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Degree Project Document2 - MRID - Sample Format - Vertical

Published by saklanishailesh, 2020-06-30 12:53:39

Description: Degree Project Document2 - MRID - Sample Format - Vertical


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The Evaluation Jury recommends (NAME OF THE STUDENT) for the Bachelor of Design from Maharaja Ranjitsinh Inastitute of Design From The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda In (DEPARTMENT) Presented for the project Called \"PROJECT TITLE\" on fulfilling the requirements by Chairman Members : *Subsequent remarks regarding fulfilling the requirements : Associate Director Director

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Aknowledgement MRID Film/Animation PREFACE About the company Team Clients My role (contribution) Timeline PROJECT SCOPE Pre-Production: Research ( Studying the brand, target audience) Script References (styles for animation/ film) Colours Storyboard

INTRODUCTION This is the documentation of my graduation project done under the curriculum of Maharaja Ranjitsinh Gaekwad Institute of Design, In the year 2019-20. The document covers my entire process of how I went about and grew through the project. When I was offered this project, I was excited to take it up. The client’s brand seemed interesting and fun to work with. The client had design knowledge and understood the importance of design process. While the entire experience was a great learning to me, it was also really exhausting. There were innumerous trials and errors and also rejections. But in the end the product made me feel like it was all worth it. The entire project deals with designing a advertisement. For the first time I was introduced to this industry. it not just helped me widespread my knowledge but also I got introduce to many people.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT In performing my Degree Project with The Bucketlist, Mumbai, I had to take help and guidance of some respected persons who deserve my sincere and greatest gratitude. The completion of this industrial exposure gives me much pleasure. I would like to show my gratitude to Mr. Daksh(Content Head), Ms. Prerna Khedekar(Animation Head), Rutuja Kambale(Senior Editor) & Marshal Sequeira(Business Development and Client Servicing) of the esteemed Artha Animation, Mumbai, who gave me opportunity to try my hands out in the market and for giving me very useful insights about life and work through out the time that I spent with them. In addition, a sincere thanks to Shaily, Simran & Sayali for helping throughout and guiding me in the entire project whether in terms of teaching new softwares or knowledge about current design trends. Last but not the least, my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Shatrughan Thakur, MRID, M.S University, for being my guide and constantly supervising my work as well as for providing necessary information regarding my project. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to all the people for their help directly or indirectly in successful completion of my degree project.

MRID The Faculty of Fine Arts, one of the premier art schools of India, is dedicated to the education of professional artists and scholars of theory of art more than half a century. It has been recognised on global level as the foremost institute in India in the field of Visual Arts. As part of the dissemination and expansion of the art and design curriculum, Faculty of Fine Arts has established in 2013, a National level Design Institute under its auspices. The Design Institute is named after the alumni of the Faculty and the erstwhile Maharaja of Baroda, Shrimant Ranjit Sinh Gaekwad, hence the name, Maharaja Ranjit Sinh instate of Design (MRID). MRID offers design courses at the Graduate and Post Graduate levels specialising in Craft and Design, Communication Design, Accessory Design, Ceramic & Glass, and Moving Images. The Degrees offered are with the Bachelor of Design (B.Des) and Master of Design (M.Des). MRID is intending to create an advantageous academic environment of creative minds working in pure visual arts along with Craft and Modern Design. The Maharaja Sayajirao University envisages a very fruitful interaction of these creative minds which will be a unique experiment in the design as well as visual art pedagogy in India.

FILM /ANIMATION When a horse trots or gallops, does it site and, in the frames, revealed ever become fully airborne? This was that a horse is completely aloft with the question photographer Eadweard its hooves tucked underneath it for Muybridge set out to answer in 1878. a brief moment during a stride. The Railroad tycoon and former California revelation, imperceptible to the governor Leland Stanford was naked eye but apparent through convinced the answer was yes and photography, marked a new commissioned Muybridge to provide purpose for the medium. It could proof. Muybridge developed a way to capture truth through technology. take photos with an exposure lasting Muybridge’s stop-motion technique a fraction of a second and, with was an early form of animation reporters as witnesses, arranged 12 that helped pave the way for the cameras along a track on Stanford’s motion-picture industry, born a estate. short decade later. As a horse sped by, it tripped wires connected to the cameras, which took 12 photos in rapid succession. Muybridge developed the images on Fi.lm is incredibly democratic and accessible, it’s probably the best option if you actually want to change the world, not just re-decorate it - Banksy

THE BUCKETLIST Bluring the lines between client and agency, so that brands can fulfill their bucketlist projects by becoming the strategic partner who goes above & beyond the brief to understand the brand and acts like a seamless extension of the brand team. Aligning customer expectations to company’s expectations and realising that they are the same. The fire to do something ambitious. Something that carries a sense of purpose. Something that might just change the game, inside out. Extensive on ground market research, in depth understanding of the target group and extending that knowledge to meet the brief objectives. Collective ownership is the ‘secret sauce’ that helps to treat the customer’s business as own.

TEAM Daksh Sharma Marshal Sequeira (President Marketing) (Business Development and Client Servicing) Prerna Khedekar Rutuja Kamble (Studio Head) (Senior Video Editor)

Simran Kaushik Shaily Shah (Account Manager) (Senior Manager Client Servicing) Sayali Naik (Client Servicing Executive Account Managing)

There are to-do lists. There are must-do lists. And then, there are Bucketlists. The Bucketlist is a full service experiential marketing agency catering to a host of client requirements across brand strategy, experiential events, activations, video content, digital marketing and research. Livaeco by Birla Cellulose™, natural fluid fashion that is now eco enhanced. Sourced from FSC® certified sustainable forests, the journey of every Livaeco tagged garment can be traced toits origin.

CLIENTS ACT, is an Indian telecommunications company headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. ACT offers fibre to the home services under the brand name “ACT Fibernet” and digital television services under the “ACT Digital” brand. ACT, is an Indian telecommunications company headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. ACT offers fibre to the home services under the brand name “ACT Fibernet” and digital television services under the “ACT Digital” brand.

MY ROLE The project was a headed under The Bucketlist. I had two brands to work with i.e ACT Fibrenet and other is Liveco. I aslo did a small project of Crompton and worked on pre production part of the brand Tooing. My role was to design storyboards and work on animations.

Research About, style, nature, colour scheme of brand. Idea Brainstroming according to the script and splifying it.

TIMELINE Storyboard Storyboarding according to script. Animation Animating the storyboard.

Atria Convergence Vision And Mission : To be most Technologies Limited admired in-home entertainment, education and interactive services ACT, company is branded as an company that creates radical social India based telecommunications transformation, and delights and company headquartered in empowers customers. Bangalore, Karnataka. ACT offers fibre to the home services under •Deploy cutting edge technology to the brand name “ACT Fibernet” continuously innovate to serve cus- and digital television services tomer needs in a user-friendly way. under the “ACT Digital” brand. The company provides services in •Partner with technology, content and Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra distribution firms for speed to market, Pradesh, Karnataka, Delhi, Gujarat, scalability and leadership. Rajasthan, Lucknow and Jaipur. ACT was the seventh largest internet •Set new benchmarks for customer service provider in India as of June care. 2018. As on 31 August 2018, ACT was the third largest wired broadband •Set new standards in operational service provider in India with over excellence resulting in profitability 1.36 million subscribers.

and attractive stake holder returns. •Provide vibrant and fulfilling work environment for a passionate and empowered team.


VOICE OVER VISUALS •ACT Fibernet wants you to enjoy •(Ref. HYD - Wi-fi Home Flyer W62 x H1) the best internet experience - so here are some quick tips to help us Start with ACT Fibernet logo and text deliver the best performance. in a rectangle, with an arrow running from this rectangle to a house along a line (i.e. fibre-optic cable). •With a few, easy steps, you can •Show the arrow (here representing see how small changes can make data) getting to the router inside the a big difference to your experience house but not distributing properly. with our network. Visual idea - We can show the arrow as opaque until reaching the router, from there it can spread out but more transparent (signifying weaker signals) •Like video-calls, Wi-Fi works best •Central Location - Same frame of the without interruptions. router, a hand picks it up and places it in a different spot. Make sure your router is placed in a central location and remember Remove Objects - Then zoom out to remove objects, especially to show various objects around the metallics, liquids and glass, from device. As the voice-over continues, around the device, as these objects are moved out of the frame can interfere with the signal. We (Coke can, fishbowl and empty glass, recommend getting within 5 representing the metals, liquids and metres of your router for the best glass). connectivity and if you need that critical boost in speed, remember 5m Distance - show a person on their laptop move their chair closer to the router.

than a LAN cable is faster. LAN cable - as it is mentioned, we travel along a simple line to a lap- top to represent direct connection through LAN. •Show the laptop screen on stream- •If you’re experiencing lag in ing website but the page loads streaming or video calls, remember slowly. Show the pointer on screen go to disable your VPN as this can cause to the VPN application. The applica- a bottleneck in your data speeds. tion has a simple on/off switch with a download speed indicator which is showing red. When the on/off switch is toggled ‘off’ the indicator turns green and the speed increases. The streaming window is opened again and runs well. •Pan to a different laptop (signal- ling this is on the same network), a •If you’re having issues with specific window of a video call is opened apps or services, they may be with 4 sub-windows showing peo- overloaded with clients. A quick ple. The video doesn’t work properly restart should have the app working and hangs. Then the app is restarted as good as new. (timed with VO) and everything works smoothly.

The script that the actors use during filming contains primarily dialogue with minimal stage direction. This is similar to the ‘spec scripts’ given to agents and producers to generate interest in the work. The primary focus here is on telling the story, the word and actions that convey the message. What sound effects or lighting effects that are important to the actor’s performance are noted. But, anything not directly impacting the performance are generally left out.

COLOUR A well designed movie color palette evokes mood and sets the tone for the film. The three main components of a color are hue, saturation, and value. Hue – the color itself.

Some of the frames designesd during the Storyboarding of this project.

Correct format of making a storyboard. Mentioning animation required and voiceover to go with it.


SUPERS VISUAL VISUAL TYPE •It’s official ! •ACT Logo | Ookla Logo •Text/Animation - Starts off front and center. Moves to either corner as watermark throughout the video. •Speed test visual - •We are India’s Most Zooms ahead full throttle • Text/Animation Consistent Wired (use official ookla visual if Broadband* possible). •Super appears on screen •Seamlessly work from Stay on this screen a lit- • Human home tle longer for impact (Verified by Ookla comes as visual on the same screen)  • Effortlessly stream in 4K •From this point on India’s • Human Most consistent tag and ACT Logo is carried • Make throughout the video • Human Crystal-clear video calls (needs to be prominent) Person working on desk / at home smiling •Switch to • Person watching some- • ACT Fibernet  • Text/Animation thing on television • Text/Animatio

Visuals that I designed for ACT promo video. The whole advertisement was storyboarded, animated and edited. These are certain frames from the clip. The video also had a full version. Scan code for Video or use the link

Birla Cellulose is a World leader in To be the global leader in the man Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) and has a made cellulosic fibres industry. To commendable position with major innovate our products and services, world market share. Our product to excel in quality, service and people portfolio includes Livaeco™ by Birla development; and focus on envi- Cellulose, Birla Modal™, Birla Excel™ ronmental sustainability in all our , Birla Viscose™ ,Birla Spunshades™. activities. Integrity, Commitment, Birla Cellulose fibres are of natural Passion, Seamlessness, Speed. origin, moisture absorbent, have soft feel, and are completely biodegrad- able. As an Extremely versatile and easy to blend, Viscose Staple Fibre by Birla Cellulose is widely used in apparels, home textiles, & nonwoven applications.

Certain major projects done for Liaeco. I basicaly han- dled the storyboardings for this.

TOOING Mimo project done for the brand Tooing by The Bucketlist. It included making characters, turnarounds, expression sheet and phonemes. Tooing is brand made for kids learning and growning. Sells toys and various other materials for learning and growing.

CROMPTON A ‘Work From Home’ project done for a leading manufacturing company for consumer goods.

CONCLUSION These projects were regarding how to design advertisements and, branding brands. This project took lots of redo work but was sucessful when it came out. I learnt to work following a proper timeline. It also helped me in increasing my speed of working and managing things within a time limit. This project taught me how to bring a quality of work in a very short time using various skills. Also, most importantly I was able to understand clients, their requirements. Giving more than they expect. In this project I was given a part to Storyboard, design the structural part of the project and animate certain part of projects aswell. I was very much guided and supported by all my team members.

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