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QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY 49 Nk,cure+24h= characteristic tension capacity corresponding • Greater than the lesser of 1.3Tinst and 1.0Tinst + 40 N-m to the manufacturer’s published minimum for anchors that are qualified for cracked concrete and cure time plus 24 hours, N. are to be designed assuming cracked concrete conditions where the crack width is restrained by reinforcement in 10.15.2 Omit comparison of the 5 percent fractile values if the concrete. either of the following conditions is met. 10.18.2 If these requirements are not met, determine cmin • For both test series, the COV of the failure loads is v ≥ and smin by either: 10 percent; or 1. Holding cmin constant and increase smin until the • The difference in the number of tests in each series is Δn requirements are fulfilled. ≤ 5 and the COV of the temperature test series is equal to or less than the COV of the reference test series. 2. Holding smin constant and increase cmin until the requirements are fulfilled. 10.15.3 If the conditions of Eq. (10-28) are not fulfilled, increase the cure time and repeat the test until Eq. (10-28) is 3. Increasing cmin and smin until the requirements are fulfilled. fulfilled. 10.18.3 Requirements for load tests—The concrete shall not crack during anchor installation. The mean failure load 10.16—Assessment of durability requirement (8.8) shall equal or exceed 90 percent of the expected load calcu- R10.16 Durability is assessed on the basis of the mean of lated on the basis of the service-condition tests in uncracked concrete, taking into account the effects of reduced spacing the punch tests. and edge distances. 10.16.1 Requirement—Calculate the reduction factor 10.18.4 Report the minimum edge and spacing distances αdur, lower of αalk, and αsulf, when punch tests are and the associated minimum member thickness. performed, using Eq. (10-29). αdur = -m----i--n---τ---d--u---r-,--i ≤ 1.0 (10-29) 10.19—Assessment of performance under seismic 0.95 τ o, i tension (8.12) where = mean bond stress corresponding to durability R10.19 The assignment of specific anchor bond strength τdur,i tests with test member i or concrete batch i reductions corresponding to seismic loading may be made stored in different media calculated for specific anchor diameters. τo,i according to Eq. (8-1); and 10.19.1 All anchors in a test series shall complete the = mean reference bond stress corresponding to simulated seismic-tension load history specified in Table 8.2 durability tests with test member i or concrete and Fig. 8.3. Failure of an anchor to develop the required batch i calculated according to Eq. (8-1). tension resistance in any cycle prior to completing the loading history specified in Table 8.2 and Fig. 8.3 shall be 10.17—Assessment of performance in corner test recorded as an unsuccessful test. The mean residual capacity (8.9) of the anchors in the test series shall be equal to or greater than 160 percent of Neq as given in Eq. (8-2). 10.17.1 The tension capacity of the anchor positioned in Successful completion of the cyclic loading the corner of a test member with edge distances cac and history and fulfillment of the residual tension capacity minimum member thickness hmin shall be statistically requirement of this section shall be noted in Table 11.2. equivalent to the tension capacity from reference tests If the anchor does not fulfill the aforemen- performed away from the edges. Report the critical edge tioned requirements at Neq, it shall be permitted to conduct the test with reduced cyclic loads conforming to the loading distance cac and the corresponding minimum member history specified in Table 8.2 and Fig. 8.3 whereby thickness in Table 11.1 or 11.2. Neq,reduced, Ni,reduced, and Nm,reduced are substituted for Neq, Ni, and Nm, respectively. All anchors in a test series shall R10.17.1 Several combinations of critical edge distance complete the simulated seismic-tension load history. Failure of an anchor to develop the required tension resistance in any and member thickness may be reported, depending on the cycle prior to completing the loading history given in Table 8.2 and Fig. 8.3 shall be recorded as an unsuccessful test. The extent of testing performed. mean residual capacity of the anchors in the test series in the tension test shall be at least 160 percent of the reduced peak 10.18—Assessment of performance in minimum load Neq,reduced. Report successful completion of the spacing and edge distance test (8.10) reduced cyclic loading history and fulfillment of the residual tension capacity requirement of this section together with the R10.18 Several combinations of minimum edge distance, reduction factor αNeq as given by Eq. (10-30). spacing, and member thickness may be reported, depending on the extent of testing performed. αN, seis = -N----e--q--,-r--e--d---u--c--e---d- (10-30) Neq 10.18.1 Requirement for torque tests—The 5 percent fractile of the maximum recorded torque calculated according to 10.3 and normalized to fc = 17 MPa according to 10.23 shall be: • Greater than the lesser of 1.7Tinst and 1.0Tinst + 135 N-m for anchors to be designed assuming uncracked concrete conditions.

50 QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY Table 10.7—Limitations on installation conditions with reduced cyclic loads conforming to the loading history for adhesive anchors installed under periodic special inspection only*† specified in Table 8.3 and Fig. 8.4 whereby Veq,reduced, Vi,reduced, and Vm,reduced are substituted for Veq, Vi, and Vm, Table 3.1, Table 3.2, or respectively. All anchors in a test series shall complete the Table 3.3 optional reliability simulated seismic-shear load history. Failure of an anchor to tests performed develop the required shear resistance in any cycle prior to Installation conditions permitted 2c 2d completing the loading history given Table 8.3 and Fig. 8.4 Installation in interior and exterior — — locations shall be permitted shall be recorded as an unsuccessful test. The mean residual Installation in water-filled holes shall X — capacity of the anchors in the test series in the tension test be permitted shall be at least 160 percent of the reduced peak load Installation in submerged concrete shall — X be permitted Veq,reduced. Report successful completion of the reduced cyclic loading history and fulfillment of the residual shear *Refer to Chapter 13 for quality control requirements. †Refer to Table 10.9 for limitations of use. capacity requirement of this section together with a reduction factor αV,seis as given by Eq. (10-31). Table 10.8—Limitations on installation conditions αV, seis = -V---e---q--,-r--e--d---u--c--e--d-- (10-31) for adhesive anchors installed under continuous Veq special inspection and an on-site proof loading program*†‡ Installation conditions Table 3.1, Table 3.2, or Table 3.3 10.20.2 The reduction factor αV,seis shall be used to determine permitted optional reliability tests performed Vs,seis in accordance with 10.6.3. Report this value in Table 11.2 for load combinations that include seismic loads. 2c 2d 2g 2h 10.20.3 For a given anchor diameter, all embedment Installation in interior and exterior — — — — locations shall be permitted depths greater than the tested embedment depth shall be Installation in water-filled holes X — X — qualified at the value of Vs determined in accordance with shall be permitted 10.6. Use linear interpolation for the evaluation of Vs for embedment depths between the tested embedment depths. Installation in submerged concrete — X — X shall be permitted *Refer to Chapter 13 for quality control requirements. 10.21—Establishment of hole-cleaning procedures †Refer to Table 10.9 for limitations. R10.21 Hole-cleaning procedures are critical to the ‡Omission of less severe tests is permitted in specific cases. performance of most adhesive anchor systems. It is therefore The reduction factor αN,seis shall be used to critical that the hole-cleaning procedures used in the test determine τk,seis(cr,uncr) in accordance with Report program correspond to those given in the MPII. The ITEA these values in Table 11.2 for load combinations that include should receive no supplemental instruction regarding the seismic loading. installation of the adhesive anchor system beyond what is contained in the MPII. It is recognized that each laboratory 10.20—Assessment of performance under seismic may have varying levels of experience with respect to anchor shear (8.13) installations. Nevertheless, the evaluation of the adhesive anchor system should include a critical evaluation of the R10.20 The assignment of specific anchor shear strength effectiveness of the MPII as an instrument for ensuring reductions corresponding to seismic loading may be made correct anchor installation and the MPII should be viewed for specific anchor diameters. as a component of the adhesive anchor system, subject to quality control requirements and specifically linked to the 10.20.1 All anchors in a test series shall complete the test data generated as part of the qualification under this simulated seismic-shear load history specified in Table 8.3 standard. and Fig. 8.4. Failure of an anchor to develop the required shear resistance in any cycle prior to completing the specified 10.21.1 Hole-cleaning procedures given in the MPII shall loading history in Table 8.3 and Fig. 8.4 shall be recorded as correspond to the procedures used in the test program. If no hole an unsuccessful test. The mean residual capacity of the cleaning is used in the testing program, it shall be permitted to anchors in the test series shall be at least 160 percent of Veq, specify installation of the anchor without hole cleaning. as given by Eq. (8-5) or (8-8). 10.21.2 Report hole-cleaning procedures (refer to 7.5.3). Report successful completion of the cyclic loading history and fulfillment of the residual shear capacity 10.22—Establishment of on-site quality control requirement of this section together with an anchor capacity and installation conditions Vs,seis, equal to the characteristic value Vst, determined from the static shear test results to be reported in Table 11.2 for R10.22 Installation quality control is a critical component use in cases that include seismic loading. in ensuring achievement of the predicted design strengths. Two levels of quality control are provided. If the anchor fails to fulfill the aforementioned requirements at Veq, it shall be permitted to conduct the test 10.22.1 For restrictions on installation conditions based on the level of on-site quality control and reliability tests

QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY 51 Table 10.9—Limitations on use of adhesive anchors based on environmental conditions Reliability and service-condition tests performed Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Permitted use conditions 3 9a 9b 6 13a 13b 4 10a 10b — Applications limited to dry interior environments without — X — — X — — X — aggressive atmospheric conditions X Applications in interior or Without aggressive X X — X X — X X atmospheric conditions† exterior environments* With aggressive X X X X X X X X atmospheric conditions‡ * Use in exterior or aggressive exposure conditions is predicated on the appropriate steel type or coating. †Classification predicated on exposure to alkaline environment but no exposure to sulfuric atmosphere. ‡ Classification predicated on exposure to alkaline environment and sulfuric atmosphere. performed, refer to Tables 10.7 and 10.8. For the determination • Description of adhesive anchor system components of the anchor category, refer to 10.4.6. including constituent materials and markings. 10.22.2 Report the required installation conditions. • The MPII as used in the testing and evaluation of the adhesive anchor system, reproduced in full. 10.23—Assessment based on installation and environmental conditions • Special inspection requirements. • Anchor performance data in accordance with 10.3. 10.23.1 For use restrictions based on installation conditions • Limitations on installation conditions in accordance and environmental tests performed within the anchor assessment program, refer to Table 10.9. Report any use restrictions. with Table 10.7 or Table 10.8. • Limitations on use based on environmental conditions R10.23.1 The response of the adhesive anchor system to other environmental aggressors may be assessed. in accordance with Table 10.9. • Service temperature range. 10.24—Assessment for fire exposure • Restrictions on use with respect to concrete cracking as 10.24.1 Assessment of resistance to fire exposure shall be follows. based on a recognized national standard for the testing and ° This version applies where the anchor has been assessment of structural components under fire conditions. qualified in accordance with Table 3.1. Anchors are R10.24.1 Anchor testing under fire exposure conditions limited to installation in concrete that is uncracked typically consists of placing a static weight on the anchor in and may be expected to remain uncracked for the a burn chamber and measuring the time to failure for a service life of the anchor. specific time-temperature curve. While standards have been ° This version applies where the anchor has been issued for the testing and assessment of anchors for exposure qualified in accordance with Table 3.2 or Table 3.3. to fire, little guidance exists for the use of the resulting Anchors are permitted to be installed in concrete that resistance values in design. is cracked and may be expected to crack during the service life of the anchor. CHAPTER 11—DATA PRESENTATION 11.1—General requirements 11.3—Data presentation R11.3 Tables 11.1 and 11.2 are intended to express one Report the following information. 11.1.1 Presentation of the anchor evaluation shall include option for conveying the results of the assessment in tabular the reporting requirements of ASTM E488 and sufficient form. Other table configurations are permissible. The information for product identification, design, installation, adjustments on bond stress for temperature, environmental and quality control. exposure, and sustained tension loading may be expressed by listing the adjusted bond stress or including a properly 11.2—Contents of the evaluation report designated factor. In the sample tables, the symbol κ is used R11.2 It is important that all of the restrictions on use and for this purpose. special inspection requirements be included in the report, as 11.3.1 Report the data required by ACI 355.4M in the well as a true facsimile of the MPII used for the evaluation format shown in Table 11.1 or Table 11.2. The format may be program. modified as appropriate provided that the basic intent of the content of these tables is met. 11.2.1 The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: R11.3.1 The format provided is suggested. Other formats are permissible.

52 QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY Table 11.1—Sample format for reporting adhesive anchor data for anchors qualified for use in uncracked concrete only Anchor qualified per Table 3.1—Test program for evaluating adhesive anchor systems for use in uncracked concrete Anchor Criteria and Criteria manufacturer Anchor name* code(s) section of reference Symbol standard† Units‡ Anchor nominal diameters Anchor outside diameter da mm Hole diameter do mm Installation torque§ Tinst N-m Maximum permissible torque|| Tmax N-m Effective cross-sectional area of anchor element Ase mm2 Minimum specified yield fy ASTM F606 MPa strength Anchor bolt Minimum specified ultimate fut ASTM F606 MPa strength Bolt steel elongation at break — ASTM F606 % Bolt steel cross section — ASTM F606 % reduction at break Minimum specified yield fy,sl ASTM E8 MPa strength Anchor sleeve Minimum specified ultimate strength fut,sl ASTM E8 MPa Nominal steel tension strength of single anchor Ns N Strength reduction factor for tension steel failure φ — modes Nominal steel shear strength of a single anchor Vs N Strength reduction factor for shear steel failure φ — modes Effective embedment depth(s) hef mm Anchor category for continuous special inspection# — — Anchor category for periodic special inspection — — Characteristic limiting bond resistance in uncracked τk,uncr MPa concrete Adjustment for Temperature Category B κtemp B — Adjustment for exposure to sulfur κsulfur — Adjustment for sustained tension loading κsust — Minimum member thickness hmin mm Minimum anchor spacing smin mm Minimum edge distance cmin mm Critical edge distance cac mm Special reporting requirements *Trade name. For anchors distributed under multiple trade names, list all. †ASTM or ISO standards. ‡Fractional units shown. §Manufacturer’s recommended torque as applicable for adhesive anchors. ||Limit on torque as governed by bolt stress. #Includes proof load program.

QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY 53 Table 11.2—Sample format for reporting adhesive anchor data for anchors qualified for use in both cracked and uncracked concrete Anchor qualified per Table 3.2 or Table 3.3—Test program for evaluating adhesive anchor systems for use in cracked and uncracked concrete Anchor Anchor name* Criteria and Criteria manufacturer code(s) section of reference Symbol standard† Units‡ Anchor nominal diameters Anchor outside diameter da mm Hole diameter do mm Installation torque§ Tinst N-m Maximum permissible torque|| Tmax N-m Effective bolt tension area Ase mm2 Minimum specified yield strength fy ASTM F606 MPa Anchor bolt Minimum specified ultimate strength fut ASTM F606 MPa Bolt steel elongation at break — ASTM F606 % Bolt steel cross section reduction at break — ASTM F606 % Anchor sleeve Minimum specified yield strength fy,sl ASTM E8 MPa Minimum specified ultimate strength fut,sl ASTM E8 MPa Nominal steel tension strength of single anchor Ns N Strength reduction factor for tension steel failure modes φ Nominal steel shear strength of a single anchor Vs N Strength reduction factor for shear steel failure modes φ Effective embedment depth(s) hef mm Anchor category for continuous special inspection# — — Anchor category for periodic special inspection — — Characteristic limiting bond resistance in uncracked concrete τk,uncr MPa Characteristic limiting bond resistance in cracked concrete τk,cr MPa Adjustment for Temperature Category B κtemp B — Adjustment for exposure to sulfur κsulfur — Adjustment for sustained tension loading κsust — Minimum member thickness hmin mm Minimum anchor spacing smin mm Minimum edge distance cmin mm Critical edge distance cac mm Optional simulated seismic tests (Table 3.2 only) Adjustment for seismic tension loading κseismic — Nominal strength of a single anchor for seismic shear Vk,seis N loading Special reporting requirements *Trade name. For anchors distributed under multiple trade names, list all. †ASTM or ISO standards. ‡Fractional units shown. §Manufacturer’s recommended torque as applicable for adhesive anchors. ||Limit on torque as governed by bolt stress. #Includes proof load program. CHAPTER 12—INDEPENDENT TESTING AND demonstrated competence to perform the tests described in EVALUATION AGENCY REQUIREMENTS ACI 355.4M. The ITEA shall verify that all elements of the test program and analysis are in compliance with ACI 12.1—General requirements 355.4M and shall conduct or directly verify all procedures. The testing and evaluation of anchors under ACI 355.4M 12.2—Certification shall be performed or witnessed by an independent testing and The test reports and evaluation reports shall be certified by evaluation agency (ITEA) or agencies accredited under a licensed design professional (or equivalent technical competency where licensing provisions do not exist) and is ISO/IEC 17025 by a recognized accreditation body conforming employed or retained by the ITEA. to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. In addition to these stan- dards, listing of the ITEA shall be predicated on documented experience in the testing and evaluation of anchors according to ASTM E488, ASTM E1512, and ACI 355.2, including

54 QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY CHAPTER 13—QUALITY CONTROL inspector shall make regular inspections to confirm correct REQUIREMENTS handling and installation of the product. 13.1—Quality assurance program R13.3.3 Periodic special inspection refers to a more Anchors shall be manufactured under an approved quality intermittent form of inspection with special emphasis on the initial installations. assurance program with follow-up inspections by an inspection agency under ISO/IEC 17020 by a recognized accreditation 13.3.4 Proof loading program—Where required, a body conforming to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. program for on-site proof loading, that is, proof loading program, to be conducted as part of the special inspection shall 13.2—Quality control manuals be established by the engineer or design professional of record 13.2.1 For each product assessed in accordance with ACI and shall conform to the following minimum requirements. 355.4M, include a quality control manual complying with a 1. Frequency of proof loading based on anchor type, nationally accredited criteria for quality control systems for diameter, and embedment. each manufacturing facility supplying anchors for the marketplace. 2. Proof loads by anchor type, diameter, embedment, and location. 13.2.2 Inspections of the manufacturing facility shall be unannounced and shall be conducted quarterly. 3. Acceptable displacements at proof load. 4. Remedial action in the event of failure to achieve proof 13.3.3 Inspections shall assess conformance of ongoing production with the quality control manual on file. load or excessive displacement. Unless otherwise directed by the engineer or design 13.3—Special inspection professional of record, proof loads shall be applied as 13.3.1 Special inspection shall be provided in accordance confined tension tests ( Proof load levels shall not exceed the lesser of 50 percent of the expected peak load with the building code and ACI 355.4M. For each type of based on adhesive bond strength or 80 percent of the anchor anchoring system, the manufacturer shall submit inspection yield strength. Maintain the proof load at the required load procedures to verify proper usage. level for a minimum of 10 seconds. R13.3.4 Proof loading programs are traditionally R13.3.1 Special inspection is defined in ACI 318M as a func- included in the contract documents to enhance the quality tion performed by qualified special inspectors in the employ control for safety-related anchor installations. Significant of the owner or the owner’s agent. A distinction is made latitude is given to the engineer of record in determining the between continuous special inspection and periodic special parameters of the proof load program, which will depend in inspection. In the context of anchor installation, continuous large part on the type, size, and quantity of anchors being special inspection is generally understood to mean that the installed. inspector is present for each anchor installation. CHAPTER 14—REFERENCES 13.3.2 Continuous special inspection—Where required, a 14.1—Referenced standards and reports program for continuous special inspection shall conform to the following additional requirements. The standards and reports listed below were the latest The special inspector shall observe all aspects editions at the time this document was prepared. Because of the anchor installation with the exception of holes drilled in the absence of the special inspector, provided the special these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised inspector examines the drill bits used for the drilling and verifies the hole sizes. to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer As a minimum, verify the following items: to the latest version. 1. Hole drilling method in accordance with the MPII. 2. Anchor edge distance and spacing. American Concrete Institute 3. Hole diameter and depth. 4. Hole cleaning in accordance with the MPII. 318M Building Code Requirements for Structural 5. Anchor element type, material, diameter, and length. 6. Adhesive identification and expiration date. Concrete and Commentary 7. Adhesive installation in accordance with the MPII. 13.3.3 Periodic special inspection—Where required, a 355.2 Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical program for periodic special inspection shall conform to the following additional requirements. The special inspector Anchors in Concrete and Commentary shall verify the initial installations of each type and size of adhesive anchor by construction personnel on site in accor- American National Standards Institute dance with Subsequent installations of the same B212.15-94 American National Standard for Cutting anchor type and size by the same construction personnel shall be permitted to be performed in the absence of the Tools—Carbide-Tipped Masonry Drills and special inspector. Any change in the anchor product being Blanks for Carbide-Tipped Masonry Drills installed or the personnel performing the installation shall require an initial inspection in accordance with For ASTM International ongoing installations over an extended period, the special A193/A193M Standard Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications C31/C31M Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

QUALIFICATION OF POST-INSTALLED ADHESIVE ANCHORS IN CONCRETE (ACI 355.4M-11) AND COMMENTARY 55 C33/C33M Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates ISO 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various ISO 17025 Types of Bodies Performing Inspection C39/C39M Standard Test Method for Compression General Requirements for the Competence of Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Testing and Calibration Laboratories C42/C42M Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete 14.2—Cited references ACI Committee 355, 2007, “Qualification of Post- C150/C150M Standard Specification for Portland Cement Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete (ACI 355.2-07) C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and and Commentary,” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 31 pp. Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in ACI Committee 318, 2008, “Building Code Requirements Concrete for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-08) and Commentary,” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 473 pp. C881/C881M Standard Specification for Epoxy Resin Base ANSI/ASME B1.1, 1989, “Unified Inch Screw Threads Bonding Systems for Concrete (UN and UNR Thread Form),” ASME, Fairfield, NJ, 188 pp. C882/C882M Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Cook, R. A., and Konz, R. C., 2001, “Factors Influencing Bond Strength of Adhesive Anchors,” ACI Structural Epoxy Resin Systems Used with Concrete by Journal, V. 98, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., pp. 76-86. Slant Shear Eligehausen, R.; Cook, R.; and Appl, J., 2006, “Behavior and Design of Adhesive Bonded Anchors,” ACI Structural D1875 Standard Test Method for Density of Journal, V. 103, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., pp. 822-831. Adhesives in Fluid Form Eligehausen, R.; Mattis, L.; Wollmershauser, R.; and Hoehler, M., 2004, “Testing Anchors in Cracked Concrete,” D2556 Standard Test Method for Apparent Viscosity Concrete International, V. 26, No. 7, July, pp. 66-71. of Adhesives Having Shear Rate Dependent Fuchs, W.; Eligehausen, R.; and Breen, J., 1995, “Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Approach for Fastening Flow Properties to Concrete,” ACI Structural Journal, V. 92, No. 1, Jan.- Feb., pp. 73-94. E488/E488M Standard Test Methods for Strength of Spieth, H.; Ozbolt, J.; Eligehausen, R; and Appl, J., 2001, Anchors in Concrete Elements “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Post-Installed Rebars Spliced with Cast-in-Place Rebars,” Proceedings of E1252 Standard Practice for General Techniques for International Symposium on Connections between Steel and Concrete, Stuttgart, Germany, 1448 pp. Obtaining Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Zamora, N. A.; Cook, R. A.; Konz, R. C.; and Consolazio, Analysis G. R., 2003, “Behavior and Design of Single, Headed, and Unheaded Grouted Anchors under Tensile Load,” ACI E1512 Standard Test Methods for Testing Bond Structural Journal, V. 100, No. 2, Mar.-Apr., pp. 222-230. Performance of Bonded Anchors F1080 Standard Test Method for Determining the Consistency of Viscous Liquids Using a Consistometer International Organization for Standardization (ISO) EN ISO 6988 Metallic and Other Nonorganic Coatings— Sulfur Dioxide Test with General Condensa- tion of Moisture ISO 17011 Conformity Assessment—General Require- ments for Accreditation Bodies Accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies

American Concrete Institute® Advancing concrete knowledge As ACI begins its second century of advancing concrete knowledge, its original chartered purpose remains “to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading knowledge.” In keeping with this purpose, ACI supports the following activities: · Technical committees that produce consensus reports, guides, specifications, and codes. · Spring and fall conventions to facilitate the work of its committees. · Educational seminars that disseminate reliable information on concrete. · Certification programs for personnel employed within the concrete industry. · Student programs such as scholarships, internships, and competitions. · Sponsoring and co-sponsoring international conferences and symposia. · Formal coordination with several international concrete related societies. · Periodicals: the ACI Structural Journal and the ACI Materials Journal, and Concrete International. Benefits of membership include a subscription to Concrete International and to an ACI Journal. ACI members receive discounts of up to 40% on all ACI products and services, including documents, seminars and convention registration fees. As a member of ACI, you join thousands of practitioners and professionals worldwide who share a commitment to maintain the highest industry standards for concrete technology, construction, and practices. In addition, ACI chapters provide opportunities for interaction of professionals and practitioners at a local level. American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 U.S.A. Phone: 248-848-3700 Fax: 248-848-3701

Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete (ACI 355.4M-11) and Commentary The AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE was founded in 1904 as a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to public service and representing the user interest in the field of concrete. ACI gathers and distributes information on the improvement of design, construction and maintenance of concrete products and structures. The work of ACI is conducted by individual ACI members and through volunteer committees composed of both members and non-members. The committees, as well as ACI as a whole, operate under a consensus format, which assures all participants the right to have their views considered. Committee activities include the development of building codes and specifications; analysis of research and development results; presentation of construction and repair techniques; and education. Individuals interested in the activities of ACI are encouraged to become a member. There are no educational or employment requirements. ACI’s membership is composed of engineers, architects, scientists, contractors, educators, and representatives from a variety of companies and organizations. Members are encouraged to participate in committee activities that relate to their specific areas of interest. For more information, contact ACI. American Concrete Institute® Advancing concrete knowledge

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