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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2022-11-28 12:26:50



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Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 1 9/17/2022 2:50:40 PM

TEXTBOOK FEATURES Art-Integrated Learning EVS Fun Lesson plans provided for art-integrated learning You have 28 milk teeth. If some of them fall out, you can find the Maths Lab remaining by subtraction. Activities that help students understand Connect the Dots abstract concepts through concrete application A multidisciplinary section to Student Reflection connect the lesson theme with Captures student's perception of their 9 other subjects understanding of a lesson Maths Munchies Collect 10 things from your Aims at improving speed home. Draw the outlines of their bases. of calculation and problem Write the names of the objects. solving with interesting A number has 1 in the tens place Also, write the names of the and 4 in the ones place. What is the shapes of their bases. 8facts, tips or tricks number? Write the given digits in the place value chart as shown. T O So, the number is 14. I Apply I Explore 7 Connects the concept to real-life situations by enabling Encourages students to 6 students to apply what has extend the concept to been learned through practice questions advanced scenarios using higher order thinking skills Bantei has 44 toffees. He gave Anil has 8 stamps. He 11 toffees to his sister. Bantei gave 4 stamps to Rita and 2 stamps to Mahesh. wants to know how many How many stamps are left with Anil? patterns in shapes 2 toffees remain with him. How patterns in numbers do you think Bantei can find SKILL-BASED that? I Will Learn About I Think Indicates the learning Introduces the concept and 1outcomes to be covered in arouses curiosity among the chapter students Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 2 9/17/2022 2:50:44 PM

Write the numbers in the Take your child to the shop when you go place value chart. to buy groceries. Ask him or her to find the amount you have to pay the a) 51 b) 90 c) 16 shopkeeper for the things you buy. Also, ask him or her to find the amount the Drill Time shopkeeper will return. This will improve his or her addition and subtraction skills. Additional practice A Note to Parent 10 questions at the end of every chapter Ideas to engage parents in out-of-classroom learning of Write the number names of the following: 11their child to reinforce the 1 ten and 4 ones =______________ concepts Train My Brain Nina has these coins. Checks for the acquisition of How much money does she have in all? 5both skills and knowledge To. find the total money, we add all the money Nina has. That is, ₹1 + ₹2 + ₹10 = ₹13 through questions I Remember and Understand 4 Explains the fundamental aspects of the concept in detail, and in an age-appropriate and engaging manner Let us recall the concept of INQUIRY-BASED position. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. Concepts organised using a question-answer approach to foster a mindset of inquiry and a) The ball is ___________________ the box. reasoning (outside/inside) Reflection Time! I Recall Thought-provoking questions to encourage Activates the pre-requisite reflection on the concept and on how it is related to the student's life, experiences and 3knowledge needed for the the world around concept covered previously Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 3 9/17/2022 2:50:45 PM

CONTENTS 1) Shapes 1.1) Understand Spatial Words Art-Integrated Learning Skill-Based 01 13 Theme 2) Patterns Geometry 2.1) Patterns in Surroundings and Patterns Art-Integrated Learning Inquiry-Based 3) Numbers 3.1) Count in Ones and Tens Skill-Based 21 31 3.2) Compare 2-digit Numbers Art-Integrated Learning Skill-Based Theme Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 4 9/17/2022 2:50:51 PM

4) Addition 4.1) Add 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers Art-Integrated Learning Skill-Based 39 48 Theme 4.2) Add Two 1-digit Numbers Mentally Inquiry-Based Number Operations Maths Lab 53 Student Reflection 54 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 5 9/17/2022 2:50:55 PM

CLASSKLAP AND NEP 2020 ClassKlap by Eupheus partners with schools, supporting them through the steps of planning, teaching, learning, personal revision and assessment to equip students with the desired knowledge and skills for the primary school level. ClassKlap presents their latest series which has been created to fulfil the vision of the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Here are some salient features of this series: NEP-aligned learning tool Description Skill-based lessons Lessons are structured as per Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in textbook and workbook (Remember-Understand-Apply-Analyse-Evaluate-Create) and LSRW (Listening-Speaking-Reading-Writing) skills for English. Inquiry-based lessons Lessons are structured based on a Socratic approach using a in textbook and question-answer format, aiming at discovery-based learning as per workbook NEP guidelines. Exploratory activities in the workbook further facilitate holistic learning of the skills/concepts. Highlight features Features such as Poetry Corner, Maths Lab, Think Like a Scientist, Life Practice worksheets Skills and others to help learners engage in research, application-oriented learning, and the development of scientific temper; Student Reflection sheets foster the skill of reflecting on one’s own learning progress. Practice worksheets are aligned with the goals of sharpening critical thinking, evidence-based thinking, and higher-order thinking skills, as per NEP guidelines. The books contain the following overarching features recommended in the NEP 2020: a spiralling progression of frameworks adopted for Grammar, Maths and EVS inclusive representation of gender and diversity for the heterogeneous Indian classroom learner-centred content using effective and age-appropriate language multiple types of questions with scaffolded and independent practice for students All in all, the ClassKlap curriculum ensures foundational literacy and numeracy skills, develops subject-specific competencies, enhances key 21st century skills such as creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking, while promoting environmentally sensitive and culturally responsive democratic citizenship among students. — The Authors Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 6 9/17/2022 2:51:01 PM

1 Shapes I Will Learn basic flat and solid figures About corners and sides of objects/figures outlines of the bases of the objects 1.1: Understand Spatial Words I Think Bantei has a glass, a book, a dice and a birthday hat. He drew the outlines of their bases. He has three shapes as shown. Do you know what these shapes are called? Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 1 1 9/17/2022 2:51:10 PM

1.1 I Recall Look at the positions of the cat with respect to the woollen ball or the box in these pictures. on under above below near far 2 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 2 9/17/2022 2:51:15 PM

in front of behind inside outside Look at the picture given below. The mouse, the cat and the woollen ball are in a line. The mouse is before the cat. The cat is between the mouse and the woollen ball. The woollen ball is after the cat. Shapes 3 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 3 9/17/2022 2:51:20 PM

Let us recall the concept of position. Choose the correct word to fill the blanks. One is done for you. a) The jug is on the table. (on/in) b) The ball is ___________________ the box. (outside/inside) c) The butterfly is ____________________ the dog. (above/under) d) The cat is ____________________ the table. (above/under) e) The dog is ____________________ the table. (far away from/near) f) The teddy bear is _____________________ the jug. (behind/in front of) 1.1 I Remember and Understand Let us learn about shapes through an example. Figures such as triangle, square, rectangle and Example 1: Join the dots in order and name the circle are called flat shapes formed. figures. 4 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 4 9/17/2022 2:51:27 PM

a) b) c) d) Solution: a) Triangle b) Square c) Rectangle d) Circle Object Let us learn more about flat figures. Study the following table. Flat figure Features Corner • 3 sides Side • 3 corners Corner • 4 equal sides Side • 4 corners Corner • 4 sides Side • 4 corners • Opposite sides are equal Shapes 5 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 5 9/17/2022 2:51:32 PM

Flat figure Features Object • No sides • No corners Example 2: W rite the number of corners of the given figures. One is done for you. Figure Number of corners 3 Train My Brain How many sides and corners do each of the following objects have? a) b) c) 6 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 6 9/17/2022 2:51:36 PM

1.1 I Apply Objects such as (cube), (cuboid), (cone) and (sphere) are called solid objects. Their figures drawn using straight or curved lines are called solid figures. Observe the solid figures shown here. Cube Cuboid Cone Cylinder Sphere Example 3: S ome objects are given here. Draw and name the outlines of their bases Object Outline of the base Circle Triangle Rectangle Circle Square Shapes 7 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 7 9/17/2022 2:51:41 PM

1.1 I Explore Let us try to identify the different solids through an example. Example 4: Observe the given picture and answer the questions that follow. a) H ow many cubes are there? Colour them blue. b) H ow many cuboids are there? Colour them red. c) How many cones are there? Colour them yellow. d) Name the solid figure shown: Colour them brown. e) H ow many are there? Colour them green. Solution: a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) Cylinder e) 2 8 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 8 9/17/2022 2:51:43 PM

Maths Munchies Collect 10 things from your home. Draw the outlines of their bases. Write the names of the objects. Also, write the names of the shapes of their bases. Connect the Dots English Fun Letters such as ‘A’ and ‘V’ of the English alphabet look like triangles. Letters such as ‘O’ and ‘Q’ look like circles. Can you make a rectangle by using the letter ‘L’? What other shapes can you make using the letters of the English alphabet? AVOQL EVS Fun Shapes are all around us. What do our arms look like? Our arms look like cylinders. What is the shape of our eyeballs? Our eyeballs look like spheres. Shapes 9 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 9 9/17/2022 2:51:48 PM

Drill Time 1.1: Understand Spatial Words 1) Where is the dragon with respect to the box in the given pictures? a) b) c) d) e) f) 2) Complete the following table. Object Name of the solid Object Name of the solid figure figure 10 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 10 9/17/2022 2:52:06 PM

Drill Time 3) Circle the words that tell the position of the cat with respect to the woollen ball. One is done for you. h y pmy z d x i c z c j y f l gmh i k x eqbe l own a b o v e wm s x f f ebp t d j g s r e h o y wp z l mo m i nmew j f z n pn zpegqck t ed l unde r do h t r h j ad t a f 4) Complete the following table. Object Shape of the base Name of the figure formed Shapes 11 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 11 9/17/2022 2:52:15 PM

Drill Time Object Shape of the base Name of the figure formed A Note to Parent Show your child some objects in your house. For example, television, ball, mobile, wall clock and so on. Ask them to identify their shapes. 12 Shapes Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 12 9/17/2022 2:52:23 PM

2 Patterns I Will Learn patterns in shapes About patterns in numbers 2.1: Patterns in Surroundings We see many things around us. They all have different sizes, shapes and colours. We have already learnt about a few flat and solid shapes. Can you name some of them? We can use these flat and solid shapes to make patterns. But what is a pattern? When basic shapes are repeated in a particular way, a pattern is formed. Look at the following patterns. 1) Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 13 13 9/17/2022 2:52:33 PM

2) 3) 4) Did you notice the following? ● In pattern 1, the same shapes of different sizes and colours are arranged alternately. ● In pattern 2, different shapes of different colours are arranged alternately. ● In patterns 3 and 4, the shapes of the same size but of Repetition of different colours are arranged as groups. basic shapes is In all these, we see that the groups of shapes repeat many called a pattern. times. This makes a pattern. Can you think of different places where you can see patterns around you? Yes! You can see patterns on roofs of buildings and monuments. We also see them on floor tiles, saree borders, dresses and so on. 14 Patterns Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 14 9/17/2022 2:52:44 PM

How do we complete a pattern? Look at the colours of the balloons below. Can you colour the last two balloons correctly to complete the pattern? Here is how we complete the pattern: There are balloons of two colours in this pattern: pink and purple. They are arranged alternately. So, the completed pattern formed by these balloons will look like this: Now, take a look at the following patterns. Can you complete them by filling the blanks with the correct shapes? The first one is done for you. a) b) c) d) Patterns 15 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 15 9/17/2022 2:52:45 PM

Now that you know how patterns are formed, can you spot mistakes in patterns? Given below are some patterns. Each pattern has an object that doesn’t belong. Can you spot and circle the odd one out? The first one is done for you. a) b) c) d) We have looked at patterns made of different colours, shapes and sizes. But did you know that patterns can be seen in numbers too? Given below is one such example. Look at how the white boxes form a pattern of alternate numbers. The numbers in the pink boxes form a pattern too. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reflection Time! 1) Observe the following things around you: ● grills of the windows ● paintings 16 Patterns Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 16 9/17/2022 2:52:54 PM

● things in your kitchen shelves Do you see any patterns in them? Try to draw any three patterns you find in the things around you. 2) Observe the following things that you see in nature and collect the ones that you can. ● leaves ● honeycomb ● a butterfly What kind of patterns can you see in them? Show and tell in your class. Maths Munchies We see many patterns in our surroundings. Some of them are shown here. Rangoli Mehendi Window grill Beehive Wall Tablecloth Shirt Floor Patterns 17 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 17 9/17/2022 2:53:03 PM

Connect the Dots English Fun Poems follow patterns too. Similar sounding words repeat in poems to create rhymes. Here is a short rhyme for you to sing and enjoy. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. EVS Fun You know that tigers and zebras have stripes on their bodies. Leopards and giraffes have patches on their bodies. Can you find more animals with patterns? Drill Time 2.1: Patterns in Surrounding 1) Observe these patterns. Colour the pictures to complete them. a) b) 18 Patterns Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 18 9/17/2022 2:53:11 PM

Drill Time c) d) 2) Observe and complete these patterns. a) _________ _________ _________ b) ________ _________ ________ c) _______ _______ _______ d) _______ _______ ______ 3) Continue the pattern by colouring the correct boxes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Patterns 19 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 19 9/17/2022 2:53:14 PM

A Note to Parent Talk to your child about the patterns found in your home for example, on floor tiles, wallpapers, clothes and so on. Take a walk around the garden. Help your child to find patterns in nature. For example, arrangement of branches, leaves and flowers on a tree. 20 Patterns Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 20 9/17/2022 2:53:14 PM

3 Numbers I Will Learn the concept of zero About the sequence of numbers up to 99 place value and face value of numbers writing number names comparing, ordering and forming numbers 3.1: Count in Ones and Tens I Think Bantei has five sticks. He counted them one by one. His father gave him more sticks to count. Is it easy to count them one by one? Is there an easier way? 3.1 I Recall 21 We have learnt to count objects and write their numbers. 9/17/2022 2:53:17 PM Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 21

Counting by 1s The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are called 1-digit numbers. They are also called single-digit numbers. Colour the given picture. Use the colours as given for the numbers. 1 (One) 2 (Two) 3 (Three) 4 (Four) 5 (Five) 6 (Six) 7 (Seven) 8 (Eight) 9 (Nine) 22 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 22 9/17/2022 2:53:22 PM

3.1 I Remember and Understand There are 5 ducks in a pond. 5 ducks are in the pond. They fly away one by one. At last, there are no ducks in the pond. Let us learn to represent this using a number. Introducing ‘0’ 1 duck flew away. 2 ducks flew away. 4 ducks are in the pond. 3 ducks are in the pond. 3 ducks flew away. 4 ducks flew away. 2 ducks are in the pond. 1 duck is in the pond. All ducks flew away. So, there are ‘zero’ ducks in the No ducks are in the pond. pond. Numbers If there are no objects, we write it as zero (0). Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 23 23 9/17/2022 2:53:27 PM

Example 1: Count the number of animals. Write the numbers in the boxes. One is done for you. Animals Numbers 4 Counting by 10s Let us say shows 1. Ten such boxes show a 10. So, = 10 ones = 1 ten Counting is easy if we group things into bundles of ten. We can make such collections of 10 with different things. 1 ten of balls 1 ten of books 1 ten of logs 24 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 24 9/17/2022 2:53:36 PM

Suppose we are given 34 logs of wood to count. First, we count 10 logs and make a bundle. So, one bundle has ten wooden logs. With 34 logs, we can make 3 bundles. 3 tens (written as 30) 4 ones Thus, 4 logs of wood remain. We count these remaining Each digit has its logs in ones. The total number of wooden logs can be place and place written as 3 tens and 4 ones. value in the place value chart. The number 34 has two digits. So, we use the tens (T) and the ones (O) places for two digits. Thus, we Place Value Chart write the number 34 in a place value chart as shown. Places Tens (T) Ones (O) Abacus counting Values 3 4 We can show 2-digit numbers using an abacus. Let us show the number 9 using a spike abacus. One shows the See Fig. (a).We show a number 1. digit in the ones place Nine in the ones with a blue bead. spike show the number 9. 9 blue beads show 9 in TO TO TO One shows the the ones place. Each number 10. spike of an abacus can have only 9 Fig. (a) Fig. (b) beads. See Fig. (b). To show number 10, we remove all the blue beads. We then put 1 green bead in the tens spike. The tens spike represents the tens place. Let us now show number 34 using a spike abacus. We put 3 green beads in the tens spike. We then put 4 blue beads in the ones spike. In the same way, we can show the numbers 46 and 99 on the abacus. So, 34 is 3 tens and 4 ones, 46 is 4 tens and 6 ones and 99 is 9 tens and 9 ones. Numbers 25 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 25 9/17/2022 2:53:38 PM

TO TO TO shows 34 shows 46 shows 99 Number names Let us now learn the number names from 10 to 99. 10 ― Ten 20 ― Twenty 30 ― Thirty 11 ― Eleven 21 ― Twenty-one 31 ― Thirty-one 12 ― Twelve 22 ― Twenty-two 32 ― Thirty-two 13 ― Thirteen 23 ― Twenty-three 33 ― Thirty-three 14 ― Fourteen 24 ― Twenty-four 34 ― Thirty-four 15 ― Fifteen 25 ― Twenty-five 35 ― Thirty-five 16 ― Sixteen 26 ― Twenty-six 36 ― Thirty-six 17 ― Seventeen 27 ― Twenty-seven 37 ― Thirty-seven 18 ― Eighteen 28 ― Twenty-eight 38 ― Thirty-eight 19 ― Nineteen 29 ― Twenty-nine 39 ― Thirty-nine 40 ― Forty 50 ― Fifty 60 ― Sixty 41 ― Forty-one 51 ― Fifty-one 61 ― Sixty-one 42 ― Forty-two 52 ― Fifty-two 62 ― Sixty-two 43 ― Forty-three 53 ― Fifty-three 63 ― Sixty-three 44 ― Forty-four 54 ― Fifty-four 64 ― Sixty-four 45 ― Forty-five 55 ― Fifty-five 65 ― Sixty-five 46 ― Forty-six 56 ― Fifty-six 66 ― Sixty-six 47 ― Forty-seven 57 ― Fifty-seven 67 ― Sixty-seven 48 ― Forty-eight 58 ― Fifty-eight 68 ― Sixty-eight 49 ― Forty-nine 59 ― Fifty-nine 69 ― Sixty-nine 26 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 26 9/17/2022 2:53:38 PM

70 ― Seventy 80 ― Eighty 90 ― Ninety 71 ― Seventy-one 81 ― Eighty-one 91 ― Ninety-one 72 ― Seventy-two 82 ― Eighty-two 92 ― Ninety-two 73 ― Seventy-three 83 ― Eighty-three 93 ― Ninety-three 74 ― Seventy-four 84 ― Eighty-four 94 ― Ninety-four 75 ― Seventy-five 85 ― Eighty-five 95 ― Ninety-five 76 ― Seventy-six 86 ― Eighty-six 96 ― Ninety-six 77 ― Seventy-seven 87 ― Eighty-seven 97 ― Ninety-seven 78 ― Seventy-eight 88 ― Eighty-eight 98 ― Ninety-eight 79 ― Seventy-nine 89 ― Eighty-nine 99 ― Ninety-nine Let us see a few examples. Example 2: Count the number of objects. Write the number and its number name. Solution: The numbers and the number names of the objects are: Objects Number and number name 32 a) Thirty-two 17 b) Seventeen 61 c) Sixty-one Numbers 27 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 27 9/17/2022 2:53:46 PM

Example 3: W rite the places for each of the given numbers. Then, show them on a spike abacus. a) 13 b) 29 c) 64 Solution: Number T O a) 13 1 3 b) 29 2 9 c) 64 6 4 TO TO TO a) 13 b) 29 c) 64 Train My Brain Write the number names of the following: a) 1 ten and 4 ones = ____________________________ b) 4 tens and 5 ones = ____________________________ c) 7 tens and 8 ones = ____________________________ 3.1 I Apply We can form a number when the place values of its digits are given. Let us see a few examples. Example 4: A number has 1 in the tens place and 4 in the ones place. What is the number? Solution: Write the given digits in the place value chart as T O shown. 1 4 So, the number is 14. Example 5: Form numbers using the following digits. a) 3 in the tens place; 7 in the ones place b) 6 in the tens place; 0 in the ones place 28 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 28 9/17/2022 2:53:48 PM

Solution: To form the numbers, write the digits in the place value chart as shown. a) T O b) T O 37 60 So, the numbers are 37 and 60. Example 6: There are four groups for a drama competition. Each group has a few students as shown. Group A Group B Group C Group D a) C ount the number of students in Group B. Write its number name. b) Count the number of students in Group C. Write its number name. Solution: a) There are 10 students in Group B. Its number name is ten. b) T here are 19 students in Group C. Its number name is nineteen. Numbers 29 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 29 9/17/2022 2:53:54 PM

3.1 I Explore Let us see a few examples of 2-digit numbers on an abacus. Example 7: Write the numbers shown on the abacuses. a) b) c) TO TO TO Solution: Count the number of beads in T O Number each spike.Write it in the place a) 3 2 32 value chart. Put a 0 in the places b) 3 0 30 where there are no beads. c) 2 3 23 Example 8: Draw beads on an abacus to show the given numbers. a) 78 b) 25 c) 39 T O a) 7 8 Solution: Write the digits in the place value chart. b) 2 5 c) 3 9 D raw as many green beads as the tens digit. Draw as many blue beads as the ones digit. a) b) c) TO TO TO 30 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 30 9/17/2022 2:53:54 PM

3.2: Compare 2-digit Numbers I Think Bantei has 59 marbles and his sister has 95 marbles. How will they know who has more marbles? 3.2 I Recall Observe the given picture. It shows cars of different colours. The red car is before The blue car is The black car is the blue car. between the red and after the blue car. the black cars. The words before, after and between give the positions of a car. In the same way, we can identify the numbers before and after a number. Look at these numbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Numbers 31 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 31 9/17/2022 2:54:00 PM

We see that 4 is before 5 and 5 is after 4. Fill in the blanks with before, between or after numbers. a) _____ is before 14. b) 15 is after _____. c) 7 is between 6 and _____. 3.2 I Remember and Understand Comparing 2-digit numbers is similar to comparing 1-digit numbers. We can order the numbers after comparing them. Let us learn this concept. Before and after numbers Read the following: a) 11 comes before 12; 12 comes after 11. b) 9 comes before 10 and after 8. So, 9 lies between 8 and 10. c) 1 5 comes before 16 and after 14. So, 15 lies between 14 and 16. Example 9: Write the numbers that come before and after: a) 96 b) 31 c) 49 d) 55 e) 60 Solution: The numbers before and after the given numbers are: Number Before Number After Number 96 95 97 31 30 32 49 48 50 55 54 56 60 59 61 Compare numbers The symbol for greater than is >. The symbol for less than is <. We use the concept of more and less to The symbol for equal to is =. find the greater and the lesser numbers. Observe the following picture. 32 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 32 9/17/2022 2:54:00 PM

The crocodile’s mouth is open The crocodile’s mouth is closed where there are more fish. where there are less fish. 4 is more than 1 or 2 is less than 3. 4 is greater than 1. 2 is smaller than 3 We write it as 4 > 1. We write it as 2 < 3. When both the numbers are the same, we say that both are equal to each other. We write as 4 = 4. Let us see a few examples of using the symbols <, > and =. Example 10: Fill in the blanks with the correct symbols (<, > or = ). a) 23 ______ 21 b) 99 ______ 98 c) 54 ______ 74 d) 13 ______ 13 e) 4 _______ 7 Solution: a) > b) > c) < d) = e) < Train My Brain Write the numbers that come before and after the given numbers: a) ____, 32, ____ b) _____, 40, ____ c) ____, 25, ____ Numbers 33 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 33 9/17/2022 2:54:17 PM

3.2 I Apply Order 2-digit numbers We can compare more than two numbers. For that, we have to arrange them in order. There are two ways to do this: Ascending order: Writing the numbers from the smallest to the largest. Descending order: Writing the numbers from the largest to the smallest. Example 11: Write the numbers 26, 29 and 25 in ascending order. Solution: The given numbers are 26, 29 and 25. All the three numbers have 2 in their tens place, 2 6, 2 9, 2 5 . So, let us compare the digits in their ones place, 2 6 , 2 9 , 2 5 . As 5 < 6 < 9, 25 < 26 < 29. So, the ascending order of the numbers is 25, 26, 29. Example 12: Write the numbers 34, 38 and 30 in descending order. Solution: The given numbers are 34, 38 and 30. All the numbers have 3 in their tens place, 3 4, 3 8, 3 0. So, let us compare the digits in their ones place, 3 4 , 3 8 , 3 0  . As 8 > 4 > 0, 38 > 34 > 30. So, the descending order of the numbers is 38, 34, 30. Form 2-digit numbers Let us learn to form the greatest and the smallest 2-digit numbers. Example 13: Form the greatest and the smallest 2-digit numbers using 2 and 4 (without repeating the digits). Solution: To form the greatest number: TO Write the bigger digit in the tens place and the 4 2 smaller digit in the ones place. So, the greatest 2-digit number that can be formed is 42. 34 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 34 9/17/2022 2:54:18 PM

To form the smallest number: W rite the smaller digit in the tens place and the T O bigger digit in the ones place. 24 So, the smallest 2-digit number that can be formed is 24. Example 14: F orm the greatest and the smallest 2-digit numbers using 5 and 7 (by repeating the digits). Solution: To form the greatest number: TO 77 Find the larger digit. Here, it is 7. Place the same digit in both the places in the place value chart. So, the greatest number is 77. To form the smallest number: TO Find the smaller digit. Here, it is 5. 55 Place the same digit in both the places in the place value chart. So, the smallest number is 55. 3.2 I Explore Let us see another example. Example 15: Some children are in a row as shown. Observe the picture and answer the questions that follow. Suma Ravi Rahul Salman Rita Amy Numbers 35 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 35 9/17/2022 2:54:21 PM

a) Which two boys are just after Suma? b) Between which two children is Salman? c) Who is at the right end? d) Who is just before Rahul? Solution: a) Ravi and Rahul are just after Suma. b) Salman is between Rahul and Rita. c) Amy is at the right end. d) Ravi is just before Rahul. Maths Munchies T O Number Choose a 2-digit number with zero in its ones 3 0 30 place. Change the place of its digits. It then becomes a 1-digit number. 0 3 03 For example, take the number 30. If we change the places of its digits, the number becomes 03, which is the same as 3. Connect the Dots English Fun Arrange the letters D, F, C, J, A, E, G, I, H and B in ascending and descending orders. EVS Fun An adult has 32 (3 tens and 2 ones) teeth in his or her mouth. Count the number of teeth you have. How many are they? Write the number of teeth you have in tens and ones. 36 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 36 9/17/2022 2:54:30 PM

Drill Time 3.1: Count in Ones and Tens 1) Write the numbers in the place value chart. a) 51 b) 90 c) 16 d) 72 e) 39 2) Write the number names of the given numbers. a) 49 b) 31 c) 94 d) 10 e) 32 3) Form number which has: a) 4 in the tens place and 1 in the ones place b) 9 in the tens place and 2 in the ones place c) 7 in the tens place and 3 in the ones place d) 8 in the tens place and 6 in the ones place e) 3 in the tens place and 8 in the ones place 3.2: Compare 2-digit Numbers 4) FiIl in the blanks with before, after or between numbers. a) _____, 45 b) 98, _____ c) 19, ______, 21 d) 87, _____ e) ______, 32 5) Write the symbols >, < or = in the following. a) 34 ____ 30 b) 20 ____ 12 c) 17 ____ 60 d) 84 ____ 84 e) 56 ____ 90 6) Write the greater and the smaller numbers in each of these pairs. a) 39, 19 b) 87, 12 c) 65, 10 d) 45, 41 e) 76, 70 7) Arrange the numbers in ascending and descending orders. a) 87, 98, 80 b) 19, 17, 30 c) 40, 50, 19 d) 28, 19, 85 e) 34, 10, 99 Numbers 37 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 37 9/17/2022 2:54:30 PM

Drill Time 8) Form the greatest and the smallest 2-digit numbers using the given digits. Do not repeat the digits. a) 3, 2 b) 9, 8 c) 1, 7 d) 4, 6 e) 7, 9 A Note to Parent Ask your child to find the eldest and the youngest members of your family by comparing their ages. Help your child to make a family tree. Place the eldest member on the top and the youngest member at the bottom. 38 Numbers Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 38 9/17/2022 2:54:31 PM

4 Addition I Will Learn adding numbers up to 99 without regrouping About adding two 1-digit numbers mentally different methods of adding numbers 4.1: Add 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers I Think Bantei can count and add the number of his toys. His father asks him to add 35 and 22. He does not have that many objects to count and add. How can he add these numbers? Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 39 39 9/17/2022 2:54:33 PM

4.1 I Recall Let us recall counting of objects. Look at the ‘fruits and vegetables’ given below. Count and write their numbers in the boxes. Vegetables Number a) b) c) d) e) 40 Addition Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 40 9/17/2022 2:54:40 PM

4.1 I Remember and Understand A pencil stand has 3 pencils as shown in Fig. (a). Another pencil stand has 4 pencils as shown in Fig. (b). We count the pencils in the two stands continuously. The Fig. (a) Fig. (b) last number gives the total number of pencils. Counting the number of objects together is called addition. The answer in addition is called the sum. We use the symbol ‘+’ (read as plus) for addition. Example 1: C ount and write the correct number of objects. One is done for you. a) 1 89 b) Addition 41 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 41 9/17/2022 2:54:45 PM

c) Methods of addition: The words add, total, 1) Addition using fingers together, in all, altogether 2) Addition using the number line and sum are some words 3) Vertical or column addition used in addition. Let us understand these methods. Addition using fingers Observe these fingers. Each of them shows the number written. 42 Addition Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 42 9/17/2022 2:54:52 PM

Let us learn to add two numbers using fingers. b) 1 and 5 c) 5 and 5 Example 2: Add using fingers: a) 4 and 3 Solution: a) 4 + 3 += Open 4 fingers on one hand. Open 3 fingers on the other. B egin counting the fingers on one hand. Continue to count the fingers on the other hand. The number counted for the last finger is the sum or total. So, 4 + 3 = 7. b) 1 + 5 += So, 1 + 5 = 6. c) 5 + 5 += So, 5 + 5 = 10. Addition 43 Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 43 9/17/2022 2:54:59 PM

Addition using the number line A line marked with numbers is called the number line. We use it to add numbers. Let us see an example. Example 3: Add using the number line: a) 2 and 3 b) 4 and 4 c) 3 and 4 Solution: a) L et us find 2 + 3 using the number line. Draw an arrow from 0 to 2. To add 3 to 2, we move 3 steps to the right of 2. Draw arrows for each step as shown. The number at which the steps end is 5. So, 2 + 3 = 5. b) 4 + 4 So, 4 + 4 = 8. c) 3 + 4 So, 3 + 4 = 7. 44 Addition Visa_G1_Maths_TB1_V1.indb 44 9/17/2022 2:55:01 PM

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