Title:A Healthier Life Through Diabetes Resource and Information SitesWord Count:515Summary:Dedicated diabetes information websites can be an invaluable resource for diabetics as theypresent links and vital information in plain language...Keywords:diabetes, type 2 diabetes, diabetes symptoms, diabetes treatment, gestational diabetes, type 1diabetesArticle Body:If you or someone close to you suffers from diabetes, you know what a life-altering condition itis. Diabetes-the inability of the metabolism to generate the insulin necessary to properly processblood sugar-affects millions of people in the United States alone. If properly diagnosed,diabetes in and by itself is not a fatal condition. However, keeping it under control is essentialand that requires proper treatment and constant monitoring. And the more you know about thedisease the better your chances of being able to live a normal life with diabetes.There are three forms of diabetes, two of them chronic and one temporary. The chronic ones areType 1 diabetes where the body simply does not produce insulin (a hormone that causes cells tostore glucose), and Type 2 where tissues and cells are not responding to insulin. Pregnantwomen may develop so called gestational diabetes where certain hormones cause insulinresistance. Gestational diabetes usually disappears once a baby is born. Type 1 and Type 2diabetes require treatment.It all sounds pretty simple, but it's not. Even after proper diagnosis, diabetes symptoms and
diabetes treatment greatly vary from person to person. With Type 1, insulin injections arealmost always required, but dosage varies, and diet and lifestyle can make a big difference.Type 2 can often be managed with dietary changes, exercise and supplements but, again, itvaries from person to person. The difference between controlling diabetes properly and letting itgo unchecked can be the difference between a normal, healthy life and one with seriouscomplications that can result in deteriorating health and life-threatening conditions.One thing that can help is being informed. And that doesn't mean just a half-hour consultationwith your doctor although that, of course, is mandatory and the start of all treatment. Myphysician told me to do my own research and educate myself as much as I could. He saidknowing about a disease and its various treatment options would allow me to determine what isright for me. He even gave me links to some information websites.The problem with gathering diabetes information is not that there isn't enough, but that there isso much and in so many different places. That's why it makes sense to seek a website thatspecializes in diabetes and offers diabetes news, articles, a comprehensive diabetes informationdirectory, and links to important resources. I found one that was easy to navigate and coveredall aspects of diabetes, with a directory to over two dozen diabetes-related topics such asexercise, diets, drugs, symptoms, testing, treatments, prevention, blogs, forums and more. Thesite also contained a large number of original articles by diabetes experts or just people whohave learned to live with diabetes and wanted to share their knowledge and experience.There is a great deal of useful information on diabetes out there, but it doesn't help much if it isscattered all over the web or written in incomprehensible medical jargon. This is why a sitededicated to diabetes and diabetes resources of all kinds makes sense and should be on top ofyour browser bookmarks.Title:Healthy Vision Improves Kids' Learning AbilitiesWord Count:285Summary:Notebooks, pens and pencils are the usual necessities for school days, but if parents want togive their kids the best shot at a good learning experience, doctors urge parents not to overlookhaving their kids' eyes examined and updating their prescription lenses.Keywords:Healthy Vision Improves Kids' Learning AbilitiesArticle Body:Notebooks, pens and pencils are the usual necessities for school days, but if parents want togive their kids the best shot at a good learning experience, doctors urge parents not to overlookhaving their kids' eyes examined and updating their prescription lenses.
According to Madeline Romeu, an optometric physician and vision health educator, 80 percentof learning comes through the eyes during a child's first 12 years.\"Good vision is as essential as the ABC's because children who have difficulty with their visionwill inevitably have difficulties learning,\" Romeu said.New research has revealed that parents should not only be concerned about getting the rightprescription, but getting glasses that block UV rays as well.Eighty percent of exposure to UV rays occurs before age 18. Cumulative UV exposure has beenlinked to eye diseases that may cause blindness like age-related macular degeneration andcataracts.Buying glasses that kids will want to wear, however, is part of the struggle for concernedparents. For kids, the choice of frames, lenses and lens enhancements is as important as theproper prescription is to their parents.\"In my recent clinical study, I found that nine out of 10 kids preferred photochromic lensesfrom Transitions Optical over regular, clear lenses. And more importantly to the kids, more thanhalf of their friends liked the lenses over regular lenses,\" said Romeu.Transitions Lenses automatically change from clear indoors to sunglass dark, in bright, glaringlight. They block 100 percent of UV rays and greatly reduce sunlight glare to provide the bestvisual experience for eyeglass wearers.Transitions Lenses also impressed parents, with 98 percent of them saying they wanted theirkids to keep wearing the lenses with the built in UV and glare protection. - NUTitle:Put Your Best Face Forward: Tips for Healthier SkinWord Count:275Summary:Acne may have shown its true colors in your teenage years when hormones kicked in, or inyour adult years when stress became a way of life. Either way, this condition can seemimpossible to manage at times.Keywords:Put Your Best Face Forward: Tips for Healthier SkinArticle Body:Acne may have shown its true colors in your teenage years when hormones kicked in, or inyour adult years when stress became a way of life. Either way, this condition can seem
impossible to manage at times.But there are ways to help prevent and treat it. Here are some tips to encourage healthier skinand help stop acne in its tracks:* Exercise, drink water and take multivitamins. What goes in your body shows on the outside.Exercise increases oxygen to the tissues which keeps skin looking healthy. Water hydrates theskin, banishing dead skin cells and unclogging pores. And a good diet that includes fruits,vegetables and essential vitamins will keep your skin looking great.* Treat your skin with a natural acne fighter. Whether your skin is oily or dry, there are somenew, natural acne treatment products on the market that are not harsh on the skin, such asNature's Gate Organics Natural Results Acne Treatment System.This three-step, at-home treatment - containing a corrective cleanser, toner and controllinglotion - pairs salicylic acid, known for its exfoliating properties, with Oligopeptide-10, a blendof 15 naturally occurring amino acids found to be effective at rapidly thwarting acne-causingbacteria. According to Nature's Gate, it also helps heal the skin and prevents new pimples fromforming.* Stay out of the sun. When that is not possible, use a sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher.Excessive sun exposure leads to hyperpigmentation (brown spots on the skin) and canencourage pimples, redness and uneven skin.* Remember, everything in moderation. Stay away from smoke, excessive alcohol and stress.All have been shown to contribute to skin irritation and premature aging.
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