Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Tes t Code: X-AT-30-16 Set A INST RUCT IONS 1. T his paper has 9 0 questions. 2. Each question has four options, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 3. Each question carries 4 marks. 4. T he paper carries negative marking. 1 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. Maximum T ime: 180 Minutes Total Marks: 360 Name:_____________________________ Roll Number:__________________ SECT ION I-MAT HS Q1. If the straight lines and with parameters and respectively are coplanar, then equals to A) B) C) D) Q2. T he length of perpendicular from to the line is A) B) C) D) is , then and the plane Q3. If the angle between the line the value of is B) A) D) C) Q4. If the points and are equidistant from the plane, , then are perpendicular to satisfies the equation B) D) A) C) Q5. T he value of for which the lines and each other is B) A) D ) None of these C) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 1 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q6. If is the angle between the line and the plane , then B) D ) None of these A) C) Q7. T he line of intersection of the plane and is parallel to the vector B) A) D) C) Q8. Statement 1: If the vectors and are non-collinear, then the lines and are coplanar. Statement 2: T here exist and such that the two equations of in statement 1 become identical. A) Both statements are correct and statement B) Both statements are correct but statement 2 explains statement 1 2 does not explain statement 1 C) Statement 1 is true while statement 2 is D ) Statement 1 is false while statement 2 is false true Q9. line in three dimensional space makes angles and with the positive x-axis and the positive axis respectively. If makes an acute angle with the positive axis then equals A) B) C) D) Q10. T he image of the point in the plane is A) C) B) D) Q11. T he distance between the line and the plane is A) B) C) D ) None of these Q12. If are non-coplanar vectors and are real numbers, then the equality holds for A) More than two but not all values of B) All values of C) Exactly one value of D ) Exactly two values of Q13. If the vectors and are the sides of a triangle , then the length of median through is B) D) A) C) Q14. Let and If is a vector such that and the angle between and is , then A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 2 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q15. Let and be three non-zero vectors such that no two of them are collinear and is A) . If is the angle between the vectors and , then a value of B) C) D) Q16. T he order of the differential equation of the family of standard ellipses, with centre at the origin and axes along the coordinate axes, is: A) B) C) D ) None of these Q17. If and , then is equal to A) B) C) D) Q18. T he area (in sq. units) of the region is : A) C) B) D) Q19. is equal to : T he integral A) then B) C) is equal to D) Q20. If is equal to A) B) C) D ) None of these Q21. B) A) D ) None of these C) Q22. T he integral is equal to: B) A) , then C) D) where is an arbitrary constant. Q23. If A) is equal to C) B) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 3 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q24. If in a triangle ABC, then the value of is equal to A) B) C) D ) None of these Q25. In , if , then the triangle is B) A) Right angled D) E q uilateral C) Acute angled Obtuse angled Q26. T he function is a periodic function with period A) B) C) D) Q27. then the value of If A) depends only on B) depends only on C) depends on both and D ) is independent of both and Q28. T he number of zeroes at the end of is A) C) B) D) Q29. T he maximum number of points of intersection of lines and circle is A) B) C) D) Q30. If the coefficients of three consecutive terms in the expansion of are in the ratio , then value of is A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 4 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A SECT ION II-PHYSICS Q31. In the figure shown, there are two infinitely long parallel conducting plates having uniform charge densities and . If is the distance between the plates then potential difference between the plates is A) B) C) D) Q32. In the figure shown below, there is a hollow neutral conductor of radius . A point charge is kept at a distance from point . Select the correct statement(s). A) Potential of conductor is B) Potential at point due to induced charges is C) Potential of conductor cannot be D ) Both A) and B) determined Q33. A capacitor is composed of three parallel conducting plates. All three plates are of same area . T he first pair of plates are kept at a distance apart and the space between them is filled with a medium of dielectric . T he corresponding values for the second pair of plates are and respectively. What is the surface charge density on the middle plate? A) B) Page - 5 / 15 C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q34. T wo points and are maintained at the potential of and respectively. T he work done in moving electrons from to is: A) B) C) D) Q35. A torch bulb is rated at , is connected as shown. T he EMF of the cell needed to make the bulb glow at full intensity. A) B) C) D) Q36. A carbon and an aluminium wire connected in series. If the combination has resistance of at , what is the resistance of carbon and aluminium wire at so that the resistance of the combination does not change with temperature- A) B) C) D) Q37. T he magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of an equilateral triangular loop of side which is carrying a current of is: [Take ] A) B) C) D) Q38. An insulating thin rod of length has a linear charge density on it. T he rod is rotated about an axis passing through the origin and perpendicular to the rod. If the rod makes rotations per second, the the time averaged magnetic moment of the rod is: A) B) C) D) Q39. A wire of length is bent in the form of a circular coil and current is passed through it. If this coil is placed in a magnetic field then the torque acting on the coil will be maximum when the number of turns is A) As large as possible B) Any number C) D) Q40. An electron having kinetic energy is moving in a circular orbit of radius perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field induction . If kinetic energy is doubled and magnetic field induction is triple, the radius will become: A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 6 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q41. An imaginary isolated north pole of unit pole strength is projected in a space where the magnetic field is given by T he initial velocity of the particle is Assume that the particle is released at time the particle to be Calculate the time after which it first comes to rest. Take the mass of A) B) C) D) Q42. A toroid has a mean radius and a total of turns of wire carrying a current of . A metallic ring at insid e the toroid prov id es the c ore. If the mag netiz ation the susceptibility of metal at this temperature is A) B) C) D) Q43. T he magnetic field within cylindrical region whose cross-section is indicated starts increasing at a constant rate ' ' . T he graph showing the variation of induced field with distance ' ' from the axis of the cylinder is: A) B) C) D) Q44. T he self induced emf of a coil is volts. When the current in it is changed at uniform rate from to in , the change in the energy of the inductance is: A) B) C) D) Q45. A copper wire is wound on a wooden frame, whose shape is that of an equilateral triangle. If the linear dimension of each side of the frame is increased by a factor of , keeping the number of turns of the coil per unit length of the frame the same, then the self inductance of the coil : A) D ecreases by a factor of B) Increases by a factor of C) D ecreases by a factor of D ) Increases by a factor of Q46. When is applied across a solenoid a current of flows in it. When is source is applied across the same coil, the current drops to . If the frequency of the , the impedance and inductance of the solenoid are: A) B) C) D) Q47. A resistor , an inductor and a capacitor are connected in series to an oscillator of frequency . if the resonant frequency is , then the current lags behind voltage, when A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 7 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q48. An ac source of angular frequency is fed across a resistor and a capacitor in series. T he current registered is . If now the frequency of source is change to (but maintaining the same voltage), the current in the circuit is found to be halved. Calculate the ratio of reactance to resistance at the original frequency A) B) C) D) Q49. An upright object is placed at a distance of in front of a convergent lens of focal length . A convergent mirror of focal length is placed at a distance of on the other side of the lens. T he position and size of the final image will be: A) from the convergent mirror, B) from the convergent lens, same size same siz e as the objec t as the object C) from the convergent mirror, twice D ) from the convergent lens, twice the siz e of the objec t the siz e of the objec t Q50. A telescope of objective focal length and eye-piece focal length is used to view an object away. If maximum magnification is desired then length of telescope should be, (approx) A) B) C) D) Q51. T here are two slabs of refractive indices and joined together to form a single slab of thickness If first slab is thick and second one is thick. T hen, the value of refractive index of combined slab is, A) B) C) D) Q52. In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced by a distance when a glass plate of one refractive index is introduced in the path of one of the beams. When this plate in replaced by another plate of the same thickness, the shift of fringes is . T he refractive index of the second plate is A) B) C) D) Q53. In the set up shown in Fig the two slits, and are not equidistant from the slit . T he central fringe at is then A) Always bright B) Always dark D ) Neither dark nor bright. C) Either dark or bright depending on the position of Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 8 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q54. A single slit of width is illuminated by violet light of wavelength and the width of the diffraction pattern is measured as . When half of the slit width is covered and illuminated by yellow light of wavelength , the width of the diffraction pattern is A) the pattern vanishes and the width is zero B) C) D) Q55. T he radio wave (wavelength ) emitted by hydrogen in interstellar space is due to the interaction called the hyperfine interaction in atomic hydrogen. T he energy of the emitted wave is nearly (use ) A) B) C) D) Q56. An - resonant circuit contains a capacitor and a inductor. It is set into oscillations coupled to an antenna. T he wavelength of the radiated electromagnetic waves is A) B) C) D) Q57. T wo identical photo-cathodes receive light of frequencies and . If the velocities of the photo electrons (of mass ) coming out are respectively and , then: A) B) C) D) Q58. A -metallic sphere (work function ) is exposed to intense light of wavelength . After some time, it is observed that photoemission stops. T he final charge on the sphere is (assume that the value of Å) A) B) C) D) Q59. In a photoelectric experiment, the stopping potential is plotted against the frequency of incident light. T he resultant curve is a straight line which makes an angle with the -axis. T he will be equal to ( work function of surface) A) B) C) D) Q60. T he work function of a metal is . When the metal surface is illuminated by the light of wavelength , then the maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons will be (Plank's constant, ) A) B) J C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 9 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A SECT ION III-CHEMIST RY Q61. When of naphthoic acid is dissolved in of benzene , a freez ing point d epression of is observed. T he van ’t Hoff factor is A) 0.5 B) 1 C) 2 D ) 0.2 Q62. Among the follow ng the az eotropic mix ture is A) C) B) D ) Chloro benzene bromobenzene Q63. is dissociated in aqueous solution of concentration. (G iven for water ). T he solution freezed at B) A) D) C) Q64. T he increasing order of nucleophilicity of the following nucleophiles is: A. B. C. D . A) (B) < (C) < (A) < (D ) B) (A) < (D ) < (C) < (B) C) (D ) < (A) < (C) < (B) D ) (B) < (C) < (D ) < (A) Q65. -chloro- -butanol B) Product of the above reaction is: A) C) D) Q66. In the given pair of compound, in which pair the second compound is more reactive than first toward reaction? A) B) C) D) Q67. A metal c ry stalliz es in lattice. T he of fraction of edge length not covered by atom is A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 10 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q68. current is passed for minutes in aq . If volume of gas evolved at cathode at ST P then volume of gas evolved at anode. is A) B) C) D) Q69. T he Brownian motion in colloids is a consequence of A) Enthalpy change during the formation of B) Attractive forces between the colloidal colloids particles and the molecules of dispersion medium C) T he impact of molecules of the dispersion D ) medium on the colloidal particles T he movement of positively charged colloidal particles to negatively charged particles Q70. reacts with in alkaline to give A) C) B) D) Q71. When is added to an aqueous solution containing the complex ion produced is A) B) C) D) Q72. ( ) on reaction with and , followed by an acid hydrolysis produces ( ) (an aldehyde). T he conversion of ( ) to ( ) can also be carried out by which of the following reagents? A) B) C) D) Q73. In this sequence of reaction, the (Z) is B) Ethanol A) Ethylene bromide D ) Ethylidene bromide C) Ethyl bromide , is known as Q74. T he reduction reaction, A) Clemmensen reduction B) Wolff-Kishner reduction C) Rosenmund reduction D ) Catalytic reduction Q75. T he half-life period of a reaction at initial concentrations and are and respectively. T he order of reaction is A) B) C) D) Q76. Which of the following compounds shows optical isomerism? A) B) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 11 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q77. In spectrochemical series chlorine is above than water i.e., , this is due to A) good acceptor properties of B) strong donor and good acceptor C) good donor properties of properties of D ) larger size of than Q78. An organic compound is found to be insoluble in dilute acid and base. On treatment with , the compound formed is devoid of nitrogen and is soluble in . On nitration, it produces mono nitrosubstituted product. T he organic compound is: A) B) C) D) Q79. Amine is not formed in the reaction I. hydrolysis of B) I, IV II. reduction of D ) I, II, III III. hydrolysis of IV. hydrolysis of B) Methanamine D ) Butanamine T he correct answer is A) I, II, IV C) II, III Q80. Acetonitrile on complete reduction gives A) Propanamine C) Ethanamine Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 12 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q81. B) T he compounds (A), (B) and (C) respectively are A) C) D) Q82. T he acid obtained through the following sequence of reaction is: A) Succinic acid B) Malonic acid C) Maleic acid D ) Oxalic acid Q83. T he compound that undergoes decarboxylation most readily under the given conditions is A) B) C) D) Q84. on heating gives A) Open chain ketone B) monocarboxylic acid C) cyclic ketone D ) cylic anhydride Q85. In the reaction, , the product is : B) Acetylene A) Acetaldehyde D ) Acetyl chloride C) Ethylene Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 13 / 15
Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A Q86. Which of the following is the correct set of reagents for the given conversion? A) B) C) D) Q87. T he reaction of the following labelled acid with will give which ester(s) from and A) only B) only C) and D ) only Q88. B) ' ' and ' ' are respectively D) A) C) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 14 / 15
Q89. Av anti - 1 2-PC MB (SI-1 )-PC M-22 NOV - Set A A) C) B) D) Q90. Consider the following reaction B) T he product is A) C) D) Avanti Learning Centres Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. Page - 15 / 15
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