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CO MPASS SERIES social studies workbook part - 1 3 Name: Learn@Home Sec�on: Roll No.: School:

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for Social Studies teaching:  Connecting learning to life in the outside world  Integrating Social Studies with other subjects across the curriculum and arts  Using meaningful contexts to develop interpersonal and life skills  Making assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching-learning process  Ensuring active participation of children by using a variety of activities and tasks Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series:  CISCE framework  Develops the knowledge and skills necessary for informed and thoughtful participation in society  Introduces children to timelines and historical maps in order to help them develop timeline, map and globe skills  Helps in developing observation, reporting, analysis and critical-thinking skills  Promotes awareness and personal responsibility through dialogue and enquiry about the world around them  Engages students through an interactive, age-appropriate, visually enhanced infographics and activity-based content All in all, the Traveller Social Studies books aim to generate greater engagement and enhance social, cultural and analytical skills for the intuitive and harmonious growth of an individual in an interconnected and interdependent global community. – The Authors

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Situation-based questions to foster real-life skills • Use of map and image-based questions to build analytical skills • Focus on subject-related vocabulary building I Remember Recollecting critical information related to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept I Apply I Understand Applying the understanding of Engaging with the ‘how’ and the concept to questions based ‘why’ of the concept on application of the concept in real-life scenarios I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Extending the application of the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills

Contents 1 Family and Neighbourhood ������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 2 Representing Events��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 3 Changes in Society�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 4 Working Together����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 5 Living Together���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 6 Safety Rules��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25

1Lesson Family and Neighbourhood I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) In which kind of family does only one parent live with their child or children? [    ] (A) nuclear family (B) joint family (C) single-parent family (D) extended family 2) Which of the following members is not a part of a nuclear family? [    ] (A) mother (B) father (C) child (D) uncle Fill in the Blanks 3) The members living together in a family are called _______________________. 4) A mother, father, children and grandparents together make a ________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the type of family shown in the picture. Ans. 6) In which type of family do we live with cousins? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘family’. Ans. 1

I Understand Write 'True' or 'False' [ ] 8) The size of all types of families is the same. [ ] 9) In a single-parent family, the new baby is taken care of mainly by one parent. [ ] [ ] 10) The people in an extended family always do a job or business together. 11) Marriage adds a member to a family. Short Answer Questions 12) Give two reasons why family size has become smaller in comparison to the earlier days. Ans. 13) W hen does a family’s size increase? Ans. Long Answer Question 14) Do you think the birth of a baby brings about a change in the family? How do different types of families take care of a baby? Ans. 2

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions [ ] ] 15) Disha lives with her parents, grandparents, uncle, aunt and her cousins in the same house. What kind of family does Disha live in? (A) nuclear family (B) joint family (C) single-parent family (D) grandparent family 16) During which of the following occasions are you not likely [ to meet your extended family members? (A) birthdays (B) festivals (C) weddings (D) annual day at school Short Answer Questions 17) What are the family members doing in the following pictures? a b Ans. 18) Jaya has a brother who came from a different family. How did this happen? Do you think this is a good way for a family to grow? Why so? Ans. Family and Neighbourhood 3

3 Long Answer Question 19) What is an environment? What affects the environment of our neighbourhood? Write any two ways in which we can keep it clean. Ans. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Write three things that are special about your family members. Hints: • Father – gardening • Mother – singing Grandparents Mother Father Siblings 1) 2) 3) 4

2Lesson Representing Events I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) In which order are the events marked on a timeline? [] (A) alphabetical order (B) the order in which they happened (C) any order (D) the order of their importance 2) Which of the following events is celebrated on 5 September? [ ] (A) Teachers’ Day (B) Rashi’s birthday (C) Independence Day (D) Ambedkar Jayanti Fill in the Blanks 3)  15 August and 26 January remind us about people who made _________________ a free country. 4) _________________ reached Mars in 2014. Very Short Answer Questions 5) When is Children’s Day celebrated in India every year? Ans. 6) W hat do we call the events that are celebrated by the whole nation? Ans. 5

Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘timeline’. Ans. I Understand Match the Following Column B Column A a) Sports day 8) Teachers’ Day 9) Family event b) The birthday of 10) National event Dr S Radhakrishnan c) Wedding 11) School event d) Independence Day Short Answer Questions 12) T he following is the timeline of a baby during her first year (12 months). List the things that a baby begins to do in the 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 10th month. holds sits up dances head up crawls rolls all the walks smiles way over 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 month Ans. 6

13) H ow can we use a calendar to remember important events? Ans. Long Answer Question 14) Mention two ways in which the study of timelines helps us. Where would you mark the earliest and the latest events on a timeline? Ans. I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) On which of the following dates is a national festival celebrated? [ ] (A) 26 March (B) 24 January (C) 26 January (D) 6 September 16) How long after building the Taj Mahal was the telephone invented? [ ] (A) 229 years (B) 228 years (C) 227 years (D) 232 years Short Answer Questions 17) Observe the following image. It shows a calendar marked with important dates. Mark the dates given in the calendar as family events (FE), national events (NE) and school events (SE). Representing Events 7

AUGUST Raksha Bandhan Meher’s Birthday Fancy dress Independence competition Day English test Ans. 18) Pallavi is going on a study tour for four days. The list of the places that she will visit each day is given. The tour starts from 14 September. Help Pallavi to mark on the calendar when she will be visiting each place. SEPTEMBER 8

Day 1: Reach Bhubaneshwar Day 2: Visit Sun Temple Day 3: Visit Chilka Lake Day 4: Visit Jagannath Temple in Puri Long Answer Question 19) R ashi wants to write a story about her experiences. For that, she needs to make a timeline. Can you help her to arrange the events given below in the correct order? Then, make a timeline using this information. Representing Events 9

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Write a story using the pictures below. Complete the story by adding events that will happen after picture (4). 1 234 Ans. 10

3Lesson Changes in Society [] I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hich of the following types of houses is mostly present in cities now? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which of the following factors has resulted in changes in society? [ ] (A) Advances in science and technology (B) Unchanged food habits and clothing styles (C) No exchange of ideas (D) No change in the population of the world Fill in the Blanks 3) _________________ was the first woman IPS officer of India. 4) Due to lack of space, houses are being replaced by _________________. 11

Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name one of India’s early lady doctors. Ans. 6) Name any one modern means of transport. Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘society’. Ans. I Understand Write 'True' or 'False' 8) Nowadays, most families are joint families that live under one roof. ] [ ] ] 9) E arlier, food was mainly made from local vegetables and grains. [ ] 10) In the past, most houses were built with courtyards. [ 11) Transport has become more expensive now. [ Short Answer Questions 12) List two factors that are responsible for changes in society. Ans. 13) Why is it important for girls and boys to play together in the same team? Write any two reasons. Ans. 12

Long Answer Question 14) Define ‘entertainment’. Write any two ways in which it has changed over time. Ans. I Apply [] [ ] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following factors is responsible for pollution? (A) people maintaining their old habits (B) more vehicles on the road (C) people planting more trees (D) decreased size of families 16) Identify the first woman of Indian origin to go to space. (A) (B) (C) (D) Changes in Society 13

Short Answer Questions 17) Madhu’s father works in a textile factory. Write any two ways in which factories may affect the lives of Madhu and her family. Ans. 18) Mention any two reasons why change is good. Ans. Long Answer Question 19) Rashi was sitting with her grandmother, listening to stories about her childhood. Rashi learnt that her grandmother never went to school or worked in an office. She went to her mother and asked, ‘Have you been to school?’ Mrs Jain replied, ‘yes, and college too!’ Rashi became confused. Can you describe to Rashi how the position of women in society has changed over time? Ans. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) What things or practices would you like to change in society? Why? Hint: Look at the images for ideas. 14

Ans. Changes in Society 15

4Lesson Working Together I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is an occupation of people making things? [ ] (A) sweeper (B) tailor (C) doctor (D) teacher 2) Who treats us when we are ill? [] (A) doctor (B) teacher (C) firefighter (D) soldier Fill in the Blanks 3) A doctor who treats only children is a _________________. 4) When people work, they either do something or _________________ something. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Who grows crops on a piece of land? Ans. 6) What do we call a person who treats only problems of the teeth? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘occupation’. Give an example. Ans. 16

I Understand Match the Following Column B Column A a) Keep a neighbourhood safe b) Puts out fires 8) Soldier c) Protects a country’s border d) Helps in learning 9) Police 10) Teacher 11) Firefighter Short Answer Questions 12) How do the police protect us? Ans. 13) What is meant by ‘dignity of labour’? Ans. Long Answer Question 14) Who is a soldier? Describe any three things a soldier does. Ans. Working Together 17

I Apply [] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Identify the person who puts out fires. (A) (B) (C) (D) 16) In the following occupations, which person is making [] something? (A) (B) (C) (D) Short Answer Questions 17) R am’s tooth is aching. Who should he visit to get it treated? Why? Ans. 18) A firefighter puts out fires; a doctor treats those who are ill. A factory worker makes goods; a potter makes pots. What is the difference between the two sets of occupations? Give other examples of occupations for each of the two sets. 18

Ans. Long Answer Question 19) M eher visited a field. He saw a person taking care of all the crops grown there. Who do you think is the person? Mention any three things they do. Ans. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) W e have read about a few occupations. Look at the chart and fill in the boxes. Write about a few other people who help us in our daily tasks. Think of people other than the ones mentioned in the lesson. One has been done for you. Ans. Sweeper: sweeps our streets People who help me every day Working Together 19

5Lesson Living Together I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hich age group do senior citizens belong to? [] (A) over 65 years of age (B) over 75 years of age (C) over 60 years of age (D) over 70 years of age 2) Which of the following does a person without sight use? [] (A) blue and red stick (B) green and red stick (C) red and white stick (D) blue and white stick Fill in the Blanks 3) People who _________________ in the same area are all part of a community. 4) The happiness of a community depends on all its _________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What tool is used by a person who cannot walk? Ans. 6) Give another name for senior citizens. Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Who are differently abled people? Give an example. Ans. 20

I Understand [] Write 'True' or 'False' [] 8) All senior citizens can work on their own. [] 9) P eople can belong to more than one community at [] the same time. 10) The members of some communities have very similar jobs. 11) A housing society or a school is also a community. Short Answer Questions 12) Explain the importance of elders in a community. Ans. 13) Why do people without sight use a stick? Ans. Long Answer Question 14) How can we help senior citizens? Mention any four ways in which you can help your grandparents. Ans. Living Together 21

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) An older member in your community cannot hear very well. Which of the following things should you give them? [ ] (A) (B) (C) (D) 16) Look at the objects given below. Which of these might your [] grandmother need help using? (A) (B) (C) (D) Short Answer Questions 17) N ame a few activities that happen in your community. How do you participate in them? Hints: • T  hink about the various festivals and events that happen in the area that you live in. 22

• Think about the different things that you do with the other people in your community. Ans. 18) Your friend has fallen and broken their leg. They are unable to go out of their house. How can you help them? Mention two ways. Hints: • How can you keep them company? • How can you make sure that they are up to date with school work? Ans. Long Answer Question 19) On his way to school, Meher sees a person without sight standing on the pavement. Meher is unsure of what to do. Can you guide Meher? Hints: • Should Meher help the person to cross the road? • Should Meher guide the person with directions? Ans. Living Together 23

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Visit any four of your neighbours. Interview them and ask if they have ever helped someone needy, differently abled or sick. Note down the details in the table below. Neighbour 1 Neighbour 2 Neighbour 3 Neighbour 4 Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph Name of the person Whom did they help? How did they help? 24

6Lesson Safety Rules I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hat should we do before touching electrical appliances?  [ ] (A) We should wear rubber slippers. (B) We should wear metal slippers. (C) We should wear wet slippers. (D) We should not wear slippers. 2) Which of the following is not a part of a first-aid kit? [ ] (A) bandage (B) cotton swab (C) medicine (D) stone Fill in the Blanks 3) _________________ is an emergency number that can be called from anywhere in India. 4) We should always cross the road at the _________________ crossing. Very Short Answer Questions 5) W hat are we doing when we are 'following steps to stop bad or harmful things from happening'? Ans. 6) What is the situation called when accidents need immediate help and medical care? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘ICT’. Ans. 25

I Understand Write 'True' or 'False' 8) We should cross the road when the traffic is moving. [ ] ] 9) We should play with our friends on the road. [ ] ] 10) We should use the laboratory only with the help of our teachers. [ 11) We should share our personal information with others on the internet. [ Short Answer Questions 12) Explain ‘bad touch’ with the help of an example. Ans. 13) What should you do if a stranger offers you something to eat or drink? What else should you keep in mind while meeting a stranger? Ans. Long Answer Question 14) Mention any four safety rules that you follow at home. Ans. 26

I Apply [] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Who should be called immediately for help when a road accident occurs? (A) (B) (C) (D) 16) W hich of the following things should we avoid in case of an emergency?  [ ] (A) making noise (B) asking someone to use a first-aid kit (D) listening to what the injured person is saying Short Answer Questions 17) J ohn and his friends were teasing Meher. They joked about him and called him different names. They also hurt and hit him. What were John and his friends doing? What does it mean? Ans. 18) W hat do you think is wrong in the picture? What should be done instead? Ans. Safety Rules 27

Long Answer Question 19) Every morning, Morad crosses the road in front of his house and walks to his school. At school, he takes the stairs to his classroom on the 2nd floor. During the break, he goes to the playground. Mention any four rules that Morad should follow to be safe on the road and at school. Ans. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) D iscuss and list the safety rules that should be followed by factory workers while working in factories. Hints: • How can one protect their hands, eyes, face and other body parts? • What type of clothes should they wear while working with machines? • How can the workers know if a place inside the factory is safe or not? Ans. 28

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