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9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text

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NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 2 12/15/2018 9:40:57 AM

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap Program presents the latest version of the Visa series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the Visa series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Furthermore, to facilitate comprehensive coverage, improved understanding of diverse themes and ease of implementation, the EVS curriculum has been split into EVS – I and EVS – II. Our books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. They also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The Visa EVS – I textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Interactive content that engages students through a range of open- ended questions that build curiosity and initiate exploration  Opportunities for experimentation, analysis and synthesis of ideas and concepts  Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving  Effective use of visual elements to enable learning of structures, processes and phenomena  A focus on subject-specific vocabulary building  Integrated learning of values and life skills  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process Overall, the ClassKlap Visa EVS – I textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to inculcate healthy habits, skills and values that promote environmentally sensitive and culturally responsive democratic citizenship among students. – The Authors

I Will Learn About I Remember Contains the list of learning Introduces new concepts to build on the objectives to be achieved in the prerequisite knowledge/skills required to lesson understand and apply the objective of the topic I Think Pin-up Note Introduces the concept/subtopic and arouses Contains key retention points from the curiosity among students concept Train My Brain I Understand Checks for learning to gauge the Explains the aspects in detail understanding level of students that form the basis of the concept I Apply Includes elements to ensure that students are engaged Connects the concept to throughout real-life situations by enabling students to apply what has been Be Amazed learnt through the practice questions Fascinating facts and trivia related to the concept Connect the Dots I Explore (H.O.T.S.) A multidisciplinary section that Encourages students to extend connects a particular topic to the concept learnt to advanced other subjects in order to enable application scenarios students to relate better to it A Note to Parent Inside the Lab To engage a parent in Provides for hands-on experience out-of-classroom learning of their with creating, designing and child and conduct activities implementing something given in the section to reinforce innovative and useful the learnt concepts NCoRr_rBPGaMge_s9_7S8c9ie3n8c8e7_5P1P0S8_7GP3A_STSBP_OFeRaTtGur0e3sEpVaSgeI T(E1X3T-1B2O-1O7K).pPAdfRT12_Text.pdf 4 1123/1-D5/e2c0-178 59:240:4557 PAM

Contents Class 3 8 Composition of Air 2 9 Stems and Leaves  6 10 Uses of Animals 11 Inside the Lab – B .......................................................................................................... 18 Activity B1: My Lava Lamp Activity B2: Leaves Leaves Everywhere! 11 Food Diversity  20 12 Types of Houses  26 13 Travel with Family  31 14 Communication without Speaking 35 Inside the Lab – C........ 40 Activity C1: Cuisines of Different States Activity C2: Make Your Script NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 5 12/15/2018 9:40:57 AM

Lesson Composition of Air 8 I Will Learn About R air as a mixture. U sources of components of air. A air pollution. H the bad effects of burning firecrackers. I Think Arjun woke up early in the morning to go to school. He found that the air was fresh and cool. When he came back from school in the afternoon, he felt the air was not so fresh and cool. Do you know why? I Remember We know that air is all around us. Air is a mixture of different gases. Gases are substances that can move around freely. Gases do not have any shape of their own. They can fill any available space of any shape. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are the main gases present in the air. Air is mostly made up of nitrogen and oxygen. Carbon dioxide and some other gases are present in smaller amounts. The air around us is Air also contains water vapour, which is the gaseous form of a mixture of different water, and some dust. gases, water vapour and some dust. Clean air does not have any smell or colour. 2 12/15/2018 9:40:57 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 6

I Understand We have learnt that air contains carbon different gases. Let us find out dioxide the sources of these gases. We all need air to breathe. All animals breathe in oxygen and oxygen give out carbon dioxide. At the same time, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air to make their food. They give out sources of oxygen and carbon dioxide in air oxygen during this process. In this way, the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air are maintained. What will happen to this balance, if we cut trees unnecessarily? We know that water vapour in the air comes from different water bodies. Once the air gets filled with water vapour, it changes into water droplets and falls as rain. Train My Brain 1) Name one gas present in the air. 2) Name the form of water present in the air. I Apply Sometimes the air gets filled with smoke and dust. The presence of such harmful substances in the air is called air pollution. Substances which make the air dirty (or pollute the air) are called pollutants. Let us find out the sources of these pollutants. firewood kerosene vehicles lamp When we burn firewood or a kerosene lamp, it gives out smoke. Smoke from vehicles and factories also pollute the factory air. Vehicles also blow up dust in the air. Carbon dioxide is useful at very low levels. But when its amount increases above normal levels, it becomes a pollutant. Composition of Air 3 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 7 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

Any colour or bad smell of air shows air pollution. Polluted air is unhealthy. It may damage our lungs and eyes. It makes us feel tired and sick. If the air is polluted, we should wear masks. Masks filter the air and allow only clean air to enter our nose. How can we keep the air clean? child wearing a mask 1) Plant trees: Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. They help to keep the air clean and healthy. So, we feel fresh when we are in a field, garden or a forest. It is, therefore, important to plant trees. 2) Use smoke-free lamps and stoves: We should avoid using cooking stoves and lamps which give out smoke. 3) Stop burning garbage: We should not burn garbage in our neighbourhood. Plastics in the garbage give out harmful gases on burning. 4) Use well-maintained vehicles: Vehicles that are not maintained or are old give out harmful gases. Be Amazed As we go higher, the level of oxygen in the air decreases. So, the people who climb mountains carry oxygen cylinders with them. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) People burst firecrackers (crackers) on festivals and special occasions. Do you think firecrackers are good for the environment? Firecrackers are made up of chemicals which catch fire easily. They make a lot of noise. They also add harmful smoke to the air causing air pollution. People who make firecrackers in factories suffer from skin and lung problems. firecrackers people who make firecrackers 4 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 8

It is dangerous to work in places where they are made or stored. Still, at some places, even small children are forced to work in firecracker factories. We should, therefore, stop bursting firecrackers. Connect the Dots English Fun An abbreviation is a short form of any word or a phrase. We can write the names of different gases using short forms (symbols) as given below. Component of air Short form (symbol) Carbon dioxide CO2 Nitrogen N2 Oxygen O2 You will learn about these symbols in higher classes. Social Studies Fun Smoke from factories is harmful to us. So, factories are built in industrial areas far from our homes. Find out whether there is any such area near your city. A Note to Parent Make your child understand the importance of clean air. Help him or her notice the difference in air quality during different times of the day. You may use the following examples to understand the change in the air quality: 1) with vehicles and without vehicles on the road 2) with firecrackers and without firecrackers at Diwali 3) with and without the smoke coming out from the factories and so on Talk about the lives of people who work in firecracker factories. Also, discuss the side effects of burning firecrackers. Composition of Air 5 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 9 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

Lesson Stems and Leaves 9 I Will Learn About R different types of stems and leaves. U functions of stems and leaves. A uses of stems and leaves. H why plants shed leaves. I Think Nitin’s teacher showed him four types of leaves. She asked him to find the differences between them. What differences did Nitin find? I Remember You have learnt about various types of plants. You have also learnt that a plant has different parts. Now, let us learn about the stems and leaves of plants in detail. THE STEM stem leaf The stem is usually seen above the ground. It is generally green when young and later becomes woody and dark brown. The stem is different in different types of plants. 6 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 10

The stem of a big tree is called the trunk. tree trunk stem with stem without Stems may be with branches or without branches branches branches. For example, mango trees have branches but coconut trees have no branches. Stems are usually erect, but in some plants they can be creeping or twisted. For example, pumpkin plants have creeping stems. The stem of the rose plant has thorns on creeper stem thorns on a hair on the it. In some plants, stems are covered with of pumpkin rose stem stem of a tulsi small hair. plant The stem of the bamboo is smooth, while the stem of the mango tree is rough. We have learnt about the different types of stems in plants. Now, let us learn about the different kinds of leaves. THE LEAVES Leaves are important parts of plants, just like the bamboo stems rough stem or bark of a mango tree stems. They are of different size, shape and colour. They are arranged in different ways in different plants. Let us take a look at some leaves. Banana plants have big leaves and tulsi plants have small ones. Peepal trees have heart-shaped leaves. Shapes Arrangement Edges Lotus plants have round ones. hand Some leaves have toothed edges. Example: neem shaped Some leaves have a special smell. Example: tulsi spear simple smooth shaped compound toothed The stem is usually seen above the ground and bears branches, heart leaves, flowers and fruits. shaped The leaves are of different round shape, size, colour and have different arrangements. needle lobed compound different types of leaves Stems and Leaves 7 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 11 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

I Understand We have learnt about different types of stems and leaves. But, why do plants need stems and leaves? Let us see how stems and leaves are helpful to plants. Functions OF STEMS 1) The stem allows the plant to stand upright and holds up the branches and leaves. It holds the leaves in such a way that they trunk helps the tree can get maximum sunlight. to stand upright 2) The stem carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. It carries food prepared in the leaves to the different parts of the plant. 3) Some stems store food for the plant. Example: sugar cane sugar cane FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES Plants need food to live. Leaves make food for the plant. They also help plants to breathe. How do leaves make food? To make food, leaves need sunlight, water sunlight oxygen and carbon dioxide gas. They use the water carbon dioxide carbon dioxide gas from the air. Water from the roots reach the leaves through the stem. In the presence of sunlight, leaves combine water and carbon dioxide to make food. During this process, they give out oxygen. So, they are called ‘the kitchen of the plant’ or ‘food factory of the plant’. Train My Brain 1) Give an example of a plant that has a thorny stem. 2) Name a plant with heart-shaped leaves. 8 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 12

I Apply We have learnt about the functions of stems and leaves. Now, let us see how we use stems and leaves in our day-to-day life. Uses of stems Some stems are used: • as food, for example, potato and onion. The sugar cane stem is used to make juice, sugar and jaggery. • to make furniture as they are hard and strong. Teak and mahogany are a few examples. • to make medicines. Example: tulsi, neem • to make useful things like rubber and jute. The milky juice from the stem of the rubber tree is used to make rubber. The stem of the jute plant is used to make jute. We make ropes and bags using jute. Uses of leaves Some leaves are used: • as food. Leafy vegetables such as spinach and parsley are some examples. Leaves of the tea plant are used to make tea. • as spices in cooking. Example: bay leaves, coriander • to make medicines, for example, the leaves of the tulsi and bay leaves neem plants. • to cook and serve food. Example: turmeric leaf, banana leaf • as decorations during festivals cooking food using a leaf serving food on a leaf and special occasions. Be Amazed The green colour of leaves is due to a substance called chlorophyll. Leaves turn brown due to a substance called tannin. Tannin also gives the colour to your tea. Stems and Leaves 9 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 13 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) During the winter season, some trees shed all their leaves. Leaves of some trees also change their colour. Do you know why they do so? Try to find out. shedding of leaves leaves changing colours There are some trees where leaves are not in their normal form. For example, cactus plant. The leaves of cactus are reduced to spines. cactus plant with spines Connect the Dots Social Studies Fun Banyan tree is India’s national tree. It has a stem with branches. banyan tree Maths Fun You have learnt about different types of patterns. Create two patterns using different types of leaf prints. A Note to Parent Take your child to a nearby garden. Show him or her various types of plants and trees. Ask him or her to identify the different types of leaves and stems. 10 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 14

Lesson Uses of Animals 10 I Will Learn About r animal products. u trained animals. a people who depend on animals for their livelihood. h kindness towards animals. I Think Have you ever wondered where we get woollen clothes from? Or where does the milk that you drink every morning come from? I Remember We find many animals around us. Some of them are very useful. Animals give us food and other things that we can use. Let us see how animals are useful to us: 1) Some animals and birds provide food. Animals like cows, buffaloes and goats give milk. They are called milch animals. We use milk to drink and to prepare milk products/dairy products. Curd, butter, ghee and cheese are some milk products. NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 15 11 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

cow buffalo milk and milk products hen Birds like hens and ducks eggs meat give us eggs. The meat of various animals and birds is used as food. Some aquatic (water) animals like fish and prawns are also used as food. 2) We get honey from honeycombs. We use honey in food and as fish prawns honeycomb honey medicine. 3) A  nimals like sheep and rabbit give us wool. Wool is used to make woollen clothes. They protect us from the cold. sheep wool woollen clothes 4) We get leather from the skin of animals like cows, pigs, goats, sheep, alligators and kangaroos. Bags, purses and belts are made from leather. We get fur from the skin of some animals like minks, foxes and rabbits. Fur is also used to make purses and coats. leather from animal skin bags, purses, shoes, belts animal fur fur coat 12 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 16

5) Lac insects give us lac. It is used to make dyes. It is also used to make bangles. lac insect lac lac bangles 6) Silkworms give us silk threads. They are used to make silk cloth. silkworm silk thread silk cloth 7) Oyster, a kind of sea animal, gives us pearls. Eggs, milk, honey and meat are animal products. We also get wool, fur, leather, silk, pearls and lac from animals. oyster pearls 8) Animal waste is used to produce cooking gas. In village areas, dried cow dung is used instead of firewood. dried cow dung used as firewood Uses of Animals 13 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 17 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

I Understand We have learnt about the useful things we get from animals. Now, let us discuss about some other uses of animals. Some animals are trained to help humans in their work and transport. 1) A nimals like horses, elephants and camels are trained to carry people and goods. Horses and bullocks pull carts. There are some places where modern modes of transport do not work. In such places animals like mules and camels help us in transport. Mules are trained to climb hills carrying goods. horse cart animals used for riding mules carrying goods camels in the desert Camels can move across the desert sand easily. They are called the ship of the desert. 2) D  ogs are trained to help us in many ways. Police train dogs to catch thieves or to smell bombs. Dogs can be trained to guard our houses. They can be trained to help people with special needs like the blind people. police dog guard dog guide dog 14 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 18

3) Some animals are trained to help us in farm work. bullocks used in farm 4) In a circus, wild animals like elephants, monkeys and parrots are trained to do tricks. Sea animals like dolphins are also trained to perform in front of people. Nowadays, to stop animal cruelty, a circus is not allowed in many countries. monkeys entertaining people talking parrot trained dolphin Train My Brain 1) Name any two animals used for transport. 2) Name the animal that guards our houses. I Apply We have seen various uses of animals in the form of products, transport and safety. Many people depend on animals for their work. Let us see how. People like milkmen and fishermen depend on animals for their livelihood. Some people rear goats and sheep for their milk and meat. To rear is to take care of animals until they are fully grown. People rear birds like hens and ducks for their meat and eggs. It is called poultry farming. fish farming goat farming poultry farming NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 19 Uses of Animals 15 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

Snake charmers perform tricks using snakes to earn money. Some people train monkeys and use them to perform tricks. Have you seen such animal charmers? How do you feel when you look at those animals? Human beings used to hunt wild animals snake charmer monkey charmer for food since ancient times. We came to know about it through rock paintings. Have you seen any such ancient rock paintings? Be Amazed ancient rock painting Indian sheep An Indian sheep can yield about 5 kg wool per year. This roughly means that every year the wool got from each Indian sheep can be used to make fourteen sweaters. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) So far, we have seen that animals are very useful to us. In our country, people worship animals like cows, elephants, snakes and so on. This is to respect their usefulness to us. We should treat all animals with kindness. We should not hurt them. We should take care of the animals around us. Here are some ways to take care of animals: 1) We should give enough food and water to the animals we rear. We should keep them in clean and airy shelters. 2) W  e should not put heavy loads on the animals used for transport. We should not beat them. 3) We should not hurt them while training them. 16 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 20

4) W  e should keep them healthy and get an animal doctor (veterinarian) to check them regularly. These days, killing wild animals for their skin, fur, nails, horns or tusks is not allowed as per the law. Keeping them in a cage is also not allowed. Connect the Dots English Fun Rearrange the jumbled letters to find the names of things we get from animals. 1) lpare: ______________________________ 2) noehy: ______________________________ 3) klis: ______________________________ 4) etharle: ______________________________ Social Studies Fun homing pigeon S ome birds can be trained as messengers. Homing pigeons are taught to find their way home from long distances. They were used in olden days to carry messages. A Note to Parent Discuss with your child about the uses of animals. Explain how we can take care of the animals in our neighbourhood. For example, keeping water for the birds and animals during summer and so on. Uses of Animals 17 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 21 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM

Inside the Lab – B Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity B1: My Lava Lamp A lava lamp is a tube-shaped light. It has a coloured, oily liquid inside it that flows up and down. Let us try to build a lava lamp. It is very easy and a lot of fun! You will need: a cup of water, a clear plastic bottle, vegetable oil, food colouring, ENO fruit salt (or other antacid tablets) and glitter (optional). You need to: 1) pour water into the plastic bottle until it is around one-quarter full. lava lamps 2) pour the vegetable oil until the bottle is nearly full. 3) wait until the oil and water have separated from each other. 4) add around twelve drops of food colouring to the bottle. You can add glitter too. 5) watch as the food colouring goes through the oil and mixes with the water. 6) a dd some ENO into the bottle; things should start getting a little crazy, just like a real lava lamp! 7) add some more ENO when the bubbling stops and enjoy the changes. 8) shine a torch behind or underneath your lava lamp to see it glow. How do you get the movement inside the lava lamp? When we add ENO, it mixes with water to form carbon dioxide gas. This gas causes colour bursts and movements inside the lava lamp. [Note: Oral intake of ENO or antacid tablets should be strictly avoided during the activity.] 18 12/2125/20178 39:3490:0548 PAM NR_BGM_918728191308087251-1P0a8s7spPoArSt-SGP3O-RTTexGtb03ooEkV-SScIiTeEnXcTeB-FOYO_TKxPt_ACRoTr2re_cTteexdt.padgf e2.p2df 3

Activity B2: Leaves Leaves Everywhere! We see many different types of leaves Shapes Arrangement Edges around us. They differ in colour, shape, smooth size, arrangement and so on. hand toothed shaped Go on a nature walk to a local park or a garden in your school premises to see spear simple the different types of leaves. shaped You will need: heart shaped a paper bag, a pencil, an eraser and a set of colour pencils. compound round You need to: needle 1) take a paper bag and collect as compound lobed many types of leaves as you can. different types of leaves 2) m ake sure that you pick 3 – 4 leaves of the same plant. 3) g roup all the leaves by shapes, arrangements and edges (as shown in the picture). 4) trace the shapes of the leaves in your notebook. 5) colour the leaves with your favourite colours. Show your colourful leaf journal to your friends. trace and paint leaves Inside the Lab – B 19 NR_BGM_9178289131088027511-P0a8s7spPoArSt-SGP3O-RTTexGtb03ooEkV-SScIiTeEnXcTeB-FOYO_TKxPt_ACRoTr2re_cTteexdt.padgf e2.p3df 4 12/1252/20178 39:4390:5048 APM

Lesson Food Diversity 11 I Will Learn About R food diversity. U the reasons for food diversity. A changes in the food habits of people. H important food crops in India. I Think Have you noticed what your friends bring for lunch daily? Is it the same kind of food which you bring from home? I Remember You might have seen that your friends bring different dishes for lunch. At home, we take different types of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food we eat on different days is also not the same. The food which people eat regularly in large quantity is called staple food. The staple food is not the same in different places. For example, rice is the staple food in southern India, whereas wheat is the staple food in northern India. 1) People in southern India may prefer idli, dosa and rice. 20 12/15/2018 9:40:58 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 24

2) People in the north may like roti, food in food in parantha and dal. South North India India 3) P  eople in the east may eat more of fish, dal and rice. 4) People in western India may enjoy pav bhaji, thepla and so on. Food in different states is different too. food food For example, in Punjab, people prefer in East in West lassi and paranthas. In West Bengal, India India people like fish curry and rice. Let us see what people eat in different countries. In China, people eat rice, noodles and so on. In the United States of America (USA), the popular food items are hot dogs and burgers. In Italy, people eat pizza, pasta and so on. Chinese food The staple food differs in different regions of our country. noodles There is diversity in food in different regions and states of India. Food is diverse around rice the globe as well. American food Italian food hot dog burger pizza pasta I Understand There is a variety of food across places. Now, let us find out the reasons behind this diversity in food. 1) Availability of raw food: The weather and climate of a place helps in the growth of some specific food crops. A crop is a plant grown for food, clothes, medicines or any other uses. Food Diversity 21 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 25 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

For example, in areas of heavy rainfall, rice and coconut are grown. People in these areas eat more rice. In areas of low rainfall, wheat, bajra and jowar are grown. So, people eat rotis made from the flour of these grains. In coastal areas, fish is available in abundance. Seafood like fish is common in these regions. cooked chutney bread rice idli coconut cookies rice plants barfi roti coconut trees wheat plants roti fish fry khichdi laddu prawn curry bajra plants jowar plants fishes 2) Culture and tradition: People from different cultures eat different food. We celebrate festivals by making special types of food. For example, • during Eid, people make biryani, kebabs and sweets. • Christmas is celebrated with a variety of meat dishes, cakes and cookies. • Bhog is a special food prepared during Durga puja. • People make modak during Ganesh festival. • Pongal is another festival food prepared during the Tamil festival of Thai Pongal. Eid Christmas biryani kebabs sweets cookies Christmas cake turkey 22 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 26

Durga puja Ganesh festival Thai Pongal bhog modak pongal 3) Cooking methods: Food also differs because of the cooking methods used. Boiled rice and fried rice are very different. In the same way, chappatis and puris look and taste different. boiled rice fried rice chappatis puris Earlier, people ate only locally grown food. Food from other places were not available to them easily. These days, food items from different places are easily available to us. Train My Brain 1) Name the special dish prepared during Durga puja. 2) Name a food crop grown in areas of low rainfall. I Apply We have seen various reasons for food diversity. But sometimes, food habits differ because of the needs of the body. 1) Work habits: Food habits also depend on the type of work people do. For example, people doing a lot of physical work need more of energy rich food. 2) Age: According to the age of the people, different types baby food of food are prepared at home. For example, baby food differs from the food grown-up people eat. A new-born baby drinks only milk. Food Diversity 23 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 27 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

School-going children need a variety of food items to grow. Very old people eat soft food like dal-rice and roti soaked in milk. 3) Seasons: Our food habits also change according to the seasons. In summer, we eat more fruits and vegetable dishes. In winter, we eat food and drinks that keep us food of an adult person warm. Find out the different types of seasonal food available in your area. winter food summer food 4) Health: Food habits also change according to health conditions. When you are ill, you eat less food. Your parents may give you soups, light food with less oil and so on. Be Amazed Tomato, potato, sugar and chilli are not originally from India. They were brought to India by the Portuguese. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) You have learnt that one of the reasons behind food diversity is the variety of crops. The major crops in India can be divided into four groups: 1) Food grains such as rice, maize, wheat and so on 2) Fruits and vegetables 3) Cotton, jute, sugarcane and tobacco 4) Tea, coffee, coconut and rubber Find out the different types of crops grown in your area. Also, learn about the changes in the crops grown throughout the year. 24 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 28

Connect the Dots English Fun One specific food item may have multiple names. For example, pani-puri is known as puchka as well as gol gappe. Social Studies Fun Make a list of famous dishes in the states given below: Goa, Kerala, Gujarat A Note to Parent Talk to your child about the dishes prepared during your local festivals and special occasions. Discuss why they are prepared. Food Diversity 25 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 29 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

Lesson Types of Houses 12 I Will Learn About R the different types of houses. u reasons for diversity in types of houses. a keeping our houses clean. h the effects of extreme weather on houses. I Think We see different types of houses around us. What kind of house do you live in? Did your grandparents ever tell you what type of house they lived in? I Remember All of us need a place to live in. We live in houses. The houses in olden times were different from the ones we live in today. Earlier, human beings used to live in caves. Then, they learnt to build houses. They used mud, wood and leaves to build cave hut them. These houses are called kutcha houses. They are not strong enough to face heavy winds or rain. Example: hut 26 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 30

As time went on, people learned to build pucca houses. These are built with bricks, cement, wood, iron rods, steel and stones. Pucca houses are stronger than kutcha houses. Example: bungalows and flats (apartments) Houses are of different types. They can be huts, bungalows or apartments. bungalow apartments I Understand Houses vary from place to place. The types of houses found in any place depend on many factors. REASONS for diversity in types of houses 1) The climatic condition of the place: People make houses house with sloping roof which suit the climate of that area. For example, in the areas with heavy rainfall, houses have sloping roofs. The rain water can drain easily from such roofs. Stilt houses are also found in places of heavy rainfall. They are commonly seen by river sides. These houses are made with bamboo. They are built at a height from the ground to prevent water entering the house. In extremely cold regions, people build dome-shaped houses stilt house using blocks of snow. The dome shape helps to keep it warm inside. These houses are called igloos (snow houses). 2) Lifestyles of the people: According to their lifestyles, people igloo need different types of houses. In villages, people build houses to suit their farming needs. These houses may have some special areas like cattle sheds, storage places for grains and so on. village house Types of Houses 27 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 31 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

In cities, the lifestyle is different. So, people live in flats. Moreover, in cities, there is less land available to build houses. So, multi-storeyed buildings with many flats are common in cities. Tree houses are built by the people living in multi-storeyed buildings forests and jungles. They give protection from wild animals. Some people wander tree house nomads tents from place to place in search of their livelihood. They are called nomads. These people live in tents. Groups of people travelling together use houses on wheels called caravans. A caravan may be pulled by an animal, a car or a truck. We can find houseboats in places having many lakes and caravan rivers. A houseboat is a boat which is designed to be used as a home. Building big houses needs a lot of money. Sometimes, houseboat people may not have enough money to build them. So, they construct smaller houses. You have learnt about some reasons behind the diversity in houses. Do all people have houses to live in? There are some people who cannot afford to have houses. You must have seen homeless people. Roadside or any such public place becomes a house for them. We should be kind to them. Train My Brain people using public place as shelter 1) What do we call a house which is entirely made of snow? 2) Where did human beings live in ancient times? 28 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 32

I Apply You have learnt about the different types of houses. A house is necessary for all of us. We should take good care of it. HOW TO MAINTAIN OUR HOUSES 1) T o be healthy, we need sunlight and fresh air inside our houses. So, we should keep windows open to let in sunlight and fresh air. 2) O ur house should be free from dirt and dust. We should sweep and mop the floor daily. Walls should be kept clean. All the rooms should be kept neat and tidy. 3) Garbage should be thrown in the dustbin. Dustbins should be regularly emptied. 4) Dirty water should not be allowed to collect near the house. Otherwise, disease-causing mosquitoes will lay eggs in it. This will cause diseases. 5) T  he toilets, bathrooms and washbasins should be cleaned from time to time. This will prevent the growth of germs. Be Amazed The tallest building in the world is in Dubai. Its name is Burj Khalifa. It has 163 floors above the ground. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Some extreme weather conditions can cause damage to houses. For example, heavy rain, powerful winds, shaking of the ground(earthquake) and so on. These may make people homeless. houses damaged due to extreme weather conditions 29 Types of Houses 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 33

Have you ever heard of any such condition? What happens when people lose their houses? They need temporary shelter (camp) to live in temporary shelters. They are taken care of by the government. What will happen to the animal shelters in such cases? Find out. SPECIAL HOMES Have you ever heard about orphanages? They are the special shelters for children who have lost their parents and family. Old age home is another such special home. It is a shelter for old people who do not have anyone else to take care of them. orphanage old age home Connect the Dots Maths Fun 1500 bricks are needed to build a house. How many bricks will be needed to build two houses? English Fun With the help of your parents, write the names of different materials used to build your house. A Note to Parent When you go out with your child, make him or her observe different types of houses on the way. Discuss the differences between them. 30 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 34

Lesson Travel with Family 13 I Will Learn About R planning a tour. u the need for travel. a travelling for adventure. h travelling with friends. I Think Does your family go on holidays to new places? You must have seen your parents packing everything carefully before going on holidays. Do you know how they plan a tour? I Remember During holidays, people travel with their family and friends to A tour is a journey different places. Usually, people visit new places when they for pleasure in which go on tours. several different places are visited. When we visit a new place, we may not know where to go and what to do. We may not even know the type of clothes suitable for that place. So, it is important to plan tours in advance. Let us now learn how to plan a tour. NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 35 31 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

PLANNING A TOUR 1) Decide the duration: We first need to decide the number of days for the tour. We should not plan a tour during school days. 2) Decide the place: We decide the place according to the season, things to do and the money we can spend. For example, visiting hill stations is ideal during summers. 3) Decide the mode of travel: We can travel by road, different modes of transport rail or air. We need to book bus, train or plane tickets accordingly. 4) Choose the place to stay: We need to book a hotel room to stay in. If we have any relatives or family friends there, we can stay with them too. 5) Pack our things: We should pack our bags well in advance. Our bags should be light so that they can be easily carried. However, we must remember to carry important things like our ID cards, tickets, important documents and medicines. We must also carry our clothes, toiletries (brushes, combs, toothbrush and toothpaste). Sometimes, we may even need to carry umbrellas, warm clothes, swimsuits and food. We may also carry along a camera to record the memories of the trip. things to be carried while packing for travel I Understand We have learnt to plan tours. Let us now find why people travel. People travel for various reasons. NEED FOR TRAVEL travelling for refreshment 1) Refreshment: Everybody gets tired or bored of daily activities. It is good to go on a tour to get refreshed. 32 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 36 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

2) Meet extended family members: People may celebrating festivals with extended also travel to visit their extended families. They family members may celebrate festivals or special occasions together during holidays. 3) Gain knowledge: Some people travel to learn about different places, people and cultures. 4) Job and business: Some people travel to faraway places for work. 5) Religious tours: Some people travel to places of religious importance. Train My Brain different people and their cultures 1) Name one important thing we should carry while going on a tour. 2) Mention one use of travelling. I Apply We have learnt that people travel with their family hiking mountaineering for refreshment, knowledge, business and so on. But there are some people who travel with their family for an adventure. They may go hiking, mountaineering or camping. They may also take part in different adventure sports. Some adventure sports are given below: • Adventure sports are dangerous. • W e should carry proper safety equipment to perform them. • They should not be performed without expert supervision. • W ithout proper guidance, they can cause serious injuries. Travel with Family 33 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 37 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

Be Amazed Pangong Tso lake Ladakh is one of the most famous tourist places in India. The Pangong Tso lake situated in Ladakh is the largest lake in India. The water in the lake appears to have multiple colours. It displays shades of blue, green and sometimes red. It has been featured in some popular movies too. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) We may not always go out with our family. Sometimes, we travel with our classmates or friends. Have you ever been to a school picnic or excursion? Where did you go and what did you do? Connect the Dots travel books English Fun There are many famous writers who write about their experiences during travel. They write books, blogs, websites and so on. One of the most famous travel books is The Lonely Planet. Social Studies Fun There are different modes of transport. Do you know how the earliest vehicles were made? Find out how the early man thought about making travel easier. A Note to Parent Family vacations are very important. All members get to spend quality time together, away from the daily routine. Plan a visit to a new place to give an experience of ‘learning by travelling’ to your child. 34 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 38 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

Lesson Communication without 14 Speaking I Will Learn About R communication and its types. u types of gestures and expressions. a sign language. h braille language. I Think Have you watched cartoon movies like Tom and Jerry? They don’t have any dialogues. How do we understand the story? I Remember We use words or actions to share our thoughts with others. This process of sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings with people is called communication. Sometimes, the look on our face changes to show what we feel. Communication is mainly of two types: saying with words and saying without words. Communication with words involves speaking and writing. Communication without words involves gestures and expressions. You must have seen a traffic police on the road. How does he or she control the traffic? Either by using hand movements or by blowing a whistle. 35 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 39 12/15/2018 9:40:59 AM

Does he or she say anything while controlling the traffic? Still, people understand the instructions. We use movements of hands, shoulders and head to communicate. Such movements that help people understand without speaking anything are called gestures. Sometimes, people can only look at our face and tell whether we are feeling happy, sad or angry. How do gestures of traffic police they understand this? They know our feelings because the look on our face shows a particular emotion. These are called expressions. These are some of the examples of expressions. Body movements that help people to communicate without speaking are called gestures. An expression is a look on our face that shows a particular emotion. expressions I Understand Let us understand the different gestures and expressions nod your shake your we use to communicate. head (yes) head (no) Here are a few examples of gestures. 1) Nod or shake your head: Sometimes, you just nod or shake your head. It is a gesture to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 2) Waving or tapping your fingers: You wave your hand and your friends understand you are saying ‘hello’. You clap your hands to appreciate something. Now, let us see the different types of expressions we use. saying hello clap your hands 36 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 40

Some commonly used expressions are smiling, frowning, winking, opening wide the eyes or mouth, raising eyebrows and so on. 1) W hen you are happy, you have a smile on your face. 2) W  hen a baby starts crying, the mother understands smiling opening wide the that he/she is hungry, sleepy or hurt. eyes and mouth 3) W  hen we are excited or shocked, we may open wide our eyes or mouth. 4) W e wink to signal that we are joking about something. 5) R  aising our eyebrows might communicate that we are crying winking surprised. It may also mean that we don’t believe what we are hearing. Gestures and expressions are also used while dancing and acting. Indian classical dancers use various ‘mudras’(gestures) and ‘abhinayas’(expressions) to tell stories. Indian classical dancers Kathakali Odissi Bharatanatyam mudras Communication without Speaking 37 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 41 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM

Train My Brain 1) Give an example of a gesture. 2) When you see your friends, you wave your hand. What does this say? I Apply Do you know how to play the game of ‘dumb charades’? How do you express your ideas in it? We use signs for different letters, words and so on. A sign language can be used to communicate. It is mainly used by the people who have a speaking or a hearing disability. They communicate using gestures, combining hand shapes and expressions on the face. like OK dislike peace hello idea sign language People who cannot speak or hear find it difficult to communicate with others. We should not make fun of them. We should help them by using gestures while communicating. Be Amazed Symbols and marks that represented objects were the earliest forms of written communication. These are called pictographs. symbols and marks 38 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 42

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) We learnt about the sign language that people having a speaking disability used. Some people can speak, but cannot see. They use the ‘braille’ language. This language has patterns of raised dots that can be felt with fingertips. Do you know who developed this language? braille alphabet Connect the Dots English Fun Find out the opposite words for the following expressions: happy, cry Maths Fun Numbers using sign language: A Note to Parent Discuss with your child the need to be kind towards people with special needs. Encourage him or her to learn more about different dance styles and sign language used to express oneself. Communication without Speaking 39 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 43 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM

Inside the Lab – C Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity C1: Cuisines of Different States India is a diverse country. It has so many cultures. Each state has its traditional cuisine. You will need: 2 – 3 sheets of paper, a pencil or pen You need to: 1) d  ivide the students into groups so that each group has at least one student from a different state. Each group should have one sheet of paper. 2) a sk the students to discuss and collect the information on the subsequent points. 3) ask him or her about a famous food of the state he or she belongs to. 4) ask him or her to note down its cuisines of different states recipe. 5) ask why it is famous. 6) ask what local ingredients are used to prepare it. 7) ask how it is suitable for the people of that state. 8) ask them to record their findings on a sheet like this. 9) ask them to stick a picture if they get one. 40 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 44

Name of the dish Dosa State Tamil Nadu Ingredients half cup urad dal (split black lentils) 1 cup raw rice (chawal) ghee for cooking Method of 1) Combine the urad dal and rice and soak it in enough preparation water for 4 hours. 2) D  rain the urad dal and rice and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste using approx. 1 cup of water. 3) T  ransfer the mixture to the same bowl; add the salt and mix well. 4) C  over and ferment in a warm place for 12 hours. 5) H eat a non-stick tawa. 6) P our a ladleful of the batter on it and spread it in a circular motion. Smear a little ghee over it and along the edges and cook on a high flame till the dosa turns brown in colour and crisp. 7) F  old over to make a semi-circle or a roll. Reasons for it being It is easy to ferment batter in southern Indian climate. So, famous in Tamil Nadu dosa is famous in Tamil Nadu. Local Ingredients used rice Compare the recipes of different states from your classmates. Do you find different recipes using the same ingredients? Inside the Lab – C 41 NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 45 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM

Activity C2: Make Your Script script You will need: two sheets of paper and a pencil or pen. You need to: 1) write the letter of the alphabet from A – Z on the board. 2) s  uggest a symbol for each letter of the alphabet. Some suggestions are: @ $ <& 3) write few sentences about yourself in English. 4) write them in the new script on a different paper. 5) exchange the new script papers with your partner. 6) decode those sentences and write them down in simple English. 7) interchange papers again. 8) check if your partner has correctly translated. Such coded languages are used in the army, navy and air force to share information between them. Code language helps them communicate without the information being known to common people. 42 12/15/2018 9:41:00 AM NR_BGM_9789388751087 PASSPORT G03 EVS I TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 46

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