he rt SE SHELL / sunbrell c nv s 5453 collection23061 26 H 23070 26 HArmchair 26 H Dining Armchair 29 H27 x 28 x 26 17 H 22 x 24 x 26 12 HWeight: 38 22 H Weight: 11Cuft: 13 12 H Cuft: 923061C 23070CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 7 Weight: 423063 28 W 27 L 24 W 22 LSofa 28 W 72 L 87 L72 x 28 x 26 24 W 47 L 23071 30 LWeight: 67 21 L Rectangular Dining TableCuft: 36 21 L 87 x 39 x 29 Weight: 6323063C Cuft: 18Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 21 23071G Clear Glass 6mm23064 Weight: 72Coffee Table47 x 24 x 17 39 WWeight: 29Cuft: 11 23068 Chaise Lounger23064G 30 x 79 x 12Clear Glass 6mm Weight: 40Weight: 21 Cuft: 13 23068C Canvas Cushion 5453 Weight: 7 79 W23065Side Table21 x 21 x 22Weight: 15Cuft: 623065GClear Glass 6mmWeight: 7 21 W23066Ottoman21 x 21 x 12Weight: 12Cuft: 423066CCanvas Cushion 5453Weight: 3 21 W 101
journey//collection The Journey Collection is gre t for entert ining nd b sking in the sh de or sun. The unique h nd woven we ve p ttern will h ve your guests complimenting your outdoor sp ce. The ultr -lightweight luminum fr me m kes this collection e sy to m neuver to ltern te loc tions. 103
journey//collection 23081 Armchair 23082 Loveseat 23083 Sofa 23084 Coffee Table 23085 Side Table 23086 Ottoman 105
23091 23092 2381 2382 2386 Ocean 2387 OceanRound Dining Table Curve Dining Armchair Stackable Dining Chair Stackable Dining Armchair Rectangular Dining Table Square Dining Table106
journey//collection 107
journey//collection 23088 Chaise Lounger 109
journey//collection 23099 Daybed 111
journey//collection 23096 Barstool 23097 Rectangular Bar Table 113
JOURNEY SILVER WALNUT / sunbrella canvas 5453 journey// collection23081 31 W 28 L 30 H 23092 25 W 22 L 32 H 23088 79 W 34 L 12 HArmchair 31 W 50 L 30 H Curve Dining Armchair 25 W 20 L 36 H Chaise Lounger 20 H28 x 31 x 30 31 W 72 L 30 H 22 x 25 x 32 25 W 23 L 36 H 34 x 79 x 12Weight: 24 24 W 47 L 16 H Weight: 15 39 Ø 29 H Weight: 42Cuft: 13 19 W 20 L 20 H Cuft: 8 39 L 29 H Cuft: 13 18 W 27 L 14 H 79 L 29 H23081C 23092C 23088CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 7 Weight: 1 Weight: 723082 2381 2935 MihaLoveseat Stackable Dining Chair Aux. Table50 x 31 x 30 20 x 25 x 36 16 x 16 x 20Weight: 36 Weight: 17 Weight: 9Cuft: 22 Cuft: 3 Cuft: 223082C 2381C 23099 16 W 16 L 64 HCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Daybed 69 W 69 L 42 HWeight: 13 Weight: 1 69 x 69 x 64 23 W 21 L 42 H Weight: 63 31 W 51 L23083 2382 Cuft: 58Sofa Stackable Dining Armchair72 x 31 x 30 23 x 25 x 36 23099CWeight: 46 Weight: 21 Canvas Cushion 5453Cuft: 32 Cuft: 3 Weight: 2623083C 2382C 23096Canvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 BarstoolWeight: 18 Weight: 1 21 x 23 x 42 Weight: 1823084 23091 Cuft: 10Coffee Table Round Dining Table47 x 24 x 16 39 Ø x 29 23096CWeight: 18 Weight: 48 Canvas Cushion 5453Cuft: 6 Cuft: 8 Weight: 123084G 23091G 23097Clear Glass 6mm Clear Glass 5mm Rectangular Bar TableWeight: 24 Weight: 36 51 x 31 x 42 Weight: 4123085 2387 Ocean Cuft: 9Side Table Square Dining Table20 x 19 x 20 39 x 39 x 29 23097GWeight: 10 Weight: 30 Clear Glass 6mmCuft: 4 Cuft: 8 Weight: 2423085G 2387G 39 WClear Glass 6mm Clear Glass 5mm 39 WWeight: 7 Weight: 3523086 2386 OceanOttoman Rectangular Dining Table27 x 18 x 14 79 x 39 x 29Weight: 8 Weight: 45Cuft: 3 Cuft: 1523086C 2386GCanvas Cushion 5453 Clear Glass 6mmWeight: 3 Weight: 72 115
collectionThe M dison Collection llows for n enjoy ble outdoor dventure. Not only immensely comfort ble, theM dison Collection is rem rk bly be utiful in its Shimmer Viol finish. The M dison will blend inperfect h rmony with ny g rden or l ndsc pe on your p tio, courty rd or terr ce. 117
collection 22141 Armchair 22142 Loveseat 22143 Sofa 22144 Coffee Table 22145 Side Table 22146 Ottoman 119
22400 22401 22403 22404 Dining Armchair Rectangular Dining Table Square Dining Table Dining Chaircollection120
22700 22701Chaise Lounger Auxiliary Table collection 123
collection 22721 Barstool 22723 Square Bar Table 125
m dison shimmer viol / sunbrell c nv s 5453 collection22141 34 W 29 L 32 H 22146 18 W 22 L 12 H 22700 79 W 30 L 12 HArmchair 34 W 52 L 32 H Ottoman 26 W 20 L 36 H Chaise Lounger 16 W 16 L 20 H29 x 34 x 32 34 W 74 L 32 H 22 x 18 x 12 26 W 25 L 36 H 30 x 79 x 12 22 W 20 L 44 HWeight: 21 48 L 16 H Weight: 9 39 L 29 H Weight: 57 31 L 42 HCuft: 23 20 L 22 H Cuft: 3 79 L 29 H Cuft: 1122141C 22146C 22700CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 7 Weight: 3 Weight: 822142 22403 22701Loveseat Dining Chair Aux. Table52 x 34 x 32 20 x 26 x 36 16 x 16 x 20Weight: 34 Weight: 13 Weight: 11Cuft: 34 Cuft: 3 Cuft: 222142C 22403C 22701GCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Clear Glass 5mmWeight: 13 Weight: 1 Weight: 322143 22404 22721Sofa Dining Armchair Barstool74 x 34 x 32 25 x 26 x 36 20 x 22 x 44Weight: 40 Weight: 17 Weight: 19Cuft: 45 Cuft: 3 Cuft: 422143C 22404C 22721CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 20 Weight: 1 Weight: 122144 22401 22723Coffee Table Square Dining Table Square Bar Table48 x 24 x 16 39 x 39 x 29 31 x 31 x 42Weight: 26 Weight: 28 Weight: 31Cuft: 13 Cuft: 6 Cuft: 622144G 22401G 22723GClear Glass 5mm Clear Glass 5mm Clear Glass 5mmWeight: 22 Weight: 35 Weight: 18 24 W 39 W 31 W22145 22400Side Table Rectangular Dining Table20 x 20 x 22 79 x 39 x 29Weight: 14 Weight: 45Cuft: 5 Cuft: 1422145G 22400GClear Glass 5mm Clear Glass 6mmWeight: 7 Weight: 71 20 W 39 W 127
collectionThe M lta Collection offers more tr dition l look nd feel to your outdoor exp nsion. The sh pes ndcurves to this collection re function l, unfussy, nd restful looking. Conjoining these pieces will surelyprovide pe ceful, serene, nd cl ssic feel to your outdoor sp ce. 129
2021 2023 2024 2025 2026Armchair Sofa Coffee Table Side Table Ottoman collection 131
2386 Ocean 2387 Ocean 23888 Rectangular Dining Table Square Dining Table Dining Armchair132
collection 133
22852 2935 Miha 2030 20311 Bar TableChaise Lounger Auxiliary Table Barstool collection 135
m lt jb chocolate / sunbrella canvas 5453 collection2021 36 H 23888 35 H 2030 49 HArmchair 36 H Dining Armchair 29 H Barstool 42 H33 x 34 x 36 17 H 23 x 25 x 35 29 H 23 x 25 x 49Weight: 29 22 H Weight: 20 21 H Weight: 25Cuft: 23 12 H Cuft: 12 20 H Cuft: 162021C 23888C 2030CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 7 Weight: 1 Weight: 12023 34 W 33 L 25 W 23 L 2031 25 W 23 LSofa 34 W 77 L 39 L Bar Table 35 W 35 L77 x 34 x 36 28 W 48 L 2387 Ocean 79 L 35 x 35 x 42Weight: 65 20 L Square Dining Table 30 L Weight: 28Cuft: 45 27 L 39 x 39 x 29 Cuft: 9 Weight: 302023C Cuft: 8 2031GCanvas Cushion 5453 Clear Glass 5mmWeight: 20 2387G Weight: 29 Clear Glass 5mm2024 Weight: 36Coffee Table48 x 28 x 17 39 WWeight: 31Cuft: 13 2386 Ocean Rectangular Dining Table2024G 79 x 39 x 29Clear Glass 5mm Weight: 47Weight: 28 Cuft: 15 2386G Clear Glass 6mm Weight: 96 39 W2025 22852Side Table Chaise Lounger20 x 20 x 22 30 x 79 x 21Weight: 17 Weight: 47Cuft: 5 Cuft: 82025G 22852CClear Glass 5mm Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 9 Weight: 8 20 W 79 W2026 2935 MihaOttoman Aux. Table27 x 28 x 12 16 x 16 x 20Weight: 14 Weight: 9Cuft: 5 Cuft: 22026CCanvas Cushion 5453Weight: 6 28 W 16 W 16 L 137
collectionThe M rriot Dining set is simple yet chic nd comfort ble dining set. M de of exception lly dur ble ll-we ther R ucord by Reh u wicker on lightweight luminum fr me with st ck ble c p bilities on thech irs. This collection is m nuf ctured for long term use in both residenti l nd commerci l settings nd fe tures n umbrell hole.jb chocolate / sunbrella canvas 54532301 34 H 2302 29 HDining Armchair Round Dining Table22 x 23 x 34 43 Ø x 29Weight: 15 Weight: 33Cuft: 3 Cuft: 72301C 2302GCanvas Cushion 5453 Clear Glass 5mmWeight: 1 Weight: 36 23 W 22 L 100 43 Ø 139
nexus// collection W nt fun, st nd out piece to your outdoor sp ce? Then look no further th n the Nexus D ybed. This gr nd piece will bring life to ll your outdoor receptions. Gre t for entert inment nd rel x tion under blue skies. 141
nexus// collection 23281 Daybed 23300 Dining Table 143
nexus// collection W nt fun, st nd out piece to your outdoor sp ce? Then look no further th n the Nexus D ybed. This gr nd piece will bring life to ll your outdoor receptions. Gre t for entert inment nd rel x tion under blue skies. 145
nexus// collection 23281 Daybed 23300 Dining Table 147
NEXUS black MUSHROOM KUBU MUSHROOM nexus// collection23281 85 W 113 L 87 H 23281 85 W 113 L 87 HDaybed 31 Ø 30 H Daybed 31 Ø 30 H113 x 85 x 87 113 x 85 x 87Weight: 178 Weight: 178Cuft: 168 Cuft: 16823281C 23281CCanvas Cushion 5453 Canvas Cushion 5453Weight: 47 Weight: 4723300 23300Dining Table Dining Table31 Ø x 30 31 Ø x 30Weight: 82 Weight: 82Cuft: 8 Cuft: 823300G 23300GBlack Glass 8mm Gray Glass 8mmWeight: 23 Weight: 23 149
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