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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-09 05:41:58

Description: 202110552-SUMMIT-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-EVS-G03-PART2


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Inside the Lab Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity C (Based on Lesson 15): Body Map 97 Let us create a body map. You will need: • a large sheet of paper • coloured markers You need to: 1) spread the sheet of paper on the floor. 2) ask one of your classmates to lie down over the paper. 3) trace the outline of his or her body. 4) ask him or her to get up. 5) t ry to draw and label as many body parts as you can in the body outline with the help of your classmates. 6) use different coloured markers to label different body parts. Activity D (Based on Lesson 18): Family Tree You will need: • craft papers (brown and green) • a paper towel roll • two sticks • glue

• scissors • markers • pencils • a string (optional) • a hole punch (optional) • photos of family members (optional) You need to: 1) place your arm, from elbow to fingertip, on a brown craft paper. Ensure that the fingers are spread apart. The fingers should be placed in such a way that you can trace the outline of each one. 2) u  se either a marker or a pencil to trace your arm, from the elbow all the way up to the fingers and then in between each finger. This will be the outline of the tree. 3) cut the tree out. 4) d raw some leaf shapes on the green paper and cut them out. Make sure that the leaf shapes are big enough to write a name inside, but they should not cover the whole branch. 5) m ake sure you have enough leaves (one for each family member) for all the names you want to use. Write the name of one family member on each leaf you have cut. 6) glue the leaves onto the branches (fingers) of the tree. 7) g  lue the sticks together to make an “X’ shape. Leave it aside to dry. This will serve 98 as the stand for the tree. 8) p lace a good amount of glue along one side of the paper towel roll. Then, press the paper towel roll to the back of the tree so as to give it support like a backbone. 9) p lace the “X” made of sticks flat on the table and glue the bottom of the paper towel roll to it. It should be standing straight up, like a tree. If it’s tipping, wad up a piece of paper (or newspaper) into the bottom of the roll and try pasting it again.

10) h ave small photos of your family members. Cut them out into small sizes and glue them around the branches. 11) dangle the photos from the branches using small pieces of string. Punch a hole in the tree branches and tie the string through the hole. Glue the end of the string to the photo, and you have dangling photos of your family members hanging from the tree. Activity E (Based on Lesson 23): Grow a Plant 99 You will need: Inside the Lab • seeds • water • soil • a pot • plenty of sunlight You need to: 1) fill the pot with soil. 2) place some seeds in the soil. 3) place this pot in a place where there is plenty of sunlight.

4) w ater the seeds every day. (Do not pour too much of water.) 5) observe how after about a week, you will see the seeds growing into sprouts. 6) observe the growth of the little plants in your pot. 100

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