ENGLISH Q1. Put on your creative caps and write two poems in about 8-10 lines on the prompts given (Choose any two) – 1) A smell that brings back memories 2) The house where you were born 3) Life in the future On an A4 size sheet draw or paste pictures also. Q2. The most useful approach to practice yoga and meditation is to consider it an important activity of each day. Practice yoga and meditation during your summer break religiously. Write down on an A4 sheet how practicing yoga and meditation has improved you as an individual. Click some pictures too while practicing the same on International Yoga Day. Q3. Bookmark making – Make a beautiful bookmark for your English book. Embellish it and write a famous quote by a well-known poet or author. Q4. Create a memory book of the best moments of the summer break. For each memory write few lines also. Adorn your book with beautiful coloured cover. Q5. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on the board exam results in your English notebook. Q6. Revise Tenses from BBC Compacta
ग्रीष्मावकाश गहृ कार्य होली चाइल्ड पब्ललक स्कू ल कक्षा -सातवीीं ववषर्-हहदंी ी निदेश -सभी गहृ कार्य को अलग अभ्र्ास पबु ्स्तका में हल कीब्िए। 1.पाठ्र् पसु ्तक अमोली के पाठ 1से 5 पाठों के प्रश्ि उत्तर र्ाद करें व ललखित अभ्र्ास करें। 2. परू क पसु ्तक अमतृ सचीं र् के से पाठ 1 और 2 पाठों का अध्र्र्ि करंे एवंी प्रनतहदि एक पषृ ्ठ सलु िे ललिें। 3.दैनिक , दैिहंी दिी में अपिी हदिचर्ाय के साथ प्रनतहदि एक रोचक समाचार भी ललिंे। 4.िल एवीं वार्ु सरीं क्षण पर एक चार्य बिाइए ब्िसे आकषकय चचत्रों से सिाते हुए इिके सरीं क्षण हेतु व्र्वहाररक उपार् भी बताइए। 5. हहदीं ी व्र्ाकरण तथा रचिा पषृ ्ठ सखंी ्र्ा 186-187 अपहठत गदर्ाशीं सखीं ्र्ा 1,2 हल करें। 6 .आिकल के माहौल में वदृ ध आश्रमों की बढ़ती सखंी ्र्ा का क्र्ा कारण है अपिे ववचार प्रकर् करें 7. अतंी र बताइए- क)हस्व स्वर तथा दीर्य स्वर -ि) स्वर तथा व्र्िीं ि *स्वर के तीिों प्रकार को स्पष्र् करिे के ललए ,स्वरों के ववभािि पर एक चार्य बिाएींग।े (अिकु ्रमाकंी 1 से 15) *व्र्िीं ि के सही ववभािि का चार्य बिाएंी । (अिकु ्रमाकीं 16 से 30) * ‘र’ रूपों का वणिय करिे के ललए एक चार्य बिाएीं ।( 31 से 45) 8. 1 से 10 वाक्र्ाशंी ललिंे व र्ाद करंे 9. श्रुनतसमलभन्िाथकय शलद 1 से 10 ललिे वह र्ाद करें। 10.अध , अि ्,अव ,सम ्,स्व ,नि ,दरु ् आहद उपसगों से दो दो शलद बिाइए-
व्र्ाकरण अभ्र्ास प्रपत्र 1.निम्िललखित वणों से बिे शलदों के दो दो उदाहरण ललखिए- दीर्य स्वर -------- ---------- अर्ोगवाह ------- ----------- स्पशय व्र्िीं ि ------ --------- उष्म व्र्िंी ि ------- -------- 2.निम्िललखित वाक्र्ों में सही और गलत का चचह्ि लगाइए- क .ब्िि व्र्िंी िों का उच्चारण करते समर् श्वास वार्ु अचधक मात्रा मंे और अचधक वेग से बाहर निकलती है उन्हंे अल्पप्राण व्र्िीं ि कहा िाता है। ( ) ि.हहदंी ी मंे स्वरों की सखंी ्र्ा 11 है। ( ) ग.व्र्िंी िों का उच्चारण स्वरों की सहार्ता से ककर्ा िाता है।( ) र्.भाववाचक सजंी ्ञा ओहो के वल महससू ककर्ा िा सकता है। ( ) ड़ .आदर के ललए सविय ाम का प्रर्ोग बहुवचि की तरह होता है। ( ) 3. हदए गए ववकल्पों में से सही ववकल्प चिु कर ररक्त स्थािों की पनू तय कीब्िए- क) दीर्य स्वर----- हैं। 1)चार 2)आठ 3)छह 4)सात ि ) ए-अ,इ,उ,ऋ ------स्वर हंै 1)दीर्य 2)अििु ालसक 3) प्लतु 4)हृस्व 3) निमलय - शलद मे प्रर्कु ्त सही उपसगय चुिंे- 1)िीर 2) निर् 3)नि 4)निर 4) चावल -सजीं ्ञा शलद का सही भदे चिु ें-
1)िानतवाचक 2) द्रव्र्वाचक 3)व्र्ब्क्तवाचक 4) भाववाचक अिचु ्छे द लेिि- * सच्चा दोस्त (दिु -सिु का साथी, लमत्र हमारे ललए प्ररे क, लमत्र- एक शब्क्त वधकय औषचध, सच्चा लमत्र प्रगनत कारक) * र्ोग (र्ोग हदवस , र्ोग के ललए महत्व, निरोगी कार्ा) MATHEMATICS Roll no. 1-15 Fractions are numbers that represent a part of the whole. When an object or a group of objects is divided into equal parts, then each individual part is a fraction. A fraction is usually written as 1/2 or 5/12 or 7/18 and so on. It is divided into a numerator and denominator where the denominator represents the total number of equal parts into which the whole is divided. The numerator is the number of equal parts that are taken out. Using the concept of fractions, make a Fraction bird, as per your imagination, on an A4 size sheet. The following link will help https://youtu.be/HcQOSw_313A Roll No. 16-30 • Warli Art: Maharashtra is known for its Warli folk paintings. Warli is the name of the largest tribe found on the northern outskirts of Mumbai, in Western India. The Warli art has a special characteristic of representing the humble life of the Warli tribe. The trademark of Warli painting is the use of geometric
designs such as triangles, circles, squares, dots and crooked lines are used to depict human figures, animal figures, houses, crops etc. • Explore and list the different mathematical properties used in making Warli art. (Pictures have been given below for your reference). • Make a Warli art as per your imagination. Take an A4 size sheet of any colour of your choice and paste the cut outs of white sheet using different sizes of triangle on it representing a person or an animal or a tribal art piece. • Mention the properties which you have used to create your art. Roll No 31-44 • Geometry net is a two-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a three- dimensional shape or a solid. When the surface of a three-dimensional figure is laid out flat showing each face of the figure, the pattern obtained is the net. • Here are some steps to determine whether a net forms a solid: Make sure that the solid and the net have the same number of faces and that the shapes of the faces of the solid match the shapes of the corresponding faces in the net. • Visualize how the net is to be folded to form the solid and make sure that all the sides fit together properly. • Make nets of any four solids (eg. Cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, triangular prism, etc.) and pin it on an A4 size sheet. • You should be able to demonstrate how you made the net and how will you make a 3 dimensional solid out of it by folding it. • Refer to Ch 15 of your text book for help. • The following links will help https://youtu.be/_WHhWBl9bcQ https://youtu.be/8uyjdvzag2o
Points to remember while doing the work: • Be innovative and creative. • Do all the work on your own. • Make it in a neat, colorful and presentable manner. • You have to submit it in a folder in the first week of July. • Mention your name class and roll number on the front of the folder. • Do the compiled PT 1 assignments shared in your maths B copy. • Revise the entire syllabus done in class till now. SCIENCE ❖ Perform the following activity and prepare a file which should include aim, material, procedure ,inference and conclusion. Also include your picture performing the activity in the life. ACTIVITY 1(Roll no. 1-11) Find out the food items in your home that show similar growth as was found on the moist bread when kept under similar condition for some days. Identify one common factor in each of them that favours that growth. Source :( http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-rhizopus.htm#fungus-infested- bread)
ACTIVITY 2(Roll no. 12-21) Map Activity: Find out the names of food items of various states of our country and mark them on the map of India. Is there any relation between the food habits and the climatic and geographical location of that place? Comment. ACTIVITY 3(Roll no. 22-32) Different types of fibre 1. Collect different types of fibres at your home for example silk, wool and paste than in your notebook. 2. Collect the information of animals from which these fibres are obtained. 3. Collect the information about the area to which these animals belongs. 4. Find out the properties of fibres by observing and compare them. 5. Write them in tabular form.
6. Write their use in daily life and also include your picture performing the activity in daily life. ACTIVITY 4(Roll no.33-44) 2. To check acidic or basic character of substance and neutralization Material Required: Amla, Tamarind, orange, ENO, soap,window cleaner, china rose, sturmeric paper as indicator. ❖ Points to remember while doing the work: 1. Revise PT-1 syllabus. 2. Do assignment in fair notebook. 3. Be innovative and creative. 4. Do all the work on your own. 5. Make it in a neat, colourful and presentable manner. SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNEY OF INDIA: POST INDEPENDENCE * INDIA’S JOURNEY FROM 1947 TO 2022
In its 75 years of Independence, India has several achievements to its credit. It has built a modern economy (second fastest growing economy), remained a democracy, lifted millions out of poverty, has become a space and nuclear power and developed a robust foreign policy. * To begin with a few developments have been mentioned here: Right to vote; Railway network nationalization; First general elections; First movie nominated for Oscars; Green Revolution; Bank nationalization; White revolution; Chipko Movement; India wins first Cricket World Cup; India sends man into space in 1984; 1991 Globalization of economy; New states created in 2000; Golden Quadrilateral project; First Gold Medal in Olympics; India wins second cricket world cup; India launches own GPS system; Demonetization; Chandrayaan 2; J&K bifurcation and end of special status. ACTIVITY-1: ROLL NO 1. Make a collage work on an A-3 size sheet to bring out India’s journey from 1947 to 2022.
2. Use pictures to present a creative collage work. 3. You can collect pictures of more developments in India, post-independence, apart from the ones mentioned in the list above. ACTIVITY-2: ROLL NO 1. Describe the developments in one or two lines. 2. Present the above information in your own hand writing on A-4size sheet(1-2). Note:Your creativity,content,originality and presentation will be assessed. FRENCH •Write the conjugations of the following verbs on A 4 size Colour sheet. a) 5 ‘ER’ verbs b) 3 ‘CER’ verbs) c) 3 ‘GER’ verbs d) 5 ‘IR’ verbs It will be judged on following rubrics: 1. Content- 3 marks 2. Creativity-4 marks 3. Presentation-3 marks
•Do lesson-0 and Lesson-1 from “Apprenons le français-Portfolio Note: Learn and revise Leçon-0 and Leçon-1. ART AND CRAFT *BEKAAR KO AAKAAR Craft Change the meaning of waste to useful by putting them together to concoct something meaningful and fun!! Make something to build or draw the \"best out of waste\" with eco friendly things available at home!! Art Draw poster with some message related to 75 years of Independence Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav COMPUTER By using PowerPoint create a presentation to spread awareness about Recycling- Towards an Eco-Friendly life.
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