by classklap SCIENCE WORKBOOK - TERM 3 Enhanced Edition 3 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 1 11-12-2019 16:00:11
Lesson Name Page No. 1) Our environment 1 2) Animal life 8 3) Air 16 23 Inside the Lab 25 Term Project PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 2 11-12-2019 16:00:12
Lesson 1: Our environment Concept Map Our environment Balanced ecosystem Main factors In a balanced ecosystem, the __________________ (1) – living biotic and abiotic factors are organisms in our environment E.g., lion, plantain, dove, human able to cycle the energy beings, etc. and food as per their needs. Abiotic factors – non-living things in Biotic factors in the ecosystem our environment E.g., air, soil, water, sunlight, Producers – They are temperature, etc. the green plants. Interaction between biotic and __________________ (3) – They are abiotic factors of three types, namely herbivores (plant-eating animals), carnivores All biotic factors depend upon abiotic factors. (flesh-eating animals) and omnivores (both plant-and flesh- Biotic and abiotic factors are linked to one another by the flow of energy. eating animals). _____________ (2) are the most _________________ (4) – They feed on important among all living organisms. wastes, dead plants and animals. Importance of planting trees Trees absorb harmful gases and smoke Trees provide oxygen for breathing. from the environment. Trees help in bringing rainfall. Trees give wood for making furniture. Trees provide food and shelter to living things. Trees offer a good habitat. 1 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 1 11-12-2019 16:00:13
Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following is an example of an abiotic factor? [ ] (A) tiger (B) sunlight (C) bird (D) human being 2) Which of the following is a primary producer? [ ] (A) plant (B) air (C) water (D) human being Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) ____________________ is the science that deals with the relationship between living things and their environment. 4) Plants make their own food through the process of ____________________. Match the Following (5M) Match the pictures with the right biotic factors. 5) a) herbivores 6) b) carnivores 7) c) omnivores 8) d) producers 9) e) decomposers Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 2 11-12-2019 16:00:25
Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Name one unicellular organism that can alter its shape. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Write two examples for biotic and abiotic factors. (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 12) List the abiotic factors needed for insects. (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 13) What are the biotic factors of a balanced ecosystem? (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 14) Why are plants called primary producers? (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) What are parasitic plants? Give an example. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Our environment 3 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 3 11-12-2019 16:00:27
Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 16) Write any three differences between living and non-living things. (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. Living things Non-living things 17) When is an ecosystem said to be balanced? Mention one example of each biotic factor in an ecosystem. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Classify the following into ‘biotic factors’ and ‘abiotic factors’. plants, temperature, insect, soil, air, birds Ans. Biotic factors Abiotic factors 4 11-12-2019 16:00:27 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 4
Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Explain what consumers are. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Question (3M per question) 20) What can we do to create awareness among people regarding planting trees and conservation of plants? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 21) Write any four benefits of plants. (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Our environment 5 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 5 11-12-2019 16:00:27
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 22) Vijay placed two things, ‘P’ and ‘R’ (one living and one non-living), in separate cages with food and water. Number of weeks Weight of ‘P’ Weight of ‘R’ Week 1 2 kg 1.5 kg Week 2 4 kg 1.5 kg Week 3 6 kg 1.5 kg Week 4 8 kg 1.5 kg a) Which thing is likely to be a living thing? Give a reason for your answer. b) What will be the weight of the living thing in week 6? (Textbook, Pg. 70) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6 11-12-2019 16:00:27 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 6
Long Answer Question (4M per question) 23) Here is a diagram showing the interaction between the biotic and abiotic factors for human beings. Collect images for the missing factors and paste them on the blank boxes. Also, write the names of the factors. Ans. Air Human beings Our environment 7 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 7 11-12-2019 16:00:28
Lesson 2: Animal life Concept Map Animal life Animals in different environments Foods of animals land (terrestrial) habitat Animals depend on plants or other plant-eating animals for their food. plains – rat, cow, camel, hen, etc. Classification based on eating habits forests – deer, fox, bear, bison, etc. herbivores – animals that eat only water (aquatic) habitat plants _____________________ (1) habitat _________________ (2) – flesh-eating pond, lake and river animals omnivores – animals that eat both E.g., tortoise, mussel, fish, crab, plants and flesh etc. Mouth parts of different animals sea water habitat tongue in dogs and cats sea and ocean trunk in elephants E.g., shark, jelly fish, sea snake, tube-like structure(proboscis) in butterflies star fish, etc. needle-like structure in mosquitoes ______________ (4) tongues in Food chain lizards and frogs beaks in birds A food chain usually starts with plants and ends with carnivores or omnivores. A food ___________ (3) is an interconnection of multiple food chains. 8 11-12-2019 16:00:29 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 8
Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following is an omnivore? [ ] [ ] (A) lion (B) cow (C) bear (D) seal 2) Which of the following is an amphibious animal? (A) crow (B) toad (C) monkey (D) fish Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) A _______________ is a natural home for wildlife. 4) Animals that hunt other animals are called _______________. Match the Following (5M) Match the birds with the beak they have. 5) a) spear-like beak 6) b) flat beak 7) c) short conical beak 8) d) hooked sharp beak 9) e) strong chisel beak Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Animal life 9 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 9 11-12-2019 16:00:34
Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Land and water are common habitats. What is a habitat? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Give an example of a food chain. (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 12) What does an elephant use for picking up food and sucking water? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) When is World animal day observed? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 14) Why do animals move from place to place? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) Nectar is the food of butterfly. Then, what is the food of earthworm? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 16) Is human an omnivore or carnivore? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 17) Which of the following is a terrestrial animal, an ant or a shark? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 18) Why is a monkey called an arboreal animal while a crow is called an aerial animal? 10 11-12-2019 16:00:35 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 10
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19) Why do animals move in search of food? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20) Differentiate an herbivore from a carnivore. (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. Herbivore Carnivore 21) Classify the following into ‘fresh water animal’ and ‘sea water animal’. crab, star fish, shark, mussel, tortoise, jelly fish Ans. Fresh water animal Sea water animal Animal life 11 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 11 11-12-2019 16:00:36
Long Answer Question (4M per question) 22) Explain what a food chain is with an example. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Question (3M per question) 23) Have you observed butterflies and mosquitoes? How do they collect their food? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 24) Shubham saw a parrot, an eagle and a duck and he noticed that the birds had different types of beak. Help him understand why those birds have different beaks. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 12 11-12-2019 16:00:36 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 12
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 25) Complete the food chains. a) ________ → caterpillar → __________________ → __________ b) grass → __________________ → ___________ → snake → ___________ Long Answer Questions (4M per question) 26) Complete the food web by drawing lines. Ans. Animal life 13 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 13 11-12-2019 16:00:36
27) Collect and paste the pictures of terrestrial animals and aquatic animals in the following boxes. Ans. Terrestrial animals 14 11-12-2019 16:00:36 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 14
Aquatic animals Animal life 15 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 15 11-12-2019 16:00:37
Lesson 3: Air Concept Map Air Properties of air Uses of moving air Air occupies _______________. (1) Air moves and pushes things. Hot air rises up. Air is required for burning things. Air has weight. Air exerts pressure. Breathing Moving air (wind) _______________ (2) – the process of breeze – a gentle wind taking air into the body sea breeze – the breeze that exhalation – the process of blows from the sea towards the releasing air out of the body land during ____________ (3) time land breeze – the breeze that blows from the land towards the sea during night time storm – a strong wind ____________ (4) – a very strong wind 16 11-12-2019 16:00:38 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 16
Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) What is a gentle wind called? [ ] (A) gale (B) breeze (C) storm (D) wind mill 2) Through which of the following does a fish breathe? [ ] (A) leaves (B) lungs (C) gills (D) brain Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) We take in _______________ during inhalation. 4) The speed of wind is measured using an instrument called an _______________. Match the Following (5M) Match the picture of each experiment with the property of air that it shows. 5) a) Air moves and pushes things. 6) b) Air has weight. 7) c) Air exerts pressure. 8) d) Air occupies space. 9) e) Hot air rises up. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Air 17 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 17 11-12-2019 16:00:40
Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Write the use of windmill. (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) What is breathing? (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 12) Write the processes involved in breathing. (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Write the types of wind based on the speed of air. (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 14) Differentiate between land breeze and sea breeze. (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. Land breeze Sea breeze 15) Circle the odd one and answer the question. Balloon, Cycle tube, Football, Cricket ball Why is it different from the rest? (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18 11-12-2019 16:00:41 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 18
16) Circle the odd one and answer the question. Kite, Balloon, Stone, Feather Why ___________ differs from the rest? (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 17) Why do clouds move in the sky? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 18) What are the properties of air? (Textbook, Pg. 102) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19) Why can we not live without air? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20) Differentiate between a storm and a gale. Ans. Storm Gale PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 19 Air 19 11-12-2019 16:00:41
Long Answer Question (4M per question) 21) Explain the different types of wind. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 22) When you place your finger on top of a straw and pull the straw out of a liquid, the liquid remains in the straw. Why? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 23) What happens to the volume of our chest when we breathe in and out? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 24) Describe an experiment with a diagram to prove that ‘Air is required for burning.’ Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20 11-12-2019 16:00:42 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 20
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 25) Identify the inhalation and exhalation process in the given diagram. What are the different parts involved in the process of breathing? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Air 21 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 21 11-12-2019 16:00:42
Long Answer Question (4M per question) 26) Write the correct name to identify each breeze and explain the movement of hot air and cold air in each case. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22 11-12-2019 16:00:43 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 22
Inside the Lab See how we breathe Make sure you do this activity only with You will need: the help of your teacher or an adult. three balloons, a pair of scissors, a knife, a large plastic bottle, two straws (that can be bent), clay and duct tape. You need to: a) b) Bend the straws at an angle. Insert the bent ends of the straws inside c) the balloons as Attach the straws to shown in the picture. each other forming a Secure them using ‘Y’ shape as shown in the duct tape. the picture. d) Add a ball of clay around the straight ends of the straws, leaving the holes of the straws open as shown in the picture. e) Place the straws in a bottle, and secure the opening of the bottle with clay as shown in the picture. f) 23 Cut the bottom of the bottle. Remove the neck of a 11-12-2019 16:00:44 balloon. Stretch the balloon to cover the bottom of the bottle. Secure it with a rubber band as shown. (The teacher should help the learners while cutting.) PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 23
f) Cut the bottom of the bottle. Remove the neck of a balloon. Stretch the balloon to cover the bottom of the bottle. Secure it with a rubber band as shown. (The teacher should help the learners while cutting.) g) Now, blow air into the straws. What do you see? When the air comes out from the bottle, what do you see? The balloons in the bottle act as the lungs, and the balloon that is stretched at the bottom of the bottle acts as the diaphragm. When you blow air into the balloons, they expand. When the air comes out of the balloon, they return to their normal size. This is how we breathe in and breathe out air. 1) How can we explain the process of breathing using the model prepared? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 24 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 24 11-12-2019 16:00:46
Term Project Web of life Make sure you do this activity only with the help of your teacher or an adult. Let us create food chains using picture cards of animals. You will need: scissors, gum, chart papers, pictures of different plants/plant parts like grass, vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses and pictures of animals. (Example: earthworm, grasshopper, rabbit, deer, elephant, wolf, lion, tiger, eagle, frog, fish, snake, hen, crow, crane, duck, squirrel, cow, cat, dog, mouse and human being.) You need to: a) Use a pair of scissors to cut the chart paper into equal-sized pieces. (Take help of teacher/adult while cutting.) b) Paste the pictures of plants and animals on the chart paper pieces to make picture cards. Your game cards are ready. c) Find out how many different combinations of food chains you can form using them. For example, grass, grasshopper, frog, snake and eagle will form one chain, while plant, rabbit and wolf will be another chain. 25 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 25 11-12-2019 16:00:48
1) What are the roles of producers, consumers and decomposers in a food chain? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 26 11-12-2019 16:00:49 PNC_G3_SCI_T3_WB.indb 26
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