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ENGLISH 3 TEXTBOOK PART-1 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Therefore, our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. NCF 2005 asserts that listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) are all generalised skills, and students’ mastery over them is key to success at school. All these skills frequently need to be used together. Therefore, the VISA NEP English textbooks and workbooks strive to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four LSRW skills. To this effect, the VISA NEP English textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  T hemes recommended by the NCF across grades 1–5 in the literature pieces  Samples of Indian writing in English as well as popular English literature pieces from western countries  P ictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words  N on-detailed lessons to enable additional reading  A speaking project and two reading comprehension passages in each unit to further hone speaking and reading skills  Horizontal and vertical progression across grades for the grammar concepts covered in the workbooks, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Samples of format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP English textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication and empower students to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors

Textbook Features Let Us Start Warm Up Activities and questions to Interesting questions to prepare students to focus on arouse curiosity about the pronunciation and help lesson teachers to introduce the lesson I Understand I Read Questions to check Variety of literature pieces comprehension of the literature (prose/poetry/drama) piece Questions after the literature – 'Literature comprehension' piece for quick check of under- and 'Value-based questions' standing are only a part of detailed lessons. Language Game Games to improve language I Speak and enhance fluency Activities for students to speak individually or in pairs or Connect the Dots groups on a theme-related topic clAeosmsnonuneltitcdotissPoctthOipheEelinGrtMhasReurySbmsAjeeeccMottsfiotiMnhnethAaRt order to enable SstuTdOenRtsIEtoS A Note to Parent To engage a parent in the relate better to it out-of-classroom learning of their child and conducting WORD MEANINGS activities to reinforce LANGUAGE GAMES the learnt concepts WRITING

Contents Class 3 Theme 1: My Family and I 1 Mario’s Cat ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 2 Grandma’s Photographs ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 3 The Champa Flower ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 S1 Speaking Project ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 R1 Reading Comprehension ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Theme 2: Life Around Us 4 All for Free ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 5 Training Patchy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 6 The Rainbow ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 34 S2 Speaking Project ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 R2 Reading Comprehension ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 Theme 3: Heritage 7 The Silly Monkey ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44 8 The �C��r��a��c��k��e���d���P��o��t������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������p������o����e����g��m����r����s����a������m����������m��������a��������r�������������� 49 Glossary 54 stories word meanings language games writing

Why are we studying this theme? Our family members are our first friends. They love us and take care of us. Our pets are a part of our family too. Let us read two stories and a poem about loving our family.

Lesson Mario’s Cat 1 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Soft ‘c’ sound (‘s’ sound) Hard ‘c’ sound (‘k’ sound) voice city cave corn receive rice cat cut Warm Up • Have you ever seen a magic show? • D o you remember any magic tricks that the magician showed? Share with your class. Let us now read a story about a boy and his cat. 2

I Read Mario was a happy boy. He really loved his mom and dad. But he was not like any other eleven-year-old. He loved doing magic tricks. He was a magician! fluffy Mario worked very hard at his magic. He kept learning tricks from different books. Mario’s favourite trick was with his cat, Macaroni. Macaroni was a large, fluffy, disappear orange cat. Mario could make him disappear! mongoose One day, Macaroni could not be found! Mario was very sad. Had he run away? Mario set out to find him. On the way, he met Golly, the mongoose. Golly lived under a large tree. Mario asked, ‘Golly, have you seen Macaroni?’ Golly said, ‘No, sorry! I haven’t seen him. You should ask Percy, the colourful parrot. He knows everything. He is very wise.’ Mario walked towards the hills where Percy lived. Golly parrot followed him. Mario was happy that Golly was so helpful. wise They reached Percy’s tree house and knocked on the door. When Percy opened the door, Mario asked, ‘Percy, have you seen Macaroni?’ Percy asked, ‘Macaroni, the cat?’ ‘Yes!’ shouted Mario with happiness. ‘Well, I have!’ said Percy. ‘I was flying around with my friends. I saw a cat who looked sad. I went to talk to him. He said his name was Macaroni and that he was lost. He is right here at my house, sleeping by the fire! I gave him milk and biscuits.’ Mario was very happy. He had found Macaroni! He gave Macaroni a big hug. He thanked Percy and Golly for their help and kindness. He invited them to his magic show. While walking back happily, Mario realised something. He realised that kindness and friendship are the real magic in our lives. Mario’s Cat 3

Let Us Discuss 1) How old was Mario? 2) Who was Golly? 3) What was Percy doing when he saw the sad cat? 4) What did Percy give Macaroni? I Understand Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning fluffy disappear mongoose parrot wise Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) How was Mario different from other eleven-year-olds? Ans.   2) What was Mario’s favourite trick? Ans.   3) Where did Golly, the mongoose, and Percy, the parrot, live? Ans.   4

4) What had happened to Macaroni? Where did Mario finally find him? Ans.   Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) M ention two qualities of Golly and Percy that showed that they could be good friends. Ans.     2) What are the qualities of a good friend? Why is it important to have friends? Ans.    I Speak Pair discussion Have you heard the saying, ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’? What does it mean? In the story, who was the friend in need and who helped him or her? Discuss with your partner and share your thoughts with the class. Public speaking There are many things that we should be thankful for: the food we eat, our parents, teachers, friends, the people who support us and many others. Mario is thankful at the end of the story too. Think of three things or people that you are most thankful for. Share them with the class. Mario’s Cat 5

Language Game Unscramble the words What a jumbled mess! Percy, the parrot, is confused. Can you help him find the right words from the jumbled letters below? One is done for you. 1) rioMa Mario 2) gicma 3) essnkidn Percy, the parrot 4) drienf Connect the Dots Maths Fun How many colours can you spot on Percy, the wise parrot? Count them carefully. 6

Science Fun Did you know that cats can communicate many feelings through their bodies? Take a look at the pictures below to know more.  (source: A Note to Parent The best way to teach your child about friendship is to be good friends with them. You can do this by taking time out every day to listen to them, play with them and engage in discussions. Another excellent road to friendship is taking up a hobby along with your child. It can be any activity, such as gardening, music, reading or anything that you both enjoy. Mario’s Cat 7

Lesson Grandma’s Photographs 2 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Letters ‘ow’ that sound like Letters ‘ow’ that sound like the ‘ow’ in ‘show’ the ‘ow’ in ‘how’ slow bowl clown frown snow crow brown now Warm Up • D o you spend time with your grandparents when you meet them? • D o they tell you stories about their lives and childhood? Let us read a story about a grandmother and her granddaughter, Lalitha. They spend time together, sharing stories and photographs. 8

I Read Lalitha was waiting impatiently for the clock to strike nine. Grandma finished her prayers and walked into the living room. She asked Lalitha if she wanted to listen to a story. But today, Lalitha wanted to see Grandma’s childhood photographs. Grandma smiled and walked towards the cupboard. She took out her impatiently old photo album. Lalitha jumped with joy. Her heart raced. She waited for the photograph that she would see that day. Grandma finally chose one from her collection of childhood photographs. Every photograph in Grandma’s album had an interesting story to tell. ‘Every time I show you a picture, I give you a piece of my heart’, Grandma told Lalitha. On that day, Grandma showed her a picture of herself in which she was standing in the fields. There was a scarecrow next to her. This picture was taken when she was seven years old. She and her friends had made the scarecrow together. Grandma then told Lalitha a story. She said that, one day, she dressed up like a scarecrow and scared many children of her village. scarecrow Lalitha laughed. ‘Grandma, you should tell your stories to the whole world’, she said. ‘They are such interesting stories. Some of them are funny. Many are wise. I have an idea! You should write the story of your life’, suggested Lalitha. ‘Why will people want to read the story of my life?’ Grandma asked. ‘There is so much that everyone can learn from your life’, replied Lalitha. Grandma thought about it. She felt that it was a good idea. They decided to write the story behind each and every photograph. Let Us Discuss 1) What did Grandma ask Lalitha? 2) What did Grandma take out from her cupboard? 3) How old was Grandma in the photograph that she showed Lalitha? 4) What did Lalitha and Grandma decide in the end? Grandma’s Photographs 9

I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word impatiently heart raced scarecrow I Speak Group discussion Get into groups of four and choose any one photograph. Discuss the following questions: • Where do you think this photograph was taken? • Who are the people in this photograph? • What are the people in the photograph doing? Together with your group, imagine a funny story related to the photograph. Share your story with the class. Listen to the other groups as they narrate their stories. Interview Our grandparents have many interesting stories to tell us about their lives and childhoods. Spend time with them and find out about their memories. 10

Ask them questions such as the following: What was your home like? Where did you live when you were How did you have my age? fun without television or any modern toys? How many people lived together? Find out the answers to all or a few of these questions. Share them with the class. Language Game A message for grandparents You have five minutes to write a loving message for your grandparent(s). Tell them why they are special to you. Use at least three words given in the table below. wonderful kind cook teach spend time enjoy fun books outside special memories Compare your message with your partner’s. See if you have any words in common. Make a beautiful greeting card at home. Write the message you wrote on it. Send it or give it to your grandparents. Grandma’s Photographs 11

Connect the Dots Maths Fun An album has 5 pages. Each page has 6 photographs on it. What is the total number of photographs in one album? Social Studies Fun These days, we see people taking photographs on mobile phones and digital cameras. However, around twenty years ago, people mostly used ‘analogue’ cameras where a roll of film was loaded into the camera to click pictures. Ask the elders in your family about the cameras that were used in their time and how the photographs were printed. Compare the prints of the photographs taken earlier with the ones that we take now. Look at black-and-white pictures. Compare them with colour photographs. It is wonderful to see the changes in photographs over the years. A Note to Parent Show your child your childhood photographs. Talk to them about your growing-up years. Show your child their childhood photographs as well. Relive the beautiful memories with your child. 12

Lesson The Champa 3 Flower Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words laughter shook budded quite quiet wee lighted naughty Warm Up • Have you ever seen a champa flower? What do you think it looks like? • If you were a flower on a champa tree, what would you see from the top of the tree? Let us read a poem about a child. The child pretends to be a champa flower and plays hide and seek with his mother. 13

I Read budded shadow Supposing I became a champa flower, just for fun, and grew on a branch high up that tree, court and shook in the wind with laughter fling and danced upon the newly budded leaves, cowshed would you know me, mother? You would call, ‘Baby, where are you?’ and I should laugh to myself and keep quite quiet. I should slyly open my petals and watch you at your work. When after your bath, with wet hair spread on your shoulders, you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers, you would notice the scent of the flower, but not know that it came from me. When after the mid-day meal you sat at the window reading Ramayana, and the tree’s shadow fell over your hair and your lap, I should fling my wee little shadow on to the page of your book, just where you were reading. But would you guess that it was the tiny shadow of your little child? When in the evening you went to the cowshed with the lighted lamp in your hand, I should suddenly drop on to the earth again and be your own baby once more, and beg you to tell me a story. ‘Where have you been, you naughty child?’ ‘I won’t tell you, mother.’ That’s what you and I would say then. – Rabindranath Tagore 14

Let Us Discuss 1) Imagine that the child in the poem became a champa flower. What would happen? 2) What would the mother do after her mid-day meal? 3) What would the child do on the top of the tree? 4) What would the mother ask when the child dropped back to the earth? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word budded quite slyly shadow court (short for courtyard) fling wee cowshed Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) Where would the champa flower grow? Ans.     The Champa Flower 15

2) When would the child drop back onto the earth? Ans.   3) What would the child do when the mother read the Ramayana? Ans.   4) What would the child do when the mother went to the cowshed? Ans.   Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) In the poem, the child loves his mother and likes to play games with her. Does this remind you of someone in your family with whom you share a close bond? How do you spend time together? Ans.     2) Think of times when you enjoy with the people you love. What do you do? Ans.     16

I Speak Public speaking In the poem, the child pretends to be a champa flower. If you could change yourself into something, what would it be? What would you do? Draw a picture of it and share your thoughts with your class. Pair discussion In the poem, the child plays with his mother while pretending to be a champa flower. With your partner, choose lines from the poem in which the child does so. Language Game Name the flowers Here are some names of flowers with their letters jumbled up. Rewrite them correctly. (Hint: Look at the pictures of the flowers for clues.) Jumbled word Actual word Jumbled word Actual word 1) AACMHP 2) SORE – 3) LUTIP 4) LYLI 5) TOUSL 6) FSORWULNE 7) MGAORLID – The Champa Flower 17

Connect the Dots Social Studies Fun The champa flower is found in India and its neighbouring champa flower countries. It has yellowish-white petals and a nice scent. The flowers are used in religious offerings because of their lovely scent. They grow on large evergreen trees and have been a part of the Indian culture for a long time. The champa flower is also used to make perfumes. Maths Fun Anamika plucked 5 roses with 9 petals each and 2 hibiscuses with 7 petals each. However, on the way from her garden to her house, she plucked 5 petals each from 2 of the roses. How many petals do her flowers have in total now? hibiscus A Note to Parent Introduce your child to other flowers that grow in your neighbourhood. Take them on walks and observe the different flowers or trees that you come across. Take pictures of them and then find out their names from books or the internet. 18

S1 Speaking Project Introduce yourself Prepare a short speech about yourself using the points below. your name age parents siblings your family your friends language(s) you speak subject(s) you are interested in your likes and dislikes your hobbies and interests Prepare a scrapbook with a short speech about three other people among your family and friends. Present these speeches in front of your class. When you speak, ensure that you are loud and clear. Don’t be too fast or too slow. Remember to stand confidently and speak with a smile. My name is .......... 19

R1 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. In Amalapuram lives a young shepherd named Ramu. He works for Mani, a farmer. Every morning, Ramu opens the gates of the pen (shed) with a bunch of keys. This is where the sheep are kept. He drives the flock of sheep into the forest where they eat grass. In the forest, Ramu is not alone. He has a dog to help him. ‘My work is impossible without Blackie’, he says. Blackie helps him to control the sheep. Blackie also guards Ramu and the sheep from wild animals. Blackie is a loyal and helpful dog. 1) Who lives in Amalapuram? Ans.   2) Who helps Ramu with his work? Ans.   3) Write the plural forms of the words given below. a) sheep −  ________________________ b) key −  ________________________ c) dog −  ________________________ 20

4) Write the word from the passage that means ‘a large place covered by trees’. Ans.   5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) shepherd a) faithful 2) farmer b) a person who looks after sheep 3) loyal c) a person who takes care of a farm Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Once upon a time, a famine broke out in a kingdom. There was very little food. Every day, the children of the city went to a rich man’s house. They went there to get loaves of bread. As soon as the servants brought out the loaves, all the children used to fight to get the biggest loaf. One little girl never fought. She waited patiently for her turn. She always got the smallest loaf, right at the end. One day, as usual, she brought home the smallest loaf. When she cut it, she found two gold coins in it. She went back at once to return the money. The rich man was very pleased with her honesty. He gave her four gold coins as a reward. 1) Why would the children go to the rich man’s house every day? Ans.   2) What did the little girl find in her loaf one day? Ans.   Reading Comprehension 21

3) Punctuate the following sentences. a) the little girl went to the rich man’s house Ans.  b) what are you doing with the small loaf of bread Ans.  c) the girl bought a red blue and green dress with a gold coin Ans.   4) Write the word from the passage that is the opposite of the word ‘poor’. Ans.  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) famine a) the quality of telling the truth 2) patiently b) when there is no food to eat 3) honesty c) calmly; without anger 22

Why are we studying this theme? The world is a beautiful place. There are so many things to learn about. Reading is a great way to know more about life around us. Read two stories and a poem about this wonderful world.

Lesson All for Free 4 Let Us Start Words with the ‘sh’ sound Listen and say aloud she ship Words with the ‘s’ sound sea sip shell shore sell seat Warm Up • Do you know someone who has a lot of money but does not spend it on necessary things? • W hat is the difference between spending carefully and being a miser? Let us read the story of Bhiku Bhai. He was a big miser and did not want to spend his money. 24

I Read Bhiku Bhai did not like to spend money. One day, he felt like eating a few fresh coconut pieces. The thought of coconuts made his mouth water. But there was a small problem. He had to spend money. ‘What shall I do?’ he thought. ‘Let me find out the price of the coconuts first.’ He walked to the big market. It was buzzing with business. Bhiku buzzing with business Bhai saw a coconut seller. ‘How much is this coconut for?’ he asked. ‘Only two rupees.’ ‘That’s too much. Give it for one rupee.’ ‘No, Sir.’ ‘Do you know where I can get one for a rupee?’ ‘Go to the waterfront and try.’ waterfront Bhiku Bhai walked to the waterfront and looked around. Finally, he found a coconut seller. ‘How much are you charging for one coconut?’ ‘Only one rupee.’ ‘I walked so far and you say it is for a rupee? Give it for fifty paise.’ ‘Sorry. If you want a coconut for fifty paise, go to grove fifty paise the coconut grove.’ It was hot, and Bhiku Bhai was tired when he reached the grove. A man was sitting nearby. He had a few coconuts left. Bhiku Bhai asked him, ‘How much for a coconut?’ ‘Fifty paise only.’ ‘I walked for such a long time. I am very tired, and you say fifty paise! You should give it to me for free’, said Bhiku Bhai. ‘You want one for free? Get it yourself. Climb this tree and take your pick. You don’t have to pay.’ All for Free 25

thud The thought of a free and fresh coconut made Bhiku Bhai happy. He started climbing the tree. He reached the top and stretched out his hand for the biggest coconut. His foot slipped! Thud! Down fell Bhiku Bhai. Another big thud, a coconut fell right on top of his head. Bhiku Bhai finally got a big coconut. All for free! Let Us Discuss 1) What did Bhiku Bhai dislike? 2) What was the cost of one coconut at the waterfront? 3) How much did Bhiku Bhai have to pay for the coconut at the grove? 4) What else fell from the tree after Bhiku Bhai? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word buzzing with business waterfront fifty paise grove thud Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What made Bhiku Bhai’s mouth water? Ans.   26

2) What kind of a person was Bhiku Bhai? Ans.    3) Where did Bhiku Bhai go from the waterfront? Ans.   4) What did the man tell Bhiku Bhai when he asked him to give a coconut for free? Ans.   Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) T he free coconut happened to be costlier than the coconut at the market. Do you agree? Why or why not? Ans.    2) Bhiku Bhai did not like to spend his money. Is this a good or bad thing? Why? Ans.    I Speak Story telling You must have heard many stories at home. Choose a funny or scary story that you like, and share it with your class. All for Free 27

Role play Enact Bhiku Bhai’s role and say why he dislikes spending money. If you were a miser like Bhiku Bhai, what would you do with all the money that you saved? Language Game Word search Look for the listed words in the word search puzzle. They are all verbs in the past tense. CB BOUGHT CAUGHT LR SAT PLAYED WI OJ WROTE WAITED AMU V SMILED BARGAINED W L B GO I BROUGHT KNEW X K E HA J CRIED FELL L B A R GA I N E D T B Y I B S HWN F DISLIKED THOUGHT S T A R T E D B D BOUGH T F K YMU CLIMBED STARTED S A T A A I S F K CA UGH T NWB REACHED MADE GO L A S P GD H N L WU Y E L WALKED RAN WW V L R B P F Q S A G B W R P I E R H E MW I U Q TOL KAAY L AR TQS L H T A E C N V L D J E J MW LOE YDHDDX E YDV I VC R UWE G E X I WQ X L Q R X CGH D X D OO U E Q I D B D H DW XDY E T NHV T TDX L NJ IF 28

Connect the Dots Social Studies Fun Have you seen a twenty-five paise coin? Here are a few old Indian coins that are no longer in use. Ask your parents if they have any of these coins. Try to collect one of each kind and paste them in a scrapbook. Science Fun Almost all the parts of a coconut tree can be used. Coconut fibre is used to make coir and mats, its leaves to thatch houses and make brooms. Its wood is used to build houses, bridges and boats. You know what the fruit is used for, don’t you? Name three dishes that have coconut in them. A Note to Parent Encourage your child to eat and drink natural and fresh food and drinks like coconut water, fresh juices and fruits. Packaged drinks contain a lot of sugar. Processed foods such as chips are not good for health. All for Free 29

Lesson Training Patchy 5 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud The ‘w’ sound (like the letter The ‘v’ sound (like the letter ‘w’ in ‘win’) ‘v’ in ‘van’) watch wing vulture vacation wolf window vase violin The words in the table above start with the ‘w’ and ‘v sounds. Warm Up • Should we listen to our parents, or do whatever we like? Why? • What will happen if we don’t listen to our parents? Let us now read the story of a playful dog named Patchy and of Aditi, who teaches him to be a good dog. 30

I Read Aditi was on her way to meet Patchy. Patchy was a small paw puppy that she had found on the street. His paw had been patch hurt. Aditi had taken him to Dr Patel. The doctor had liked the playful puppy and kept him as a pet. It was Dr Patel who named him ‘Patchy’. This was because of a patch on one of his eyes. Aditi reached Dr Patel’s house and knocked on his door. ‘Come in, Aditi’, said Dr Patel, opening the door. Patchy jumped up in excitement and ran all around the room. Aditi was surprised upon seeing this. ‘Doctor Uncle, how do you manage Patchy?’ she asked. knocked ‘Not very well’, the doctor replied. ‘He is chewing up everything in sight. Yesterday, he chewed up the newspaper. Today, he chewed up my slippers.’ ‘What bad behaviour!’ said Aditi with a chewing up frown. ‘Patchy, behave yourself!’ she said. Patchy paid no attention to her and started chasing his tail. This was too much for Aditi. ‘Patchy! Stop it right now!’ she said angrily. frown paid no attention Upon hearing the anger in the little girl’s voice, Patchy sat down. He hid his head between his paws. ‘Doctor chasing Uncle, you must teach him what is right and what is wrong. This is how I trained my dog, Kiki. Parents love their children, but they also teach them to behave well.’ ‘True, Aditi’, said Dr Patel. ‘Doctor Uncle, I’m going to train Patchy from tomorrow. I will teach him how to be a good dog’, said Aditi. A week later, Dr Patel could see the results of Aditi’s efforts. Patchy was a changed puppy. He followed commands. ‘Sit’ meant that he had to sit still. ‘Heel’ meant that he had to walk just behind his master. ‘Paw’ meant that he had to sit down and lift his right paw for a handshake. ‘Aditi, you have done wonders with Patchy. He is much easier to manage now. Thank you’, said Dr Patel. ‘Remember, Doctor Uncle, loving Patchy does not mean letting him have his way all the time. It means that we have to teach him to be a good dog’, said Aditi, smiling.  – Manjula Shukla Training Patchy 31

Let Us Discuss 1) Who is Patchy? 2) What did Patchy do when he saw Aditi? 3) What did Patchy do to Dr Patel’s slippers? 4) How long did Aditi take to train Patchy? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word paw patch knocked chewing up frown paid no attention chasing I Speak Public speaking Speak to your class about your pet or a pet that you would like to have. • Which animal would you like to have as your pet? • What would you like to name your pet? • What kinds of tricks would you teach your pet? • How would you look after them? 32

Group discussion We like people who are good and who care for others. Sit together in groups and discuss the behaviours that you think are good. Also, discuss why you think some behaviours are good and some are not. Share your thoughts. You can also make a list of good behaviours and hang it up on your classroom wall. Language Game Rhyme tennis Divide the class into two groups. One group has to give a word. The other group has to give a rhyming word for it within ten seconds. If one group takes more time or cannot give a rhyming word, the other group gets points. You have read the word ‘train’ in this story. Let the first group start with the word ‘train’, and then the game can go on. Connect the Dots Science Fun There are different kinds of dogs. Each type is known as a ‘breed’. The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog, and the Great Dane is the tallest. Find out the names of at least three more dog breeds. Chihuahua Great Dane Maths Fun Aditi took a week to teach manners to Patchy. If she trained him for 4 hours a day, how many hours did she take in total to train Patchy? A Note to Parent As parents and adults, we want our children to become good human beings. Make sure that you explain to your child why something they did was wrong. This understanding is essential for a healthy relationship between parents and children. Training Patchy 33

Lesson The Rainbow 6 Let Us Start seas these please trees The rhyming words above end in the ‘eez’ sound. Choose two words from the list below that rhyme with the words given above. keys shoes moose tease Can you think of two more words that end in the ‘eez’ sound? Warm Up • Have you ever seen a rainbow? What does it look like? • When can we see a rainbow? Now, let us read a poem about the beauty of rainbows. 34

I Read sail Boats sail on the rivers, bridge And ships sail on the seas; overtops bow But clouds that sail across the sky  Are prettier than these. There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please; But the bow that bridges heaven, And overtops the trees, And builds a road from earth to sky, Is prettier far than these. ─ Christina Rossetti Let Us Discuss 1) Where do boats sail? 2) Where do ships sail? 3) Where do clouds sail? 4) What looks pretty on the rivers? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word sail bridges bow heaven overtops The Rainbow 35

Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What is the title of the poem, and who is the poet? Ans.   2) What are prettier than sailing boats and ships? Ans.   3) Which bow bridges heaven? Ans.   4) According to the poem, between which two places does a rainbow build a road? Ans.   Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) How do you feel when you see a rainbow? Write a sentence about it. Ans.    2) Give another title to the poem. Write why you have chosen the title. Ans.    36

I Speak ABC..., Show and tell Bring a picture of a thing that you find to be wonderful in nature, e.g. trees, flowers, birds, butterflies and animals. Speak a few lines on it. Pair discussion Get into pairs. Discuss and make a four-line poem about anything in nature. Recite this poem in front of your class. Language Game What does your name stand for? You know that VIBGYOR stands for the names of the seven colours of the rainbow: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. Now, try to write a full form for your name. For example, if your name is MAYA, you can write it as ‘Most Amazing Young Athlete’. Help each other to make fun full forms for each of your names. Connect the Dots Maths Fun Every rainbow has 7 colours. How many colour bands will there be in 3 rainbows together? The Rainbow 37

Science Fun Do you know that each raindrop makes a rainbow? However, for us to see one, it takes millions of raindrops! The Earth is the only planet in our solar system where rainbows appear. A Note to Parent There are other poems on rainbows written in different languages. Introduce your child to a rainbow poem in your mother tongue. 38

S2 Speaking Project How well do you know the seasons? Form groups of three. Discuss the three main seasons in India. Prepare a chart or scrapbook with information related to each of the three seasons. You can use the following guiding points: • Which months fall under each season? • What festivals do we celebrate in each of these seasons? • What type of clothes do we wear in each season? • What kinds of food do we eat in these seasons? Gather all this information. Give a speech about any season in front of the entire class. Ensure that each member of every group talks about the season chosen by the group. 39

R2 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. I saw a potter at a fair. He was making pots with clay. The clay was soft and felt very cool. He had a wheel in front of him that went round and round. He made the pots by placing the clay on the wheel and shaping it with his hands. Then, he placed the pots over a fire and made them hard and strong. I tried making a pot too. It was very exciting to see the clay change form and become something different. The potter gave me a pot to take home. I painted the pot in bright colours. 1) What did the potter use for making pots? Ans.   2) How did the potter make the pots hard and strong? Ans.   3) C hange the tense of the given sentences according to the instructions given in brackets. a) I saw a potter. (change to simple future tense) Ans.  b) He was making clay pots. (change to present continuous tense) Ans.  40

c) I painted the pot in bright colours. (change to simple present tense) Ans.  4) Write one word from the passage that rhymes with the word ‘got’. Ans.  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) potter a) shiny and cheerful 2) exciting b) a person who makes objects with clay 3) bright c) feeling happy and thrilled Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. A heron lived by the side of a pond that was full of fish. The greedy heron wanted to eat all the fish. So, it told a lie that some fishers were coming to catch the fish. To save the fish, he offered to fly them to another pond. He caught the fish in his mouth. Before he reached the other pond, he ate all of them. One day, a crab climbed into his mouth. The crab realised that something was wrong. He caught the heron’s neck between his claws. He did not let go until the heron promised not to be greedy ever again.  (Source: Panchatantra) 1) Who lived by the side of the pond? Ans.   2) What did the heron offer to do for the fish? Ans.   Reading Comprehension 41

3) Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in brackets. a) The pond ________________________ a lot of fish. (had/have) b) A fisher ________________________ come to the pond. (has/have) c) The crab and the fish ______________________ left the pond now. (has/have) 4) Which word from the passage is the opposite of the word ‘right’? Ans.  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) heron a) wanting more always 2) greedy b) understood clearly 3) realised c) a large, fish-eating bird with long legs 42

Why are we studying this theme? Do your parents or grandparents tell you stories? It is wonderful to hear stories from the past. They teach us important lessons. Let us read two stories and a poem and learn something from them.

Lesson The Silly Monkey 7 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words with silent ‘b’ Words with silent ‘h’ climb lamb hour ghost thumb comb honest rhyme The table above has words with silent letters. These letters are not pronounced when the words are spoken. Warm Up • Do you know that monkeys love to imitate whatever they see? • Do you think that it is good to be greedy? Why or why not? Let us read a story about how a king learnt an important lesson by watching a silly monkey. 44

I Read Once upon a time, there lived a king of a big and rich kingdom. However, he was not happy. He wanted more gold and more land. He was a greedy king. He decided to attack other kingdoms. There was a wise minister in his court. greedy He tried to explain to the king that it was not right attack to be greedy. ‘My Lord’, said the minister, ‘a king must look after his people. There are enough riches in this kingdom. There is no need for more. The cost of war is very high. There is a loss of life, property, peace and happiness. Please think about this again.’ However, the king’s greed did not let him listen. One day, he gathered his army to attack another kingdom. The king and his soldiers walked through the forest the whole morning. After some time, they stopped to rest as they were exhausted. The horses were also tired and hungry. They were gathered given peas to eat. One of the forest monkeys was soldier watching the king’s men from a distance. He saw the horses eating peas. He jumped down from the tree to get some peas. He quickly swallowed a few peas and filled his mouth and hands with many more. Then, he climbed the tree and sat on a branch to eat the peas. swallowed As he was eating the peas, one pea fell to the ground. The monkey got startled and ran down to pick up that pea. But he dropped more peas from his paw as he climbed down the tree. Unluckily, he did not find that one fallen pea. He climbed the tree again. He was sad. He thought to himself, ‘I dropped all the peas for that one pea!’ startled The king was watching the monkey from a distance. ‘I will not be like this silly monkey. He has lost a lot to gain a little. I will go back to my country and enjoy what I have’, he thought to himself. The king and his army returned to their country. They returned to enjoy peace and happiness in their land. The Silly Monkey 45

Let Us Discuss 1) What did the king want? 2) Who tried to explain to the king that it was not right to be greedy? 3) Where did the king and his soldiers walk the entire morning? 4) Who was watching the king’s men from a distance? I Understand Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning greedy attack gathered soldiers exhausted swallowed startled gain Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What did the minister say to the king? Ans.   2) What would the kingdom lose if there were a war? Ans.   3) What did the greedy monkey do when he saw the pea fall? Ans.   46

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