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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-02-11 07:27:06



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ENGLISH 2 LITERATURE – 1 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for English language teaching:  Connecting learning to life in the outside world  Integrating English with other subjects across the curriculum  Using meaningful contexts to develop language as a whole  Making assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching-learning process  Ensuring active participation of children by using a variety of activities and tasks Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series:  B ooks for English are mapped to the assessment patterns of English-I and English-II in ICSE schools.  T he grammar concepts covered in English-I have a horizontal and vertical progression across the grades, providing a spiral of learning.  T he writing sections contain a wide variety of topics with a focus on process-based writing in higher grades.  T he English-II book also covers all the themes recommended by the CISCE curriculum across classes 1–5.  A hallmark of ICSE English is a wide representation of authors – Indian and foreign. The Traveller series includes pieces by writers such as Charles Dickens, Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain among others.  Vocabulary building is a key focus area for ClassKlap Pictures for word meanings are included in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words. All in all, the Traveller English books aim to generate greater engagement and enhance fluency in English communication, which spans all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. – The Authors

Textbook Features Warm Up About the Writer/Poet I Read Interesting questions to Brief introduction to the Literature piece (either arouse curiosity about the writer or poet prose, poetry or drama), lesson along with pictures for new/difficult words ? In-text Questions New Words Literature Comprehension Quick check of To practise contextual understanding meanings A variety of questions to ensure the comprehension of the lesson P VocabularyR I Feel I Speak Q Value-based questions Activities to cultivate To help build and based on the lesson that ask speaking skills enhance age-appropriate for opinions and judgement vocabulary Listen and Say Aloud Dictation Language Game P ronunciation practice Words from the lesson or Games to provide based on phonics, difficult sentences with commonly engagement with and words, tongue twisters and confused spellings for enhance fluency in the multi-syllabled words dictation practice language Listening Audio Connect the Dots A Note to Parent Captivating listening Questions that stimulate Constructive activities to audio pieces followed by interdisciplinary thinking be done at home along exercises by connecting English with with parents to reinforce other subjects learning

Contents 1 The Pied Piper of Hamelin ................ Adventure and Imagination �������������������� 1 (a German folktale) 2 The Orange Butterfly.......................... Self, Family, Home, Friends �������������������� 10 3 A Book for My Mother....................... Self, Family, Home, Friends �������������������� 16 4 The Lazy Squirrel................................ Animals and Plants �������������������������������� 23 5 Tommy and Tuffy .............................. Self, Family, Home, Friends �������������������� 31 6 The Cow ............................................. Animals and Plants �������������������������������� 38 – R L Stevenson 7 The Story of Rain ............................... The World Around Us ����������������������������� 46 8 The Elephant’s Nose ......................... Adventure and Imagination ������������������ 54

1Lesson The Pied Piper of Hamelin Adventure and Imagination Warm Up • H ave you ever promised anything to your parents? Did you keep your promise? • Do you think it is important to keep the promises that we make? Let us read a story about a man who helps a city. He also teaches a lesson to a man who breaks a promise. I Read Once upon a time, the city of ? What was the Hamelin was filled with rats. They city of Hamelin ran everywhere and ate up all filled with? the food. The people were so mayor troubled that they went to the mayor. ‘Please do something about the rats’, they begged. Just then, a tall man entered. He was wearing a long coat that was half purple and half blue. 1

‘I am the Pied Piper. I have a secret charm by which I can get rid of the rats. It will cost a thousand coins’, he said. The mayor agreed. merry The piper took out pipe Pied Piper his pipe and started playing a merry tune. ? On what did All the rats came the piper play a running out of the merry tune? houses. He sat on the riverside, playing his tune. The rats ran into the water and drowned. greedy The mayor was greedy and refused to pay the drowned money that he had promised. Then, the piper played another tune. This time, all the children mountain came running out. They followed the piper to the mountain. A door opened in the mountain, and they went inside. Then, the door closed. The people were horrified. They went to the mayor. ‘All the children are gone, please do something’, they begged. horrified The mayor paid the piper his money. The piper played yet another tune, and the children came back to their parents.  – a German folktale New Words Word Meaning mayor pied piper 2

Word Meaning secret charm get rid of pipe merry drowned greedy refused mountain horrified Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) Who saved the city of Hamelin from the rats? Ans.   2) How was the Pied Piper’s coat? Ans.   B) Answer the following 3) Fill in the blanks with words from the story. a) T he people were so troubled that they went to the ____________________________. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 3

b) ‘I have a ____________________________ by which I can get rid of the rats.’ c) T he piper took out his pipe and started playing a ____________________________ tune. d) The rats ran into the water and ____________________________. e) A door opened in the ____________________________, and the children went inside. P R Vocabulary Q Synonyms Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. Words whose meanings are nearly the same are also called synonyms. Examples: • start – begin • sick – ill • quick – fast • smart – clever 4) L ook at the pictures given below. Then, choose the correct synonym for each word. road large see gift a) big – ____________ b) present – ____________ c) look – ____________ d) street – ____________ 4

I Feel 5) Why did the Pied Piper take the children away? Ans.     I Speak Make pairs. Use any of the three question words given below to ask your partner three questions about the story. Answer the questions that your partner asks you. Question words: who, where, why, what, when, how Example: Q. What happened to the rats? Ans. The rats ran into the river and drowned. Enact the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin in groups. Add lines for the people of Hamelin and the children as well. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 5

Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘a’ Words with the short ‘e’ Words with the short ‘i’ sound sound sound dig pin pan jam beg pen map can red ten tip fig Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game Crossword puzzle – Who are we? Look at this photograph of a statue of the Pied Piper of Hamelin in Hamelin, Germany. Now, use the hints given to complete the Pied Piper crossword puzzle. 6

1 2 3 4 Down Across 1) We were kept inside the 3) We are the animals that mountain by the Pied Piper. troubled the people of Hamelin. 2) I did not pay the Pied Piper his money. 4) I know a secret charm to get rid of rats. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 7

Listening Audio Listen to the audio, and answer the questions orally. Then, draw the pictures. Connect the Dots Maths Fun Here are the rats that troubled the people of Hamelin. Look at the pattern carefully and say which picture will complete the pattern. ? 8

EVS Fun In this story, rats troubled the people of Hamelin. But do you know that people also keep rats as pets? Pet rats like it when they are scratched behind their ears. They like to play and also eat chocolate! A Note to Parent Tell your child why it is important to keep promises and not be greedy. Teach them the importance of sharing. Encourage your child to share with their friends, siblings and cousins. Word meanings the head of a city or town of different colours (his coat was of different mayor       – colours) pied       – a person who plays a pipe words that have magic power piper       – to be free of a problem secret charm   – a long tube with holes to play music get rid of      – very happy pipe         – died upon not being able to breathe merry       – underwater drowned     – wanting more all the time said ‘no’ greedy      – a big hill that rises above everything else refused      – completely shocked and scared mountain     – horrified      – The Pied Piper of Hamelin 9

2Lesson The Orange Butterfly Self, Family, Home, Friends Warm Up • Have you seen butterflies flying from one flower to another in the garden? • D o you think they look beautiful? What do you think makes them so beautiful? Now let us read the story of Jiggy, the beautiful, orange butterfly. I Read J iggy is an orange butterfly. She ? Who is Jiggy? flies from one flower to another in the garden. One day, she hears the white lily flower talk to the red rose, lily ‘The butterflies that come from the other garden are so colourful.’ ‘They have so many patterns too!’ adds the rose. patterns J iggy looks at herself. She is a plain, orange butterfly with no patterns. ‘I must see these butterflies’, she thinks to herself. 10

The next morning, Jiggy hugs her parents and sets off for the other garden. On the way, she asks the flowers, ‘Where is the other garden?’ ‘It is close to the lake’, answers the wise sunflower. Jiggy flies for many hours. On the way, she crosses tall trees and wise big houses. She finally sees a big lake. As she goes closer, Jiggy sees the garden with the butterflies. stripes The butterflies look very nice! A big, yellow and blue butterfly with stripes on his wings flies towards Jiggy. Just behind him is a colourful butterfly with red dots. Suddenly, all the colourful butterflies start flying all around Jiggy. The butterflies look at Jiggy and say, ‘You look so beautiful, orange butterfly! We wish we had a body like yours with no patterns at all’. Jiggy looks at herself and thinks, ‘I look like a bright bright, orange fruit. I am strong too. I could fly all strong the way to the other garden!’ She ? How can you learns to be happy with herself. say that Jiggy is She understands that everyone is strong? beautiful in their own way. New Words Word Meaning lily patterns sets off wise stripes bright strong The Orange Butterfly 11

I Speak Speak four sentences on what you like the most about any classmate of yours. After that, speak about four things that you like about yourself. Imagine that you are Jiggy. Describe what you saw and felt when you reached the other garden. Colour the butterfly given below to show one of the butterflies that Jiggy saw. You can start by saying: When I reached the garden, I was very tired. I saw... 12

Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘o’ sound Words with the short ‘u’ sound hot log bun hug jog fox fun run Sentence Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) ___________________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________________ e) ___________________________________________________________________ Language Game Word chain Play a game of building with words. Your teacher will start with a word. Each student will then say a word that starts with the last letter of the word that was spoken before. Example: toy – yak – king – goat – tape – egg and so on. The Orange Butterfly 13

Listening Audio Listen to the audio. Fill in the blanks by choosing from the options given in brackets. 2) It was a __________________________ day. (sunny/cloudy/rainy) 3) Amir thought he would not be able to go to __________________________. (school/the market/the park) 4) A fter talking with his __________________________, he got ready. (father/friends/teachers) 5) _______________________ led the way. (Amir/Amir’s father/The children) 6) The ________________________ played ball in the water. (girls/boys/parents)  Connect the Dots Maths Fun Jiggy went from her garden to the other garden. She sat on 12 flowers in her garden and 10 flowers in the other garden. How many flowers did she sit on in all? EVS Fun Do you know that butterflies have four wings? These wings may or may not have patterns. The bright colours of butterflies help them to hide among flowers. The patterns scare away other creatures who may want to harm them. 14

A Note to Parent Talk to your child about their abilities and good qualities. Encourage your child to be proud of who they are and for all the qualities that make them special. Word meanings lily ­ – a white flower with a tall, thin stem patterns – designs that are repeated sets off ­ – starts off wise ­ – knowing what is good and right stripes ­– long and narrow bands bright ­– having a very light and strong colour strong ­– powerful; having lots of energy The Orange Butterfly 15

3Lesson A Book for My Mother Self, Family, Home, Friends Warm Up • What do you do for your parents on their birthdays? • What would you do if you wanted to gift something to your parents but did not have money? Read a poem about a little girl who wants to gift her mother a book. I Read ? What does the girl’s mother My mother loves to read. like to do? On her shelf is a book for every need. Of fairies, ghosts and monsters on the street shelf Faraway tales, both sour and sweet. monster Today is her birthday fairy I need to think of a way, To make her smile In my very own style. 16

Let me write a book; a book nice and funny, ? What does the girl want to gift For which I would need no money. her mother? All I would need is one good thought To cook something in the idea-pot! New Words Word Meaning shelf fairies monsters faraway idea-pot Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What kinds of books does the girl’s mother have? Ans.    2) Why does the girl decide to write a book and not buy one? Ans.   A Book for My Mother 17

B) Answer the following 3) Fill in the blanks with words from the box. funny shelf monsters thought book a) On her ______________________ is a book for every need. b) There are stories of ______________________ on the street. c) The child will write a ______________________ for her mother. d) The book will be nice and ______________________. e) All the child needs to write a book is one good _____________________. P R Vocabulary Q Alphabetical order When we arrange words or names in the same order as the letters of the alphabet, it is known as the alphabetical order. The alphabetical order is useful when we use a dictionary. Look at these words. • books, ants, present, goose Now look at the same words in alphabetical order. • ants, books, goose, present 4) Arrange the words below in alphabetical order. a) smile, read, love, need Ans.  b) style, bore, monster, every Ans.  18

c) mother, fairy, street, ghost Ans.  d) faraway, sour, birthday, way Ans.  I Feel 5) Do you think that a child can write a book? Why or why not? Ans.     I Speak Talk to your class about your favourite story or book. Hints: • What is the name of the story or book? • What is it about? • Why do you like this story or book? Sit in a circle with your teacher and friends. Take turns and answer the given questions. • Who do you want to make happy? • How do you spend time with this person? A Book for My Mother 19

• What is the one little thing that you want to do to make someone happy? • What do you think the person would say? Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word read need smile style street sweet funny day way thought money pot Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game Write a poem Given below is a poem about poems. It is written with each line starting with the letters of the word ‘poem’. Put your words On each line Easy if you Make it rhyme 20

Now, try to write one about ‘mother’ by yourself. You can read it to your mother on her birthday. M ________________________________________________ O ________________________________________________ T ________________________________________________ H ________________________________________________ E ________________________________________________ R ________________________________________________ Listening Audio Listen to the questions and write the answers under the correct pictures. 7) 8) 9) __________________ __________________ __________________ 10) 11) __________________ __________________ A Book for My Mother 21

Connect the Dots  Maths Fun Take out the books from your bag. Do they all have the same shape? Do they all have the same size? Name the shapes of the books. Compare them and find out how many are of the same size. EVS Fun The poet’s mother reads many books. Reading is fun if everyone in the family reads together. Can you think of three activities that you do with your family? A Note to Parent It is important that children develop a love for reading from a very young age. Visit a bookstore with your child and help them select a few books that they would like to read. Take out thirty minutes every day from your routine to enjoy a shared reading time with your child. This is best done just before bed. Word meanings shelf – a flat board fixed to the wall where one can keep things fairies – small creatures with wings who can do magic monsters – big, ugly, scary creatures faraway – a place that is far off idea-pot – a person’s mind 22

4Lesson The Lazy Squirrel Animals and Plants Warm Up • People who don’t want to do any work are called lazy people. Do you know anyone who is lazy? Are you a lazy person? • Do you think that being lazy is good? Why or why not? Let us read a story about a lazy squirrel named Sunny. I Read squirrels Winter was coming. The ? What were the weather animals of the forest were animals in the forest getting ready for the cold getting ready for? days. All the squirrels were working hard. They were looking for nuts to keep for the winter, except for Sunny. ‘Enjoy the good weather while it lasts’, he told his friends, Sammy and Benny. ‘There’s a lot of time to find nuts.’ 23

Sunny was a very lazy squirrel. He would lie under the nap sun in the daytime. At other times, he would nap on the branches of trees. Sometimes, he would pick up a nut and throw it at Sammy, his friend, and say, ‘Stop working! Come and play with me.’ Sammy would play hide and seek with Sunny. But after some time, Sammy would go back to work. ‘I don’t like to work’, Sunny would say. Soon, the weather turned very cold. Sunny realised that he did not have much food. He decided that it was time to go looking for nuts. He searched among the fallen leaves, but there were no nuts. The other squirrels had taken them all. ‘What am I going to do?’ Sunny thought. ‘I don’t have enough food to last all winter. I wish I hadn’t been so lazy!’ Luckily, his friends, Sammy and Benny, were ? Who were helpful and kind. They shared their nuts with Sunny’s friends? him. The next summer, Sunny helped his friends and collected food. He decided that he would never be lazy again. New Words Word Meaning squirrels except weather lazy nap 24

Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What was Sunny doing when his friends were looking for nuts? Ans.    2) How was the next summer different for Sunny? Ans.    B) Answer the following 3) Read each sentence and write if it is true or false. a) All the squirrels were working hard.  ___________ b) Sunny was very hard working.  ___________ c) Sunny would nap on the branches of the trees.  ___________ d) Sammy and Benny did not share their nuts with Sunny.  ___________ e) The next summer, Sunny helped his friends to collect nuts. ___________ The Lazy Squirrel 25

P R Vocabulary Q Naming pictures 4) Fill in the missing letters and complete the names of the pictures. a) _______ e a _______ u _______ s   s _______ u i _______ r e _______ b) _______ o _______ _______ s t   s u m _______ e _______ c)   d)   I Feel 5) W hen do you feel lazy? Who helps you to remember that you should not be lazy? Ans.     26

I Speak Speak five lines about your best friend. Who is your best friend? What do you do together? Have you ever helped each other? When? The opposite of ‘lazy’ is ‘hard-working’. Now, play a game of opposites. Get into two groups. Each group gives the other group a word, and the other group has to guess the opposite. If they answer correctly, they have to make a sentence with it. The group that gets the most number of correct opposites wins. Given below are a few words that you can use: big, rich, short, cold, winter, clean, heavy, happy, difficult, thin, tall, ugly, strong, young Listen and Say Aloud Words with the ‘sh’ sound Words with the ‘ch’ sound ship shop fish dish chin chick rich catch Sentence Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) ___________________________________________________________________ The Lazy Squirrel 27

b) ___________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________________ e) ___________________________________________________________________ Language Game Animal crossword Squirrels are popular animals. You can see them in cities as well. Solve this crossword puzzle by filling in the names of a few popular animals. The letters in the middle make another word. Can you find it? 28

Listening Audio Listen to the audio and colour the correct box. True False 7) Rahul’s father was a very clever scientist. 8) Rahul had a Maths project as homework. True False 9) ‘We will spend some time together’, said Mamma. True False 10) Papa was busy and he forgot. True False 11) He made a model of a train. True False Connect the Dots  Maths Fun 5 squirrels spent a whole day collecting nuts. Each squirrel found 5 nuts. How many nuts did they collect in all? EVS Fun Squirrels have thick tails. But did you know that squirrels use their bushy tails to send signals to each other? Their long tails also help them to balance when they jump and climb trees. The Lazy Squirrel 29

A Note to Parent Read more stories with your child about how laziness affects our lives. For example, you can read to them the story ‘The Lazy Little Bird’ from this link: https://( Word meanings squirrels – s mall animals with long, bushy tails and soft fur, which live on trees except – other than weather – how hot, cold, rainy or windy it is on a day lazy – not liking to work hard or be active nap –­ sleep for a short period of time 30

5Lesson Tommy and Tuffy Self, Family, Home, Friends Warm Up • Do you like playing with your friends? • Do you like to share everything with them? Why or why not? Let us read a story about two dogs, Tommy and Tuffy, who are friends. I Read Tommy is a big dog. Tuffy is a ? What are the small dog. They are good friends. names of the two They sleep in the same room. dogs in the story? They even eat from the same problem blue bowl. But they have a problem when they go out for walks. Tommy has long legs. He can run very fast. Tuffy has short across legs. He cannot run fast and gets tired easily. Tommy is tall and can see right across the park. Tommy can see 31

the thick forest from far. He can also see the rabbits and squirrels running around the lake. Tuffy is small. He cannot see the forest or the rabbits or the squirrels. Tommy loves to run around the park. He also lake likes to go into the forest. But it gets difficult for Tuffy to cross the huge park because of his short legs. When Tommy runs into the forest, Tuffy is left behind, and he plays with the other small dogs in the park. huge T ommy wants to help his friend Tuffy. He paws wants Tuffy to go with him to the forest. So, he thinks of a plan. skateboard ?H e finds a skateboard in What did Tommy use to take Tuffy with him the park. Tommy has seen everywhere? children riding these boards. He and Tuffy push the skateboard home with their noses and paws. They tie a piece of strong string to the board. Then, Tuffy climbs on it. Tommy takes the end of the string in his mouth. He pulls little Tuffy to the park. Tommy takes Tuffy into the forest. Both of them chase the rabbits and play around the lake. Tuffy loves to be with his friend. chase Now, Tommy and Tuffy go everywhere together. New Words Word Meaning problem across 32

Word Meaning lake huge skateboard paws chase I Speak Make groups of three. Read the story carefully. Find and underline the describing words, for example, ‘big’. Choose three describing words and make three new sentences using those words. Each student in the group shares one sentence with the class. Think of a time when a friend helped another friend in need. Now, make up a story. Keep the following points in mind as you tell the story: • What are the names of the people in the story? • What happened? When did it happen? • How did one friend help the other friend? • What did the friend do then? Tommy and Tuffy 33

Remember that all stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Use this story map to write your ideas. STORY MAP Title – Setting – Characters – Problem – Solution – Listen and Say Aloud Short words ending in a long vowel sound we be me he toe go no so Word Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) 34

d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game What colour is it? Follow the strings to the letters and form the names of the colours. Then, make a sentence that has any of these colour names. For example, ‘My mother’s favourite colour is green.’ Tommy and Tuffy 35

Listening Audio Listen to the audio and number the sentences in the order that you heard them. 2) His mother was sick. 3) Aayush saw that Varun was looking glum. 4) There was an important test after the break. 5) Varun was extremely upset. 6) Aayush helped Varun to revise the chapter. Connect the Dots Maths Fun Look at the pattern made by the dogs below. What will the next picture in the pattern be? ? 36

EVS Fun Read the descriptions given below. Which option describes Tuffy the best? a) a pet animal with a short tail that runs with the help of its wings b) a wild animal with a long tail that runs with the help of its wings c) a pet animal with a long tail that runs with the help of its legs A Note to Parent Encourage your child to respect differences in others. Tell them that people can be very different from each other and that it is possible to become friends and enjoy others’ company despite these differences. Word meanings problem    – some difficulty across     – from one side to the other lake      – a large water body surrounded by land huge     – very big skateboard ­– a short board on wheels, which a person uses to stand on and move paws     – feet of an animal chase     – to run after someone Tommy and Tuffy 37

6Lesson The Cow Animals and Plants Warm Up • Have you seen cows roaming around? Where? • What were they doing? Were the cows of different colours? About the Poet Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 –1894) was a famous writer and poet from Scotland. Two of his famous books are Treasure Island and Kidnapped. He has also written many fun and easy poems for children. You will be reading them in this class and in higher classes as well. Let us now read a poem about a friendly cow and how she spends her day. I Read ? Of what colour is the cow? The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart: 38

She gives me cream with all her might, To eat with apple-tart. might She wanders lowing here and there, apple-tart wander showers And yet she cannot stray, meadow What does All in the pleasant open air, the cow eat? The pleasant light of day; lowing And blown by all the winds that pass ? And wet with all the showers, She walks among the meadow grass And eats the meadow flowers. – Robert Louis Stevenson New Words Word Meaning might apple-tart wanders lowing stray pleasant showers meadow The Cow 39

Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers True/False 1) Whom does the poet love with all his heart? True/False Ans.  True/False  True/False 2) What does the cow walk among? True/False Ans.   B) Answer the following 3) Read each sentence and circle ‘True’ or ‘False’. a) The cow gives milk with all her might. b) The poet eats cream with apple-tart. c) The cow cannot stray. d) The cow wanders here and there in the light of night.  e) The cow is wet with all the showers. P R Vocabulary Q Animal movements Different animals move in different ways. The movements of different animals have different names too. 40

Here are a few animal movements: monkeys – climb lions – prowl birds – fly ducks – swim/ waddle 4) Match the animals in Column A to their movements in Column B. Column A Column B a) A) climbs frog b) B) hops tiger c) C) swims monkey d) D) prowls fish I Feel 5) Are cows domestic animals or wild animals? Give reasons for your answer. Ans.  The Cow 41

I Speak Learn this short poem by R L Stevenson and recite it with your classmates. Rain The rain is raining all around, It falls on field and tree, It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea. If you went to the countryside or village, what would you see? Draw the scene. Share your drawing with your classmates and describe it. You can also make a story around your drawing. Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word white might heart tart there air stray day pass grass showers flowers 42

Sentence Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) ___________________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________________ e) ___________________________________________________________________ Language Game Spot the differences Get into groups of four. Frame simple sentences to state 12 differences between the given pictures. The group that can correctly spot all the differences the fastest will win. Get started now! The Cow 43

Listening Audio Listen to the questions and write the answers under the correct pictures. 7) 8) 9)    _______________    _______________ _______________ 10) 11)   _______________    _______________ Connect the Dots  Maths Fun Read the sentences given below. The cow does these things at different times of the day. Arrange the events in the correct order according to when they take place. a) The cow goes to sleep at night. [    ] b) The cow eats meadow flowers early in the morning.  [    ] c) The cow roams around in the pleasant evening.  [    ] d) The cow gives milk at noon.  [    ] 44

EVS Fun Cows give us milk. Milk is used to make many other food items. Circle the food items that are made from milk.          honey curd orange juice cheese A Note to Parent Milk is very important for your child’s health. Ensure that your child drinks a glass of milk every day. Milk and milk products such as curd, cheese, cottage cheese (paneer), buttermilk and so on will make your child’s bones and teeth grow stronger. These food items are rich in calcium and other vital nutrients. Word meanings might  – strength apple-tart  – an open pie with a sweet filling made of apples wanders   – goes from one place to another without any reason lowing   – the deep mooing sound that a cow makes stray  – to move away from the place where one should be pleasant  – something that makes one feel happy showers  – rainfall meadow  – flat land that is covered with tall grass The Cow 45

7Lesson The Story of Rain The World Around Us Warm Up • Do you like rains? Why or why not? • What do you do on a rainy day? Let us read a story about a little boy who wants to know why it rains. I Read Little Arjun was three years old. One day, ? Who was he was sitting near the window and looking Arjun? outside. It was raining. All the flowers and grass looked fresh and green. He asked his father, ‘Papa, why does it rain?’ ? Who did Arjun Papa put aside his newspaper first ask the and said, ‘When it is hot, water question to? goes up in the air as vapour and collects in the sky and vapour 46