MATHEMATICS 3 WORKBOOK – 1 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ New Correction Pg_TRV_Maths_G3_WB_Part 1_20-11-18.pdf___1 / 1
Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. IMAX presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for Mathematics teaching: Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve problems. Acquire the necessary mathematical concepts and skills for everyday life and for continuous learning in Mathematics and related disciplines. Recognise and use connections among mathematical ideas and between Mathematics and other disciplines. Reason logically, communicate mathematically and learn cooperatively and independently. Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the IMAX textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The IMAX team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of IMAX Traveller series: Theme-based content that holistically addresses all the learning outcomes specified by the CISCE curriculum. The textbooks and workbooks are structured as per Bloom’s taxonomy to help organise the learning process according to the different levels involved. Student engagement through simple, age-appropriate content with detailed explanation of steps. L earning is supported through visually appealing images, especially for Grades 1 and 2. Increasing difficulty level in sub-questions for every question. Multiplication tables provided as per CISCE requirement. All in all, the Traveller Mathematics books aim to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills in the learners’ everyday lives while becoming adept at mathematical skills as appropriate to the primary level. – The Authors NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___2 / 48
Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Scaffolded approach for questions • Focus on subject-related vocabulary building I Recall I RUenmdeermsbtearndand Aimed at revising the P rovides opportunities for prerequisite knowledge for practising the basic elements the concept from the previous involved in the learning of the year/chapter/concept/term concept I Apply I Explore(H.O.T.S.) Applying the understanding Extending the application of the of the concept to questions concept to more advanced based on the application of the and challenging questions that concept to real-life scenarios meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___3 / 48
Contents 1 Shapes 1.1 Geometrical Features of Shapes�������������������������������������������������� 1 2 Patterns 2.1 Patterns in Shapes and Numbers������������������������������������������������� 7 3 Numbers 3.1 Count by Thousands�������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 3.2 Compare 4-digit Numbers���������������������������������������������������������� 19 4 Addition 4.1 Add 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers����������������������������������������������� 24 4.2 Estimate the Sum of Two Numbers��������������������������������������������� 29 5 Subtraction 5.1 Subtract 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers���������������������������������������� 35 5.2 Estimate the Difference between Two Numbers����������������������� 39 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___4 / 48
Shapes1Chapter 1.1 Geometrical Features of Shapes I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The shape of is a _____________. [] (A) circle (B) square (C) rectangle (D) triangle 2) A triangle is a/an _________ figure. [ ] ] (A) 2D (B) closed (C) 2D and closed (D) open 3) The shape of is a ____________. [ (A) square (B) rectangle (C) triangle (D) circle I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The point where at least two sides of a figure meet is called a/an _____. [ ] ] (A) line (B) diagonal (C) vertex (D) edge 5) A straight line that joins the opposite vertices of a closed figure is [ called a/an _________. (A) vertex (B) diagonal (C) line (D) edge 1 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___5 / 48
DC 6) The diagonals in are __________. [] (D) AB, DC A B Diagonals (A) AB, BC (B) AD, CB (C) AC, BD Fill in the Blanks 7) A triangle has ___________ diagonals. 8) A circle has ____________ vertices. 9) A square and a rectangle have ___________ vertices. Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the unique feature of a square? Solution: 11) How many vertices does a triangle have? Solution: 12) How many diagonals does a circle have? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Complete the following table. Shape Vertices P Q SR 2 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___6 / 48
14) Complete the following table. Vertices Diagonals Shape A DB C Long Answer Questions A B 15) Look at the figure and answer the following questions. D C a) How many vertices does it have? Name them. b) Name the diagonal from A. Solution: 16) Draw a square WXYZ and answer the following questions: a) Name the vertices. b) Name the diagonals. Solution: Shapes 3 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___7 / 48
I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Draw a shape with these dotted lines as its diagonals. Name the shape formed. DC AB Solution: 18) Look at your Maths workbook and answer the following questions. a) What is the shape of this object? Solution: b) How many sides does it have? Solution: c) How many diagonals does it have? Solution: d) How many vertices does it have? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) What is the shape of the given picture? Find the number of its: a) sides b) diagonals c) vertices Solution: 4 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___8 / 48
20) Complete the following table. Shapes Number of Number of vertices diagonals I Explore (H.O.T.S.) c) A square base Short Answer Question 21) Name a 3-dimensional shape that has the following: a) A circular base b) A rectangular base Solution: Shapes 5 TRV_Maths_G3__WB_Part 1_Page5_NEW PG_29-12-18.pdf___1 / 1
Long Answer Question c) faces D G F 22) Look at the figure and name its: C E a) vertices b) edges H AB Solution: 6 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___10 / 48
Patterns2Chapter 2.1 Patterns in Shapes and Numbers [] I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which among the following is a pattern seen in saree borders? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which among the following is not a pattern? [] [] (A) (B) (C) (D) 3) Which of the following is a pattern in nature? (A) (B) (C) (D) 7 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___11 / 48
I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which among these shows alternate circle (O) and triangle ( )? [ ] ] (A) (B) AABBAABB (C) (D) 5) What is the set of basic shape(s) in the pattern? ? [ (B) (A) (C) (D) 6) Which number will come next in the pattern: 4, 10, 16, 22? [ ] (A) 20 (B) 26 (C) 28 (D) 30 Fill in the Blanks 7) 2, 4, _____ , _____ , 10, 12, 14 8) 3, 6, _____ , _____ , 15, 18, 21 9) A pattern using two squares and one triangle is ________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Draw the set of basic shape(s) in the pattern given. Solution: 8 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___12 / 48
11) Complete the following pattern. 12) Complete the growing pattern given: 110, 120, _______, _______, 150, 160, 170, … Short Answer Questions 13) What is a pattern? Draw a pattern with the given figures. Solution: 14) Do number patterns follow any rule? If yes, name any two types of number patterns. Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Complete these patterns. Write the next four terms. a) 3, 7, 11, __________, __________, __________, __________. b) 10, 20, 30, 40, __________, __________, __________, __________. c) 11, 22, 33, __________, __________, __________, __________. Patterns 9 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___13 / 48
16) Complete these patterns by writing the next four numbers in each. a) 8, 12, 16, __________, __________, __________, __________. b) 70, 65, 60, __________, __________, __________, __________. c) 12, 24, 36, __________, __________, __________, __________. I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Find the basic tile in the following tile patterns. Mark it on the tile. a) b) 18) Look at these tile patterns. Draw the basic shapes used in these patterns. a) b) Solution: 10 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___14 / 48
Long Answer Questions 19) Draw the shape of the basic tile in the following patterns. a) b) c) d) Solution: 20) What is tiling? Where do we see tiling? Do we see tiling patterns in parking areas? Solution: Patterns 11 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___15 / 48
I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Complete the patterns. a) 1a, 6b, 11c, ____________, ____________, ____________. b) 1a, 5c, 9e, ____________, ____________, ____________. Long Answer Question 22) Create patterns using the given shapes and the rule. a) Rule: Repeat each shape twice Basic shapes: b) Rule: Begin with 2, add 2 and subtract 1 alternately. Solution: 12 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___16 / 48
Numbers3Chapter 3.1 Count by Thousands I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The smallest 3-digit number is _______________. [ ] ] (A) 100 (B) 999 (C) 101 (D) 900 ] 2) The number name of 425 is _______________. [ ] ] (A) four hundred fifty-two (B) four hundred five ] (C) four hundred twenty-five (D) four hundred fifty-five 3) The digit in the tens place of the number 482 is _______________. [ (A) 6 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 8 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The standard form of 4000 + 400 + 40 + 4 is __________. [ (A) 4004 (B) 4040 (C) 4444 (D) 4440 5) If one represents 1000 then represent _____.[ (A) 2500 (B) 3000 (C) 3500 (D) 2000 6) The smallest 4-digit number is __________. [ (A) 9999 (B) 1000 (C) 100 (D) 999 13 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___17 / 48
Fill in the Blanks 7) In the ____________________ form, we write the number as the sum of the place values of its digits. 8) The place value of 9 in 9320 is __________________________. 9) The number name of 5060 is ______________________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Expand 4378. Solution: 11) Write the standard form of 6000 + 300 + 1. Solution: 12) Write the number name of 3852. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Write the expanded form and the number name of 1798. Solution: 14) Write the expanded form of 8136. Write the number in words. Solution: 14 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___18 / 48
Long Answer Questions 15) Write 3000 + 400 + 60 + 5 in its standard form. Show the number on abacus and write its number name. Solution: Th H T O 16) Write the numbers shown by these abacuses. Write their expanded forms and number names. a) b) Th H T O Th H T O Solution: Numbers 15 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___19 / 48
I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) F orm a number with 8 in the thousands place and 3 in the hundreds place. It should have 7 in the tens place and 4 in the ones place. Write the number name of the number thus formed. Solution: 18) Form a number with 6 in the thousands place and 1 in the hundreds place. It should have 4 in the tens place and 9 in the ones place. Write the number name of the number thus formed. Solution: 16 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___20 / 48
Long Answer Questions 19) Mona has four notes of ` 2000, five notes of ` 100, one note of ` 10 and four coins of ` 1. How much money does she have? Write the amount in figures and words. Solution: 20) The number of students in different schools are given below: St. Ann’s: 4621 Global: 3275 Akshara: 6485 Balaji: 8216 Narayana: 2120 a) H ow many students are there in Akshara school? Write the number in words. b) H ow many students are there in Balaji school? Write the number in words. Solution: Numbers 17 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___21 / 48
I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Show these numbers on the abacus by drawing circles. a) 1725 b) 1003 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) A 4-digit number has 6 in the thousands place and 4 in the hundreds place. The digit in the tens place is 2 less than the digit in the thousands place. The digit in the ones place is 1 less than that in the hundreds place. Find the number. Solution: 18 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___22 / 48
3.2 Compare 4-digit Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The largest number among the following is ___________. [ ] [] (A) 3165 (B) 169 (C) 68 (D) 7204 [ ] 2) The smallest number among the given numbers is _________. (A) 3 (B) 302 (C) 30 (D) 320 3) Write the correct symbol in the blank: 346 _____ 3046. (A) < (B) > (C) = (D) + I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The greater among the following numbers is _________. [] (A) 215 (B) 3610 (C) 0631 (D) 521 5) The smallest 4-digit number is ___________. [] (A) 1001 (B) 1000 (C) 1100 (D) 1010 6) The greatest 4-digit number is ___________. [] (A) 9999 (B) 9000 (C) 999 (D) 1000 Fill in the Blanks 7) The smallest number among 3150, 3510, 3501 and 5013 is _____________. 8) The greatest number among 5103, 3051, 5130, 5031 is __________________. 9) Fill in the following with <, > (or) = symbol. 6512 ________ 5261 Numbers 19 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___23 / 48
Very Short Answer Questions 10) Which is the greater of the numbers 5265 and 5652? Solution: 11) Compare the numbers using the symbols <, > (or) =. a) 4612 ______ 4626 b) 3780 ______ 3087 12) Find the greater number from the following: 6392, 6398 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Write the smallest and the largest numbers among 2400, 4200, 2200 and 4400. Solution: 14) Write the smallest and the largest numbers among 8478, 9240, 9084, 8362 and 1024. Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Pick the smallest and the largest numbers among 863, 3972, 183 and 748. Solution: 20 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___24 / 48
16) Write the smallest and the largest of the numbers 7021, 7822, 7321, 7429 and 7676. Write them using the symbols <, > or =. Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Arrange 4305, 4906, 4005 and 4126 in ascending order and write the smallest number. Solution: 18) F orm 4-digit numbers using 4, 5, 2 and 3, repeating the two smallest digits. Find the largest and the smallest among them. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) 4 732 people visited a zoo on Friday and 6382 people visited it on Sunday. On which day did fewer people visit the zoo? Solution: Numbers 21 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___25 / 48
20) Arrange the following numbers in ascending and descending orders. a) 2061, 2160, 2601, 1620, 1260 b) 8139, 8913, 8391, 8816, 8618 Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Rohan arranged the numbers 6523, 1642, 1872 and 3219 in the ascending order as 1872 < 1642 < 3219 < 6523. Harsha arranged them as 1642 < 1872 < 3219 < 6523. Find out who is correct and explain why. Solution: 22 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___26 / 48
Long Answer Question 22) A 4-digit number lies between 9990 and the largest 4-digit number. The sum of its digits is 33. Find the number. Solution: Numbers 23 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___27 / 48
Addition4Chapter 4.1 Add 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) What is the addition of two or more numbers written one below the other called?[ ] (A) Horizontal addition (B) Vertical addition (C) Vertical multiplication (D) Vertical subtraction 2) What is the sum of 100 and 200? [] (A) 400 (B) 300 (C) 600 (D) 200 3) What would the sum be when we add the ones digits and need to carry over the tens digit? [] (A) 10 (B) Less than 10 (C) Greater than 10 (D) Greater than or equal to 10 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which digit should we carry forward if the addition in the tens place is 13? [] (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 13 (D) 4 5) What do we first add in the addition of two 3-digit numbers? [] (A) The digits in the ones place (B) The digits in the tens place (C) The digits in the hundreds place (D) The digits of the same number 24 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___28 / 48
6) In addition, if the sum of the digits in the tens place is more than 9, we have to carry it forward to the ____________________. [ ] (A) ones place (B) thousands place (C) hundreds place (D) All of the above Fill in the Blanks 7) The sum of the numbers 222 and 444 is ________________. 8) The sum of 1100 and 2200 is _____________________. 9) The sum of 198 and 122 is _______________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Add 1111 and 1002. Solution: 11) Add 4100 and 4200. Solution: 12) What is the sum of 200 and 800? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) What is the sum of 5375 and 2103? Solution: 14) Add: 2543 and 6345 Solution: Addition 25 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___29 / 48
Long Answer Questions 1 5) Solve the following: a) 1233 + 1655 b) 3898 + 1100 Solution: 16) Solve the following: a) 569 + 483 b) 728 + 336 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Soham has 119 pencils and Krishna has 928 pencils. How many pencils do they have in all? Solution: 26 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___30 / 48
18) Meera’s garden has 629 flowers. Vijay’s garden has 779 flowers. How many flowers are there in all in their gardens? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Surya gave ` 3309 to his daughter and ` 2630 to his son to buy books. How much money did Surya give them altogether? Solution: 20) Ajit has 2668 marbles and Suman has 3110 marbles. How many marbles do they both have together? Solution: Addition 27 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___31 / 48
I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Frame a question on addition from the given information. Sunita scored 168 runs and Anita scored 172 runs, in a cricket match. Solution: Long Answer Question 22) School A has 1205 students. School B and School C have 2211 and 2171 students respectively. What is the total number of students in the three schools? Solution: 28 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___32 / 48
4.2 Estimate the Sum of Two Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Choose the missing number. 24 + 42 = __6 [ ] ] (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 6 (D) 7 ] 2) 800 + 20 = ________ [ ] ] (A) 800 (B) 802 (C) 280 (D) 820 ] 3) What is the sum of 200 and 300? [ (A) 500 (B) 300 (C) 600 (D) 100 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The value of 37 rounded off to the nearest tens is ____________. [ (A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 3 (D) 10 5) The value of 82 rounded off to the nearest tens is ____________. [ (A) 90 (B) 85 (C) 100 (D) 80 6) The value of 165 rounded off to the nearest tens is ____________. [ (A) 160 (B) 150 (C) 170 (D) 165 Fill in the Blanks 7) The estimated sum of 45 and 27 is _______________. 8) The value of 51 rounded off to the nearest tens is _____________. 9) The value of 78 rounded off to the nearest tens is _____________. Addition 29 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___33 / 48
Very Short Answer Questions 10) Estimate the sum of 15 and 21. Solution: 11) Estimate the sum of 26 and 24. Solution: 12) Estimate the sum of 81 and 11. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Estimate the sum of the following: 354 + 236 Solution: 14) Estimate the sum of the following: 567 + 312 Solution: 30 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___34 / 48
Long Answer Questions 15) Estimate the following: a) 384 + 297 b) 416 + 261 Solution: 16) Estimate the following: a) 224 + 567 b) 623 + 325 Solution: Addition 31 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___35 / 48
I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Sonu has 46 roses and Mona has 22 roses. Estimate the total number of roses that they have. Solution: 18) Rakesh has 57 pencils and Mukesh has 43 pencils. Estimate the total number of pencils that they have. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Sunny wants to distribute cupcakes in his class. There are 48 boys and 54 girls. Estimate the number of cupcakes that Sunny should take to the class. Solution: 32 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___36 / 48
20) Khushi bought two pizzas for ` 86 and Tanish bought one pizza for ` 43. Estimate the total amount to be paid for the pizzas. Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Priya collected 456 stamps and Riya collected 289 stamps. Estimate the total number of stamps that they have. Solution: Addition 33 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___37 / 48
Long Answer Question 22) Manish has 38 pencils and 21 erasers. Karthik has 47 pencils and 32 erasers. Estimate the total number of pencils and erasers with them. Solution: 34 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___38 / 48
5Chapter Subtraction 5.1 Subtract 3-digit and 4-digit Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions [] 1) We begin subtraction from the ___________________. [] (A) tens place (B) ones place [] (C) hundreds place (D) thousands place 2) The difference when 55 is subtracted from 95 is ________. [] (A) 70 (B) 60 (C) 40 (D) 50 [] 3) The difference between 500 and 300 is __________. (A) 100 (B) 300 (C) 400 (D) 200 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The difference when 1 is subtracted from a number is ______. (A) the number itself (B) zero (C) the previous number (D) the next number 5) Find the missing number in the given subtraction problem. Th H T O 5 8 3 5 (A) 1 (B) 2 – 32 3 1 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 5 2 __ 35 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___39 / 48
6) The difference when 3333 is subtracted from 6666 is __________. [ ] (A) 2222 (B) 3333 (C) 3330 (D) 3000 Fill in the Blanks 7) In the subtraction of 4-digit numbers, regrouping can be done in thousands, hundreds and __________. 8) 6000 – 6000 = _______ 9) 3333 – 1111 = ___________ Very Short Answer Questions 10) What is the difference between 9888 and 1000? Solution: 11) What is the difference between 8888 and 8000? Solution: 12) Subtract 2000 from 6000. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Subtract 2148 from 3569. Solution: 14) Subtract 4635 from 7676. Solution: 36 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___40 / 48
Long Answer Questions 15) Solve: a) 840 – 522 b) 631 – 444 Solution: 16) Solve: a) 6584 – 4484 b) 4569 – 3461 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) 312 birds were sitting on a tree. Some birds flew away. Now, there are 231 birds on the tree. How many birds flew away? Solution: Subtraction 37 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___41 / 48
18) A postman has 850 postcards. He gave 645 of them. How many postcards are left? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) 6321 children went on a picnic. At a bus stop, more children got into some of the buses. When they reached the picnic spot, there were 7848 children altogether. How many children got into the bus? Solution: 20) 3271 people participated in the rally in the morning. 9975 people participated in the evening. How many more people participated in the evening than in the morning? Solution: 38 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___42 / 48
I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Frame a word problem using 842 – 422 = 420. Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Frame word problems for the following: a) 184 – 127 b) 1246 – 1230 Solution: 5.2 Estimate the Difference between Two Numbers I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Rounding off 42 to the nearest tens, we get ________. [] (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 55 Subtraction 39 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___43 / 48
2) Rounding off 60 to the nearest tens, we get ________. [ ] ] (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 60 (D) 65 3) Rounding off 91 to the nearest tens, we get ________. [ (A) 100 (B) 90 (C) 95 (D) 99 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions [] 4) The difference between 77 and 23 is about ___________. [] (A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 40 [] 5) The estimated difference between 69 and 24 is __________. (A) 50 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 55 6) The estimated difference between 21 and 11 is _________. (A) 5 (B) 15 (C) 10 (D) 20 Fill in the Blanks 7) The estimated difference between 75 and 45 is ________. 8) The estimated difference between 65 and 45 is ________. 9) The estimated difference between 43 and 92 is ________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Estimate the difference between 64 and 37. Solution: 11) Estimate the difference between 37 and 31. Solution: 12) Estimate the difference between 77 and 92. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Estimate the difference between 527 and 236. 40 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___44 / 48
Solution: 14) Estimate the difference between 458 and 274. Solution: Long Answer Questions 1 5) Estimate the difference between the following numbers: a) 707 and 263 b) 549 and 296 Solution: 16) Estimate the difference between the following numbers: a) 870 and 648 b) 743 and 378 Solution: Subtraction 41 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___45 / 48
I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Sam has 56 balloons. He gave 25 balloons to Sandy. Estimate the number of balloons that remain with Sam. Solution: 18) M umbai has 83 bridges and Delhi has 68 bridges. Estimate how many more bridges there are in Mumbai than in Delhi. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) A school of 589 students is divided into 2 teams. If 376 students are in Team A, about how many are in Team B? Solution: 42 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___46 / 48
20) Samantha has a story book with 276 pages. She has already read 237 pages. About how many more pages does Samantha have to read to finish the story book? Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) There are 98 students in divisions A, B and C of Class 3. 32 students are from division A and 28 students are from division B. Estimate the number of students in division C. Solution: Subtraction 43 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___47 / 48
Long Answer Question 22) T here are 432 students in Class 3. Of them, 122 students like Mathematics and 210 students like Science. The remaining students like Social Studies. How many students like Social Studies, estimate? Solution: 44 NR_BGM_9789387552142-TRAVELLER-G03-MATHS-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___48 / 48
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