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VnEsports la cong tin tuc the thao dien tu Esports cap nhat thong tin nhanh chong, chinh xac cho cong dong game thu Viet Nam. VnEsports ra mat voi mong muon mang den mot kenh tin tuc uy tin, chat luong chuyen ve dong game Esports cung nhu gioi thieu nhieu hon cac tro choi dien tu dang duoc phat trien tren the gioi den voi ban doc mot cach day du va sinh dong nhat.
Thong tin lien he:
Dia chi: 24 ngo 44 Nguyen Phuc Lai, P. O Cho Dua, Quan Dong Da, Thanh pho Ha Noi.
Hashtag: #vnesports #vnesportsnet #gamevnesports