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Class 4 Part 1 2 Module 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 R2 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 5 Module 5 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55 R3 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 74 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 4 3/19/2018 10:45:30 AM

Module 2 PR Vocabulary Q Antonyms Exercise 3.1: Complete the crossword puzzle with the antonyms of the words given in the clues. You can also use the pictures as hints. 1 2 3 4 Clues: Across Down 2) an antonym for ‘idle’ 1) an antonym for ‘beautiful’ 3) an antonym for ‘bitter’ 2) an antonym for ‘top’ 4) an antonym for ‘adult’ 3) an antonym for ‘deep’ 14 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 18 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct antonyms of the words in brackets. 1) It is very __________________________ here. (cool) a) cold b) warm c) sleepy d) wet 2) Please meet me __________________________ dinner. (after) a) during b) at c) before d) eating 3) __________________________ to my room. (go) a) Come b) Going c) Look d) Sleep 4) This dress is very __________________________. (cheap) a) light b) cold c) expensive d) inexpensive 5) He came __________________________ in the race. (last) a) middle b) first c) home d) in the end 6) He travels by bus __________________________. (seldom) a) today b) often c) sometimes d) always Grammar Punctuation Rohan received an e-mail from his pen friend in Thiruvananthapuram. He opened the mail in excitement. Here is the e-mail. hi rohan, how are you i want to invite you to the onam celebrations at my house onam is an important harvest festival it is celebrated for ten days yippie i am so excited to think that you may join us for onam this year do tell me about your plans waiting eagerly to hear from you, rajam Module 2 15 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 19 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM

The e-mail completely puzzled Rohan. Rajam had written it in a hurry. He had missed adding commas, question marks and full stops. He had also not used capital letters where needed. Insert the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. Rewrite the e-mail so that the message is clearer to Rohan.  Punctuation marks are the traffic signals of writing. They help us to pause, stop and start our sentences. They are symbols that make a written message clearer and reduce miscommunication. They are used to structure and organise writing. Punctuation mark Usages Examples It is placed at the end of a sentence or I will travel tomorrow. It is too statement. late to travel today. Full stop It is placed at the end of a question. Where are we going? Question mark 16 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 20

Punctuation mark Usages Examples It is used to separate: •  H e bought vegetables, •  words or items in a list. milk, fruits and cheese from the market. Comma •  the person addressed. •  Rohan, sit down. •  It is placed at the end of sentences •  W hat a beautiful beach! that display emotions (happiness, excitement, frustration, anger and so on). •  It is placed after interjections. An •  W ow! This room is so big. interjection is used to express a Exclamation mark sudden burst of feeling or emotion. An interjection is usually punctuated with an exclamation mark. Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the correct usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days • M y birthday is in September. I : the word ‘I’ • I go to church on Sundays. N : n ames of people, states, cities • I bought a new pencil. and countries – proper nouns • I live in Pune. T : titles of books and movies • M y friend Sandeep lives in Kochi in Kerala. S : start of sentences • I plan to visit Norway next month. • I am going to watch Titanic tonight. • My favourite book is Black Beauty. • I have a new friend. Her name is Fatima. Module 2 17 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 21 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM

Exercise 4.1: Punctuate and rewrite the given paragraph. Use capital letters wherever needed. One line is done for you. ben was a kind and smart boy he had many pets ben had a dog a few cats fish and even a lizard his latest pet was a guinea pig named martin why do you think ben loved having so many pets Ans. Ben was a kind and smart boy. Exercise 4.2: Rewrite the following sentences with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. 1) why are you going now.  Ans. Why are you going now? 2) i will give you the Key tomorrow Ans.   3) How beautifully she sings. Ans.   4) Do you want to buy the small. medium or large shirt! Ans.   18 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 22 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM

5) Oops. I dropped the cup, Ans. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6) rajeev usman. and tina went to delhi during their holidays? Ans. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 23 Module 2 19 3/19/2018 10:45:31 AM

R2 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Anandi looked excited. ‘OK Papa, which places will we visit tomorrow?’ she asked. Manohar said, ‘We will visit Anjuna, Candolim and Calangute beaches tomorrow. We will also visit a few churches. We will go to the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa and the church of St Francis of Assisi. Let us go back to the hotel and take rest now.’ The family had a quiet dinner at the hotel. They enjoyed the traditional food of Goa: fish curry, rice and Arroz Doce, a pudding. Sharat and Anandi sat next to their parents on the bed before going to sleep. Sharat asked curiously, ‘Papa, tell us more about Goa.’ Manohar said, ‘Goa is India’s smallest state in terms of area and fourth smallest in terms of population. It is located on the western coast of India along the Arabian Sea. It is renowned for its beautiful beaches. Tourists from all over India and other countries flock here for an unforgettable experience. Panaji is the capital of Goa. The other important city is Margao. Isn’t all this interesting?’ The children nodded, ‘Yes, Papa’. ‘Konkani is the official language here. Marathi, Hindi and Portuguese are also spoken here by the people. So you can learn Konkani here, children.’ 1) Which beaches were Anandi’s family going to visit in Goa? Ans.   2) Where is Goa located? Ans.  50 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 54 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

.  3) Write the noun forms of the following words: a) traditional – ______________________________ b) excited – ______________________________ c) beautiful – ______________________________ 4) The opposite of ‘unforgettable’ is  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) official a) the residents of a place 2) population b) famous or well-known 3) renowned c) formal Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Welcome to the Arctic! It is a cold and windy area around the North Pole. The Arctic includes the Arctic Ocean and the land near it. Snow and ice cover the ground for most of the year. Walruses, polar bears and snowy owls are a few animals that live in this habitat and survive the cold. A walrus spends most of its time in the icy water. It has a thick layer of blubber or fat under its skin to keep itself warm. When a walrus swims, its blood flows away from its skin to the important organs inside its body. This helps to keep the walrus warm. Its skin also turns white. When it is warm again, its skin turns pink. A polar bear has special fur to keep itself warm. Each strand of hair is shaped like a straw. The shape helps to direct sunlight towards the bear’s black skin that collects and holds in heat. 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 55 Reading Comprehension 51 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

A snowy owl has two layers of feathers that cover its entire body. The bottom layer, which is soft and fluffy, is called 'down'. The outer layer of feathers is thick. In strong winds, the snowy owl may hide on the ground behind a pile of snow or rocks to block the wind. 1) Which are the animals that live in the Arctic? Ans. 2) What happens when a walrus swims? Ans. 3) Underline the adjectives in the sentences given below. Write what types of adjectives they are. a) The Earth has two poles. Ans. b) Walruses have a thick layer of blubber. Ans. c) There is a lot of snow and ice in the Arctic. Ans. 4) The meaning of ‘blubber’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) habitat a) soft, fine feathers 2) down b) continue to live under difficult conditions 3) survive c) the natural home of an animal 52 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 56 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

Module 5 PR Vocabulary Q Suffixes Exercise 3.1: Choose the correct suffix from between ‘-ment’ and ‘-tion’. Make new words by combining the base words with the correct suffixes. Base word Suffix New word 1) agree 2) attract 3) appoint 4) suggest 5) pay 6) invent Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks by using the correct suffix from between ‘-tion’ and ‘-ment’ in each case. Use the base words in brackets as hints. 1) Mira is moving in the ________________________________ (direct) of the campus. 2) Z aheer showed a marked ________________________________ (improve) in his writing skills. 3) T he ________________________________ (argue) continued for two hours and stopped only after Rita accepted defeat. 4) B urying a person alive was a harsh ________________________________ (punish) given by rulers in olden times. 5) T he ________________________________ (construct) site had a crane as well as a bulldozer. 6) M y old grandmother needs to take medicines after every meal for proper ________________________________ (digest). Module 5 55 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 59 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

Grammar Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns. Read the passage and underline the adjectives. State whether these are adjectives of quality, quantity or number. Allan is a tall boy. He is wearing a new T-shirt. This is the fifth T-shirt he was gifted this year. He really loves his toy cars. Allan has seven toy cars. Allan carries some water and a little milk when he goes out to play. Ans. __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Remember • A djectives of quality point out the quality of nouns. They answer the question: ‘of what kind?’. Examples: blue sky, lovely day, noisy street, large room, old shirt • Adjectives of quantity tell us ‘how many’ or ‘how much’. Examples: some, a little, all, several, much, many, a lot of, plenty of, few • A djectives of number tell us about the number or position of nouns or pronouns spoken about. They tell us ‘how many’. Examples: five, seventeen, twenty-four, tenth 56 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 60

Exercise 4.1: Read the paragraph and underline the adjectives. Sort them into adjectives of quality, quantity and number. One is done for you. Adnan was excited. He was going to the market by himself for the first time. He entered the busy market and went to a shop. He bought some juice and three packets of biscuits. He had enough money to buy these things. Adjectives of quality excited Adjectives of quantity Adjectives of number Degrees of comparison Read the following sentences: Delhi is cold during winter. Shimla is colder than Delhi Leh is the coldest of the during winter. three cities. • In the first sentence, ‘cold’ is an adjective that simply describes the weather of Delhi during winter. • In the second sentence, the adjective ‘colder’ compares the weather of Shimla and Delhi during winter. • In the third sentence, the adjective ‘coldest’ is used to compare the weather of Delhi, Shimla and Leh during winter. It also shows which city is the ‘most cold’ among the three. To show comparison, adjectives change their forms. These forms are also known as degrees of comparison. Module 5 57 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 61 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

The three degrees of comparison cold • T his is the positive degree of an adjective. It is used when we describe something or someone and not for making a comparison. Examples: clever, strong, small • T his is the comparative degree of an adjective. It is used while comparing two nouns or pronouns. • W e can make a comparative degree by simply adding ‘-er’ to an adjective. colder Examples: cleverer, stronger, smaller • T he word ‘than’ is also used during comparisons. Example: Ramu is quicker than Mohan. • T his is the superlative degree of an adjective. It is used to compare more than two things. • It can be formed by adding ‘-est’ to the positive degree. Examples: cleverest, strongest, smallest coldest • W e use the word ‘the’ before the superlative degree. Example: Rakesh is the quickest boy in the class. • T he word 'among' is used when we compare more than two things or people. It also compares one person or thing in a group to the other people or things in the same group. Example: Jalebis are the sweetest among all the Indian sweets. Let us now look at the degrees of comparison of a few adjectives. Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree short shorter shortest long longer longest smart smarter smartest old older/elder oldest/eldest 58 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 62 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree rich richer richest weak weaker weakest new newer newest Exercise 4.2: Complete the table with positive, comparative or superlative degrees of the given adjectives. One is done for you. Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree 1)     quick quicker quickest 2) _____________________ _____________________ oldest/eldest 3) _____________________ younger 4) poor _____________________ 5) bright _____________________ _____________________ 6) _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ strongest 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 63 Module 5 59 3/19/2018 10:45:33 AM

R3 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. There was an old king who liked to ride his elephant to town just after sunrise. After the rides, he would send the elephant to its trainer and his wife, who would bathe and feed it. One day, the king fell ill, and his son decided to sell the elephant to the circus. The elephant was very sad. Its trainer said, ‘Don’t be sad. You will be taught many tricks, and you will be happy to see the children who will love you.’ True enough, as soon as he entered the ring, the children clapped their hands and called out to him. Everybody loved the elephant, and he was happy travelling across the country with the circus. On one of his trips, he arrived at his old hometown. His wish to see his trainer and the king grew stronger every day. One day, he ran away from the circus and reached the palace. He was shocked to see it broken and empty! The elephant turned back, and tears rolled down his eyes. Suddenly, he heard someone call his name. He looked back and saw his trainer. Immediately, he ran towards him, lifted him onto his back and went back to the circus. Everybody was happy to see the elephant. The trainer joined the circus and helped in training the other elephants. 1) Whom would the king send the elephant to after the rides? Ans.   74 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 78 3/19/2018 10:45:34 AM

2) What did the king’s son decide to do when his father fell ill? Ans.   3) Write the correct subject and object pronouns for each of the words given below. a) king – ___________________________ b) palace – ___________________________ c) wife – ___________________________ 4) A word from the passage that rhymes with ‘guide’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) trainer a) unexpectedly 2) shocked b) coach 3) suddenly c) felt upset and surprised Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. It was a bright and sunny morning. A large group of young boys gathered in the forest with their bows and arrows. But they were not ordinary boys. They were the five Pandavas and the hundred Kauravas. A fierce rivalry between them had begun to grow when they were just children. The royal children learnt the skills of using weapons from Dronacharya. He was one of the greatest warriors of his time. He had learnt the secret of powerful weapons from Parasurama. Reading Comprehension 75 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 79 3/19/2018 10:45:34 AM

The Pandavas and the Kauravas were quick to learn. Each of them had his own favourite weapon. Duryodhana and Bhima favoured the mace and Yudhisthira the spear. Arjuna was fascinated by bows and arrows. The twins Nakula and Sahadeva were most comfortable with swords. The guru treated all his disciples equally. However, he liked Arjuna the most because Arjuna practised his art with great concentration. Soon, he became the best archer among all. Duryodhana and his brother Dushasana did not like this and openly criticised their guru for favouring Arjuna. As a reply to their criticism, Dronacharya arranged for a test to pick out the best archer from among them. On that day, Guru Dronacharya asked the students to gather by the forest near his ashram. He had placed a wooden bird with a clearly painted eye on one of the trees. The task was to hit the wooden bird in the eye. 1) What was Yudhisthira’s choice of weapon? Ans. 2) Who was the best archer? Ans. 3) Write the comparative forms of the adjectives given in brackets to fill in the blanks. a) R am’s house is ____________________________ to the school than Mohit’s house. (near) b) This painting is ____________________________ from here than it is from there. (clear) c) This bird has ____________________________ colours on its wings than the other birds. (bright) 4) T he word from the passage that means ‘did again and again to get better at . something’ is 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) rivalry a) preferred 2) favoured b) disapproved 3) criticised c) competition 76 51704106_BGM_9789387888036_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 80 3/19/2018 10:45:34 AM

Class 4 Part 2 7 Module 7 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 8 Module 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 R4 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 R5 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 63 12 Module 12 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 4 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Module 7 PR Vocabulary Q Use of ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ The words ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’ sound exactly like one another but have very different meanings. To: It is a preposition that helps to express direction or to show a particular condition. Examples: • He went to the market early yesterday. • Rida likes to eat laddoos. Two: It is the number name for 2. Examples: • Chanda has eaten two biscuits today. • Two of his friends were laughing loudly. Too: It means ‘also’ or ‘to a large degree’. Examples: • Neha loves chocolates, and I love them too. • This house is too large for us. Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with ‘to’, ‘two’ or ‘too’. 1) Romila had ________________ meet Shyam in the morning. 2) Zaheer saw ________________ lovely roses bloom in his garden. 3) I was invited to a party, and my sister was ________________. 4) Climb ________________ the top, and wave the flag. 5) He has gone ________________ far this time. 6) His father came home and gave him ________________ oranges. Module 7 3 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 7 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Exercise 3.2: In the following sentences, the underlined words have been used incorrectly. Rewrite the sentences using the correct words. 1) My mother went two Shillong last month. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Ravi likes too come back home early from office. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) To of those apples are ripe and juicy. Please give me both. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Mary hates nursery rhymes. Her sister, Jane, hates them to. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Raza’s father brought too beautiful pens from his shop. One was blue, and the other was red. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Peter wants two be a surgeon when he grows up. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 8

Grammar Verbs and helping verbs In the previous classes, we have learnt about main verbs and helping verbs. Remember ► V erbs are action words. They show the action that the noun does or the state of being of the noun. Examples: a) Corla cooks very well. b) Subhash lives in Assam. ► H elping verbs do not show any action but help the main verb to complete its meaning. They also add detail or show the state of being of the noun. Helping verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. Examples: a) We were going to the park. b) There is a forest here. Underline the main verbs and circle the helping verbs in the sentences given below. •  Do you know my name? •  She is doing her best. •  Ravi and Sam are best friends. •  I am making eggs for dinner. Modal verbs (ability and permission) Read the following sentences: May I use your phone, Could my sister come along I can swim for an hour, but please? too? my brother cannot. Module 7 5 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 9 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Observe the use of ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ in these sentences. They are used by speakers to seek permission or to show ability. The word ‘cannot’ shows a lack of ability to do something. These words are called modal verbs. What are modal verbs? Modal verbs, or helping verbs, give additional information about the main verbs that follow them. Let us learn about the modal verbs of ability and for permission. Modal verbs of ability Positive Negative Question Can (ability in I can play the guitar Reema cannot play table Can you speak the present) very well. tennis. Spanish? Megha could not write Could (ability in Gina could walk when until she was seven. Could you read or the past) she was just eleven write before you months old. were six? Modal verbs for permission (more formal) Asking for permission Giving permission Saying someone has permission May May I borrow your You may borrow book? my book. Students may borrow Could an extra book from the Might (extremely library tomorrow. formal) Could I take a leave – – tomorrow? M ight I give an idea? – – Modal verbs for permission (less formal) Saying someone has Asking for permission Giving permission permission Can Can I watch the play You can watch the You can use the spare pencils kept in the tonight? play. box. 6 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 10

Note: To use a modal verb in its negative form, add ‘not’ between the modal verb and the main verb. Examples: •   You may not leave early today. •   She cannot ride a bicycle. Exercise 4.1: Choose the correct modal verbs for the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) I cannot pick up this 2) ______________________ I ask a 3) W hen I was a child, I box; it is very heavy. question, please? ______________________ do (less formal) a headstand. a) cannot a) Could b) may not b) Can a) can c) might not c) May b) could c) may 4) ______________________ 5) H e ______________________ 6) You ______________________ I leave early? (extremely speak fluently in English when go home if you like. (less formal) he came here two years ago. formal) a) Can b) Might a) cannot a) can c) Could b) could not b) might c) may not c) may NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 11 Module 7 7 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Subject-verb agreement A sentence is made up of three parts. Sentence Subject Verb Object It is what or whom the It is the activity or action It is the bearer of the sentence is about; it is of the subject. action; it is the somebody who does the thing or the person who action. is acted upon. Now, read the following sentences. •  He cook dinner for his family. •  The girls walks to college every day. •  Your sister talk a lot for her age.  •  The children swims well. You will notice that all these sentences seem unclear. They just do not sound correct! Identify the subjects and the verbs in these sentences. You will find that they do not go together. Remember ► In a correct and meaningful sentence, the subject should be in line with its verb. This means that the subject and verb should agree. ► This is known as subject-verb agreement. Rules of subject-verb agreement Rule 1: A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Examples: •  The boy throws a ball. 8 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 12

Rule 2: Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either... or’ and ‘neither... nor’ require a • singulTahrevbeorby.s throw a green ball. InHootwheervwero,ridf os,nteheosfuthbejetcwt oansudbtjheectvseisrbplmuruasltaangdreisecilnosneurmtobtehre. main verb than the singular subject, then the verb will be plural. Examples: •  My uncle or aunt is arriving today. •  Neither Mary nor her children want to come to the park. •  Either my brother or sister has made the bed. Rule 3: Use a plural verb with two or more subjects connected by ‘and’. Examples: •  Kabir and Suman are friends. •  Meher and Mihir go to school together. Remember ► We add ‘-s’ to make nouns plural and remove the ‘-s’ to make them singular. However, with verbs, we need to add ‘-s’ to make them singular and remove the ‘-s’ to make them plural. ► Use the helping verbs ‘is’, ‘does’ and ‘has’ with singular nouns. ► Use the helping verbs ‘are’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ with plural nouns. NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 13 Module 7 9 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Let us now correct the sentences we read earlier.  H e cook dinner for his  H e cooks dinner for his family. family. ‘He’ is a singular subject, so the singular verb ‘cooks’ should be  Your sister talk a lot for used. her age.  Y our sister talks a lot for her age.  T he girls walks to college every day. A gain, ‘sister’ is a singular subject that takes the singular verb ‘talks’.  T he girls walk to college every day.  T he girl walks to college every day. ‘Girls’ is a plural subject, while ‘walks’ is a singular verb. To correct the sentence, we should use ‘walk’, which is a plural verb, or ‘girl’, which is a singular subject.  T he children swims well.  T he children swim well.  T he child swims well. ‘Children’ is a plural subject, so we should use 'swim', which is the plural form of the singular verb ‘swims’. We can also use the singular subject ‘child’ instead. Exercise 4.2: Choose the correct forms of the verbs from the given options and fill in the blanks. One is done for you. 1) My friend talks a lot. (talk/talks) 2) The old woman and old man ___________________________ (looks/look) healthy. 3) Either the girl or the boy ___________________________ (rides/ride) this cycle. 4) My neighbour ___________________________ (drives/drive) a taxi. 5) The athletes ___________________________ (runs/run) five kilometres a day. 6) Neither my mother nor father ___________________________ (have come / has come) home yet. 10 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 14 6/30/2018 11:31:09 AM

Module 8 PR Vocabulary Q Words related to art Exercise 3.1: Solve this crossword puzzle about different forms of art. Use the clues given under the puzzle. 12 3 4 5 Across – _____ u _____ _____ c 1) nice to listen to – p h _____ t _____ _____ r a _____ h y 5) done with a camera 18 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 22 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

Down – s _____ e t _____ _____ 2) made with a pencil – s _____ _____ g _____ 3) can be sung – _____ a n _____ _____ 4) performed alone or in a group – _____ a i _____ _____ ______ n g 5) done with paints during free time Exercise 3.2: Find the names of six Indian dance forms in the word search below. Use the pictures as hints. K AMK UCH I P U D I V R C bhangra A X A P A P DQX F NAV P N kathakali T P Y X X UQX Z QH YMU S H I T H T D T CH T U KG I P kathak A F AA E V I RCR U I L I L K N NWN B V K DCMA H A D GX AQ L F Q T H B K J F A P D J T R N X N I CA A K K OQ V F AOA S P NH VN L S GN V R R MM U R T G B L Q Y K I L E A Z D I AMAN I P U R I CXH I X K S X E F S NNA Z UWB R E H J J KOHC L D Y HOQ Z P OCN I M P I E A X B HANGR AV Z T G E Y F A manipuri kuchipudi bharatanatyam Module 8 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 23 19 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

Grammar Tenses Simple present, simple past and simple future tenses Meet Siya and read her story. Hi! I am Siya. I live in Chennai, and I study in Class 4. I love to read, swim and travel. We travelled to Bengaluru last month. I went with my parents and my younger brother. Bengaluru is a beautiful city. For our stay, we visited many historical places and gardens. For our next vacation, we will visit Delhi. My grandparents live in Delhi. Together, we will travel to Mathura. Isn’t that exciting? Notice that Siya is talking about actions that happen every day or are generally true, actions that have taken place earlier (in the past) and actions that will take place later (in the future). Just like Siya, when we communicate, we refer to the present time, the time in the past and the time in the future. In other words, we use tenses. Tenses Present tense Past tense Future tense  I live in Chennai.  We travelled to Bengaluru.  We will visit Delhi. 20 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 24

Let us revise the simple present, simple past and simple future tenses. Simple present Simple past Simple future  subject + base verb  subject + past tense form  subject + will/shall + (‘-s’/‘-es’) + object of verb + object base verb + object  The verbs in this tense  The verbs in this tense  The verbs in this tense show habits and ideas refer to actions that have refer to actions that will that apply in general or already happened. happen in the future. as a rule. (goes, plays, sings, (‘went’, ‘played’, ‘sang’, (‘will go’, ‘will play’, ‘will dances) ‘danced’) sing’, ‘will dance’) Examples: Examples: Examples: •  I play with my friends •  I played with my friends •  I will play with my friends every day. at school yesterday. at school tomorrow. •  Rita goes to tennis •  Rita went to tennis •  Rita will go to tennis practice daily. practice at 4:00 p.m. practice at 4:00 p.m. •  The Sun rises in the east. Let us look at more sentences in the three tenses. Simple present Simple past Simple future We go for a walk every We went for a walk last We will go for a walk every morning. morning. morning. You eat dosas for breakfast You ate dosas for breakfast You will eat dosas for every day. yesterday. breakfast on Thursday. He will watch a movie on He watches a movie every He watched a movie last night. night. Friday. They go on a family picnic They went on a family picnic They will go on a family every year. last week. picnic tomorrow. Module 8 21 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 25 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

Present continuous tense The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are taking place now. How should we form sentences in the present continuous tense? Children are playing in the garden. subject is/am/are object ‘-ing’ form of verb Past continuous tense The past continuous tense is used to refer to actions that were going on at a particular time in the past. These actions were in progress in the past. How should we form sentences in the past continuous tense? Children were playing in the garden. subject was/were object ‘-ing’ form of verb Exercise 4.1: Convert the tenses of the sentences according to the instructions in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Rishav is happy to be home. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans. Rishav will be happy to be home. 22 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 26

2) Seema rode to school on her bicycle. (Change this to the simple present tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3) My best friend will come to school. (Change this to the present continuous tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4) Gita and Rita play in the park. (Change this to the simple past tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 5) The dog barked at the stranger. (Change this to the past continuous tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6) I visit my cousins at their homes. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Present perfect tense Afreen has finished her painting. I have seen the movie. You have passed your exam. These sentences describe actions that have just finished in the present. Such actions are written in the present perfect tense. Module 8 23 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 27 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

► The present perfect tense links the present and the past. ► It reports news or describes ► It also talks about actions or completed actions (past) that are situations that have started in the important now. past and continue in the present. Example: Example: � I have passed the exam. � He went to India in 2012. He has lived there ever since.  UasUn‘eswde‘ehs‘’hia,na‘sgt’vhuweela’iytrw’hnait‘ohnhude‘nI’’p,,s.l‘‘usyhroaeul ’’n,,o‘iut’ns. A sentence in the present perfect tense looks like this: subject + have/has + past participle form + object of verb Kavya + has + completed + the project. Here is a list of the past participle forms of some common verbs. Base verb Past tense form Past participle form be was, were been beat (is, am, are) beaten beat 24 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 28

Base verb Past tense form Past participle form begin began begun sing sang sung break broke broken bite bit bitten blow blew blown choose chose chosen come came come dive dove dived go went gone eat ate eaten draw drew drawn do did done fall fell fallen freeze froze frozen give gave given grow grew grown see saw seen NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 29 Module 8 25 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

Base verb Past tense form Past participle form lay laid laid spend spent spent bend bent bent Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with the present perfect forms of the verbs. One is done for you. 1) I have read (read) the newspaper today. 2) She ____________________________________ (be) nervous all day. 3) They ____________________________________ (see) this play before. 4) Josh ____________________________________ (call) them three times today. 5) We ____________________________________ (spend) all our money. 6) I ______________________ just ____________________ (eat) my dinner. 26 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 30

R4 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Last Sunday, little Phulmani went to watch a jatra with her parents. She was thrilled to watch it. The next day, when she narrated the story of the performance to the class, her teacher said that jatra is actually a kind of folk theatre. This kind of theatre is performed under different names in different parts of our country. It is called ‘tamasha’ in Maharashtra, ‘nautanki’ in northern India and ‘jatra’ in Bengal. Most of these folk theatre forms are based on mythological incidents or characters. India also has a rich heritage of classical dance forms, and each deals with a mythological narrative. The dancers wear colourful costumes and dance in harmony with music. Kathak is a dance of northern India, while Bharatanatyam, Mohiniattyam, Kuchipudi and Kathakali are all from southern India. Manipuri and Odissi are dance forms of eastern India. Such a wide variety of dance forms cannot be found anywhere else in the world. 31 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 35 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

Phulmani came to know that Indian kings and rulers patronised classical music and dance in their courts. Emperor Akbar loved to listen to the songs of Tansen. Our country is so big that we have many different styles of classical music like Hindustani and Carnatic. Each of these styles began in temples and developed down the ages. 1) What did the teacher say a ‘jatra’ was? Ans. 2) Whose songs did Emperor Akbar like to listen to? Ans. 3) Rewrite the sentences by correcting the spelling and punctuation errors. a) i am very found of signing and dancing. Ans. b) My favorite dance is kathak I like bharatanatyam to. Ans. c) I want to partisipate in a dance compitition next ear, Ans. 4) T he word from the passage that means ‘relating to or based on folk tales and myths’ is . 32 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 36

5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) character a) supported or sponsored 2) heritage b) a role in a play 3) patronised c) c ultural traditions that are passed down through generations Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Little Meera was a disobedient child. Despite being only eight years old, she pretended to be a grown-up. She would hardly listen to her parents or her elder sister Keira, who was twelve. Her parents and teachers were tired of trying to correct her. Her mother kept complaining to her father about her. ‘What a disobedient girl! She asks me, “What’s the use of sending me to school when I can figure out everything on the internet?”’ exclaimed Mrs Thomas to her husband. Reading Comprehension 33 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 37 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

‘Give that tiny one some time. She is only eight and doesn’t know how tough life can get.’ In the evening, while Meera was watching how to make a grilled-chicken sandwich on the internet, she requested her mom to make one for her. ‘What’s the use of making a sandwich, Meera? You can just grab a bite from the internet!’ ‘Mom! How can I do that? It’s a screen. I will hurt my teeth instead.’ ‘Exactly! The internet can help you see and hear but not taste, touch or feel. You can learn a lot from it, but you can’t taste a sandwich or get the feel of a classroom from the other side of the screen. I hope you understand the difference between the real world and the world of computers.’ ‘Yes, Mom! Now can we please have some sandwiches?’ The happy family of four had a delicious snack of some grilled-chicken sandwiches. As the parents sipped their tea, Meera settled down at her study table and completed her homework happily. What more could her parents ask for? 1) What kind of a child was little Meera? Ans.   2) What did Meera’s mother want her to understand? Ans.   3) Write the genders (masculine/feminine/neuter/common) of the following nouns. a) Keira –  b) teacher –  c) sandwich –  34 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 38

4) The anagram of ‘brag’ from the passage is  . (Hint: Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of other words.) 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) disobedient a) cooked lightly on a grill 2) exclaimed b) unwilling to obey 3) grilled c) spoke with strong emotion NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 39 Reading Comprehension 35 6/30/2018 11:31:10 AM

R5 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. ‘It is a wonderful book, Maa’, Barun replied happily. ‘I am reading about Rakesh Sharma right now.’ ‘So you are reading about the first Indian to go to space’, said his mother. She sat on the bed beside her son and asked him, ‘Have you read about Kalpana Chawla?’ Barun hadn’t. So, he started reading about Kalpana Chawla in the evening. Kalpana Chawla was born in 1962 in Karnal in the state of Haryana. Nicknamed ‘Montu’ by her family, she went to school at the age of three. Later, she studied Aeronautical Engineering at Punjab Engineering College, India. In 1982, Kalpana went to the USA to study at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1988, she became a research scientist at the NASA Ames Research Centre in Sunnyvale, California. NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 67 63 6/30/2018 11:31:11 AM

In November 1996, Kalpana joined the STS-87 mission aboard space shuttle Columbia. The shuttle took off in November–December 1997, during which Kalpana spoke with the then Prime Minister of India, Mr Inderjit K Gujral, from the orbit. On 16th January 2003, Kalpana went into space again. She was on board the space shuttle Columbia. After a successful flight, Columbia was lost with its crew during reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere on 1st February 2003. A hill on Mars and a star in deep space have been named after Kalpana. Her story shows the value of hard work and sincerity that is remembered even after one’s time. 1) Who was the first Indian to go to space? Ans. 2) Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Ans. 3) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the options given in brackets. a) B arun started reading about Kalpana Chawla _____________________ (on/in) the evening. b) S he was _____________________ (next to / among) a group of astronauts who travelled to outer space. c) The rocket flew _____________________ (over/with) the Earth’s atmosphere. 4) Another word for ‘answered’ in the passage is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) space shuttle a) honesty 2) crew b) spacecraft 3) sincerity c) team 64 6/30/2018 11:31:11 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 68

Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Kite flying is one of the world’s oldest sports. No one knows for certain who invented kites. Some historians believe that the Egyptians were the first to fly kites. Ancient Egyptian carvings depict men flying objects attached to strings. Some believe that the Ancient Greeks invented kites, while some others believe that the Chinese made the first kites. In China, people used to fly different coloured kites to send different messages. Throughout the centuries, kites have been used for various purposes. Once, a Chinese emperor who had been imprisoned was saved by a kite. His followers flew a huge kite over the tower in which the emperor was imprisoned. Recognising the kite, the emperor took hold of the huge ropes hanging from the kite and flew away to freedom. Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove that lightning is a form of electricity. He flew a kite in a thunderstorm and was almost killed when lightning travelled down the wet string and lit up his instruments. The kite was also responsible for the invention of aeroplanes. The Wright brothers flew many kinds of kites and studied their movements before making the first aeroplane. Also, the first aeroplane was a huge kite glider that was specially made to carry an engine and a person. NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 69 Reading Comprehension 65 6/30/2018 11:31:11 AM

1) Which is one of the world’s oldest sports? . Ans.   2) Who used a kite to prove that lightning is a form of electricity? Ans.   3) Write the past tense forms of the given words from the passage. a) fly   – ___________________________ b) make   – ___________________________ c) take   – ___________________________ 4) The meaning of the word ‘ancient’ is  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) invented   a) a period of hundred years 2) historian   b) created for the first time 3) century   c) someone who studies and records history 66 6/30/2018 11:31:11 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 70

Module 12 PR Vocabulary Q Antonyms You have learnt that antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Exercise 3.1: Complete the crossword with the help of the clues given. One is done for you. Note: The answers are the opposites of the words in bold given in the clues. 1M 2O L 5  L D 3X E 4  L S T 6  O Across Down 2) I think it was a very brave act. 1) Rajeev was boastful of his victory. 3) This is a very cheap watch. 4) The pond is quite deep. 6) The knot is tight. 5) We didn’t know that we would win. Exercise 3.2: Write the antonyms of the words given below. 1) rough  × ________________________ 2) narrow      × ___________________________ 3) swift   × ________________________ 4) advantage × ___________________________ 5) likely  × ________________________ 6) necessary  × ___________________________ Module 12 81 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 85 6/30/2018 11:31:12 AM

Grammar Types of sentences Given below are some sentences. Sort them under the correct sentence types in the table given below. •  15th August is our Independence Day. •  I can’t wait for the party! •  M eet me at 8:00 p.m. sharp. •  Where is my new bag? •  M y favourite colour is blue. •  Speak softly! •  Do you want tea or coffee? •  Suddenly, the tiger jumped in front of our jeep! Declarative sentences Interrogative sentences Exclamatory sentences Imperative sentences 82 6/30/2018 11:31:12 AM NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 86

Let us revise the four different types of sentences. Types of sentences Declarative sentences: They make statements and end with a full stop (.). Example: We are going to watch a movie.  Interrogative sentences: They ask questions and end with a question mark (?). Example: Will you come for a movie?  Exclamatory sentences: They show excitement or a strong feeling. They end with an exclamation mark (!). Example: •  What an entertaining movie!   • Ouch! I hurt my knee.  Imperative sentences: They give commands or make requests. They end with a full stop (.) or an exclamation mark (!). Examples: •  Karan, please drive me to the movie theatre.     •  Behave politely! Remember The four sentence types are as follows: 1) Statements (.) – declarative sentences 2) Questions (?) – interrogative sentences 3) Exclamations (!) – exclamatory sentences 4) Commands or requests (.) or (!) – imperative sentences Note: When exclamatory sentences start with Examples: • How beautiful is the rain! ‘what’ or ‘how’, there is a slight change • What a match! in the usual order of words in the sentence. Module 12 83 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 87 6/30/2018 11:31:12 AM

Exercise 4.1: Identify the type of each sentence and fill in the table. One is done for you. Sentence Type 1) What a great playwright Shakespeare was! exclamatory sentence 2) Have you read Shakespeare’s Macbeth? 3) Tell me the story in brief. 4) J apan is a small but highly advanced country. 5) How colourful the rainbow is! 6) Did he practise any new ragas? Exercise 4.2: Rewrite each sentence in the type given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) What a sharp-eyed detective Sherlock Holmes was! (declarative) Ans. Sherlock Holmes was a sharp-eyed detective. 2) It is very unfortunate. (exclamatory) Ans.   3) The boy in the blue shirt has won the match. (interrogative) Ans.   4) Can you solve these sums? (declarative) Ans.   84 NR_BGM_9789387888043_Summit G4 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 88 6/30/2018 11:31:12 AM

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