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Home Explore 182010002-Panda-NUR-Integrated-Funmax-Term2


Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-09 08:01:43

Description: 182010002-Panda-NUR-Integrated-Funmax-Term2


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ENGLISH MATHS 1. Letters of the Alphabet 4 1. Positions 20 Alphabet Song 2. Rhymes 9 Roly Poly Up and Down 20 Cock -a- doodle Doo I am a Little Tea Pot Boogie Woogie 22 I am Only a Baby 3. Stories 10 2. Numbers 23 Who Will Bell the Cat? The Little Red Hen 11 One Two Buckle My Shoe 25 12 3. Patterns 26 4. Rhymes 13 Hot Cross Buns 27 16 Baby Turtle 28 1. Transportation EVS 43 The Car Song 44 2. Colours 30 8. Rhymes 45 3. Plants 31 Hickory Dickory Dock 4. Animals 32 Ding Dong Bell 46 Old MacDonald 33 Pat-a-Cake 5. Professions 34 9. Stories Miss Polly Had a Dolly 35 The Hare and The Tortoise 6. Seasons 36 7. Games 38 39 42

0 0 CONTENTS - ENGLISH 2 3 5 1. Letters of the Alphabet 4 6 Alphabet Song 9 7 2. Rhymes 8 Cock -a- doodle Doo 10 I am a Little Pot 11 I am Only a Baby 12 3. Stories Who Will Bell the Cat? 13 The Little Red Hen 16 3 4 5 6

1. Letters of the Alphabet 2 1 Let Us Revise: A to J Look at the pictures and identify the letters. A FAPPLE FISH B GBALL GOAT C HCAR HAT D IDOG INK E JEGG JAM 4

2 K, L, M and N K K Kis for ING L L Lisfor AMPLAMP LION K Kis for ITE L Lis for ION K K K K Ksays ‘ ' - - - . L L L L Lsays ‘ ' - - - . K KING ITE M NM Misfor UG N Nis for UT M Mis for ANGO N Nis for ET M M M M Msays ‘ ' - - - . N N N N Nsays ‘ ' - - - . M MUG ANGO NUT NET 5

3 O, P, Q and R O O Ois for RANGE P P Pisfor OT O Ois for CTOPUS P Pis for AN O O O O Osays ‘ ' - - - . P P P P Psays ‘ ' - - - . O ORANGE CTOPUS POT PAN Q Q Qisfor UEEN RR Risfor AT Q Qis for UILT R Ris for ABBIT Q Q Q Q Qsays ‘ ' - - - . R R R R Rsays ‘ ’ - - - . Q QUEEN UILT R RAT ABBIT 6

S, T, U and V S TS S SSS T T TTT. S S T Tis for UN is for UB S S T Tis for NAKE is for OP says ‘ ' - - - . says ‘ ’ - - - . S SUN NAKE TUB TOP U VU Uisfor MBRELLA V Vis for AN U Uis for P V Vis for ASE U U U U Usays ‘ ' - - - . V V V V Vsays ‘ ’ - - - . U U V VT MBRELLA P AN ASE 7

5 W, X,Y and Z Al W XW Wisfor ATCH X Xis for YLOPHONE AB W Wis for ALL X Xis for -RAY HI W W W W Wsays ‘ ' - - - .X X X X Xsays ‘ ’ - - - . QR UV XY If y Be Ne Iw W WATCH ALL X XYLOPHONE -RAY YY Yis for ELLOW Z Z is for ZIP Y Yis for O YO Z is for ZEBRA Y Y Y Y Ysays ‘ ' - - - . Z says ‘Z’- Z-Z-Z. Y YELLOW O YO Z ZIP EBRA 8

Alphabet Song ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRST UVWXYZ XYZ, butter on the bread E If you don't like it Better go to bed. Next Monday morning come to me I will teach you ABC. Y 9

Cock -a- doodle Doo Cock-a-doddle doo! My dame has lost her shoe, My master’s lost his fiddling stick, And doesn’t know what to do. 10

I am a Little Tea Pot I am a little tea-pot, Short and stout. This is my handle And this is my spout. When the water is boiling, Hear me shout. Just lift me up And pour me out. 11

I am Only a Baby I am only a baby As you can see I can laugh - Ha! Ha! Ha! I can cry - Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! I know so did you When you were a baby too. 12

Who Will Bell the Cat? Once upon a time there was a quiet and a scary cat. He used to come without making any noise. 13

Then suddenly he would jump on a mouse and eat it. The tho Sud Eve wo 14 aft

This cat is The mice were worried. One troubling us. day they had a meeting. What can we Let us put a do? bell around his neck. Yes! That way, when he comes,we will know. The mice went on and on. They 15 thought it was a wonderful idea. Suddenly an old mouse had a doubt. But children, who will go near the cat? He will eat us if we go near him. Everyone became silent. Their wonderful idea was not so wonderful after all.

The Little Red Hen So, Aft wh Ag too She The little red hen found some grains of wheat. Who will help me plant this? Not I. Not I. Not I. 16

So, the hen planted the wheat in the ground all by herself. After a while, the grains grew into wheat plants with more wheat. The wheat is ripe now. Who will help me cut it? Again, the cat, goose and dog refused to help. So the hen took the wheat to the mill all by herself, where it was ground. She carried the flour home. Who will help me make some bread with this flour? Not I. Not I. Not I. 17

So she mixed the flour and baked the bread all by herself. Now, who will help me eat this bread? We will. We will. We will. So the hen took the wheat to the mill, where it was ground. Then she carried the flour home. The hen called her chicks, and they ate up all the bread. There was none left at all for the lazy cat, goose, and dog. 18

will CONTENTS - MATHS this 1. Positions 20 und. Roly Poly Up and Down 20 Boogie Woogie 22 2. Numbers 23 One Two Buckle My Shoe 25 3. Patterns 26 4. Rhymes 27 Hot Cross Buns 28 Baby Turtle

1. Positions 2 Up and Down 1 Look at the pictures. They show you the difference between UP and DOWN positions. HANDS DOWN HANDS UP DOWN UP Roly Poly Up and 3 Down Roly poly roly poly UP UP UP, UP UP UP Roly poly roly poly DOWN DOWN DOWN, DOWN DOWN DOWN Roly poly roly poly UP UP UP, UP UP UP Roly poly roly poly DOWN DOWN DOWN, DOWN DOWN DOWN 20

2 Left and Right Look at the girls in the picture. Which girl is near your LEFT hand? Which girl is near your RIGHT hand? Point and say aloud. LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT PINKY RINKY Near and Far 3 Look at the picture. The toy car is NEAR the baby. The teddy bear is FAR from the baby. FAR NEAR 21

Boogie Woogie 1 Put your right hand in, Put your right hand out Put your right hand in And shake it all about. Do the boogie woogie And turn yourself around That’s what it’s all about. Put your left hand in, Put your left hand out Put your left hand in And shake it all about. Do the boogie, woogie And turn yourself around That’s what it’s all about. (Repeat with left foot and right foot.) 22

2. Numbers Let Us Revise: 1 to 5 1 Identify the numbers 1 to 5. 1 2 3 23

2 Numbers: 6 to 10 Read the numbers aloud and count the objects. 7 8 0 24

One Two Buckle My Shoe One, two, Buckle my shoe. Three, four, Knock at the door. Five, six, Pick up the sticks. Seven, eight, Lay them straight. Nine, ten, A big fat hen. 25

3. Patterns Ho What Comes Next? Ho On 1 Look at the patterns given below and see what Ho If y comes next. Giv On Ho ? ? ? 26

Hot Cross Buns2. Numbers Hot Cross Buns! Hot Cross Buns! One a rupee, two a rupee Hot Cross Buns! If you have no daughters Give them to your sons One a rupee, two a rupee Hot Cross Buns! 27

Baby Turtle One baby turtle alone and new, Finds a friend, and then there are two. Two baby turtles crawl down to the sea, They find another, and then there are three. Three baby turtles crawl along the shore, They find another, and then there are four. Four baby turtles go for a dive, Up swims another, and then there are five. 28

CONTENTS - EVS 30 31 1. Transportation 32 The Car Song 33 2. Colours 34 3. Plants 35 4. Animals 36 Old MacDonald 38 5. Professions 39 Miss Polly Had a Dolly 42 6. Seasons 7. Games 43 8. Rhymes 44 45 Hickory Dickory Dock Ding Dong Bell 46 Pat-a-Cake 9. Stories The Hare and The Tortoise

1. Transportation Vehicles 1 These are some 2 wheeler vehicles we see on roads. SCOOTER CYCLE C C These are some 3 wheeler vehicles we see on roads. C AUTO RICKSHAW These are some 4 wheeler vehicles we see on roads. CAR JEEP These are some big vehicles we see on roads. TRUCK BUS 30

The Car Song Look at my bright shiny car, I’m driving today-o C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) I’m driving today-o We put on our seat belts in the car, I’m driving today-o C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) I’m driving today-o I’ve got the keys and got the fuel, I’m driving it today-o C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) C-A-R (beep! beep!) I’m driving it today-o (Sing to the tune of ‘BINGO’) . 31

2. Colours 1 1 Red, Blue and Yellow RED BLUE YELLOW 32

3. Plants Small Plants and Big Trees 1 Here are a few small plants and big trees. ROSE TULSI MANGO COCONUT 33

. Animals Animals Around Me 1 Here are some animals we see in our homes or farms. DOG CAT COW HORSE PIG HEN DONKEY 34

s. Old MacDonald Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O With a moo moo here And a moo moo there Here a moo, there a moo Everywhere a moo moo. Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pig E-I-E-I-O With a oink oink here And a oink oink there Here a oink, there a oink Everywhere a oink oink. (Repeat with: Quack quack for duck Neigh neigh for horse Ba Ba for sheep Bow wow for dog.) 35

5. Professions 2 People Who Help Us in School 1 Principal and Teacher help us in school. PRINCIPAL TEACHER 36

2 People Who Help Us A POLICE OFFICER helps to A TAILOR stitches our keep our city safe. clothes. DOCTOR NURSE DOCTOR and NURSE treat people who are sick. 37

Miss Polly Had a Dolly 1 Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with her bag and her hat And she knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat. She looked at the dolly and she shook her head And she said, “Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!” She wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill “I’ll be back in the morning, Yes, I will, will, will” 38

6. Seasons It is Summer Season 1 Summer season is hot. Here are some things we eat and use in summer. LIME JUICE MANGO ICE CREAM CAP SUN GLASSES 39

2 It is Rainy Season 3 Rainy season is wet. Here are some things we use during rainy season. RAINCOAT UMBRELLA RUBBER BOOTS 40

3 It is Winter Season Winter season is cold. Here are some things we use during winter season. SCARF SWEATER GLOVES BLANKETS WOOLEN CAP 41

7. Games Name Ball 1 Here is a game you can play with a ball. Stand around in a circle with your friends. Throw a ball into the air as high as you can and call out a friend’s name. The friend whose name you called out, will try to catch the ball as it comes down. Then, your friend will take your place in the middle of the circle. Encourage your friends to call out a different name each time they have the ball. 42

Hickory Dickory Dock Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock. 43

Ding Dong Bell Ding dong bell Kitty is in the well Who put her in? Little Johnny Flynn Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout What a naughty boy was that To try drop a kitty cat. 44

Pat-a-Cake Pat-a-cake, Pat-a -cake, baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and prick it and mark it with ‘B’ And put it in the oven for baby and me! 45

The Hare and The Tortoise In a forest, there lived a hare and a tortoise. One day, they were relaxing and talking. You are so slow. Ha ha ha! You must not make The hare did not listen. fun of others. He made fun of the tortoise again. Ok! Let us have a race. Then, we will see who wins. 46

The race started. The hare ran very fast. The tortoise moved very slowly. Soon, he was far behind. Hmm... The tortoise will take the whole day. Let me rest for sometime. . He fell asleep under a tree. 47

The tortoise did not stop or rest. He walked slowly, but steadily. He soon passed the sleeping hare. He won the race. 48

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