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Home Explore Gala Journal 2020

Gala Journal 2020

Published by Executive Director, 2020-11-06 13:42:10

Description: Journal 2020


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Temple Emanuel of North Jersey honors all essential workers and those we are grateful to during this time. Ad Journal 2020

Temple Emanuel of North Jersey 114th Annual Journal Dear Friends, As we approach the New Year and I reflect on the “strange year” which is at its end I am overwhelmed with the challenges and diffi- culties that we, as individuals, as Temple members, as members of our communities and as citizens of this world and inhabitants of this planet have endured. No one could have foreseen the many trials and tribulations that we have faced this past year. However, we have persevered. Amongst the most difficult situations which we have had to face, the harsh iso- lation into which we have been forced has made all of our lives more unsettling and made each day of this time harder to deal with. The Temple is a significant part of each of our lives. Some of us have been members for many decades, others of us have been part of the Temple for many generations. Temple Emanuel of North Jersey is a significant part of the fabric of each of our lives. This virtual journal is dedicated to all of the first responders who have maintained some semblance of normal in our lives during this pandemic. We thank them all, from the health workers to the stores which provided us with food and other essentials while putting their own lives at risk. We mourn for those workers who became sick, and in some cases did not survive. We also mourn for our own friends and relatives who have succumbed to this plague and pray for a better 5781. We also pray for the day when we can attend services in our sanctuary without fear and we can greet our friends and pray together with a liturgy that is familiar and complete. In the meantime, we will make the adjustments we must to be safe and will embrace our traditions in new ways. The greatest goal for our congregation is to remain together and give each other strength to persevere. Thank you all for the financial support you have provided through this ad journal. Please continue to submit ads and help us all to return to something approaching normal With love and best wishes for a much better New Year, Vicki Rosenblith Gala Journal chairperson

Message from Rabbi Joseph H. Prouser Friends, It has been my great privilege – even through these tough, long months of pan- demic and synagogue closings – to spend virtually every day in my study (and in the sanctuary) at Temple Emanuel of North Jersey. Those days when I was not personally – physically – at TENJ... I saw to congregational affairs virtually! I have often reflected on the wisdom of the Author of Psalm 27, read twice daily throughout the month of Elul... as we prepare for the High Holy Days: “One thing have I asked of the Lord; this is my desire: to dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life...” (Psalms 27:4). Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azulai (AKA the “Chida” – 1724-1806) recommend- ed that we recite this Psalm, morning and night, every day of the year! I am grateful: my prayer (this prayer) has been answered. Of course, there are many blessings for which we all properly pray (and work).... good health, safe families, warm community, justice... and once familiar routines. The Psalmist – and the Chida – had a point. The “House of the Lord” – the Syna- gogue and congregational life address many of the needs we all have felt so acute- ly of late. What a “Gala” it will truly be when we are reunited... in person. In preparation for our reunion... let us reflect upon the purpose of synagogue and congregational life. Rabbi Byron Rubenstein wrote: “We ought so to build our congregations so that the biased elements of our com- munities, the bigoted, the despoilers, the corrupters will look to the synagogue and say, ‘Here is my adversary!’ that the decent, the noble, the helpful, the con- cerned will look to the synagogue and say, ‘Here is my ally.” that the reject- ed, the victims, the set upon and the discriminated against will look to the syna- gogue and say, ‘Here is my champion!’” Temple Emanuel of North Jersey’s Virtual Gala is an opportunity to reflect on just how essential an institution we are... and on all we can accomplish together. That is true even as we eagerly (if not always patiently!) await our full re-opening. I am deeply grateful to TENJ President Ellen Lipschitz, to her leadership team, TENJ members and TENJ staff... who have devoted themselves to our congrega- tion over the course of a particularly difficult year. I am grateful to all who have provided support for our unusual Gala and this Journal. I am grateful to be a part of the TENJ community... and the opportunity it has afforded me “to dwell in the House of the Lord.” I urge you to do all you can to secure this blessing for your- selves and your families... and, thereby, for the TENJ community as a whole. For all the reasons listed by Rabbi Rubenstein... and more: “We ought to build our congregation...” God bless you – “allies” and “champions” all – for joining in that effort. Rabbi Joseph H. Prouser

Message from the TENJ President Dear Congregants and Friends of Temple Emanuel, Welcome to our first online ad and greeting journal. Our journal is dedicated to all the Essential Workers who have kept our lives going through this unprecedented pandemic. They are a special light in the Covid darkness that surrounds us. The special circumstances surrounding us all this year, has also opened up unique technological innovations and opportunities. Unfortunately, we were not able to hold our annual Gala this year but thankfully, so many of you heeded the call and donated to our new online Ad Journal. I am incredibly grateful to all of you. Your dona- tions have helped to keep Temple Emanuel of North Jersey functioning through this difficult time. Even while our office was closed, our staff continued to work to bring you innovated programming, keeping the building functioning, paying the bills and keeping you connected and informed. Thank you Ilana Klein, Camile Cascia and Joe Persaud. We have enjoyed Rabbi Prouser’s weekly Zoom classes, Kabbalat Shabbat services, first on Zoom and now on the lawn overlooking the beautiful reservoir. And we all sat enthralled as the speakers on erev Shavuot talked about Jewish Heroes in the armed forces throughout our history. As we approach the High Holidays, more wonderfully innova- tive programming is ahead from Rabbi Prouser. Again, I thank all of you for your continued support of our synagogue and for your donations to this ad journal. Ellen Lipschitz President-TENJ


Thank you to all essential workers. Terry & Kathy Sherman & family

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• to the first responders, doctors, & nurses • to the children who shopped for their parents • to ZOOM • to our Temple Emanuel Family • to Joe Persaud Jr for taking care of the building • to Camille Cascia & Ilana Klein working from home • to Rabbi Caren Levine • to Ora Horn Prouser • To Rabbi Joseph Prouser for your innovative work under unusual circumstances. Sue and Bob Yudin


Thank you to all who have kept Temple Emanuel functioning and serving it members during this difficult time. Thank you also to the first responders and other essential workers who have risked their lives so that the rest of us can isolate and remain relatively comfortable Rosalie & Larry Berman

Thank You Sisterhood of TENJ

“True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.” - George Washington We are grateful to all our true friends at Temple Emanuel of North Jersey It has been quite a year!! May the years ahead bring us growth, good health, and well-being! Rabbi Joseph H. Prouser Dr. Ora Horn Prouser

Thank you also to the first responders and other essential workers Bob Goldberg & Family

Thank you Rabbi Prouser and our Leaders for maintaining a spiritual presence at Temple Emanuel during these difficult times. Good health and happiness to all Lynda & Allan Braunstein

Best wishes to all at Temple Emanuel The Blake & Gelerter Family

THANK YOU TO ALL ESSENTIAL WORKERS, Doctors, Nurses, Orderlies, Truckers (Doug Berkowitz), mail workers, grocery store personnel and delivery people. Teachers, G-d bless the teachers and the parents who became teachers, despite their everyday work. Thank you Policemen, Firemen and all first responders. Thank you to everyone who went to work to keep us all safe. You light the World. Thank you to Rabbi Prouser who has worked so hard to keep us together as a community. Thank you Susan Yudin, Bob Goldberg, Ilana Klein, Camille Cascia, Joe Persaud and Mitch Tanner. You have all worked together to keep us afloat. I am incredibly grateful for all you do. ‫כל יהיה טוב‬ Ellen Lipchitz

Thank you Rabbi Prouser for your unwavering leadership through very challenging times. We appreciate everything that you and the staff of Temple Emanuel of North Jersey do every day. The Stack Family

Wishing good health and safety to the Temple Emanuel of North Jersey Executive Board & Trustees , Rabbi Prouser and Congregation In loving memory of Eliyahu Israel With all our hearts, Yael Israel & Ray English

Thank you To all those people who have worked tirelessly and at personal risk to provide for our communities and our synagogue family during this difficult time. Steve & Linda Schwager

All be well Mark & June Jaffe With Gratitude to those who made a difference Bea & Marty Rittenberg

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A big thank you to all Greeting from Charlie Sokol. of our pandemic heros! Now that you are hearing weekly Marcia Hofflich audio clips that could be expanded to future 90 to 120 minute monthly \"Sundays With Sokol\" programs (when it is safe to resume them), please let me know which ones you would likely attend. Also please let me know what other types of programs you are interested in. I hope to see all of you at some of these future programs.

Many thanks to all essential workers! Helena Jankowitz Alan & Rona Stein ~~~ H. Louis Chodesh MD Thank you to all essential workers ~~~ Thank you to all our essential workers Robert & Hannah Lee Gold ~~~ Happy & Healthy Holidays to All Mitchell Weiss ~~~ Wishing all Good Health and Happiness Barbara Potash

JEWELS Children Michelle Yerzy Hardin & Debra E. Guston Michael Hardin Judith M. Guston David M. Guston Mitchel & Suzanne Yerzy David Meyers David Weiss Jennifer Meyers Cecilia Weiss Jana Ashkenase Andrew Ashkenase Joseph Andrew Rosenblith Suzanne Nicole Rosenblith Judi & Alan Neibuhr and Kim Sholly Allison Gail Rosenblith Karen & Michael Berman and Jason Bernstein Lori Zeltzer & Len Berman Michael Seth Rosenblith Tami & Mark Berman and Adrienne Katzow Beth & Steve Wechsler Timonthy Sherman Jason Sherman Amanda Sherman

Grandchildren Jammie Tanner Solane Hardin Tracey Tanner Miranda Hardin Alissa Umansky Jonathan Ameri Benjamin Ameri Mia Tanner Elliot Tanner Nina Hollin Allie Hollin Ethan Perkell Ezra Friedman Karley Stein Ariel Friedman Ryder Stein Eli Friedman Sawyer Stein Kayla Friedman Remi Stein Geffen Yudin Dekkel Yudin Hannah Rachel Schwager Meron Yudin Max Jacob Schwager Sean King Layla Claire Schwager Jake King Ayden Matthew Schwager Ty King Rebecca Beth Schwager Emily Sarah Schwager Anna Caroline Reisbaum Ethan Dylan Reisbaum Aria Helen McFarland Solomon Reisbaum Medintz Tamara Shai Davydov Joshua Reisbaum Medintz Miranda Reisbaum Medintz Matan Adar Kravitz Noam Lev Kravitz

Grandchildren Allison Hanna Verp Avery Sherman Jessica Curley Verp Hayden Sherman Jamie Hope Verp Samantha Meyers Kyra Rose Verp Sophie Meyers Max Paul Benjamin Ashkenase Eli Paul Lila Ashkenase Slater Fisch Ellie Ashkenase Matteo Fisch Michael Fisch Grace Blake KK Fisch Hannah & Matt Blake Diego Fisch Sebastian Fisch Max Blake Danielle & Jeremy Berman Jack Aiden Rosenblith Aviva & Jake Berman Sophia Rose Berlinger Carey & Davin Berman Isabella Reese Berlinger Madeline Rae Berlinger Sam,Jonah & Alex Berman Alexandra, Isabella, Zachary Emilia Rose Sholly Eli Julian Sholly & Nethaniel Berman Ben, Andrew & Emily Aaron Jacob Rosenblith Elyse Julia Rosenblith Wechsler Samuel J. Guston Daniel Weiss Powers

Nieces and Nephews Jillian Lawrence Samuel Jack Guston Jordan Nowotny Grand Nieces and Nephews Simone Jade Henry Milo Karg Family Pets Smokey Bear Fin Gigi Boken Vanna Pie Timmy Thank you for your support of our 2020 Ad Journal Temple Emanuel of North Jersey Franklin Lakes, NJ

Temple Emanuel of North Jersey Joseph H. Prouser, Rabbi Officers Ellen Lipschitz President Bob Goldberg Vice-President Ralph Gulko Vice-President Mitch Tanner Vice President Marcia Hofflich Treasurer Susan Yudin Financial Secretary Rosalie Berman Recording Secretary Rabbi Caren Levine Member-at-large Charlie Sokol Member-at-large Board of Trustees Rita Berzin Bonnie Karg Beatrice Rittenberg Bobbie Einziger Bill Kaufman Martin Rittenberg Bruce Feller Hazel Korman Merrill Rutman Louis Grossman Michael Lawrence Linda Schwager Sheila Guston Michal Levison Terry Sherman Helena Jankowitz Molla Reisbaum Mitch Tanner Past Presidents (Lifetime Board of Trustees) Lawrence Berman Meyer S. Levine Yael Israel Rosalie Berman Alvin Reisbaum Marc Zitcer Robert M. Goldberg Vicki Rosenblith Norman La Poff Susan Bograd Yudin

Joseph H. Prouser, Rabbi Ellen Lipschitz, President 558 High Mountain Road | Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 201-560-0200 Email: [email protected] Website:

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