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Home Explore 2018 DJJ Annual Report

2018 DJJ Annual Report

Published by matthewmontgomery, 2019-03-22 12:29:17

Description: The official 2018 Annual Report for the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice.


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TABLEOF CONTENTS DJJ Mission and Vision 2 MISSION Letter from Commissioner Avery D. Niles 3 4 The DJJ mission is to protect DJJ Organization Chart 5 and serve the citizens of DJJ Leadership 6 Georgia by holding young DJJ Board and Board of Education 7 offenders accountable for What DJJ Does and Why it is Important 8 their actions through the FY2018 Top Strategic Goals 9 delivery of services and DJJ Highlights - FY2018 10 sanctions in appropriate Division of Financial Services 11 Office of Human Resources 12 settings and by supporting Division of Administrative Services/ Office of Engineering 13 youth in their communities Division of Administrative Services/ Office of Technology to become productive and and Information Services 15 Division of Community Services 18 law-abiding citizens. Office of Planning and Preparedness 19 Office of Volunteer Services 20 VISION Office of Victim Services 21 ACA Accreditation 22 DJJ will lead the nation in Office of Training 23 preparing young people in Office of the Ombudsman 24 Division of Education/ School System 26 its care to develop and Division of Secure Detention 28 sust ai n Division of Secure Campuses 30 Division of Support Services 31 productive lives. Division of Support Services/ Office of Nutrition and Food Services 32 Division of Support Services/ Office of Behavioral Health Sciences The 2018 DJJ Annual Report Team would like to thank everyone who contributed their time, energy, and enthusiasm to this endeavor. Additionally, we are very grateful for the advice and support from our partners at Kennesaw State University. Geor gi a Depar t m en t of Ju ven i l e Ju st i ce

LETTER FROM THECOMMISSIONER As Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), I am pleased to present to you the Department?s Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report. This edition has evolved and improved to provide a comprehensive and detailed presentation of the services and other aspects of Department operations. I am honored to be in a position to help lead these efforts, but fully recognize that our success is possible only because of the dedication and professionalism of Department staff at all levels. This collaboration of outstanding people associated with the Department helps us all share our commitment to public safety. Inside this annual report are highlights of our accomplishments following the sweeping advancements that accompanied Governor Nathan Deal?s Juvenile Justice Reform. When House Bill 242 became a landmark criminal justice law in 2014, the reform helped reshape the way Georgia educates, rehabilitates, and redirects the young offenders in DJJ care and custody. In line with Governor Deal's criminal justice reform efforts, DJJ continues to explore ways to assist Georgia?s at-risk youth with preparations for their successful release to become law-abiding members of our society. DJJ works with juvenile court judges across the state so that the youth who are low-risk to re-offend receive appropriate treatment in their communities and are no longer committed to state juvenile detention centers. In FY2018, the DJJ Team took steps to measurably improve the life skills of the youth offender population and to ensure those young people were enriched with a better outlook than when they arrived. We must continue to encourage these youths who have served their time at DJJ to begin positively serving in their communities. We also are proud of the work our Education Team has accomplished during this fiscal year. The Georgia Preparatory Academy continued to build on increasing the numbers of high school diplomas and GEDs to youth in secure facilities. DJJ has matriculated 32 high school graduates, 58 GED graduates, and awarded 29 technical college certificates, as valid as any presented in standard Georgia high schools around the state. In an ongoing effort to obtain professional accreditation for the Department, DJJ received high marks this year during the certified audit and inspection process conducted by the American Correctional Association. Of note, the Rockdale Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC), Aaron Cohn RYDC, and the Muscogee Youth Development Campus (YDC) each received high scores in obtaining accreditation. The Department of Juvenile Justice continues to embrace Georgia's juvenile justice reform philosophies including those of reentry services. Through doing so, we ensure that the DJJ pathway to long-term success endures for all Georgia youth. Si ncer el y, Avery D. Niles, Commissioner Department of Juvenile Justice 3


DJJ LEADERSHIP The executive leadership team sets the strategic direction of DJJ and drives the core values, mission, and vision that undergird the agency's daily work. DJJ leaders are passionate and focused veterans in their respective fields. Aver y D. Nil es Joe Vignat i Sean C. Hamil t on Commissioner/ Superint endent Assist ant Commissioner/ Assist ant Commissioner DJJ School Dist rict Chief of St af f Cindy Wang Shawanda Reynol ds-Cobb Andr ew Laar hoven Wil l iam Smit h General Counsel Deput y Commissioner Chief Financial Of f icer Chief Audit Execut ive Direct or, Legal Services Administ rat ive Services Cat ina Mar t in-Fenner Mar gar et Cawood Sher r y Shoat s Deput y Commissioner Deput y Commissioner Deput y Commissioner Communit y Services Support Services Secure Campuses Pamel a Johnson Jean Fer guson-Lee John Smit h Deput y Commissioner Associat e Superint endent Direct or Secure Det ent ion DJJ School Dist rict Legisl at ive Services 5

DJJ BOARD & BOARD OF EDUCATION Abou t Th e Boar d The Department of Juvenile Justice Board consists of 15 members, each appointed by the Governor. Pursuant to Title 49-4A-2, Official Code of Georgia, the Board of Juvenile Justice establishes the general policy to be followed by the Department of Juvenile Justice. The objective of the Board is to provide leadership in developing programs to successfully rehabilitate juvenile offenders committed to the state?s custody and to provide guidance to the Commissioner. The Board is a combination of professionals, attorneys, law enforcement, public servants, and others interested in improving the juvenile justice system in Georgia. El aine P. Snow Sandra Heat h Tayl or Adam Kennedy Board Chairman Vice Chair Board Secretary Li ndal e LaGrange Cl axt on (Congressional District 3) (Congressional District 14) (Congressional District 2) Lisa Col bert Thomas L. Col eman Jul ia Neighbors Kel l y St ewart Penny A. Penn Savannah Li t honi a At l ant a Johns Creek Cumming (Congressional District 1) (Congressional District 4) (Congressional District 5) (Congressional District 6) (Congressional District 7) Angie Hol t Fred E. St ephens Wil l ie C. Bol t on Dick Yarbrough John Edwards Warner Robins Cl evel and At hens At l ant a Cl ayt on (Congressional District 8) (Congressional District 9) (Congressional District 10) (Congressional District 11) (Congressional District 12) James Val burn Richard S. Ambrose Quint ress Gil bert St even C. Teske Lithia Springs Vienna Judicial Advisor Judicial Advisor (Congressional District 13) (At -Large) Bibb County Clayton County 6

WHAT DJJ DOES AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice is a FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS multi-faceted agency that serves the needs of the state?s young offenders up to the age of 21. The Department 26 29 employs more than 4,000 men and women at its Central Office, 26 secure facilities (19 Regional Youth Detention SECURE DJJ DJJ Centers and seven Youth Development Campuses), and 96 FACILITIES SCHOOLS Community Services Offices throughout the state to effect justice and redirect the young lives in the agency?s care. 96 4K+ Including those placed on probation, thousands of youths COMMUNITY MEN & WOMEN are diverted each year to evidence-based community SERVICES EMPLOYED BY programs, sentenced to short-term incarceration, and/ or OFFICES committed to long-term custody by juvenile courts. DJJ?s DJJ professional corrections and law enforcement staff preserve public safety and safeguard the citizens of Georgia as well as protect victims of crimes so that they can rebuild their lives. DJJ holds juvenile offenders accountable for their delinquent conduct through probation, supervision, and/ or secure detention so that they take responsibility for their actions. While under DJJ supervision, youth are provided with educational opportunities by some of Georgia's best teachers and administrators as well as medical, dental, and mental health treatment from qualified professionals who provide a range of services and support. DJJ also offers programs designed to equip the youth in its care with the social, intellectual, and emotional tools needed to achieve successful reentry and reintegration into community, workplace, and neighborhood settings as more productive and law-abiding citizens. 7

FY2018 TOP STRATEGIC GOALS Goal 1 OPERATE SAFE AND SECURE FACILITIES AND COM M UNITIES, Goal 2 WHILE PROVIDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES - DJJ remains engaged in a three-phase American Correctional Association (ACA) audit and accreditation process through FY2021. The agency is expanding its statewide mobile radio communications with a powerful new repeater system to enhance operational security. - The 2018-2019 school year will see the opening of a new 56-bed secure facility and the new Muscogee Education Transition Center. Also, DJJ will begin installing electronic education and information kiosks in long-term secure facilities. - DJJ will increase adult education preparation and testing to enable more RYDC students to earn high school diplomas and GED's. Educators will also expand higher learning prospects for DJJ youth by creating additional community partnerships and vocational offerings within the Technical College System of Georgia. IM PLEM ENT JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM - To better serve areas of Georgia where juvenile justice resources may be limited, DJJ will increase appropriate community partnerships with non-secure placement providers to accommodate low-risk offenders and those with the highest needs. - To deliver more positive outcomes for young offenders, DJJ will evaluate the effectiveness of services and reentry programs to ensure that case management staff are trained on trauma-informed care, provide additional youth resources, and fully implement the Georgia Youth Mentoring (GYM) reentry program in all YDC?s. Goal 3 PROM OTE STRATEGIZED RECRUITM ENT, RETENTION, AND SUCCESSION PLANNING - To promote recruitment, retention, and succession planning efforts, DJJ will work on the implementation of the Secure Facilities Master Plan to enhance safety and security. - To help identify qualified new external candidates, DJJ will increase marketing and streamline recruiting efforts including the implementation of a new applicant tracking system. To profile successful internal candidates for promotion, DJJ will adopt new performance management processes for identifying and profiling top agency performers and candidates with an emphasis on Juvenile Correctional Officers and Community Services Officers. Goal 4 PROM OTE OFFENDER/ YOUTH REENTRY-FOCUSED PROGRAM M ING AND SERVICE DELIVERY - DJJ will create family engagement initiatives at the YDCs and use qualitative surveys to compile indicators of the successful programs. - DJJ will engage in non-profit partnerships and secure suitable housing locations to create transitional placement centers for youth released from our facilities. The centers will offer meaningful step-down approaches from secure placement to the community to better prepare youth for reentry. 8

DJJ HIGHLIGHTS - FY2018 Gr oundbr eaking f or t he Cadwel l Regional Yout h Det ent ion Cent er ACA Accr edit at ion f or t he Muscogee Yout h Devel opment Campus and Aar on Cohn Regional Yout h Det ent ion Cent er Syst em-wide t echnol ogical impr ovement s incl uding t he impl ement at ion of t he Backgr ound Check Appl icat ion syst em and t he Cel l Sense Cont r aband Det ect ion Syst em Yout h educat ional gr aduat ions and t r aining incl uding 128 high school gr aduat es, 201 GED gr aduat es, 87 t echnical cer t if icat es of cr edit and vocat ional t r aining in wel ding and f or kl if t oper at ion Publ ic and pr ivat e par t ner ship wit h t he Home Depot Readiness Skil l s Pr ogr am 9

DIVISIONOF FINANCIAL SERVICES DJJ's Budget Services is responsible for the agency's $351 million budget to include state, federal, and other funds. Budget Services serves as the central coordinating entity for the development, allocation, and management of the agency's financial resources. Guidance is provided to all divisions as well as to each field and central office location to support their operations and help them achieve their goals. The budget team serves as a liaison between the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, the House Budget and Research Office, and the Senate Budget and Evaluation Office to ensure the Governor and the Legislature fund appropriately the Agency's needs. FY2018 - $3,873,967: Funds for merit-based pay adjustments, employee FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS recruitment, or retention initiatives effective July 1, 2017 $25,063,449 - $1,694,687: Increased funds to provide a 20% pay increase for law enforcement officers - $1,899,992: Provided funds for the new Wilkes RYDC facility - $911,556: Increased funds to provide for youth who pose a public safety risk during determination of competency - $129,000: Increased funds for a one-time funding for startup costs for the culinary vocational program at Macon YDC - $750,000: Increased funds for equipment for the conversion of Central PDC to a 56 bed Cadwell Regional Youth Detention Center FY2018 Bu dget $ 348,642,157 $97,964,324 Secur e Commit ment (YDC) $99,607,900 Secur e Det ent ion (RYDC) Communit y Ser vices $126,006,484 Depar t ment Administ r at ion $7,602,994 $1,375,775 FY2018 Fu n din g Sou r ces St at e Funds Feder al Funds Ot her Funds $339,663,388 10 Ent er Name and Tit l e

OFFICEOF HUMANRESOURCES The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Office of Human Resources (OHR) serves as a strategic partner to the agency in guiding department leadership on human resource needs. In FY2018, OHR served over 3200 DJJ employees with a goal to foster cohesive working relationships and build a strong culture of qualified, mission-driven employees dedicated to carrying out the agency's priorities. OHR strives to operate in the best interest of both DJJ and its employees by applying industry best practices in our delivery of services including job and compensation analysis, employee relations, recruitment and retention, performance management, and other HR services. DJJ EMPLOYEES(FULL-TIME) At the end of FY 2018, DJJ employed 3275 full-time employees (FTE). Juvenile Correctional Officers made up 30 percent of its staff; while another 9 percent were sworn, employees. Of the 980 JCO employees, 67 percent work in the Secure Facilities Division, 33 percent worked in our Secure Campus Division providing direct supervision of the youth offenders. HIRES AND SEPARATIONS The retention of Juvenile Correctional Officers (JCO?s) has long been a challenge for DJJ. Although JCO hiring makes up 61 percent of all DJJ recruitments, the majority of separations, 52 percent, also come from that position. During FY 2018, JCO turnover increased from 61 t o 84 percent. The overall departmental and JCO turnover rates increased by 42 percent and 44 percent, respectively. While this change can be attributed to the improvement in the state labor market, DJJ?s Human Resources team continues an aggressive recruitment strategy that targets ideal candidates for officer positions. Facil it y Jobs creat ed in 2018 Wi l kes 106 Cadw el l 49 The data below represents staffing numbers for DJJ for FY2017 and FY2018. Type of Empl oyees (FTE) No. of Hires and Separat ions 4000 1151 980 1960 1990 3402 3500 291 305 3275 2500 2000 Tot al Empl oyees 1500 1000 500 0 Juvenil e Correct ional Non-Securit y St af f Ot her Sworn St af f Of f icers (JCOs) - FY2017 - FY2018 11

DIVISIONOF ADMINISTRATIVESERVICES Of f ice of En gin eer in g The Office of Engineering's mission is to address the needs outlined in the DJJ strategic plan for growth and development as well as its challenges presented by the maintenance and repair needs of the agency's aging facilities. During FY2018, the facility maintenance team received more than 2,900 corrective and preventive work orders per month. FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS New Facil it y -2nd Const ruct ion and Renovat ion Project : Wil kes Regional Yout h Det ent ion Cent er - The new Wil kes Regional Yout h Det ent ion Cent er (RYDC) in Washingt on was t he second const ruct ion and renovat ion project f or t he Depart ment of Juvenil e Just ice. - This f acil it y was repurposed f rom a f ormer Depart ment of Correct ions adul t pre-rel ease cent er. - The RYDC was designed wit h an emphasis on educat ion and t echnol ogy wit h 1,200 square f eet designat ed f or a new vocat ional educat ion program. - Enhanced securit y measures were incorporat ed as part of DJJ?s mission t o upgrade saf et y and securit y. - The det ent ion f acil it y opened in February 2017 and creat ed over 60 news jobs. Inst al l at ion of Upgr aded f r om Fir e Al ar m Syst em Gal vanneal ed Anal ogue Secur it y Upgr ade St eel Cel l Door at Camer as t o IP CCTV Ter r el l , Wil kes, Compl et ed at Two and Cadwel l RYDC Syst em at 20 Facil it ies Facil it ies 12

DIVISIONOF ADMINISTRATIVESERVICES Of f ice of Tech n ology an d In f or m at ion Ser vices The Office of Technology and Information Systems (OTIS) provides development and maintenance of highly effective, reliable, secure, and innovative information systems in support of the agency's strategic goals. FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS In st allat ion of AM TEL Im plem ent at ion of new Impl ement at ion of BCAS ph on e syst em in 15 Veh icle Regist r at ion syst em reducing background facilit ies Syst em (VRS) check processing t ime by 90% - PROJECT MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVEDECK AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ? OTIS implemented a new process to provide a weekly recap of all IT related projects for the agency and to improve communication to executive leadership and department directors. The PMO Deck communicates projects in flight, tracks their progress, sets timelines for delivery expectations, and documents risks and issues that could delay del i ver abl es. BCASAppl icant Request Screen - BACKGROUND CHECK APPLICATION SYSTEM (BCAS) ? In conjunction with the DJJ Criminal History Unit (CHU), OTIS developed a new Internet application to allow potential employees and vendors to easily submit the required information for background check approvals. The previous process included a 14-page document that had to be manually completed and faxed to the CHU team. This new system has eliminated the paper forms and reduced the processing time of background checks from initial submission to final approval by 90% . - INFORMATION SECURITY ? In 2017, DJJ was part of the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) funded security audit performed on 14 state agencies. In FY2018, OTIS addressed these findings by significantly improving the documentation, procedures, and policies. In FY2019, plans allow for a follow-up external audit to gauge the progress in meeting GTA Cybersecurity National Institute of Standards and Technology requirements. 13

DIVISIONOF ADMINISTRATIVESERVICES - VEHICLERESERVATION SYSTEM (VRS) - VRS Vehicl e Booking Screen The DJJ Property Management and OTIS teams worked together to develop the Vehicle Registration System (VRS). VRS is an agency-wide system that allows employees to reserve state vehicles for travel throughout Georgia. This system serves as a single point of management and analytics for the agency's fleet of vehicles. Features include vehicle inventory management, mileage use, expense and WEX card tracking, and fleet maintenance services. Agency policy and procedures were changed to require employees to check the VRS system for vehicle availability before using external car rental agencies. Since the full implementation of this system, DJJ has been able to reduce car rental spending in the first four mont hs. - CCTV Syst em Maint enance and Upgrades ? OTIS is responsible for the monitoring and maintenance of the CCTV systems installed at secure facilities across the state. During FY2O18, CCTV upgrades were completed at three facilities. - AMTEL ? OTIS began the rollout of the AMTEL system into all DJJ secure facilities this year. AMTEL provides juvenile telephone and PREA services for DJJ. OTIS completed the installation in all 7 YDCs and 8 RYDCs across the state. The remaining 11 RYDC locations are scheduled for completion in FY2O19. - RECIDIVISM REPORTING REWRITE- DJJ conducted an extensive in-depth review of our reform efforts and new variables that need consideration in our recidivism report calculations. This resulted in a revitalized recidivism definition and reengineering of the programming to reflect these adjustments. As DJJ heads into the post-reform reporting period, this new and improved reporting will set a baseline to report DJJ successes going forward accurately. - RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Tradit ional versus Rapid Appl icat ion Devel opment (RAD) Process Fl ow (RAD) PLATFORM ? OTIS has deployed resources from IBM to facilitate faster development of business and administrative applications that involve the integration of data, communications (email\\ text), document storage, and process automation. This RAD will allow OTIS to provide faster more qualitative applications for those agency users. 14

DIVISIONOF COMMUNITY SERVICES The Division of Community Services provides youth who are under DJJ supervision with intake, counseling, probation, case management, detention planning, and aftercare supervision services in most of Georgia's 159 counties. The Division has 96 Community Services Offices and includes the Office of Reentry Services (ORS) to assist youth as they transition from a secure DJJ facility to the community. ORS facilitates a youth?s connections to services and support for up to 60 days (and longer if needed) after release from DJJ?s custody. ORS has been instrumental in implementing job fairs throughout Georgia developing partnerships that will successfully transition our youth successfully back into their communities. Division of Communit y Services responsibil it ies incl ude: - Intake (court admission process including detention decision-making and diversion) - Secure Detention Alternatives (monitoring the status of youth in detention and offer alternatives to judges) - Non-secure Detention (electronic monitoring and group home placements) - Probation Supervision - Commitment Supervision - Residential Placement (room, board and watchful oversight, and/ or psychiatric residential treatment f aci l i t i es) - Interstate Compact for juveniles - Aftercare supervision and services for youth returning from YDCs and residential placements - Reentry Services FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS 2018 Per son al Developm en t Con f er en ce - \" Cu lt ivat in g Leader s f or Su ccess\" Leader sh ip Ret r eat Tr ain in g Residen t ial placem en t of 394 you t h per m ont h Job Fair s f or You t h in 11 Dist r ict s FY2018 Aver age n u m ber of you t h su per vised daily by t h e Division of Com m u n it y Ser vices 253 Placem en t Type 337 506 In the Community - Under supervision at home 326 In the Community - Residential Placement In DJJRYDC In DJJYDC In Adult Jail 9,131 15

DIVISIONOF COMMUNITY SERVICES As a result of Georgia?s Juvenile Justice Reform, the number of youths participating in community-based services has increased. This increase has created an additional demand on DJJ to provide evidence-based services that should result in a reduction in juvenile recidivism rates over time. The Division uses a number of tools and programs to implement juvenile justice reforms and to improve the juvenile justice system. Among them are: FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS 1,936 Yout h Yout h Tracking Program - tracking services (provided by private Tr acked contractors) provide intensive surveillance and monitoring, allowing juvenile offenders to remain at home pending further court action. 286 Yout h Face-to-face tracking contacts in the home, neighborhood, work or school Received T4C are made at least once a day along with a telephone curfew check. In FY2018, there was 1,936 youth tracked by this program. Ser vices Thinking f or a Change (T4C) - an evidence-based program that includes social skills development, cognitive restructuring, and the development of problem-solving skills. T4C services were provided to 286 youth across 22 counties in FY2018 with a 221 youth successful completions. 203 Yout h Aggression Repl acement Training (ART) - a cognitive behavioral Received ART intervention program designed to help aggressive adolescents ages 12-17 improve their social skill competence and moral reasoning, better Ser vices manage anger, and reduce aggressive behavior. ART services were provided to 203 youth across 18 counties in FY2018 with an 164 youth 232 Yout h successful completions. Received FFT Funct ional Famil y Therapy (FFT) - an evidence-based intervention which Ser vices involves short-term counseling in the home, and working with family members and/ or caregivers. During FY2018, 232 youth received FFT 42 HITS Unit s services in 58 counties with 150 youth successful completions. St at ewide High-Int ensit y Team Supervision (HITS) - a community-based, in-home detention placement alternative for a community-supervised youth. HITS team (state-trained law enforcement probation officers) supervision strategies including housebound detention alternatives, electronic monitoring, curfew checks, drug and alcohol testing, crisis management, evidence-based programs, and home, school, work and office visits. DJJ has 42 HITS units throughout the state. Youth released from YDCs or other residential placements are considered a high priority for HITS program pl acement . 171 Geor gia Adul t det ent ion f acil it y monit oring - an annual site inspection is Adul t Det ent ion completed at the 171 Georgia adult detention facilities that temporarily hold or detain juveniles. Facil it ies 16

DIVISIONOF COMMUNITY SERVICES 782 Yout h Received Mul t i-Syst emic Therapy (MST) - an evidence-based and high-fidelity Ser vices intensive treatment program to address environmental systems impacting medium-and high-risk juvenile offenders ages 12-17 with 408 Tr ansf er s of lengthy delinquency histories and serious anti-social behavior. Over Super vision three months, MST services are delivered in the home, school, and neighborhood, emphasizing behavior change in the youth's natural environment which includes family and peers. This 24-hour service allows counselors to respond immediately to crisis situations. In FY2018, DJJ provided MST services to 782 youths. Georgia Int erst at e Compact f or Juvenil es (ICJ) -this unit processes incoming and outgoing supervision transfers from other states. The Georgia ICJ unit also processes the return of runaways, accused delinquents, absconders, or escapees. In FY2018, the unit processed an average of 408 transfers of supervision cases monthly. EDUCATIONAL TRANSITION CENTERS AND SCHOOL-BASED SUPERVISION - Educat ional Transit ion Cent ers (ETC) - ETC in Bibb, Chatham, Muscogee, and Richmond counties provide an alternative educational setting for youth with challenges re-entering public school or transitioning to their community. - School -based supervision - DJJ collaborates with school districts at school-based supervision sites. Youth in the program are monitored for important outcomes such as decreases in dropout rates, truancy, suspensions and expulsions, and corresponding increases in grades and graduation rates. High school completion is closely correlated with success as an adult and no further involvement in criminal activity. 17

OFFICEOF PLANNINGAND PREPAREDNESS The Office of Planning and Preparedness (OPP) provides leadership within DJJ in all phases of disasters (preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation). The OPP Director serves as the primary contact with the Georgia Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency and provides timely emergency management information to executive staff. Primary Funct ions and Dut ies: 1. Plan, direct, and administer agency-wide emergency operation plans and procedures 2. Provide technical assistance in fire and life safety code compliance 3. Serves as the agency's State Fire Marshal's Office designee In addition to the duties listed above, the Office of Planning & Preparedness provides oversight to the following units: - Training - Victim and Volunteer Services - American Correctional Association (ACA) accreditation process FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS Coordinat ed t he agency?s emergency DJJ Propert ies Inspect ions and services during Hurricane Irma CSOs Saf et y Assessment s *173 RYDCs *238 YDCs *184 Conduct ed fire / life safet y assessment s Training Facility *1 and inspect ions at DJJ propert ies Central Office *1 Tot al s 597 *Buildings inspected includes all structures located on the property. 18

OFFICEOF VOLUNTEER SERVICES The Office of Volunteer Services mobilizes people and resources to create lasting, positive change by delivering programs and services that empower young offenders to live safe, healthy and productive lives. DJJ volunteers serve in a wide variety of roles in RYDCs, YDCs, and CSOs across Georgia. During FY2018, nearly 1,200 volunteers assisted DJJ in its mission while providing numerous services to youth. FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS 71 YOUTH PARTICIPATED Music Learning Program ? This program offered in YDCs, is designed to allow youth to express their creativity through music. 244 YOUTH PARTICIPATED Ar t Lear ning Enr ichment Pr ogr am ? Provides opportunities for artistic inspiration. Participants meet weekly to gain skills/ knowledge in various mediums; become familiar with different types of art and poetic expression, grow socially and become enriched. The program is currently provided at five DJJ facilities. 174+ YOUTH PARTICIPATED Educat ional Fiel d Tr ips ? DJJ has enjoyed a three-year partnership with the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. Throughout the year, DJJ youth participated in educational field trips to the museum. Artwork by 54 DJJ students was displayed at the High Museum during May. $6,000 RAISED Special Ol ympics Law Enf or cement Tor ch Run ? DJJ raised more than $6,600 to support disabled children and adults who compete in the Georgia Special Olympics. DJJ team runners and supporters joined in the final leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run at Atlanta?s Phillips Arena before the start of the 2018 Summer Games. 102 YOUNG W OM EN PARTICIPATED Gir l Scout s of Amer ica ? 102 young women participated in the DJJ Girl Scout Troop at Metro RYDC in FY2018. Through this program, youth became equipped with the life skills to make positive choices that may lead to a better future. 100 YOUTH PARTICIPATED Tr ack Pr ogr am - DJJ?s track program, ?Beat t he St reet s? began in 2016 with the cooperation with the Atlanta Track Club. The exercise program focuses on goal setting and gives youths housed in DJJ facilities the opportunity to earn incentive prizes. The program is currently offered at Metro RYDC, Eastman YDC, and Macon YDC. 42 YOUTH PARTICIPATED In Your Shoes -This inmate/ offender mentor program was developed in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Corrections (DOC) to pair young women housed at the Macon YDC with peer mentors from the adult prison system. The agencies are using proactive measures to reduce the adult offender population while allowing the youths to gain as many skills as possible during their incarceration. RESCUE2 RESTORE(R2R) R2R - Has received national recognition for its partnerships and innovative programming to generate compassion and responsibility in DJJ?s youthful offenders. The R2R concept has been an effective process to provide youth with life skills while educating them about animal care. The therapy dog reading program assists struggling young readers through a targeted program in cooperation with education. These programs are currently held at Atlanta, Macon, and Muscogee YDCs, and Dalton RYDC. 19

OFFICEOF VICTIM SERVICES Established in July 2012, DJJ?s Office of Victim Services (OVS) has streamlined the agency's victim-related services and established a central location to identify, address, and respond to the legal requirements of meeting the needs of victims of juvenile of f enders. In the third quarter of FY2018, OVS participated in 15 events to raise awareness of child abuse and crime victims?rights. These events included Pinwheels for Prevention at several DJJ facilities and community supervision offices as well as events in cooperation with local juvenile courts and district attorney?s offices. Several speakers were brought into the facilities to teach the youth about the long-reaching impact crime has on families and communities. 5,500+ VICTIM I N TERACTI ON S During FY2018, the Office of Victim Services (OVS) interacted with over 5,500 victims. Additionally, staff and community members were provided training on programmatic contributions focusing on child sexual abuse, teen dating, bullying prevention, victim assistance, and response to sexual exploitation. These efforts aim to provide outreach and prevent further victimizations. OVS is responsible for timely and responsive notification to victims upon the release of youth from DJJ's secure facilities. 20

ACA ACCREDITATION During FY2018, DJJ began the ACA accreditation process. ACA is the most prestigious correctional membership organization in the world, representing correctional professionals in the U.S., Canada and abroad. DJJ?s effort to attain ACA accreditation signifies an important step to achieve long-term departmental goals by having agency policies aligned with ACA-recommended standards. In March 2018, Muscogee YDC and Aaron Cohn RYDC successfully completed the ACA onsite assessment process. FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS MUSCOGEEYDC 'S MANDATORY STANDARD SCORE 110000%% MUSCOGEEYDC'S NON-MANDATORY SCORE 99.67% AARON COHN RYDC'S MANDATORY AND NON-MANDATORY 100% STANDARD SCORES Utilizing the ACA process shows that DJJ is open to future innovations that can lead to more historic changes in Georgia?s juvenile justice system. Reaching ACA accreditation can also lead to improved DJJ policies and procedures that help safeguard the life, health, and safety of DJJ staff, and the youth in the agency?s care and cust ody. ACA accreditation also promotes training and treatment of juvenile offenders and the professional development of DJJ correctional staff. Additionally, accreditation helps develop partnerships with other correctional agencies for information-sharing and better mutual assistance in case of crisis. Georgia has gained a favorable national standing for its juvenile justice innovations. By monitoring practices, while measuring outcomes, DJJ will receive an objective ACA assessment and validation of agency accomplishments from internationally recognized experts in the field of juvenile corrections. 21

OFFICEOF TRAINING The Office of Training provides basic and specialized FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS training programs in support of DJJ's mission by enhancing the safety, security, and skills of staff and Successf ul l y l aunched Successf ul l y l aunched partners. The Office is responsible for the training of t raining on t he President ?s t he 40-hour Communit y nearly all the agency's full and part-time staff, Task Force on 21st Cent ury Leadership Training f or including Georgia POST-certified Juvenile Correctional Officers (JCOs), Juvenile Probation Officers (JPOs), Pol icing Communit y Service POST-certified Juvenile Probation Parole Specialists supervisors and managers (JPPSs), teachers, medical and mental health professionals, food service and custodial workers, and Host ed a Leadership Successf ul l y l aunched administrative staff. Summit f or DJJ l eadership ?Think Trauma? Training and managers which was f acil it at ed by Frankl in Covey cert if ied t rainers Basic Juvenil e Correct ional Of f icer Tr ai ni ng 700 BJCOT 516 - Verbal Judo 600 647 - Aikido Training 2018 - Ment al Heal t h and Trauma Training 500 2017 - Scenario Based - Gang Awareness Training 400 505 300 200 100 0 2016 Basic Juvenil e Probat ion Of f icer Tr ai ni ng 50 52 BJPOT 19 - Firearms and Weapons Training 37 - Use of Force 40 2018 - Emergency Vehicl e Operat ions Course 30 2017 - Combat Techniques 20 - Gang Awareness Training 10 0 2016 Basic Communit y Services Tr ai ni ng BCST 100 9944 98 - Verbal Judo - Aikido Training 90 2017 98 - Ment al Heal t h and Trauma Training - Scenario Based Training 80 7700 2018 - Gang Awareness Training 60 0 2016 22

OFFICEOF THEOMBUDSMAN The Office of Ombudsman seeks to foster confidence in the agency by promoting the principals of integrity, fairness, and accountability. Ombudsman staff address complaints and inquiries for all secure and non-secure DJJ facilities and contracted sites with youth under DJJ supervision. It is the Ombudsman's task as a neutral party within the agency to independently review public grievances against DJJ impartially. In FY2018, the Office of the Ombudsman reviewed 352 grievances. FY2017 FY2018 Om bu dsm an Cases Ty p es # of Cases 23

DIVISIONOF EDUCATION/ SCHOOL SYSTEM School Syst em Inf ormat ion The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is the 181st School District in the state of Georgia and is accredited by AdvancED. Georgia Preparatory Academy (GPA) is the middle school and high school within the DJJ School System. There are 29 GPA campuses across Georgia located in Regional Youth Detention Centers (RYDCs), Youth Development Campuses (YDCs), and Education Transition Centers (ETCs). In addition to Georgia Preparatory Academy, an adult education program, Pathway to Success (GED), is offered to students who meet the minimum admission criteria. Students are provided instruction to prepare them for the Official GED Ready exam and the Official GED test. Local technical colleges administer official GED tests on DJJ campuses. Once students have earned a high school diploma from GPA or a GED diploma from the Pathway to Success Program, they are enrolled in the Connections Graduate Program (CGP). The CGP focuses on re-entry, work skills development and post-secondary options. Attending college is an option in the CGP for students who meet college admission criteria. Dist rict Enrol l ment Inf ormat ion 129 1,006 4,842 Yout h Devel opment Campus A student in YDCs can enroll in a large variety of Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs. CTAE is a program of study that involves a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge. Ensuring that students are college and career ready, CTAE programs prepare students for a wide range of careers requiring varying levels of education including high school, technical training, two-and-four year degrees, and post-baccalaureate programs. CTAE courses support the academic program by providing students with opportunities to apply the academic theories and principles to real-world learning experiences in a hands-on environment. These courses include Law and Government, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Horticulture, Construction, Automotive Maintenance, Microsoft Office certifications, Welding, and Fork Lift certifications. 24

DIVISIONOF EDUCATION/ SCHOOL SYSTEM Regional Yout h Det ent ion Cent er A student enrolled in an RYDC attend school daily in standards-based classrooms. Teachers provide instruction during a six-period day. An online curriculum called Odysseyware is also available to expand and supplement the Georgia Standards of Excellence curriculum. Educat ion Transit ion Cent er (ETC) Three ETCs are available for students who live in the community but cannot attend their home school district. The ETCs are in Augusta, Macon, and Savannah. A fourth ETC is scheduled to open in Columbus, Georgia during FY2019. Special Educat ion Enrol l ment The DJJ School District provides the full continuum of special education services. These services include psychological testing, eligibility meetings, and individualized education programs (IEP). Dipl omas and Graduat ion Rat e Students can earn high school diplomas, GED diplomas, and Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC) while enrolled in the DJJ School District. These degrees and certificates are primarily earned in a YDC but are available in RYDCs. Students who earn a degree can apply to colleges and universities in the University System of Georgia and take college courses through eCore. 25

DIVISIONOF SECUREDETENTION The Division of Secure Detention provides oversight and leadership for 19 Regional Youth Detention Centers (RYDCs) located throughout the State of Georgia ranging from 30 to 200-bed capacities. The RYDCs are secure short-term centers for youth awaiting court to enter the community, placement in the community or long-term facilities serving youthful offenders. Listed below are FY2018 RYDC monthly admissions and releases to the communi t y. Mont hl y RYDC Admissions RYDC Rel eases t o t he Communit y Year Mont h Number Of Admissions Year Mont h Number Of Rel eases 2017 Jul y 748 2017 Jul y 756 2017 Aug. 865 2017 Aug. 844 2017 Sept . 783 2017 Sept . 811 2017 Oct . 808 2017 Oct . 866 2017 Nov. 872 2017 Nov. 854 2017 Dec. 685 2017 Dec. 766 2018 Jan. 806 2018 Jan. 825 2018 Feb. 808 2018 Feb. 758 2018 Mar. 910 2018 Mar. 944 2018 Apr. 852 2018 Apr. 868 2018 May 802 2018 May 894 2018 2018 June 766 June 733 FY2018 Tot al : 9,705 FY2018 Tot al : 9,919 FY2018 - The Aaron Cohn, Rockdale, and Macon Regional Youth Highl ight s Detention Centers underwent a week-long American Correctional Association (ACA) audit for national accreditation of their facilities and operations. - Aaron Cohn RYDC scored a 100% on both mandatory and non-mandatory standards. All audits consisted of in-depth facility tours and a review of over 400+ facility files. - As part of the accreditation process, representatives from the Department of Juvenile Justice were required to appear before an ACA hearing panel to answer questions during the ACA Conference held in Minneapolis. - The Rockdale and Macon RYDCs will appear before their ACA hearing audit in January of 2019 in New Orleans. 26

DIVISIONOF SECUREDETENTION During the reporting period for FY2018, the population at DJJ's 19 Regional Youth Detention Centers (RYDC) reached 7,015 youth. The charts below represent the RYDCs population count only by the youth's most serious offense, age and gender. AGE FY2018 RYDC Popul at ion by Of f ense Cl assif icat ion, Age, and Gender FY2018 RYDC Popul at ion by Of f ense Cl assif icat ion, Age, and Gender OFFENSE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GRAND CLASSIFICATION TOTAL Propert y 1 11 56 132 357 524 617 225 32 1 3 1,959 Viol ent 8 57 131 289 439 554 258 43 17 5 1 1,802 Publ ic Order 18 30 60 108 159 153 47 7 573 Viol ent Sex 4 94 48 VOP/ VOAC/ VOAP 16 51 84 85 100 69 13 2 4 1 402 Weapons Viol at ion 12 63 15 (Mal e) Drug Use 18 50 72 58 32 51 315 Drug Sel l ing 50 17 St at us 6 18 33 63 25 14 4 205 Traf f ic 56 Sex Non-Viol ent 15 11 36 35 143 1 5 9 38 120 68 11 18 3 85 1 2 3 10 1 28 35 2 18 Grand Tot al 3 33 174 430 958 1,449 1,722 736 110 21 12 2 5,650 OFFENSE 11 12 13 14 AGE 17 18 19 20 GRAND CLASSIFICATION 3 11 37 32 7 TOTAL 15 16 Viol ent 2 420 75 119 134 Propert y 9 18 76 107 101 47 1 359 Publ ic Order 1 2 10 25 41 66 57 13 1 216 (Femal e) VOP/ VOAC/ VOAP 13 18 50 39 24 1 1 137 St at us 1 8 10 48 41 25 3 136 Drug Use 2 6 10 18 7 43 Weapons Viol at ion 3 64 8 11 23 Drug Sel l ing 15 3 1 10 Viol ent Sex 9 Sex Non-Viol ent 1 32 3 1 7 Traf f ic 2 5 12 3 153 14 1,365 Grand Tot al 12 27 1 6 32 97 239 411 409 3

DIVISIONOF SECURECAMPUSES The Division is responsible for the daily management of all seven Youth Development Campuses (YDCs) and Special Operations. All YDCs provide secure care, supervision, and treatment services to youth who have been committed to the custody of DJJ by juvenile courts for long-term programs. Each YDC follows departmental policy and procedures based on federal and state law and a variety of professional standards. Each facility provides youth services that include education, health, and mental health services, food services, resident counseling, substance abuse units, vocational programming, and family visitation, among other services. Georgia?s Youth Development Campuses are in the cities of Augusta, College Park, Eastman, Macon, Midland, Milledgeville, and Americus. Division achievements in FY2018 include Muscogee YDC completion of the American Correctional Association accreditation process and assisting the Division of Education with the implementation certification programs in forklift and welding through a partnership with Atlanta Technical College. Mont hl y YDC Admissions YDC Rel eases t o t he Communit y Year M ont h Nu m ber of Adm ission s Year M on t h Nu m ber of Releases 2017 July 61 2017 2017 Aug. 81 2017 July 60 2017 Sep t . 126 2017 Aug. 71 2017 Oct . 78 2017 2017 2017 Sep t . 144 2017 2017 2018 Nov. 74 2018 Oct . 60 2018 Dec. 47 2018 Nov. 77 2018 Jan. 74 2018 2018 2018 Dec. 60 2018 2018 2018 2018 Jan. 69 28 Feb. 51 Feb. 68 M ar . 59 M ar . 70 Apr. 51 Apr. 47 May 64 May 80 June 60 June 63 FY2018 Tot al : 826 FY2018 Tot al : 869

DIVISIONOF SECURECAMPUSES During the reporting period of FY2018, the population at DJJ's seven Youth Development Campuses reached 868 youth. The charts below represent the YDCs population count only by the youth's most serious offense, age and gender. FY2018 YDC Popul at ion by Of f ense Cl assif icat ion, Age, and Gender FY2018 YDC Popul at ion by Of f ense Cl assif icat ion, Age, and Gender AGE 21 22 GRAND TOTAL Of f ense 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 5 Cl assif icat ion 4 360 62 186 Viol ent 2 16 38 90 108 63 22 3 127 61 Propert y 3 15 35 58 42 24 5 1 15 14 Viol ent Sex 14 21 30 26 18 10 30 7 5 Publ ic Order 1 2 7 15 20 12 1 5 4 (Mal e) Weapons 22 3 71 3 2 VOP/ VOAC/ VOAP 22 3 52 782 Drug Sel l ing 1 22 Traf f ic 1 13 Drug Use 1 11 Sex Non-Viol ent 1 11 St at us 11 Grand Tot al 6 52 106 205 214 124 38 AGE Of f ense 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GRAND TOTAL Cl assif icat ion 46 Viol ent 32 10 14 5 8 3 1 20 8 Propert y 11 1 7 55 5 3 (Femal e) Publ ic Order 2 41 1 2 1 VOP/ VOAC/ VOAP 1 22 1 86 Viol ent Sex 1 1 1 29 Drug Use 2 Weapons 1 Drug Sel l ing 1 Grand Tot al 4 4 15 28 16 13 3 2 1

DIVISIONOF SUPPORT SERVICES The Office of Health Services provides clinical and administrative oversight in medical care, nursing, physician and advanced practice providers, pharmacy, laboratory and radiology services through a contract with Augusta University/ Department of Correctional Healthcare ? Juvenile Health. M EDICAL SERVICES Ensure DJJ yout h in secure facilit ies receive Coordinat e services (pharmacy, radiology, and medical and dent al care according t o DJJ policy laborat ory; access t o specialt y care and hospit alizat ion) and nat ional st andards Daily sick call visit s and chronic care clinics by Infect ion cont rol and medical st aff healt h educat ion for yout h Tat t oo removal program for successful reent ry of Dent al care is provided t hrough OHSand by yout h t o communit y dent al cont ract M EDICAL INDICATORS 18,984 9,506 8,835 Sick calls Nurse healt h Chronic care visit s appraisals 6,185 6,129 5,027 Dent al cleanings Physical Dent al examinat ions examinat ions TOP FIVE CHRONIC CARE CLINIC CASES Ment al Heal t h Ast hma Der mat ol ogy Gast r oint est inal Seizur e 30

DIVISIONOF SUPPORT SERVICES Of f ice of Nu t r it ion an d Food Ser vices DJJ provides youth with nutritionally balanced FY2018 HIGHLIGHTS meals and snacks that meet USDA guidelines. A variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and milk 1,383,671 products are served on a daily bases. DJJ also supports Georgia?s local farmers and economy Tot al Meal s Served through the use of Georgia Grown products on our menus. 1,173,639 Ensuring food safety practices are enforced Tot al Snacks Served through staff training, employing ServSafe-certified managers and scheduled site $ 2,518,236.26 audi t s. Tot al USDA Reimbursement Monitoring and developing medically necessary special diet menus to ensure youth safety and nourishment . Participating in USDA national breakfast, lunch and after school care programs, allowing DJJ to receive federal reimbursement for these meals. Oversight of the statewide wellness program, which emphasizes the importance of overall health through educational materials and youth event s. 31

DIVISIONOF SUPPORT SERVICES Office of Behavioral Health Services provides behavioral health treatment services and programs that adhere to current best practices and meet the identified needs of the youth in DJJ?s care. FY2018 Popul at ion and Ment al Heal t h Casel oad Pr ogr am Adm ission s Avg. Daily Avg. Caseload 826 Popu lat ion M en t al Healt h You t h Developm en t Cam pu s 421 292 Region al You t h 9,705 864 419 Det en t ion Cen t er Ment al Heal t h Casel oad Diagnost ic Charact erist ics Subst ance Disorders 668 1,274 Neurodevel opment al Disorders 663 Depressive Disorders 702 1,184 Trauma and St ress Disorders Ot her Condit ions Subst ance Abuse Treat ment (Facil it y) Resident ial Subst ance Abuse Treat ment 156 yout h served in DJJ RSAT Programming. 184 yout h in YDC ident if ied as having signif icant SA 126 yout h were new t o t he program. issues and ref erred f or services. 60 yout h compl et ed t he program. 156 yout h served in resident ial subst ance abuse t reat ment programs. Sex Of f ender Treat ment 171 yout h received sex of f ender services. 32



Geor gi a Depar t m en t of Ju ven i l e Ju st i ce 3408 Covington Highw ay Decatur , Geor gia 30032 M ain Num ber : 404-508-6500 Fax Num ber : 404-508-7289 publicaffair [email protected] http://djj.geor GeorgiaDJJ GeorgiaDJJ @GeorgiaDJJ \" On e Team . On e M ission .\"

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