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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-02-10 07:47:42



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ENGLISH 1 LITERATURE – 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for English language teaching:  Connecting learning to life in the outside world  Integrating English with other subjects across the curriculum  Using meaningful contexts to develop language as a whole  Making assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching-learning process  Ensuring active participation of children by using a variety of activities and tasks Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series:  B ooks for English are mapped to the assessment patterns of English-I and English-II in ICSE schools.  T he grammar concepts covered in English-I have a horizontal and vertical progression across the grades, providing a spiral of learning.  T he writing sections contain a wide variety of topics with a focus on process-based writing in higher grades.  T he English-II book also covers all the themes recommended by the CISCE curriculum across classes 1–5.  A hallmark of ICSE English is a wide representation of authors – Indian and foreign. The Traveller series includes pieces by writers such as Charles Dickens, Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain among others.  Vocabulary building is a key focus area for ClassKlap Pictures for word meanings are included in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words. All in all, the Traveller English books aim to generate greater engagement and enhance fluency in English communication, which spans all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. – The Authors

Textbook Features Warm Up About the Writer/Poet I Read Interesting questions to Brief introduction to the Literature piece (either arouse curiosity about the writer or poet prose, poetry or drama), lesson along with pictures for new/difficult words ? In-text Questions New Words Literature Comprehension Quick check of To practise contextual understanding meanings A variety of questions to ensure the comprehension of the lesson P VocabularyR I Feel I Speak Q Value-based questions Activities to cultivate To help build and based on the lesson that ask speaking skills enhance age-appropriate for opinions and judgement vocabulary Listen and Say Aloud Dictation Language Game P ronunciation practice Words from the lesson or Games to provide based on phonics, difficult sentences with commonly engagement with and words, tongue twisters and confused spellings for enhance fluency in the multi-syllabled words dictation practice language Listening Audio Connect the Dots A Note to Parent Captivating listening Questions that stimulate Constructive activities to audio pieces followed by interdisciplinary thinking be done at home along exercises by connecting English with with parents to reinforce other subjects learning

Contents 9 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush..... Health and Hygiene ��������������������������� 1 10 Who is the Winner?.................................. Animals and Plants �������������������������� 10 11 Riya and the Tooth Fairy.......................... Adventure and Imagination ������������� 18 12 Clouds ..................................................... The World Around Us ������������������������ 24 – Christina Rossetti 13 The Animal Picnic ................................... Animals and Plants ������������������������� 32 14 The Wind and the Sun ............................. The World Around Us ������������������������ 39 15 Wheels on the Bus ................................... Transport ������������������������������������������ 46

9Lesson Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush Health and Hygiene Warm Up • A t what time do you wake up in the morning? • W hat do you do after you wake up? Let us read a poem about good habits in our daily lives. I Read Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, The mulberry bush. bush Here we go round the mulberry bush mulberry Early in the morning. This is the way we wash our face, At what time of Wash our face, Wash our face. ? the day is the poet doing these activities? 1

This is the way we wash our face comb brush Early in the morning. wear Which bush did This is the way we comb our hair, you read about Comb our hair, ? in the poem? Comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair Early in the morning. This is the way we brush our teeth, Brush our teeth, Brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth Early in the morning. This is the way we wear our clothes, Wear our clothes, Wear our clothes. This is the way we wear our clothes Early in the morning. Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, The mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush Early in the morning. New Words Word Meaning mulberry a black or red berry found on a type of tree bush a plant that is smaller than a tree comb to make one’s hair neat and tidy brush to clean one’s teeth with a toothbrush 2

Word Meaning wear to put on clothes Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What do we do to our hair in the morning? Ans. 2) What do we wear early in the morning? Ans. B) Answer the following . 3) Fill in the blanks with words from the poem. . a) This is the way we wash our our hair. b) This is the way we brush our c) This is the way we Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 3

d) This is the way we wear our . e) Here we go round the bush. P R Vocabulary Q Opposites An opposite is a word that means something completely different from another word. Example: ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush.’ In the above sentence, the word ‘go’ is the opposite of the word ‘come’. More examples:     4) Match the words in Column A to their opposites in Column B. Column A Column B a) early A) heavy B) asleep b) light C) late c) kind D) mean d) awake 4

I Feel 5) The poem talks about activities like washing your face, brushing your teeth and so on. How many of these activities do you do by yourself? Are there any other activities that you do on your own at home? Ans. I Speak What are the other activities that you do in a day? Tell your teacher. Your teacher will write the activities on chits of paper. After that, play a game. A student will pick up a chit and act out the activity. The other students have to guess the activity. Then, add the new activities and actions to the song. Sing the song together. Example: This is the way we take a bath, Take a bath, Take a bath. This is the way we take a bath Early in the morning. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 5

This poem teaches us how to keep ourselves clean. Keeping our surroundings clean is also important. Read and act out the following poem with your classmates. Bits of paper, Bits of paper, Lying on the floor, Lying on the floor, Make the place untidy, Make the place untidy, Pick them up, Pick them up. Listen and Say Aloud round Words bush early teeth mulberry comb brush wear Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) 6

e) f) g) h) Language Game Just a minute! Trace the capital letter ‘M’ and the small letter ‘m’ given below. You now have one minute to write down all the words from the poem that have the letter ‘M’. Get, set, go! Ans. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 7

Listening Audio Listen to the audio. Fill in the blanks with the correct options given in brackets. 7) Rosebud was in a mood. (good/bad/happy) 8) She would not open her . (eyes/petals/mouth) 9) ‘Please bloom’, said . (the Sun/the bee/the butterfly) 10) opened her petals. (Bee/Butterfly/Rosebud) Connect the Dots Maths Fun Count the mulberries in each box. Then, put the >, < or = sign between each of the boxes. _____ _____ 8

EVS Fun Did you know? Mulberries do not grow on bushes at all! Mulberries grow on trees. Look at the picture of a mulberry tree given here. Mulberries are black and red in colour. They can be eaten as they are. They are also used for making jams, jellies and pies. A Note to Parent It is important to ensure that your child has a healthy lifestyle. Get your child into the habit of following certain practices independently to remain clean and healthy. Let them learn how to brush their teeth, take a bath, eat on their own and comb their hair by themselves. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 9

10Lesson Who is the Winner? Animals and Plants Warm Up • N ame a few wild animals that live in the jungle. • N ame two animals that run very slowly and two animals that run very fast. Let us read a story about an animal race and see who wins the race. I Read ?One day, Lion, the king of the Who gives the animals the idea jungle, has an idea. ‘We will have to run a race? a race’, he tells all the animals. idea ‘The race has to be fair. The small and slow animals will be in front. Cheetah is the fastest, so he will be at the back’, Lion announces. All the animals agree. agree 10

Lion roars, ‘Ready? Get, set, go!’ The animals start to run. Mrs Lion stands at the finishing post. After some time, she feels a gust of wind. finishing post A little later, everyone sees the Antelope a gust of wind run past the finishing post. ‘The winner is the Antelope!’ shouts Mrs Lion. ? What does Cheetah run The race is over, but Cheetah is nowhere to into? be seen. That night, the animals have a party for Antelope. Suddenly, Cheetah arrives, looking tired. ‘I am the winner!’ he declares. ‘I ran so fast that I could not stop until I ran into a mountain’, said Cheetah. Mrs Lion realises that the gust of wind was Cheetah. But no one wants to take away the prize from Antelope. ‘You cannot win if you cannot stop’, says Lion and everyone agrees. New Words Word Meaning idea a thought fair to treat everyone equally Cheetah a large wild cat that can run very fast announces informs everyone agree to have the same opinion or thought finishing post the end point of a race a gust of wind a sudden strong burst of air declares says something strongly ran into hit Who is the Winner? 11

Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) Which animals are placed in the front? Ans. 2) Who is standing at the finishing post? Ans. B) Answer the following 3) Tick the correct answers. a) The animals live in the ________________. A) jungle B) mountains b) The animal that stands last is ________________. A) Giraffe B) Cheetah c) Mrs Lion feels ____________________. A) a gust of wind B) the hot Sun 12

d) The animal that wins the race is __________________. A) Antelope B) Mrs Lion e) ‘You cannot win if you cannot ___________________.’ A) start B) stop PR Vocabulary Q Animal sounds Oink, moo and quack are sounds made by animals. Do you know what sound a dog makes? How about the sound made by a horse? Let us learn what a few of these sounds are called. • A horse neighs. • A lion roars. • A dog barks. • A pig oinks. 4) Write the names of the animals that make the given sounds. a) ribbit b) moo c) quack d) meow Who is the Winner? 13

a) b) c) d) I Feel 5) Why do you think the slow animals were placed in front? How would this help them? Ans. I Speak Your teacher will write names of animals on chits. Choose one chit. Speak whatever you know about the animal – what its colour is, what food it eats, how it runs, where it lives and so on. Look at the pictures of the horse and the zebra. Do they look alike? Is there anything different between them? What makes you think so? Discuss this with your partner. 14

Listen and Say Aloud Words with the ‘ai’ sound Words with the long ‘o’ sound lion idea so go night tired show told Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Who is the Winner? 15

Language Game Name, place, animal, thing Your teacher will choose a letter and write it on the board. You have to raise your hand and tell the name of a person, an animal, a place or a thing that starts with that letter. You get one extra point for saying the correct spelling of each word. Listening Audio Listen to the audio and tick the right options. 7) Who was going to school? a) Hathi b) Baloo c) Kiki c) a parrot 8) Kiki was __________________. c) to play a) an elephant b) a bear 9) What did Hathi’s friends say? a) ‘Where are you going?’ b) ‘We will miss you.’ c) ‘Take us with you.’ 10) Where did the three friends go? a) to the forest b) to school 16

Connect the Dots Maths Fun A deer and a lion are standing together. How many legs are there in all? EVS Fun Cheetah facts! • Cheetahs cannot roar like lions or tigers. • They can only purr loudly. • Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, but they get tired quickly. A Note to Parent Talk to your child about how animals are losing their homes because forests are being cut down. Talk to them about the importance of saving forests and wild animals. Introduce them to the concept of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Who is the Winner? 17

11Lesson Riya and the Tooth Fairy Adventure and Imagination Warm Up • H ave you heard stories about magic or fairies? • D o you think people can really do magic? Let us read about a girl called Riya who met a tooth fairy. I Read Riya is excited. She has lost her milk tooth for the first time. ‘I will keep it under my pillow and see what happens’, says Riya. excited T hat night, Riya hears some noise near her window. She sees a fairy fly in through it. She has a magic wand in her hand. milk tooth window fairy magic wand 18

? What does the tooth The fairy takes out Riya’s tooth from fairy do with the under the pillow. ‘Why are you taking my teeth that she takes? tooth?’ Riya asks the fairy. ‘Oh no!’ says the fairy, ‘you should have been asleep.’ She goes on, ‘I am taking your tooth so that I can make toys for fairy children. I will also leave a gift for you. Do you want to see how your tooth will help me?’ Riya nods. asleep nods waves Then, the fairy waves her wand. Riya finds herself at Fairyland. She sees many fairies. They are making little toys with the teeth. Riya enjoys herself. After some time, the fairy tells Riya, ‘It is time to go back.’ The next morning, when Riya ? What does the tooth wakes up, she finds a shiny fairy leave under coin under her pillow. ‘It really Riya’s pillow? happened!’ she shouts. shiny coin – Manjula Shukla New Words Word Meaning excited milk tooth very happy and looking forward to something baby tooth window an opening in a wall through which we can look outside fairy a small, magical person who has wings Riya and the Tooth Fairy 19

Word Meaning magic wand a stick used to do magic asleep sleeping nods shakes head to say yes waves moves something to the front and back again and again shiny bright coin a small, round piece of money I Speak Learn one of these poems and recite it in class. Poem 1 Got my toothpaste, got my toothbrush, I won’t hurry, I won’t rush. Making sure my teeth are clean, Front and back and in between. When I brush for quite a while, I will have a happy smile! Poem 2 My tooth fell out and left a space So big, my tongue could touch my face. And every time I smile, I show A space where something used to grow. I miss my tooth as you can guess But then, I have to brush one less! 20

Imagine that like Riya you too visit a magical land. Where would you want to go? Think about it. Tell your classmates about a magical journey that you want to go on. You can use these questions as hints. • Where do you want to go? • What is magical about the place? • What do you think you will see there? • What kind of magical people will you meet there? Listen and Say Aloud Words with the long ‘u’ sound Words with the long ‘u’ sound (like ‘u’ in ‘use’) (like ‘u’ in ‘rule’) music cute June blue huge tube flute ruler Word Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) Riya and the Tooth Fairy 21

e) f) g) h) Language Game My clean teeth Join the dots to complete the picture and colour it. After you are done, tell your partner three ways by which you can keep your teeth healthy and strong. 22

Listening Audio Listen to the audio and colour the correct box. True False 2) Tina was sitting near a tree. True False 3) She heard a frog talking to her. True False 4) Tina saw a crab, a jellyfish and a turtle. True False 5) ‘I’ll meet you every time I come’, said Tina. Connect the Dots Maths Fun The tooth fairy leaves 2 coins for every tooth that she takes. How many coins does she leave if she collects 7 teeth in one night? EVS Fun Did you know that the teeth in your mouth are called milk teeth? This is your first set of teeth. These teeth will fall out one by one. In place of these teeth, you will get new teeth! These new teeth will be stronger and will stay with you for your whole life. A Note to Parent Teach your child how to take care of their teeth. Encourage them to brush their teeth themselves. Tell them about food that will help them to keep their teeth strong, such as cheese, curd, green leafy vegetables, apples, carrots and so on. Riya and the Tooth Fairy 23

12Lesson Clouds The World Around Us Warm Up • H ave you ever looked at the fluffy clouds in the sky? • Have you ever seen shapes in the clouds? Which ones? About the Poet Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) was a poet from England. She wrote many poems for children. Her children’s poems like ‘Caterpillar’, ‘The Rainbow’ and ‘The Wind’ are fun to read. Let us read a poem about clouds that look like sheep. I Read White sheep, white sheep, ? What is the name On a blue hill, wind of the poet? When the wind stops, You all stand still. 24

?When the wind blows, Which words are repeated again You walk away slow. and again in the White sheep, white sheep, blows Where do you go? poem? – Christina Rossetti New Words Word Meaning wind still air that moves fast blows without moving the air that moves Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What does the poet call ‘white sheep’? Ans. 2) What happens when the wind blows? Ans. Clouds 25

B) Answer the following      3) Write true or false. a) The poem is about clouds. b) The white sheep are on a blue river. c) The white sheep stand still when the wind blows. d) The white sheep stand still when the wind stops. e) The poet thinks about where the white sheep go. P R Vocabulary Q Alphabetical order The English alphabet starts with the letter ‘A’ and finishes with the letter ‘Z’. We always write the letters of the alphabet in the same order. a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z This order is called the alphabetical order. We often write lists in the alphabetical order. Example: Read the first letters of the words in the list given below. • ant, bat, cat, dog, egg, fan, goat 26

We began the list with the word that begins with the letter ‘a’. The next one begins with ‘b’, the next with ‘c’ and so on. 4) Arrange the words given below in alphabetical order. a) white, on, blue, hill, a Ans. b) the, wind, stops, you, all Ans. c) wind, blows, you, away, slow Ans. d) where, do, you, go, sheep Ans. I Feel 5) W hy does the poet call the clouds ‘white sheep’? Have you ever seen different shapes and things in a cloud? What shapes have you seen? Ans. Clouds 27

I Speak Read another poem by Christina Rossetti with your teacher and classmates. Caterpillar Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk, Or what not, Which may be the chosen spot. No toad spy you, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly. – Christina Rossetti Do you go to parks, gardens and mountains? What do you like there? Speak five sentences about the things that you like in nature. Example: I love birds. They are very colourful. They fly high in the sky. They make sweet sounds. My favourite bird is the parrot. 28

Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word hill still blow slow, go Can you think of a few more words that rhyme with the words given above? Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Language Game Shadow fun Match the cloud with its shadow. Clouds 29

We see many things in the sky. In one minute, write the names of the things that we see in the sky. Ans. Listening Audio Listen to the audio. Write the names of the animals given in the pictures. ab cd a 7) b 8) c 9) 30

d 10) Connect the Dots Maths Fun Look at the clouds below. Read aloud the numbers in each cloud. Draw raindrops in the clouds. The number of the raindrops must be equal to the number on each cloud. You can use different colours for each cloud. EVS Fun Do you know what clouds are? Clouds are a collection of tiny drops of water. They bring rain. A Note to Parent Spend time with your child. Go out to a park or garden. You may also just sit on your balcony or terrace. Look up at the sky with your child. Try to help them identify the different shapes that the clouds make. Clouds 31

13Lesson The Animal Picnic Animals and Plants Warm Up Look at the picture above. • What are the animals doing? • W hich place is it? Let us read a story about what happened when a few animals decided to go on a picnic. I Read One day, the animals in the forest decide to go on a picnic. ? What do the ‘It is a nice day for a picnic’, animals decide says the fox. to do? The squirrels bring nuts. The rabbits bring juicy carrots. The picnic fox brings fat grapes. Their picnic baskets are full. 32

The animals set off for the park. On the way, hollow log they come to a stream. They see a log. They decide to cross the stream by climbing over the log. stream ‘Let’s climb the log one after the other’, says the fox. The rabbits climb onto the log but slip and fall. They are quickly saved by the fox. The animals wonder how they can cross the stream. The slip squirrels see that the log is hollow. It has space to walk through! ‘How clever of you!’ says everyone ? Who notices that to the squirrels. the log is hollow? Then, the animals cross the stream one by one through the hollow log. They reach the park without any trouble. They can now enjoy their picnic. (Source: Adapted from ‘Let’s Go on a Picnic’; http:// lets-go-on-a-picnic/) New Words Word Meaning picnic when someone decides to pack their food and eat outdoors stream a small and narrow river log a large part of a tree that has been cut or has fallen down slip to slide hollow empty Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What is the picnic basket filled with? Ans. The Animal Picnic 33

2) What happens to the rabbits? Ans. B) Answer the following 3) Put a tick mark  next to the correct answers and a cross mark  against the wrong answers. a) The animals go to the park for a picnic. b) It was a nice day to go on a picnic. c) The rabbits brought the grapes. d) The squirrels save the rabbits when they slip and fall. e) The animals cross the stream through the hollow log. P R Vocabulary Q Names of different tastes Different food items have different tastes. Each food item that we eat has a taste of its own. Most food items have one of the given tastes. 34

sweet salty sour bitter 4) Look at the pictures. Write down how each food item tastes. a) – b) – c) – d) – The Animal Picnic 35

I Feel 5) D o you like to go on picnics? What do you think is the best day to go on a picnic? Ans. I Speak When was the last time that you went on a picnic? Did you go with your family or with your school friends? Draw a picture of the place that you went to. Speak five sentences about it. This song is about the things that you take for a picnic. Hold hands and walk in a circle around the picnic rug. Do the actions for each verse. We’re going on a picnic, leaving right away If it doesn’t rain, we’ll stay all day. ‘Have you got the sandwiches?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got the sandwiches!’ ‘Have you got the bananas?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got the bananas!’ Going on a picnic on a sunny day. (Songwriters – Lynn Freeman Olson and Georgia E. Garlid) 36

Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘a’ sound Words with the ‘e’ sound bag fan bed hen tap van leg wet Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Language Game Word chain Play a game with your classmates. The first person says the name of something that they want to take to the picnic. The next person has to say the name of something that begins with the last letter of the previous word. Example: Student 1: cake; Student 2: eggs and so on. The Animal Picnic 37

Listening Audio Listen to the audio and tick the pictures of the things from the poem. Put a cross next to the pictures of things that are not mentioned in the poem. 7) 8) 9) 10) Connect the Dots Maths Fun Pooja went on a picnic. She brought sandwiches with her. Mohan brought rolls. Seema brought biscuits and jam. Pari brought burgers, and John brought cake. What is the total number of food items that were brought to the picnic? EVS Fun Rabbits eat carrots, and squirrels eat nuts. Find out what monkeys and mice like to eat. A Note to Parent Organise family picnics in open spaces with lots of greenery around. This way, your child can be close to nature. You may also take them for nature walks. Take your child to gardens or parks. Encourage them to observe the different varieties of creatures and plants that you see. 38

14Lesson The Wind and the Sun The World Around Us Warm Up • Do you like windy days or sunny days? Why? • Which do you think is stronger – the wind or the Sun? Why? Let us read a story and find out which is stronger – the Wind or the Sun. I Read One morning, the Sun met the Wind. ‘Good ? Why did the Wind morning, Mr Wind’, said the Sun. The Wind not want to talk did not answer. ‘Is something wrong?’ asked to the Sun? the Sun. ‘I am stronger than you’, said the Wind. ‘So, I do not want to talk to you.’ The Sun was upset and asked the Wind, ‘Shall we have a competition to see who is stronger?’ ‘Yes, sure’, said the Wind. competition upset 39

They saw a man walking down the road. He was wearing a coat. ‘The one who can make the man take off his coat is stronger. I will try first’, said the Wind. The Sun agreed. coat tightly take off The Wind started blowing. It blew harder and harder. brighter The man held his coat tightly and did not let go of it. After trying for a long time, the Wind got tired and gave up. agreed It was the Sun’s turn now. It started to shine softly. After some time, the man felt a little hot and opened the buttons of his coat. The Sun became brighter and brighter. As time passed, the man started to feel very hot. Finally, he took off his coat. ? Who won the The Wind realised gentleness force competition? his mistake. ‘I am sorry’, he said to the Sun. T he Sun smiled and said, ‘Sometimes, gentleness is stronger than force’. New Words Word Meaning upset angry or unhappy competition a contest or test to decide who is better at something coat a piece of clothing that is worn over a shirt take off remove agreed said ‘yes’ to something said by someone 40

Word Meaning tightly fitting very close to the body gave up stopped trying brighter giving more light gentleness the quality of being kind and soft force a lot of power I Speak Make groups of three. One person can become the Sun, and the other person can become the Wind. The third person can become the narrator. Make your own dialogues. Act out and tell the story using the dialogues. Draw a picture of things that you see in the sky. You can draw the Sun, the Moon, the stars, an aeroplane and so on. Share the picture with your classmates and talk about it. The Wind and the Sun 41

Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘i’ Words with the short Words with the ‘u’ sound ‘o’ sound sound big cot cup mix hop nut sip top gum Word Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 42

Language Game Who am I? Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps to complete the words. Use the hints to help you. Hints: a) I shine brightly in the sky. b) I make your hair fly. c) You can hear me before it rains. d) I fall when it is very cold. e) I look like fluffy cotton balls in the sky. f) I make you wet. a) S N b) W N c) TH DR O D f) R I d) S O e) The Wind and the Sun 43

Listening Audio Tasty food Listen to the audio and complete the table. Healthy food 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Connect the Dots Maths Fun The Wind tried to win the competition by blowing for 8 minutes. The Sun tried to win the competition by shining for 3 minutes. Add these numbers in your mind and find out how long the competition lasted. 44

EVS Fun The Sun is a huge ball of fire. It gives us heat and light. We are all alive because of the Sun. The wind is air that moves very fast. It is the wind that makes your kite fly! A Note to Parent Teach your child the values of humility and gentleness. Explain to your child how being like the Wind can sometimes harm them. Guide your child so that they can be calm, gentle and humble like the Sun while still shining brightly! The Wind and the Sun 45

15Lesson Wheels on the Bus Transport Warm Up • What all do you see when you travel by bus? • Do you like travelling by bus? Read this poem that is also a popular song. You can also sing and act it out with your classmates. I Read wheel wipers The wheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, All through the town. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish. 46

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