1-Track 50 How do I look? How do I look? You look like a bug. How do I look? How do I look? You look like a mop. How do I look? How do I look? You look like my uncle. 50 Phonics_1
1-Track 51 A fancy fox is walking in the woods. She is as pretty as flowers. She is as bright as the sun. She is as sweet as honey. The pretty fox is wearing an orange scarf. She is wearing a lady bug hair pin. She has a red umbrella. All the animals in the woods watch the fox walking. unit 4 51
5Unit Consonants Beginning Consonants Jj/Kk 2-Track 01 Listen and learn the sounds and letters. Jj jam Kk kite 2-Track 02 Listen and circle the sound you hear. 1. J j Kk 2. J j Kk 3. J j Kk 4. J j Kk 52 Phonics_1
2-Track 03 Listen, circle and write the beginning sound. 1. 2. 3. j/k j/k j/k 4. 5. 6. j/k j/k j/k unit 5 53
2-Track 04 Listen and match the pictures to the right beginning sound. j k 54 Phonics_1
Beginning Consonants Ll/Rr 2-Track 05 Listen and learn the sounds and letters. Ll lamp Rr rabbit 2-Track 06 Listen and circle the sound you hear. 1. L l R r 2. L l Rr 3. L l R r 4. L l R r unit 5 55
2-Track 07 Listen and write the beginning sound. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 56 Phonics_1
2-Track 08 Listen and find the way with the same beginning sound. LL RR unit 5 57
Word reading Read and circle the word that matches each picture. 1. mug / tug / rug 2. rat / jump / lamp 3. jam / ham / mom 4. run / rug / hug 5. lamp / jump / junk 6. rat / mat / hat 58 Phonics_1
Read and write the words under the right picture. bug hand fin mug hit hop mop land a iou unit 5 59
2-Track 09 Listen and draw a line to the matching word. � �� bad hot tub mad fat � big 60 Phonics_1 � �
2-Track 10 Listen, write and circle the same beginning sound. 1. r 2. l 3. j 4. k unit 5 61
2-Track 11 My name is J, I sing j, j. jelly jam, jelly jet, jelly juice. My name is K, I sing k, k. kitty kite, kitty key, kitty king My name is L,, II ssiinngg l,, l.. lliillyy llaakkee,, lliillyy lleeaaff,, lliillyy lliioonn.. MMyy nnaammee iiss R,, II ssiinngg r,, r.. rroossyy rraaddiioo,, rroossyy rriinngg,, rroossyy rruugg.. 62 Phonics_1
2-Track 12 King likes jam. He likes jelly. He likes juice, too. He is getting big, big, big. He is as white as a rabbit. He is as lazy as a rat. unit 5 63
6Unit Short Vowel Short Vowel Ee 2-Track 13 Listen and learn the sounds and letters. jt Ee jet nt net 2-Track 14 Listen and circle the short vowel sound you hear. 1. A a Ee 2. E e Ii 3. E e Oo 4. E e Uu 64 Phonics_1
2-Track 15 Listen and write e if you hear the short /e/ sound. 1. 2. l gs hn 3. 4. tn pp 5. 6. mp rd unit 6 65
2-Track 16 Listen and throw the balls with the short /e/ sound into the net. 66 Phonics_1
eMy first words with short Say the sound of the letters. Then read and write the words. 1. p - e - n = pen 2. b - e - d = bed 3. t - e - n = t e n 4. p - e - t = pet 5. h - e - n = hen unit 6 67
Read the words and draw a line to the matching picture. Then write the word. 1. men � � � �n t 2. jet � � � �b d 3. bell � � � � b ll 4. net � � � �r d 5. red � � � �m n 6. bed � � � �j t 68 Phonics_1
Word reading Read and write the words with the short /e/ sound. men pot cut belt hen top 1. 2. 3. unit 6 69
Read and make the bed by connecting the words with the short /e/ sound. red bed pot cup mad hen jump men hop net hug pen ten bell legs 70 Phonics_1
Read and draw a line to the word with the same vowel sound. ppeett bbeellll mmuugg ppiigg bbuugg mmaatt ddaadd ttoopp mmoomm bbiinn a i o eu unit 6 71
Read and write the number under the matching picture. 1. fat 2. rat 3. tub 4. legs 5. dig 6. hop 7. pop 8. tug 9. sing 72 Phonics_1
2-Track 17 Listen and write the number under the matching picture. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ ] 2-Track 18 3. Listen and write a, i, o, u or e in each word. 1. 2. tn mg ht 4. 5. 6. wg ht pt 7. 8. 9. bg nt bd unit 6 73
2-Track 19 What is your name? I am E e e Where are you from? I’m from a bed. Where are you from, E? I’m from a net. Where are you from, E? I’m from a jet, a bell, ten and a pen. 74 Phonics_1
2-Track 20 I have a hen. It is white and big. When she is mad, She gets red. So, we call her “Red” unit 6 75
7Unit Consonants Beginning Consonants Ss/Vv/Ww 2-Track 21 Listen and learn the sounds and letters. Ss snake Vv vest Ww window 2-Track 22 Listen and circle the sound you hear. 1. S s V v W w 2. S s Vv Ww 3. S s V v W w 4. S s V v W w 76 Phonics_1
2-Track 23 Listen, circle and write the beginning sound. 1. 2. 3. s/v/w s/v/w s/v/w 4. 5. 6. s/v/w s/v/w s/v/w unit 7 77
2-Track 24 Listen and color the pictures.(/S/ yellow, /V/ green, /W/ blue) 78 Phonics_1
Beginning Consonants Yy/Qq/ Zz 2-Track 25 Listen and learn the sounds and letters. Yy yellow Qq queen Zz zebra 2-Track 26 Listen and circle the sound you hear. 1. Y y Q q Z z 2. Y y Q q Z z 3. Y y Q q Z z 4. Y y Q q Z z unit 7 79
2-Track 27 Listen, color and write the right beginning sound. 1. y 2. y qq zz 3. y 4. y qq zz 5. y 6. y qq zz 80 Phonics_1
2-Track 28 Listen and draw a line to the same beginning sound. yy zz qq yy qq zz unit 7 81
Ending Consonant Xx 2-Track 29 Listen and learn the sound and letter. Xx fox fo bo box 2-Track 30 Listen and circle the ending sound you hear. 1. M m Xx 2. T t Xx 3. G g Xx 4. D d Xx 82 Phonics_1
2-Track 31 3. Listen and color the ending sound. 1. 2. x g t n mg t n mg t n 4. 5. 6. mg t n mg t x mg t n 7. 8. 9. mg t n mx t n mg x n unit 7 83
2-Track 32 Listen asonudnhde/lxp/t.he man to find his way home through the ending 84 Phonics_1
2-Track 33 Listen and write the number under the right beginning sound. s vwy qz 2-Track 34 3. Listen and write the missing letter. ebra 6. 1. 2. ipper a fo 9. 4. 5. uilt allet itch 7. 8. unit 7 85 o-yo arn
2-Track 35 What is this? Ss, Ss, snake. What is this? Vv, Vv vase. What is this? Ww, Ww watermelon. What is this? Yy, Yy, yacht. What is this? Qq, Qq, quilt. What is this? Zz, Zz, zebra. What is this? Xx, Xx, ax. 86 Phonics_1
2-Track 36 Snake and Seal like the sea. They sit in the sun and have a sand bath. They enjoy the warm air. The air makes them sleep. unit 7 87
8Unit Short Vowels Short Vowels Aa/Ii/Oo/Uu/Ee 2-Track 37 Listen and circle the pictures with the same vowel sound as \\ the letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 88 Phonics_1
Read and write the words on the matching picture. bell ring nap cut top wig unit 8 89
2-Track 38 p nk Listen and write the vowel in each word. 1. 2. wb 3. 4. md n ts 5. 6. wt m sk 7. 8. jg hp 9. 10. pn bg 90 Phonics_1
Read the words and write the number under the matching picture. 1. rag 2. dot 3. wig 4. yam 5. cub 6. twin 7. nest 8. swing () () () () () () () () unit 8 91
Bb vs Vv 2-Track 39 Listen and circle the right beginning sound. 1. 2. 3. b/v b/v b/v 4. 5. 6. b/v b/v b/v 7. 8. 9. b/v b/v b/v 92 Phonics_1
Ll vs Rr 2-Track 40 Listen and draw a line to the right beginning sound. �� Ll �� Rr � � unit 8 93
2-Track 41 Listen and connect the words you hear to help the men find the treasure. 94 Phonics_1
Read the words and match them with the pictures. 1. hop run sit � � � � � � 2. tug hug hit ��� ��� 3. sad big fat � � � � � � unit 8 95
Connect the letters by a, b, c order. b a c d e y w u sq fz x v t r po g n h i jk lm 96 Phonics_1
Write the capital and small letters. AB cD K i Ef J Gh lyMO p N q wX v RS TU Z unit 8 97
2-Track 42 WWWhhhaaatttdddoooyyyooouuusssaaayyy??? ---aaaggg,,, ---aaammm,,, ---aaannn,,, WWWhhhaaattt dddooo yyyooouuu sssaaayyy??? III sssaaayyy bbbaaaggg,,, hhhaaammm,,, fffaaannn WWWhhhaaatttdddoooyyyooouuusssaaayyy??? ---iiittt,,,---iiiggg,,,---iiinnn... WWWhhhaaattt dddooo yyyooouuu sssaaayyy??? III sssaaayyy sssiiittt,,, bbbiiiggg,,, pppiiinnn... WWWhhhaaatttdddoooyyyooouuusssaaayyy??? ---oooppp,,,---ooottt... WWWhhhaaattt dddooo yyyooouuu sssaaayyy??? III sssaaayyy hhhoooppp,,, hhhooottt... WWWhhhaaatttdddoooyyyooouuusssaaayyy??? ---uuuggg,,,---uuuttt,,,---uuubbb... WWWhhhaaattt dddooo yyyooouuu sssaaayyy??? III sssaaayyy bbbuuuggg,,, hhhuuuttt,,, tttuuubbb... WWWhhhaaatttdddoooyyyooouuusssaaayyy??? ---eeennn,,,---eeettt... WWWhhhaaattt dddooo yyyooouuu sssaaayyy??? III sssaaayyy mmmeeennn,,, pppeeettt... 98 Phonics_1
2-Track 43 I cook for my family. I chop the nuts. I put clams into the pot. I put ham into the pot. It smells good. unit 8 99
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