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by classklap ENGLISH WORKBOOK - TERM Enhanced Edition PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 1 5 6/14/2019 6:47:22 PM

Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series – especially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The Class 5 workbooks are based on the latest edition of the Grade 5 textbooks released for the academic year 2019-20. A close mapping has been undertaken to ensure that the workbooks support and add value to the textbook content. The IMAX English workbooks and Grammar & Composition books for the Pinnacle series strive hard to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle English workbooks series:   Warm Up section to help learners recall the concepts covered in the textbook   Meanings of difficult words from the lessons provided, along with pictures or example sentences  Inclusion of questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, judgement & appreciation and speaking skills    Enhanced activities for hands-on learning Here are some salient features of the Pinnacle Grammar & Composition series:  The grammar concepts covered have a horizontal and vertical progression across grades, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Inclusion of age-appropriate picture reading for grades 1 & 2, and reading comprehension passages for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of samples for format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing  Provision of a listening to audio section for honing of listening skills for different purposes for grades 4 & 5 Overall, the IMAX English Pinnacle series aims to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication, while providing students the opportunity to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 2 6/14/2019 6:47:22 PM

Workbook Features WaDrimctaUtpion CoDmicptaretihoennsion Activities at the start of each section to Questions to check students’ introduce the key aspects of the unit comprehension of the literature pieces in the unit WDoircdtaMteioannings VaDluicet-abtiaosned Questions Covers meanings of the new words from the unit Exercises to develop students’ critical thinking skills PoDeitcrytaAtipopnreciation Speak Questions to aid students’ comprehension and appreciation of Speaking activities that can also be the poems in the unit used for formative assessment VoDcicatbautiloanry and Grammar AcDtiicvtitaytion Questions based on the vocabulary Hands-on activities that encourage and grammar covered in the unit students to make real-life connections with aspects of the lesson PrDojiecctat tWioonrk Activities at the end of each term to enhance students’ engagement with various aspects of the language PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 3 6/14/2019 6:47:22 PM

Table of Contents Unit Name Page No. 1) Exploring Space Section 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1 Section 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 6 2) My Native Place Section 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 11 Section 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 16 3) Our Nation Section 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 19 Section 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 23 4) Project Work – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 28 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 4 6/14/2019 6:47:23 PM

Unit 1: Exploring Space (Section 1 – pages 87–101) Warm Up For many years, scientists have been exploring outer space. In the future, we may even be able to live on other planets, like we live on Earth. If you were to live on Mars, what kind of life would you have? Would it be different from your life on Earth? How? Discuss. A Word Meanings Word Meaning Example desolate colonising empty and sad The floods left the villages eagerly desolate. fertile to settle at a new place and The British began adapting gain control over it colonising India during the 18th century. galaxy with great interest or We were eagerly waiting for excitement the magic show to begin. suitable for growing crops The crops grew fast in the and plants fertile soil. becoming used to Ritu is adapting to her new school easily. a collection of stars and Our planet Earth and the planets in space that are held Sun belong to the Milky Way together by gravity galaxy. 1 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 1 6/14/2019 6:47:23 PM

voyage a long journey through sea or The voyage to the moon magnificent space and back took many months. great; extremely beautiful The princess lived in a magnificent palace. Comprehension 1) How was the Earth’s soil in the olden days? How did humans pollute it? (2M) Ans.   2) Give any two reasons for why life on Mars was difficult. (2M) Ans.    3) How did people get water on Mars, as compared to the Earth? (2M) Ans.   Value-based Questions 4) Name any two ways by which you see people harming life on Earth. Then, write two ways through which we can protect the Earth. (2M) Ans.    2 6/14/2019 6:47:24 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 2

5) On Mars, 687 days make a year, whereas on Earth, it takes 365 days. Why do you think a year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth? (2M) Ans.     Poetry Appreciation 6) What does the poem tell you about Saturn and Mars? (1M) Ans.   7) What does the poet compare Jupiter’s red storms to? (1M) Ans.   Vocabulary and Grammar 8) Identify and write the collective nouns from the given sentences. (1M per question) a) The Indian cricket team won the match. ________________ b) My dog Lily had a litter of puppies. ________________ Exploring Space 3 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 3 6/14/2019 6:47:25 PM

c) Where did I put the bunch of keys? ________________ d) The flock of sparrows flew over our house. ________________ e) A shoal of fish swam past the plant. ________________ 9) Fill in the blanks with the abstract noun forms of the words given in brackets. (1M per question) a) Grandma told us many stories about her _______________________. (child) b) Riya and Faisal share a _______________________ of many years. (friend) c) Books give us a lot of _______________________. (know) d) Mother Teresa was known for her _______________________. (kind) 4 6/14/2019 6:47:30 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 4

e) She is a woman of great _______________________. (strong) Speak 10) Imagine that you met your friend’s grandfather when you were playing in the park one day. What would you say to him? You: Good evening, Uncle! I am __________. I am ___________ friend. Your friend’s grandfather: Good evening, ____________. Exploring Space 5 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 5 6/14/2019 6:47:31 PM

Unit 1: Exploring Space (Section 2 – pages 102–110) Warm Up Column B Match the given information to the correct planet. Column A a) Jupiter A) This planet has rings. b) Neptune B) This planet is beyond the asteroid belt. c) Saturn C) This planet has red storms. d) Earth D) This planet is red in colour. e) Mars E) This planet is called ‘the blue ice giant’. f) Uranus F) This is the only planet which has life on it. 6 6/14/2019 6:47:33 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 6

Word Meanings Word Meaning Example hatch a small door or opening asteroid in an aeroplane or a The pilot went in through shattered spaceship the hatch. decode a large rock in space that chamber circles the Sun Most asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter. broke into many pieces The window shattered when to find the true or hidden it was hit by a rock. meaning of something The children are trying to a room decode the puzzle. The palace has an underground chamber. Comprehension 1) What did Amuthan and Nilavan see at the museum? What did they do? (2M) Ans.    2) Were the aliens from the unknown planet helpful? Write any two examples from the story to support your answer. (2M) Ans.    Exploring Space 7 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 7 6/14/2019 6:47:33 PM

3) How were the aliens able to speak with Amuthan and Nilavan? (2M) Ans.    Value-based Questions 4) How do you think Amuthan and Nilavan felt when the aliens shattered the spaceship’s window? Why do you think so? (2M) Ans.       5) Do you think humans and aliens could live together in peace? Why or why not? (2M) Ans.       8 6/14/2019 6:47:33 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 8

Vocabulary and Grammar 6) Match the words in the two columns correctly to make compound words. (4M) Column A Column B match melon water mother tooth brow grand box eye ring ear board hair paste black cut 7) Use the given abstract and collective nouns in your own sentences. (1M per question) a) happiness: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. b) truth: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. c) success: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. d) team: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. e) bundle: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. Exploring Space 9 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 9 6/14/2019 6:47:33 PM

Activity 8) Write a letter to your friend, inviting him or her to your birthday party. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Dear ___________________________, ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 10 6/14/2019 6:47:35 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 10

Unit 2: My Native Place (Section 1 – pages 111–128) Warm Up Santhosh goes to his grandparents’ village for his summer vacations. He writes his experiences in a diary. Do you also have a diary? What do you write in it? Discuss with the class. A Word Meanings Word Meaning Example pleasant nice or pleasing The weather was pleasant lush after last night’s storm. abundant threshing covered with thick and The sheep are grazing in the enchanting healthy green plants lush green fields. handful large in amount or plenty The library has an abundant supply of good books. separating the grain from The farmers harvested the the rest of the crop crops for threshing. very likeable, enjoyable or The book had many lovely enchanting stories about magical lands. the amount that can be held in a single hand; a She put a handful of salt in small amount the food. PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 11 11 6/14/2019 6:47:35 PM

armour a metal covering worn to The soldiers wore shiny steel protect the body armour. Comprehension 1) Which village did Santhosh visit during his summer vacations? Who lived there? (2M) Ans.   2) Name a few trees in Santhosh’s grandfather’s house. What fruit did his grandfather give him to eat? (2M) Ans.   3) Who was Paavai? What did she teach Santhosh to play? (2M) Ans.    Value-based Questions 4) Think of a place you have been to in your vacations. Describe it in three to four sentences. (2M) Ans.     12 6/14/2019 6:47:36 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 12

5) Santhosh realises that he did not watch any television or play video games when he was in the village. Is it good to spend a lot of time in front of the television or on the mobile phone? Why or why not? Give two examples. (2M) Ans.      Poetry Appreciation 6) Who is the farmer’s friend? Why? (1M) Ans.   7) What do you learn from the poem ‘Farmer’s Friend’? (1M) Ans.   Vocabulary and Grammar 8) Write the past continuous forms of the verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences. (1M per question) a) The dog ________________________________ the cat. (chase) My Native Place 13 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 13 6/14/2019 6:47:36 PM

b) She ________________________________ for the test the next day. (prepare) c) It ________________________________ last night. (rain) d) I ________________________________ with my family last week. (camp) e) The girl ________________________________ down the narrow path. (walk) 9) Write the plural forms of the following words. (1M per question) a) leaf – ________________________ b) deer – ________________________ c) mouse – ________________________ 6/14/2019 6:47:38 PM 14 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 14

d) tomato – ________________________ e) giraffe – ________________________ Speak 10) Your mother has sent you to the grocery shop to buy a loaf of bread, six eggs, a packet of butter and tea powder. Work in pairs and enact a dialogue between the shopkeeper and yourself. Begin your conversation with the following lines: Shopkeeper:  Good evening. Welcome to our store. You:   Good evening. Thank you. Shopkeeper:  How can I help you? My Native Place 15 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 15 6/14/2019 6:47:39 PM

Unit 2: My Native Place (Section 2 – pages 129–136) Warm Up Imagine your parents gave you a hundred rupees and asked you to spend it wisely. What would you spend the money on? Discuss with your classmates. A Word Meanings Word Meaning Example millet sacred a grain grown in warm The farmer had millet and apt countries that is mostly used paddy fields. flock to make flour blessed or holy The old temple was considered sacred in the community. the most suitable; The new book was an apt appropriate gift for the boy who loved to read. a number of birds together A flock of birds flew away into the sunset together. Comprehension 1) Where did the farmer live? What did the farmer want to do as he was growing old? (2M) Ans.   16 6/14/2019 6:47:40 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 16

2) Why did the farmer want to test his daughters? How did he test them? (2M) Ans.   3) Why was the farmer’s third daughter the wisest? What did she do? (2M) Ans.   Value-based Questions 4) What do you think is the moral of the story, ‘The Farmer and his Daughters’? Why are moral stories important? (2M) Ans.     5) Imagine you wanted to give away something of your own to someone else. Who would you give it to? Why? (2M) Ans.     Vocabulary and Grammar 6) Fill in the blanks with the correct plural forms of the words in brackets. (1M per question) a) They have three _______________________. (child) My Native Place 17 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 17 6/14/2019 6:47:40 PM

b) She saw a flock of _______________________ (goose) by the lake. c) The office had all _______________________ (woman) leaders. d) The _______________________ (sheep) were taken to graze. e) I packed two ____________________ (loaf) of bread for the picnic. 7) Fill in the blanks with the suitable past continuous or future continuous forms of the verbs given in brackets. (1M per question) a) The lights went out when I _______________________________. (read) b) Next summer, we _______________________________ Ooty. (visit) c) I met my friend while I _______________________________ home. (return) d) They _______________________________ all night tomorrow. (dance) e) Ram _______________________________ his homework at 8:00 p.m. yesterday. (do) Activity 8) Form groups of six. Write a short skit that has a meaningful ending. Your skit can even have a moral in the end. Enact the skit in front of the class with your group. 18 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 18 6/14/2019 6:47:42 PM

Unit 3: Our Nation (Section 1 – pages 137–149) Warm Up In the story, Karmugilan serves as a doctor to the poor of the country. There is more than one way to serve the people around us. Look at the following pictures. Discuss how each of these people helps their country. A Word Meanings Word Meaning Example honour respect; pride fame The soldiers fought for the critical honour of their country. patriotism to be loved and respected He gained fame as an bind when you are well-known actor. serious; in very poor health The patient was in a critical condition. love for one’s country We can show our patriotism in many different ways. to bring together A book binder binds the pages of a book together. PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 19 19 6/14/2019 6:47:44 PM

Comprehension 1) What is celebrated on 7th December? Why? (2M) Ans.   2) Who was Karmugilan? How did he serve the people of his country? (2M) Ans.    3) How did Karmugilan die? How did the people remember him after that? (2M) Ans.    Value-based Questions 4) If you were in Karmugilan’s place, would you have come back to help people in the villages? Why or why not? (2M) Ans.     5) Think of someone who is not in the army, but still serves people. Write about this person in two sentences. (2M) Ans.   20 6/14/2019 6:47:45 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 20

Poetry Appreciation 6) What is patriotism compared with in the poem? (1M) Ans.   7) ‘For it is in our nature, to bind as a Nation.’ What does this line from the poem mean? (1M) Ans.   Vocabulary and Grammar 8) Divide the following words into their syllables correctly. (1M per question) a) meaning b) perfect c) cheetah d) playground e) surprise Our Nation 21 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 21 6/14/2019 6:47:45 PM

9) Fill in the blanks correctly with ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘at’. (1M per question) a) The little girl is holding a cup ____________________ her hand. b) Satish came home ____________________ 2:00 a.m. c) Riaz put the books ____________________ the box. d) There is a sparrow sitting ____________________ the tree. e) There was a train waiting ____________________ the station. Speak 10) Form groups of three and enact the given situation. You can start with the lines given below. You have had a cold for five days. You visit a doctor along with one of your parents. Parent:  Good morning, Doctor. Doctor:  Good morning. What is the problem? Parent:  This is my son/daughter. He/she has not been well for two days. 22 6/14/2019 6:47:47 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 22

Unit 3: Our Nation (Section 2 – pages 150–158) Warm Up Can you only help your country by being in the army? What else can you do? Share your thoughts with the class. Word Meanings Word Meaning Example legendary very famous or well-known Lakshmi Bai is the legendary retreat queen of Jhansi. intention launched the act of pulling back from The troops forced the aftermath personnel battle enemy to retreat. to plan or aim for something Her intention is to study well for the exam. began The enemy launched a sudden attack at sunrise. the period following a In the aftermath of the terrible or tragic event cyclone, many people needed shelter. people working in a The general thanked his particular service such as a personnel for their hard military service work. PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 23 23 6/14/2019 6:47:47 PM

Comprehension 1) Who was Jaswant Singh Rawat? What was his position? (2M) Ans.   2) What were the Indian soldiers at the Nauranang post asked to do? What did Jaswant do? (2M) Ans.    3) How did the Chinese soldiers get to know that there were only three people at the Nauranang post? How many Chinese soldiers had Jaswant killed by then? (2M) Ans.    Value-based Questions 4) State any two qualities that a true soldier should possess. Why do you think these qualities are important? (2M) Ans.      24 6/14/2019 6:47:48 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 24

5) What would you do if you were in the same situation as Jaswant Singh Rawat? (2M) Ans.      Vocabulary and Grammar 6) Rewrite the given sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful paragraph. (5M) I bit into the apple. I told the worm, ‘You can have my apple. I don’t want it anymore.’ My mother gave me a juicy red apple. What did I see? Then, the worm smiled at me. I saw a fat green worm looking at me. Ans.           Our Nation 25 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 25 6/14/2019 6:47:48 PM

7) Fill in the blanks with ‘for’ or ‘with’. (1M per question) a) I had a banana _______________ breakfast.  b) Ashu takes her tea _______________ milk.  c) Naveen bought flowers _______________ his mother.  d) I got a book _______________ my birthday.  e) Bring the basket _______________ you when you come.  26 6/14/2019 6:47:50 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 26

Activity 8) Write a story based on the pictures below. Use the given words and pictures to help you. Write your answer in the space provided. family – picnic – park puppy – injured rescued – taken home pet – happy Ans.            Our Nation 27 PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 27 6/14/2019 6:47:55 PM

Project Work Form five groups. Each group chooses two problems that are causing harm to the earth. Discuss solutions to the problems chosen by your group. Collect pictures of the same. Make a collage showing the problems and solutions and present it before the class. 28 6/14/2019 6:47:55 PM PNC_Eng_G5_WB_T1.indb 28

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