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Home Explore DSG Profile

DSG Profile

Published by arokiasamy1980, 2018-05-22 15:50:30

Description: Doha Star Group Profile


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President’s MessageOur Vision, Mission & AimOrganization ChartOur ServicesMan Power SupplyConstruction WorksMaintenance WorksInfrastructureOffice ServicesSupply of Industrial MaterialHeavy Equipment RentalProject ManagementOur Client’sCertificate’s of ApperceptionGOV Document’sVendors Code & LocationJoint Ventures & Contact 2

Since its inception in 1996, DOHA STAR GROUP ( DSG) hascontinuously fulfilled its mission in providing integratedsolutions covering wide range of products and services likeConstruction Department, Piping, Welding, Instrumentation,Coating and Painting & Planning.Our motivated professionals and skilled staff are geared toact as a reliable partner to our valuable customers. Weobserve safety as we aim to deliver customers scope on atimely manner.Our strong joint ventures have brought us to gain firm marketrecognition in our more than twenty years of existencecoupled with diligent observance of right business ethics aswe value perfection and success.We have a clear vision to reach, we have that competitiveedge of a market leader and we have the right partners.We also thank the abiding and sincere confidence of ourcustomers and above all, the strength and commitment ofour national leaders to support local companies like DSG . Weare therefore positioned to reach our targets in years tocome.KHALID USTHMAN AHAMED AL GHAMDIPresident and 3

MISSIONWe are a strong and reliable partner in providing integrated services inthe fields of oil & gas, construction, maintenance fields in the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia.Our mission is to continually optimize our customers business throughour world class services, solutions.VISIONOur vision is to become the strategic partner of choice of companies thatoperate and maintain oil & gas , construction, maintenance , power plantsin the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . Our partnership extends to reputableinternational service providers.CORE VALUESINTEGRITY We are guided by the highest ethical standards, We do what isright and take sole responsibility for all our actions.RELIABILITY We value agreements and contracts by delivering a highquality output or services on time.COMPLEMENTARITY We are a multicultural workforce as we fosterteamwork. Equal opportunity and treatment is our practice and weembrace cultural diversity. Different skills and strength combinedtogether is our asset.RESPECT We show respect to others by genuine interest in people. Weknow how to listen carefully , give credit, value opinions and give honestand constructive feedback.PASSION We love what we are doing as reflected in the outcome of ourservices. We work with fun and total commitment.INNOVATION We are open for change and new concepts. In order tocontinuously provide quality services, we welcome improvement in allaspect of our 4

Name of Project ______Job Number: xxxClient: Samref 5

PREFACEThis Project Safety & Loss Prevention Program has been developed tospecifically comply with the Clients’, SAMREF Standards and related safety,health, security and environmental requirements, as particularly describedunder Section 1.3.1 of Saudi ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual(CSM),COMPANY Construction Safety Manual Handbook (CSMH), relevantCompany General Instructions (G.I.s) and Schedule “ D “,and DSG scope ofwork on name of project SAMREF @ location, Kingdom of Saudi ARABIA.This Program is primarily aimed at recognition and elimination of workassociated safety hazards and unsafe work practices hence, an effective toolfor preventing occupational accidents, injuries and property losses. Whererequired, appropriate supplementary instructions / procedures will be site-developed and enforced in consultation with name of client, to meet job -specific requirements on health, safety, security and environmental concernsduring the performance of work.It is the direct and non-delegable responsibility of DSG Site Management andLine Supervision to jointly enforce this program with the work force.Should a conflict or discrepancy between this program and NAME OF CLIENTand related General Instruction (GIs) or procedures arise during theimplementation process, the stricter rule shall prevail.PUT NAME ARMANDO D. RUIZ Sr.Manager, Safety & Loss Prevention Operation 6

SAFETY POLICY STATEMENTThe management of DOHA STAR Est. is committed to Safety, Health andEnvironmental excellence. This humanitarian gesture of the company isdirected towards protecting the welfare of its most valuable asset-thepeople, its physical resources and work environment.Integral to this mission, is the total acceptance of ZERO ACCIDENT ANDINCIDENT CONCEPT. As such, everyone in the employ of DSG mustcompletely submit to and adapt himself with the following principles:Safety is a prerequisite for and totally integrated to any undertaking,operation or activity, regardless of urgency of service. \"NO task is soimportant that one cannot take time to perform it safely\".Through educational training, proactive planning, judicious execution ofwork and total compliance with all safety procedures and prescribed safework practices, occupational accidents, incidents and injuries can beprevented.Only those operations / activities that create no harm to personnel, no lossesto company resources and no ill-effect to work environment can beconsidered efficient and profitable.To ensure success of implementation of this Policy, ALL KEY PERSONNEL inevery level of the organization, especially in the field of construction areCOMPELLED to EXEMPLIFY expressive leadership and are EMPOWERED topromote maximum safety awareness and involvement of each subordinatein: planning, decision making, hazard recognition and elimination process. 7

SAFETY COMMITMENTThe Management of DOHA STAR Est, is committed to provide a safe andhealthful work environment. It is therefore a matter of policy that everyoneis enjoined to observe and adhere to this policy while in the employ of thecompany.Employees’ health and safety are the direct responsibility of all companypersonnel. Safety and Loss Prevention Program are as much a measure ofefficient operations as reaching productions and sales goals, qualitystandards, or cost reduction.Safety on the job in all company locations is foremost. Every operation isimportant that everyone within the employ of the company shall sincerelyadhere to or implement safety rules/procedures and must have the time toperform the job safely. It is the responsibility of everyone to do his utmost toprevent incidents,8so that all can leave the job in the same condition theyarrived. Correction of recognized and all predictable job hazards shall beassigned top priority by the Line Supervision and Manager in-charged.The Safety & Loss Prevention Department is responsible for extendingtechnical services and in the development and implementation of safetyawareness programs, safety education and training for all projects.Very truly yours, CEO AND PRESIDENTArmando Daquiz Ruiz Sr.OPERATION MANAGER

TITLE PAGE PREFACE i SAFETY POLICY STATEMENTii SAFETY COMMITMENT DECLARATIONiii TABLE OF CONTENTS I BRIEF SCOPE OF WORKII ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTIII VICINITY MAP AND KEY PLANSIV HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PLANV TRAFFIC PLANVI PROGRAM BODYVII 1.0 SAFETY Objectives & Assignment of Safety Responsibilities 1 – 12 2.0 SAFETY Orientation/ Instruction, Training & Awareness Program 12–16 3.0 Injury and Damage Reporting 16-19 4.0 Safety Inspections /Audits 19-23 5.0 Material Handling, Storage, Transport & Disposal 23-25 6.0 Safety Reports and Records 25-28 7.0 Camp Sanitation and Safety 28-29 8.0 Safe Work Permits 29-31 9.0 Welding, Cutting & Grinding Safety 31-35 10.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and Clothing 36-38 11.0 Respiratory Protection 38-40 12.0 Hand & Portable Power Tools 40-42 13.0 Ladders 42-44 14.0 Electrical Installation for Temporary Facilities, Work & Lockout/ Tagout 44-47 15.0 Scaffolds/ Temporary Work Platforms 47-50 16.0 Cranes, Rigging/ Lifting Equipment/ Operations 50-55 17.0 Mechanical Equipment 55-56 18.0 Transportation 56-58 19.0 Plant Operations (Activities In-Plant) 58-59 20.0 Fire Prevention & Protection Plan 60-65 21.0 First Aid Facilities/ Medical Services & Medical Emergency Handling 66-68 22.0 Dust/ Air Pollution Control 68-69 23.0 Jobsite Inspection & Housekeeping 69-71 24.0 General Safety Rules 71-73 25.0 Emergency Evacuation/ Preparedness Plan 73-76 26.0 Waste Management 76-78 27.0 Security Control 78-80 28.0 Ionizing Radiation 80-81 29.0 Demobilization Plan 30.0 Abrasive Blasting and Painting / Coating 81-892 31.0 Confined Space Entry /Work 82-84 84-89

34.0 Hazard Communication/ MSDS 91-92 35.0 Hazard Identification Plan 92-93 36.0 Site Personnel / Equipment (Color Coding / Labelling) Identification 93 37.0 Safety Signs, Notices, Barricades & Guarding 94 38.0 Disciplinary Action 95 39.0 Cartridge Operated Tools 96 40.0 Heat Stress Management 96-98 41.0 Chemical Cleaning of Pipes Internal 98-100 42.0 Equipment Preservation / Nitrogen Purging 100-101 43.0 Protection of Affected Existing Plant/Facilities 101 44.0 Fall Protection / Erection Work 102-105 45.0 Oil Spill Prevention and Contingency Plan 105-111 46.0 Miscellaneous Provision 112-113VIII SAFETY FORMS Subcontractor Monthly Safety Report Project Safety Index (PSI) Weekly Inspection Checklist Project Management Preliminary Accident Report Near Miss Incident Report Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Inventory Report Toolbox Safety Meeting Report Toolbox Safety Meeting Attendance Record HSE Training Attendance Record HSE Training Report Safety Orientation Acknowledgement and Commitment Declaration (Gen. Employee) Safety Orientation Acknowledgement and Commitment Declaration (Management / Supervision) HSE Orientation Attendance Record Rigging Equipment Monthly Inspection Report by Rigger Monthly Power Tools Safety Coding Inspection Report Monthly Hand Tools Safety Coding Inspection Report Confined Space Oxygen / Gas Monitoring Log Breathing Air Quality /Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Log Full Body Harness Inspection Report Ladder Inspection Guide Safety, Health and Environment Daily Observation Report Air Compressor Daily Inspection Checklist Mobile Crane Monthly Inspection Checklist Shuttle Bus Daily Checklist Trailer TTrruaccktoDraDilayilCyhInecspkleiscttiwown Boom 10 Generating Set Daily Inspection Stake Bed Truck Daily Checklist

 Ambulance Medical Equipment Checklist  Sand Blaster Air Filter Cartridge Replacement Log  Safety Violation / Hazard Notice  Lift Plan IX DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES (Company Rules & Regulations) X EmRpEloFyEeReEsNSCaEfeTtRyAOINriIeNnGtaMtioAnTESRylIlAaLbSu/s HANDOUTS Basic Fire Safety /Fire Watch Training Scaffolding & Ladder Safety (Employee Training Handout) Rigger III Safety Training (Part III) Confined Space Entry Fire Extinguishers Heat Stress Compressed Gas Cylinders Materials Handling Lockout / Tagout Hazard Communication Construction Fall Protection Hand and Power 11

Section Subject Page 1 – 121.0 SAFETY Objectives, Mission & Assignment of Safety Responsibilities 12–162.0 SAFETY Orientation/ Instruction Training & Awareness Program 16-193.0 Injury and Damage Reporting 19-234.0 Safety Inspections /Audits 23-255.0 Material Handling, Storage, Transport & Disposal 25-286.0 Safety Reports and Records 28-297.0 Camp Sanitation and Safety 29-318.0 Safe Work Permits 31-359.0 Welding, Cutting & Grinding Safety 36-3810.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and Clothing 38-4011.0 Respiratory Protection 40-4212.0 Hand & Portable Power Tools 42-4413.0 Ladders 44-4714.0 Electrical Installation, Work & Lockout/ Tagout 47-5015.0 Scaffolds/ Temporary Work Platforms 50-5516.0 Cranes, Rigging/ Lifting Equipment/ Operations 55-5617.0 Mechanical Equipment 56-5818.0 Transportation 58-5919.0 Plant Operations (Activities In-Plant) 60-6520.0 Fire Prevention & Protection Plan 66-6821.0 First Aid Facilities/ Medical Services & Medical Emergency Handling 68-6922.0 Dust/ Air Pollution Control 69-7123.0 Jobsite Inspection & Housekeeping 71-7324.0 General Safety Rules 73-7625.0 Emergency Evacuation/ Preparedness Plan 76-7826.0 Waste Management 78-8027.0 Security Control 80-8128.0 Ionizing Radiation 81-8229.0 Demobilization Plan 82-8430.0 Abrasive Blasting and Painting / Coating 84-8931.0 Confined Space Entry /Work 89-9032.0 Safety Incentive Program 90-9133.0 Laydown Yard 91-9234.0 Hazard Communication/ MSDS 92-9335.0 Hazard Identification Plan36.0 Site Personnel / Equipment (Color Coding / Labelling) Identification 9337.0 Safety Signs, Notices, Barricawdwesw& 19925438.0 Disciplinary Action 9639.0 Cartridge Operated Tools 96-9840.0 Heat Stress Management

VIII SAFETY FORMS  Subcontractor Monthly Safety Report  Project Safety Index (PSI)  Weekly Inspection Checklist  Project Management Preliminary Accident Report  Near Miss Incident Report  Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Inventory Report  Toolbox Safety Meeting Report  Toolbox Safety Meeting Attendance Record  HSE Training Attendance Record  HSE Training Report  Safety Orientation Acknowledgement and Commitment Declaration (Gen. Employee)  Safety Orientation Acknowledgement and Commitment Declaration (Management / Supervision)  HSE Orientation Attendance Record  Rigging Equipment Monthly Inspection Report by Rigger  Monthly Power Tools Safety Coding Inspection Report  Monthly Hand Tools Safety Coding Inspection Report  Confined Space Oxygen / Gas Monitoring Log  Breathing Air Quality /Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Log  Full Body Harness Inspection Report  Ladder Inspection Guide  Safety, Health and Environment Daily Observation Report  Air Compressor Daily Inspection Checklist  Mobile Crane Monthly Inspection Checklist  Shuttle Bus Daily Checklist  Trailer Tractor Daily Inspection Checklist  Boom Truck Daily Checklist  Generating Set Daily Inspection  Stake Bed Truck Daily Checklist  Forklift Daily Inspection By Operator  Crane Daily Inspection by Operator and Assigned Riggers  Welding Machine Daily Inspection  Confined Space Entry Sign In / Sign Out Log  Ambulance Daily Inspection Checklist  Ambulance Medical Equipment Checklist  Sand Blaster Air Filter Cartridge Replacement Log  Safety Violation / Hazard Notice  Lift 13

X REFERENCE TRAINING MATERIALS / HANDOUTS Employee Safety Orientation Syllabus Basic Fire Safety /Fire Watch Training Scaffolding & Ladder Safety (Employee Training Handout) Rigger III Safety Training (Part III) Confined Space Entry Fire Extinguishers Heat Stress Compressed Gas Cylinders Materials Handling Lockout / Tagout Hazard Communication Construction Fall Protection Hand and Power Tools

INJURY AND DAMAGE REPORTINGSA CSM Section 3.0 / Schedule D, Item 15




1.0 PURPOSE To predetermine potential hazards associated with the work of DSG on XXXCONTRACT under Job Number : XXX for SAMREF To establish minimum preventive measures based on initially identified safetyhazards and, to minimize if not totally eliminate potential risk to CLIENT NAME and DSG andits subcontractors personnel, equipment and facilities, in compliance with CLIENT NAME -Safety and Health Requirements & Environmental Requirements. This overall HIP contains the minimum control measures identified in the scopeof work. Actual Hazard Identification Tour with the client representatives is to be conductedon site prior to the start of the project, and therefore requires additional abatement duringthe actual performance of work. Where such condition warrants, supplementary work-specific HIPs shall be site-developed by the responsible / competent crew supervisor inconjunction with the Site Safety Representatives, Site Engineering and Site Management, tosuit actual job requirements.2.0 SCOPE This Hazard Identification Plan applies to all construction activities associatedwith the work on name of Project of name of client under Job Number: xxx3.0 ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIESCrew supervisors and foremen are directly responsible for the total implementation ofapplicable provisions of the overall Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) within their respectiveareas of supervision and control.Copies of pertinent sections of this HIP shall be properly distributed to all responsible crewsupervisors and foremen on the project, prior to the performance of related activities. Suchcopies provided for, shall be maintained in the area by each supervisor / foreman, asenforcement reference throughout the performance of work.Site Management and safety personnel shall continuously monitor and cause the necessarycompliance with this plan. www.ds*g*ro*u*p* 19

1.0 PURPOSETo provide minimum guidelines on traffic control during the entire duration of the projects in order tomaintain a safe and organized movement of construction equipment / vehicles and minimize road hazards,inconvenience and interruption to general public, CLIENT personnel, DSG personnel and othersubcontractors personnel working in these client facilities, @ xxx, Saudi Arabia. In principle, this plan will bethe general guidelines on traffic control of MMG for its controlled area onsite and while commuting insideCLIENT facilities. A more specific plan appropriate to the project will be site developed. This plan is notintended to supersede CLIENT Traffic and Vehicle Safety but to collaborate with its requirements. All DSGdrivers, equipment operators and other personnel using vehicle and equipment in carrying out their job inSupport of DSG project @ NAME OF Project must abide by this plan.2.0 SCOPEThis plan applies to DSG onsite and offsite construction related activities3.0 PROCEDURE3.1 Parking AreaDesignated parking areas shall be provided for construction equipment, vehicles as well as site visitors’ @DSG temporary facilities and accommodation / camp sites. Such areas shall be properly identified withappropriate notices i.e. “Parking Area”.3.1.2 Parking will be allowed ONLY in designated parking areas. Parking of any vehicles / equipmentelsewhere inside the premises of CLIENT other than designated locations shall not be allowed.3.1.3 Parking of DSG and visitors' vehicles will be closely monitored and ensured observed in an orderlymanner.3.1.4 Parking areas shall be kept free of any obstruction at all times.3.1.5 Designated parking areas shall be identified on the plot plans of both construction site and temporaryfacilities and Laydown Yard.3.1.6 Where allowed, vehicles / mobile equipment may be momentarily parked on the right side orshoulder of the street, as in the case of plant emergencies however, they must not in any way, obstruct orinterfere with the free flow of traffic or interfere with the use of emergency equipment such as fire hydrants/ fire alarm boxes that can impede quick response of plant rescue team / fire department or outside rescueorganization.3.2 Bus Loading / Unloading Zones 203.2.1 To ensure an orderly boarding / descending of personnel, loading / unloading zones shall beestablished and identified in the Camp, Laydown Yard / Fabrication shop and Office complex and @ thework sites. Adequate number of busses shall be provided to transport employees from DSG Camp to theproject areas construction or work sites.

3.3 Boarding / Descending Buses3.3.1Passengers shall board / descend from buses ONLY at the designated loading / unloading zones andin an orderly manner.3.3.2 Running along side vehicle / buses or boarding / descending while vehicle is in motion is strictly notallowed.3.3.3 Boarding/descending through back doors will not be allowed except, in emergency cases.33g.u.43id.G4ee,CnomenroaslntTriutroacfrtfiiocannRdeMqcuaoinrnaetmgreoerlns,tbssouaprdeirningte/nddeenstcse,nsduinpgervbiusoserss, foremen and safety personnel shall jointly of workers to maintain an orderly traffic3m.4o.1veSmafeentyt. and Transportation” of DSG client approved Safety and Loss Prevention Program shall be strictlyfollowed by all drivers and equipment operators3.4.2 Vehicle’s horn must be sounded at blind corners and when passing nearby crew or moving equipment atroad side to give early warning.3.4.3 Access roads shall be kept free of any obstructions at all times.3.4.4 Should road closure be necessary in carrying out the job, an advance notification to client shall be done.3.4.5 Ignition key must be left inside the vehicle / car at all times while within an operating facility of SaudiAramco Plant. Locking of vehicle / car is allowed when it is parked at the designated parking area.3.4.6 Where required, flagman, in a reflective (orange) vest, equipped with red and green flag, will be provided todirect traffic within the affected vicinity.3.4.7 Escort vehicle(s) shall be provided to mobile cranes if to be travelled across / along public roads and insideclient Facilities. Hoist block of mobile crane shall be anchored when travelling. Where required, flagmen shall beprovided ahead of & behind heavy moving loads to ensure safe traffic movements.3.4.8 All vehicles will be removed from the worksite at the end of each work shift and parked at the designatedparking area.3.4.9 Designated traffic routes for construction vehicle / equipment shall be followed and enforced at all times.Using roads in operating areas for convenience and short cuts shall not be allowed.3.4.10 Pedestrian have right of way over motorized traffic.3.4.11 Reckless driving or non observance of established / existing traffic rules and regulations on site may resultin the withdrawal of driving privilege on the project. Traffic violation is a serious offence against CLIENT SafetyPolicies. Violator/s shall be disciplined accordingly. 21

3.4.12 No vehicle / equipment shall enter a live process area without an approved entry permit.3.4.13 Overloading shall not be allowed. Only prescribed limit of number of passengers shall bepermitted in any transport vehicle.3.4.14 Seat belts as provided shall be worn at all times, on and off site by the driver and passengers(where applies).3.4.15 Red flags or red-white warning tape shall be used on any load that extends beyond the front sideor rear of any vehicle / trailer. No portion of load whatsoever shall extend or protrude over the side ofthe vehicle. During night time, flashing light shall be used.3.5 Vehicles / Equipment during Plant Emergency Drills3.5.1 No vehicles / equipment will be allowed on CLIENT roads during plant emergency drills. DSG driversshall be constantly heedful to this requirement.3.6 Speed Limits3.6.1 All drivers shall follow strictly posted speed limit in al Saudi Government roads and CLIENT premises/facilities / access roads.3.7 Marking of Access Roads3.7.1 Access roads to DSG Camp, temporary facilities / laydown yard shall be identified with conspicuousdirectional signs from the nearest public road to direct visitors, materials / equipment delivery transportand other contractors coming to the project site. This directional signs are very helpful fro drivers whoare not yet fully familiar with the in and out of the area.3.8 Limitation of Vehicles on the Project Site3.8.1 To minimize traffic and access congestion at the work area, the number of vehicles coming in andout of work site shall be limited to as minimum as possible. The specific limit prescribed by CLIENT as tonumber of construction vehicles allowed in the plant / project shall be adhered to.3.5.2 Vehicle entry pass/sticker for essential vehicles shall be arranged in advance with and obtainedfrom CLIENT through their Representative prior to any equipment / vehicle entry or mobilization for theproject.3.9 Temporary Site Facility Layout / Site Plot Plan3.9.1 An approved copy of temporary rsoituetefwaswciinlwict.yldusldagiyrnooguudtpea.csnoigdmnaa.vstaaeidlagbaletep(lsa)nftorplcootnpsltarnuc(tifioannye)qsuhipomweinn2gt2/parking area(s) and designated trafficvehicles shall be posted at conspicuous locations at the site office complex for ready common reference. *****end****


ORGANIZATION CHART PRESIDENT SECRETARYOPERATIONS MAINTENANCE TRADING PERSONNEL ADMINISTRA- MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER TION PersonnelProject Manager Maintenance PMT MANAGERProject Faculties Supervisor Business HR Manager Workshop in Development Site & Field Purchasing Training Accounts Faculties charge Quality Manpower Technicians coordinator Induction Staff HSE Manager Safety Supervisor Safety OfficerSafety Orientation 24

Project - Construction Doha Star Group Yanbu Project – Construction Management ↓ Raj Kumar Project Manager ↓ Oscar Almendras Contraction Manager Rogelio Plicpic Dante Rivero Ronnie Cachola Civil Structural Mechanical Electrical Project Engineer Engineer /InstrumentsForeman Project EngineerSurveyor ForemanScaffolder Welder ForemanCarpenter Pipe Fitter ElectricianManson Hydro Technician TechnicianSteel Fixer Helper HelperHelper 25

Quality Assurance Quality Control Doha Star Group Quality Assurance / Quality Control Management Azmalluh Baig Mirza Manager Deputy Snkar Kumar John JuarezMechanical Inspector Electrical Instrument Tarik Shakir Khan Inspector Civil Structural Mohamed Waqas Inspector Sand/Grit/Blast Shamin Allam InspectorWelding and Fabricator Scaffolding Inspector Inspector Procurement 26

Health Safety Environment Doha Star Group Health Safety ManagementMechanical Officer Mohammad Ali Khan Inspector HSE Manager ACivil Structural Officer Noli Arbuenas Inspector Safety Engineer Electrical Instrument Officer Inspector Sand/Grit/ Blast Coating Painting Officer InspectorWelding Fabricator Scaffolding Officer InspectorOfficer Inspector Environmental Officer 27 Inspector

MAN POWER SUPPLYWe aim to provide a total recruitment solution to our clients andwork to ensure a successful project completion.We are concerned about the quality of our principals as we areabout the professional eminence of our recruits. As a professionalmanpower company, we put high premium on the value of trustand faith bestowed to us by both our principals and manpowercandidates.We provide 100% well trained categories. Which included fromARAMCO certified, SAP, TUV and other authorized authorityapproved Manpower.MAN POWER LIST MAN POWER LIST1. PROJECT ENGINEERS  TECHNICIANS Civil  WELDERS ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL  ELECTRIANS  FABRICATOR I.T & TELECOMMUNICATION  FITTER INSTRUMENTATION  STEEL FIXER NDT Level – II & III  CARPENTER  MASON2. QUALITY CONTROL  PLUMBER QC – INSPECTORS QC - SUPERVISORS  HELPER  OFFICE BOY WELDIG INSPECTORS  DRIVER SAFETY OFFICERS PWHT & NDT INSPECTORS 28

DSG Est, performance several projects civil, Mechanical, Electrical andstructural projects adopting its service motto in all projects undertaken bythe company, were done error-free for a reasonable price ,ahead of scheduleand with a maximum satisfaction to its clients. All things made possiblebecause of the enduring commitment and dedication of our workforce andwith the skills, technical known-how and experiences of our staff.The company regards in its highest priority the safety measures in carryingout its objectives, this is to show to our clients that our company is acustomer-driven company and our effectiveness is measured by thesatisfaction gained by our clients. CIVIL WORKS Land survey and site preparation, Excavation and Backfilling works Industrial, Commercial and Residential Building Construction Drainage and sewer line rehabilitation All type of culverts manholes of trenches MECHANICAL WORKS Pipe spools Fabrications HVAC works & Field installation Coating, Blasting and paintings Welding Works PWHT works Piping Erection ELECTRICAL WORKS Cable tray and duct installation Electrical equipment installation Cable laying Lighting fixtures installation Various building & architectural lighting www.dsSingprdoeuucpsi.atcorlimlai.glsahatrienagsrequirements for vari2o9us

STRUCTURAL WORKS Concrete frame structural Steel frame structural Light gauge steel structural Wood framed structural Tensile structuralOFFICE SERVICES Setting up off new office Office expansion work Site Mobilization Stationery, Communication & Hardware'sINDUSTRIAL SPARE PARTS & TOOLS Electrical & Mechanical Items Building Materials & tools Piping & Fittings Fire Fighting Equipment's & tools Hand & Power 30

MAINTENANCE WORKSDSG have national-based dedicated teams ofService Engineers available 24 hours a day,365 days a year to support our customer-base. Service Teams provide routine plannedmaintenance and urgent repairs.We also specialize in providing teams ofEngineers who are able to carry outmodifications or extensions to existingsystems at short notice.Formal maintenance contract’s are tailored tomeet individual needs that may range froman annual service visit to permanentlymanned sites. Service agreements cover alltypesSERVICES PROVIDEDPerformance of planned preventive maintenance services in Oil &refinery, power plants, petro chemical industries and public buildingsDay - to - Day operation and inspection 31Weekly testingMonthly testing / InspectionQuarterly testingSemi – annual service and testingTotal responsibility management24 – hour call outs and emergencysupport serviceSystem modifications and extensionsSystem inspections and design audits

DSG PROJECT MANAGEMENTProviding full support and services for the success full integrationof engineering, procurement and construction processes todeliver project safety, on-time and cost effective.Responsible in planning and executing CIVIL, MECHANICAL,STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL and ELCTRO MECHANICAL projectscomposed of highly proven and skillful project team memberswho are brought to deliver tasks according to the project scheduleand requirements.DSG RECENT PROJECTSKING ABDULAZIZ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT JEDDAH SEC Utility Tunnel Electrical Duct bank Saudi Aramco Fuel line protecting under utility tunnel Structural work for holding pipe under utility tunnelJeddah 101 Tower Electro Mechanical work Fire protecting Alarm HVAC WorksKaust [King Abdullah university of science and technology] Civil Electrical MechanicalPetro Rabigh – Jersey BarrierAsfan Industrial workshop in Jeddah - Civil work 32 33 34 35








VENDORS CODE & LOCATION DSG EST VENDORS CODE CODES 4700016207NAME 43835Commercial Registration for Contracting 10058515Membership Chamber of Commerce 10084Saudi Aramco Vender 505521YASREF Vender 0005002311SABIC Vender 1002333SCECO Vender 4990SASREF Vender 6015Royal Commission VenderSaudi Binladin Group 49

Armando D. Ruiz Sr. Fahad Al MailkiOperation Manager General ManagerEmail : [email protected] Email :Mob : +966 501080703 [email protected] Arockiasamy Mob : +966 550364777Project EngineerEmail : [email protected] Mob : +966 53 510 43010Al Fall Commercial center, 1 floor, office no – 6, yanbu,, Office Tel# 0966 -014 -3251768 – FaxNo# 014- 3252251 50

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