Phoenician Earliest Greek Etruscan Roman Phoenician Earliest Greek Etruscan Roman c. 650 BCE c. 500 BCE c. 650 BCE c. 500 BCE c. 900 BCE c. 750 BCE c. 900 BCE c. 750 BCE KQ LR MS NT V O PX ROMULUS CALENDAR Month Days Derived from The Roman calendar changed Martius 31 the god Mars several times. The first was the Romulus calendar (shown here), Aprilis 30 probably, Latin word meaning “to open” believed to have been developed by Rome’s legendary founder. Maius 31 the god Maia It had 304 days divided into 10 months. The later calendars had Iunius 30 the god Juno 12 months. The last one, the Julian Calendar, was introduced Quintilis 31 the Latin word meaning “five” by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE. The best Roman philosophers, Sextilis 30 the Latin word meaning “six” astronomers, and mathematicians of Caesar’s time helped develop it. September 30 the Latin word meaning “seven” October 31 the Latin word meaning “eight” November 30 the Latin word meaning “nine” December 30 the Latin word meaning “ten” NUMBERS AND LETTERS | 149
Glossary Censor An official who wealthy or upper-class kept a list of Roman Romans. It often had Aerarium A Roman Auxiliary A soldier citizens and also kept a a garden in the back public treasury to store who served in the Roman watch on their behavior. surrounded by columns. money safely. The term army in a war but was comes from the Latin not part of the regular Chi-rho A symbol of Emperor The supreme sense of money. army unit because he Christianity made of the ruler of all territories was not a Roman citizen. first two letters of “Christ” under the Roman Empire. Ambush A sudden in Greek—chi (X) and “Emperor” was a higher surprise attack by Barracks A building rho (P). rank than “king.” The people who are lying or a group of buildings term was first used in wait secretly. where soldiers City-state A city that is by Augustus Caesar. are housed. independent and has its Amphitheater An own government. It is not Empire A large group oval arena, usually Basilica A large public part of another country. of different regions that in the open air, where building, usually located is ruled by an emperor games and gladiator in a city’s forum, used Consul A government or empress. fights were staged. mainly as courthouse official elected to keep or for ceremonies. a record of Roman Equestrian A wealthy Amphora A tall jar citizens, issue contracts social class descended with a narrow neck Bireme An ancient galley for roads and temples, from the first cavalry and two handles, (a warship powered by and revise Senate officers of the Roman usually made of oars) that had two decks membership. army. These Romans ceramic, clay, or of oars, probably invented mostly owned their glass and used to by the Phoenicians. Cult A popular religious businesses and were store liquids. group or belief that not senators. Bulla A good-luck charm was different from the Antimony A shiny, worn by Roman boys. main religion. Cults were Etruscan People, silvery white metal-like dedicated to the worship language, or subject substance that can Cameo A profile of a particular figure related to Etruria, an easily break or shatter. (side-view of the face) or god. ancient region in western or a design carved or Italy between the Tiber Aqueduct A channel engraved in materials Denarius A silver coin and Arno rivers. (often either raised such as marble or stone, used in ancient Roman or buried) that carried or more commonly on currency. Forum The main water into Roman a piece of jewelry. market square in a towns and cities. Dictator A state Roman city, surrounded Cardo maximus The official who was granted by public buildings. Atrium The central main north–south road complete control by the Public business hall or courtyard of a that ran through Roman Senate in times of crisis. and trade were Roman domus. Most cities from which other conducted there. rooms opened to roads branched out. Diptych A pair of the atrium. tablets that are hinged Frontier The border, or Celtic Related to the together so that the pair boundary, of a country Aureus An ancient people and culture of can be opened and that separates it from Roman gold coin places in Europe such closed like a book. other countries. equal to 25 Roman as Scotland, Wales, silver coins (denarii). Ireland, and Brittany. Domus A private family Garum A strong-tasting home in town, sometimes sauce made from with shops, belonging to fermented, salted fish. 150 | ANCIENT ROME
Gaul An ancient region glass, or tile, usually Province Roman territory Testudo Meaning in Western Europe that cemented in a wall that was outside Italy. The “tortoise,” a protective included modern-day or floor. people who lived there formation of Roman France, Belgium, were called “provincials.” troops. Soldiers held southern Netherlands, Oculus A round shields above their southwestern Germany, window or opening, Quadriga A Roman heads in a way that and northern Italy. usually in a dome. chariot that was drawn the shields overlapped. by four horses. Gladiator A trained Papyrus An Egyptian Tetrarchy A form of fighter (usually a slave or water reed that was Quaestor An elected government led by a prisoner) who battled pressed into sheets government official who four rulers. other gladiators—or wild that were used to had to take care of the animals—in contests until write on. state’s finances. Thermopolium A food one of them died. and wine stall in Roman Patrician A person Relief A carved or times similar to a tavern. Hypocaust A central belonging to a noble molded picture that It served wine and heating system family or class who stands out from its ready-made hot food developed in ancient was an ancient background. to customers. Roman times in which Roman citizen. hot air created by a fire Republic A type of Triumvir A Roman flowed through cavities Pediment A triangular government in ancient official of the under floors and in walls. feature on the front Rome designed to stop triumvirate—a political of a building, usually any one individual from unit with three officials in Inscription Words built above a portico becoming too powerful. charge of it. or letters carved on a of columns or a Under the Republic, surface such as marble. door, window, or Rome was governed Tympanum A triangular other opening. by two elected leaders space set into a wall, Insula A large apartment who ruled for just a year. often with a carved building of mainly rented Peristyle A garden stone panel. accommodation. surrounded by columns Samnite People from the and often found region called Samnium Urban An area such as Legion The main behind a grand in south-central Italy. a city or town where lots division of the Roman Roman house. Samnium was much of people live together in army. Each legion was bigger in Roman times close-set buildings. made of 10 smaller Persecute To oppress than it is today. units (cohorts). or mistreat people. Vexillum A flag bearing Shrine A holy place for the standard of a Roman Legionary A soldier in Pigment A natural worship, associated with legion. the Roman army from the coloring material a sacred figure or relic. plebeian class. obtained from rocks, Villa A wealthy family’s animals, or plants. Slave A man, woman, luxurious country house, Milecastle A small or child who is owned often on a farming rectangular fort built Plebeian A Roman by another person as estate. along a frontier, such citizen who was a property, usually to do as Hadrian’s Wall, during member of the ordinary some kind of work. the Roman Empire. working class. Standard A flag or small Mosaic A design or Praetor A high-ranking, statue that is the emblem picture made with elected judge in the of an organization, often small pieces of stone, Roman state. an army or military unit. GLOSSARY | 151
Index ball games 132 Charon 67 ballista 47 children 16, 114–5 AB baths 100–1, 130 Baths of Trajan (Rome) 101 as slaves 36 aerarium 15 battles 56–9 Christianity 8, 69 agriculture 115, 117 belts 49 Cicero 34 bireme 53 Circus Maximus (Rome) festivals 130 board games 131, 133 Agrippina 20 bottles 121 103, 134 Alaric 65 Boudica 64–5 circuses 102 Alcántara Bridge (Spain) 108 bows and arrows 44 cities 82–3 Alesia, Battle of 59, 63 bricks 91 citizens 15, 16, 42 alphabet 118, 148–9 bridges 81, 108–11 civil wars 6, 55 Amphitheater of El Jem 103 Britain 26–7, 64–5 class structure 17 amphitheaters 39, 102–7 bronze tablets 119 Claudius 7, 20 amphorae 11, 143 brooches 127 Cleopatra VII 19, 63 amulets 126 Brutus, Lucius Junius 30 clothing 124 Ancient Romans 14–39 Brutus, Marcus Junius 33 cohorts 43 antimony 125 building materials 91 coinage 11 Antoninus Pius 7, 22 building tools 87, 146 Colosseum (Rome) 102–3, Antony, Mark 19, 63 buildings and monuments Apollo 72 106–7 Aqueduct of the Miracles 80–111 combs 121 comedy 131 (Mérida) 111 C concrete 91 Aqueduct of Segovia 108 conquests 5, 7, 41 aqueducts 81, 108–11 Caesar, Julius 6, 18, 32, 33, 63 Constantine I 8, 24–5, 69 arches 81, 87, 146 calendars 130, 149 consuls 146 architecture 81, 86–7 Caligula 20 contubernium 43 Arena of Nîmes 105 cameos 140, 142 coolus 49 arenas 102–7, 147 Camillus, Marcus Furius 30 corona triumphalis 18 Arminius 64 caravans 84 couches 120 armlets 125 Carthaginians 5, 55, 58, 62 craftsmen 141 armor 48–51 Cato the Elder 32 cranes 11, 146 army 28–9, 41, 42–3, 147 Cato the Younger 32–3 Crassus, Marcus arts and crafts 138–45 cavalry 42, 43, 48 asparagus 147 central heating 146 Licinius 32–3 Augustus 6, 7, 15, 19, 94 centuria 43 cults 69, 79 aureus 11 Ceres 75 cymbals 137 auxiliaries 16 chariot racing 134–5 Bacchus 74, 90 DE backpacks 51 bakers 116 Dacian Wars 60–1 Dacians 40, 41, 54 152 | ANCIENT ROME daily life 114–5 dance 130, 131
denarius 11 Franks 9 houses Diana 66, 67, 72, 146 freedmen 17, 37 architecture 88–9 dice 130, 131, 133 frescoes 120, 139, furniture and artifacts 120–3 Diocletian 8, 24 gods 68 Diocletian’s Palace 141, 143 friezes 138 hygiene 100 (Split) 99 furniture 120–3 Imperial Baths dishwashing 147 doctors 116 GHI (Trier) 101 domes 86–7, 96–7 industry 11 domus 89 Gallic Wars 59 inkwells 118 double pipes 137 games 131, 132–3 insignia 48 drama 131 instruments earrings 127 gladiatorial 38–9, Edessa, Battle of 59 106–7 musical 136–7 elevators 129 Garni Temple (Kotayk) 93 surgical 129, 147 emperors 7, 8, 15, 17, garum 115 insulae 88, 89 generals 28–9 invasions 9 18–25 Germanic Wars 58–9 Isis 69, 75 enemies 62–5 gladiators 38–9 engineering gladius 45 JKL glassware 139, 141, 142, architectural 86 146 Jerusalem 55 military 43 gods 67, 70–7 jewelry 125–7 entertainment 130–1 Goths 9, 65 Juno 68, 70 equestrians 17 Great Bath (Bath) 100 Jupiter 68, 70, 90, Etruscans 5, 54, 56 Greek influence 86, 138, extraction forceps 129 140 93, 146 grid patterns 82 Justinian 9 F grinders 121 kings of Rome 4 Hadrian 22 kitchen equipment Fabricius’s Bridge (Rome) 108 Hadrian’s Villa (Tivoli) 98 face masks 48, 131, Hadrian’s Wall 26–7 120–3 hairpins 126 ladles 122 144–5, 147 Hamilcar Barca 62 lamps 122 families 16 hand mirrors 123, 139 language 113 fennel 128 Hannibal 28, 58, 62 Lares 68 fenugreek seeds 128 harvesting 117 Latin 6, 113 festivals 130, 146 hasta 45 Latins 5, 54 flamines 68 helmets 49, 50–1 leg guards 48 Flora 76 Heraclea, Battle of 57 legions 42, 43, 48 food 41, 115, 147 herbs 115, 128 Leptis Magna 87 forts 43 Herculaneum 89 Fortuna 147 homes 88–9 Theater 104–5 Forum Baths (Pompeii) 101 Les Ferreres Aqueduct fountains 81 (Tarragona) 110 letters 147 leveling staffs 87 INDEX | 153
Livia 19, 94 Nero 21 pugio 46 lyres 137 Nîmes 92, 105, 109 Pula Arena 104 nobles 30–3 Punic Wars 28, 53, MNO numerals 148 Octavian see Augustus 55, 58, 62 Maison Carrée (Nîmes) 92 oculus 96 puppets 133 makeup 125 ointment jars 128 purple dye 18 manacles 37 olive oil 100 Pyrrhic War 57 marble 91 opium 128 Marcellus, Marcus Claudius 31 orators 17, 34 R Marcus Aurelius 23 Ostia 83, 89 Marius, Gaius 29 Ovid 34 rations, army 41 Mars 71 red ocher 125 masks P reed pens 119 religion 66–79 auxiliary cavalry 48 palaces 81, 98–9 theatrical 131, 144–5, palla 124 festivals 130, 146 147 Palmyra 84–5, 92–3 rings 126 Maxentius 55 panpipes 136 roads 10, 12–13 medicine 128–9, 147 Pantheon (Rome) 86–7, 91, Roman Empire 6–9 Mercury 77 metal glass 146 96–7 division of 9 metal jackets 49 papyrus 118 expansion of 7, 54, 55 metalwork 139, 141 Parentalia 146 territorial extent 147 military 40–65 Park of Aqueducts (Rome) 109 Roman life 112–45 Milvian Bridge, Battle of 55 Penates 69 Roman Republic 4–5, 6, 16 mime 131 pens 119 Roman–Etruscan Wars 56 Minerva 68, 71 Persians 54, 59 Roman–Persian Wars 59 Mithras 69, 76, 76–7, 93 philosophers 17, 34–5 Rome, city of 82–3 Mithridates VI 63 pilum 46 Romulus and Remus 4 months 149 pirates 53 ropes 146 monuments see buildings plebeians 16, 17 royal symbols 18 and monuments plumbata 45 mosaics 52–3, 98, 99, 120, Plutarch 17 S 138, 140, 142, 144–5 poets 17, 34–5 music 130, 136–7 Pompeii 81, 89, 90, 98, Sack of Rome 65 sacrifices 68–9, 146, 147 NO 101, 139 saffron 125 Amphitheater 104 sage 128 navy 53 Samnite Wars 57 necklaces 127 Pompey 29 Samnites 5, 39, 54 neighbors 5 Pont du Gard (Nîmes) 109 sandals 50–1 Neptune 71 Pont Julien (France) 108 Saturn 76, 146 provincial cities 83, 84–5 Saturnalia 146 Ptolemy 35 saucepans 123 154 | ANCIENT ROME
Scipio Africanus 28 Temple of Venus and Roma vexillum 48 sculpture 138 (Rome) 94–5 Villa of the Mysteries Senate 5, 18 senators 4–5, 17 Temple of Zeus (Aizanoi) 95 (Pompeii) 98 Seneca 17, 21, 35 temples 81, 86–7, 90–7 Villa Romana del Casale Septimius Severus 23 tesserae 37 sesterius 11 testudo formation 42–3 (Sicily) 99 shields 50 tetrarchy 8 villas 88, 89, 98–9 ships 10–11, 52–3 Teutoburg Forest, Battle vinegar 128 shopkeepers 117 Virgil 17, 34–5 silver goblets 141 of the 64 Volscians 54 slaves 17, 36–7, 147 Theater of Aphrodisias Volubilis 83 society 15, 16–17 Vulcan 73 soldiers 42–3 (Karacasu) 102 wars 41, 54–61 Spartacus 147 theaters 103, 131 water organs 136 spatha 46 Theodosius I 25 water shows 147 spoons, medicine 129 thinkers 17, 34–5 water supplies 108–11, Stilicho 9 Thracians 39 stola 124 Tiber River 83 120, 147 stonemasons 141 timekeeping 147 weapons 44–5 stools 120 togas 124 women 16, 114 strigils 100 town plans 82 work 116–17 stylus 119 toys 132–3 writing 118–19 Sulla 29 trade 10–11, 84 Zenobia 65 surgeon’s knives 129 Trajan 7, 22, 60–1 Trajan’s Column 60–1 INDEX | 155 T transportation 10–11 treasury 15 tabellarii 147 triangles 87 tables 122 tactics, military 42 UVWZ Tarquinius Superbus 4 technology 146 uniform, military 48–51 Temple of Augustus and units, army 43 Uthina Amphitheater 105 Livia (Vienne) 94 Valens Aqueduct Temple of Bacchus (Istanbul) 110 (Baalbek) 90 Valentinian I 25 Temple of Bel (Palmyra) 92–3 Valerian 59 Temple of Jupiter (Pompeii) 90 Vandals 9 Temple of Jupiter (Sbeitla) 93 vases 142 Temple of Venus Genetrix Venus 72, 73, 94, 95 Vercingetorix 59, 63 (Rome) 95 Vespasian 21
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