Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of the Alpine series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. The Alpine series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the prescribed board curriculum. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The larger aim of the curriculum regarding Mathematics teaching is to develop the abilities of a student to think and reason mathematically, pursue assumptions to their logical conclusion and handle abstraction. The Alpine Mathematics textbooks and workbooks offer the following features: S tructured as per Bloom’s taxonomy to help organise the learning process according to the different levels involved Student engagement through simple, age-appropriate language Supported learning through visually appealing images, especially for grades 1 and 2 Increasing rigour in sub-questions for every question in order to scaffold learning for students W ord problems based on real-life scenarios, which help students to relate Mathematics to their everyday experiences Mental Maths to inculcate level-appropriate mental calculation skills Stepwise breakdown of solutions to provide an easier premise for learning of problem-solving skills Supplemental practice questions included at the end of each chapter, for revision and exam preparation Overall, the IMAX Alpine Mathematics textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to enhance logical reasoning and critical thinking skills that are at the heart of Mathematics teaching and learning. – The Authors
Recall Aims at revising the prerequisite knowledge for the concept from the previous year/chapter/concept/term Remembering and Understanding Provides opportunities for practising the basic elements involved in the learning of the concept Application Applies the understanding of the concept to questions related to real-life scenarios Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Extends the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills Practice Questions Aims at revising the chapter with supplemental practice questions
1 Shapes 1 1.1 Vertices and Diagonals of Two-dimensional Shapes 7 2 Patterns 14 18 2.1 Patterns in Shapes and Numbers 24 3 Numbers 28 34 3.1 Count by Thousands 3.2 Compare 4-digit Numbers 39 43 4 Addition 49 4.1 Estimate the Sum of Two Numbers 54 4.2 Add 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers 59 4.3 Add 2-digit Numbers Mentally 64 5 Subtraction 5.1 Estimate the Difference between Two Numbers 5.2 Subtract 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers 5.3 Subtract 2-digit Numbers Mentally 6 Multiplication 6.1 Multiply 2-digit Numbers 6.2 Multiply 3-digit Numbers by 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers 6.3 Double 2-digit and 3-digit Numbers Mentally
Chapter 1 Shapes Concept 1.1: Vertices and Diagonals of Two-dimensional Shapes Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The shape of is a _________. [] (A) circle (B) square (C) rectangle (D) triangle ] 2) A triangle is a _________ figure. (C) both (A) and (B) [ (A) 2D (B) closed (D) open 3) The shape of is a _________. [] (A) square (B) rectangle (C) triangle (D) circle & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The point where at least two sides of a figure meet is called a/an _____. [ ] (A) line (B) diagonal (C) vertex (D) edge 5) A straight line that joins the opposite vertices of a closed figure is called a/an _________. [] (A) vertex (B) diagonal (C) line (D) edge 1
DC 6) The diagonals in are _________. [ ] (D) AB, DC AB Diagonals (A) AB, BC (B) AD, CB (C) AC, BD Fill in the Blanks 7) A triangle has diagonals. 8) A circle has vertices. 9) A square and a rectangle have vertices. Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the unique feature of a square? Solution: 11) How many vertices does a triangle have? Solution: 12) How many diagonals does a circle have? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Complete the following table. Shape Vertices PQ SR 14) Complete the following table. Shape Vertices Diagonals A DB C 2
Long Answer Questions A B 15) Look at the figure and answer the following questions. D C a) How many vertices does it have? Name them. b) Name the diagonal from A. Solution: 16) Draw a square WXYZ and answer the following questions. a) Name the vertices. b) Name the diagonals. Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) Complete the following table. Shapes Number of vertices Number of diagonals Shapes 3
18) Complete the following table. Shapes Number of vertices Number of diagonals Long Answer Questions 19) Look at the picture given and answer the following questions. a) What is the shape of this object? b) How many sides does it have? c) How many diagonals does it have? d) How many vertices does it have? Solution: 20) What is the shape of the given picture? Find the number of: a) sides b) diagonals c) vertices Solution: 4
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Name a 3-dimensional figure that has the following: a) a circular base b) a rectangular base Solution: Long Answer Question GF 22) Look at the figure and answer the following questions. D CH E a) What is the shape? b) Name the vertices. AB c) Name the edges. d) Name the faces. Solution: Practice Questions 1) State the diagonals, sides and vertices of the given figure. BC E AD Shapes 5
2) Draw an open figure. 3) Name the vertices, diagonals of the given figure. 4) Name three 2-dimensional shapes. 5) Can we draw a diagonal AC in ABC? 6) Find the number of vertices and diagonals in each of the following. a) square b) rectangle c) circle d) triangle 7) Find the basic shape of: a) a TV b) a mobile phone c) a ball d) a notebook 8) How many pieces do you find in a tangram puzzle? 9) How many rectangular faces does the following shapes have? a) cube b) cuboid 10) How many vertices does a cone have? 6
Chapter 2 Patterns Concept 2.1: Patterns in Shapes and Numbers [] Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a pattern that is usually found on carpets? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which of the following is a pattern of window grills? [] (A) (B) 7 (C) (D)
3) Which of the following is a pattern that is found in nature? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which of the following patterns shows alternate circle (O) and triangle ( )? [ ] ] (A) (B) AABBAABB EE (C) (D) 5) What is the set of basic shape(s) in the pattern ? [ (A) (B) (C) (D) 6) Which number will come next in the pattern: 4, 10, 16, 22? [] (A) 20 (B) 26 (C) 28 (D) 30 8
Fill in the Blanks 7) 2, 4, ______, ______, 10, 12, 14 8) 20, 30, ______, ______, 60, 70, 80 9) A pattern using two squares and one triangle can be ________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Draw the set of basic shape(s) in the pattern given. Solution: 11) Create a pattern using the given three shapes: Solution: 12) Complete the given growing pattern. 110,120 ________, ________, 150,160,170… Short Answer Questions 13) What is a pattern? Draw a pattern using the given two figures. Solution: 14) Do number patterns follow the rules? If yes, name any two types of number patterns? Solution: Patterns 9
Long Answer Questions 15) Complete the next four terms in the following patterns. a) 4, 8, 12, ______, ______, ______, ______. b) 6, 9, 12, ______, ______, ______, ______. c) 11, 22, 33, ______, ______, ______, ______. d) 21, 24, 27, ______, ______, ______, ______. 16) Complete the following patterns by writing the next four numbers in each. a) 8, 16, 24, ______, ______, ______, ______. b) 7, 14, 21, ______, ______, ______, ______. c) 12, 24, 36, ______, ______, ______, ______. d) 13, 26, 39, ______, ______, ______, ______. Application Short Answer Questions 17) Find and draw the basic tile in the following tile patterns. a) b) Solution: 18) Look at these tile patterns. Draw the shapes used in these patterns. a) b) 10
Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) What is the shape of the basic tile in the following patterns? a) b) c) d) Solution: 20) What is tiling? Where do we see tiling? Do we see tiling patterns in parking areas? Solution: Patterns 11
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Complete the following patterns. a) 1A, 6B, 11C, _______, _______, _______. b) 1A, 5C, 9E, _______, _______, _______. Long Answer Question 22) Form patterns by following the given rule. a) Rule: Repeat each shape twice. Basic shapes: b) Rule: Begin with 2, add 2 and subtract 1 alternately. Solution: 12
Practice Questions 1) Name a pattern in nature. Complete the patterns by giving the next three terms from questions 2 to 7. 2) 3) 4) a) 23, 43, 63... b) 49, 42, 35... c) 9, 18, 27... c) 10, 100, 1000... 5) a) 739, 729, 719... b) 156, 153, 150... c) 2, 22, 222... c) 25, 30, 35... 6) a) 1, 4, 7... b) 2, 6, 10... 7) a) 12, 24, 36... b) 11, 21, 31... Find the basic shapes in each of the following tile. 8) 9) 10) Using the given shape, write a rule and make a pattern that follows that rule. Patterns 13
Chapter 3 Numbers Concept 3.1: Count by Thousands Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The smallest 3-digit number is ______________. [ ] ] (A) 100 (B) 999 (C) 101 (D) 900 ] 2) The number name for 425 is ______________. [ (A) four hundred and fifty-two (B) four hundred and five (C) four hundred and twenty-five (D) four hundred and fifty-five 3) The digit in the tens place of the number 482 is ______________. [ (A) 6 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 8 & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The standard form of 4000 + 400 + 40 + 4 is ______________. [ ] (A) 4004 (B) 4040 (C) 4444 (D) 4440 5) If one represents 100, then represent ___________. [ ] ] (A) 250 (B) 300 (C) 350 (D) 200 6) The smallest 4-digit number is ______________. [ (A) 9999 (B) 1000 (C) 100 (D) 999 14
Fill in the blanks 7) The form in which a number is written as the sum of the place values of its digits is called its __________________________________. 8) The place value of 9 in 9320 is _______________________________. 9) The number name of 5060 is _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Expand 4378. Solution: 11) Write the standard form of 6000 + 300 + 1. Solution: 12) Write the number name of 3852. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Write the expanded form and the number name of 1798. Solution: 14) Write the expanded form of 8136. Write the number in words. Solution: Numbers 15
Long Answer Questions 15) Write 3000 + 400 + 60 + 5 in its standard form. Show the number on abacus and write its number name. Solution: Th H T O 16) Write the expanded forms of the following numbers. Write their number names. a) 6021 b) 2138 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) F orm a number with 8 in the thousands place, 3 in the hundreds place, 7 in the tens place and 4 in the ones place and write its number name. Solution: 16
18) F orm a number with 6 in the thousands place, 1 in the hundreds place, 4 in the tens place and 9 in the ones place and write its number name. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Mona has four notes of ` 2000, five notes of ` 100, one note of ` 10 and four coins of ` 1. How much money does she have? Write the amount in figures and words. Solution: 20) The number of students in different schools is given below: St. Anns: 4621 Global: 3275 Akshara: 6485 Balaji: 8216 Narayana: 2120 a) How many students are there in Akshara school? Write the number in words. b) How many students are there in Balaji school? Write the number in words. Solution: Numbers 17
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Show these numbers on the abacus by drawing beads. a) 1725 b) 1003 Solution: a) b) Th H T O Th H T O Long Answer Question 22) A 4-digit number has 6 in the thousands place and 4 in the hundreds place. The digit in the tens place is 2 less than the digit in the thousands place. The digit in the ones place is 1 less than that in the hundreds place. Find the number. Solution: Concept 3.2: Compare 4-digit Numbers [ ] [ ] Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The largest number among the following is ____________. (A) 3165 (B) 169 (C) 68 (D) 7204 2) The smallest number among the following is ___________. (A) 3 (B) 302 (C) 30 (D) 320 18
3) Choose the correct symbol to complete the statement: 346 ______ 3046 [ ] (A) < (B) > (C) = (D) + & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The greater among the following numbers is ____________. [ ] [] (A) 215 (B) 3610 (C) 0631 (D) 512 [] 5) The smallest 4-digit number is ____________. (A) 1001 (B) 1000 (C) 1100 (D) 1010 6) The greatest 4-digit number is ____________. (A) 9999 (B) 9000 (C) 999 (D) 1000 Fill in the Blanks 7) The smallest number among 3150, 5013, 5130, 5031 is ____________. 8) The greatest number among 3150, 5013, 5130, 5031 is ____________. 9) Fill in the blank with <, > (or) = symbol. 6512 ________ 5261 Very Short Answer Questions 10) Which is the greater of the numbers 5265 and 5652? Solution: 11) Compare the numbers using the symbols <, > (or) =. 4612 ______ 4626 12) Which is the greater number? six thousand three hundred and ninety-two, six thousand three hundred and ninety-eight Solution: Numbers 19
Short Answer Questions 13) Write the smallest and the largest 4-digit numbers among 2400, 4200, 2200 and 4400. Solution: 14) Write the smallest and the largest numbers among 1478, 9240, 2584, 8362 and 1024. Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Write the smallest and the largest numbers in: a) 863, 3972, 183 and 748 b) 462, 2973, 324 and 268 Solution: 16) W rite the smallest and the largest of the given numbers. Compare them using the symbols <, > or =. a) 7021, 7822, 7321, 7429 and 7676 b) 1468, 1486, 1386, 1368 and 1485 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) A rrange 4305, 4906, 4005 and 4126 in ascending order and write the smallest number. 20
Solution: 18) 4732 people visited a park on Friday and 6382 people visited it on Sunday. On which day did fewer people visit the park? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Form 4-digit numbers using 4, 5, 2 and 3, by repeating the two smallest digits. Find the largest and the smallest among them. Solution: 20) Arrange the following numbers in ascending and descending orders. a) 2061, 2160, 2601, 1620, 1260 b) 8139, 8913, 8391, 8816, 8618 Solution: Numbers 21
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Emma arranged the numbers 6523, 1642, 1872 and 3219 in the ascending order as 1872 < 1642 < 3219 < 6523. Harsha arranged them as 1642 < 1872 < 3219 < 6523. Find out who is correct and explain why. Solution: Long Answer Question 22) A 4-digit number lies between 9990 and the largest 4-digit number has the sum of its digits as 33. Find the number. Solution: 22
Practice Questions 1) What is the standard form of the number if its expanded form is 100 + 80 + 2? 2) Find the digit in the hundreds place of: a) 3810 b) 4623 c) 1124 3) T he first 4-digit number has 4 in the thousands place and 2 in the ones place. The second 4-digit number has 3 in the thousands place and 3 in the ones place. Which number is smaller? 4) W hat is the number if its number name is seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-one? 5) Compare: a) 3109 and 3190 b) 4621 and 4343 6) What is the expanded form of the number if it has 9 in the hundreds place, 2 in the thousands place, 1 in the ones place and 0 in the tens place. 7) F orm the greatest and the smallest numbers having the digits 1, 0, 8 and 6 (with and without repeating the digits. 8) O n an abacus, there are 4 beads in the thousands place, 1 bead in the ones place, 2 beads in the tens place and 9 beads in the hundreds place. What is the number? 9) Write the number name of: a) 6617 b) 2987 c) 3373 10) Which of the numbers 1859 and 1850 is greater? 11) Which of the numbers 2212 and 2211 is smaller? 12) Give the expanded form of: a)1990 b) 2318 c) 7898 13) Which of the numbers 5728 and 5827 is greater? 14) Arrange the numbers in ascending and descending orders. eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, eight thousand three hundred and ninety-seven, eight thousand three hundred and ninety-eight 15) T here are 1126 Science books and 1189 Maths books in the library. Write the number names of each of the books. Numbers 23
Chapter 4 Addition Concept 4.1: Estimate the Sum of Two Numbers Recall Multiple Choice Questions [] 1) Write the missing number: 24 + 42 = __6 [] (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 6 (D) 7 [] 2) The sum of 200 and 300 is ___________. (A) 500 (B) 300 (C) 600 (D) 100 3) 800 + 20 = ________ (A) 800 (B) 802 (C) 280 (D) 820 & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The value of 37 rounded off to the nearest tens is ________________. [ ] ] (A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 3 (D) 10 ] 5) The value of 82 rounded off to the nearest tens is ________________. [ (A) 90 (B) 85 (C) 100 (D) 80 6) The value of 165 rounded off to the nearest tens is ________________. [ (A) 160 (B) 150 (C) 170 (D) both (A) and (C) Fill in the Blanks 7) The estimated sum of 45 and 27 is _________. 24
8) The value of 78 rounded off to the nearest tens is _______. 9) The value of 51 rounded off to the nearest tens is _______. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Estimate the sum of 15 and 21. Solution: 11) Estimate the sum of 26 and 24. Solution: 12) Estimate the sum of 81 and 11. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Estimate the sum of 354 and 235. Solution: 14) Estimate the sum of 567 and 312. Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Estimate the sums of the following: a) 384 + 297 b) 416 + 261 Solution: Addition 25
16) Estimate: a) 224 + 567 b) 623 + 327 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) Zeenat has 46 red roses and Kittu has 22 yellow roses. Estimate the total number of roses they have. Solution: 18) Appu has 57 pencils and Rahmat has 43 pencils. Estimate the total number of pencils they have. Solution: 26
Long Answer Questions 19) Andy found 48 white seashells and 54 pink seashells. He put them in Basket A. Nargis found 23 white seashells and 57 pink seashells. She put them in Basket B. Estimate the total number of seashells in each basket. Solution: 20) In a fair, Sarah sold 39 orange cotton candies and 27 purple cotton candies. Sakshi sold 17 orange cotton candies and 46 purple cotton candies. Estimate the total number of candies that each of them sold. Solution: Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Priya collected 456 stamps and Riya collected 289 stamps. Estimate the total number of stamps they collected. Addition 27
Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Manish has 381 game tickets and 215 movie tickets. Karthik has 472 game tickets and 328 movie tickets. Estimate the total number of game and movie tickets. Solution: Concept 4.2: Add 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Addition of two or more numbers, by writing one below the other is called ] _________________________.[ ] (A) horizontal addition (B) vertical addition (C) vertical multiplication (D) vertical subtraction 2) The sum of 100 and 200 is ________________. [ (A) 400 (B) 300 (C) 600 (D) 200 28
3) The sum when we carry forward the first digit while adding the ones digits would be ____________________. [] (A) 10 (B) less than 10 (C) greater than 10 (D) both (A) and (C) & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which digit should we carry forward if the addition in the tens place is 13? ] [ (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 13 (D) 4 5) What do we first add while adding two 3-digit numbers? [] (A) the digits in the ones place (B) the digits in the tens place (C) the digits in the hundreds place (D) all the digits 6) In addition, if the sum of the digits in the tens place is more than 9, we have to carry it forward to the ______________________. [] (A) ones place (B) thousands place (C) hundreds place (D) tens place Fill in the Blanks 7) The sum of the numbers 222 and 444 is ____________. 8) The sum of 1100 and 2200 is ____________. 9) If the sum of the digits in the hundreds place is more than 9, we have to carry forward to the ______________________ place. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Add 1111 and 1002. Solution: 11) Add 4100 and 4200. Solution: Addition 29
12) What is the sum of 200 and 800? b) 1282 and 1117 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Find the sum of: a) 5375 and 2103 Solution: 14) Add: a) 2543 and 6345 b) 1463 and 2336 Solution: Long Answer Questions b) 7728 + 2036 15) Solve: a) 569 + 483 Solution: 30
16) Solve the following: b) 3898 + 5783 a) 7866 + 1684 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) Noah has 269 pens and Ali has 832 pens. How many pens do they both have? Solution: 18) Maya’s garden has 673 roses. Mia’s garden has 978 roses. How many roses are there in the two gardens? Solution: Addition 31
Long Answer Questions 19) Jhansi gave ` 3609 to his daughter and ` 2630 to his son to buy books. How much money do they have altogether? Solution: 20) Fazila has 2668 marbles and Sukhman has 5651 marbles. How many marbles do they both have together? Solution: 32
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Frame a word problem from the given addition fact: 168 + 172 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) School A has 1205 students. School B and School C have 2211 and 1671 students respectively. What is the total number of students in the three schools? Solution: Addition 33
Concept 4.3: Add 2-digit Numbers Mentally Recall (D) 5 [] (D) 7 [] Multiple Choice Questions (D) 12 [] 1) The sum of 2 and 3 is _____________. (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 2) The sum of 7 and 1 is _____________. (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 8 3) The sum of 8 and 3 is _____________. (A) 11 (B) 10 (C) 9 & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions [ ] 4) The sum of the ones digits of 21 and 35 is _____________. [ ] (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 [ ] 5) The sum of the tens digits of 23 and 52 is _____________. (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 4 6) The sum of 22 and 11 is _____________. (A) 33 (B) 43 (C) 53 (D) 11 Fill in the Blanks 7) While adding mentally, first we add the digits in the ____________ place. 8) The sum of 21 and 11 is _________. 9) The sum of 31 and 13 is _________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Find the sum of 22 and 44 mentally. Solution: 34
11) Find the sum of 45 and 42 mentally. Solution: 12) Find the sum of 54 and 41 mentally. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Add mentally: a) 11 and 80 b) 43 and 53 Solution: 14) Add mentally: a) 42 and 31 b) 36 and 43 Solution: Long Answer Questions c) 56 and 52 d) 88 and 77 15) Add the following mentally. a) 64 and 65 b) 85 and 52 Solution: 16) Add the following mentally. c) 64 and 46 d) 35 and 77 a) 92 and 45 b) 75 and 53 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) Ziri scored 37 marks in Term 1 and 51 marks in Term 2 in Mathematics. What is his total score in both the terms? Solve mentally. Solution: Addition 35
18) Section A of Class 3 has 41 students and Section B has 43 students. What is the total number of students in Class 3? Solve mentally. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Sugatha has 22 red roses and 39 pink roses. How many roses does she have in all? Solve mentally. Solution: 20) Manju has 63 white sheets and 42 yellow sheets of papers. How many sheets of paper does she have in all? Solve mentally. Solution: Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Add mentally: 17, 26 and 37 Solution: Long Answer Question b) 65, 48, and 27 22) Add mentally: a) 52, 12 and 31 Solution: 36
Practice Questions 1) Add mentally: a) 42 and 89 b) 23 and 57 c) 46 and 28 2) Estimate the sum of: a) 14 and 16 b) 12 and 13 c) 10 and 15 3) Add: a) 187 and 379 b) 231 and 123 c) 436 and 122 4) Find the sum of: a) 481 and 194 b) 232 and 431 c) 298 and 113 5) A man earned ` 1842 on Day 1 and ` 5829 on Day 2. How much did he earn on both the days? 6) Solve: a) 2193 + 2200 b) 4131 + 4131 c) 1180 + 2000 7) Add: a) 4719 and 1110 b) 2767 and 3000 c) 4652 and 2222 8) Ravi has ` 578 and Sunita has ` 212. Estimate the total amount they both have. 9) Round off to the nearest 10s: a) 81 b) 26 c) 32 10) What is the sum of: a) 4819 and 3582 b) 4673 and 1987 c) 3982 and 3783 11) There are 298 students in Grade 1 and 190 students in Grade 2. What is the total number of students in both the grades? 12) Estimate the sum of: a) 125 and 457 b) 126 and 453 c) 271 and 483 13) Solve: a) 5829 + 1000 b) 6783 + 2000 c) 3000 + 2896 14) Rajesh spent ` 1219 and Amar spent ` 5820. How much total amount did they spend together? 15) A factory manufactured 4829 nuts and 4829 bolts. How many total number of nuts and bolts did it manufacture? 16) Round off to the nearest 10s: a) 28 b) 48 c) 64 17) Estimate the sum of: a) 298 and 332 b) 456 and 213 c) 346 and 493 18) Add: a) 591 and 120 b) 273 and 310 c) 394 and 104 Addition 37
19) Meera has 29 marbles and Hussain has 32 marbles. Estimate the total number of marbles they have. 20) Solve: a) 2859 + 1059 b) 1762 + 1987 c) 2981 + 4672 21) A box has 190 books. Another box has 480 books. Calculate the total number of books in both the boxes. 22) Rima has 58 toys and Sita has 43 toys. Estimate the total number of toys they have. 23) Estimate the sum of: a) 81 and 28 b) 41 and 41 c) 23 and 32 24) A florist bought 296 flowers on Day 1 and 483 flowers on Day 2. Estimate the total number of flowers bought on both the days. 25) Add: a) 7901 and 1908 b) 1463 and 1583 c) 7796 and 1173 38
Chapter 5 Subtraction Concept 5.1: Estimate the Difference between Two Numbers Recall Multiple Choice Questions [] 1) Rounding off 42 to the nearest 10s, we get ____________. [] (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 55 [] 2) Rounding off 91 to the nearest 10s, we get ____________. (A) 100 (B) 90 (C) 95 (D) 99 [] 3) Rounding off 60 to the nearest 10s, we get ____________. [] (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 60 (D) 65 [] & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The difference between 77 and 23 is about ____________. (A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 40 5) The estimated difference between 69 and 24 is ____________. (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 55 6) The estimated difference between 21 and 11 is ____________. (A) 5 (B) 15 (C) 10 (D) 20 Fill in the Blanks 7) The estimated difference between 75 and 45 is ________. 39
8) The estimated difference between 65 and 45 is ________. 9) The estimated difference between 92 and 43 is ________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Estimate the difference between 64 and 37. Solution: 11) Estimate the difference between 37 and 31. Solution: 12) Estimate the difference between 92 and 77. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Estimate the difference between 527 and 236. Solution: 14) Estimate the difference between 458 and 274. Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Estimate the difference between the following numbers. a) 707 and 263 b) 549 and 296 Solution: 40
16) Estimate the difference between the following numbers. a) 870 and 648 b) 743 and 378 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) Ramu had 56 green balloons. He gave 25 balloons to Sandy. Estimate how many balloons were left. Solution: Subtraction 41
18) Mumbai has 83 bridges and Delhi has 68 bridges. Estimate how many more bridges are there in Mumbai than in Delhi. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) A team of 589 students is divided in red and blue groups. About how many students are in the blue group if 376 students are in the red group? Solution: 20) Simran has 276 balloons. Ammu has 237 balloons. About how many balloons does Simran have more than Ammu? Solution: Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) There are 98 students in Divisions A, B and C of Class 3. 32 students are from Division A and 28 students are from Division B. How many students are in Division C? 42
Solution: Long Answer Question 22) There are 432 students in Class 3. Of them, 122 students like Mathematics and 210 students like Science. The remaining students like Social Studies. How many students like Social Studies? Solution: Concept 5.2: Subtract 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) We begin subtraction from the _________________ place. [ ] ] (A) tens (B) ones (C) hundreds (D) thousands 2) The difference when 55 is subtracted from 95 is ___________. [ (A) 70 (B) 60 (C) 40 (D) 50 Subtraction 43
3) The difference between 500 and 300 is __________. [] (A) 100 (B) 300 (C) 400 (D) 200 & Remembering and Understanding Multiple Choice Questions 4) The difference when 1 is subtracted from a number is ______________. [ ] [ ] (A) the number itself (B) zero [ ] (C) the previous number (D) the next number 5) Find the missing number in the following. Th H TO 5 8 35 −2 3 12 3 5 2 __ (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 6) The difference when 3333 is subtracted from 6666 is _________________. (A) 2222 (B) 3333 (C) 3330 (D) 3000 Fill in the Blanks 7) In the subtraction of 4-digit numbers, regrouping can be done in thousands, hundreds, tens and ____________________ places. 8) 6000 − 6000 = _________________ 9) 3333 − 1111 = _________________ Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the difference between 9888 and 1000? Solution: 11) What is the difference between 8888 and 8000? Solution: 44
12) Subtract 2000 from 6000. b) 1487 from 3999 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Subtract: a) 2148 from 3569 Solution: 14) Subtract: a) 4635 from 7676 b) 2710 from 8942 Solution: Long Answer Questions b) 4461 – 3569 15) Solve the following: a) 631 – 444 Solution: Subtraction 45
16) Solve the following: b) 6584 – 4485 a) 840 – 522 Solution: Application Short Answer Questions 17) 312 birds were sitting on a tree. Some birds flew away. Now, there are 231 birds on the tree. How many birds flew away? Solution: 18) There is 850 g of sugar in a bowl. Akbar used 645 g of sugar for making halwa. How much sugar is left in the bowl? 46