Title:A Guide on Sexual Health and AgingWord Count:531Summary:The aging process often contributes to a lack of sexual interest and activity among older people.This lack of intimacy can cause severe strain in any relationship and may cause partners to loseinterest in each other. This article promotes better sexual health during old age by providinginformation and tips on how older people can still have a fulfilling sex life despite their age.Keywords:sexual healthArticle Body:揼In most movies and television shows, scenes that are sexual in nature often show young andsmooth-skinned people etting it on.?But age is not a reason to let your sex life slide.Intimacy with your partner is an essential part of any relationship whether you are in your 20sor 50s. Aside from boosting your personal relationship with your partner, sex also promotesbetter sexual health ?a must regardless of your age. Below are some tips that can help you agegracefully, sexually:
1. Accept the changes in your body and strive to improve.Do not be turned off by the sagging skin on your forearms or your protruding belly. Instead,welcome these changes but do your part in minimizing them. Keep an age-specific skin careroutine, an exercise or fitness regimen, a healthy diet, and fashion style. Confidence is a primesexual booster and looking good and being healthy are parts of it. However, accept that youmay not be able to fit in the jeans you wore when you were 20 or sport the abs you had back inyour college days. Just strive to be healthy and feel good in your own skin.2. Take note and communicate about your and your partner's changing sexual needs.At 20, you may feel up and running the instant your partner walks through the door. However,age does affect your sexual responses and that of your partner. Age can make your body requiremore stimulation to feel aroused or orgasm. Similarly, your partner, provided that he or she is ofthe same age range, may feel the same needs like longer stimulation to get in the mood.Knowing what clicks for your body and your partner is essential in communicating your sexualneeds to each other.3. Expand your definition of sexual relationships.Actual intercourse can be very tiring especially if you have aching joints. Understand thatintercourse is only one of the ways you can achieve sexual intimacy with your partner, not theonly way. Often, passionate kissing, touching, massaging, and other forms of sexual contact canbe fulfilling enough for both partners.4. Veer from routine.If you and your partner have been having sex after a long day at work for the past 10 years ofyour relationship, you might want to consider morning sex as an alternative. A simple change inroutine can rev up your sex life and start making things exciting again. Alternatively, instead ofjumping onto the sack instantly, try setting the mood with a romantic dinner and some dancing.5. Consult your doctor.Sometimes, the changes your body undergoes may be too severe that they can impair yoursexual performance. Surgeries, chronic illnesses, and medications can affect how your bodyresponds to sexual stimulation. Talk to your doctor about the possible side effects of themedications you are taking on your sexual drive and response. Likewise, a lengthy discussionabout chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, heart problems, and their effects on your sexlife is also in order to ensure your health safety when doing the deed. Alternatively, you can askyour doctor for a prescription of medications that can help increase your sexual vigor and boostyour libido.Title:Healthy Skin Care Education in 3 Easy StepsWord Count:459
Summary:Everyone wants their skin to look young and healthy, and will go to many lengths to protect ourskin from anything in the environment that could harm it.Keywords:skincare, skin care, acne, zites, blemishesArticle Body:Most people are self conscious about their skin. Everyone wants their skin to look young andhealthy, and will go to many lengths to protect our skin from anything in the environment thatcould harm it. Our skin is the largest organ in, or on, our body. It performs many functions,primarily serving as protections against foreign substances entering out body. It also serves as atransfer point for the release of toxins from our body, and keeps water inside, inside. These arejust some of the reasons our skin needs to be protected and cared for. Everyone wants to obtainthe flawless skin of today's models and celebrities, and here are some ways that you can achievejust that.Tip #1搇Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So,try to invest in a good body exfoliant or oofah? as it is commonly called, as it is capable ofeliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once ortwice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What's more, exfoliants help to prevent ingrownhair from developing.However, it is necessary to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The mainreason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues ofthe body.Tip#2Something you might not have considered to be beneficial to your skin, yet is key to maintain ahealthy glow is drink lots of water. It is often said that the simplest way to clear and supple skinthat is no longer dry is to drink plenty of water. Water has long been considered as the mosteffective natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of itsbeing alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum oroil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thusdoctors and nutritionists recommend that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water perday is highly needed.Tip#3To maintain and achieve healthier skin you should also watch your diet. Nutrition plays a vitalrole in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said tobe potent in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debatedtopics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect thecondition of the skin, while others say it doesn't. Whatever the result may be, the bestrecommendation is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits andgreen-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.
Title:Protect Your Health With Motorcycle Rain GearWord Count:496Summary:The risks of getting sick, while riding a motorcycle in the rain are greatly reduced if you arewearing proper rain gear. The safety of the riders are also a factor when riding in the rain.Keywords:Motorcycle Rain GearArticle Body:Imagine for a moment, that you are flying along a road out on your yearly motorcycle road trip.You have 250 miles to go before you stop for the night, and you see a thunderstorm rolling in.As it looms closer you begin to wonder what to do. A contributing factor in all of this is thatyou forgot to pack your rain gear. Should you pull over and wait out the storm? Or ride onthrough to your next stop, and tough it out. You decide to for the latter, and end up spending therest of your trip miserable, because you have gotten a cold mixed with a sinus infection. If onlyyou had packed your motorcycle rain gear.The miracles of modern textiles could have saved you the trouble and hassle of a cold. Qualitymotorcycle rain suits are made from an advanced waterproof technology, 600 Denier nylon.They will have several pockets with full enclosed flaps and Velcro, and even an inner pocket tokeep your wallet nice and dry.With numerous styles and colors to choose from, you can find one that matches your tastes, andstill have a comfortable fit. You can purchase a rain suit in either a one piece style or two piecestyle. The legs should have Velcro and zippers to accommodate the wearing of boots, and thesleeves should have Velcro and zippers as well to help facilitate the wearing of a leather jacket.There should also be a durable heat resistant inner leg lining to protect the rain suit frombecoming melted due to high engine and exhaust temperatures. Finding a motorcycle rain suitthat has reflective material is also important. This helps to ensure that other drivers see you inbad weather.When riding in the rain remember to take it slower than normal. Try to keep the turns to aminimum, as you only have two wheels touching the ground, and a condition calledhydroplaning can occur very much easier than in a passenger vehicle. Hydroplaning occurswhen the water underneath a tire causes the tire to actually float on the water, causing the tire toloose traction and stability. Be sure to observe the amount of rain on the road, as even a coupleof inches of rain can cause hydroplaning.Finally when you arrive at your destination, be sure to treat all of your leather products with agood polish and leather preserver like, Skidmore's Biker Motorcycle Edition Leather Cream thathelps preserve and restore a soft durable quality to the leather. The best time to do this actually
is after every rainy ride, or at least once a month.Whatever the weather that you are riding in, always be sure to stay safe, and have fun. The artof motorcycle riding can be dangerous, but you can help keep it safe if you follow the rules ofthe road. Be sure to help out your fellow bikers, and always wear head protection.
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