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MATHEMATICS 5 WORKBOOK – 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ TRV_Maths_G5_WB_Part 2_Nameslip_NEW PG_28-12-18.pdf___1 / 1

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. IMAX presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for Mathematics teaching:  Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve problems.  Acquire the necessary mathematical concepts and skills for everyday life and for continuous learning in Mathematics and related disciplines.  Recognise and use connections among mathematical ideas and between Mathematics and other disciplines.  Reason logically, communicate mathematically and learn cooperatively and independently. Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the IMAX textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The IMAX team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of IMAX Traveller series:  T heme-based content that holistically addresses all the learning outcomes specified by the CISCE curriculum.  T he textbooks and workbooks are structured as per Bloom’s taxonomy to help organise the learning process according to the different levels involved.  S tudent engagement through simple, age-appropriate content with detailed explanation of steps.  L earning is supported through visually appealing images, especially for Grades 1 and 2.  Increasing difficulty level in sub-questions for every question.  Multiplication tables provided as per CISCE requirement. All in all, the Traveller Mathematics books aim to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills in the learners’ everyday lives while becoming adept at mathematical skills as appropriate to the primary level. – The Authors 51704178_BGM_Traveller G4 Mathematics Workbook Part 2_TEXT.pdf___2 / 80

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Scaffolded approach for questions • Focus on subject-related vocabulary building I Recall I RUenmdeermsbtearndand Aimed at revising the Provides opportunities for prerequisite knowledge for practising the basic elements the concept from the previous involved in the learning of the year/chapter/concept/term concept I Apply I Explore(H.O.T.S.) Applying the understanding Extending the application of the of the concept to questions concept to more advanced based on the application of the and challenging questions that concept to real-life scenarios meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___3 / 96

Contents 7 Integers 7.1 Introduction to Negative Numbers ��������������������������������������������� 1 8 Fractions 8.1 Classification of Fractions ������������������������������������������������������������ 7 8.2 Comparison of Fractions ������������������������������������������������������������ 12 9 Fraction Operations 9.1 Add and Subtract Fractions ������������������������������������������������������� 20 9.2 Multiply and Divide Fractions����������������������������������������������������� 26 10 Money 10.1 Unitary Method in Money��������������������������������������������������������� 32 11 Decimals 11.1 Introduction to Decimals��������������������������������������������������������� 38 11.2 Compare and Order Decimals������������������������������������������������ 43 12 Decimal Operations 12.1 Add and Subtract Decimals���������������������������������������������������� 50 12.2 Multiply Decimals��������������������������������������������������������������������� 57 13 Percentages 13.1 Introduction to Percentage ������������������������������������������������������ 63 14 Measurement 14.1 Conversion of Units of Measurement�������������������������������������� 69 14.2 Area and Perimeter ����������������������������������������������������������������� 74 15 Data Handling 15.1 Line Graphs and Pie Charts����������������������������������������������������� 82 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___4 / 96

Integers7Chapter 7.1 Introduction to Negative Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The numbers on a horizontal number line increase as we move from ___________.  [] (A) right to left (B) left to right (C) top to bottom (D) bottom to top 2) Which number completes the given sequence? 133, 132, 131, ______, 129, 128 [] (A) 130 (B) 127 (C) 126 (D) 125 3) Which of the following sequences shows ascending order of numbers? [ ] (A) 567, 566, 565, 564 (B) 899, 898, 897, 896 (C) 764, 763, 765, 766 (D) 99, 100, 101, 102 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions [] 4) The set of integers has __________. [] (A) positive numbers (B) negative numbers (C) zero (D) all of the above 5) Negative numbers are _________ the positive numbers. (A) greater than (B) less than (C) equal to (D) more in number than 1 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___5 / 96

6) The predecessor of 0 _______________. [] (A) is the largest negative number (B) is 1 (C) is the smallest negative number (D) does not exist Fill in the Blanks 7) The smallest positive integer is _____________________. 8) All negative integers are ____________________________________ than 0. 9) Integers are denoted by the letter _________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the predecessor of –649? Solution: 11) What is the successor of –7100? Solution: 12) Which integer lies between –1 and 1? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Write the predecessors of the following integers. a) 84 b) –7925 Solution: 14) Write the successors of the following integers. a) 501 b) –3609 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Represent these integers on a number line. a) –7 b) –9 Solution: a) 2 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___6 / 96

b) 16) Express the number in each of the following as an integer. a) A tower is 1268 m above the sea level. b) The temperature went down by 6°C from 0°C. c) A miner dug a 65 m underground well. d) An amount of ` 116 is withdrawn from a bank account. Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions b) – 547, – 935, – 827 17) Arrange in descending order. a) 173, –508, 418 Solution: Integers 3 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___7 / 96

18) The temperatures recorded in Nainital on three days are as given below. Sunday: –7°C; Thursday: –4°C; Saturday: –6°C Which day was the coldest? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Write the integers 65, –19, 0, 28, –31 in ascending and descending orders. Also, write their absolute values. Solution: 20) Write the integers –427, 841, 376, –356 and 473 in ascending and descending orders. Also, write their absolute values. Solution: 4 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___8 / 96

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question b) 7 + (–6) 21) Add using a number line. a) (–5) + 2 Solution: a) b) Long Answer Question c) 4 – (–2) d) (–6) – (–2) 22) Subtract using a number line. a) (–5) – 2 b) 6 – 4 Integers 5 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___9 / 96

Solution: a) b) c) d) 6 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___10 / 96

8Chapter Fractions 8.1 Classification of Fractions I Recall Multiple Choice Questions [] 1) A quarter of 20 balloons is __________ balloons. [] (A) 20 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 0 [] 2) A half of 50 mangoes is _____________ mangoes. (A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 30 3) A third of 99 books is ____________ books. (A) 33 (B) 66 (C) 77 (D) 88 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator is called a/an ________ fraction. [ ] ] (A) proper (B) improper (C) mixed (D) unit ] 5) The improper fraction form of 2 1 is _______. [ 3 [ (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 7 33 33 6) 37 expressed as a mixed fraction is ________. 6 (A) 6 1 (B) 5 7 (C) 6 3 (D) 37 6 6 6 6 7 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___11 / 96

Fill in the Blanks 7) The mixed fraction form of 9 is ________. 2 8) The improper fraction form of 13 is ____________. 4 9) The improper fraction form of 5 1 is ____________. 3 Very Short Answer Questions 10) What type of a fraction is 4 ? Why? 5 Solution: 11) Identify the type of fractions: 14 3 and 36 3, 14 7 Solution: 12) Convert 45 into a mixed fraction. 8 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Convert 2 3 and 12 3 into improper fractions. 7 7 Solution: 14) Convert 33 and 98 into mixed fractions. 7 9 Solution: 8 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___12 / 96

Long Answer Questions 15) Convert the following into improper fractions. a) 12 1 b) 2 1 c) 14 1 d) 16 2 9 8 12 7 Solution: 16) Convert the following into mixed fractions. 47 157 198 99 a) 9 b) 10 c) 15 d) 7 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) A movie theatre has 250 seats. On Saturday, 4 of the theatre was occupied. 5 How many seats were occupied? Fractions 9 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___13 / 96

Solution: 18) There are 1200 books in a library. 3 of the books have been arranged in the 4 shelves. How many books are left disarranged? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Deepti wants to arrange 120 utensils on some shelves. If only 9 utensils can be put on one shelf, how many shelves will be filled with the utensils? Give your answer as an improper fraction as well as a mixed fraction. Solution: 10 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___14 / 96

20) Cheryl wants to plant 130 seeds in her garden. If only 7 seeds can be planted in a row, how many rows will be filled with the seeds? Give your answer as an improper fraction as well as a mixed fraction. Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Solve: 12 2 – 7 1 5 5 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Sheena cut a rope into two pieces. The first piece was 33 1 inches long. The second inches long. How long was 4 before Sheena cut 17 1 piece was 4 the rope it? Solution: Fractions 11 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___15 / 96

8.2 Comparison of Fractions I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) A cake has been cut into 8 pieces. Rashi ate 3 of the cake. How many pieces 8 [] did she eat? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 2) The equivalent fraction of 2 is ___________. [] 12 (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 2 12 24 24 18 3) The factors of 8 among the following are _____________. [] (A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 3 and 5 (D) 2 and 4 12 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___16 / 96

I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The equivalent fraction of 2 is ____________. [] 4 (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 1 88 44 5) The equivalent fraction of 4 with denominator 20 has ________ as numerator.  10 [] (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 8 (D) 50 6) The biggest fraction from the following is _________. [ ] (A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 7 44 44 Fill in the Blanks 7) To compare unlike fractions, we first convert the fractions to ________________ 8) fractions. numerator: 11 = [ ] Find the missing 4 24 9) Write <, > or = in the blank. 3 ________ 5 15 15 Very Short Answer Questions 10) Find the equivalent fraction of 13 with denominator 60. 15 Solution: 11) Compare the like fractions: 12 , 20 , 16 4 4 4 Solution: 12) Find the equivalent fraction of 13 with numerator 91. 15 Solution: Fractions 13 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___17 / 96

Short Answer Questions 13) Compare the fractions: 1 , 2 , 5 536 Solution: 14) Compare the fractions: 7 , 9 , 9 10 4 2 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Compare the following: a) 7, 10 , 5 b) 5 , 5 , 7 6 9 4 3 7 9 Solution: 14 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___18 / 96

16) Compare the following: a) 990 , 485 , 150 b) 6 9 3 200 200 200 4, 5, 7 Solution: Fractions 15 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___19 / 96

I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Rajat did 13 of his homework problems on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. 40 5 On which day did he solve fewer problems? Solution: 18) Zakir ate 3 of his cake on day one and 14 of his cake on the next day. On 4 60 which day did he eat more cake? Solution: 16 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___20 / 96

Long Answer Questions 19) Tom and Pop are two dogs who spend a lot of time sleeping. Tom sleeps for 3 of 7 the day and Pop sleeps for 4 of the day. Which of the two dogs is asleep for longer? 9 Solution: 20) Riya saves 3 of her salary while Shubham saves 4 of his salary. If they earn the 47 same amount every month, who saves a lesser amount? Solution: Fractions 17 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___21 / 96

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Arrange 3, 2, 5 and 2 in descending order. 4 7 6 5 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Arrange 5 , 4 , 3, 2 in ascending and descending orders. 8 6 7 9 Solution: 18 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___22 / 96

Fractions 19 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___23 / 96

9Chapter Fraction Operations 9.1 Add and Subtract Fractions I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) A fraction whose numerator is greater than the denominator is called _________ fraction. [] (A) a mixed (B) a proper (C) an improper (D) an equivalent 2) A fraction whose denominator is greater than the numerator is called _________ fraction. [] (A) a mixed (B) a proper (C) an improper (D) an equivalent 3) The combination of a whole number and a proper fraction is called ________ fraction. [ ] (A) a mixed (B) a proper (C) an improper (D) an equivalent I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) 1 + 1 = ______ __ [] 10 20 [] (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 3 30 10 20 20 5) 3 + 2 = ________  84 (A) 7 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 7 4 8 12 12 20 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___24 / 96

6) 15 + 15 = ____________ [] 10 5 (A) 30 (B) 15 (C) 45 (D) 45 15 30 15 10 Fill in the Blanks 7) U nlike fractions can be added or subtracted by first writing their equivalent like fractions and then adding or subtracting their ___________________________. 8) 1 + 2 = ____________ 6 3 9) 1 + 1 = ___________ 5 15 Very Short Answer Questions 10) 47 – 15 30 15 Solution: 11) 3 – 8 4 11 Solution: 12) 6– 7 8 Solution: Short Answer Questions b) 13 – 8 13) Solve: a) 13 + 1 79 45 Solution: Fraction Operations 21 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___25 / 96

14) Solve: a) 55 – 14 b) 17 – 17 12 4 89 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Solve: a) 2 6 +23 b) 16 8 – 51 7 4 9 8 Solution: 16) Solve: a) 12 – 4 b) 12 5 + 14 3 7 7 7 5 22 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___26 / 96

Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Ahana coloured some strips of paper as shown. Find the total part that is coloured in all the strips. What part of the strips is not coloured? Solution: Fraction Operations 23 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___27 / 96

18) S  ahil played with 3 friends today, all at different times. He played with Rahul for 7 of an hour, with Natalie for 3 of an hour and with Krish for 3 of an hour. For how 8 4 2 many hours did Sahil play in all with his 3 friends today? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) V  ani travelled a distance of 16 7 km by train and 25 8 km by bus on her journey 9 10 9 to Mahabalipuram. If she has to travel a total distance of 67 10 km, how much more distance must she cover? Write the answer as a mixed fraction. Solution: 24 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___28 / 96

20) To prepare a mango milkshake, Ali mixed together 4 1 bottles of mango syrup 8 and 8 1 bottles of milk. How many bottles of mango milkshake did Ali make? 4 Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) By how much is 8 3 greater than 6 3 ? 9 8 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) A baker has 41 7 parts of a chocolate cake. He has 39 2 parts of rainbow 9 3 cake. How much more chocolate cake than rainbow cake does he have? Fraction Operations 25 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___29 / 96

Solution: 9.2 Multiply and Divide Fractions I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) A fraction is said to be in its lowest terms if its numerator and denominator do not have any common factor other than ______. [] (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 2) A fraction can be reduced to its lowest terms using H.C.F. to __________________ numerator and denominator. [] (A) multiply (B) add (C) divide (D) subtract 26 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___30 / 96

3) 7 can be reduced to its lowest terms as _________. [] 49 (A) 49 1 (C) 7 (D) 1 7 (B) 49 1 7 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The reciprocal of a mixed fraction is a/an __________ fraction. [] (A) mixed (B) proper (C) improper (D) equivalent 5) The multiplicative inverse of 7 8 [] 9 [] 71 (B) 9 19 (D) 711 (A) 9 71 (C) 71 9 6) 1 × 25 = ______________ 5 3 (A) 5 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 15 3 5 15 5 Fill in the Blanks 7) The number that does not have a multiplicative inverse is _______. 8) 1 × 4 = _______ 4 9) A whole number is a fraction with denominator _______. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Find the product: 2 × 4 35 Solution: 11) Find the product: 3 × 5 5 9 Solution: Fraction Operations 27 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___31 / 96

12) Find 1 of 30. 3 Solution: Short Answer Questions 45 4 13) Solve: 5 × 8 Solution: 14) Solve: 6 × 9 54 2 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Solve: a) 55 × 4 b) 38 × 4 22 35 24 19 Solution: 28 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___32 / 96

16) Find the reciprocals of these fractions. a) 1 b) 14 c) 22 1 52 9 4 d) 7 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Solve and write in lowest terms: 25 1 × 6 3 54 Solution: 18) Solve and write in lowest terms: 5 ÷ 7 6 8 Solution: Fraction Operations 29 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___33 / 96

Long Answer Questions 16 b) 5 ÷ 12 19) Solve and write in lowest terms: a) 11 ÷ 9 9 11 Solution: 20) Solve and write in lowest terms: a) 7 ÷ 8 b) 3 ÷ 6 9 24 15 15 Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) If there are 6 chocolate bars and each of them are cut into quarters, how many pieces do we get? Solution: 30 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___34 / 96

Long Answer Question 22) Nisha earns half of ` 8000 per month and Mona earns three fourths of ` 6400 per month. Who earns more and by how much? Solution: Fraction Operations 31 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___35 / 96

Money10Chapter 10.1 Unitary Method in Money I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) ` 200.20 + ` 100.10 = ___________ [ ] (D) ` 300.10 ] (A) ` 200.10 (B) ` 100.20 (C) ) ` 300.30 ] 2) ` 200 ÷ 10 = _______________ [ (A) ` 20 (B) ` 10 (C) ` 200 (D) ` 2000 3) ` 100 × 20 = ____________ [ (A) ` 200 (B) ` 2000 (C) ` 3000 (D) ` 1000 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) If cost of 5 pencils is ` 10, what will the cost of 2 pencils? [ ] ] (A) ` 20 (B) ` 4 (C) ` 5 (D) ` 10 ] 5) T o find the value of a single unit from the value of many units, we use [ __________________. (A) division (B) addition (C) multiplication (D) subtraction 6) T o find the value of many units from the value of a single unit, we use [ ____________________. (A) division (B)addition (C) multiplication (D) subtraction 32 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___36 / 96

Fill in the Blanks 7) ` 220 ÷ 20 = ______________ 8) T he method of finding the value of one unit, and then finding the value of many units is called the __________________________________ method. 9) ` 880 ÷ 10 = ________________ Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the cost of each shampoo sachet, if 18 of them cost ` 36? Solution: 11) What is the cost of each sketch pen, if a packet of 13 sketch pen costs ` 143? Solution: 12) What is the cost of one detergent soap bar, if 12 of them costs ` 192? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) The cost of five chocolates is ` 50. What is the cost of 10 chocolates? Solution: 14) The cost of three papayas is ` 60. What is the cost of 24 papayas? Solution: Money 33 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___37 / 96

Long Answer Questions 15) Solve the following: a) The cost of 24 boxes is ` 480. How many boxes can be bought for ` 1280? b) The cost of 30 apples is ` 1080. How many apples can be bought for ` 3600? Solution: 16) Solve the following: a) T he cost of 12 notebooks is ` 120. How many notebooks can be bought for ` 500? b) Two pens cost ` 12. How much will a dozen pens cost? Solution: 34 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___38 / 96

I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) A worker is paid ` 500 for his five days’ work. If he works for 100 days, how much will he earn? Solution: 18) J ohn buys half a dozen bananas for ` 30. How many bananas can he buy for ` 85? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Nine Natraj erasers cost ` 72.00. Six Apsara erasers cost ` 42.00. Which eraser is costlier? Solution: Money 35 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___39 / 96

20) R ashmi has ` 1000 with her. She bought 5 kg fruits for ` 575. Can she buy 15 kg of fruits? Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) The cost of four water bottles, each weighing 100 mℓ, costs ` 100. Six water bottles, each weighing 50 mℓ costs ` 120. Which water bottle should Farida buy in order to spend a lesser amount? Solution: 36 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___40 / 96

Long Answer Question 22) A labourer earns ` 1440 in 12 days. a) How much will he earn in 8 days? b) In how many days will he earn ` 3120? Solution: Money 37 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___41 / 96

Decimals11Chapter 11.1 Introduction to Decimals I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The equivalent fraction of 5 with 50 as the numerator will be _______. [] 6 (A) 50 (B) 50 (C) 60 (D) 50 6 60 50 66 2) The equivalent fraction of 9 with 72 as the denominator will be ______. [ ] 8 (A) 81 (B) 9 (C) 72 (D) 90 72 72 81 72 3) The equivalent fraction of 6 among the following is ______. [] 8 (A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 12 (D) 18 8 16 16 16 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) 255 in decimal form is written as __________________. [] 100 [] [] (A) 0.255 (B) 2.55 (C) 25.5 (D) 255.0 5) Which of the following is a decimal equivalent to 9.87? (A) 9.873 (B) 9.872 (C) 9.871 (D) 9.870 6) 10.43 written in fractional form is ________________. (A) 1043 (B) 1043 (C) 1043 (D) 1043 10 100 1000 38 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___42 / 96

Fill in the Blanks 7) ‘Deci’ in Latin language means ________________. 8) The point placed between the digits of a number is called the _________________. 9) 133 in decimal form is written as _____________________. 10 Very Short Answer Questions 10) Write two equivalent decimals for 6.99. Solution: 11) Express 69 =a16s 09a decimal. 10 Solution: 12) Write 45.907 as a fraction. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Expand 78.907. Also write one equivalent decimal for it. Solution: 14) Expand 809.908. Also write it as a fraction. Solution: Decimals 39 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___43 / 96

Long Answer Questions 15) Express the following fractions as decimals. a) 18 8 b) 8 5 c) 92 d) 1099 10 10 10 100 Solution: 16) Expand the following numbers. c) 3456.345 d) 5890.145 a) 7654.890 b) 62912.109 Solution: 40 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___44 / 96

I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Farhan has 3 parts of pizza. Express that quantity of pizza as a decimal. 2 Solution: 18) Convert 31 into its decimal form and write the decimal in words. 2 Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Srishti, Vaishnavi, Akul and Chinmay each have one container. The capacities of those containers are given in the table. Name Capacity (in mℓ) Srishti 67894 Vaishnavi 80912 Akul 56321 Chinmay 41678 Convert each of their container’s capacities into litres. Solution: Decimals 41 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___45 / 96

20) A few students went on a picnic. The table below shows the amount of money each student had. Student Amount Sneha ` 57.89 Anjali ` 765.21 Rohan ` 10.59 ` 789.14 Jay Write the amounts in words. Solution: 42 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___46 / 96

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Observe the patterns and write the next three numbers in each. a) 8.1, 9.2, 10.3, _________, _________, _________ b) 1.0, 1.01, 1.02, _________, _________, _________ Long Answer Question 22) Observe the patterns and write the next three numbers in each. a) 13.1, 133.1, 1333.1, _________, _________, _________ b) 12.5, 14.5, 16.5, _________, _________, _________ c) 20.10, 30.15, 40.20, _________, _________, _________ d) 0.111, 0.112, 0.113, _________, _________, _________ 11.2 Compare and Order Decimals I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The decimal form of 811 is ________________. (D) 811.0 [] 1000 (D) 22.34 [] (D) 2.96 [] (A) 81.1 (B) 8.11 (C) 0.811 2) 2234 = _______ (B) 223.4 (C) 224.3 10 (A) 2.234 3) 120906 = _______ (A) 0.296 (B) 9.26 (C) 29.6 Decimals 43 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___47 / 96

I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The decimal number 143.25 has _______________ decimal places. [] (A) one (B) two (C) three (D) zero 5) Identify the pair of like decimals from the following numbers. [] (A) 12.03, 45.62 (B) 1.24, 9.842 (C) 13.9, 32.82 (D) 132.7, 289.65 6) 3.4 _____ 4 [] (A) < (B) > (C) = (D) Both (A) and (C) Fill in the Blanks 7) The decimal numbers which have equal values are called ___________________ decimals. 8) The decimal numbers that have different number of decimal places are called __________________ decimals. 9) Unlike decimals can be converted to like decimals by adding ________________ at the right end. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Which number added to the right side of the decimal point does not change its value? Solution: 11) Compare 54.3 and 5.43. Solution: 12) Which is greater: 7.03 or 7.30? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Which is greater between 755.33 and 255.33? Why? Solution: 44 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___48 / 96

14) Arrange the following decimal numbers in descending order. 30.24, 30.5, 30.63, 30.191 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Compare the following pairs of decimals. a) 405.68 and 405.681 b) 345.66 and 342.66 Solution: Decimals 45 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___49 / 96

16) Solve the following: a) Arrange the following decimal numbers in descending order. 51.147, 51.32, 51.16, 51.940 b) Convert these unlike decimals to like decimals. 72.5, 560.635, 5, 64.7 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) The price of sugar is ` 29.50 per kg and that of rice is ` 34.50 per kg. Which item costs more than the other? Solution: 46 NR_9789387552418-Traveller-G5-Workbook-Maths-Part 2_Text.pdf___50 / 96

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