pages the camp t ejas 2011 > impacting giddings 26 pg. Volunteer Opportunities learn how you can help tejas dining Hall ministries >> pg. 32 Remodel check out the new and international improved Dining area on smt pg. 14 pg. 30 sUmmER camp 28 different groups from 24 different churches come to Camp Tejas for 2011 SUMMER summer camp to grow in MINISTRY TEAM the Lord. pg. 4 PHOTO SHOOT ON PAGE 19! camp tejas t 1 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 1 11/9/11 9:52 AM
pages 2011 table of contents 4 Summer Camp check out the many different groups that come to camp tejas to separate themselves from distractions and grow closer to God. Dining Hall Remodel 14 take a look at the inside plans for a new and improved dining area. Summer Ministry 19 Team meet the teenagers and young adults who hold the camp together during the summer months. 4 Community Ministry 26 come and see how the summer staff builds relationships with children of Giddings. Tejas Global 30 eighteen internationals from five different countries >> share their culture with camp tejas over the summer Ways to Help 32 see how you can help to further God’s kingdom through camp tejas. 26 14 Check us out on Facebook On the cover search for camp tejas > photo by schylar clark media intern 1 9 2 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 2 11/9/11 9:52 AM
From the CEO administration We often want to live as if we were on an island. We want to think that our David Jones | Chief Executive Ofcer decisions are ours alone and that we are completely independent. On an island, Paul Biles | Chief Financial Ofcer our only concern would be to fulfll and meet our own needs and desires. Everyone Billy & Janice Jones | Directors Emeritus else would be free to do the same. We want our circle of responsibility to be quite program services small. ideally, it would be limited to only our self. this is the voice and mindset of Kay Kastner | Retreat Manager our fesh. Seth Gordon | Summer Camp Director Kara Gordon | Recreation Manager In reality, we dwell within community. We are greatly infuence and molded Jennifer Jones | Discipleship Manager Dave Bennett | Media Manager by family, neighbors, media, education, and experiences of daily life. We in turn Kelli Biles | Donations Coordinator afect each person who crosses our path. Jesus clearly validated this truth when Jennie Wojtczak | Ofce Manager He called us to be light and salt. He stated that nobody lights a lamp and then hides Shannon Gutierrez | Gift Shop Manager it. We can choose to cover our light or station it for all to see. Either choice still Facilities infuences others. Mike Newton | Facilities Director Matt Wall | Special Projects Manager The method of infuence we are called to as Christians is discipleship .This Alfredo Villegas | Facilities Manager is teaching and encouraging believers in the life of faith just as christ modeled. Jef Bailey | Maintenance/Construction simply stated - life is discipleship. Regardless of our intentions, our lives are always Vickie Keller | Housekeeping Manager Maria Rodriguez | Housekeeping teaching others. Every action we take, whether great or small, in public or private, Charles Wilson | Groundskeeper will eventually infuence the lives around us. The Lord calls us to take advantage of Robert Perry | Equipment Operator every opportunity, being ready in season and out of season. His purpose for every Reynaldo Demasuay | Grounds Crew believer is to bring Him glory by using their gifts to be an encouragement to the Food Service church and to be lights in a dark world. christ-like discipleship is a process and Michael Kase | Food Service Director discipline that involves every aspect of our lives. it is who we are as believers. Kathy Paluch | Cook Angela Bailey | Cook At Camp Tejas, we focus on two methods of discipleship. The frst is being Kait Schwartzbeck | Cook a discipleship location. We provide a place and a service that helps the church Shirley Orts | Cook teach, encourage, and evangelize. the second is interactive discipleship with our Phylicia Davis | Cook Sara Spahr | Cook staf. We take every opportunity we can to strengthen each other in the Lord. We XC Proch | Cook want to be a part of passing on truth to the next generation. tejas Board of trustees Paul Godley | Belton cEO, tejas ministries, inc. Steve Adell | Houston Reby Lawler | San Antonio Kay McWhorter | College Station Ron Pitts | Houston Amy Jatzlau | Giddings Max Tidmore | Houston Charles Verheyden | Temple Randy Walker | San Antonio Gaines West | College Station David Turner | Houston this issue of pages magazine was created with adobe indesign cs5 and photoshop cs5. pages magazine is part of tejas ministry inc. magazine designed by Hannah martin. Edited by dave Bennett, Kelli Biles, stephen Biles. photos by Brittany gryder, schylar clark, gahn Yongyueangpan, andrew Waite, dave Bennett, and Hannah martin. camp tejas t 3 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 3 11/9/11 9:52 AM
4 pages 2011 Zip Into Summer! Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 4 11/9/11 9:52 AM
summer camp Zip Into Summer! 24 churches came to Camp Tejas this summer with their children and youth groups to have a great time and learn more about the Lord. June 4 - August 12 2011 camps community Bible church children | June 4-8 | San Antonio new Hope church Youth | July 15-19 | Manvel Community Bible Church Junior High 1 | June 8-12 | San Antonio FBC San Marcos Children | July 16-19 | San Marcos Community Bible Church Junior High 2 | June 12-16 | San Antonio spring Baptist church children | July 20-23 | Spring community Bible church High school | June 16-20 | San Antonio Houston northwest church children | July 20-23 | Houston Riverbend church Youth | June 16-20 | Austin grace point church children | July 25-29 | San Antonio River City Church Children (Royal Family) | June 21-25 | River City cross Bridge community church Children | July 25-29 | Sugar Land Houston northwest church Youth | June 22-25 | Houston cross mountain church Children | July 25-29 | San Antonio Woodlands Umc children | June 26--30 | Houston Harvest Fellows. Comm. Church Children | July 25-29 | San Antonio park cities Baptist church Youth | June 30-July 5 | Dallas FBC Castle Hills Children | July 25-29 | San Antonio sagemont Baptist church Youth | July 6-9 | Houston sugar creek Baptist church Youth | July 30-August 3 | Sugar Land FBC Brenham Children | July 11-15 | Brenham shearer Hills Baptist church Children | August 3-7 | San Antonio calvary Baptist church Children | July 11-15 | McAllen the Vineyard church children | August 4-7 | Sugar Land FBC Longview Children | July 11-15 | Longview Lake Hills Church Children| August 8-12 | Austin FBC Bryan Children | July 11-15 | Bryan palm Valley church Youth | August 8-12 | Mission camp tejas t 5 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 5 11/9/11 9:52 AM
rope swing face 6 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 6 11/9/11 9:52 AM
summer camp ZIP Line ARCHERY PICTURE picture My Time at Tejas By megan Guidry, smt >> When i came to camp tejas to be on the smt, i thought i was on the right track in my life. man, was i wrong! in my time working here, god has shown me what true christians look and live like. Being able to spend a summer away from every distrac- “God has tion back home, have time with the Lord, and serve others was a dream come true. i never thought i would say scrubbing toilets shown me and doing dishes was a dream come true, but it really is! i made lifelong friendships here and i can even call these people family, what true not to mention the awesome tan i got while working here. i have learned so much this summer, not only from the many disciple- ship programs they have for the staf here, but also from simply Christians spending time with such a great group of fellow believers that encourage me and challenge me to grow in my walk with the look and Lord. I now have a picture in my mind of what it looks like to truly love someone like christ does. live like.” camp tejas t 7 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 7 11/9/11 9:52 AM
8 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 8 11/9/11 9:53 AM
summer camp Worship By Garrett Frazier, community Bible church Hello my name is Garrett Frazier and I am from Community Bible Church in San Antonio. I have been a member at CBC since 1998 and through all of those years, i have participated in numerous children’s and youth programs, but my favorite by far is summer camp. this summer will have been my 10th year at camp tejas. i love tejas and i have since day one! the camp is gorgeous, the pro- grams are wonderful, the escape from reality is perfect, and the fun in Christ you have there just tops it all of! This year I was talking to a friend and counselor who is in college now about how long we’ve been going to camp, things that have changed, and things that haven’t. Some of the things that have changed are staf members, camp facilities, size, and me! i have changed a lot! i used to be so timid and even kind of fearful. i “the things that really remember the Tejas staf members praying with me to go of the Tejas Tower, now I jump of backwards and hang upside down. But more importantly, the things that stuck with me from camp have not changed include the love of Christ amongst the staf (they still pray with were not what team i was kids at the top of the tower), the fun times we have at camp, and the powerful Spirit flled worship! As we sat there, we talked about friends we’ve met, connec- on, how many games we tions we’ve made, our growth in christ, and the worship and Bible study sessions. We came to an agreement that those sessions are the best. won, or even the free The growth in Christ and the Spirit flled worship are some things that never get old. Every year at camp we have fantastic worship sessions, and this time fun i had; the things year on our third night at camp tejas we started our worship after the sermon. that stuck were the coun- as the band started to play everyone went up to the front of the stage and just knelt down before the altar to worship, praise, and cry out to the Lord. Marmax was selors that helped me, so flled with the Spirit of God. He swept over every camper, counselor, and staf member in the room. While we worshipped in His presence He began to manifest the friends i made, and Himself in each of us. so many lives were being altered and remade you could the growth in jesus that i literally look around and see your friends worship with every fber of their being and know that they got it. the things that really stick with me from camp were not experienced. “ what team i was on or how many games we won or even the free time fun i had; the things that stuck were the counselors that helped me, the friends i made, and the growth in Jesus that I experienced. There is literally no way I can convey the power of The Lord through words; you have to experience Him yourself. I have en- countered Him most powerfully through praise and worship. Over the years, times of worship at tejas have been some of the best and most memorable to me. three years ago i was a counselor for cBc’s elementary camp at tejas. this was for kids varying in age from 8 through 12. We started our worship and i was standing behind about 300 kids watching them seriously get into worship and praising the Lord. Seeing these kids understand worship with the Creator of all things broke me down. I started sobbing and crying for joy because of what God was doing with these kids at such a young age. From that I really learned that it doesn’t matter who you are or what age you are, god can and will use you to the best of your abilities. if you worship god, and i mean really worship Him, nothing is impossible for you (Luke 1:37). camp tejas t 9 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 9 11/9/11 9:53 AM
Encouragement By Francesca Bertsen, SMT at the beginning of the summer, it was really hard for me to try new things and to push myself past various obstacles that i had to face. However, my fellow summer \"I was able ministry team mates helped me push through everything by encouraging me and giving me a friendly push, both mentally and physically. The frst time I went of the zip line, I to encourage freaked out for at least 10 minutes and fnally, Logan pushed me of of the wall. Earlier that day, i had been telling campers to climb up the wall and zip and that it was perfectly kids to face okay, which it is, but i didn’t know how frightening it really was until i had my turn. i must say, it was pretty terrifying. But, even though i was scared of this new experience, i zipped their fears and because of the encouragement from the people around me. the enthusiasm and positive, helpful attitude of everyone on staf here is contagious so from that day forward, I was do the things able to encourage kids to face their fears and do the things here at camp that they really wanted to, but may have been afraid of. i have felt so much joy this summer just being a here at camp part of this team and getting the opportunity to help the campers and serve the Lord. this experience on smt has been so rewarding. nothing makes you feel better than a kid that they really telling you “thank you” for helping them face their fears. Even if they don’t say “thank you,” the joy and excitement on their faces say it all after they go of of the rope swing, the zip, wanted to do.\" or any of the other activities we have here. seeing their faces after doing those things helped me get through the long hot days i spent lifeguarding or doing rec, so in a way, we encouraged each other without even knowing it. 10 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 10 11/9/11 9:53 AM
summer camp By Francesca Bertsen, SMT camp tejas t 11 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 11 11/9/11 9:53 AM
>> through the Years >> by julie Belus, new hope church I’ve been going to Camp Tejas as a camper for 5 years, and this year was a little diferent - I went as a counselor. It was such an incredible experience to be able to pour out all of the fun that Camp Tejas has flled me up with throughout the past few years, but also to pour into girls who are hungry for Jesus, and to show them what The Lord has taught me the past 5 years. “I got to participate as a camper, tejas was always what i looked forward to during my summer vacation. Having no school was wonderful, but going to camp tejas for in rec and free those 5 days was so much fun for me. i got to participate in rec and free time, time, but I also but I also experienced Jesus in more powerful ways than ever at Camp Tejas. experienced Jesus it was a place of joy, laughter, tears, and growth. my spiritual walk was greatly in more powerful enhanced by my exposure to camp tejas. ways than ever This year was very diferent than any other. In the same way as the at Camp Tejas. It few years prior, i looked forward to coming. i prayed that god would show Him- was a place of joy, self to my group of junior high girls in the same way that He showed himself to me and allowed me to grow so close to Him. Watching my group of 7th and laughter, tears, and 8th grade girls enjoy camp tejas was like a mother watching her children grow growth.” up. the girls had such an amazing time, and it was so meaningful that after all these years, i was now the one they came to for prayer, or if they had questions, or even if they just needed advice. the Lord not only moved in my group of junior high girls, but He once again moved in my life, and gave me deeper revelation of His love and grace for His people! it was possibly my best experience at camp tejas yet! 12 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 12 11/9/11 9:53 AM
summer camp > a camper poses underwater for media intern Brittany Gryder during free time camp tejas t 13 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 13 11/9/11 9:53 AM
THE DINING HALL EXPANSION project the dining Hall Expansion is an exciting project for us. it will change the landscape of the camp and address several problems with our current facility. The current dining hall can seat about 175 people and most of our guests understand how insufcient that is. Latitude Architects of San Antonio, I. A. Naman and Associates of Houston, and Scott Wilson of Dallas have all donated their architec- tural and engineering services to start this project of in the right direction. The next step is to raise the funds necessary to make it happen. Please prayerfully consider helping us accomplish this project. If you would like to contribute fnancially or with construction services, please see our website or contact David Jones at [email protected]. We are looking forward to getting this done. 14 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 14 11/9/11 9:53 AM
dining Hall Remodel 1 Indoor Seating Add four new seating areas totaling over 7,000 s.f. to expand the indoor seating from 170 to 400. 2 Outdoor Seating The current tennis court area will be renovated into a beautifully landscaped 10 garden and outdoor seating area. Over 4,900 s.f. of porches and decks on the new 2 structure, including a 50’ tower, will provide additional outdoor seating. 3 Traffc Flow 8 A more open and organized lobby, serving space, salad bar, and drink station area will provide greater comfort and more effcient traffc fow. 1 6 4 Kitchen 9 Add a cold prep area and some storage space, and increase the cooler 3 and freezer space by 120%. Some equipment will be replaced as well as new 4 equipment added. 7 5 5 Cleaning 11 A more effcient cleaning area, a better organized system for guests to dispose of their dishes, and a larger dish washing machine. 6 Subfoor Level 8 conference room a Over 6,500 s.f. of lower level space under the new ground foor addition will add two conference rooms, new restrooms, an overfow sleeping area, and storage space. This entire area will also serve as an emergency storm shelter. 9 game room 7 Existing 10 motels Most of the existing dining hall will remain the same. The existing restrooms will be replaced with an expanded drink area and the existing cleaning areas will be signifcantly remodeled. 11 main offce Bird’s Eye View northwest View On average, we serve over 250 people per meal at camp tejas with some meals during summer camp exceeding 550. the current indoor seating capacity of the dining hall is 170. in most cases, our dining situation creates a very crowded and uncomfortable dining experience for our guests. We alleviate some of the difculty and congestion by serving meals in conference rooms, staggering meal times, and providing outdoor seating. the dining Hall Expansion project will provide indoor seating for up to 400 guests and out- door space for an additional 200. conference room catering will always be an option for our guests, but it will no longer be a necessity. camp tejas t 15 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 15 11/9/11 9:53 AM
>> Phase One existing game room and gift shop 7 1 2 8 3 11 12 4 9 6 5 10 16 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 16 11/9/11 9:53 AM
dining Hall Remodel conference room a FIRST FLOOR AREAS 1 kitchen hot prep 2 walk-in cooler and freezer 3 kitchen cold prep 4 cleaning 14 5 guest restrooms 6 dish and tray dropoff 7 serving steam tables 13 8 salad and buffet tables 9 drinks and condiments 10 existing indoor seating (seats 92) 11 lobby and serving line 12 elevator and stairs to lower level and mezzanine 13 new indoor seating (seats 270) 13 14 new outdoor porch seating (seats 86) 9 12 14 phase 1 phase 1 of the dining Hall Expansion Project must be accomplished frst before we can move on to phase 2. phase 1 does not include any additional seating, but it solves 13 14 8 out of our 10 greatest issues. Phase 1 will provide more sufcient electrical service, cooler and freezer space, kitchen area, trafc fow, and cleaning processes. it is the next step to making this project happen. >> camp tejas t 17 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 17 11/9/11 9:53 AM
Retreat Season stillness in His presence purpose details > By Kay Kastner retreat manager the retreat season is from mid- “The mind that comes to rest is tended august to the end of may. the camp is open to christian organizations, churches and In ways that it cannot intend: individuals as a place to get away from their Is borne, preserved and comprehended everyday schedule and strengthen their walk with christ. We welcome guests every day of By what it cannot comprehend.” the week. services the following are the major these words from Wendell Berry describe what happens when we are in His services of camp tejas that are provided presence. as summer comes to a close at camp tejas the excitement of the transformation for each retreat group and managed by our into Retreat Season is in the air. Just as our LORD transforms the vibrant colors of the staf. Some of the services and activities are diferent seasons – He can transform our lives through the stillness of our lives. God optional. all of the services are provided at no has provided a beautiful place here at camp tejas to come and experience this stillness extra charge: conference facilities and equipment. • and rest away from the distractions of life. Whether you come to seek solitude through conference seating capacities vary from prayer and meditation, gather in fellowship for spiritual growth, or simply come to make 20 to 500 memories, you will leave refreshed with a renewed focus on your LORD and Savior Jesus • sleeping facilities, including private christ. >> rooms, and bunk houses • Linens and towels are provided in all private rooms • complete dining and food services • Use of all recreation rooms, courts, and equipment • climbing wall, land zip line, and group initiative challenge course • Hayrides and campfres • Large pool complex with lazy river and 100’ slide • plus much more! call to reserve today. Reservations We have a total of 51 private rooms. they book quickly. please make a reservation by calling 979-366-2422 or email camptejas@ as soon as you can. We look forward to hearing from you. 18 pages 2011 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 18 11/9/11 9:54 AM
summer ministry team Summer mInIStry team camp tejas t 19 Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 19 11/9/11 9:54 AM
top: leslie harris, julie jack, Supervisors jonathan cantrell, mandy lambright, allie Brown, Recreation, Kitchen, Media, simeon jack, sarah mcclure, Community, Discipleship, Darren parrish, logan Doak, Maintaince, and Guard andrew waite leaders >> Leslie Harris (19 | Temple, TX): “leslie has great style. those head bands be bangin’.” - Darren Julie Jack (24 | Daphne, AL): “julie has such a heart for people. she’s invested in me a lot this summer as well as many other girls here. she’s been a great example for all of us.” - sarah Jonathan Cantrell (19 | Bastrop, TX): “cantrell genuinely cares about everyone around him. he’s the first to go and check on someone to make sure they’re doing alright.” - sarah Mandy Lambright (19 | Carlsbad, NM): “if your slushie machine breaks, call her. need a hayride? call mandy. Do you know someone who works with a mild concussion? that’s her!” - Darren Allie Brown (22 | Lufkin, TX): “allie is awesome! i know i can talk to her about absolutely anything and she’ll listen and give advice as needed. she has done a wonderful job this summer.” - sarah Simeon Jack (24 | College Station, TX): “simeon is awesome. he’s goofy, a super hard worker, and a deep thinker. he’s just overall a wonderful man.” - leslie Sarah McClure (20 | Nacogdoches, TX): “i have sincere appreciation for sarah mcclure. she is a blessing. her incredible work ethic inspires even the lowliest of logans.” - andrew Darren Parrish (20 | Spring, TX): “he’s the coolest guy i know.” - andrew Logan Doak (19 | Brazoria, TX): “logan has such a heart for others and it was evident in his work this summer. Besides, he taught me the meaning of a very unorthodox way.” - mandy Andrew Waite (22 | Dallas, TX): “he is a media ninja.” - leslie >> left: cassandra mendoza, chloe cowan, team leader patrick swilley, nate Gutierrez, ui-hee chang Purple Team Scrub & Guard >> >> Cassandra Mendoza (17 | New Braunfels, TX): “i will always remember cassandra for her smile and her passion to share her faith. i have enjoyed getting to know this little bundle of joy and she has the best British accent by far.”- chloe chloe Cowan (25 | London, England): “chloe has been a great friend throughout the summer and one of the only people that i have been able to talk to about my relationship with my girlfriend. she has encouraged me greatly and i am thankful for that.” - nate Team Leader Patrick Swilley (22 | Pasadena, TX): “he is the best team leader! i love going to trash runs with him, even though he throws up a lot. he has such a great testimony and God has turned his life around and made him into a great man.” - cassandra Nate Gutierrez (19 | Giddings, TX): “nate is such a great man of God. his love for the lord shines through him all the time. i want to wish him the best for his future and let him know that out of everyone this summer, he has impacted my life the most.” - chloe Ui-Hee Chang (20 | Gimje, South Korea): “ui-hee is the sweetest person ever! i Not Pictured: haidyn heinz (18 | san antonio, tX), Kellie-ann ikard (16 | Brenham, tX) >> 20 pages 2011 taught her the basics in spanish. she is a true ninja and i love her.” - cassandra Magazine2011 Ver 6.indd 20 11/9/11 9:54 AM
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