Getting to know my family and roots was very important to me because I got to learn so much about my past and about how my great grandparents migrated from many different places so the future generations could have a better life. They risked many things in their life for us to have a better future and I am so glad that I got a chance to learn about that. I also understood about the world that was before me. I think that this project made me understand how important and amazing it is to know about my past and to learn how my great grandparents and grandparents lived in other countries and many events that happened to them throughout the years. I got to learn about tons of family anecdotes and it was very fun and interesting because I learned so much about my ancestors’ youth, how they went with their friends and did all types of things and they had so much fun. Never the less there were also times where they did not have that much fun, like when they had to leave their country because there was a war and they had to leave everything behind. I believe that most importantly, I learned from all of this that we need to be grateful for what we have and learn to live life to the fullest, just like they did. I feel that making this project made a stronger bond between my loved ones and I because I got to understand their stories and who they were before I met them. This project has taught me many things that I will carry with me my whole life.
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