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Home Explore Parvati Magazine December 2013 - Remembrance

Parvati Magazine December 2013 - Remembrance

Published by devide.ka, 2014-07-02 04:57:24

Description: Parvati Magazine December 2013 - Remembrance


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A P A R V TI REMEMBRANCE December 2013 E N M A A Z G I LettING Go of ANGer AN ENGAGED WORLD At the PAst LovING Your BodY Now heALING Your INNer ChILd rememBerING Lou reed

PARVATI About YIN Parvati Magazine is an online tion that empowers the reader. o n i monthly magazine dedicated to Columns with editorial openings in- awakened living. The name of the clude Yoga, Meditation, Wellness, g g magazine is not about an individu- Books, Film, Music and Business. al person but a celebration of the a t h goddess Parvati in Her incarnation For further information about edito- rial guidelines: as the awakened Earth. h t Parvati Magazine is managed and [email protected] e c written by volunteers who give their Parvati Magazine is pleased to run time and talent to help build a reg- advertisements for our contribu- l ular source of information and in- tors. Other potential advertisers should contact ads@parvatimaga- spiration for all who seek to live an u awakened life, whether through for ad specifcation and personal development, spiritual pricing. Advertisement revenue b practice, engaged activism or sim- at this time supports the ongoing work and quality of the magazine ply some fresh perspectives on arts and current affairs. through stock photos, platform up- “An astonishing blend of devotion grades, hosting costs, etc. and delicious dance grooves.” - Yoga Magazine Submissions of 350-650 words may be considered for inclusion in Par- A percentage of all proceeds is vati Magazine if they are in keeping donated to the global charity Em- “Fantastic electronic music that celebrates with the theme for a given month. bracing The World. the gift of life and supports the healing Your article should be well-written of our planet.” - CBC Radio 1 and give clear and useful informa- “Electronic dance-pop that celebrates the planet, and guides, sustains and nourishes us all. What grace!” - Yogi Times Step into a vibrant, multidimensional world where traditional Sanskrit chants meet lush sonic soundscapes, electronic beats, angelic vocals AR V A and catchy dance grooves. Innovative P TI yet timeless, ferce as a lion and tender M E as a fower, Parvati brings the energy A N and message of transformation to a new G A Z I generation of mystics and heart-dwellers. AN ENGAGED WORLD VISIT THE WEBSITE BELOW FOR YOUR FREE MP3 OF PARVATI’S HOT NEW SINGLE “SHANTI OM” AND FOR DETAILS ABOUT HER UPCOMING UK TOUR OCT-NOV 2013

PARVATI About YIN Parvati Magazine is an online tion that empowers the reader. o n i monthly magazine dedicated to Columns with editorial openings in- awakened living. The name of the clude Yoga, Meditation, Wellness, g g magazine is not about an individu- Books, Film, Music and Business. al person but a celebration of the a t h goddess Parvati in Her incarnation For further information about edito- rial guidelines: as the awakened Earth. h t Parvati Magazine is managed and [email protected] e c written by volunteers who give their Parvati Magazine is pleased to run time and talent to help build a reg- advertisements for our contribu- l ular source of information and in- tors. Other potential advertisers should contact ads@parvatimaga- spiration for all who seek to live an u awakened life, whether through for ad specifcation and personal development, spiritual pricing. Advertisement revenue b practice, engaged activism or sim- at this time supports the ongoing work and quality of the magazine ply some fresh perspectives on arts and current affairs. through stock photos, platform up- “An astonishing blend of devotion grades, hosting costs, etc. and delicious dance grooves.” - Yoga Magazine Submissions of 350-650 words may be considered for inclusion in Par- A percentage of all proceeds is vati Magazine if they are in keeping donated to the global charity Em- “Fantastic electronic music that celebrates with the theme for a given month. bracing The World. the gift of life and supports the healing Your article should be well-written of our planet.” - CBC Radio 1 and give clear and useful informa- “Electronic dance-pop that celebrates the planet, and guides, sustains and nourishes us all. What grace!” - Yogi Times Step into a vibrant, multidimensional world where traditional Sanskrit chants meet lush sonic soundscapes, electronic beats, angelic vocals AR V A and catchy dance grooves. Innovative P TI yet timeless, ferce as a lion and tender M E as a fower, Parvati brings the energy A N and message of transformation to a new G A Z I generation of mystics and heart-dwellers. AN ENGAGED WORLD VISIT THE WEBSITE BELOW FOR YOUR FREE MP3 OF PARVATI’S HOT NEW SINGLE “SHANTI OM” AND FOR DETAILS ABOUT HER UPCOMING UK TOUR OCT-NOV 2013

Welcome Editors In This Issue As this magazine goes to print, I am wrapping up the frst stage of my “Transcendent Luminosity” UK tour. Driving through the English countryside, I am touched POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES FILM 20 at a soul level with remembrance. I feel I “know” this 06 land, even though I have not spent that much time LETTING GO OF ANGER “DEAR MR. WATTERSON” here, in this life at least. Experiences Iike this point to AT THE PAST (Review by Pranada Devi) the notion of the multiple births we take, as our soul Parvati Devi evolves back to oneness with pure spiritual conscious- ness. Parvati Devi Editor-in-Chief YOGA 08 MUSIC 22 In essence, all that I teach and every musical show I do is geared to support each one of us remembering BEING PRESENT ON THE MAT REMEMBERING LOU REED our true, divine nature. Within us all is a soul knowing Crystal Ellis Rishi Deva that houses the memories from our previous births. Of- ten masked by our personalities, in which we heavily invest by believing the power of our ego, we forget the magnifcence of our true self. MEDITATION 10 FASHION 24 OPEN THE DOOR A RETROSPECTIVE Please enjoy this month’s discussions of remem- TO YOUR INNER CHILD Renia Pruchnicki brance through yoga, healing the past through meditation, books and flm exploring the richness of Parvati Devi memory, a reminder that a good business needs a Pranada Devi business plan, and more. Managing Editor WELLNESS 12 BEAUTY 26 Peace, HEAL YOUR WOUNDED CHILD REMEMBER FLAX OIL Parvati WITH THE UNIVERSAL MOTHER FOR JUICY SKIN Parvati Devi Kristen Ma FITNESS 14 COMMUNITY 28 REMEMBERING EARLIER FITNESS MONKEE SEE MONKEE DO AND LOVING YOUR BODY NOW P AR V A Ella Isakov Sandra O’Brien Pranada Devi TI E Yoga Editor NUTRITION 16 BUSINESS 30 N M A A Z REMEMBERING THE FOODS REMEMBER TO PLAN G I Contact Submissions: OF SEASONS PAST Rishi Deva AN ENGAGED WORLD submit@parvati Jacquie Robertson Advertising: BOOKS 18 Parvati Magazine is your monthly source ads@parvati for awakened living. The name of the magazine “MUTANT MESSAGE is not about an individual person but a celebration Inquiries: DOWN UNDER” of the goddess Parvati in Her incarnation as the awak- info@parvati By Marlo Morgan ened Earth.

Welcome Editors In This Issue As this magazine goes to print, I am wrapping up the frst stage of my “Transcendent Luminosity” UK tour. Driving through the English countryside, I am touched POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES FILM 20 at a soul level with remembrance. I feel I “know” this 06 land, even though I have not spent that much time LETTING GO OF ANGER “DEAR MR. WATTERSON” here, in this life at least. Experiences Iike this point to AT THE PAST (Review by Pranada Devi) the notion of the multiple births we take, as our soul Parvati Devi evolves back to oneness with pure spiritual conscious- ness. Parvati Devi Editor-in-Chief YOGA 08 MUSIC 22 In essence, all that I teach and every musical show I do is geared to support each one of us remembering BEING PRESENT ON THE MAT REMEMBERING LOU REED our true, divine nature. Within us all is a soul knowing Crystal Ellis Rishi Deva that houses the memories from our previous births. Of- ten masked by our personalities, in which we heavily invest by believing the power of our ego, we forget the magnifcence of our true self. MEDITATION 10 FASHION 24 OPEN THE DOOR A RETROSPECTIVE Please enjoy this month’s discussions of remem- TO YOUR INNER CHILD Renia Pruchnicki brance through yoga, healing the past through meditation, books and flm exploring the richness of Parvati Devi memory, a reminder that a good business needs a Pranada Devi business plan, and more. Managing Editor WELLNESS 12 BEAUTY 26 Peace, HEAL YOUR WOUNDED CHILD REMEMBER FLAX OIL Parvati WITH THE UNIVERSAL MOTHER FOR JUICY SKIN Parvati Devi Kristen Ma FITNESS 14 COMMUNITY 28 REMEMBERING EARLIER FITNESS MONKEE SEE MONKEE DO AND LOVING YOUR BODY NOW P AR V A Ella Isakov Sandra O’Brien Pranada Devi TI E Yoga Editor NUTRITION 16 BUSINESS 30 N M A A Z REMEMBERING THE FOODS REMEMBER TO PLAN G I Contact Submissions: OF SEASONS PAST Rishi Deva AN ENGAGED WORLD submit@parvati Jacquie Robertson Advertising: BOOKS 18 Parvati Magazine is your monthly source ads@parvati for awakened living. The name of the magazine “MUTANT MESSAGE is not about an individual person but a celebration Inquiries: DOWN UNDER” of the goddess Parvati in Her incarnation as the awak- info@parvati By Marlo Morgan ened Earth.

POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES LIVING POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES LIVING LETTING GO OF ANGER may experience diffculty. “happening to me”. We part of the greater whole. then feel we have choice, No problem! That is life There is a time in our heal- At The Past showing us the way we and the ability to create ing process for anger and have limiting beliefs, the a life we love. If we are a time for grief. Then there way we need to grow, the willing to admit our own is a time for forgiveness. things we need to release. faults and shortcomings, Only when you have had If we are true spiritual we can feel more com- the humility to be honest seekers, this is great news! passionate for the short- with your feelings and see We now have a moment- comings of others as well. your part in the situation, to-moment teacher and only when you can see road map to our evolu- Compassion requires the yourself in the other per- tion: this moment. cultivation of self-love, so son and cultivate under- that we can see ourselves standing, will you be able If we are open, ready and in others. Through the eyes to let go. willing, we will have the of compassion, we would humility to see that this see the ignorance in oth- Letting go happens when moment is showing us the ers as the same ignorance you feel ready. You are summation of who we are we also have. We may the one who is holding up until this moment. We not be acting it out in on to the hurt and anger. may like it. We may not. this moment, but we cer- No one is choosing that, Either way, it does not re- tainly have that potential. other than you. When ally matter. By welcoming So really, we are not that you feel you have had this moment as a gift that different. When we see enough of ultimately hurt- refects our selves, we are our similarities rather than ing yourself and creating able to see the limitations our differences, forgive- the feeling of hurt, you will of our beliefs, thoughts ness begins to happen. let go. There is no judge- and ego and eventually Then there is undemand- ment in what I say. It is to- move beyond them so ing connection, humility, tally natural to feel dark, we may merge into the love. Anger cannot live in painful emotions. Every- universal feld that ties us that kind of environment. thing has its place and all together. But this takes time and season. You will let it go, practice. It does not de- when you choose to love When we are willing to velop overnight. yourself enough to treat am sometimes asked by clients how to let go of learn from our mistakes yourself with the love and I hurt and anger about past experiences, such as and painful situations, we Everything in life has a kindness you deserve. breakups or being cheated on. It is my belief that begin to see life as a gift, cycle. There are seasons We have a literally all of life provides us with an opportunity as a supportive process, for fowers and season for to grow – the good, the bad and the ugly. There road map to is not one thing in our life that does not serve our rather than something snow. Everything plays a our evolution: evolution in some way. this moment. Life is like a mirror. The more we see it as such, the Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to happier, freer and more loving we will be. The mir- being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer ror refects all of our thoughts back to us. We see and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having and experience life through the lens of our mind, studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga TM which is the accumulation of past memories and teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious future desires. So we see, through the events and energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga experiences of our life, a refection of what we Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual think, hope, fear, want, dream and remember. seekers. For more information on Parvati, please visit Seeing life as a mirror to our thoughts makes life our perfect school, the best place ever to evolve. We then see life constantly supporting our evolution, no matter what happens. We

POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES LIVING POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES LIVING LETTING GO OF ANGER may experience diffculty. “happening to me”. We part of the greater whole. then feel we have choice, No problem! That is life There is a time in our heal- At The Past showing us the way we and the ability to create ing process for anger and have limiting beliefs, the a life we love. If we are a time for grief. Then there way we need to grow, the willing to admit our own is a time for forgiveness. things we need to release. faults and shortcomings, Only when you have had If we are true spiritual we can feel more com- the humility to be honest seekers, this is great news! passionate for the short- with your feelings and see We now have a moment- comings of others as well. your part in the situation, to-moment teacher and only when you can see road map to our evolu- Compassion requires the yourself in the other per- tion: this moment. cultivation of self-love, so son and cultivate under- that we can see ourselves standing, will you be able If we are open, ready and in others. Through the eyes to let go. willing, we will have the of compassion, we would humility to see that this see the ignorance in oth- Letting go happens when moment is showing us the ers as the same ignorance you feel ready. You are summation of who we are we also have. We may the one who is holding up until this moment. We not be acting it out in on to the hurt and anger. may like it. We may not. this moment, but we cer- No one is choosing that, Either way, it does not re- tainly have that potential. other than you. When ally matter. By welcoming So really, we are not that you feel you have had this moment as a gift that different. When we see enough of ultimately hurt- refects our selves, we are our similarities rather than ing yourself and creating able to see the limitations our differences, forgive- the feeling of hurt, you will of our beliefs, thoughts ness begins to happen. let go. There is no judge- and ego and eventually Then there is undemand- ment in what I say. It is to- move beyond them so ing connection, humility, tally natural to feel dark, we may merge into the love. Anger cannot live in painful emotions. Every- universal feld that ties us that kind of environment. thing has its place and all together. But this takes time and season. You will let it go, practice. It does not de- when you choose to love When we are willing to velop overnight. yourself enough to treat am sometimes asked by clients how to let go of learn from our mistakes yourself with the love and I hurt and anger about past experiences, such as and painful situations, we Everything in life has a kindness you deserve. breakups or being cheated on. It is my belief that begin to see life as a gift, cycle. There are seasons We have a literally all of life provides us with an opportunity as a supportive process, for fowers and season for to grow – the good, the bad and the ugly. There road map to is not one thing in our life that does not serve our rather than something snow. Everything plays a our evolution: evolution in some way. this moment. Life is like a mirror. The more we see it as such, the Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to happier, freer and more loving we will be. The mir- being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer ror refects all of our thoughts back to us. We see and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having and experience life through the lens of our mind, studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga TM which is the accumulation of past memories and teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious future desires. So we see, through the events and energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga experiences of our life, a refection of what we Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual think, hope, fear, want, dream and remember. seekers. For more information on Parvati, please visit Seeing life as a mirror to our thoughts makes life our perfect school, the best place ever to evolve. We then see life constantly supporting our evolution, no matter what happens. We

YOGA YOGA BEING PRESENT Ithink about the past. single parent who was needed to experience to t can be diffcult not to not ready for the respon- heal. I’m not saying I am On The Mat Every day we see quotes sibilities of taking care cured, but I am a work in of a child. She was over- posted on social media, progress and my practice in the books we read, and whelmed by her own past is real, it’s forgiving even even in graffti about let- and projected much of when I am not. ting go of the past and her pain onto me. She focusing on the now. Yet, was also incapable of For many years I was try- I am guilty of living in the showing affection or ing so hard to forget, to past. teaching me about what black out my childhood, to expect while growing a major car accident I I have been practicing up. I essentially raised my- was in, a diffcult rela- yoga for over six years, self. I used to think that this tionship, and many other reading self-help articles was the worst thing that painful memories that I and books about living in could have happened to was holding on to in an- the present even longer, me, but now as an adult ger. But I wasn’t forgetting and I still glamorize my I realize the many life skills them, I was keeping them past at an unhealthy lev- I learned and appreciate with me, so intensely that el. I’m not proud of this, to this day. As painful as they started to manifest but I have celebrated my childhood was, I can as symptoms in my body. the fact that through my now see the gift through I’ve come to realize that yoga practice I am more the haze. Being inde- this is not the way to heal. aware of how this af- pendent and strong, with Avoidance doesn’t work. I fects me and those who a feistiness to persevere need to hold on to these are close to me. Through through many of life’s is- memories in a different yoga, meditation, and sues, has been a part of way, not in anger, but counseling I recently have me for as long as I can re- seeing them as gifts and been exploring issues from member. lessons along my journey my past in an effort to re- that have made me into veal how they are affect- Yoga has helped me the ferce woman I am ing my current state. It’s a come to these realiza- today. I need to choose frightening and at times tions. Yoga has pushed to love myself, every part painful journey, but one me to see what I couldn’t of me, and continue the that I know is incredibly see. Coming to my prac- fght. The past had its important for my healing. tice everyday, getting on good and bad times, but that mat, has brought out the now is where it is at I had a very diffcult child- many feelings that I want- and I need to be there, hood. I was raised by a ed to avoid but that I right on my mat. Crystal Ellis is an early 30s Yoga gal with a passion for community and continuous learning. She can always be found with her head in a book, in a silly yoga pose, or sharing her musings over on her blog or Twitter. With a fery personality she constantly strives to motivate others to see their greatness, while always making sure to laugh at herself. Follow along on her journey at or on Twitter at @YogiCrystal.

YOGA YOGA BEING PRESENT Ithink about the past. single parent who was needed to experience to t can be diffcult not to not ready for the respon- heal. I’m not saying I am On The Mat Every day we see quotes sibilities of taking care cured, but I am a work in of a child. She was over- posted on social media, progress and my practice in the books we read, and whelmed by her own past is real, it’s forgiving even even in graffti about let- and projected much of when I am not. ting go of the past and her pain onto me. She focusing on the now. Yet, was also incapable of For many years I was try- I am guilty of living in the showing affection or ing so hard to forget, to past. teaching me about what black out my childhood, to expect while growing a major car accident I I have been practicing up. I essentially raised my- was in, a diffcult rela- yoga for over six years, self. I used to think that this tionship, and many other reading self-help articles was the worst thing that painful memories that I and books about living in could have happened to was holding on to in an- the present even longer, me, but now as an adult ger. But I wasn’t forgetting and I still glamorize my I realize the many life skills them, I was keeping them past at an unhealthy lev- I learned and appreciate with me, so intensely that el. I’m not proud of this, to this day. As painful as they started to manifest but I have celebrated my childhood was, I can as symptoms in my body. the fact that through my now see the gift through I’ve come to realize that yoga practice I am more the haze. Being inde- this is not the way to heal. aware of how this af- pendent and strong, with Avoidance doesn’t work. I fects me and those who a feistiness to persevere need to hold on to these are close to me. Through through many of life’s is- memories in a different yoga, meditation, and sues, has been a part of way, not in anger, but counseling I recently have me for as long as I can re- seeing them as gifts and been exploring issues from member. lessons along my journey my past in an effort to re- that have made me into veal how they are affect- Yoga has helped me the ferce woman I am ing my current state. It’s a come to these realiza- today. I need to choose frightening and at times tions. Yoga has pushed to love myself, every part painful journey, but one me to see what I couldn’t of me, and continue the that I know is incredibly see. Coming to my prac- fght. The past had its important for my healing. tice everyday, getting on good and bad times, but that mat, has brought out the now is where it is at I had a very diffcult child- many feelings that I want- and I need to be there, hood. I was raised by a ed to avoid but that I right on my mat. Crystal Ellis is an early 30s Yoga gal with a passion for community and continuous learning. She can always be found with her head in a book, in a silly yoga pose, or sharing her musings over on her blog or Twitter. With a fery personality she constantly strives to motivate others to see their greatness, while always making sure to laugh at herself. Follow along on her journey at or on Twitter at @YogiCrystal.

MEDITATION MEDITATION OPEN THE DOOR grenous for us to bring our- do this every day and Pick up the pencil in your selves to understand that notice how much more non-dominant hand, that To Your Inner Child we are in need of heal- energy, freedom and joy is, the one you do not usu- ing. Finally, the wounded ally use to write. Then ask naturally arises. Ask your- child has our full attention. self the sincere question, your inner child if it has an- with an open heart, “How ything to say. Start to write In order to heal, we do you feel? How come? without editing, even if must look within to get What can I do to better the text is scribbly and to know aspects of our- love and support you?” hard to read. See what selves we have left be- Listen and receive the in- comes up, as it is, without hind. The wounded child formation with warmth judging. Breathe deeply gets locked away in the and gratitude. Breathe it and embrace whatever recesses of our being un- in. arises, as a loving moth- til we open that door. er would. Welcome the Perhaps a pressing force Take a box of wax cray- voice of your inner child such as an accident or ons and some paper into your heart. heartbreak brings us face (newsprint is fne) and fnd to face with that door, a quiet, uninterrupted Find a quiet and relaxed but only a deeply gentle place. Let yourself scrib- place, either sitting on a touch can turn the door ble, doodle, do whatever chair or comfortably lying handle for us to feel safe you want without judging. down. Breathe in and feel enough to walk in. Here Have fun letting your in- that you are receiving all are some ways you can ner child play. Just notice the love that already ex- open the door to your in- what is there, the colours, ists right now, everywhere. ner child. the shapes, the mood, Feel yourself receiv- the expression. How do ing love into your lungs, Find a quiet place and the images make you into your heart, into your give yourself permission feel? What is being com- body, into your being. Ex- to feel. Just as a loving municated in them? Qui- hale, and let go into that mother would fully ac- etly see if any thoughts, love, feeling that you are cept all your joys and emotions or images come letting go into a very pre- wounds without reserve, to mind. Breathe in and sent, physical embrace. meet whatever arises in welcome any information Inhale love, nourishment, you, to the best of your that arises. support. Exhale, and relax o matter what age you may be or how much inner work you may have done, a wound- ability, without judgment. into the love. Ned inner child may remain untouched, hidden away, asking for love in some way. De- Think of yourself welcom- Get a blank piece of pa- spite our parents’ best effort, it seems that many of us, at some level, did not receive the ing your whole self with per and pencil and fnd a love we needed as a child. That part of our psyche becomes frozen in time, “wanting open arms. Take time to quiet place to go within. mummy” or “wanting daddy” in some way, seeking the love it needed and still needs, until we thaw our inner walls and become still enough to listen to its call. When the wounded child is in the driver’s seat of our lives, consciously or unconsciously Catherine Rathbun received her traditional teaching name, Lama Jetsun Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to we push that which is good for us away because we have lost the willingness to receive, Yeshe, from Ven. Karma Thinley Rinpoche, a lineage master of the Sakya being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer believing fundamentally that the love we need does not exist. We create situations in our and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, in 2002. She taught meditation at and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga lives that prove our feelings of wounding. We may sabotage a great relationship, or sell out York University (1989 to 1997) and is the founding teacher at Friends of the teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, TM in our job or demean ourselves to make an opportunity happen, because we deep down Heart, a meditation centre in Toronto. With a background in dance — she “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba”, bring forward a conscious was a member of the National Ballet Company of Canada from 1962 to feel that love is not possible for us. 1963 — and a modern dance career in England (1967-69). She is the author energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual of Developing the World Mind and Clear Heart, Open Mind, and is currently Used to making our way through life on a fraction of our true potential, we can be like inva- working on a new book called Waiting for Truffes: Meditations for Daily seekers. For more information on Parvati, please visit lids hobbling about on a broken leg, trying to convince ourselves that we are ok. We feed Living. For more on Catherine, please visit the wounds with temporary pacifers like money, sex, drugs, entertainment and foods in an attempt to fll a void we don’t want to see. Sometimes it takes our broken leg turning gan-

MEDITATION MEDITATION OPEN THE DOOR grenous for us to bring our- do this every day and Pick up the pencil in your selves to understand that notice how much more non-dominant hand, that To Your Inner Child we are in need of heal- energy, freedom and joy is, the one you do not usu- ing. Finally, the wounded ally use to write. Then ask naturally arises. Ask your- child has our full attention. self the sincere question, your inner child if it has an- with an open heart, “How ything to say. Start to write In order to heal, we do you feel? How come? without editing, even if must look within to get What can I do to better the text is scribbly and to know aspects of our- love and support you?” hard to read. See what selves we have left be- Listen and receive the in- comes up, as it is, without hind. The wounded child formation with warmth judging. Breathe deeply gets locked away in the and gratitude. Breathe it and embrace whatever recesses of our being un- in. arises, as a loving moth- til we open that door. er would. Welcome the Perhaps a pressing force Take a box of wax cray- voice of your inner child such as an accident or ons and some paper into your heart. heartbreak brings us face (newsprint is fne) and fnd to face with that door, a quiet, uninterrupted Find a quiet and relaxed but only a deeply gentle place. Let yourself scrib- place, either sitting on a touch can turn the door ble, doodle, do whatever chair or comfortably lying handle for us to feel safe you want without judging. down. Breathe in and feel enough to walk in. Here Have fun letting your in- that you are receiving all are some ways you can ner child play. Just notice the love that already ex- open the door to your in- what is there, the colours, ists right now, everywhere. ner child. the shapes, the mood, Feel yourself receiv- the expression. How do ing love into your lungs, Find a quiet place and the images make you into your heart, into your give yourself permission feel? What is being com- body, into your being. Ex- to feel. Just as a loving municated in them? Qui- hale, and let go into that mother would fully ac- etly see if any thoughts, love, feeling that you are cept all your joys and emotions or images come letting go into a very pre- wounds without reserve, to mind. Breathe in and sent, physical embrace. meet whatever arises in welcome any information Inhale love, nourishment, you, to the best of your that arises. support. Exhale, and relax o matter what age you may be or how much inner work you may have done, a wound- ability, without judgment. into the love. Ned inner child may remain untouched, hidden away, asking for love in some way. De- Think of yourself welcom- Get a blank piece of pa- spite our parents’ best effort, it seems that many of us, at some level, did not receive the ing your whole self with per and pencil and fnd a love we needed as a child. That part of our psyche becomes frozen in time, “wanting open arms. Take time to quiet place to go within. mummy” or “wanting daddy” in some way, seeking the love it needed and still needs, until we thaw our inner walls and become still enough to listen to its call. When the wounded child is in the driver’s seat of our lives, consciously or unconsciously Catherine Rathbun received her traditional teaching name, Lama Jetsun Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to we push that which is good for us away because we have lost the willingness to receive, Yeshe, from Ven. Karma Thinley Rinpoche, a lineage master of the Sakya being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer believing fundamentally that the love we need does not exist. We create situations in our and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, in 2002. She taught meditation at and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga lives that prove our feelings of wounding. We may sabotage a great relationship, or sell out York University (1989 to 1997) and is the founding teacher at Friends of the Heart, a meditation centre in Toronto. With a background in dance — she TM in our job or demean ourselves to make an opportunity happen, because we deep down teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, was a member of the National Ballet Company of Canada from 1962 to “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba”, bring forward a conscious feel that love is not possible for us. 1963 — and a modern dance career in England (1967-69). She is the author energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual of Developing the World Mind and Clear Heart, Open Mind, and is currently Used to making our way through life on a fraction of our true potential, we can be like inva- seekers. working on a new book called Waiting for Truffes: Meditations for Daily Living. For more on Catherine, please visit lids hobbling about on a broken leg, trying to convince ourselves that we are ok. We feed For more information on Parvati, please visit the wounds with temporary pacifers like money, sex, drugs, entertainment and foods in an attempt to fll a void we don’t want to see. Sometimes it takes our broken leg turning gan-

WELLNESS WELLNESS HEAL YOUR WOUNDED CHILD from a mother-like fgure verse that is refected in As you move towards in our lives, at some point all beings. wholeness, I ask that you With The Universal Mother we must awaken the uni- Healing occurs when we do so with tremendous versal mother within our gentleness, the kind of own hearts. She will carry align with the powerful care, attention and affec- us through our entire life, yet profoundly compas- tion that a mother would long after our biological sionate force of nature, have for her infant. We mother is gone. our deeper mother. And are all children in the arms that mother exists in our of the divine. If we can When we learn to rest in heart and soul, whether remember more often to self-love, we reach the you are a man or woman. give ourselves that self- tender place within our kindness, that self-com- own heart that cradles passion, that self-love, our the wounded child with- world will be a sweeter in. When we touch that place and our lives will oh-so-raw place, we be- unfold with greater ease gin to touch a well of in- and less resistance. fnite love, more than we ever imagined. When we We all fall. We all have begin to rest in self-love, wounds. Be the moth- we begin to open to life er to yourself that gen- — and the very fabric of tly picks you up, washes life is unconditional love. It takes that uncondition- off the scraps on your We tap into the perfect, ally loving presence di- knees, shares encourag- unconditional motherly rected towards ourselves ing words and sends you love that the planet gives for us to ultimately feel the on your way. She is always us in each moment. She, love, healing and free- with you. She will never let as a living being, loves dom we need. Think of you down. Invite her into and sustains us. And she the wounded place with- your life today and give is loved unconditionally in as a frightened doe in thanks for the abundance herself and exists within a wild forest. Would it not of love that is within and a larger mother, the cre- take sincere gentleness, all around. We are, after ative force of the universe true relaxation and deep all, so very blessed to be of which we all are a part. love to approach this skit- alive. That in itself is an ex- As we tap into self-love, tish animal? The wound- pression of the universal we open to the love from ed child within is as fragile mother’s love for you. the planet and the uni- and powerful as that doe. We must Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to awaken the being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having universal hether or not we feel we had a perfect child- studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, TM mother within Whood, we eventually come to realize as we “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga ourselves. mature that we must learn to love and nurture our- Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual selves, the way our mothers would or could have seekers. done, so that we may experience total health and well-being. Whether or not we learned the For more information on Parvati, please visit ability to love, care and soothe from our mother or

WELLNESS WELLNESS HEAL YOUR WOUNDED CHILD from a mother-like fgure verse that is refected in As you move towards in our lives, at some point all beings. wholeness, I ask that you With The Universal Mother we must awaken the uni- Healing occurs when we do so with tremendous versal mother within our gentleness, the kind of own hearts. She will carry align with the powerful care, attention and affec- us through our entire life, yet profoundly compas- tion that a mother would long after our biological sionate force of nature, have for her infant. We mother is gone. our deeper mother. And are all children in the arms that mother exists in our of the divine. If we can When we learn to rest in heart and soul, whether remember more often to self-love, we reach the you are a man or woman. give ourselves that self- tender place within our kindness, that self-com- own heart that cradles passion, that self-love, our the wounded child with- world will be a sweeter in. When we touch that place and our lives will oh-so-raw place, we be- unfold with greater ease gin to touch a well of in- and less resistance. fnite love, more than we ever imagined. When we We all fall. We all have begin to rest in self-love, wounds. Be the moth- we begin to open to life er to yourself that gen- — and the very fabric of tly picks you up, washes life is unconditional love. It takes that uncondition- off the scraps on your We tap into the perfect, ally loving presence di- knees, shares encourag- unconditional motherly rected towards ourselves ing words and sends you love that the planet gives for us to ultimately feel the on your way. She is always us in each moment. She, love, healing and free- with you. She will never let as a living being, loves dom we need. Think of you down. Invite her into and sustains us. And she the wounded place with- your life today and give is loved unconditionally in as a frightened doe in thanks for the abundance herself and exists within a wild forest. Would it not of love that is within and a larger mother, the cre- take sincere gentleness, all around. We are, after ative force of the universe true relaxation and deep all, so very blessed to be of which we all are a part. love to approach this skit- alive. That in itself is an ex- As we tap into self-love, tish animal? The wound- pression of the universal we open to the love from ed child within is as fragile mother’s love for you. the planet and the uni- and powerful as that doe. We must Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to awaken the being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having universal hether or not we feel we had a perfect child- studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga teaching style called YEM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, TM mother within Whood, we eventually come to realize as we “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga ourselves. mature that we must learn to love and nurture our- Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual selves, the way our mothers would or could have seekers. done, so that we may experience total health and well-being. Whether or not we learned the For more information on Parvati, please visit ability to love, care and soothe from our mother or

FITNESS FITNESS REMEMBERING EARLIER FITNESS Tmembrance is as fol- have a baby, tear a ham- ies used to lift, to stretch he defnition of Re- string, gain weight, we or have seemingly unlim- And Loving Your Body Now lows: the act of remem- simply age or just stop ac- ited amounts of cardio knowledging the fact that bering a person, thing, or capacity. Do any of these event; something that is maintaining a committed thoughts allow us to feel done or made to honor ftness practise has amaz- empowered? Do these the memory of a per- ing benefts. If we don’t thoughts bring sensations son, thing, or event. How use it, we lose it. Whatev- of joy? I can only speak many of us take this atti- er the reason is, one day it for myself, but my answer tude with our bodies and happens that our bodies is a loud and clear NO! their ability to perform do not respond with the or lack thereof, when in- speed, recovery, fexibility So I say drop those volved in ftness? As much or strength they had be- thoughts and replace as I think I have “moved fore. with thoughts that fll through” this phase, and I your soul with accept- should “know better”, I do ance and peace. Ob- in fact have days where serve more, judge less. old, unforgiving habits Every day on your mat, die hard. I am happy to One day our or in the gym, will be dif- report, though, that the bodies may ferent. Your mood, your moments in time where I hydration level, focus for have these thoughts are not respond the day will be different. signifcantly diminished Showing up and commit- from my younger years. as they did ting to moving your body before. daily is what will keep you There are times in our lives young and energetic. when we have displayed Allow your thoughts to peak performance. We support your body in the may not have been process. You only get one Olympic athletes, but at body per lifetime. Treat it our peak nonetheless. It with the respect and love felt good. We felt like we And we judge. We tell it deserves. were on top of our game, ourselves we are no long- we felt strong, and able er good enough. We tell to take on the world phys- ourselves we are aging or ically. We had energy to damaged, and will never spare and felt unstoppa- be the same again. We ble. Then life happens. We remember how our bod- Sandra O’Brien is mother to the world’s three most fabulous children. She is also a Law of Attraction Life Coach, Personal Trainer, yoga instructor, published author and Reiki healer. Her work has been featured on CityLine Television, and The Toronto Star. She is owner of Muskoka Hot Yoga, and Muskoka Goddess, offering hot yoga, tabata bootcamps, personal training and coaching. She created the Goddess Creation system, a female ftness program to blowtorch body fat, sculpt sexy lean muscle and empower women everywhere to be the best version of themselves, inside and out. She enjoys dancing, reading, hiking in the forest, meditation. For more information on Sandra, please visit

FITNESS FITNESS REMEMBERING EARLIER FITNESS Tmembrance is as fol- have a baby, tear a ham- ies used to lift, to stretch he defnition of Re- string, gain weight, we or have seemingly unlim- And Loving Your Body Now lows: the act of remem- simply age or just stop ac- ited amounts of cardio knowledging the fact that bering a person, thing, or capacity. Do any of these event; something that is maintaining a committed thoughts allow us to feel done or made to honor ftness practise has amaz- empowered? Do these the memory of a per- ing benefts. If we don’t thoughts bring sensations son, thing, or event. How use it, we lose it. Whatev- of joy? I can only speak many of us take this atti- er the reason is, one day it for myself, but my answer tude with our bodies and happens that our bodies is a loud and clear NO! their ability to perform do not respond with the or lack thereof, when in- speed, recovery, fexibility So I say drop those volved in ftness? As much or strength they had be- thoughts and replace as I think I have “moved fore. with thoughts that fll through” this phase, and I your soul with accept- should “know better”, I do ance and peace. Ob- in fact have days where serve more, judge less. old, unforgiving habits Every day on your mat, die hard. I am happy to One day our or in the gym, will be dif- report, though, that the bodies may ferent. Your mood, your moments in time where I hydration level, focus for have these thoughts are not respond the day will be different. signifcantly diminished Showing up and commit- from my younger years. as they did ting to moving your body before. daily is what will keep you There are times in our lives young and energetic. when we have displayed Allow your thoughts to peak performance. We support your body in the may not have been process. You only get one Olympic athletes, but at body per lifetime. Treat it our peak nonetheless. It with the respect and love felt good. We felt like we And we judge. We tell it deserves. were on top of our game, ourselves we are no long- we felt strong, and able er good enough. We tell to take on the world phys- ourselves we are aging or ically. We had energy to damaged, and will never spare and felt unstoppa- be the same again. We ble. Then life happens. We remember how our bod- Sandra O’Brien is mother to the world’s three most fabulous children. She is also a Law of Attraction Life Coach, Personal Trainer, yoga instructor, published author and Reiki healer. Her work has been featured on CityLine Television, and The Toronto Star. She is owner of Muskoka Hot Yoga, and Muskoka Goddess, offering hot yoga, tabata bootcamps, personal training and coaching. She created the Goddess Creation system, a female ftness program to blowtorch body fat, sculpt sexy lean muscle and empower women everywhere to be the best version of themselves, inside and out. She enjoys dancing, reading, hiking in the forest, meditation. For more information on Sandra, please visit

NUTRITION NUTRITION REMEMBERING For many of us, these our bodies and even how that went into preparing kinds of traditional home- we respect and honour the food itself. The Foods of Seasons Past made foods represent our health. Remembering our past love, comfort and warmth amongst our youth. The A Source of Self-Love favourite seasonal foods remembrance of certain Food itself can become and treats allows us to ex- dishes and traditional a vehicle for our internal press gratitude for all the meals can evoke har- sense of self, value and nourishment and love in monious joyous memo- self worth. When we asso- our lives. We can trust that ries, almost as if we have ciate these foods from our food is not our only source turned back the hands of childhood memories to of love and flling ourselves time and were standing primarily represent love, up, but the memories and in these very moments of we can fall into the trap feelings that come along our past. of flling ourselves up with with these foods can re- sugary sweetness and sa- mind us of this love. Conditioning From Our voury salt to stimulate that Past same loving feeling we An Opportunity for Joy once felt as children. Our nutritional instincts As we transition through and desires have been I think it is important that each new season, I feel conditioned by our past. we indulge in our past it’s important to refect Food, essentially nourish- comfort foods with mod- upon our past and pay ment, can become a eration and know that we tribute to remembering portal for love depending can access these feelings what good food and truly on the feelings we con- of self-love anytime we nourishing the body really nect with it. We often as- choose to and it does not means to us. sociate certain foods with have to be through food. Drawing on joyful food love, caring and even memories from our past worthiness and the real- Also, we can remember is an opportunity to bring ity is that the tastes of our that it is not just the food more love, warmth and childhood can prime us itself that brings forth joy into our lives and show for a lifetime relationship these associated feelings, us the potential positive with food. but more importantly, the for improving our future experience shared with relationship with food and Our food experiences loved ones as we nour- self-worth. from the past can infu- ished our tummies and ence how we feel about the tenderness and care ourselves, how we view any of our earliest memories in life come from food. With the cool crisp breeze of fall Min the air and golden hues of fery orange and crimson red leaves sweeping the side- walks, I have become nostalgic about past childhood memories of my fall favourite foods. Jacquie Robertson, RNCP, ROHP, is a Certifed Nutritionist practicing clinical Lazy summer days, lemonade and barbecues are let go to embrace roasted root vegeta- nutrition, specializing in hormone imbalance, PMS, digestive health and depression. Her mission is to educate, empower and inspire women to bles, homemade soups and stews and deliciously sweet maple pumpkin pie made from heal themselves naturally through the use of food as medicine, hormone scratch. balancing, emotional wellness and self-love. Jacquie offers both in person and online 1-on-1 nutritional coaching and women’s health workshops Food & Early Memories through her private practice. Jacquie holds a BA (Honours) from McMaster University, diploma from Centennial College’s Workplace Wellness & Health Promotion program and is a graduate from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I fnd my mind flled with memories of baking cookies in the kitchen with my Mom, learning how to roll out dough in preparation for our apple pies, chopping onions to favour our but- For more information on Jacquie, please visit ternut squash soup and toasting pumpkin seeds for school snacks.

NUTRITION NUTRITION REMEMBERING For many of us, these our bodies and even how that went into preparing kinds of traditional home- we respect and honour the food itself. The Foods of Seasons Past made foods represent our health. Remembering our past love, comfort and warmth amongst our youth. The A Source of Self-Love favourite seasonal foods remembrance of certain Food itself can become and treats allows us to ex- dishes and traditional a vehicle for our internal press gratitude for all the meals can evoke har- sense of self, value and nourishment and love in monious joyous memo- self worth. When we asso- our lives. We can trust that ries, almost as if we have ciate these foods from our food is not our only source turned back the hands of childhood memories to of love and flling ourselves time and were standing primarily represent love, up, but the memories and in these very moments of we can fall into the trap feelings that come along our past. of flling ourselves up with with these foods can re- sugary sweetness and sa- mind us of this love. Conditioning From Our voury salt to stimulate that Past same loving feeling we An Opportunity for Joy once felt as children. Our nutritional instincts As we transition through and desires have been I think it is important that each new season, I feel conditioned by our past. we indulge in our past it’s important to refect Food, essentially nourish- comfort foods with mod- upon our past and pay ment, can become a eration and know that we tribute to remembering portal for love depending can access these feelings what good food and truly on the feelings we con- of self-love anytime we nourishing the body really nect with it. We often as- choose to and it does not means to us. sociate certain foods with have to be through food. Drawing on joyful food love, caring and even memories from our past worthiness and the real- Also, we can remember is an opportunity to bring ity is that the tastes of our that it is not just the food more love, warmth and childhood can prime us itself that brings forth joy into our lives and show for a lifetime relationship these associated feelings, us the potential positive with food. but more importantly, the for improving our future experience shared with relationship with food and Our food experiences loved ones as we nour- self-worth. from the past can infu- ished our tummies and ence how we feel about the tenderness and care ourselves, how we view any of our earliest memories in life come from food. With the cool crisp breeze of fall Min the air and golden hues of fery orange and crimson red leaves sweeping the side- walks, I have become nostalgic about past childhood memories of my fall favourite foods. Jacquie Robertson, RNCP, ROHP, is a Certifed Nutritionist practicing clinical Lazy summer days, lemonade and barbecues are let go to embrace roasted root vegeta- nutrition, specializing in hormone imbalance, PMS, digestive health and depression. Her mission is to educate, empower and inspire women to bles, homemade soups and stews and deliciously sweet maple pumpkin pie made from heal themselves naturally through the use of food as medicine, hormone scratch. balancing, emotional wellness and self-love. Jacquie offers both in person and online 1-on-1 nutritional coaching and women’s health workshops Food & Early Memories through her private practice. Jacquie holds a BA (Honours) from McMaster University, diploma from Centennial College’s Workplace Wellness & Health Promotion program and is a graduate from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I fnd my mind flled with memories of baking cookies in the kitchen with my Mom, learning how to roll out dough in preparation for our apple pies, chopping onions to favour our but- For more information on Jacquie, please visit ternut squash soup and toasting pumpkin seeds for school snacks.

BOOKS BOOKS MUTANT MESSAGE DOWN UNDER She goes on a walkabout After several weeks of of the tribe with whom walking with the tribe, with them into the Austral- she went on her journey. by Marlo Morgan ian outback. The journey discovering new ways Only she, and the “Real transforms her physically to apprach her life, Mor- People” tribe she walked and mentally as she learns gan learns that the tribe with, can truly know how to face challenges few is entrusting her with a much of the book is ac- of us would sign up for: message to bring back curate, and how much (literally) blistering heat, to her fellow “mutated” may have been inter- scarce water, swarms of humans, reminding of the preted through her own fies, living on whatever need to wake up to our lens. Reaction to the book food may come - bugs, interconnection and re- has been polarized, with reptiles, plants, birds - and verse the damage we are many people attacking nearly dying of thirst at it or seeking to discredit one point. Yet she learns it, even as it remained on from the people she is the New York Times best- with to fnd gratitude and This book seller list. Some Australian acceptance for all of it. Aboriginal groups claim it resonates, is false and offensive; oth- She witnesses healing and awakens ers say it is the righting of not explicable by mod- an historical wrong. ern medicine and experi- remembered ences nonverbal commu- For us, the book almost nication. The contention knowledge. always resonates, re- of this tribe, which calls awakening remembered itself the “Real People”, knowledge. You will have is that human society as to decide for yourself, we know it has forgotten upon reading it, if you who we are and why we feel it is true. We would are here, such that we doing to the planet. She say that even if it turned live half-alive in fear and returns from the outback out to be pure and com- wanting, becoming mu- and begins to share her plete fction, it would still tated from our true na- story. be worth the read for its ture, unable to tap into invocation of that memo- our own body’s healing Marlo Morgan published ry of the real interconnec- potential or to connect Mutant Message Down tion of human existence with each other in hon- Under as a work of fction on this planet. esty. so that she could conceal the identity and location arlo Morgan watched a new silk suit, money Mand her belongings go up in smoke one day The tribe believed in the Australian outback. It was the beginning of that we had be- a journey that would change her life forever and Pranada Devi is a communications professional living in Toronto, Canada. come mutated charge her with a message from an Aborigine She is the Managing Editor of Parvati Magazine, and serves as an advisor tribe that lived in rhythms forgotten by most of our on marketing communications for Parvati’s various projects. Recently, she through fear and society. Mutant Message Down Under is the story edited Parvati’s new book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie”, which forgetting who of that journey. has gone on to sell out its frst printing run. we are. Morgan describes a tribe in which people have remained more true to human purpose and po- tential, communicating without words, receiv- ing whatever comes with gratitude, respecting the gift of life and not doing harm to the earth.

BOOKS BOOKS MUTANT MESSAGE DOWN UNDER She goes on a walkabout After several weeks of of the tribe with whom walking with the tribe, with them into the Austral- she went on her journey. by Marlo Morgan ian outback. The journey discovering new ways Only she, and the “Real transforms her physically to apprach her life, Mor- People” tribe she walked and mentally as she learns gan learns that the tribe with, can truly know how to face challenges few is entrusting her with a much of the book is ac- of us would sign up for: message to bring back curate, and how much (literally) blistering heat, to her fellow “mutated” may have been inter- scarce water, swarms of humans, reminding of the preted through her own fies, living on whatever need to wake up to our lens. Reaction to the book food may come - bugs, interconnection and re- has been polarized, with reptiles, plants, birds - and verse the damage we are many people attacking nearly dying of thirst at it or seeking to discredit one point. Yet she learns it, even as it remained on from the people she is the New York Times best- with to fnd gratitude and This book seller list. Some Australian acceptance for all of it. Aboriginal groups claim it resonates, is false and offensive; oth- She witnesses healing and awakens ers say it is the righting of not explicable by mod- an historical wrong. ern medicine and experi- remembered ences nonverbal commu- For us, the book almost nication. The contention knowledge. always resonates, re- of this tribe, which calls awakening remembered itself the “Real People”, knowledge. You will have is that human society as to decide for yourself, we know it has forgotten upon reading it, if you who we are and why we feel it is true. We would are here, such that we doing to the planet. She say that even if it turned live half-alive in fear and returns from the outback out to be pure and com- wanting, becoming mu- and begins to share her plete fction, it would still tated from our true na- story. be worth the read for its ture, unable to tap into invocation of that memo- our own body’s healing Marlo Morgan published ry of the real interconnec- potential or to connect Mutant Message Down tion of human existence with each other in hon- Under as a work of fction on this planet. esty. so that she could conceal the identity and location arlo Morgan watched a new silk suit, money Mand her belongings go up in smoke one day The tribe believed in the Australian outback. It was the beginning of that we had be- a journey that would change her life forever and Pranada Devi is a communications professional living in Toronto, Canada. come mutated charge her with a message from an Aborigine She is the Managing Editor of Parvati Magazine, and serves as an advisor tribe that lived in rhythms forgotten by most of our on marketing communications for Parvati’s various projects. Recently, she through fear and society. Mutant Message Down Under is the story edited Parvati’s new book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie”, which forgetting who of that journey. has gone on to sell out its frst printing run. we are. Morgan describes a tribe in which people have remained more true to human purpose and po- tential, communicating without words, receiv- ing whatever comes with gratitude, respecting the gift of life and not doing harm to the earth.

FILM FILM DEAR MR. WATTERSON to as the “J. D. Salinger of hearted as the salutation tween Calvin, for whom may be, when there is no the comic world”. the everyday world was actual connection or re- simultaneously too much “Dear Mr. Watterson” is sponse from the artist, in and not enough, and a cinematic homage to some ways the letter does his creator. It seemed as Watterson’s work. Its pro- not really go anywhere. though this disconnec- ducer, Joel Schroeder, like tion from the world was biographer Nevin Martell I found it hard to get a like an elephant in the liv- before him, respects the sense of arc or storyline in ing room for the movie as boundaries Watterson has this flm. I think it needed it did its best to focus on put up and does not try to to be tightened with more gratitude for the comic. track him down. Instead, attention to a through- Of course artists have eve- the movie explores what line. There were a few ry right to want a private is known of Watterson’s times a segment would life - success or brilliant art career and the impact end and I would wonder do not oblige one to con- of Calvin and Hobbes on if that was the end of the nect with fans or continue readers and comic artists flm. I didn’t feel much for- producing at high speed. even today. Its tone is one ward momentum. I just found myself not of respect and gratitude. feeling good about how I came away from it all things unfolded. But when you make not feeling as happy as I someone a title character would have liked. It felt as That said, for those who who is unreachable and though I was seeing a limi- experienced Calvin and unseeable, you create a tation of Calvin and Hob- Hobbes through their movie whose focus is a bes I hadn’t seen before. adolescence and early cypher, only experienced Calvin’s richest life is with- adulthood, as I did and as second-hand - and even in, and the outside world most of the other people that, largely through peo- - at least the part of it with in the theatre seemed to ple who did not know him other people in it - can have, this movie is a stroll in person. The discussion sometimes feel limiting or through memory lane, re- of the impact of Calvin disappointing to him. As awakening the wonder at alvin and Hobbes, the story of an imaginative boy and his stuffed tiger, won hearts and Creaders immediately when it launched in newspaper comic pages in 1985. It continues and Hobbes is legitimate, thoughtful as he is and as the lush world Watterson created within the con- much as he enjoys life, it but the questions of Wat- to appeal to a generation of children not even born when the last comic strip was pub- lished in 1995. Comic fans rank the artwork and storylines of Calvin and Hobbes among the terson’s motives become seems as though there is fnes of newspaper comic strips. not a strong sense of in- just so much reaction and top four or fve most infuential and game-changing comics of all time, alongside Pogo, speculation. But then, terconnection with any- Krazy Kat and Peanuts. that is the limitation of one other than Hobbes. any fan mail. As warm- I sensed a parallel be- With Calvin and Hobbes, comic artist Bill Watterson disrupted the way comics were being produced and distributed. His ferce dedication to the potential of the comic as art form forced newspapers and syndicators to rethink how they presented their comics, and made his fellow comic artists step up their game. Watterson rebelled against the tight strictures of Pranada Devi Catherine Rathbun received her traditional teaching name, Lama Jetsun is a communications professional living in Toronto, Canada. the comic framework at that time and insisted on the ability to present full-block Sunday She is the Managing Editor of Parvati Magazine, and serves as an advisor Yeshe, from Ven. Karma Thinley Rinpoche, a lineage master of the Sakya comics without having them sliced up to ft a newspaper’s desire to save space. At a time on marketing communications for Parvati’s various pr and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, in 2002. She taught meditation at ojects. Recently, she York University (1989 to 1997) and is the founding teacher at Friends of the “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie”, which when his comics were at peak popularity and a deal could have been worth in the tens or edited Parvati’s new book Heart, a meditation centre in Toronto. With a background in dance — she hundreds of millions, he refused to license Calvin and Hobbes: no animated cartoons, no has gone on to sell out its frst printing run. stuffed Hobbeses, no lunchboxes. The only way to experience his characters was through was a member of the National Ballet Company of Canada from 1962 to 1963 — and a modern dance career in England (1967-69). She is the author the framework he had created: stepping into their world by reading the comic. of Developing the World Mind and Clear Heart, Open Mind, and is currently working on a new book called Waiting for Truffes: Meditations for Daily Then, perhaps most shockingly, after a ten-year run, when his comics were being printed Living. For more on Catherine, please visit in 2400 newspapers daily, Watterson ended the Calvin and Hobbes strip and retired into private life, shunning the spotlight, unfndable to journalists, becoming what some referred

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