like a plesiosaur. They inspired theories that Loch Ness’s hidden depths might harbor creatures that survived from the age of the dinosaurs. But the water is probably too cold for giant reptiles, and Loch Ness was frozen solid during the last ice age. Plesiosaur fossil , FOSSILIZED PLESIOSAUR SKELETON Plesiosaurs had long necks and small heads, just like images of the Loch Ness monster. But their necks were probably too weak to raise the head high above the surface. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 103

EARLY VERTEBRATES Rhomaleosaurus In 1848, miners in a quarry in Yorkshire, England, were astonished when they discovered the skeleton of a huge creature buried in the rock. It was Rhomaleosaurus, one of the most fearsome predators of the Jurassic seas. At the time, the seas were ruled by two kinds of marine reptile—the dolphinlike ichthyosaurs and lizardlike creatures with long necks known as plesiosaurs. Rhomaleosaurus belonged to the plesiosaur family. 4.6 billion years ago 542 million years ago 488 444 416 359 299 251 Precambrian Eon Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian 104 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

KILLER GRIP Rhomaleosaurus Rhomaleosaurus used its cone-shaped ROME-alley-oh-SORE-us fangs to attack large prey. Like a crocodile, it may have twisted its ■ When 200–195 million years ago (Early Jurassic) victims around violently to tear ■ Fossil location England, Germany their bodies apart and make ■ Habitat Coastal waters them easier to swallow. ■ Length 15–21 ft (5–7 m) ■ Diet Fish, squid, and ocean reptiles CAMOUFLAGE Rhomaleosaurus was a pliosaur—a type of EARLY VERTEBRATES plesiosaur with a short neck. It hunted by Like large sea animals today, sight and smell, perhaps allowing seawater Rhomaleosaurus may have had a to flow through its mouth and out of its pale belly and a dark back. This nostrils so it could pick up the scent of prey. pattern, known as countershading, Fossilized remains of food in the bellies is a type of camouflage—it makes of pliosaurs reveal that their diet included marine animals harder to see both squid, fish, and other plesiosaurs. from above and below. 200 145 65 23 Now . FLIPPER Triassic Neogene Rhomaleosaurus swam Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene by beating its four powerful flippers, using them like wings to “fly” through the water in the same way as penguins move underwater today. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 105

Ichthyosaurs FAMILY FACT FILE The ichthyosaurs were the largest sea-dwelling reptiles Key features of all time. They evolved from land-living reptiles that ■ Large eyes for good underwater vision adapted so well to life in the sea that some species ■ Flippers for steering and balance came to resemble dolphins. Like dolphins, they fed, ■ Vertical tail fin bred, and gave birth in water but had to return to ■ Gave birth to live babies rather than laying eggs the surface to breathe air. ■ Lungs for breathing air When Ichthyosaurs lived from about 245 million years ago (Triassic Period) to nearly 90 million years ago (Cretaceous Period). EARLY VERTEBRATES Shonisaurus SHON-ee-sore-us ■ When 225–208 million years ago (Late Triassic) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Oceans ■ Length Up to 70 ft (20 m) ■ Diet Fish, squid Shonisaurus was like a cross between a whale and a dolphin, with an enormous body but a long, slender snout. Giant eyes and toothlessness in adults suggest it was a deep-diving squid hunter. One whale-sized specimen found in Canada was 70 ft (20 m) long—the largest marine reptile ever found. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Ophthalmosaurus Mixosaurus off-THAL-mo-SORE-uss MIX-oh-SORE uss ■ When 165–150 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ When 230 million years ago (Middle Triassic) EARLY VERTEBRATES ■ Fossil location N. America, Europe, Asia ■ Fossil location Europe, N. America, ■ Habitat Oceans ■ Length Up to 3 ft 3 in (1 m) Argentina Rounded, ■ Diet Fish ■ Habitat Oceans streamlined shape Mixosaurus was one of the smallest ichthyosaurs. It swam by beating its tail from side to side, perhaps using bursts of speed ■ Length 16 ft (5 m) to take shoals of fish by surprise. It caught prey in a long, narrow snout, which was lined with sharp teeth. Fossils of Mixosaurus ■ Diet Fish, squid, Eye socket have been found all over the world, indicating that the species lived throughout the oceans. mollusks Ichthyosaurus Ophthalmosaurus ICK-thee-oh-SORE-uss means “eye Flat, broad paddle lizard.” This ichthyosaur ■ When 190 million years ago (Early Jurassic) ■ Fossil location British Isles, Belgium, Germany had the largest eyes relative to body size of any prehistoric animal. ■ Habitat Oceans ■ Length 6 ft (1.8 m) long The eyes were as big as grapefruits and almost filled the skull. ■ Diet Fish Ophthalmosaurus could probably see well in the dark and may Ichthyosaurus was a small, slim-snouted ichthyosaur. It had dozens of sharp, needlelike teeth and used them to catch have used its extraordinary vision to hunt in the depths of the squid or other kinds of mollusks. Studies of the ear bones of Ichthyosaurus show that it didn’t have the highly sensitive sea. If so, it must also have been good at holding its breath for hearing that dolphins have and couldn’t detect objects in the water by using echoes (echolocation). long periods on its trips into the deep. Tail fin 107 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Stenopterygius Dorsal fin Long before dolphins first appeared, the seas of the Jurassic were home to reptiles that had evolved a remarkably similar body shape and lifestyle. These were the ichthyosaurs. One type of ichthyosaur, Stenopterygius, spent its life in the open ocean, where it hunted fish, cephalopods, and other marine animals. In most large fossils only bones are visible, but in this remarkable Stenopterygius fossil, the fins, tail, and other soft tissues can be seen. EARLY VERTEBRATES Backbone bends downward to support the tail. Short hind limb Stenopterygius stenOPterr-idge-ee-us ■ When Early to mid Jurassic ■ Fossil location Argentina, UK, France, Germany ■ Habitat Shallow oceans ■ Size 13 ft (4 m) long Like its close relative Ichthyosaurus, Stenopterygius was a dolphinlike reptile adapted to catching fish in its tooth-filled snout. Its streamlined shape and muscular fins suggest it could achieve a top speed of perhaps 60 mph (100 kph), enabling it to blast into shoals of fish like a torpedo and snatch prey in the resulting confusion. 108 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Studies of Stenopterygius’s beautifully preserved fossils suggest it was a fast swimmer—at least as swift as the fastest fish alive today. Snout with teeth EARLY VERTEBRATES for grasping prey. Jaws Nostril Huge eye socket 251 million years ago 200 Jurassic 145 65 Triassic Cretaceous Birth of young Although ichthyosaurs lived millions of years ago, we know that these marine animals gave birth to live young rather than laying eggs. How do we know? It’s because fossils have been discovered that show females giving birth (always tail first). However, it’s highly unlikely that the parent cared for its young after birth. . ICHTHYOSAUR YOUNG, 109 such as this Stenopterygius, were probably self-sufficient soon after birth. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

A young fossil hunter In 1830, English geologist Henry De la Beche painted United a curious watercolor with the intention of selling copies Kingdom to raise money for a friend. The friend was Mary Anning, and the painting was the first time anyone had tried to Dorset draw a realistic picture of prehistoric life. Most amazing of all, Mary had discovered every animal in it. EARLY VERTEBRATES A look back in time De la Beche called his painting Duria Antiquior, or “A more ancient Dorset.” It featured animals that Mary had found as fossils on the coast of Dorset in England. Prints of this painting were passed around scientific circles in the 1800s, and influenced thinking on prehistoric life. The painting showed an ichthyosaur capturing a plesiosaur. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

WHAT WAS IT? Anning spent months uncovering the body of her first fossil. It was later named Ichthyosaurus, which means “fish lizard.” This marine reptile swam in the time of the dinosaurs. WHO WAS MARY ANNING? u WHAT BIG EYES! Huge eye EARLY VERTEBRATES sockets suggest that ichthyosaurs Mary Anning (1799–1847) was just depended on their vision to hunt. 11 years old when her brother found They may even have hunted at the head of a large fossil on a beach. night or in deep, dark waters. She was to become one of the most famous of all fossil hunters. Anning , HIDDEN TREASURES was never taken as seriously as she The cliffs at Lyme Regis bay, where should have been because she was a Anning hunted for fossils, are still woman and from a poor background, an exciting place for fossil hunters. whereas most scientists of the time were men from wealthy families. More amazing finds The cliffs near where Anning lived are rich in fossils from the Jurassic Period. She found the first plesiosaur there in 1823 and the first pterosaur in 1828. She carefully recorded each find, before selling the fossils. A precious notebook Anning’s life was not easy and was largely spent in poverty. She and one brother were the only survivors of 10 children, and she lacked an education. However, she managed to teach herself about the fossils she found and kept careful notes and sketches detailing each find. Over the years, her fossil-hunting successes would bring her huge recognition. Plesiosaur sketch 111 by Mary Anning (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

EARLY VERTEBRATES Mosasaurs Just before the end of the Cretaceous Period, the seas were home to gigantic lizards as terrifying and as huge as any mythological sea serpent. Called mosasaurs, these monsters were close relatives of today’s lizards and snakes. They evolved from small, land-living lizards that took to the water in search of food. As the lizards adapted to life in the sea, their legs turned into flippers and their bodies, supported by water, became enormous. Mosasaurus MOSE-ah-saw-rus ■ When 70–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location USA, Belgium, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Morocco, Turkey ■ Habitat Oceans ■ Length About 50 ft (15 m) ■ Diet Fish, squid, and shellfish Mosasaurus was one of the largest mosasaurs. It looked a bit like a crocodile with flippers, and swam by moving its long body in slow waves. As a result, it couldn’t swim fast over long distances, but might have been capable of sudden bursts of speed. Scientists think Mosasaurus lived in the well-lit surface waters of oceans, hunting slower-moving prey. Bite marks left by its huge, conical teeth have been found on turtle shells and ammonites. Mosasaurus survived to the end of the Cretaceous, when it vanished with the dinosaurs. 112 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Platecarpus North America. Like other mosasaurs, FAMILY FACT FILE EARLY VERTEBRATES Platecarpus used its long, muscular tail PLAH-teh-CAR-pus to drive itself through water in a zigzag, Key features snakelike manner. It had fewer and smaller ■ Lizardlike bodies with flippers ■ When 85–80 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) teeth than other mosasaurs, suggesting a ■ Powerful jaws lined with sharp teeth ■ Fossil location Worldwide diet of softer prey such as fish and squid. ■ Breathed air at the water surface ■ Habitat Oceans The belly of one specimen was found to ■ Length 14 ft (4.2 m) contain fish scales and fish bones—the When remains of one of its last meals. Mosasaurs lived in the Cretaceous Period, Platecarpus was not the largest mosasaur between 85 and 65 million years ago. but it was certainly was one of the most They were killed along with dinosaurs abundant. Its fossils have and most other large reptiles in the mass been found worldwide, extinction at the end of the Period. most commonly in the Niobrara chalk beds of In the Cretaceous, an ocean ran down the middle of North America, cutting the continent in two. Its muddy bed has now turned to rock, forming the Niobrara chalk of North America. Niobrara chalk contains a wealth of amazing fossils, including mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 113

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS DINOSAURS and BIRDS u QUARRY FIND Traces of dinosaurs (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. have been found the world over. Quarries sometimes turn up fabulous finds, such as the dinosaur footprints running across a rock face at this quarry in Sucre, Bolivia. 114

Dinosaurs were the DINOSAURS AND BIRDS dominant land animals on Earth for an unimaginably vast span of time: 160 million years. They were not entirely wiped out, and their descendants the birds survive to this day. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 115

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS KILLER JAWS Vast jaw muscles gave Tyrannosaurus possibly the most powerful bite of any animal in history. Its teeth were rock-solid spikes of enamel, able to puncture bone, hide, and muscle to inflict horrible injuries on animals that weren’t crushed to death instantly. 116 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

What are dinosaurs? Dinosaurs survived for an astounding FACT FILE 160 million years (humans, in contrast, have existed for less than one million Key features ■ Holes (“windows”) in the years). Ranging in size from animals no ■ Lived on land skulls of larger dinosaurs, ■ Built nests and laid eggs making them lighter. (Only bigger than pigeons to lumbering ■ Most had scaly skin (some had the armored dinosaurs had giants the size of a truck, solid skulls.) they were reptiles, but feathers) very different from ■ Long tails, held off the ground ■ Walked on their toes modern-day ■ Walked on upright, pillarlike ■ Claws on fingers and toes reptiles. legs. One way in which dinosaurs differed from today’s reptiles and lizards is that they could stand with their legs straight, in the same way as mammals. Some dinosaurs walked on two legs, some on four. Some may have done both. , WE’RE STILL HERE! Most u DINOSAURS u CROCODILES u LIZARDS hold scientists believe that birds are their legs at right- the living descendants of small, walked on upright, walked with knees angles to the body. meat-eating dinosaurs. pillarlike legs. and elbows bent. FAMILY TREE DINOSAURS AND BIRDS THYREOPHORANS (THIGH-ree-OFF-oh-rans) Dinosaurs can be split into two groups: the saurischians (or lizard-hipped dinosaurs) and the Also called armored dinosaurs, members of this group of ornithischians (or bird-hipped dinosaurs). These plant-eaters were large, walked on four feet, and had armor plates can be split further, as shown below. and spikes that protected them from attack. Some of these dinosaurs even had armored eyelids! SAURISCHIANS Theropods DINOSAURS Sauropodomorphs Thyreophorans ORNITHISCHIANS Ornithopods , KENTROSAURUS Marginocephalians had a double row of bony plates running along the center of its back. 118 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

THEROPODS (THERRO-pods) SAUROPODOMORPHS (SORE-oh-POD-oh-morfs) All meat-eating dinosaurs were saurischians, and they formed a This group contained the heaviest and longest animals ever to group called the theropods. This is the group from which birds walk on Earth. They were herbivores (plant-eaters) and would are descended. They ranged in size from the chicken-sized have had to graze constantly to obtain the energy they needed. Compsognathus to monsters such as the mighty Spinosaurus. , SPINOSAURUS had a massive skin “sail” that ran the length of its back. u BRACHIOSAURUS DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Sauropods had tiny heads compared to their bodies. ORNITHOPODS (OR-nith-oh-pods) MARGINOCEPHALIANS (MAR-jee-no-sa-FAY-lee-ans) These plant-eaters all roamed on two legs, so were able to use This group of plant-eaters had heads that sported bony frills. their forelimbs to grasp their food. They were immensely (Marginocephalian means “fringed head.”) Some walked on successful and very common. Fossils of these types of two legs, some on four. They were common dinosaurs in the dinosaur have been found all over the world. Cretaceous and included the well-known Triceratops. u IGUANODON, an u EINIOSAURUS ornithopod, was the second had a forward- dinosaur to be named. curving horn. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 119

Small ornithischians The dinosaur family tree is split into two halves: saurischians FAMILY FACT FILE and ornithischians. The ornithischians were plant-eaters with beaked jaws for plucking leaves and large bellies for Key features digesting them. Though some ornithischians were huge, ■ Plant-eaters four-footed giants, many were small, two-footed herbivores ■ Beaked jaws that scurried about nervously in forests and scrublands, ■ Back-pointing pubis bone searching for food and trying to avoid predators. ■ Large belly for digesting vegetation When Ornithischians lived from the beginning of the Jurassic Period, 200 million years ago, to the end of the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago. Heterodontosaurus HET-er-oh-DON-toe-SORE-us DINOSAURS AND BIRDS ■ When 200–190 million years ago (Early Jurassic) had large, fanglike teeth to defend itself ■ Fossil location S. Africa against enemies. The jaws were tipped ■ Habitat Scrubland with a horny beak that was probably ■ Length 3 ft (1 m) used for plucking leaves. ■ Diet Plants, tubers, possibly insects , FOSSIL Unlike most dinosaurs, which had one type of Heterodontosaurus’s complete tooth, Heterodontosaurus (“different-toothed skeleton was found in 1976 lizard”) had three types. Its sharp front teeth with every bone in place. snipped off tough vegetation, which was then mashed to a pulp with its cheek teeth. It also 120 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Hypsilophodon Leaellynasaura HIP-sih-LOAF-oh-don lee-ELL-in-ah-SORE-ah ■ When 125–120 million years ago ■ When 105 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) (Early Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Australia ■ Fossil location England, Spain ■ Habitat Forests ■ Habitat Forests ■ Length 7 ft (2 m) ■ Length 7 ft (2 m) ■ Diet Plants ■ Diet Plants Leaellynasaura lived near the South Pole. Hypsilophodon was much like a modern deer, grazing on tender Although it was less cold here during plants with its small, leaf-shaped teeth. Fossil footprints grouped the Cretaceous Period than it is today, together hint that these creatures roamed in herds like deer, though Leaellynasaura would have had to live without sunlight this is far from certain. Its stiff tail and long legs and feet show it for several months of the year during polar winters. It was a fast-running ground animal, able to flee swiftly from predators had large eyes, which helped it see better in the dark on its hind legs while using its tail for balance. and avoid predators. It was probably warm-blooded. Lesothosaurus DINOSAURS AND BIRDS li-SUE-too-SORE-us ■ When 200–190 million years ago (Early Jurassic) ■ Fossil location S. Africa ■ Habitat Desert plains ■ Length 3 ft (1 m) ■ Diet Leaves, perhaps dead animals and insects This dinosaur was named after Lesotho, the south African country where its fossils were first found in 1978. Scientists think Lesothosaurus was similar to a modern gazelle, grazing on low-lying plants and running away quickly at the first sight of predators. Its upper and lower teeth were small and shaped like arrowheads. Othnielosaurus 121 oth-nee-ELL-oh-SORE-us ■ When 155–145 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Plains ■ Length 7 ft (2 m) ■ Diet Plants Othnielosaurus moved swiftly on its strong back limbs, which were built for running. Its front limbs were short and weak, and its hands and fingers were small. Fossils show that its teeth were edged with many small ridges, making them well-suited for shredding leaves. Its vertebrae show that it had a short neck. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Pachycephalosaurus This herbivore had a mysterious dome of solid bone at Last of the the top of its skull, but what for? One old theory is that dinosaurs males had head-butting contests like rams—but their curved necks might not have been able to take the force. Pachycephalosaurus lived at the Another theory is that they swung their heavy heads end of the Cretaceous Period sideways at each other like giraffes. Or perhaps their fancy heads merely served to impress mates and rivals. and was one of the species wiped out in the dinosaurs’ mass extinction. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS DID YOU KNOW...? Pachycephalosaurus is known only from one complete skull (a replica of which is shown below) and a few skull fragments. The dome of thick bone on its skull was fringed by bony knobs and spikes, which may have been used for display. Its teeth were tiny and its eyes large. Dome Large eye sockets Small teeth 251 million years ago 200 Jurassic 145 65 Triassic Cretaceous 122 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Pachycephalosaurus PACK-ee-sef-ah-low-SORE-us ■ When 65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Forests of N. America ■ Length 16 ft (5 m) ■ Diet Plants, soft fruit, seeds By comparing Pachycephalosaurus’s few fossils with those of its relatives, scientists figure that this dinosaur was about as long as a station wagon. It probably had a bulky body but the long, slender hind legs of a fast runner. Its small teeth suggest a diet of easily digested plants or, perhaps, a mixture of plants and animal foods such as eggs. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 123

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Ceratopsians The plant-eating ceratopsians varied from sheep-sized animals to sturdy giants that were bigger than elephants. They grazed in the forests and plains of North America and Asia, perhaps in herds. They had huge, parrotlike beaks that they used to grasp and rip up plants. With their towering horns and huge neck frills, they must have been a spectacular sight. FAMILY FACT FILE Key features ■ Massive hooked beaks for grasping plants ■ Hundreds of chisel-edged teeth for slicing through leaves like scissors ■ Large horns and neck frills, mainly for display ■ Short legs ■ Hooflike bones on fingers and toes When These dinosaurs thrived in the Cretaceous Period, around 80 million years ago. The last of the ceratopsians died out in the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Einiosaurus Chasmosaurus Hole in frill ie-nee-o-SAWR-uss KAS-mo-SAWR-uss Pentaceratops ■ When 74–65 million years ago ■ When 74–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) PEN-ta-SERRA-tops (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ When 74–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Woodland ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Woodland ■ Length 16 ft (5 m) ■ Habitat Wooded plains ■ Length 20 ft (6 m) ■ Diet Palms and cycads ■ Length 16–26 ft (5–8 m) ■ Diet Plants ■ Diet Plants Chasmosaurus’s neck frill has huge holes In 1985, scientists found fossils that would have been covered by skin. A huge head was the most remarkable feature of 15 Einiosaurus individuals in the The frill could have been tilted upright of this dinosaur. One fossil skull, built from same site in the USA—perhaps they to attract attention or startle enemies broken fragments, is more than 10 ft (3 m) were members of a herd that died and may have been brightly colored. long, making it the longest skull of any together in a flood or landslide. land animal in history. Pentaceratops means Einiosaurus had an impressive Parrotlike beak “five-horned face”—the dinosaur had one frill with a wavy margin and two horn on the snout, two curved horns on long horns that pointed upward. Styracosaurus the brow, and a small horn on each cheek. The horns were probably used sty-RACK-oh-SORE-uss for both display and fighting. ■ When 74–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America DINOSAURS AND BIRDS ■ Habitat Open woodland ■ Length 17 ft (5.2 m) ■ Diet Ferns and cycads Styracosaurus’s magnificent frill sported six spikes up to 2 ft (60 cm) long that may have served as decoration to attract mates. Styracosaurus had a large, deep snout with huge nostrils, and a short, blunt horn. Its sharp teeth could cut through thick vegetation and were constantly replaced. Sturdy leg Protoceratops PRO-toe-SERRA-tops ■ When 74–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Mongolia ■ Habitat Desert Tiny horn ■ Length 6 ft (1.8 m) between eyes ■ Diet Desert plants Many well-preserved fossils of this small ceratopsian have been found in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. Protoceratops had a wide neck frill at the back of its skull that expanded with age and was larger in males. It also had broad, spadelike claws, perhaps for digging burrows. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 125

Triceratops As heavy as a 10-ton truck, Triceratops was built like a huge rhinoceros. It gets its name (“three-horned face”) from the short nose horn and two longer brow horns. Triceratops used its horns and frills like deers use their antlers—to attract mates. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS BATTLE SCARS 251 million years ago 200 145 65 Bite marks left by the ferocious Triassic Cretaceous Tyrannosaurus on some Triceratops skulls suggest there were fierce clashes between the two species millions of years ago. One Triceratops even seems to have had a brow horn snapped off. Jurassic Brow horn over Triceratops 3 ft (1 m) long try-SERRA-tops ■ When 70–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Woodland ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Forest plants Single row of teeth on Triceratops’s neck was probably quite flexible, each side of lower jaw helping it to feed not only on tree leaves but also on low-growing plants. Its powerful parrotlike beak helped it pluck tough forest vegetation, such as palms, ferns, and cycads. Its teeth were like scissors—shredding and snipping the plants. 126 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Window Torosaurus in frill skull . FRILL . TOROSAURUS Around the back of The dinosaur Triceratops’s skull was a Torosaurus was very huge frill made of bone. The much like Triceratops but horns and frill were once thought had a larger frill with windows in to be used for defence, but many it. Some scientists are unsure whether experts now believe they were Torosaurus was a separate species and wonder used to attract females during if it may simply have been a mature Triceratops the mating season. in which the shield had developed windows. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 127

Iguanodontians FAMILY FACT FILE The iguanodontians were among the most common Key features and widespread dinosaurs of the Late Jurassic and ■ Toothless beaks for clipping plants the Cretaceous. They varied from small, nondescript ■ Hooflike claws dinosaurs to giants with horselike faces and huge sails on ■ Mobile jaws able to chew plants their backs, but all had beaked mouths for eating plants. ■ Stiff tails The iguanodontian group also includes the large duck-billed dinosaur family When (next page). Iguanodontians appeared 156 million years ago, in the Late Jurassic Period. They died out at the end of the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Iguanodon big as an elephant and walked mainly on all fours, feeding on low-growing plants. Its hind legs ig-GWAH-no-don were larger and more powerful than its front legs, allowing it to stand and perhaps run on two feet. ■ When 135–125 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Belgium, Germany, France, Little finger Thumb Spain, England spike ■ Habitat Woodlands . HANDY ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) The three middle fingers ■ Diet Plants of Iguanodon’s hands were joined to form a Discovered in the 1820s, Iguanodon was the hoof. It could fold its second prehistoric animal to be identified little finger across its palm as a dinosaur. Its name means “iguana teeth” to grasp objects, and its as its teeth looked like those of an iguana thumb had a vicious spike, but were 20 times bigger. Iguanodon was as perhaps for self-defense. 128 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Dryosaurus Camptosaurus DRY-oh-SORE-us CAMP-toe-SORE-us ■ When 155–145 million Short arms may ■ When 155–145 million years ago (Late Jurassic) years ago (Late Jurassic) have meant it ■ Fossil location USA ■ Fossil location USA couldn’t go down ■ Habitat Open woodlands ■ Habitat Woodlands on all fours. ■ Length 16 ft (5 m) ■ Length 10 ft (3 m) ■ Diet Low-growing herbs and shrubs ■ Diet Leaves and shoots This small and lightly built herbivore had long and powerful legs—a sign that it was a fast runner. It had a stiff tail to help balance its body while running and may have flicked the tail sideways to make sharp turns to dodge obstacles or outwit pursuers. Long, horselike face Camptosaurus was one of the most common iguanodontians and looked like a small version of Iguanodon, with a similar long, horselike face tipped by a beak. Its hands, like those of Iguanodon, had hooflike middle fingers and a thumb spike. Muttaburrasaurus DINOSAURS AND BIRDS MOO-tah-BUH-ruh-SORE-us ■ When 100–98 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Australia ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Length 23 ft (7 m) ■ Diet Plants The bone forming the top of Muttaburrasaurus’s snout bulged upward, giving this dinosaur an arched nose. It may have used its large nasal chambers to create honking sounds or to warm cold air as it breathed in. The size and shape of its snout differed between individuals and probably varied with sex and age. Tenontosaurus ten-NON-toe-SORE-us ■ When 115–108 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) brought down the bigger dinosaur by hunting ■ Fossil location USA in packs. Bones of both have also been found ■ Habitat Woodlands together, suggesting that Deinonychus didn’t ■ Length 23 ft (7 m) ■ Diet Plants always survive the battles. Some dinosaurs are famous for having served as lunch for others. Tenontosaurus was one such unfortunate creature. Remains of this herbivore are often found with teeth of the small but ferocious carnivore Deinonychus, which may have (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 129

Hadrosaurids Maiasaura Also known as “duck-billed” dinosaurs, the hadrosaurids MY-a-SORE-a were large plant-eaters with distinctive, ducklike bills that they used to clip leaves from plants. Hadrosaurids ■ When 80–74 million years ago may have lived in large herds, and some types seem (Late Cretaceous) to have formed nesting colonies in which parents ■ Fossil location USA nursed their young after hatching. ■ Habitat Coastal plains ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Leaves The name Maiasaura means “good mother lizard.” In Montana, scientists found numerous bowl-shaped Maiasaura nests close together. The site may have been a nesting colony where parents raised their young, like nesting colonies of modern seabirds. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS u FAMILY LIFE Fossilized eggshell pieces FAMILY FACT FILE and young Maiasaura were discovered in nests in Montana. The presence of young animals Key features suggests that hatchlings stayed in the nest ■ Ducklike bills while being looked after, just as many baby ■ Rear of mouth was packed with birds do, rather than leaving immediately as thousands of teeth for grinding leaves newly hatched turtles and crocodiles do. ■ Forelimbs were half as long as hindlimbs ■ Many hadrosaurids had strangely shaped crests on their heads When Hadrosaurids lived in the Cretaceous Period, between 100 and 65 million years ago. 130 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Hadrosaurus Brachylophosaurus Parasaurolophus HAD-roh-SORE-uss BRACK-ee-LOAF-oh-SORE-uss PA-ra-SORE-oh-LOAF-uss ■ When 80–74 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ When 75–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ When 76–74 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Leaves and twigs ■ Diet Ferns, magnolias, and conifers ■ Diet Leaves, seeds, and pine needles This was one of the first dinosaurs Brachylophosaurus had a deep snout and a This creature’s head had discovered in North America. Hadrosaurus rectangular skull with a flat, paddle-shaped a long, tubelike crest used a toothless beak to tear twigs and leaves crest on its head. Males had wider crests and containing hollow tubes. from plants before grinding them to a pulp were more heavily built than females. In 2000, Perhaps Parasaurolophus with hundreds of tiny teeth located in a near-perfect fossil skeleton was found in tooted air out of the crest the back of its mouth. Montana. Large areas of its body were to make trumpetlike sounds covered with an impression of its scaly skin. to communicate with herd members. Its heavy, muscular Deep snout build and wide shoulders may have helped it push Wide tip through dense under- of jaw growth in woodlands. Lambeosaurus Long, slender u STIFF TAIL DINOSAURS AND BIRDS thigh bone All hadrosaurids had stiff, LAMB-ee-oh-SORE-uss horizontal tails, the tail bones interlocking to prevent sagging. ■ When 76–74 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Canada The crest’s shape ■ Habitat Woodlands changed as the ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) hadrosaurid grew ■ Diet Low-growing leaves, fruits, and seeds into an adult. Lambeosaurus’s hollow crest was shaped like a hatchet. Perhaps the distinctive shape enabled this dinosaur to recognize others of its species quickly. The crest’s shape varied between the sexes, suggesting that males used theirs to impress females. Gryposaurus GRIP-o-SAWR-us ■ When 65–85 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Vegetation Gryposaurus’s large, hooked nose looked like a rounded beak. Rivals may have settled contests by butting noses and shoving each other. Gryposaurus also had very long arms for a hadrosaurid—perhaps they helped it reach higher leaves. Skin impressions suggest the animal had pyramid-shaped scales on its back. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 131

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Dinosaur droppings Perhaps the most surprising of all dinosaur fossils are coprolites—fossilized poop. Coprolites have been found all over the world, since they were first recognized for what they were in the 1830s. They can tell us a lot about dinosaurs, most importantly, what they ate. AN UNUSUAL COLLECTION Karen Chin is a world expert on fossilized dinosaur dung and has a huge collection of coprolites. She cuts slices to look at under a microscope and discover what is inside—whether it be small bones or leaves or seeds. Let’s use it! In the nineteenth century, coprolites were actually mined in parts of England and turned into fertilizer. They were rich in a substance called phosphate that was needed to help crops grow to feed a quickly expanding population. 132 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

FACT FILE Karen Chin found small, fossilized burrows in the coprolites of plant-eating dinosaurs. With this evidence, she discovered that dung beetles were clearing dung in the age of the dinosaurs, just as they do today. u DUNG BEETLE with dung ball. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS One of the biggest The huge coprolite below was found to contain chewed bits of bone from a cow-sized meat-eating dinosaur. It’s thought to have been a Tyrannosaurus’s dropping and measures 15 inches (38 cm) in length, although fragments found nearby suggest it was originally larger. Few dinosaur coprolites are preserved exactly as they were formed, and it’s tricky to link them to a particular dinosaur. u FRAGMENTS of bone found in this Tyrannosaurus coprolite show that the predator swallowed bones as well as flesh. It’s a dropping! The fossil hunter Mary Anning (see pages 110–111) found stones in the belly region of the fossils she uncovered and described them as containing fossilized fish bones. Based on her finds, scientist William Buckland gave them the Greek name coprolites, meaning “dung stones.” (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 133

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Corythosaurus Several complete skeletons of Corythosaurus were found in North America, making it one of the best-known members of the hadrosaurid family. This crested, duck-billed dinosaur wandered through the swamps and woodlands of the region 75 million years ago, perhaps in herds. Its crest may have been used as a trumpet to keep in touch with the herd. WOODLAND HABITAT Like most hadrosaurids, Corythosaurus lived in woodlands covering warm plains near the Rocky Mountains in North America. Its snout was smaller and more delicate than those of other hadrosaurids, suggesting a diet of tender leaves and juicy fruits. 134 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Headdress Corythosaurus Corythosaurus means “helmet lizard.\" ko-RITH-oh-SORE-us Scientists named it so because of the crest on its head, which reminded ■ When 76–74 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Canada, N. America them of helmets worn by the ■ Habitat Forests and swampy areas soldiers of ancient Greece. ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Leaves, seeds, and pine needles Corythosaurus was one of the larger hadrosaurids. Tall, bony spines on its back were covered with a frill of skin that formed a ridge running along its back. This frill was very prominent at the back of the head crest, where it was attached. Hollow crest DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Tubes in nostrils were connected to crest. u SKULL Corythosaurus’s crest may have worked like a trombone, amplifying sound to make loud, booming calls that carried a long way. Perhaps these served as warning signals to alert other herd members of predators lurking nearby. u FOSSILIZED SKIN Of the skeletons discovered, some had well-preserved impressions of skin. A few 251 million years ago 200 145 65 of these showed that Corythosaurus’s belly Triassic had strange, wartlike lumps. Jurassic Cretaceous (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 135

DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Edmontosaurus Twice as big as a fire truck, Edmontosaurus was one of the largest duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurids) and lived alongside other giant dinosaurs such as Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus, about 66 million years ago. Like other hadrosaurids, Edmontosaurus had a ducklike bill for cropping leaves, but its head had no crest. 136 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

u MOUTH Edmontosaurus Edmontosaurus had a broad beak for cropping leaves. The back of its mouth ed-MONT-oh-SORE-us was packed with hundreds of tiny teeth for chewing. ■ When 75–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) The teeth were continually ■ Fossil location USA, Canada replaced, with new ones ■ Habitat Swamps of N. America taking perhaps a year to form. ■ Length 43 ft (13 m) long ■ Diet Plants . STANDING TALL Edmontosaurus walked on four Edmontosaurus is named after Edmonton feet and could bend low to reach town in Alberta, Canada, where the first plants on the ground. It could also fossils were found in 1917. One of the largest rear up on its hind legs to reach hadrosaurids, it weighed up to 4½ tons higher branches, but it couldn’t (4 metric tons). Hollow areas around its run on its hind legs. nostrils may have contained inflatable sacs that Edmontosaurus could expand like balloons and perhaps use to make sounds. Mummified Edmontosaurus Preserved DINOSAURS AND BIRDS skin Dinosaur “mummies” Some very well-preserved Edmontosaurus fossils have been found, including fossils of mummified bodies that show skin and other soft tissues. These animals seem to have died in a hot, dry location where the body dried out quickly after death, before soft tissues could decompose. At some later date, the mummies were buried in soft mud or sand, preserving an imprint of the skin. 251 million years ago 200 Jurassic 145 65 u SKIN IMPRESSION Fossilized skin Triassic Cretaceous impressions reveal that Edmontosaurus had scaly skin with large bumps. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 137

Scelidosaurus DID YOU KNOW...? The most striking thing about Scelidosaurus was its Scelidosaurus was discovered in 1858 by armor. Rows of bony studs and spikes, some as big James Harrison, an English quarry worker, as a fist, ran from the head to the tail of this plant and was one of the first dinosaur skeletons eater from the Early Jurassic. The armor probably made found. Encased in hard limestone that was Scelidosaurus a slow mover and forced it to walk on four difficult to remove, the bones were largely legs rather than two, but speed wasn’t its main defense. hidden from view for more than 100 years. In the 1960s, scientists figured out how to dissolve the limestone with acid, and the whole skeleton has now been uncovered. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS 251 million years ago 200 Jurassic 145 65 Triassic Cretaceous (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Scelidosaurus DINOSAURS AND BIRDS SKELL-ih-doe-SORE-uss ■ When 208–195 million years ago (Early Jurassic) ■ Fossil location England, USA ■ Habitat Woodlands of western Europe and N. America ■ Length 12 ft (4 m) ■ Diet Plants All Scelidosaurus fossils have been found in rocks that formed on the seafloor, but this animal wasn’t a sea creature. Perhaps it lived near the coast or perhaps a flood farther inland killed a great number of the dinosaurs and washed them out to sea. A plant-eater, Scelidosaurus probably chomped on low-growing vegetation, shredding leaves with its pointed teeth. It lived in the Early Jurassic and was an early member of a family of dinosaurs known as thyreophorans (“shield bearers,” named for their armor). (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Stegosaurs d SPIKES Each shoulder had a large spike. The woodlands of the Jurassic Period teemed Pairs of smaller spikes lined the with massive, four-legged plant-eaters called tail. The spikes probably helped stegosaurs. Members of the stegosaur family ward off attackers. often had defensive spikes on DINOSAURS AND BIRDS their tails and shoulders, and rows of bony plates ran along their backs. The purpose of the plates is a mystery, but they may have been used for display or temperature control. FAMILY FACT FILE Key features ■ Double row of plates or spikes along the neck, back, and tail ■ Narrow head ■ Beaklike tip of mouth ■ Hooflike toes ■ Walked on all fours When Stegosaurs lived from 176 million years ago (Middle Jurassic) to 100 million years ago (Early Cretaceous). Stegosaurus Each plate was covered with a STEG-oh-SORE-uss tough, hornlike layer or skin. ■ When 150–145 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location USA, Portugal ■ Habitat Woodland ■ Length 30 ft (9 m) ■ Diet Plants Large, diamond-shaped plates ran along The hindlimb the back of this famous dinosaur. was twice as long Although the plates would have made as the forelimb. Stegosaurus look bigger and more fearsome, they were no good as armor. It’s more likely they evolved for use in social or courtship displays. Stegosaurus had a toothless beak made of a hornlike substance. At the back of its mouth were rows of teeth that it used to crush leaves, chewing them to a pulp with simple up-and-down movements. 140 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Huayangosaurus HWAH-YANG-oh-SORE-uss ■ When 165 million years ago (Middle Jurassic) ■ Fossil location China ■ Habitat River valleys ■ Length 13 ft (4 m) ■ Diet Ferns, leaves, cycad fruit One of the early stegosaurs, Huayangosaurus differed from later species in having a shorter, broader snout, with teeth at the front of its top jaw. All four legs were about the same length, whereas other stegosaurs have long hind legs and short front legs. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS , POSTURE Tuojiangosaurus This skeleton gives Stegosaurus an arched appearance, but in TOO-YANG-oh-SORE-uss reality it probably held its head and tail erect, creating a more ■ When 160–150 million years ago (Late Jurassic) horizontal profile. ■ Fossil location China ■ Habitat Forests Tail spike ■ Length 23 ft (7 m) for defense ■ Diet Plants Scientists have found remarkably complete fossils of Tuojiangosaurus, a close relative of Stegosaurus that lived in China. The bony plates along its back and hips were tall and triangular, whereas those on its neck were much smaller. Like other stegosaurs, it had vicious spikes at the tip of the tail, allowing it to gore enemies or rivals with a violent lash of the tail. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. Long jaw had small teeth to chew leaves 141

Kentrosaurus Out of Africa Kentrosaurus was a member of the stegosaur family, Tendaguru, in the dry woodlands of which lived in what is now central Africa. Its name Tanzania, Africa, is a site famous for means “sharp-point lizard”—its shoulders, back, fossils of dinosaurs. Two complete and tail bore fearsome spikes that must have made it difficult for carnivores to attack. skeletons of Kentrosaurus have been assembled from the 900 or so bones found there. Long tail DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Rib cage Five-fingered foot u SKELETON Recent research has shown that the posture of Kentrosaurus’s skeleton in many museums is incorrect. It probably held its tail off the ground and did not have sprawling legs. Kentrosaurus’s brain was the size of a walnut. 251 million years ago 200 Jurassic 145 65 Cretaceous Triassic (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 142

The plates of bone on d SPIKED TAIL Long tail spike the back may have Carnivores that leaped on Kentrosaurus been used for display. or that were lashed by its tail risked being stabbed by the tail spikes and suffering fatal injuries. ONE BRAIN OR TWO? DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Scientists used to think that Kentrosaurus had two brains: a tiny one in its head and a larger one in its rear end. However, experts now think its “rear brain” was just an energy store and not a brain at all. Kentrosaurus KEN-troh-SORE-uss ■ When 156–150 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location Tanzania ■ Habitat Forests ■ Length 16½ ft (5 m) ■ Diet Plants Seven pairs of plates ran along Kentrosaurus’s neck and back. It had a pair of long spikes on its shoulders to protect itself from side attacks and a series of spikes along its tail to fend off attacks from behind. An entire skull fossil has never been found, but Kentrosaurus probably had a narrow snout and tiny teeth like other stegosaurs. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 143

Ankylosaurs FAMILY FACT FILE Also known as the “armored dinosaurs” or “tank Key features dinosaurs,” the members of this family were built ■ Heavily armored bodies like tanks. Their squat bodies were covered with ■ Walked on all fours defensive armor plates and spikes formed from ■ Horny beak with teeth usually on bony growths that developed in the skin. Without lower jaw this protection, these plant-eaters would have ■ Some ankylosaurs had tail clubs been at the mercy of much swifter and and horns on the back of the head sometimes bigger carnivores. ■ Others (known as nodosaurs) had large shoulder spikes When Ankylosaurs lived during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. Edmontonia ED-mon-TOE-nee-a ■ When 75–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Woodlands Shoulder ■ Length 23 ft (7 m) spike DINOSAURS AND BIRDS ■ Diet Low-growing plants Edmontonia was twice the weight of a rhino and armed with huge spikes jutting out of its shoulders. Perhaps it drove off attackers by charging and lunging into them, using the spikes as spears. Some scientists think it used its lethal shoulder spikes to fight others of its own kind in battles over territory or mates. Ankylosaurus ANK-ill-oh-SORE-us ■ When 70–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) eyelids. The armor formed from bony plates ■ Fossil location N. America called osteoderms that grew within the skin, ■ Habitat Woodlands much like the armor plating of a crocodile’s ■ Length 20 ft (6 m) skin. Ankylosaurus was also equipped with a ■ Diet Low-growing plants huge tail club that it could swing at attackers with bone-shattering force. Ankylosaurus was the largest ankylosaur ever. Hundreds of armor plates studded its thick Bony plates on skin, and small armor plates even covered its upper body Long tail Soft tipped with bony club underbelly 144 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Minmi Tail bones Short, sturdy legs MIN-mee Ribs ■ When 120–115 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location Australia ■ Habitat Scrubby and wooded plains ■ Length 10 ft (3 m) ■ Diet Leaves, seeds, small fruit Minmi was one of the smallest of the ankylosaurs. Small, rounded armor plates covered its body, including its belly. Extra bones along its back may have supported its back muscles. Its beak was sharp, and it had small, leaf-shaped teeth with sawtooth edges. Fossilized food remains in the belly of Minmi reveal that it ate leaves, seeds, and small fruits. Gastonia Gargoyleosaurus gas-TOE-nee-ah GAR-goil-oh-SORE-us ■ When 125 million years ago (Early Cretaceous) ■ When 155–145 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location USA ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Habitat Woodlands ■ Length 13 ft (4 m) ■ Length 13 ft (4 m) ■ Diet Plants ■ Diet Low-lying vegetation Only the bravest or most desperate predator would risk attacking Gargoyleosaurus had many unusual features for an ankylosaur. Gastonia. A walking fortress, it was covered from head to tail with rows of huge, bladelike spikes of bone. It had no tail club, but its spiked tail Unlike other members of the family, it had teeth at the front could swing from side to side to inflict savage injuries. The bone forming the top of its skull was dome-shaped and extra thick—perhaps males of the upper jaw, and its armor plates had head-butting contests over territories or mates. were hollow. It also had DINOSAURS AND BIRDS straight nostrils instead of the odd, looping ones seen Spikes on in other the sides ankylosaurs. of the body Sauropelta SORE-oh-PELT-ah ■ When 120–110 million years ago hornlike spikes. A thick shield of (Early Cretaceous) armor plates covered its back and ■ Fossil location USA tail, giving Sauropelta its name ■ Habitat Woodlands (“shield lizard”). The shield was ■ Length 16 ft (5 m) a jigsaw of small plates of bone ■ Diet Plants that fitted together like tiles. Predators risked deadly injury if Armored shield they tried to bite this dinosaur’s covering back neck, which bristled with vicious, and tail Neck spikes 145 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Euoplocephalus One of the largest of the armored dinosaurs (ankylosaurs), Euoplocephalus was twice the size of a rhinoceros and covered in heavy armor. Despite its stocky build and weight, it had powerful legs and may have been quite nimble on its feet. A deadly tail club provided another form of defense for times when its legs or its armor were not enough to save it. Euoplocephalus YOU-owe-plo-SEFF-ah-luss ■ When 70–65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous) ■ Fossil location N. America ■ Habitat Woodlands of N. America ■ Length 20 ft (6 m) DINOSAURS AND BIRDS u A TAIL OF DEFENSE Armor plates on skull , CRAZY PAVING Euoplocephalus had a heavy tail club that it Armored eyelid Euoplocephalus’s skull could swing at attackers with bone-crushing was covered with armor plates force. But it also had a weak spot: a soft belly, which had no armor. arranged like paving stones. There were even Since its discovery in Canada in 1902, over armored shutters on 40 fossils of Euoplocephalus have been found. the eyelids Some of the skeletons are almost complete, that slid down to making it the most well-known member of protect the eyes. the ankylosaur (armored dinosaur) family. Its armor consisted of plates of bone that mostly d EUOPLOCEPHALUS grew directly from the skin. In life, the bony was the dinosaur plates were covered by a hornlike substance. equivalent of a Batmobile, Some of the plates had a central ridge, giving with a powerful body, low them a spiked appearance. profile, and heavy-duty armor plating. 146 (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Armor plate with central ridge Hip bone DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Stout, massive arm bones to support the heavy body. Armor plates on head Broad, beaklike mouth with small teeth 251 million years ago 200 145 65 Hooflike claws Triassic Cretaceous Jurassic (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 147

Prosauropods At the start of the Triassic Period, all dinosaurs were small and stood low on the ground. Over time, a group of mainly plant-eating dinosaurs called the prosauropods grew taller and heavier than their competitors. They evolved long necks and tails and strong back legs that allowed them to stand up and reach high tree branches. u SCISSOR JAWS Sharp teeth could slice through tough leaf stems. DINOSAURS AND BIRDS Plateosaurus Long, curved PLATE-ee-oh-SORE-us thumb claw was used for defense ■ When 220–210 million years ago (Late Triassic) and for grasping ■ Fossil location Germany, Switzerland, Norway, tree branches. Greenland 148 ■ Habitat Plains of western Europe ■ Length 25 ft (8 m) ■ Diet Plants Plateosaurus was one of the largest of the prosauropods. It walked on its hind legs, mainly feeding on plants at ground level. It could also stand like a kangaroo, rearing up on its hindlimbs and stretching its long neck to eat leaves from trees. More than 50 complete skeletons of Plateosaurus have been found. FAMILY FACT FILE Key features ■ Small heads ■ Long, flexible necks ■ Very long thumb claws ■ Hindlimbs longer than forelimbs When Prosauropods first appeared in the Late Triassic, 217 million years ago. They died out in the Middle Jurassic, 184 million years ago. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Massospondylus MASS-oh-SPON-dill-us ■ When 200–183 million years ago (Early Jurassic) Long tail held out , STRONG BODY ■ Fossil location S. Africa for balance Muscled hindlimbs helped ■ Habitat Woodlands of S. Africa Massospondylus rear up ■ Length 13–20 ft (4–6 m) found among its bones. Several to feed from trees. ■ Diet Plants complete skeletons and skulls of Massospondylus have been Lufengosaurus Massospondylus had five-fingered hands, discovered in South Africa. which it used to grasp and pull down Some eggs containing embryos loo-FENG-oh-SORE-us branches. It may also have used its long have also been found. thumb claws to tear off pieces of plant ■ When 200–180 million years ago (Early Jurassic) material. Small, coarse teeth suggest that it ■ Fossil location China could chew both meat and plants. It may also ■ Habitat Woodlands of Asia have swallowed small stones to help digest its ■ Length 20 ft (6 m) food, as many “stomach stones” have been ■ Diet Plants, including cycad and conifer leaves Thecodontosaurus Widely spaced Lufengosaurus was a heavy, stout-limbed dinosaur. teeth could rake Its head was deep and narrow, with bony lumps THEE-co-DON-toe-SORE-us leaves off branches. around its snout and jaws. It used its widely spaced, bladelike teeth to eat tough plants or to nibble ■ When 225–208 million years ago (Late Triassic) on leaves from trees. It may have also eaten small ■ Fossil location British Isles animals. Lufengosaurus probably moved around on ■ Habitat Wooded offshore islands of western Europe two legs most of the time and could rear up to reach ■ Length 7 ft (2 m) higher branches. Its broad hands had long fingers, ■ Diet Plants and each of its thumbs had a massive claw. Thecodontosaurus was the first prosauropod DINOSAURS AND BIRDS to be discovered, and was named “socket- toothed” after its unusual leaf-shaped, sawlike teeth. Unlike lizards today, whose teeth are fused to their jaw bones, this prosauropod’s teeth were rooted in separate sockets in its jaw bones. As it is smaller than its relatives, scientists think it may have lived on islands, since animals that live on islands are often small in size. Many fossils of Thecodontosaurus have been found in caves, and may have been washed there by rising sea levels. DID YOU KNOW...? During World War II, a bomb set fire to the Bristol City Museum in Britain, destroying a precious fossil kept in it. This fossil was of Thecodontosaurus—the oldest dinosaur ever found in Britain. Luckily, some bones were saved and can still be seen in the museum. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Sauropods u BRACHIOSAURUS and relatives used its spoon-shaped teeth to snip leaves from the tops These lumbering giants were the largest creatures of conifers, tree ferns, and ever to walk the Earth. Amazingly long necks other trees. It ate about let them reach far higher than other plant eaters 440 lb (200 kg) of leaves could, making it possible to feed on treetops and twigs a day. as giraffes do today. But they needed pillarlike limbs to support their immense weight, and, Brachiosaurus unlike most dinosaurs, they usually had to walk on all fours. brackee-oh-SORE-uss DINOSAURS AND BIRDS ■ When 150–145 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Plains ■ Length 75 ft (23 m) ■ Diet Treetop leaves and twigs of conifers One of the largest sauropods, Brachiosaurus weighed an incredible 33–55 tons (30–50 metric tons)—nearly 12 times more than an African elephant. Brachiosaurus’s long neck helped it to feed at heights of more than 50 ft (15 m), which is twice as high as any giraffe can reach. FAMILY FACT FILE Key features ■ Small heads and large bodies ■ Long, flexible necks ■ Long, whiplike tails When Sauropods first appeared in the Late Triassic, almost 227 million years ago, and died out at the end of the Cretaceous, 65 million years ago. (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved.

Barapasaurus Camarasaurus buh-RAH-pah-SORE-uss KAM-a-ra-SORE-uss ■ When 189–176 million years ago (Early Jurassic) ■ When 150–140 million years ago (Late Jurassic) ■ Fossil location India ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Open woodland ■ Habitat Open woodland ■ Length 59 ft (18 m) ■ Length 59 ft (18 m) ■ Diet Vegetation ■ Diet Tough tree leaves Barapasaurus probably had a short head. Its neck Numerous Camarasaurus fossils have been found in the United States, was supported by a series of long bones and its making it the best-known sauropod. Its broad and sturdy neck helped limbs were slender. Fossils of its teeth show that it feed on vegetation much lower than that eaten by the larger unlike other sauropods, this creature had sauropods. Some of its hollow bones had large air chambers connected sharp teeth with sawlike edges. to its lungs. These chambers helped reduce body weight and also gave Camarasaurus its name, which means “chambered lizard.” Strong neck u LARGE HEAD Huge belly for digesting Camarasaurus had swallowed leaves a box-shaped head with a blunt snout and huge nostrils. Mamenchisaurus DINOSAURS AND BIRDS ma-MEN-chee-SORE-uss ■ When 155–145 million years ago (Middle to Late Jurassic) u LONG NECK ■ Fossil location China Nineteen long ■ Habitat Deltas and forested plains bones supported ■ Length 85 ft (26 m) Mamenchisaurus’s ■ Diet Vegetation neck, which could move freely from side Mamenchisaurus was named after the Chinese to side. This made it village where its fossils were found. It had one of easier for the creature the longest necks of any known animal. Its skull to reach around. was less pointed than that of Brachiosaurus, and its shoulders were lower and smaller. Vulcanodon Anchisaurus vul-KAN-o-don ankee-SORE-uss ■ When Early Jurassic ■ When 190 million years ago (Early Jurassic) ■ Fossil location Zimbabwe ■ Fossil location USA ■ Habitat Forested plains ■ Habitat Woodland ■ Length 23 ft (7 m) ■ Length 6½ ft (2 m) ■ Diet Vegetation ■ Diet Leaves Vulcanodon was so named because Anchisaurus was a distant cousin of the its first fossils were found in rocks sauropods. Like most dinosaurs, it walked near volcanoes. Like other sauropods, only on its hindlimbs. It had a narrow snout Vulcanodon moved slowly on land. and fed mainly on plants Its stubby, pillarlike limbs were but may sometimes useful in supporting its heavy body, have eaten small but were not meant for running. animals too. Elephantlike feet (c) 2011 Dorling Kindersley. All Rights Reserved. 151

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