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UKG Name ..................................................... Rol No..................................................... Class Sec......................... ................ School .................................................. LKG Letters Book.indd 1 2/19/2017 4:09:40 AM

INDIVIDUALISED PROGRESSIVE LEARNING PROGRAM Because no two students are the same. IMAX is India’s only customised content and educational assessment company 350 Published Books Team of IITians & PhDs IMAX has authored about 350 publications Content development and automation are led which are used by more than 3,00,000 by a team of IITians, data scientists and students. education experts. Workshops 16 Lakh Assessments IMAX has conducted teacher training IMAX has conducted more than 16,00,000 workshops for more than 8,000 teachers. assessments across 11 states in the last 7 years. Copyright © 2017 BGM Policy Innovations Pvt Ltd Published by BGM Policy Innovations Pvt Ltd This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or circulated in any form, without the publisher’s prior, written consent. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, including but not limited to, the content, the presentation layout, session plans, themes, key type of sums, mind maps and illustrations, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior, written permission of the copyright owner of this book. This book is meant for educational and learning purposes. The author(s) of the book has/ have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the contents of the book do not violate any copyright or other intellectual property rights of any person in any manner whatsoever. In the event the author(s) has/have been unable to track any source and if any copyright has been inadvertently infringed, please notify the publisher in writing for any corrective action. Some of the images used in the books have been taken from the following sources,, Creative Commons Attribution This book is part of a package of books and is not meant to be sold separately. For MRP, please refer to the package price. 2 2/19/2017 4:00:49 AM Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 2

CONTENTS 1. NUMBERS 1 TO 100 04 2. NUMBERS 101 TO 200 06 3. NUMBERS NAMES: 1 TO 100 26 4. BACKWARD COUNTING: 20 TO 1 36 5. BEFORE, AFTER AND IN BETWEEN 37 NUMBERS 6. COUNT AND ADD 38 7. ADD BY DRAWING STICKS 39 8. SIMPLE SUBTRACTION 41 9. COUNT BY 10s 44 10. COUNT BY 5s 45 11. COUNT BY 2s 46 12. JOIN THE DOTS 47 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 3 3 2/19/2017 4:00:49 AM

Numbers:1 TO 50 1 4 0 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 4 2/19/2017 4:00:49 AM

Numbers: 51 TO 100 1 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 5 100 5 2/19/2017 4:00:49 AM

Numbers:101 TO 110 2/19/2017 4:00:52 AM 101 102 103 10 10 10 107 108 10 1 10 6 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 6

101 Numbers:101 TO 110 102 103 7 10 2/19/2017 4:00:52 AM 10 10 107 108 10 1 10 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 7

Numbers:111 TO 120 2/19/2017 4:00:56 AM 111 1 12 1 13 11 11 11 1 17 1 18 11 120 8 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 8

111 Numbers:111 TO 120 1 12 1 13 9 11 2/19/2017 4:00:56 AM 11 11 1 17 1 18 11 120 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 9

Numbers:121 TO 130 2/19/2017 4:01:01 AM 121 122 123 12 12 12 127 128 12 130 100 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 10

121 Numbers:121 TO 130 122 123 11 12 12 2/19/2017 4:01:01 AM 12 127 128 12 130 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 11

Numbers-:131 TO 140 2/19/2017 4:01:05 AM 13 1 132 133 13 13 13 137 138 13 10 12 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 12

13 1 Numbers:131 TO 140 132 133 13 13 13 2/19/2017 4:01:05 AM 13 137 138 13 10 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 13

Numbers-:141 TO 150 2/19/2017 4:01:09 AM 11 12 13 1 1 1 17 18 1 10 14 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 14

11 Numbers:141 TO 150 12 15 13 2/19/2017 4:01:09 AM 1 1 1 17 18 1 10 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 15

Numbers-:151 TO 160 2/19/2017 4:01:13 AM 11 12 13 1 1 1 17 18 1 10 16 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 16

11 Numbers:151 TO 160 12 13 17 1 1 2/19/2017 4:01:13 AM 1 17 18 1 10 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 17

Numbers-:161 TO 170 2/19/2017 4:01:17 AM 11 12 13 1 1 1 17 18 1 1 70 18 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 18

11 Numbers:161 TO 170 12 13 19 1 1 2/19/2017 4:01:17 AM 1 17 18 1 1 70 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 19

Numbers-:171 TO 180 2/19/2017 4:01:20 AM 171 172 173 17 17 17 177 178 17 180 20 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 20

171 Numbers:171 TO 180 172 173 21 17 17 2/19/2017 4:01:20 AM 17 177 178 17 180 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 21

Numbers-:181 TO 190 2/19/2017 4:01:24 AM 181 182 183 18 18 18 187 188 18 10 22 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 22

181 Numbers:181 TO 190 182 183 23 18 18 2/19/2017 4:01:24 AM 18 187 188 18 10 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 23

Numbers-:191 TO 200 2/19/2017 4:01:28 AM 11 12 13 1 1 1 17 18 1 200 24 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 24

11 Numbers:191 TO 200 12 13 25 1 1 2/19/2017 4:01:28 AM 1 17 18 1 200 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 25

Number Names: 1 TO 10 2/19/2017 4:01:29 AM 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 26 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 26

11 Number Names:11 TO 20 12 13 27 14 15 2/19/2017 4:01:30 AM 1 17 18 1 20 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 27

Number Names: 21 TO 30 2/19/2017 4:01:33 AM 21 22 23 2 2 2 27 28 2 30 28 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 28

31 Number Names: 31 TO 40 32 29 33 2/19/2017 4:01:35 AM 3 3 3 37 38 3 0 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 29

Number Names: 41 TO 50 2/19/2017 4:01:37 AM 1 2 3 7 8 0 30 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 30

Number Names: 51 TO 60 1 2 3 7 31 8 2/19/2017 4:01:39 AM 0 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 31

Number Names: 61 TO 70 2/19/2017 4:01:41 AM 1 2 3 7 8 70 32 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 32

71 Number Names: 71 TO 80 72 73 33 7 2/19/2017 4:01:43 AM 7 7 77 78 7 80 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 33

Number Names: 81 TO 90 2/19/2017 4:01:46 AM 81 82 83 8 8 8 87 88 8 0 34 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 34

Number Names: 91 TO 100 1 2 3 7 35 8 2/19/2017 4:01:48 AM 100 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 35

Backward Counting: 20 TO 1 20 36 1 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 36 2/19/2017 4:01:49 AM

Before, After and In Between Numbers 20, 0, 33, 7 13, 7, 28, 31 , 2 , 32, 0 1 ,21 , 8 ,1 , 22 , 1 , 2 ,3 , , 2 , 23 , 18 , 20 , 1 18, 12 2 31, 3 ,0 , 37 3 11 , 1 37 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 37 2/19/2017 4:01:49 AM

+ Count and Add+++ + +=+ 4 +2=+ += 2/19/2017 4:01:49 AM 2+ 5= += 2+3= 38 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 38

Add by Drawing Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 3 2 2 + 8 +7 +9 Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 9 4 2 +6 +3 +1 Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 6 1 4 + 2 +3 +1 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 39 39 2/19/2017 4:01:50 AM

Add by Drawing Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 7 1 2 +3 +6 +5 Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 8 9 4 +7 +6 +3 Draw Sticks Draw Sticks Draw Sticks 1 4 7 +3 +1 +9 40 2/19/2017 4:01:50 AM Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 40

Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 41 Simple Subtraction 5 -3=2 6 -5= 3 -2= 4 -1= 5 -4= 41 2/19/2017 4:01:50 AM

+++ +++ +++Simple Subtraction + = = - = - - - + = + = - 42 2/19/2017 4:01:51 AM Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 42

Simple Subtraction -= 6 -3 = -= 2 -1= + + + -= 43 9 -3= 2/19/2017 4:01:51 AM Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 43

+++++ +++++Count by 10s +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++10 0 2/19/2017 4:01:51 AM 44 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 44

5 Count by 5s 30 55 25 80 50 75 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 45 100 45 2/19/2017 4:01:51 AM

Count by 2s 0 2 30 10 8 20 2/19/2017 4:01:51 AM 46 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 46

Join the Dots by Skip Counting 2s 50 10 5 45 15 40 20 25 35 30 47 Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 47 2/19/2017 4:01:52 AM

Join the Dots by Skip Counting 5s 34 32 36 30 38 28 2 40 26 24 22 20 18 8 64 16 10 14 12 48 2/19/2017 4:01:52 AM Writemax Numbers Feb 18 v2.indd 48

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