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Oxford Discover 2 Student Book_clone

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-24 06:12:42

Description: Oxford Discover 2 Student Book


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Bead ® Today, communication and travel a re fast, a n d it's e a s y to g e t n e w s. But a lon g tim e a g o T h in k ------------- things w ere very different. W hat’s the main idea? Com m unication oO Long a g o , people used letters to communicate. They mailed letters to friends a n d families. Letters w e r e carried by * horse and cart, and later by train or boat. Today, communication is different a n d letters a r e carried by airplane. W e can use e-mail, text m essages, or M phone calls to communicate quickly with friends M and family all over the world. Think- Find one detail o f the main idea My great-grandma mailed a I send e-mails to letter to her friend in London. ny friend in London It took two months to get there She can read them right aw ay.

News eoTvnheetrhyyedlirasaytde.nioeda tto6 noe’wclsock They watch the news on TV and read it on the Internet Before newspapers, anytime they want. people talked to each other to get news. Then people printed the news on paper and newspapers started. Later they listened to the radio for news. Today we can get news any time we want. Travel l o n g distances they went by Ira n or ship. Travel is fast an d e a sy now.

Understand Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. od^ — ^ 1 Communication 2 News □ □□ 3 Travel o Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. Travel long ago w a s slow and difficult. I ’m glad w e have planes now. o Write the main idea of the text and three details. f ----- Main Idea V -------- r r Communication Travel News V -------- *«■-------- __j j O Number the events in the correct order. 1 People listened to the radio for ( ) People watch TV or read the news news. on the Internet. 0 People talked to other each other £ j| Newspapers started, to get news. T h in k What do you think? 0&\" ^ 1 Long ago, people didn't usually go to places very far away. Why not? 2 How does a letter get from Australia to Egypt today? 5 2 Unit 5 Comprehension

Workbook G ram m ar pages 042-043 G ram m ar in Use o Listen and sing along. G r e a t G ran d m a © 1*34 G reat G rand m a traveled on a ship, G reat Grandm a listened to the news, The trip w as long and slow. She moved here from a different land, On her old radio. JJ Many years ago. People didn’t watch TV , Many years ago. Great G randm a walked from place J to place, In sun or rain or snow . She didn’t use a car or bus, Many years ago. G L e a r n G ra m m a r Simple Past Regular Verbs People listened to the news on the radio. They didn’t w atch the new s on TV. People traveled by horse and cart. They didn’t travel by airplane. W hat did you do last night? Write three things. Then tell your partner. watch > watched play > played clean > cleaned talk > talked I didn’t cle an my room . I talked to Me 1-------------------------------------------------------------------- my friend. 1A 2 3 J G Tell your partner something you didn't do last night. Grammar: Simple Past Regular Verbs Unit 5 53

C o m m un icate W ords O Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.35 boat motorcycle cable car truck horse © Think about the words in © and add them to the chart. A lot o f people can travel on Only one or two people can travel these at the sam e time. on these at the sam e time. 1 bus 1 2 2 3 3 L iste n in g T h i n k Are there cable cars in your town? © Listen. Who has a new motorcycle? © 1.36 O Listen ag ain and num ber the words in the order you hear them. © 1.37 j | cable car C D k ys ( p truck horse and cart ( | boat j^ JJ bicycle | j airplane 0 0 51* Unit 5 Vocabulary: Transport •Listening: Specific Information

S p e a k in g © Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © 1.38 What country do M exico you com e from ? Korea S ay that again Would you rep eat that, please? G o t it. T h a n ks. Word Study Words in Alphabetical Order bark boat Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. These bus three words all have the same first letter. Look at the second letters. They are in alphabetical order. If they're the same, too, we look at the third letter. Number the words Ia [ ) apartment b□ | closed c I□ | steam in alphabetical 1□ | amphibian i□ | cream 10 stop order. 1□ | animal i[ ) coyote □J | statue W r it © Tell your partner about something people did long ago but they mdon't do now. Now write about it in your W orkbook. |® Speaking: Asking for Som ething to Be Repeated • Words in Alphabetical Order Unit 5 5 5 BIG QUESTION 0 I think people didn’t travel as much long ago. How a re things different now think we can read news from long ago? on the Internet now.

W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.39 arrive ask check enter poor crowded clerk visit sick O Complete the sentences. Circle the two correct words. 1 The ... checks something, 4 The ship is very ... ayd o c t o r ) b fclerl a su g ar b crowded c balloon c big 2 He wants to ... the zoo. 5 I like to ... questions. a v isit b jum p c go to a a sk b w alk c a n sw e r 3 She's sad because she is ... 6 He arrives at school and ... his classroom. a happy b sick c poor a e n t e r s b s e e s\"■ c a s k sjw 56 Unit 6 Vocabulary: Travel Nouns and Verbs

Before You Read I PREVIEW T h in k Are there children from other countries in your Tell Me a Story, school? Do you sometimes visit other towns? G ran d p a Sequence of Events This story is Sequence is the order of things, historical fiction. such as 1, 2, 3, H-or a, b, c, d. Stories often have a sequence. Historical fiction Events in a story happen in is a story about an order: something that 1 Grace mailed a letter from happened long ago. P aris to her cousin in London. 2 The letter arrived in ten days. *» * 3 Her cousin w as happy to get the letter. Put the events in the correct order. Write the numbers. □ Lucia w as sad to say goodbye. ( ) She visited her aunt in the city, a Lucia lived in a village long ago. ( ) She and her aunt visited many fun places. □ She arrived in two days. O Long ago, a boy and his fam ily traveled to the United States from far away. How do you think they traveled? Reading: Sequence o f Events Unit 6 5 7

\"Tell me a story Grandpa!\" \"gOrkaanyd,f\"asthayesr,GCraarnlod.pIan. \"1I9'l1l0t,eCllayrolou wa asstotreynaybeoaurst moldy. He and his family lived in Italy. They were very poor, so they came to CthaerlUontritaevdelSetdatteos afoprlaacbeetftaerralwifea.yT.\"his was the first time that \"vRiseiatllay?diIf'fmerteennt,ctoouon,\"trsyayesveHryensruym, \"mAenrd!\"Mom, Dad, and I \"Yes, Henry. Things are different now,\" says Grandpa. \"How did they travel here?\" asks Henry. \"They traveled by ship,\" says Grandpa. \"It wcarnaodswnmd'teaadnnyaenpadesoydpitrlrteiyp.gTboethcseaircueks.weCatahsrnel'otshmwipauscwhsiacfsokotodo. Ttehneydaayrrsi.v\"ed at Ellis Island in New York after \"Wow! That's slow!\" says Henry. \"Now it only takes about nine hours in an airplane.\" \"I know,\" says Grandpa. \"It's very different today.\"

\"What happened at Ellis Island?\" asks Henry. \"sDcoarcetodr,\"s, and Carlo was very \"Why was he scared, Grandpa? Doctors help people,\" says Henry. \"eYnetse. rBNutewpeYoporlke,\"wshaoyswGerreann'dtphae.a\"ltThhyeccoleurlkdsn't asked them many questions.\" \"What questions, Grandpa?\" asks Henry. \"aWrehyeroeuasriceky?o\"usafyrosmG?raAnrdepyao.u\"hLeuackltihlyy, oCrarlo wthaast'fseewlihnygwbeetltievreshoetrheetyodleatyhaimndinn.oAt inndItaly.\" \"That was a cool story, Grandpa!\" says tHoeIntrayly..\"\"I have an idea. Let's take a trip \"That's a good idea, Henry,\" says Grandpa. \"Let's go next summer.\" \"aAirwpelsaonme,e,nGotraansdhpipa!!\"But let's take an

Understand Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. oOv r- The trip to the United States cO cE| : Carlo and his fam ily at Ellis Island oo □o □o i Henry's idea of a trip to Italy O Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. The trip on the ship. It w as dangerous. O Number the events in the correct order. □ Carlo and his family traveled □ Carlo and his family live to the United States on a ship. in the United States. □ Carlo and his family arrived □ The clerks asked Carlo at Ellis Island. questions. □ Carlo and his family entered QCarlo and his family lived New York. in Italy. O Complete the sentences. Write the words. 1 Carlo is G r a n d p a ' s _____________ 2 Henry is years old. 3 Ellis island is in 4 Henry wants to go to Italy by T h in k What do you think? 1 Is Henry happy that he lives now and not long ago? Why? 2 Was it easy going to a new country long ago? 60 Unit 6 Comprehension

Workbook Gram m ar J\"pages 050-051 G ram m ar in Use o Listen and sing along. W hat Did You Do Y e s t e r d a y ? © 1*41 W h a t did you do yesterday? W h a t did you do yesterday? J Did you visit M ay? Yes, I did. Did you travel far? No, I didn’t. Did you w a lk there in the rain? Did you climb up a tree? Did you travel there by train ? Did you w atch shows on T V ? W h a t did you do yesterday? W h a t did you do yesterday? o L e a rn G ram m ar Simple Past Regular Verbs Did they travel by ship? Yes, they did. Did they arrive in two d a y s ? No, they didn’t. What did they do? They lived with C arlo ’s uncle. Where did they go? How did they travel there? Practice with a partner. Grandma Helen W here did he tra ve l? He traveled a Did he tra ve l by sh ip ? to New York. Is it...? ‘k j Yes, he did. O Ask your partner a question about how he or she traveled to school today. Grammar: Simple Past Regular Verbs with Wh- and Yes / No Questions Unit 6 61

C o m m un icate W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i.42 --------- -------•> i y t* ^--------- J couch chair lamp clock bathtub sink O Read the sentences. Write the words from © . You can use the sam e word more than once. What are three things we couch can sit in o r on? What are two things we wash in? What are three things we can see in a bedroom? What are two things we can see in a classro o m ? L iste n in g T h in k W hat are som e old things in your home? ^ e Listen. Why were some things small a long time ago? © 1.43 Listen again and match. © 1.44 f a bathtub ) ^ a sink ^ d> a chair a lamp & GO a couch a clock j 62 Unit 6 Vocabulary: Furniture • Listening: Details

S p e a k in g _______________________________________________________ Q Im agine you traveled between two cities in your country a long time ago. Practice with your partner. Use the words in the boxes to help. © 1.45 W riting Study Adding -ed to Some Verbs When we talk about things in the If the verb ends in e, we just add d. past, we add -ed to some verbs. He arrived in New York I visited my grandmother. yesterday. Complete the sentences. Write the past tense verbs. 1 My grandfather tra v e le d to New York in 1910. (travel) 2 Lisa ____________________ late for school, (arrive) 3 My brother ball in the park, (play) 4 We the building together, (enter) W r i t e Tell your partner about traveling to a place 100 years ago and traveling there today. Write about it in your W orkbook. Speaking: Describing Travel and Transport • Writing: Adding -ed to Some Verbs Unit 6

Units 5 and 6 o Listen and read along. © 1.46 6 4 Review

P ro ject: In terview an A dult o Interview an adult. In te rv ie w • Ask him or her questions about life now and long ago. In B .■ H ow d 'd you cjo to s c h o o l^ r a n d met ? • Write a report of the interview. • Draw or find pictures. Gran dry)a i/Ve w alked. O Put your interview on the wall. Me V 'd y o u travel to p la ces Tell the class one interesting ^Jlery fa r a way l_ thing from the interview. Grandma: No, but m traveled to the c ity by bus. Many people d id n 't Itove cars then My grandm other Ml ■ D id you watch TV ? listened to the radio a long tim e ago. She Grandma ■No, We didn't. iNe Id le meet to the radio. w atches TV every night now. Me I Thank y0u) Grandm a. O Walk around the room. Look T in a ’s grandfather at all the interviews. Say one lived in New York thing about each interview. a long tim e ago. He lives in B o sto n now. Watch the video. a W h a t did you learn about how o Think more about things are different the Big Question. from long ago? BIG QUESTION Q O Complete the How a re things Big Question d iffe re n t now Chart. from long ago? Project: Interview on Adult • Big Question 3

In units WATCH LEARN READ 7 and 8 a video about about about a subtraction. subtraction. greedy monkey. you will:

o aWatch the video. 0 Look at the picture. What do you see? 1 What does the boy have? 2 What is he doing? G Think and answer the questions. 1 When do we use numbers? 2 How much money did you have two days ago? How much do you have now? Q Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you know about subtraction?

PPr - . - mm i\" 7WU INS ■I TI M m Get Ready . W ords L c HHBAr ■o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.47 minus sign subtraction take away column row test score El double-digit left number single-digit number Q Circle the correct answer. 1 There are 43 apples. I take away 5 apples. There are 2 apples left. T ru e (F a ls e ) 2 These are single-digit numbers: 1, 4, and 9. True False 3 When your test score is bad, your teacher isn't happy. True False 4 These things are in a column. True False 5 This is a subtraction math problem. True False 6 This is a minus sign. <=> True False 6 8 Unit 7 Vocabulary: Math

Before You Read PREVIEW T h in k Do you like math? What's your favorite number? In this text, we learn about oOv subtraction. Reread This text is an in form ation al To reread means to read a text again. You can reread text. Remember, something for many different reasons, such as when you informational don't understand something. When you reread, read texts tell us about slowly and think about what you're reading. our world. Read the text once. Answer the questions. Math W e use m ath every day. People use addition and subtraction when they buy and sell things. Your parents use m ath when they buy food and clothes for you, so they know how much money they need. You use m ath to keep score when you play a game w ith your friends. 1 When do people use subtraction? 2 When do you use math? Now reread the text. Answer the question. 1 Why do parents use math? O The text on pages 70 -71 is about subtraction. W hat are the three words you think are in the text? Reading: Reread Unit 7 6 R

Read What is subtraction? When we add things, we join them together. When we subtract things, we take them aw ay from other things. Then we can see how many things are left. There are 3 apples left. Subtracting in Groups -T h in k s JWhen we count backward, we're sub*tracting 1 each time. Count backward from 50 to 1. Now count backward by fives, Reread this part. subtracting 5 each time. Now count backward by tens. cHow much are you subtracting each time now? OO f id fid w d n d lt d i .^ id ubtraction Math Problems All subtraction math problems have a minus si

Subtraction Math Problems 5 j= > a = )i in Ro u js and Columns 50 We usually write subtraction math problems for 20 single-digit numbers in a row and we usually write 30 subtraction problems for double-digit numbers in a column, q ° ~ T h in k ------- Reread this pari. Subtraction Word Problems Let's use subtraction to solve these problems. Alma bought five cookies. Olivia had thirty-five grapes. She gave Her friends ate three. How twenty grapes to her little sister. How many many cookies were left? grapes were left? w » Y*Z % r ^ %4 9 fc w 4 Now think of some things that My teacher subtracts people subtract every day. num bers from 100 for my test score!

Com prehension »* T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. ^ 1 Counting backwards in fives and tens 2 Subtraction math problems □ o in rows and columns □ 3 Subtraction word problems o Ask and answer ■tl. the question. - W hat’s your favorite p art? Counting b ackw ard s in te n s. I t ’s fa s t. O Answer the questions. 1 When we count backward in twenties, how many do we subtract each time? 2 What sign do all subtraction math problems have? Q Use these numbers to write subtraction math problems in your notebook. Use rows and columns. 1© C D © 2© © © 3© © © T h in k What do you think? 1 When do we count backwards? 2 Why can we write single-digit subtraction problems in rows? 7 2 Unit 7 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use Workbook G ram m ar o Listen and sing along. Cookies! © Ipages 060-061 Yesterday, Billy bought cookies at the store. He bought sixteen cookies, but his sister ate four. •0 J3 J His mother ate three, and his brother had eight. H o w m a n y cookies w ere left on B illy ’s plate? Today, Billy didn’t buy cookies at the store. But his mother bought three and his sister bought four. His brother bought sixteen but he only had eight. H o w m a n y cookies w ere left on B illy ’s plate? e L e a r n G ra m m a r Simple Past Irregular Verbs Alma bought five cookies. She didn’t buy four. Olivia gave her sister twenty stickers. She didn’t give her twenty-six. eat > ate see > saw buy > bought What did they do? Practice with a partner. May ate May eat S h e did n’t three eat six Tam see ca rro ts. ca rro ts. Ja y buy Q Tell your partner something you did and didn't eat or drink yesterday. Grammar: Simple Past Irregular Verbs in Negative Statements Unit 7 7 3

C o m m un icate W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.50 clean dirty tired hungry thirsty full O Match the words to the sentences. 60 50 1 clean a I ate ten cookies! 70 2 dirty b I want some water, please, -11 3 tired c I want chicken and rice, please, 4 hungry d I have a new, white dress, 5 thirsty e I want to sleep, 6 full f I am washing my clothes. L iste n in g T h in k How do you feel now? O Listen. W hat do the kittens drink? © 1.51 O Listen again and circle the correct subtraction problem Then write the answer. © 1.52 60 40 14 16 -13 -13 13 15 qo 18 80 17 -17 -15 50 - 11 7 4 Unit 7 Vocabulary: Adjectives • Listening: Number Details

O Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © 1.53 No, thank you. Would you like som e fru it? , | pasta salad soup How about Yes, please, I ’m not hungry. some w ater? I ’m thirs+y. I d o n ’t like it. I ju st ate some, tea juice soda ~-s Word Study Syllables A word can have more than one part. These parts are called syllab les. Each syllable is a separate sound. One-syllable words: ate, test, salt Two-syllable words: dou / ble, bath / tub Three-syllable words: an / i / mal, sub / trac / tion Mark the syllables. Write the number. 1 fe a /th e r ____2____ 3 instrument 5 liquid 6 vacation 2 ice _________ 4 message W rite Think of an interesting subtraction problem with your partner. Now write about it in your W orkbook. Speaking: Offering •Syllables Unit 7 7 5 BIG QUESTION © I think people use subtraction every day. When do I think people use Q we use subtraction to buy things. su b tra c tio n ?

QDGOQl ? Get Ready W ords O Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 2.02 steal dig up greedy bored baker cook O Look at 2 and write the words. 1 People who work in a kitchen: b a k e r 2 Things we can do: G Complete the sentences. Write the words from Q . 1 When it rains, I feel and don't know what to do. 2 He puts money in a _____________________ every day so he can buy a bike. 3 Yesterday, Joe was _____________________ and ate too many cakes. 76 Unit 8 Vocabulary: People Nouns and Verbs

Before You Read [ PREVIEW T h in k What kind of candy do you like? What animals can Bandar, dig things up? the Greedy Monkey Beginning, Middle, and End of a Story This story is a fable. Stories have three parts. A fable is a story • a beginning: Mary baked ten cookies for her friends. that teaches us • a middle: Her brothers were hungry and ate eight a lesson. Bandar means monkey, cookies. in Hindi. Some • an end: Mary only had two cookies left for her friends. people in India speak Hindi. Read the sentences. Number them in the correct order. Then write B (beginning) for two sentences, IV! (middle) for three sentences, and E o(end) for two sentences. His test grade is good. o She takes away ten points, He takes the test and writes the answers, o Aaron has a subtraction test today. B He likes math now. _________ o Ms. Jackson grades Aaron's test. His score is 90. © Look at the pictures on pages 78-79. What places do you think are in the story? Reading: Beginning, Middle, and End o f o Story Unit 8 7 7

Read K anaar K tK elG r e e d y 0 /1 onkey 1 / A monkey called Bandar lived in the woods near a small town. One day, Bandar was bored and decided to go into the town. Bandar went to a bakery and saw thirty beautiful cookies. He stole a cookie and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more cookies! The baker saw Bandar and chased him. \"You greedy little monkey!\" he cried. \"Now there are only fifteen cookies!\" Bandar ran up a tree and hid in the leaves. When he looked down, he saw sixty small carrots in a garden. When the gardener wasn't looking, Bandar ran down the tree, dug up a carrot, and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more carrots! The gardener saw Bandar and chased him. \"You greedy little monkey! Now there are only forty-four carrots!\" Bandar went to a restaurant and saw forty-two sausages. He stole a sausage and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more sausages! 78

The cook saw Bandar and chased him. \"You greedy little monkey! Now there are only thirty sausages!\" Bandar stole food all over the town. Everyone was angry. They tried to catch Bandar, but he was too fast. Then the candy maker had an idea. The next day, Bandar went to the candy store. He saw two big jars of candy in every color, and it all looked good! Bandar put his hands in the jars and grabbed twenty pieces of candy. But he couldn't get the candy out of the jars. The candy maker ran in. \"You greedy little monkey! Let go of the candy and you can run away!\" Did Bandar let go of the candy? No, he didn't, and the candy maker caught him. He took him back to the woods and told him never to come to town again.

Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. oO^-\"— ^ 1 Bandar at the bakery 2 Bandar in the garden 3 Bandar in the candy store O Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. ________ G re e d y B a n d a r didn’t let go of the candy. It ’s funny. 0 Look at the pictures. Number them in the correct order. Then write B (beginning), M (middle), and E (end). 0 Read the subtraction word problems. Answer the questions. cookies carrots 1 The baker had thirty cookies. Now he has fifteen. How many cookies did Bandar steal? 2 The gardener had sixty carrots. Now he has forty-four. How many carrots did Bandar dig up? T h in k What do you think? 1 Was Bandar a smart monkey? 2 What is the lesson of the story? Give one idea. 8 0 Unit 8 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use Workbook G ram m ar o Listen and sing along. My B r o t h e r © .2 04 Ipages 068-069 I J3 W h e re ’s m y kite, an d w h e re ’s m y ball? Here’s m y kite, and here’s m y ball! L0 Did I leave them in the hall? I didn’t loose them after all! W h a t did I do with my toy train? Mom put all my toys aw ay! Did I leave it out ag ain ? Here th e y are! It’s tim e to play! W h e re ’s m y robot? W h e re ’s m y car? J I don’t know where my toys are. Did I have them yesterday? Did I put them all aw ay? © L e a r n G ra m m a r Simple Past Irregular Verbs Did B a n d ar go to a can dy s t o r e ? Yes, he did. Did he let go o f the can dy? No, he didn’t. What did Ban d ar do with the c o o k ie s? He ate them. Follow the lines. Ask your partner the questions. make > made buy > bought take > took sell > sold How many balloons did he se ll? Grammar: Simple Past Irregular Verbs with Wh- and Yes / No Questions Unit 8 81

C o m m un icate W ords O Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 2.05 ( nose ^hand O Read the sentences. Write the words from Q . 1 Most anim als don't have these but orangutans have very long ones. a rm s 2 People and anim als use it to smell. 3 People use these to clap. We should keep them clean to stay healthy. 4 Your eyes, nose, and mouth are on this body part. 5 We put sneakers on these. 6 This is in the middle of your leg. L iste n in g T h i n k How m any noses can you see in your classroom ? Q Listen. What anim als do you hear about? © 2*06 O Listen again and complete the subtraction problem. Write the answer. © 2.07 1 235 3 4 70 5 6 -15 -20 - - -10 8 2 Unit 8 Vocabulary: Body • Listening: Number Details

S p e a k in g 0 Make a crazy subtraction problem poem by replacing the colored words with your own. Tell your partner. Use the words in the boxes to help. © 2-os Tw enty co w s s a t in so m e tre e s . Aa 0b Cc Dd Five fell down and hurt their knees. Ee F f Gg Hh H ow m any co w s w e re left in the tre e s ? Ii JJ Kk U Mm Thirty eagles ... W riting Study Contractions Remember, contractions are two words joined together. We make contractions by taking aw ay a letter and adding an apostrophe ('). do + not = don’t d o e s + not = d o e sn ’t did + not = didn’t can + not = can’t should + not = shouldn’t Write the contractions. 1 Karen d o e s n ’t like fruit salad, (does not) 2 Bandar dig up carrots in the garden, (should not) 3 Kamil play a musical instrument, (can not) 4 Bandar _ let go of the candy, (did not) 5 Mammals have wings or gills, (do not) W r i t e Tell your partner three things you did last night. Now write about them in your W orkbook. Speaking: Describing a Math Problem • Writing: Contractions Unit 8 8 3

Units W r a p Up I 7 and 8 o Listen and read along. © 2.oq The class played a game. Two students let go. How many students were left? The students'subtraction test scores were very good! Good job, everyone! L e t ’s h a v e a picnic! The class sang and danced. They had thirteen sandwiches. The birds Three students hid in the bushes. stole eight. How many were left? How many were left? There were twenty-four cookies. Gus ate Ms. Smart took a picture of the class. ten. How many cookies were left? They were tired, hungry, and thirsty, but they were happy. 8 4 Review

P r o je c t : Make a Subtraction Board Game o Make a subtraction board game. • Draw the squares. to • Think of the subtraction problems. W - Z3 5t-A • Write the problems in the squares. 3 I U < C 12 L U c tir s . /7 - -' *0 / /o ^ H «v- ^ A*. * ^ ^? * ^ Oft? V ® It \\ 11 M t sJ. Jl.U//«✓ *O l . »-*e I 0 7 - 72 ^ &<t? ^ <?? II/^f«w/'*vt^ ^ - £ £ ~ a « i. J TKi t*A cr U X *. r* *0 - 8 /xcs He. S ^ e 2 1 <51 4 £ / 15 e Switch gam es with another group. Play the board game. Write down your answers. The baker baked 33 pies. He sold 29. How many pies w ere left? Four pies w e re left! vj O Give your board gam e back to the group to check the answers. <? Q Watch the video. | 3 W h a t did you learn about BIG QUESTION Q o Think more about subtraction? the Big Question. When do we use su b tra c tio n ? G Complete the Big Question Chart. Project: Subtraction Board Game • Big Question H

In units WATCH LEARN READ 9 and 10 a video about people about rules poem s about how to getting along. get along with people you will:

* MAKE 11 1 ITE a rules poster. it rules ime. BIG QUESTION Q How do people get along with each other? O aWatch the video. ^ Look at the picture. What do you see? 1 What are the girls doing? 2 Where are they? O Think and answer the questions. 1 How can you help your teacher? 2 What do your parents do for you? O Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h at do you know about how people get along with each other?

W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 2.10 traffic light take turns polite clean up litter librarian .IfEGUARD crossing guard principal lifeguard O One of the words is incorrect. Cross out the wrong answer. 1 She works in a school. She helps the students find books. a l i b r a r i a n b-pr i n c i pah~ 2 We see these on streets.They're red, yellow, and green. a tfrer b t r a f f ic lig h ts 3 The bus is full. A boy stands up so an old woman can sit down. a polite b p a tie n t 4 The library is messy. The student puts the books away. a clean up b take tu rn s 5 He works at a swimming pool. a cro ssin g guard b lifeg uard 8 8 Unit 9 Vocabulary: Rules and People

Before You Read I PREVIEW T h in k What things can you do at home? What things Following can't you do at school? Rules Categorize This text is an When we categorize, we put things that are similar into informational groups. After you read, think of the things you read about. How are they similar? Can they be put in one group? This text. Remember, helps you to remember them later. P a sta , v eg e tab le s, and salad a re in the food group. informational texts J a c k e t s , shorts, and T-shirts a re in the clothes group. tell us about our world. Social Studies: Community Read the text. Complete the chart. A reserve worker talks to some children. \"Those are orangutans. They're mammals, and their bodies are covered in hair. They have two arms and two legs.\" \"Those orange-and-red tree frogs are amphibians and live in trees. They have wet skin on their bodies. They have long legs so they can jump high.\" A n im als Body Coverings Body Parts 1 mammals 2 amphibians O Look at the title and pictures on pages 90-91. W hat do you think the text is about? Reading: Categorize Unit 9 8 9

111111111111111 Following -J — ^ ZM . Rules We follow rules every day There are rules for things we do at home, at school, and in a lot of other places. Think about rules a t hame. Parents usually make these rules, and they make sure we fallow them. Parents can ask us to wash aur hands and clean up. They make other rules about eating unhealthy food, watching T V , or bedtime. W h at rules da you fallow a t hame? T h e re a re ru les a t school, ta a . T ea ch e rs ___ and the principal m ake the sahaol rules. W e should alw ays _be polite and ta k e tu rn s when w e play gam es. Lib ra ria n s help us fallow the ru les in th e school library. W e can’t eat, drink, o r be noisy th e re . Outside_ school, the crossing guard helps us cro ss the road safely, and w e should pay attention to the tra ffic light. T h e s e ru les help keep us happy and safe. C an you think o f mare

at the zoo: don’t feed Zoos and other fun places have rules, too. the animals At the zoo, you can’t touch or feed the animals. You should never throw things at the animals, cm O ^ - T h i n k ------------------- Swimming po ols a re fun places, tea. These rules help How do these rules help the an im als? make it safe far everyane there. Yau shouldn’t run near the water and yau cant eat, drink, o r litter near the paal. Yau must always listen ta the lifeguards because lifeguards make sure we fallaw the rules and that we are safe in and near the water. Rules tell us what we should and shouldn’t do, and they help keep us safe, happy, and healthy What rules do you think are important?

Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. oO^ —^ 1 Rules at home 2 Rules at school □ 3 Rules at fun places O Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. Rules a t the zoo help to keep anim als safe. That’s good! O Complete the chart. Write the words from the text. T hese people help keep us safe. These places have rules. 1 parents 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 G Answer the questions. 1 Who make rules at school? 2 What should we do when we play games? T h in k What do you think? 1 Are rules only for children? 2 Can we follow rules and have fun, too? 9 2 Unit 9 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use Workbook Gram m ar o Listen and sing along. W hose S h o e s A re T h e se ? J \"pages 078-07°! © 2.12 ^ J Oh dear, whose shoes are these? No, no, that isn’t right, J J Help me clean up, please. These are mine and those are yours. No, no hers are w hite. • J9 A re these L a y la ’s? Yes, of course. T h e y are L a y la ’s shoes. These are mine and those are yours. A re these L a y l a ’s? Yes, of course. y T h e y are L a y la ’s shoes. J G L e a r n G ra m m a r Possessive Pronouns Those are your things. Those things are yours. They aren't my toys. They aren't mine. Whose book is this? It's hers. Whose pencils are these? They're his. A sk questions ab o u t w h a t people in yo ur group h ave. W hose pencils W hose are these? notebook is this? G W alk around the room with your partner. Point to three things in the classroom and a sk questions ab o u t w ho th ey belong to. Grammar: Possessive Pronouns Unit 9 *13

C o m m un icate W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 2.13 kitchen living room cafeteria classroom swimming crosswalk pool O Think about the words in © and add them to the chart. Only at School Only at Home Both 1 cafeteria 1 1 22 3 L iste n in g T h in k Is there a crossing guard at the crosswalk at your school? e Listen. Where is it dangerous to run around? © 2.14 O Listen again and circle the correct places. © 2.15 I T h e s e a r e r u le s f o r t h e ... 1 cafeteria CcrosswailT') 2 living room kitchen 3 zoo swimming pool •4 library cafeteria 5 kitchen living room 6 classroom library 9 4 Unit R Vocabulary: Places • Listening: Specific Information

S p e a k in g Q Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. her our Sorry about Use the words in the box to help. © 2-ie that. It ’s my turn. No, it is n ’t. I t ’s F e lix ’s tu rn . My mistake. Oh, you’re right. I ’m sorry. T h a t’s all right. D on’t w o rry about it. Word Study Phrasal Verbs Sometimes two words go together to make one verb that has a special meaning. Clean up: Je n n y cleaned up the kitchen fo r her mother. Write the correct word. the pencils and erasers, 1 Leo an d N an cyp u t a_way_ all the carrots. 2 The rabbit dug 3 My sister fell ___________________ and hurt her arm. 4 The cat ran from the fox. W r i t e Tell your partner about three rules at your house. Does he or she have the sam e rules? Now write about them in your W orkbook. Speaking: Apologizing • Phrasal Verbs Unit 9 4 5 BIG QUESTION 0 I think we need rules \\ to help us get along. How do people I think fun places, like Q get along with zoos, need rules, too. each other?

W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 2.17 knock thoughtful rude grab put away wrr; pass invite wash share O Circle the one that does not belong. 1 wash: my han d s a car (p s) an apple 2 grab: steam a hand the toys 3 put away: t h e b o o k s the bus 4 knock on: a cook th e window th e d o o r 5 invite: my aunt my frie n d t r a ff ic lig h ts 6 pass: the tea 7 share: th e salad the freezer the sa lt 8 be: s c a le s popcorn th e candle thoughtful rude 4 6 Unit 10 Vocabulary: Getting Along

Before You Read THE T h in k How are you a good friend? How can you be PLEASE ° ° ^ w nice to people? AND Theme THANK YOU The theme of a story is the most important thing the writer wants you to understand. The writer is often BOOK showing something important. OF POEMS Matthew and Dylan are different. Matthew likes math, art, and quiet places, but Dylan doesn’t These texts are like them. Matthew can sing and dance but Dylan can ’t. They like each other and e-mail each other poems. Poems use every day. Theme: People who are very different can be friends. words to create a Read the story. Circle the correct theme. rhythm, or pattern, Mouse, Rabbit, and Opossum are of beats. The words hungry. They want dinner but their food is boring because they eat the create pictures in sam e food every day. Mouse eats fruit, Opossum eats vegetables, and our minds. Rabbit eats carrots. They have an idea. T h e y take their food to Mouse's Barbara Shook Hazen house. Th e y now have three different is the author of over foods for dinner. They're happy! 70 books that children all around the world 1 It's good to share things. like to read! She enjoys 2 We should eat the same food every day. traveling and writing about animals. O Look at the pictures on pages R8-RR. W hat anim al is rude? Reading: Theme Unit 10 9 7

book of Welcome, Ricky Raccoon ***** oV\" r +° pl^ He kelps p,+ «H ^ +°^S . He «sks kis JfnwuJ <**+ ^ +° do L IL ,^ - e ,. ^ He kwskes before ke co^es + ° ^ Q M i kelps k/S kos+ *)ke.ever ke s «ble. r> Think TK«+ 's rtk/j « l^ s + eveai ^ Someone mvi+es Kick/J over +o pUuj- What is the theme of fhis poem? Don't be Grabby, Gorilla GoriHas a rc rude. TWcq cfdo JcWcir -food. Tnei\\ never s>ai\\, *?\\casc p*ss khe peach* They're So anxious, TW ^j^sT reach. T k ^ aps&* oTkers *6^ *11 *hei\\ do. And soto-e^imes ... khel\\ upze^c The ^aHe, +00.

The Ox Always Knocks The ox Alrfaqs knocks ore Opening a door, because, Someone behind i-f MiqhT be sleeping. Or rirappincg a presenT Or Sad or iDeepinc^. Then he alu)aqs asks, Think rMaq I come in?* And everyone saips, What is the theme (‘ Woia) Thouc^TZul o-f him/ o f this poem? Bears Always Share 'bears share Their To^s. 'bears share Their hone/j. bears share a joke 'Th&q Think is £ann/j. WhaTever Thei^ doJ MhaTever Theq neap Thzq alu)aqs share iT iciTh AnoTher bear. T h in k --------- O' What is the theme o f this poem?

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