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He and his older brother Martin were workmanlike in their earnest efforts to impress upon the girls' naked and bound bodies the painful consequences of such dereliction of their duty, and of subverting the correct and natural purpose of their sexuality at this critical juncture of their short lives .
Young girls had been perfectly designed by nature precisely to be vessels for eligible males to achieve release from the mind-melting pressure that built up each day in their testicles as their bodies instinctively sought young, fertile females in which they could deposit their sperm; Elizabeth and Jennifer had not only wasted an opportunity for themselves to gain further confidence and skill in handling a cock and bringing it to orgasm, they had also denied some eligible male or males the pleasure of the relief they were responsible as trainees for providing.
In addition to this violation, Elizabeth had lied about the whole affair, and Jennifer had chosen not to stand up for what was right and put a stop to her friend's misbehavior when she had the opportunity, to the point that she even allowed Elizabeth to give her an orgasm.
Young girls had been perfectly designed by nature precisely to be vessels for eligible males to achieve release from the mind-melting pressure that built up each day in their testicles as their bodies instinctively sought young, fertile females in which they could deposit their sperm; Elizabeth and Jennifer had not only wasted an opportunity for themselves to gain further confidence and skill in handling a cock and bringing it to orgasm, they had also denied some eligible male or males the pleasure of the relief they were responsible as trainees for providing.
In addition to this violation, Elizabeth had lied about the whole affair, and Jennifer had chosen not to stand up for what was right and put a stop to her friend's misbehavior when she had the opportunity, to the point that she even allowed Elizabeth to give her an orgasm.